The Goderich Star, 1927-06-16, Page 2. 'THL`Ix.9DAT, JCT'M Ift, WT
IPA nip qwn
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•� - — —
A Trial Will Convince!
Ia not equalled bzr oar other tt#.
Russia Values Britain iGuardists, acting from abroad on in
The execution in Moscow of twenty structions and with funds from for.
persons accused of counter-revolu- eign intelligence
the name of.George Sid -
activity against the Soviet re-
has created something like a new Riley, said to have been a captain
among former membersof he in the Satish Royal Flying Corps,
nobility and ex -army officers was published in some newspapers as
still its the country, who fear that it one of the men executed: he wali not
heralds the inauguration of another mentioned in the official list given out
reign of terror. There Is ;grave con- in Moscow, and is believed to have
cern also in the various European ca. been 'put to death by a Bolshevik fir.
pitals, aver the possibility of recent ing party over a year ago.
events leading to a general war: Of. British+Government o*ials�� dig-
figiat Russia -seemingly expects war, miss as absurd 'and ridiculous the,
if indeed the Soviet leaders are not Soviet charges of plotting to blow•un
trying to provoke it. the Kremlin and assassinate Savict
Hatred .af Britain is the outfatand- giTicialr, The Foreign Office empha-
Ing feature of. every official Soviet ut- fleetly denies that the British Gov-
terance, Addressing a workmen's iernment had any relations with the
meeting at Moscow, hi. 'Voroshiloir, persons whose execution% were an -
Soviet envoy to Poland, back to 33x1- nounced, and declares that the object-
tish sources. Poland is only inciden. Wes sought by the Soviet authorities
tally charged with iregponsibility, in carrying out the score of death
through her alleged failure to ob3erve xentenees are the same as they have
the clauses of the Rigatreaty of 1921 been in previous critical momenik of.
prohibitingthe harboring. of ,oneiniot the Bolshevist reitime—namely, ;o in-
Of the Soviet, But Moscow demands stitute a reign of terror, and also to
that the Polish, overmm�ent invest;. make a. false appeal to the Russians
Kate all the ramifications of the plot, "'riRe of nationalism by making them
impasq strict �aut.IsAment upon the b"lieve that 114sia is menaced by for-
gui�ty, esTieclj the actual assassin, eign powers.
and -permit an authorized member of Great Battle Cruiser Salvaged
the Soviet to witnrgs the investiga- The romaikable feat of raising the
tion. The note to Poland is; sharply 25,000 -ton German battle cruiser
warded, and rejects the Polish gugges- ;Moltke from the bottom of Scapa
tion that the murder was the :eget of a Flow has been accomplished .after
madman, asserting that it was duo to several months' hard work. The
the harboring of Soviet enemies on Moltke is the largest. ship ever sal -
Polish soil, vatted in this fashion.- She had rest -
The 19 -year-old student who shot eel in 70 feet of water for eight years,
Voikoff at the Warsaw station was a For two days air was pumped into
Russian. who denies that he had any the vessel at the rate of 600 cubic fee
accomplices ;and declares that ha act- per minute. and at to tide when th
p p o w ,
eel throughout entirely upon, his own majority of the salvartcs crew wm,r
initiative.. The axsassination un- aVsmt'for dinner, her huge keel sud
doubtedly hastened the doonisaf tbo n tdenly broke water. 'stern first. Sh
ty political ;mi5nnet. whod pcontinued to rise, keel upwarml, ii"r,ti
languishing in . Itun�sman pilson. for Ther rudders and. propellers stood oli
periods: ranp•ine from one - •to two 0, 0 feet above the surface. She will
- vents, tMe nfiirial coninmunlque .just'` �be_tnned to Cat- Taland. n quarter o
fving the wholesale slaughter by re a mile away; -and beached.
Terence to -pen transition to tax- `. Rlectiorftimne in .Ireland
rorism bt Monarchists and. White Ireland is at present, steeped i
- - - ' election, and a great struggle is. evi
r f he Go
/v� w
s• e s t
t twee- supporters t r o
den ba: p
Thin, Nervous Girl a ernment party and those of de" Vales
G�r • `fir' p .d� The latest reports received states tha
ains With y of the 152 seats .in the Dail, 74 hav
been declared .fiIle dI the standing o
"I vests .-ervnus, gulf-doa:i,
and miry the parties . being. as follows: Go
druggist recommended Vinol. I have } ernment 24; de Valera party, 24; I.:
wined -r pounds and feel 100 ,per cent bur, 11; Independent, • 6; lvation
bettt �rilarie Rommel.. "You begin � I.cugue. 4; `Farmems, 3 Sinn F*tn,
if) feel stronger, eat and sleep better , Ono of tfe many election surprise
the very ,FIRST week You take this was the defeat of Mary Maeswine
eimple, strengthening iron and cod ittte Sinn Fein leader,, and, sister o
liver ctmnmpQund, For over 25 years - Tcronee MaeSwiney, Lord Mayo', a
VIIvOI, leas helped weals, a:ervous Cork, yhol died in jail on a hunge
'lvtimen, over -tired men and frail, ehil- strike during the civil war. The si,
Aron. C,3lltains no oll_pleasant to ter of Michael Collins, the Irish lea
take. CAMPIMLI,'S DRUGS ti7"OW!'L cr, who was assassinated in 1923, Iva
V• •. R
Brantford Roti `Roofing is nmado in
four weitiats and qurlitiea.--The light
,} weight (3S lbs.) 3s a stood quality for
temporarlr service; the twilain t
(4S lbs.) Sae quality and heavy
neHty, The.) is super»
1lrastis,ra3 Pros Cew Ltaltod
S� _ !loo
somosa.2k le, An'"
+, a
Stock Ca+irrlyd, Informatton Furtalalaed arae! Bervlcs
on Srantford R6.0 ttag irondorod by
W. M. McLe4no - Goderich
1 e
`a School.
Lunches Tastier
s y . ltl(1ore
nut7ri,ttousi s
Children lovdt the lluvor
. A. ratio difld:m:ent ... 10
delicious 1
And HOVIS gives theta
the vitatnina and odw
he�lth•pprameating, e.le�
m*nts which their growatrle
bodies dbmand.
lqchool Children should
tat NMI% % every. 4wy
Cosa a little matt .
w•tmh South ta ww-
?t Wis ?tier It a
snrent«, ad �+•�re•
Oftw ` u
#hear HAM
s liver 1l osoraso alsegioll
r song
whole laeahk sa ers,
enteiinf'4l Year bewrir biennia eofoW sm t�
toagar eoatul, lice reatha ori
t U116" and ills
: 4or liver � working R
K p�
fl fair little town by old Hawn, �* i
Lsmpped round by lis lovely blue Wavre, a
Frrbowered in gardens and verdure, 304 roma s memshoa, Verona, Chit., t -
And peace that the busy marts trtsve l wris":--`cz vias troubled for about " • A
Thy ch"ren far scattered but loyal two years witk my liver, and when I Tailored at CHAS. BLACK
would get up in the moraing nmr
Foregather front sea unto zea; too
wovid be eonterl and I hsd a . =
They would fain on thin xlad •day remember bad taste in my mouth; would take The Leading Tailor and Men's Outfitter
Tire. Sears of thy full century. diss3-WIle, become taint and get
AWL to Tetosnaeh. ARE LEADERS
Refrain: A friwmd advised mo to wa l[iibara'r
0 Gcaderiel�, C,+lerich, Goderich, Lox*-Llrer Pills so I got four vials
How dear i% thy fair erase to all : _ of theaa and when I had mtaishecl the Our Range of Samples for Special Orders Contains
y last T ran truthfully say they di# ma Anything Your Heart Desires
'Thy sons and thy daughters will over goad.,+ 40 X O
Respond to thy yearning home Call. Priee ^5e, a vial at all dealers, or . s : e Aiid Sir" ' "
mailed direct on receipt of price by Our Stock of Men's Smart Wear is Lang ` !'
Thy beauties unsullied and shining P
The T. Ti[ilburn Co., Lia:ited Toronto, THE�STORE THAT SETS THE PACE"
Proclaim thee the jewel tlroar art; out. s + '�. _ � :c
For thee will true pride and devotiaa:
For aye be enshrined in each heart. -� � 'PHONL r F,
Expoct Sig, Strawberry Crop North Side � � ��ar � LAC 219
Strawberry producers unci fstult of- I Square -
The sinuous_ Maitland sang to thee, ficials of tho Provincial and Federal
Ere the stout-hearted Dunlop and Galt Governments estimate that this
With pioneer axes and ploughshares "year's strawberry crop will be one of bacon, 18, thick smooth, 53; heavies,
Thy untrodden ways did assault. straw
tr a cry hi record. The record yours." Let us increase our each
dei � 5� lights and'- feeders, 10, McGaw---
. strawberry shipment from British tar by mastering one word each day. Total hogs, .214; select bacon, �25;
Through years of thy unwritten b story Columbia to the Prairies. of Western Words for this lesson: thickJTota smooth, 121; heavies, 1; extra
Thou didst nurture a sturdy, brave raze; Canada was an 1921 when' 180 cera- INDEFINABLE; that cannot be
•were. Ship ;by British Columb' described, "She has an indefinable heavies, 1; shop hogs; 34• lights and
Thy sons at the call of their country growers, This year the estimate charm about her." feeders, 10'. AubMrfotal hogs,
In the dread time of war took their place;; 114 caro not including less than ,car- CONTEMPLATE; to consider with M 114= select bacon, 81; thick smooth,
load shipments, which are much continued attention; meditate on, 64; heavies, 5; shop hogs, 13. Huron
Refrain , vier nowadays. "These things I mention are pleasing County --Total hogs, 1953; select ba -
0 Goderich, Goderich, Goderich, etc. to contemplate,:, icon, 520; thiel: smooth, 167; heavies,
It Bids Pain Begone. -Botta in the , ENVIABLE; capable of awakening 73; extra heavies, 3; shop hose, 130; i � ,•
house and %table there are scores of "the desire to possess, He has an en- lights and feeders, 40C
A garland. of honor encircles .sees for tar. Thomas' Eclectric Oil- viable disposition." �' Aman may be down but" he's never
Thy brow; 0 our -mother serene ; t3sa it for cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, COMPLICATE; to make or become . out --of excuseb.
Thy mantle of years thou dost carry the pains of: rheumatism and sciatica, difficult or perplexing; mix; confuse. + ,
Roro throat and cheat. Horses are I'Are you not complicating the sues- !Misery loves company; but don't tell
Witt; "grace and an unwearied mien. i ailments ?,, '
liable very largely to similar a m tion . I our troubles. Company doesn't Iava:
Stand firm for the right as thy headlands and mishaps tett sfllict mankipd, and 'INCONSISTENT; lacking coher- _misery.
Through - the storm that besieges and shakes, are equally. amenable to the healing encs or agreement;. discrepant; self-]
I ook, forward with far-seeing'vision fnfluence of this fine old remedy hcontradictinS• "Tier explanation was ! V u (j �1
As the dawn of thy new cycle breaks 1 • has made thousands of firm friends incensistent. A FAMILY M�D.I��NE
during the'9pIt "fifty Years- EVADE; to elude; ,escape by anti- I'
Refrain : - -... flee. T"You. are evading my, ques- r
tion:}. A, Welland Lady Tells' of, the Value ,
0 Goderich, Goderich, Goderich, ' Our Weekly of Dr. {Williams' fink Pills
How dear is thy fair fame to all . Asthma Overcome. _The triumph' in. Her Home .
Th sons and thy daughters will ever. s iii English over as has assuredly .come. Dr.
Y �' $ lesson g J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy has "I fa thy yearning home call., roved the most positive blessing the, I have many. reasons for praising
Th beauties .unsullied. and shitting gy W. L. G,ORDON'. p. Dr. Williams. Pink. Pills, saga Mrs..
Thy victim of asthmatic attacks hag ever Geroge L. $wick, R.R. No. 2,. Welland,.
Proclaim thee the jewel'thou art; --� known. Letters received from thou- pat, "hly fist experience with this
For thee will true pride and devotion sans , ho have tried it form a. testi-
Wotds bite- Misused pioniai which. leaves no room #or medicine was in my girlhood, when,
For aye be enshrined in each hear;. Don't say "what did he do that <Toubt that here ,is a real remedy: following attack of scarlet fever,.
t , o v C. ref a bads run dew candi-
Ica, ti n
rr Y n
id e o that
e •-;4label Elizabeth Rougvle: for, Say why d h , d (Iet it today from youa� dealer.
Dant say "'we called upon him yes---•�----- tion; and -the pills• to good
e terda ." ".On" is preferable. SCHOOL REPORTS health:' L -Iter in my married life I
Dont .q y. `ewe ithall meet together had a severe attack of rheumatism.
She n , "together" S.r _ The ain in my right arm and ohoul-
1 say "Saturday,. Omitor to S. No. u, a report
der leas so bad that I could not dress
say meet again. •The- following is the report of S. S,
t Don't say"she .is •a relation of" k�io. G HuIlett fgr the month of tlsa myself without helAgain I resort
ic^^s.�. " „ , y' cd to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and
- mine, Say relative, Sr, 1Vl- Helen 'Miller, 791/c, Gladys
f t these import restrictions: r fthey they proved a blessing to me,
victorious; she takes her seat with he Don't say, .they have sot same ,Taylor, 78 Norman Lockhart; 78,
Government.. Baldy Ctobb Libem;ed ' money,' . Omit "gigot." Georgina. Lockhart, 7E:. Edith- Stoltz, as soon:the rbeuinatic pains and st3ii-
P. 'Bald " ftobb, of Brule, Al..Don't say etshe is a widow woman:' 7 na Wa den 66 Laura Philli s tress disappeared and there has beeii
P Y " !, 2, Ed 1 , , p ; no return of. the trouble. Dr. `l�"il-
n Berta, convicted of stuffing ballot . Womag., idredundant. 58. •Jr« IV`,Melissa.. Naegelc. - 74,-_ • ,: ----
ms Pink- Pill ]rave alsobeen-
.. , . la Pm s
'v election h' a e; River e t twin Carter,
in the ac . al r Josephine Weir. r3• Do i r
P 1Yords Often Mispronounced J seri e , ,
betober, 1925, and. sentenced to five Progtress- (noun); o as in "of." *Ac_ 73; Eleanor Wilson, 70; Karl YounR- great. benefit to my children. One 'o:f,
a. years in the penitentiary,. has been rent on,fmrst.syllable. a blut, 65; Minnie Spuhl, 60; Dorothy my boys was threatened with St.
t , released as: the result of the eitcula- ii -s Wilson, 57; Ivan Bean. '57; Edward Vitus dance. His limbs and face
Val t. Preferred . ionundiat o i
e tion of several petitions for clemency. va-let a as in "'at," a as in. "let,,, AC M1:11er; ,S"., 3r. 7,II,—Serzxice I:.xw- would twitch and • jerk. I gave hint
f He was convicted in March, 1926 cent firs s lla le Son. 83: Margaret Ferguson, ails Dor-
pills, and again they did not fail,
Gov t Y . b , othv Craig,. 76 Reg. Asquith. 7,0;.as under the treatment the trouble!
,Grain Conditions Good Virile. Pronounce both. x s as in g g qceased. I have also given the
t, u ,e• " 'Wilbert .I."wlor, 62; Elizabeth Good,
Everywhere iii the Dominion ramta it at -syllable.
al�" ;. 52 Jr. --.1t.--Mxary Asauith, 74• my little girl, who was anaemic, and
is showing excellent growth, said the Tube. P'ro'nounce the u S' in fut r it t%is case also with time renter':
2. Franklin Cnrter, c4. "'ova Millet; fig,
s , pessimism which. existed through the
Ile," not a('i n ('injury,),
.' -« benefit:.. Naturally when I hear any -
Wound (mju The on as u in Martha Adorns. 6a. Gladys (Sone!, 58. \
Prairie Provinces has been dissipated. ryY one complaining of not feeling well I
y' "rule" is referred : to n as in Irene Leathorland, b4. I.—lleryl ,
f �.: by the ideal crap cghditions` whish t" „ p o Wilson r2 Maurice De 0: Fran. recommend Dr. .Williams fink Pills a
have. abtairied over the whole of Wes- house« , a . • au .ce an, 7 ,as I know of no other medicine t�
f Yolk; ok is preferred to soundin ens C,00d: f7. Keith Arthur, V7. An.
tern Canada during the past iso Y nie I-athrlrl-10 61. .Sr, Pr. --Harold equal therm in buildirg up the bloccl',
5 s; weeks. The seeding of coarse; grain the I,' c T .and restnrinM boalth.
is about 85 per cent, $nished and will Words Often Misspell.0d A-auith •ick 'Heir, Garth Rice, Doh Take' Dr. Williams' Pink Pills foi-
d- a % Craig, Eileen Carter, Jr, Pr.—Gen.
s be entirely done by the middle of this Moneyed/ preferred,to led. Red S+r, u7ha i P . anaemia. rheumatism, indigestion,
I n, Mar arae Arthus. St wait neuralgia and other nervous trouhle�,
month, procity; two C'S, no s's. ; V,rcrusnn, Evelyn PlaPtzer, 1lelen ,
r New Commerelial Air 'Venture Thackeray; or and .ay, Ninety: r T ,.a Take them . ,tonic if .von are rot in
Fe stung- h }m area .Kine, Gordon the best hvsical condition, and cul-
The first business' ileal .bordering note the e. Baptize; baptism. :Di- p
cstible i AetomR. Jack Daman. Numh�r on
on the much talked of, trans-Atlantic g ble; roll 46. AyPrn" attendance 43. tiv rte a resistance that will keep yozi
Synonyms - --� well and strong. You e to fret the;;-,
service, was announced in Paris,
�. when the I atecaexe French Air Energy, life, activity,. agility, spirit, i,R-onrt of Tfog Shipments for rills from• anv dexter in medicine. r
'v confirmned the "ratification" by, the Pre= agility, spirit, aniinatian, dash, vivac- Wapk Fn"iinrr Jiitir 9, 1827 by moil ct Ft)rhrjt: n box from l he
bident of the ,A.rgetstine of a. contract ity= "Goderich--Total, hogs, 89 ai•lect P" • Williams Medicine, Co., Brock -
whereby .the ;French egmpany agrees . Indifferent, cold, unconcerned, t AIIP, Ont - � .
PLANS OTTAWA TO LONDON to reduce from -21 days to 9% days phlegmatic, listless. �.-_- -.---
the iielivery of mail between Franca p.. , f a0� ==o=o 0=0Jn �O�iO
FLIGHT Int re. interest in are f f t
lGH ss s n e
I� , ,
xci t s 'on Move.
'Captain E. J. Janney, Canadian avis- and Argentina., Of the distance to be e, te, in pa si , m e
tor, who hopes to carry a message travelled 7,500 miles between France Dstiiigaished, illustrious, celebrat- +D
from the people of Canada . to King and South America, . all but 1,400 ed, renowned, eminent, prominent, i r
George by a non -stag flight from Ot= ;-ilea will be covered by air for the notable. a
tawa to London as part of the Dia- present, and the rest willbe by fast Antipathy, aversion, distaste, .;mat- , w
-mond Jubilee of Confederation vele- boats: red, hostility, repulsion, repugnance, O
oration. ;Charles A. Levine, who flew with disgust. Meta': Tweed Pants, mate in dark or light Tweeds, 5• pockets,,,
Business, vocation, occupation, pug O Week p.
Chamberlain. from Netv.l''ark to Ser- . , lilt Leapt and. Cut1=' Bottoms, sizer 32 to d2.
Famous Inventor Weds lin recently, is strongly advocating n "suit, Profes.4on, employment.
Word Study end Special, . « . « . $1.65 and, il.JS. �=
The marriage of Senator William trans-Atlantic commercial stir freight
., ,
Marconi to Countess Maria Christian line connecting NeW 'York with the: "Use a word three times and if, he's Mind Boys' Running Shoes, in Y Black or Brown-�-$oys' O
Bezzi-Scali, young and beautiful continent and aceording to plans al---«-----------�----- ----
ready drawn u ak" 12 to A, at:... ..: .... « ........05c to 1 10
member of an old ;corona, family of p he proposes to cross ' � ,
the• Papal aristocracy, Was celebrated the Atlantic in two hops -=front New Mees#s sizes 6 to 111' at.. ....... .. $112S to $1.95
on June 12th at The Cee itol, Rothe, York to Ireland and the Continent in
z'with-(treat"pomap and splendor; ' Tho Summer, and from New York to the + _.. .... o:.
Capitol, where warriors'and poets in Azores and the Continent in the Win-
former days were crowned, assumed, ter, p.
its ancient aspect in honor of Mar- Alberta's Fishing Records a'
coni, whom Italy considers her great. The commercial fish industry in the ,
est scientist. province of Alberta" in 1926 exper- SOUTH SIDE SQUARE
"Lindy" Arrives Home ienced the greatest year in its . his« p ,
The "Flying Fool," « tory. The total commercial catch for p BUY WHERE YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE
y' ft Cot Lindbergh, 'last year, both winter and hummer
arrived in triumphwas
at Washington on months, amounted to 6,756,
Saturday and wan greeted by over � pounds
halt a million people. Three weeks of which 3,932,000. pounds was sum-
age an unknown air mail pilot, h« mer catch and 2,82'4,000 pounds win-
reached the .pinnacle of world -fence ter rakrh, Ail the fish caught in the 1l�1'?J� I99M Y
almost over night, and on his arrival IProvince of Alberta cornea from the����,
nt the capital he was accorded the I large inland lakes and rivers, print;-
Wry in the tmorthern part of the pro- t
gicatert reception ever United
arranged for R, Horr. Gob. P Gra�harn `
an individual in the united States. vince, CWJR gw EXECUTIVE COMMIrMt
When the _cruiser Memphis .docked Lots of Jobs for Candy
there was a formidable procession of Lindbergh the trans-Atlantic flier,
notables ,lined up in the Nav • Yard, about money far the intuit, ey worry
';'tier alba of tlsoos as of tiro
inrludin the ilnited States Se3cretary apparently Imam no nerd to wart :
_ .. .... ,.«,., a ttrsrs is I+`ir«eottt► ►-
oft wawft w
the ;list ka s o on board to vdelro,ne " - ot satd 41spo ad �
her sen, and afterwards shit header! "an 4oeictq for the Promotion of i Kt ac as tit! pians w of the
Aviation. and could take his choice of+
the prkwission in the President;'s car. Reversl "movie" contracts that wouldI 'B*U000.4woAme Us cot*.
To Plast Millions of Tre+rs net him w million dollars for one *Wmo* Ud is 314 d"*10p-
The Provincial.Department of Foe- year's work.
extry for Qutbte In planting l,6 0,g00e>nIy flab ba*
trees on government lands during the "d eke
course of the prevent year. In emoth- to ia40C it to t ib
er two years, it in anticipated that the t' • it
Government will be platitinL over
five million tree% nor wear on Pro%in. -Wblmtlattaral,'Mti& S*claAb1gh
,tial Governtrrent i*%%. to replace ;
thm* that hair either been cut down 1 tW �
L or burned. pour hundred theusariA alar bog atl v4sd the bat
lit*" are being nlar+ted thla yerr in
$ Krroerraanl. Kid 300.000 in N'arraandito
ItowlRokip. CA yaw *ftX** 1 +If►.
Crrw+rda lsReietrktiesvas Flit IN<altain yawl Tttttt a xtum"R Cyr7h,
The roteat embargo 'placed by the" (W CMAIM UXUTX
Vrenek C'wrrrnta nt on Imported coal swap", C,d+r%
has dealt a arvvre blow to the 11riti%la gods are earn � so+a� angina if>rrdcar�t 1t�t
areatrlr, and aorac of the wtiori It now �
are arratagirelr to coeaatt laredoertocrn if — ''
s an7r farther rwitrictiMma are rtafr+rtrM. �i taoeor +aa
Io !Alt 4*1 to
rlelp . 1, airtady P tobotbo ion Talar a
tons of radml to Fraa+c•e. boat altesul7r
dein year exports to France have fel•
Irsr to a rate of ab6smt.9,00,00 teroi, iwwl..►wY eatyew py,, tritlrwo�sr r.r r L14b+s' w
with orsrr►rctn of forth" rvdsutioecs.
TiM I+'reaeit es+rlkrfea have, ;;cede pro- DlllJtLiiiCtl3 IN Ir'IAi:ciCt
Awh* a nweh 3argwr gwswtity ofgoalMA��� M►ra. �8p rrae�is, Ilaa�arr Ifirwe H.
r this 7rrar dean to rrero
at vo m. a tact Jaws, ■atteey >fr+crier. 1fasEdtorvl a �
,whkA hop led to t`re eaintr• WRT list" 1 IWARatt. Wtlsora Dior. i:ylk).
.lam • x,.. ,, ...
Fixectutive ofifcatrs of
theNational Comrnitree
for rhe Celebration of
the Diamond Jubilft* of
C- M fccleratrwr.