The Goderich Star, 1927-05-12, Page 2Grocers
If you urated mo:natli in„i t better—tvY' It.
sij g;,kw Qaitt
. Dering Freaathwtela's Flight St. John's, Newfoundland, to Clifden,
Ireland, covering 1,960 miles in 16
Staking their fate er►tiz on their hours, 12 minutes, using n Vickers-
eeroppane, Captain Charles Nungei'ser view biplane. .
and !Captain3•rancoia. Coli, two off The same year Barry G. Hawker
Frame'', greatest war heroes, under and Lieut. -Commander M. Grieve at -
took to conquer the Atlantic Ocean tempted to cross from St, John's to
in the thrst non-stop flight from East Irelapind, but fell into thi--rea when
to Weat. ('erry� isle wily x small their plane developed engine trouble.
.supply of ga.oline in order to Pave They were rescued six days after the
*eight, they frit Paris with only ,start by A steamshin.
4. en
minute. fuel after
last g he .und c Two dirigible airships have crossed
away ca ,titer leaving the ground. twit
away their landing gear. For food the Atlantic in non-stop flights.
they carried only, a few bananas, a New Border Ruling 'Delayed
little caviar, and it thermos Resit est Negotiations continue between the
coffee. Their route ..was over the Canadian legation and the United
south -%west comet of England, touch- States (Departments of State and La-
ing the west i oest of Ireland,, and 'bor over the new border ruling. of then orf over the broad Atlantic in the United States, which provides
the direction of Newfoundland. The that Canadian -born subjects working
first non-stop 'transAtlantic flight in'the Stater' and residing in Canada
was made by Captain John Alcock must obtain a visa and pay bead to
and Lieut, A. W. Brown, British ,and excludes British4 orn *Mode
flit in Jul 1913 They fiery from entirely except under the quota la
THURSDAY, MAR 1lilli. -
W'►lb no heed aaasamaimasta ass ; alaiass2 at Dew. #atlas ]I[e,La�rew,
reser trim either sees, it ire felt tit t # ar•itlswdsaat e[ Qieags's i
nothing will be died le eaaftwos the ri, t^ aeiese system, this distiMt+�►Met Mn- .�.
tithe( mate the priraag.m of verities -
1 <' — eater eta sell deaoMatoad b! iris
ale of biota tosintries have teen �- _ xiwr.aistf, a4szias _.tlat.._fll 4 ! s _ �t. . _ __- .11t~M. _ .. ��*..,..,..
�� . ,fit,. �lWAMteri145
cooed thoroughly. ati a ,`stool-pi;rsott er0r
Ter C'wt Qisitee's tiger Friase
"Our liquor will be cheaper in
Meke than that sole is said
r. Stewart McCisssmg�onle et
the members of the Ontario Liquor
('ontrol Board, in ntaetaaseing a'.• Ot•
taws that the sale of liquor under
Government Control would set start
f.-�r at least a week or tett data after w
Mey 1l1, ' The Cowiraiaalomter said tbat i
et least 75 different brands of wistes t
rind liquors would hie sold along with w
beer, ale, and porter.
Centel, I'Ise itlghset Mirth etstc
A recent Dome on of Govcraanlent
compilation shows that the birth
rate in Canada is the highest in the I
world of the white races. Of the nine
provinces of the Dominion New Brun. t
swiek is the feeder with a rata• nt 27.1
births per thousand, Saskatchewan is
non with' 24.7 per thousand. 'rhe
distinction of having the lowest death
rate in the world is claitited by Sas- l
katchewan with 6.8 per 1,000 of pap-
Te Iacrosse Elevator Facilities
The eonvic ' n that the grain crop[.
of Wes ,nada during the next
dee . will attain new high level% is
being held in grain exchange eirclsat,.
as well as' in the headquarters of the
Canadian Wheat Foal. As a result
pretentious plans have' been shade to.
increase the elevator• facilities all oven
the prairies. The big railway con-
struction program is also adding to
the requirements In this connection.
Orders for Faris Implements
During the put few weeks lerge
orders for farm implements and bin-
• der twine have st.,een placed with
Canadian. manufacturers by rePresen-.
natives of the Russian Soviet Govern
da ment. These orders ere doable those
xr given all last year, and seven trains
will be required to trannsport the
vr,+ goods now on order to the seaboard.
Time I�ayrnents
There iut�. Cana�.a
ord National Payment Plan enables
you to buy a car for the saame cash and
monthly payment anywhere in Canada.
A small down payment ives you delivery of
any inode'l you select. a balance. is paid off
.in standard monthly pa ents which do not
va .regardl of. tax, icense, freight and
delivery charges or the addition of approved;
Ford acc�es.
This arra regement briings car ownershiip Within.
the .reach of ale who re dly desire the conven
• lence and pleasure that only a car can brring.
It is sound bu inesa to buy youir car from
income rather th an from savings.
The unusu« lly attractive te> of this plan
are at your coiumand.
Runabout „ : $/75 down and
Touring ' . x95 tt
Spurt Roadstef~ 210
Sport Tou g 220 u
Coupe r ..
Tudor ae 2S0 '
F'ofrd�ir : .i 21 "
ttrt lis *Pet a
$35 a month
40 �� tt r
tt 40
ti 40
44 40
T Id+t r* Pittance Co potation, Limiited
__ _ . _ "flliile" Ihtays Abetlsbawd
dais'" in Grw.t ilritaitr
been re#erred to as sr blew
bsrwiae will tease. if lire
adapts the report of lite
Con►mmttee, wliicb was
y the Baldwin Yinis4ry to
and report on existan>C
antan,� the ttn:nmplayed,
� wbitb bas
shag. sad 't
's Government
ep oested it b
appointed b
mi .1.1""14.1441:v
ases._«.I ams�ae inquire intocalnaarteiIrecoirnrmee'd LydiaF{altlt wegstwitbisCawpound t• and stag*est methods of reston.
,tug wrsssrw poi three aiorrtha Ona thing at ;east is settled to the
I,a,e,� k.l and cou ,oat satisfaction of hill concerned, in that
sit at the teiis lsag eggewe h to driait the stories circulated throughout
f taw. elawy aw •hese my hue- Europa a►ad the •Empire that the
a a
berer carried MS is lead, l AVM its was abused bythe British vt rknm
so weak. That hemmed Seth's piper
of a Nassau ies[eaiag as I did who
gotlrsteerattertakirw the Vegetable
Cog ase he *Mt *rid got it for
nee. �I bate Wien three battled
I wale joist like ■ new wooers and
have bid ksa eiverseesutoe.
Wises I feels bew'lwag own Pains.
I atware take it; asattaetimes a half
bottle or wbatsrrr• 1 need. It is my
ash' msdciale V411'4110 teed awnawy .a
one about it. Aay one eiggiaeiger
know more about i+5rihwH. Finkaionta
V to Com
S will gladly
to to her. Ii 1 Earn Sio
ontnieiid it for I feat Solve awry life
and s to 1t." Nate Ne!wt[.
Iia o �1R.1hi, Weeping,
and eek you sometimes? Be^:�w •Jaen
this horrid feeling of fear winch roma-
times comas to women whorl th arc
not well? Lydia, E. !Inkhorn?' Veg.
etabfe Compound is excellent the take
at inch a time. It always be4pa, and
if taken regularly aind peg
will relieve this condition.
This Ad.
It is just to remind you that we
are busy serving particular dres-
sers'; like you in our custom tailcv--
int, special order and ready -et -
wear departments. A full .tack
of men's smart furnishing.,.
Get your order in. early for
ou Centennial Togs
wetvtr entirely ithout basis of fact. N 'PHOM
The committee re North Side H A 21St
parts very favorably `a+� rt
on the character of the Brit'sh we
Square • t Wear
er and bis independence and teenerail BLACK
Tbs � Tailoring and •M'f'r► s �'r
self-reliatrce. It recommends the re-
ataration of the unetnpioyment incur-
ante on the princtpisa according 'to •• 1---.."."-"*"."......" which it was erre*hmatlly► drawn. It has bean found that a spray fallen, the tr his is the a ma the
" ietilsee 'Tragedy in Montreal' should be applied abnut:the time'when Calyx Spray.
A sad tragtrdy was enacted in the the buds on most varieties have clear- Pink Serve but great„ care should to the
. for the
Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal, lv burst if scab is to be controlled. taken to drive the 'mat
iso that tiisxe
legit week -end, when a Mani-mi3e eNillait ;the :imam;Y deaf ox I re- calyx or eye of the app
fobs doctor, Frank Bra n f Car- Pink Spray. It is applied at time rate 'is Sufficient poison to Trill the' yroutig
of Lente Sulphur 1-40 or Bordeaux ; Codling worm when it attem,�'to to
swan. shat 1yr. J. Ft It ap ears t •at he ab eel of this spray is to ; enter the fruit at this Paint. Inmadia
0i -twain in the neat .and arm and then corer T j
cover the tips of the blossoms ;and ' spray a special effort should be
killed 'hi by putting a- bullet the young leaves thoroughly, to pre- iso cover the tree well front both sides,
t scab pores from the old leaves 'This is the most important spray for
the control • of the t^odhing Moth and`
door, and au growth
This is often then a day or two makes tall the difference
and :success.
About twelve days later, the Small
�J he t'►psna llliattseapi Canthal , (►t the present time, the Young buds Apple .Srrav is given. Lime Sulphur
I 'rho new Australian capitril, Can are more or less covered 'by smell 1.40. with 1 round of Lead Arsenate
.herrn, was officially opened on Mai, green aphids, • From examinations of a potted. of Calcium Arsenate as a
eel by the Duke of ,Cork, amid great .made, these. appear to be ehietiy oat poison, Use 3 pounds of Hydrated
celebrations. For many years this aphids, which will, in the course ,of Lime to every' 40 gallons of spray.
he several weeks migrate tcj, the grain The. Knee should be added before put-
t fields, causing but little in3ury to the ting in the poison, In eases where a'
at" trees, soeeial eerily is given 'for Sideworms,
oar Lt More men are applying .Sodium Ni- the poison near be omitted front the
trate to the apple trees than pre- Small Apple Spray.
'ds 'o sl as it stimulates the trees into 'In a year when Tun is dry. th"
sy, • •vi u y
es- rapid growth and aiidq 'it! the develop- ,Small Apple Spray is often emitted"
His menu of fruit. except on varieties very subject to •
4Vh mast of the blossom, aro scala es Snow, iticIntosh, Gravensteirs
Dr, 'Brown entered Pudtiicitnibe's bear in* the orchard attacking this year s
room,locked the fired four most int-
s te tin
ha al at him. The came of the r#asttt ;sPrttY for the prevention nlwooting has -net yet' been •asvertained. b,.
new capital has been the dreamt
Japanese War on Flappers the 'people of this great part of
Japan has declared war on, the British Empire, and it has new m
nmodern flapper, and bobbed isair, erialized. The Duke opened the
shore skirts, facial betake -up, and other of the Parliament Buildings with
fashions of. the'4Vestern girls ar•t-ban- golden key, and shortly afterwa
by the eMetropolitan Police Board unveiled a statue of Ills Mahe
of Tokio. An Englishman was as- King George, his father. It:was
rested on a *barge of enticing .'aP- netly 20 years to the days since
unese girls to his premises in order Majesty, thee the Duke of Corn
to teach them: western ideas, and over and York, opened the First Par.
a hundred flappers were rounded up in ment of the Commonwealth, and b
the streets and told to go back to the . King oeorge and -Queen _Mary
kimono and stay off the streets; messages to the Australian pea
• through the Duke.
Broadcast Jubilee Celebrations
Pre>1jably the xaealessi radio rhe.
wall en showing pink, the trees should be end' Early Ilzrvest.
oth thoroughly .covered with Lime Sul- The above sprays thoroughly put on
sent phur "1.40, taking erre to cover the will usually control scab sueeeesfully.
p1e' thoroughled y outer
eA poison iss of e added'breeches
in early ,August andwhen eweather i$ pramises to ere-
this spray to control 'biting ins-'cts. ,Hain so an application of :•Line. Sul -
Either lee lbs. of Arsenate of Lea•, or phrr 1-50 not late- then mid Aue•ust:
B mall' 1 ib. of Arsenate of Lime (Calcium'will net as an assurance against late
ever undertaken will
lie attempted in Arsenate) may be used to every 40 infections of the scab.
broadcasting the Jubilee celebrations gallons of 's ray. In either case, 3 ------
a Ottawa, allover e lbs. of Hydrated Lime should be ad -
commi ee ofiP 'experts i "met_
e to this amount_a poison.
ingout plane which, ifsuccessful, willwt the blossoms
Doable stations ail over the world to sometimes es en. before this
t th world. A p h ld d Miller's W-rm Petvders are swelet
tt rad a peri s ded
. f In and Palatabie to ctvidren. who 'how
p h h, seasons of rapid gxo h, no 'hesitance" in ..takan ' them:. They
may sap etim op will c^i°tance being worm txo.hlvs trw
]hick up and re tlroadeast the ringing spray' i r completed. In such eases an errs, ThAy are n s;trenerthening '
i •i' i E'
of the new carillon bells in the Vic- the poison shoaald be omitted. In or- „rid � stn„ �ttni," medicine, dory cr lir
tory tower at Ottawa. The message der to obtain clean, marketable fruit the disorders of, digestion that the
to be spokenby His' Majesty King it is neeessary to spray carefully and worms cause and imparting a healthy
George on this occasion; of ors anions thoroughly combat the .menterous . tette to the, system most beneficial to
will else be broadcast throughout the insects and diseases to which the fruitdevelopment.
.Empire. is subject.
Fishing Ban Rm
eoved 'When most of the blossoms have [' rum' itiole 1 i`.e.: '" 'I114 AT Ata
In response to numerous .requests .......-
from,the, sardine fishing industries �n
the Maritime Provinces, that the base
• on herring catching in the Bay of
Funday ba removed, the Department
of Marine a and Fisheries- has issue I -a- ..-, .
dispensation, Herring may now be
caught for purposes of converting in -t,
to oil and similar products in ,New
Bruns[Tack.=-.._ —__-
It Wilt Relieve a .Cold. -Coeds are
,the commonest ailments of. mankind
conditions. Dr. Thomas' EelcCtric Oil
and, if neglected may lead to serious !•
• •
13ItITAII�I'S'I+IF�V SEA LORD will relieve the bronchial passages' of
inflariiniation speedily and thoroughly
Sir Charles Maidden, Admiral of the and ':will strengthen them against ,
British Fleet, has been.chosen by the subsequent attack. And as it eases.
Government to succeed Earl Beatty the inflammetion'it will usually stop
as First Sea :Lord. The appointment the cough because it allays the erre- t.
of ,Sir -Charles Madden, who is de-tation in the throat. Try it and
scribed as a strong, silent nran, dime prove it. I
ass a great surprise in naval circles. SPRING AND SUMMER CARE
Method in His Madness . OF THE ORCHARD
".Excitement • About Popes and
Kings as the ,watchword of a 1oca1 During the last three or four years
American; election •'seems to reveal .
something of the origin and mental- there interesthas intbeen applae. growingmarked inrevival theSn j
ity of our city populations," says the County, of Huron. Fanners myth rea,- I
American Review of Reviews in des-;:lizing that in order to have market- i,
eussing the election of William Hale able fruit, the orchard should seceivo
Thompson as Mayor of Chicago, upon at least the same care and time as
a platform "w.hose principal plank any other farm crop. As a , result, ,
would: seem to consist of stn intense we notice awl, through the aunty a 1
ein,'' tappxoval of royalty in Great Be. we
number of orchards froom which
sttette" the dead)
wood, surplus branches and t.
The author of the Article regards sucker growth are'being thoroughly ,
Mayor. Thompson's campaign as. but• pruned 1.
a preliminary gesture toward an at-
t- It t a very good plan at this time
[tempt�to capture the Republican prem to arra off the Toole bark of the 1'
sidential nomination at the national trunks scrape
larger loose
b efi with 1
convention a year hence. This would hoe as the codling worms and other
seem to be borne out by the post -1 insects spend a part of their lives in t
election statement istiued by Thomp- such sheltered places. Where orch- 1.
eon in which he dwelt almost entirely lards are .cultivated. it is advisable to 'r
upon national politics. In this ^tate-_str ossi
went Thompson declares that he has ' in beginThe ,scultipringvatton to brasat moistureoa•aspwill beble 1
IPermanently organised the "America,!tetained, and an early start for (Peek
First Association"" which has in Chi. early growth assisted. It is eealamy
sago 700,000 niemisers, and whwill use the disc where the land is not
be organised in every state "ich far the `too heavy or stony, or where a thick
, purpose of organizing the disorganis- crop has [ref to be worked in. ' Cultic'
cd majority to beat the highlyorgan..vation should eease not later than the
hate minority' to the end thhaat ,delmiddk of ..June to• prevent danger of
gates will be ;tent to both national .Iate
conventions standing for 'America In this county where we art not
First' and voting for `America First' bothered.with the San Jose Scale, the
eandidsteu."' Thi% means "the ]CSIs- early dormant spray of Lime Sulphur
ing of AO League of Nations or World 1„7 is rstw generally emitted except
Court." in orchards where the Oyster Shell
„ The Chicago papers announced that Scale in very abundant.
the Mayor intended to steins the dee,
31E�iII�IF��IiilEil�eilE�31��1�i1IlE�lE�li��lEd1EIlE�1���lEi��1�i1�ElIE�IE�IE���1!'�IIE�IE��IEIIE�IE�6E3OE��3@E'�� 3�.�.ush is STOCK SALE)."
on at the.. .
Formerly known as The Royal Ladies' Ready- To -Wear, GODERICH
1..ttjistleCesp-VINu Away from This Sale.
y^+f�...f.YaMw,•.,) ,T �� Af r. I.% ��, M.YJ�C> � U : ''
W i114 Buy your WINTER 'COATS NOW. You can save from $10.00 to' 5:00 on' Y every. garment ' You buy parr.
undre of have bought and saw. � You can do the same. Come to Our Stores. Lock over Our Act. in last
week's paper.
t Side Sq�ue. dor LsiCS
Clessi Weieeek AlirNsst
<: • s•.
. i
. . 4
t t
t t
_. - - .1.�. •,_ter 7y,�•�.'7`
Side Square for Men
Bay 'i►re Year Mar Bays More
Safety on the Highways
must be maintained
AGREATER responsibility for itlert caution rests on
the motorist using the highways now that; the speed
limit has been raised. •
In every case speed must be governed bythe circum-
The change in the law does not to the slightest extent
relieve the motorist from responsibility for careless or.
-reckless driving,. Indeed, in this respect the faster move-
ment of traffic, on the highways will thrust upon drivers a
greater necessity for caution.
In villages, in heavy traffic at cross roads or railway
crossings, where adults or childrenare using the highway,
near schools, and at Curves and bridges, care must be exer-
cised bythe motorist in accordance with the circumstances.
Obedience to .the law andcourtesy to others, is expected
at all times.
The raising of the speed limit in no way lessens the
necessity for caution. The thane inthelawwilt tot ntiti-
gate the offense of recklessness or carelessness on the part
of any driver. Attention is particularly directed to the
provision for cancellation of the car's license which may
follow subsequent conviction for reckless dtiving.
The safety of the highways must be maintained. The
Department hopes that motorists will realize this and will.
stave through carefulness and eourteay+ to continue to
keep Ontario highways safe for all who use them.
Ontario hep artinent of
The Holt. GEO. S. HENRY, Minister
31E�iII�IF��IiilEil�eilE�31��1�i1IlE�lE�li��lEd1EIlE�1���lEi��1�i1�ElIE�IE�IE���1!'�IIE�IE��IEIIE�IE�6E3OE��3@E'�� 3�.�.ush is STOCK SALE)."
on at the.. .
Formerly known as The Royal Ladies' Ready- To -Wear, GODERICH
1..ttjistleCesp-VINu Away from This Sale.
y^+f�...f.YaMw,•.,) ,T �� Af r. I.% ��, M.YJ�C> � U : ''
W i114 Buy your WINTER 'COATS NOW. You can save from $10.00 to' 5:00 on' Y every. garment ' You buy parr.
undre of have bought and saw. � You can do the same. Come to Our Stores. Lock over Our Act. in last
week's paper.
t Side Sq�ue. dor LsiCS
Clessi Weieeek AlirNsst
<: • s•.
. i
. . 4
t t
t t
_. - - .1.�. •,_ter 7y,�•�.'7`
Side Square for Men
Bay 'i►re Year Mar Bays More