The Goderich Star, 1927-05-19, Page 8beds
for the
Jest areboil, a new stork of
Golf Clubs. Priced from $2.0
up. Set eoaipkte of 1 claim
for *11.
Galt Begs priced at $11.50 op.
Golf !lolls, mialsiutisg of Silser
Keogh. Reedit*. Meath, etc., at
the poplar price*.
W:1 also Stave * good stock at
Temple Rackets and Ball*.
Soft Bells, Bets and (;loses.
et what yea require while our
Steck is complete.
Cole's Book Store
Gloss by iho +Teleses of the
In? HOUSE on
Wohloaday and Thersday, June 1 and 2
eon agent
i'Mr. Ifien tplas=em.aad Kiss
'Pr+aiardMat the her.... it i
r. Gilbert Vint.
Mr. and 11ss. John Megaiilea and
seas. Fred and Freak. 1*1k sea.. Wus
Wawaaerie called at Mr. Jona Mull lia's setiss ley aftetweeea.
The Rev. Mr. ('esux� of leap ;its parents here. r The L. O. L. and the L. O. S. A., of.
Heieas, will be the comae r he &.' Last week Mr. Archie Robertson ht tessthumbhe et tic mote, will attend divine .
• Andrew's United cleareb oa Sunday moved we the house lately oesupiod bora please meet at the a room
next. - by the Rev. R. B. Greek. arena o'clock Sunday ermine May
law. Mr. 9Cetucedy, of the United Mr. Alexander Medaienxie, of Kip- 22. All ineaabers of both societies'
Varna, chum*, exchanged pulpits with Rey, pen, aa* tie g of his elect, -Mrs. are are cordially invited.
Mr. Detrain, of on Sunday John Roustote, last
eseeing last. Next Sabbath the Rev. W. R. Alp NILS I
We are sorry to report Misr Nan will preach annirereary services is The supper and concert on key 24
Londesborough and Runs' chunk. . in Nils duet k will he "tie beat yet."
• 'Mr. W. T. Ridden is moving the' An extra filar musical program by
house helately purchased - from fir., London artists. Supper $ to 8 p.m.
Clark to the other side of the street : Rev. E. A. Lundy. S. A., of Nippon,
this week. ,.will eoiwdaet the services on the Nile
Last Sabbath the Episcopal church 'clams nest Sunday lit the absence of
organized a Sunday school. There . the btev..1.. C. White. who will be on
are 20 scholars and a good supply of -the Verna charge.
it The Women's Missionary Societies
Zeiglerhe Rev.
.xpeMn. Zeliglennvacation wet.ith ; weekfthea Port Albert met this
the mrthre spending
a � on Thursday.
eg letter, Mrs. Yun • . in addition to the regular pregrani
blot, at preseent, plans will be completed for the sea»
Woods, one of our pubile school
teaehers, is laid up at present with a
yobad cold.
Mr. John Pease, wife and family,
moved into Miss Mary Simpson's re-
on the river bank last week
foaa'lfiae summer.
Mrs. George Reid and two children,
of Saskatoon, is visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stinson, in the
village at present.
Mr. Ernest Brown, of the Standard
Bank, has purchased an Erskir}e
coach from Mr. John • Woods, Code.
Miss Leura Jackson, of Goderich, vices on 'Ganforenee Sunday, Juni b,
ich, and is enjoying his new pur• has secured the Foresters' hall for when the W.M S. will have oharge.
Prase. her music pupils and will be here 1 'he men of Nile cbureh hell an
Stanley township teams are busy every Saturday. erection bee Tuesday afternoon and
drawinf� gravel these days off the The Rev, R. B. Gracie, of the Free- I finished building the board fence sit
south beach to the ;
I Wild's sideroed, which was in bad resigned his charge and will lege a the I provide much ed space for cars
-- .:-:: road known as byterian church here and Blyth haw tlosing.the church grounds. This will
BXI+'IE+LD need of gravel. and additional room for Mr, and Mrs. Wm,d of this Chath.
ltlrr. Jas, Ferguson is visiting Johnston,.IahnttonMr. Mears, C"haa. Asquith, George special accastone, rhea the shed is
friends at eigravA this week.aind Mrs. 'Wafter Johnston, Mrs. Mal- Harm ton and Henry Sturdy attended , • . .
James • p+atlin..ef London, visited' colrn Toms, Mrs. Lloyd Makin" and the meeting of the synod of the Angli.
frriends in.the village last week. Mrs. Chas. Toms motored to Goderich can church in Lot ion last week..
Mr. and Mrs, Percy Weston, of ai^.. on Tumidity evening to hear Rev. Mr. Next Saturday+�lfternoon the mens.
Savage, of Pontiac, MIEN. '
xis, visited friends in the village last +bees. of 'the Baptist congregation in.
week. The directors of the Beyfie.d *gel- tend having a tea.. commencing at 4
Rev, and Mrs. Kennedy visited lists gone societyral oby h commiitteepend beClsad. The proem's leaking
e�to will
Tuesday of -this ds at ndweekn Mondet. - and some• •sponges made in the inside de. plied to -shingling of the.seheds.,
pertinent for the fall fair which will Mr. Wilfred Plunkett narrowly
Miss Nora FeL neton, r ent be held ort Tuesday and Wednesday, escaped a bad accident with his auto
the- winter in London, returnedto Sept. 27th and' 28th. last week. lie placed his foot on the
leer home here on Sunday hast, 1 We understand Mr. Mair, of fort wrong plc the
M n Mrs. Jn4 l?odd�r Dover, who delivered the fine fishing' forward instead causing
backward, horses en
Mrs. Mondeo and •scc, causing auto to go
of London, visited Miss Grace Garner- hoot which he built himself to theofnw poe with
the result that he ran into a goat,
en in the village. on Sunday last. amae Bros„ of this village,. intends, others' Day was observed in 'the
Mrs. E. F. Merrier and �d'aughter. mina in the village this summer
«, „ Baptg church May fi in l very
Edith, -and son, :Kenneth, tst..crl rid buildinsr another sip•ta,date fish fitting way:. The Sunday school tori
friends in Clinton. onSunday last. baiiit of the latest modern type.
Weirton Bros, purchased the evap.t . ., bind with the congregation in honor
�^ _of iri the day, the program supplied
orator from E. F. Merrier end steer... n j -_ . __- be heirlye follewed, --pee ane s
-wrecking it and piling up the l'1Xinber". • The Lutheran church had serviara choir furnished music in' an ad'ectaon.
. There are several new cottages , 5 ate manner The 'oldest mother f
est onlay. s o er o
going_ up this spring and building Ale, George Dawson and Mr. Sand• the tortrese aittion, Mr& Johnb Manning.
tems to be on the increase in the presented with a bouquet of
rrilfage, ford Lawlor made a trip to Lucknow' white hyacinth. Next Saturday, May
last week, 21st, the ladies of the church will hold
Last,. week Mrs. A. C. Jackson, of a sale of home-made baking in. the
Goderich, was calling on old acquaint- .church basement.
antes here. 1 (From another correspondentY
Ltaet Saturday Mrs. Lawlor wee the. Miss Winnie Marsh is ai: present
guest of her daughter, Mrs. McIntyre, with her aunt, Mrs. H. Mogridge.
of Dungannon. l Mr. Russell King has purchased'' the
The Farmers' Club made a ,rood car recently owned by Mr. T. ' John -
shipment of hogs last Monday From ston.
the station' here.. • I Master Frank Roberton, of Gado.
Mr. Eugene Dobie: of Brussels pub- etch Collegiate Institute,, was home
lie school,spent the .Week -end with for the weekend.
1 Rev.. Mr. Durrant, of Varna, will
occupy the pulpit of Knox 'United
at4The Cart $, ihisharix Mrs, Alen, Manning,at Bel
grave,church next`Sbath_enttning.
spent last' -Sabbath with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Win.' Patterson, of
Walkerburn. •
We are sorry to report that Mrs. J.
f Ise Laidlaw and Mrs. Geo. Itaithby are
not improving as: quickly as their
„many friends wish.,
� IntBerrde minetional secretary Mission,
will speak on that work in Knox Unit-
ed church :on Thureda evening of
Block this week.
Barn Dance'
to be held at
C. McMichael's
tart farm east of Goderich
Eve: Frida.: Ev'g.
Mixed Dandies from 0 o'clock
1Laraw+eh Served at Midnight
Refreshment Booth
Couple 75r,.E tali Lady; Vie.
G. McMICHAEL, Manager
Par a Since
A large space to the north
of our store is available for
visitors tO Goderich' to par
e their, cars; `You are reel
e;Otte'to use this, and there
is no charge.
Phone 116,
BemlI er
'.: u series
*hitt Sheil•Pink, Lavearier,
Serie, Purple, Crime* ' earl
Mixed, also
SINGLE ASTERS in Pink, d,,s;r
ender and Mixed. These are
very One.
Our SNAP DRAGONS are hat.
menet, in Rest Pink, Marne.
Canary Yellow and Mixed.
Thews or any other woman we
have are very elifectiye In
beautifying year taw*.
Stewart Grose
R. R. Idle. 4, Godorich
Phone Carlow 23$
Our Fancy, Work ;114
Novelty. Store is truly...
Th. Cats*
�r anyt io
our lite. Try
$ritlslh exchange
... Miss Grace Jewell, of • Colborne.
Spent Sunday with her friend, Miss
Laura Mulholland.
Rev. I. W. Kilpatrick, of Holmes -
villa United church, takes charge of*
the morning service in North- street'
United church, Goderich.
On Sunday. May 22nd, the educe.•
tional field day inthe interests of the
Maintenance and Extension Fund will
the held throughout the Huron Presby-
tory. !The ministers of the United
church will exchange pulpits. Rev.
Arthur Sinclair, of Henan tlnited
church, will conduct the, services on
the Holnieeville charge.
The annual election of officers of
the Sunday school of the Rolmeaville
United church was held on Monday.
Lust St, 'Ienoes ltd , evening lest. The officers of the past
Year were re-elected, with Mr. W. H.
••�•.-.-•-•- Lobb• as superintendent. It was de-
•,' cided to have a monthly program
!along lines of temperance .education,
taking up the study of the temper•
'ante text book edited by Miss isebell
McCorkindale, of Australia,. and re-
} , commended highly by the Dominion
Prohibition Committee.
,-a t Rev. R. T. Kilpatrick, pastor of the
First Methodist Episcopal church,
!Wyandotte, Mich., accompanied by his
wife and son. Floyd, and his sister,
, Mrs. Agnes McCormick, motored from
Detroit last Thursday un to the home
of his brother, S. J. Kilpatrick, of
l A.hfeld, and on the way cabled at the
Halmeaville parsonage to see his bro-
Ither. Rev. I. W. Kilpatrick. Rev. R.
T. Kilpatrick leaves on the 24th of
RABIC CARRIAGES;June, with a party of eleven ethers,
Ion a two months' tour of Great Sri -
se elaborate or simple as your taste taro and: Ireland and the ^Continent
ar pocketbook dictate' are to be seen RTe intends to visit the paternal home
here in many styles. AR are well in Armagh, Ireland, and to view the
aside and will give good service, na field& of war and the statin centres of
^mmatter what carriage you pick out. interest associated with the late
Mother* should come is and at* thee. world war.
Go Carts and Carriages, which will -- ••
!make life happier for both mother ` BELFAST
and baby. I Mrs. Wm, Blake. of Mefekintf, is
j. R. WHEELER r1
q �� visiting with her daughter, Mrs. At.
fdibert Alter.
i Fielt:1'I't AK �» MUM.tt4 uccroa bine Nelson, Mrs. Gilbert Y#ret, Mr,
Iilsenliten Street • sand Mrs. -Joint Mullin spent lerklayl
Come to and Nipe Picture
for your living roam, at a good
Marley, Landscape. or a copy
of one of the 'old mestere.
We have a wsailerfal copee-
tioat. Ieiotlsini' will glue you
as lasting pleasure as a good
Picture. Mao bring in those
Picture* yea want framed.
We will de theft well at tea-
amiable prices.
:'sant call Gift Store
Miss Winnifred 'Campbell is visit
lag in Toronto this weep.
oat Clearance
Mr. Raymond Redmond and and Mrs. .�►
Redmond were Goderiche visitors on
Mr. and Mrs. WiII Kelly have rnov-
el Into the house on Mr. !plies.
Every, -Garment
Our Big Spring Stook
Now Cut ,in 'Price
Children's � oats
Misses' Coats
Women's Coats
T1,10/ aro all Reduced to Lowest Clearing Prices. Choose
yours early. Bee some of our Goat Values displayed
. and priced in our Windows` this week.
;Carlow with Mr. J. J. Robertson as.
Smith's farm. da On 'Monday last Mr. R. Mew, Sr„ road master: j
Mr. and Mrs. Prank Campbell spent 'sent. his eightieth birthday ditching.. Mr. J. Adams is busy repairing the
Sunday in Seaforth visiting Mr. end. a gentleman, to all appearance, is verandah of the township hall,: which
Mrs. R. Tyreman. • good for another busy summer. t was getting very much in need of at -
Mrs. W. H. 'Campbell spent last There was a meeting of North Zion tention. If the council . would only
week visiting her daughter, Mrs. Win.,trustees on Monday night, for the pur- treat it to a coat of paint, how fine it
Crozier. of Crewe.. pose of deciding what would be done would look.
Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. 'McDowell were with the church. It was left over for "----.•
Brucefleid visitors last Wednesday at Presbytery to dad*
thehome of Mr, Wes. Stackhouse. I Mr. Culbert shipped five cars of
'-Viesitbri-iit'-the� Iioin'e-' c�# "� r, an bailed hay; Mr. h eorge--Fi agars;' a,t i-
hiss..1.2.. Campbell on Saturday were .Nile, two cars of hay; Air. tYatson of
mblyn, Mrs. James Els- Blyth a ear of fat cattle, and Mr.
Mrs. Josie Ta
ley; of Lendesboro, and Mr. and Mrs. John wrastable a car last week. all from
Will Taitiblyn, of Toronto. what station It shows
sir. and Mrs. Merino Vincent enter• 'what a busy little place McGaw ice.
rained a number of the young people Cut, and Bruises Disappear -•When
last Friday afternoon and evening in suffering. from cuts, scratches, brrui.
hohor of Miss Ruth Vincent, who has see, sprains, sore throat or chest and
been visiting for the past two weeks any similar ailments, use Dr. Thomas'
at her home here, returning to Lon- Eclectric Oil. Its healing power is
don on 'Monday of this week to re- well-known in every section of the
some studies. contmunit A bottle of Dr. Thome' W t that Vrooman says
COLBORNE cine chest a f theles make old Suits and:,
sea y or emergencies
Eclectric OU should he in every medi- . see
he can
Coats look like new at
"Babbette' Gift Slime'
eveir �_-occasion
o.e '
cars. E. .Evan
Mx. "IY, Pearson shipped a ear' of that may always be anticipated:
hogs Wednesday of this 'week. CAIILOW
phis Cleaning and Pressing
Mmes Dorothy Robertson of the G. Works on West Street..
C, I., spent the week -end sit her home 11 a are sorry to report that Mrs. A. ' Why don't you take in
liars. W: Young. is not to well this week that blue Suit of ours Assurance Company
rs ee nsen,' i e .Jh n Milch.; -" M xs Alma Saliowe s enc a few _ and rave him_freshen,. it, J
visited her hisses. Mrs. John and Jas. p
FeaBan this wgck days last week at her'aunt's, Airs. R. tip.
• r, ou a'erasnotinhie
S ugh
Saturday l las C. A. Robertson do usual good health. We wishfor both :ifternaon. Vrs7oman: Cer- fisn,tar ()MICR: WATERLOO, a�� sr.
turd x t eek, A recovery. talnly does a good' job.
asset of chi k day Hing by Dr, Savage, of Pon. Prompt *ad Expert Service
Mutual: Life
of tonic
Mr.and Mrs Johnston visited their M" To' Ys' HUBBIgr--1'11 just do that this s' reed •
Ai J b Galla h
Sprin,g Footwear
With the coming of rigrithe mind
naturally turns to NE'' OE .
We have in stock very attractive, up.
to•the-minute Footwear for everyone.
W. Herds Shoe Store
The Moe .f PAW* Pf stvreet
ISE North Shie of Soper*
Mrs. Janie* Johnston, of Auburn,' rd.,
from here attended the rt.11�V list
on tie y s week.' • eve
Mrs. rt McMillion andlittle three /UST r
mother, Mrs Jas Virago, fox a few the road between No. 1 school and Fhaaa 122• . West Street � 'T
vis cod her cousin, Mrs. Jno. Feagan , address given in Knox Church. Tues. t >
ed Pm s
Robe M Mill i i 1 Ganr.;aicrr, �v�r.
non, Donald,. of Goderich, visited her The road men ars satin busyon
FRIDAY, SAT., eoa MON., May. 20th, 21st �a 23rd
IN :order to clean up some left- 2vers and odd lines of Outing Shoes, with PL4IN RUBBEI .`
SOLES., we are offering t en* to you at ridiculously low prices. These are not factory Sec-
onds, bat genuine first aluaality "FLEET:FOOT" SHOES. In the lit are Black, Brown and White
high and low cut styles, su'table for sports or general wear, for every member of the family. Look
these items over and see for yourself how you can save money on your Summer Footwear.
88 Pairs Men's Boots
Man and Hesiercotah Solets, tome
w alt sc5J Robber Wel*
%water $1,116 :dials to $3
Sale $1.25
29 Pairs Youths' Boots
data 11, 12 meted 13. Reg. $1.3$, ..
01.50 and $1.75
33 Pairs Men's Oxfords
Whit. only, with hods or planet.
Rovidar $2.00
.Sate $1:10
23 Pairs Boys' .Boots..-.
In Black, Brown and White, size*
1 toy. mar 31.80 and $1.90
Sale $1.00
Sale 95c
11 Pairs Boys' Oxfprds
JEtossayececesdaa Soiss, Black soli,
sides 1, 2, 3 aiand 4. Reg. $1.35
Sale $1e00
Pairs Womoal's Low
VIM. welly, L sei Wore or 1•etta
aped' braid brae, else a T
U ,C: T.
Salt $1.110
75 Pairs men's Shoes
Bo•M, at.swteaiea sed S Leos, thecae
4is1Qisthe 1st
Side f5e
100 Pairs, Misses' sixes`
11 tot
la Boots, &Adak end 2 -strap
Out they go for 85c
12 Pairs Youths' Oxfords
Ma .a►, Horarryszoodo Saes, slain
11, 12 sod 1s. Reg. $1.10
Sate 95c
....n.•..., 1.444.4
-.,.+.. .•...,...........ql.r,f,.M.....,,.-....+r.- o...w....,.......:.-..r...—.........M....:.,w.......1.1.- .
ta! RvYI �'iWF