The Goderich Star, 1927-05-19, Page 4?AGE YOUR New Dresse* Hats, Hosiery and doves FOR THE HOLIDAY The newest styles in Ladies' Dresses,. in all the 'latest materials and shades Millinery Department Here you will find al; the newest styles, materials, colors and shapes of the season. New Hosiery Weldrest Ladies' and Misses' Full Fashioned Hose at $1.75 per pair. They come in the aeason'a newest shades: flesh, lriuilacca, celeson, pearl blush, peach,. champagne, everlglow and iris mauve, Pierrette and Venus Hose at $1.50 per pair,. Silk to the ,melt, shades of at. zuosphere, French nude, oakbuff dorada, pastelparchment, evenglow, champagne and peach. MEN'S and YOUNG MEN'S SUITS and TOP COATS PHONE 418 Latest goods and popular shades .. w«.> .a�r«.�...•+.:�.-a-a.er. _ `v^^.'^...'."'-""":' CORNFIELD LADIES' and MEN'S WEAR " SHOP WHERE YOU ARE INVITED TO 311OP " GODERICH, ONT. WEST SIDE OP SQUARE PHoNE.418 I DYSPEPSIA TSUISDAY. WAY Mk, 1117 Way." and in the eve** a quartette IMobrr was give* by ''lius G. Roakey, Mad. Ref .rad*ltgli>rkt Ysatth, A r. vC-rely icievldr r Ke}suns . wap slsttag at bath.servkt,,,. After Yr. Alp woes m ibis presisai: day wry of aprndiiig 8ttuday x grave Was. R. A. Manla.4 Venae., Ont.. 1 menace for the future of the country. wntas:--“Tor gelato ems* time 1 had lExperiasent had proved the need of y srarrrrd fres* dr,p.piii sad after one dxy'a rest in seven for the physi- b. reek meal was most miserable. Aetiag cal well-being of the race and more ea the aagesti.a et a frwaa A ole- work was accomplished in six days eased s u7 ;than in seven, without the Sunday !rest. The day should also be used for niental refreshment and stimulus, a day when a portion of the time '- could be devoted to good reading to 'enlarge one's outlook on life, getting , away from the routine of the ether six days of the week. Mr. Alp strongly deprecated the habit of reading the Sunday newspapers, meet of which were a shameful 'satiate of our good pulpwood. Let your read- ing be something worth while. Mi. Alp did not say Do not use your car on Sunday, but he did point out that :lard soon saMir.d 1 wax imprnvina, amid the habit of massy people of using the , feed so atiuch relieved I eaa sow arjoy Sunday for tearing through the coun- tthat food that fa put before me.” by on pleasure bent, brought thine Your (lenge* or dealer litanies it; back without the quiet rest and phyei- pat up rally by Tha T Milburn Cis., cal, mental and spiritual refreshment tsd, Tomato, Oak, for which the day was designed. If you must visit in the country on .Sun - about to tell him ~if there was still a day plan your visits so that they will chance to be saved, Bad (trying not keep. those you visit away feom from the depths of bis heart, "\Vhat church, which very' often in the eoun- shell I do to be saved?" Mr.- Say- try was held in the afternoon. At age's discourse was An attempt. to an- tondance at church •at least once in saver the question, and be gave both the Sunday should he the invariable a neuntive and a. positive answer, rule except in ease of sickness or showing first some . of the things other unavoidable hindrance.. One which could not save the man.' had only to think what our land In .the first place he supposed an. would be without the church to zee answer to tlie.man with only five min- the wisdom of the church -going rule. utes to live being given telling him to And yet many ministers had coma to make • right , es+Lry`thing he had done dread the fine summer days as days wrong, paying pp all his debts and when there would be empty church making restitution for at wrongs he Pei"' connection with their miniver» had committed and resolving hence- sary Victoria street church had a tin.forth to lire go he ought to live. aneial objective and a very generous Mr. Savage pointed out how hopeless offering was received. it is expected when all returns a}e,made that the objective will have been attained. this would leave the man. It would be impossible for hien to make resti- tution in five minutes, . or in' any 1 lenatli of time. How could ane .'go hi r heck. for instance. and smooth out _ ._. - ... , "4.'."""'"'"'"L'""""" '."'...n'S..' the wrinkles in a .dead mother's fare service. 'Speaking from the 12th mused by worry over the wavward- I AIPTIST ANNIVERSARY day, the special preacher being Rev. Hers of a son, or renav the sacrifice .of lie 11. Savage, oft.:Pontiae, 111ieh.'verse of the 116th Psalm, What shall a father conn on before which WPM Bev.' II. If. Savage, Popular Radio After a history of twenty. years the. I render unto the Lord for all his .,anaunreciat.'d at the time by the nuc r p benefits. Mr. Elliott dwelt .on the ? Preacher, Fills Knox, Church . Goderich Baptist church, since the 1st for svhsvit lase sacrifice was nurda . Tuesday Evening of April,- has been a self-sustaining many blessing mentioned in the Another " :answer ' which might be. --..:.. , e-aiaege ttl""the~.....a eiP•salm....and..annliedthetn_.o. the Gude- n_vould: bit loge the_eh,lt'rh re- Very suecessful anniversary ser- taken advantage of by the pastor to rich .Baptist eongref;ation's crown- Ceiv.t romnianfon tend Pet into the vices were held on Sunday and Tues- make a retrospect of the lalessings fences. As an appropriate sequel, to work of the rhino's as a Sandler school day in connection with the Goderich the congregation has enjoyed during his morningsubject he .spoke at the teacher or in some way. blit this Baptist church, the pastor, Rev. V. C. the years past 'ami to plead for a re- evening service on the subject of "A would be s,nother. liopelPss. answer+ for Elliott, occupying his own. pulpit at dedication of its members. This was New Beginning; taking for his text ,a yuan with but five minutes to live; troth services on Sunday, and on Tues- i Mr. Elliott's subject at the morning the words,. "Thisnmonth shall be unto good as all these things 'sveic with •.. you the ,beginning of months. In would he impossible for the mon with s..,.� �r.. the morning Mr. Elliott was not feel - in at his best and curtailed his ser but five mhi e c se alive, and after nal B were .not the essential thing. Mr. mon somewhat an that account, but Savage did not• mean to say one word in the evening he was particularly of against the ehui'tiit, however. He feetive, and both his sermons had a }`vas for the church, first, last and all . deeply spiritual message.. At the the time.. The church was in the van morning service a ehildren's choir led in every moment for the improvereene in the service .of praise, in the hymens of mankind. Education was started and in choruses and little May Nairn' by the church, and it was only after had a solo part which Was sweetly • the church had started sehoole and 4rendered. A. men's choir led in•tbelead shown the.advantage of them that i evening in rousing gospel singing. the state followed. Hospitals and Mr. E. 'C. Belcher gave a very finely every sort of institution for the' bet- ', rendered solo. In spite of unfavor< lade weather the congregations were kind we of a the conditions of men, land_ were started .by, the . char.'s,.. and. so through all the list of beneficences.. And the "speaker challenged any one name anythingong 'these lines which had .been started by anyagen y but the church. By the 'churchhe did preacher. In spite of the rainy night i n every c man muniion who sha butthose t- s pra atieally every seat in the church ed Christ. p Was occupied. A very large number For an answer to the question, and among these were some from the -To those who re$ar vestme MotAUGlLIN-BUXCK enjoys the largest measure of public confid- ene:e and popular acceptance ever accord- ed ..any fine car because McLaughlin- . Buick represents the safest investment; thc firmest security and the highest return. The buyer,: of a McLaughlin -Buick con. sciously invests his money itt morel:iles of transportation. in greater: comfort and luxury. in more satisfying performance, in absolute dependability. Such phenomenal advances as the Mc- Laughlin - Buick Engine, ihrationles+ beyond belief,— Torque Tube Drive --'� Mechanical. Four -Wheel Brakes—Sealed` Chassis--Vacuum-cleanedCrankcase- are evidences of the firm determination to keep McLaughlin - Buick always the standard by which alltotnobile invest- ment valuta are judged. 'Those who regard a car from an Investment standpoint should first consider McLaughlin- Snick, not merely .its quality and beauty today but its luting dividends of undiminiehed .atisiaction. wti ar-tris HURON MOTOR SALES, Goderich Dealers for Chevrolet, Oldsmobile, MeL obtain and G.M.C. Troche *LAUGH N. 'BUICK M„WH,.M&TTi*. AV•re) Nita AAi .vitt. MttM:owWN•sr'*es wi 11 AIMS Ire*MM .....wt� 4ii.+�•i ,,�„",,,,,, non -'Christian appealing to • those Toilet Ales of Distinct�i Wo always ys carry a well assorted Mock of Rhe° Leedieg Canadian, Americas and Fre ach peke.-- FACE CREAMS 'PERF * ES POWDERS COMPACTS T'� TOuxr WATERS BATH O DUNLOP C. THE REXALL DRUG STORE Bedford Sock Gaderia:la 12201 • ,;' Q o=o===o=o> . , gozzo====stoimeor eautif yp.. . . Your Laugo 1 oo Do not wait until Centennial week before you think about getting your' Lawn in good shape.Now is the time to start. Let people go away with the idea that Goderich has the best end prettiest Lawns) sand help make Goderich the Prettiest Town is Cana- da. po % ]� can do this by getting your Lawn Mower o *a*' sharpened at once„ whole we have hired, 1HE BEST' MEDICINE Q SIDE EVER USED' BARKER BRS. Dr. Williams' Pink .fills Highly` SERVICE STATION Praised' by a Quebec' Lady asBum WATER t 1IG -I�NAYx GOEWRIC I 0101=0) JO>1 4, .-. �' - t4=p1 Ct'I�IOr'�.."w.1f • o help. To do this we must have all Lawn Mowera 0 in no layer than June 15th. • Just phone 417W'and the truck will call midget your Lawn Mower. good. and the amount asked for as a speeial • offering was exceeded.. There- rvasa-- wonderfuleecengreg'a- tionin Knox church on Tuesday even- ing to hear Rev. H. H. Savage, of Pontiac, 'Midi., . the great radio of people came in frosn the country i"t\What shall I do to be •saved?" Mr, bounds of the county. Tho speaker Savage. went back to the times of the wag no stranger to the audience, for Israelites in the wining, just whok were constantly complaining, just like the asked duringe howho halas d heard hail speak people isreligion whoid, "Of what what has a very large proportion of. God ever done for us?" The Israel- those in the audience held up their ites eornplained because of the Tack hands. It was probably tate first time of water and the rock was smitten to most 'had had an opportunity of see- bring berth `water for them. Then manna was sent them till they come plained of having nothing but mantic to eat. So God gave them quail till his discourses broadcasted•frorn Pon -they got tired of that, and the people fell to murmuring against God. Se - and Mr. Savage is a slight tall man God as it were stepped back and re - to : and a bundle of energy. lie did not moved his..protectin hand from there! appear on the platform' until, his ad. to Y let_ . w .thein sechat nnhiad been dress was announced. Rev, F. C. El - doing for them all along, and the ser- pents tame and bit the people; Only let God's protection be removed from us and all sorts of evils followed. The serpents had been there alI along but it were as if God had drawn a line about the camp of Israel and had said ing Mr. Savage, ho\vever, and the people of Goderich and vicinity who have flow seen the man will no doubt listen' with even greater interest to. Mrs. David Logan, Thetford Mines West, Que., gives unstinted praise to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for the, good they have done in her family. Mrs. Logan says:—"I have been a user of i)r. Williams' Pink Pills for many years,' as occasion required, and have always found them a most reliable medicine. My husband, who was re- covering from an attack of 'typhoid; fever, and was in a •very weak condi- tion, took the pills, and through them gained health and strength. My dau- ghter was in a run-down condition,. and was forced to discontinue work. Again Dr. WiIliiams'-Pink'. Pills were resorted to and she wassoon restored, to excellent .health. ..Then my eldest boy had nn operation performed for adenoids, which left Mtn en a weaken- ed anas' condition.PinkPillx Oncewere : mtrieore dD,-r.and,heWle. . was soon in. excellent health. So T can truly say that more than satisfac-. tion 'has 'been obtained by the use of this. medicine, The Pills have done. more goodin my home than hundreds of dollars Werth of more expensive, medicines.'" • Sar. Williams' Pink Pills assist dig- estion, correct the lassitude, the pal- pitation of the heart, shaky nerves, and the pallor of the face and lips that are the results of thin, impure blood. You can get these Pills from any medicine dealer, or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. \Villiame Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. SONGS OF TODAY AND YESTERDAY Hear them 'rendered . by the Sea - forth 'Minstrels at Goderich Opera House Thursday, hp*? 26th. Another sign of age is for people to begin to tell you. how young you look. Nott, the pastor of the local Baptist church, presided, and Rev. R. G, Me - Darold, pastor of the church' in which the meeting; was being held, assisted in the opening and closing religious exercises. Mr. Jryek McDertnid pre-. sided et the organ and there )vas e I to the serpents, "Thustar and no large choir present, including mem. farther," andas soon as His protee- beret of both Knox and the Baptist tion was removed the serpents came church. Mrs. A. a. MacKay tang and bit the people,' But when God "The Ninety and Nine" with feeling punished people he .always provided and fins, effect.a remedy; the brazen' serpent was to Itt his opening remarks Rev. Mr. be set up on a pole so that all who Elliott :said that while he had preach- looked to it cotild a be cured of the ed anniversary sermons on Sunday poison of the venomous serpents. dila service (on Tuesday night) .was The poor Israelites bitten. with' aer- their real anniversary, and he ex- pents were not told they must make Pressed his thanks to the people of 'restitution of all the wrongs they had Knox Church for the use of their edi- ever committed in order to be cured; flee Or the occasion. , nor even to get into religious work. Mr. Savage prea<chea an evangelic- They were simply told to look at the tie sermon. He summed the case of brazen serpent. and those who looked a man dying as the result of an auto- were healed. And the message of the mobile aeeident, with only five min- Gospel was, 4'Aa Moses lifted up the utes to live. He supposed the man a serpent in the wiltterness, fven do must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but haveeverinat. ing life." It was true thenthat there was life fora took, simply for the acceptance of Chrlat. 11 tmereeweliwit,etcm,„,„,,,e....emvim„..,„„„: • JVQ•W This Healthful F or�cl is Served in a New Way WE have installed a new Frigidaire toeless Refrigerator and . offer you ";'S!L VER WOODS' FAMOUS ICE CREAM„ in just the way you like it—BRICKS, BON BONS, DIXIE CePS, CRISPY CONES'and BULK. Start today to eat and enjoy this PULL OF VITA MIN FOOD" —it`s good for adults And nourishing for the children. ... HANDLED CAREFULLY WHERE CLEANLINESS IS PARAMOUNT SPARR'S �yGROCERY GODERICII TerlephtNne 146 THE STORE OF SATISFACTION We Deliver in towrt Hamilton Strret ties Ae 111,` " it IVNI 0r11101MJsr0 MA .41 VICTORIA ST. ANNIVERSARY Rev.. Mc. Alp Preaches Last Sunday at Victoria St. United Church Victoria street United ehureh vele- • breteal its nnnirereary on Sunday last rand hod Rev. Mr. Alp, of Auburn United dburrh. as the speeial preacher ee for the day. thepastor, Rev. S. def» ferson, exebanging work with Mr, a ' Alp. For his morning thein* Mr. Alp I took the words, "It is I; be not, RO▪ I afraid." and for his evening eubjeet the command to keep the Sabbatn flay holy. preaching two eloquent and i, practical sermons. At the morning service Mra. Sutcliffe rendered a very One solo, "God's od's . Way Is the B,st • 50 YEARS AN ACID.TEST CALLAGHER's HERBAL FAMILY REMEDIES 30_ Preparatienx- -SQ DR. COOK'S VETERINARY REMEDIES 7--Prepatratlons--7' A remedy for your special nerd. We like the HARD cases. Peterborough Canada COUNTY SALESMEN WANTED ? Write for our proposition. Buy Made in Cassels Goodie ar m Can L Pacific SAILINGS Pima! MONTllEAL. 1`o Liverpool May 27 jun.. 21 Montrose Juno 3 July 1... Montealnt 'line 10 July 5....t buic.los.L June 17 July ia,...,Montt'lare To felfast-Gass ow May 26 Ian. :'3... . �tttliii dnne.0.1111e 7.. elri.+gam:t To Antwerp Me 23.... \I•irloeh x t,'Ia eirerneek PLUM ijt`F.iuK(: 'Co titrrlttottefa-:+onthatttpton- AMU erg' June Juno 2s.. ..sinner..t;sl .lune 13 hilt t2.....!sluntiielrsl '1'e t.herhoarit•e+antltsutplen;, . 11anthearft M.y' fh ,1110.':•: ruts+. Scotland time $ Jtt i'' 2".1 .F:a:;.. 1 t'.at!t'., \'i'•r ,;lU'thna.-r'.tstiis,tlnpinit l.:11:4; %!'.K %KM 0411 Int *1ST 'MOD t'tIalYi tND kt'ltt►tt Vs, lot' Its !iota% 1•, fowl, 15•'014, J. r. 1'tilhl:tt r.. 1 , lav •!. i'a. 1i •i.! . s , l'.;i lli.l,,.. 'r... •:lf•+. I t a.,o1' flNt • Fine Pastries and Bakeshop Delicacies Fresh from our ovens many times a slay. Just give 'us a trial for your Pastry or Breadneeds, and you'll be delighted with the „ quality. QUALITY GUARANTEED. A 01?VZ'ER BAKED BREAD Corteous Salesmen . Prompt Senile° Phone l84 E G. SMITH e delirter .7 4.!a[,r 1 find the. NAVQ. i:\ it R.+i ' �� C ANDflTAL LOW FARE EXCURSION) ' Goderich to ET"(�I�' and Re urn THE BIG STEEL STEAMER GREYHOUND. '$4,00 sAFE SPEEDY, COMFORTABLE $2.50 Round Trip WILL LEAVE GODERICH One Way -• June 7th at 9�U a. ret Tuesday Arriving Port Huron -1.30 p.m., Detroit .5.30 pan.: Returning leaves Detroit 1 p.m., Thursday:, June 9th The only boat trip from Goderich to Detroit this season. Child• ren between 6and'12, half fare. Visit your Michigan friends and see big and busy. Detroit. "A delightful trip over the great international highway of lakes and rivers. Don't miss it. Last trip Goderich to Detroit, Friday, June 10th, at 9.30 a.ni. Come and enjoy the fun • - MOONLIGHT OUT OF GODERICH Under Auspices of Women's Hospital Auxiliary MONDAY, JUNE 8th, AT 8.30 p.m. PIN'ZEL'S ORCHESTRA for dancing in steamer's big new ball room Three hours on beautiful Lake Huron for 50e. Children 25e. The aid Tittle saying A PENNY SAVED IS A PENNY MADE We Can Save You Dollars We have at quantity of Coal stored on the Ocean House property, and it is going to cost fifty cents a tart to move it over to our Coal Yard, and we are going to give you the advantage of this saving. While it lasts we fie Chestnut Coal at.. $14.75 per ton,. delivered Stove Coal at.... *15.25 per ton, delivered AR$ YOU DOING ANY BUILDING? We are offering the material out of the Ocean House at the following prices: HEMLOCK -4 x 4, 2 x 8, 2 x 8, 2 x 10, and 2 x 12 which is as good ea new, for'..... $35.00 per 1,000 feet Lath, At... :.30c p`r bunch Mae Li r Dome and boor Frames, Windows and Window Erauariies for equally at good values. For Hakrdware, Paint and Osis, Plumbing and Heating, get our CHAS. Co LEE The Hardware at the Wharf *1410 GRANOLA* PLUMIl$e1R WWI HATING Electric Wiring. &ere Inoue 13. gem 'Plume 112. 111111111.111111111111.111111.11111.11111.1.11111111.1, 41.