HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-05-12, Page 1.
- ___._ - �_, `r-� ---`,W��--T _1-V-�-qA-,l, .,--'%—, — -",. I _____ �, -, r*- " — , _VFr_ - - _- - -- — � ---- -- TV1I--r—,_- -- , - 1. - - - �7 ----.4
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Aft - __tAL_ . "Immmwmmnmm� - - - - -
I Lam I � J. * I I I For Printed Matter !
- U" Owr Want Ads. I I I �
I � Na"fteskar the "ai",eat of
I. .1-1`1t STAR AD& K THE MARK. C I , . tc . or THE GQDERICH S.TAR
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. , . - an 1111—ow 1. . I .1 L. -.-Io- I - *..', �,
. - � - - - ___ - � - - 11 , -1 I'll .1I�I1=:.1.I — " = — ___ �
. UXTY-EIGHTH �Y"R '_ sutoevip%o $X a .y"r in cavAds ' � I
1 . — a y"r to - U. - S. pWats. . . � 1.1.111 I11111_...6...._.. WALTER NAIrTEL, Publijiler. "" ( I
' , __ - __ ' - — . -
=;:*-_-�_-�_ �. , i
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. TM 48th 910111dom 841do Of TM"ftv 1111 Visit G*dsk FAby st Menial Week .... ThouUnds of E118010 Lights Will 111aminte tke centm Of the--- - , ; I
.- — Town
.4 . . � f I I -_ -_ ____
I__ . - -
1. .. I - 11 _ 4 ;XacXwsn prtside,d aod say* the in- A Pretty Infors"I W"Wing � __ ... ��
, . roductory allress. Ray. C. F. OBITUARY i PEOPLE WE KNOW '� 0 0.011111 -0
I At Diet��Atj on Satuhigy 0le ' il I
. CWko Ifid in the oponing prayer." pril It 111119, WREILLY.The fuzwrid of the I Mrs. M. W. Howell is vialtitlK in WHERE 1DRAL COXI)III()oIj,�4
r �,� A It% " Ruby* Snazel, yoang-,I late
AdOlresses appropriate to the day �1,0,t . Conwhes Joseph U'R illy, whnDvtroit thix week. . PREVAIL I
sun Life Anurance Go. of Canada I 'wore delivered by Rev. Canon Hill and' I ell of Mrs. Saasel and the died in D*troit May. loth, taLlk pluee,1
, 'lat,� trMth"I*r Snasel, of Gkkrieh, be.,;� iron, Mism Jowl. Pinder, nurov-in-tia"011 19
I ,Rev. (I. �F. Clark*. A couple of 14 Brophoy Drum. ' mdertskipjr�at the Toronto Genecal JIu,ipwtaJ,,j,i' A Canadian citizen touri"Ar
. hymns were sung, a 4 the benedic-:' to Kin ,home (in varation, .,* . citylt0in wtkinh of the Vaitet
. You Don't Hav# to Die to Win n esme the bride of Mr. D. FrMerieVroonis this loorning .,
. Ition was �iorunoubee,d by Rev. 11, 'Roller. of 14troit. Th- evivitiomy The dee#40ed of4bridee.; -vam aga, report.
T ,. (I � wait Of; years v age. �, Mrs. 11. Pallintor unit '4011 "vere wek1k., Mates it tow �t_
. In 1926 the Sun Life .k6suranee Co. of Canada paid to livinic plil- . a .t perforlyled In the Vttlt methigliAt ' rd on his return tMt h -had I
. , MeDermill 4 1: wa,
I fo, 427,824,55G. ! quite a number assembled for the ser-'Eiiisiviltal church, where Easter lilies. te (,,harlox end visitors with Mr. anti Mr.4. Chap.: vral go
. ivy holdevs, in maturing lf)lii4es and other bersefit MIAXTOSH.---The funeral of tht,
� hyacintN and tulips adomod the altar � )a McIntotilt, whit filed ill � PANWA tfrownith at% , W.
.,,�. These poli(y holders lived to 4vinjor the frults of thoir Own prudence. - Vke. 1 j.0ot-P, ("Jinton. I villed tow"i where a,molutely 'I
. To re I presentatives of polloyholders wholdled during the year lW111 ','A W"k-a V, �i before whivil the vows were spoken at London. took plave front 11roplivy j Mr,. Mullwath. of I.-Itfiloll %vaq ill ideal business twiditiont, obt,fli".
, e8rog." undertaking roonis this i.t Noo,tvk ftttobjj.)$: tilt,
- 107. These,policyliolders did rot live to I rain Arrival* t'i O'klock, Rev. F.v* afficiatinic. The v funpral ed. It hAd there Iwn possibic
0,7iil,', , . .
"I , . -m;ielve,�l. The money payable under their .policies ! Last Thursday thl, Dayton uniaaded,�'I)rldal party entered the church to the; tingtilo St. Pktor's church and tbeb%!e'qlf tho late Mr. John Grab,im. �, .
. "' La"niont tbi Ang � , 41 e Roman Catholier vemetery In �
. . " to so establisih a spirit of co. I
T", "", i " a chance to those they left behind. Surt Life policies pro- " 2331,000 bushels of wheat at the Tran- q'Str4king - of the IlOhengrin wedt Me I .
. P I- - .sit Elevator; on Friday the quejloe iniarch. The bride wore .a gown � Colborne for internienti Ne. .41itIn., s. F. G. Kershaw wishes to 4vt.' optr4tion anif good wilL not 9h. .1
� . vitielviinniependence for the policyholder who lives; they support tht., of1osh was bt his Si3rd.year. flituasill
. '*w . family of the policyholder who dies. A"',000 bu&hels of screenings and�Freinh blue chifforiapdVenetiall lacc�f,on Ariounet, bee receiving ilay us the ,fr,) �' Jy 1130009 the bu0news and pr4.
I 18 , of the late t,fkitt. .jIeIato,,h, oejuesday of each )if nth at her home.,j fessional men. but also Ifte.tweelt i
0 I 'ushelsi of Iwbeat,l on Saturday:with pieture hat f ,
.1 1. - . 1. � I .I I---- 1,000 L 0 P�aQh color hOr,*i;�- 'oderiell. lington .418,liol, alld, � these and the general pablie. .
, I
"". 4' ' - ' . ithe Uaplecourt 87,000 bushela j�ihair, and her bouquet Waa famitioned I G GRAIIAU , Britannia Road. I , with the reflult that the "to -it I *
'A a a .--Xr. John It. Cral,lijil,
Phone 115 ; - H. R. LONG, District Agent .: wheat and 51,000 bushels of oats, on � 'If ButtOrflY To, I Lid White siveet
. . I L
. i,.Nlonday the Saskatchewan o P for over thirty years, at residepl, (if; Mrs. Andrew, Aliss Ray Antlre,% harmonious relations foervaded
. . I I 100,000-0104q, Urs. N. R. Damm,, as mate n �
__ I I I I I I bushels of w1wat, and on Tuesday the" -if honor, -wore it gown (if sFilophir,., �' Goderiell, 11,18sed away -on Wedni,,�(Isy valid Miss Hume. of Goderitili, are a - i these totins. 'flit, busiflesli men
. . � _ "' horn Ili . . I tending tile London Vqnfortim�i i were content to live and let Ill e,
I 1, . . . "� ,.., .. �� .. 11 � Alex. B. Uhrig 232,000 b "Ilie with hat to match - ar i Of last Week. HQ Nvas Stajjjo�
I . usheli of � ROM a"d cr - ,
I I yk)jjb�p P, braiwit of the W. M. S., whh!h liki. -� �� to refrain front adoptim., unfair,
I . I . FOUND I j � oits, When the, harbor entrance is � vied toa roses and sweet pea.i. Mr.,, township ,Ind lived there unti , till,, " and unethiral bushirlis Methods.
. -, _-, . ,.---17- 1 - 0 (l Q �'r. "
I I-It"XI). -A7.1C,i V�.Upt. tolilift, (7,11 OWN TOPICS i dred.red to the 26 feet planned for � John $te-wart assisted the brido,groom "Ill"110 (I, when b ealb tit Go4l I,:)', ,� beell IllIk-ting in Walkerville � ..
. I I . as beat man. Xiss Doris - JjjjTei,, Q L-. ' ' ' 4 to lend a helifing hand to each
Ilave I-11tilk, till autilvilm ' tit W. .1.1 I---- ----l 1 tilt.,, yea0l; prograbi, and the inside ,, � toWl"Olip. . Ile.hirroed jin the filt),tivid - we . : I
. ! I . road for 6 few yezirs but,rc;vtbi; paq I 'U 9 W. ,.. Joinder till. I
� . RuldiluK, varelahilp, central 140mol. Floods in Brandon . I basin deepened, also a part of this'who, N ee' . t ,� .�Ir. ij,( - . r. . 1, P, ;vthur In trouble and adversit,y,
� . -1 � k vorti-tan 'F'41* gown and "at tiolthirty year.A%t ��;(Iio(l in (;�jil;i.,j.h. � � noun(,(, tile � anti to 4v%ten4 to one avother . .
. —_ , , ,year's program, grain vessels will be � match. Nviih corsage bouquet of pink I I ongla!'oMent. - of thilir such bu-iineFs patrowg4l, a.g Jay
I . Dies. Geo. V. pfrimiller (iffie. Violet arried to Sar"If, A. Jolill-4ill), dQughler XXIry to 'Mr. W. Ili. Iftonry. "
I FOR SALE able to make the Goderich harbor tn. � "(1131"', and swept vow�, sang llrle- 1 fie i1vam, ill,
. _ .___ 110-1_� rdward) sends us a picture cut frout trance in practically any sort of Nvea. I clause" and "I love you truly." The i of Goderich township, Avil(i qjj"iv,.j, f,(In for Mr. ktni1'Mrl,.,, I.% J. ljotiry or ID.their power. Thus the carr ..
, . -10c firepo i (,. Fairbairn. of Vancouver. it ' - - . ably go: the .
',I pj .
. Ft ill AAI.t'_Tw1y ifloWs, bolb. ft) fresh- I a trandon paper allowing the, do. ther and it willi,not be nectmartr 'to I bria6;' mother wore a Ill ! torother with two &4u"-,btvr.%, 31 It, A. ; Toronto, the ,we(lding to, talk�� Mlu ", pet-hagger lavarl
. .. . 01, temitill. s. .Nf. 11t,ijill.wil- vastation caused by the floods on the i lighten vessels 17 I , ,cold shoulder.11 for it it a,s tirIn. I ,
. 80N. "Milon strei,f. (10derich, ARsinitoolne River. The pletui going !Mto "Winter"',own ,-*lid �4ntin fiat. ,Nvith vnrl:_,.agolN,r.9. 1). N (", ao%l tho latt .
. I -e can , .1. (,a1nI,,. (Ill. (if ,J� I er part (If 51ay. ;.V established and acknottled"(.41 � I ''.
. � I
I , _ �. be seen in The Star window.. It givea ; d'?opert- boliquit of orchid sweet, peas. -I JiUble, � Oilt.l, and b ""..r.l. � mr. ,N,., F. 'Mat-Lecill "Ing 1100"I N! thid eiflm order whith could ,Ie I I
, Ill" ""luarters a'A the b' -ill be Idiatoly follo�viilg tile core rolittill Go4forith tlii!,,', I I �
(al ,,,,AbN%---NY1lW s"i ed suftici!e- i."iill N.' ono krandchil(f. Ur" I � .
ill liwel:t . ittly foi- them to carry them molly a,
l X. l" y1fUNIN I one Some Idea of whot tile peopl(. in, "Veek ahvptlin� itk file' I)Iac(,d it� the bon -
*t, . F .ItIMI- stit"ti, FRAN , 'I �full loadooln their winter bert! I �wodding dinner W,%�k served at tile !'Vanlpboll. Tliv, funeral took plai to I, Il' . to town. 110t I
]I 11. ., �),)q I distribution of publicity-wattor ftir,
'. ,, 1, W.
. urols,,00t, Toloph,'jilo ,,.tl,. Brandon ate fighting, )The pictures: I hool -.Cadillac hotel. The bride's, un. i rrlda�', the services bving vonduettlif i the Greyhound mursion next . whi-Al Was tent elsewhere, 61ta. . I J
. . .
. 10%�. . I show the floods almost up to tile top �A Red Cross Drive for Funds i ble " � by Rer. R. C. McDermid.' The pall. ' 1110111111- � ill-, drained that vounnuottIt lit . ; �;
I - �, - -- w -is lightod With tall candles nnd Ile waa necompanietil, Ity Mr,% - . .f ..
-I 02 tile fence -posts. A -bout foay city The ,Canadian Red Cross Soj4et- , , bpar(!rs, wpr,� Ne-srs. (1, M. jo -.1--miLt-, leiianlate . I
- -
I L,\\() T0 �REN'I'.- M- I," ,!"INN Air: blocks fire . under water and' ih� re.A. planning it -campaign t y is! boonlitifully--docorated with Tell roses linc.ton" Lean. I I rinenue, Ind serictl .
. I imok-wheat .itj)j#I-.* ' - 4,` . . o raise fundg'alld forns. Mr. anil I 44- Di. JohnSton, Robert Johnson tiad 141t to enrich SOMC Other 10C.11. . 1-1
, tit W',0.- .11.,: dents have moved to higher -proutid. � to carn, on the!,- pea Mrs. Miller ,do. Th4nins Johnston, -,dl Thv,��o filkwa Godorich bmttanstliji. - J��,,
. (It RE l`.1N4t,oAIj k". hali'll(I'l. 101joll'. 1702 r' I e progiram.. the t parted for. a wedding, tt it) tl� brotboirs-ln-l;m., I . pluline"i Lift in the litime tt
. 12, ( . ; Softball y car to) Friends' from a distan.-o attendhisr thfo, 0t tile Wmt�rn Ontario (`okisarva�ivv 14'r -a help, evcr�htfdy lit I,vdr . �
"'Il'orlelt. I I I . ' *e '
. . � . I surplus from tile wail days being ex -Tie Catskill Mountalus LGi �N � �
I � � . . _,_._,__ _ I A mooting for the Organization of i 11411';ted, $300,000 is what I,,, abiled york, golur by -%Vlly of Buffalo, Awl, funeral Wore Mr. and Mrs, V. 411; � As'loehition annual, Intiotinto, ih Lion- t!'Iia. . . -.1 I
. - - � AMWt-1 010 'soffb. 11 f the se A Nis, ,,.yolln,,t � don last Friday wor(o, 'Mr. xind Nina. if. � The,yefloeo, 111itin Vf1a,;*d,-01a �
- on was hel� Lis . I)( 11 ison, of Lojjdi,)n; j,Irs,.j. Na�,N , it). 11 . , order'll foor priatil.%"or-aw. Muff: �
I P1"�"`il"-'k 'I'la"IftV Of I I or as It ; at for Ontario. s Fr,y wkl.9 ill bvn.v and Nelieneetady, N. Y. 1, . . tin, of Essex, Ont.-. Mr,i. Wil-, 3,
.1,1th, of A. MavEw. r Will 11,10",k.alk"
I bill sou.wvao. Pki valld 'twl lllalr.,�jght, town the other.day arranging for altholl. retuln thex, will t1lio UT) thvIr'London; and r0ativm of the deceagiod �Mitmi Edna mael"'wall, Wir's Wakifordo;
- .. � 1. 4101li-ovd. spetilal 111 -tee it) colitraefift- , . Three teams ent 'town I . . I
. j,,i�.�ri,;j car,,,, . 0 is to bo 'TeSidtoace ,I' 13,31.; lftsb.wa Blvd., lit. , � e,ii i,i I 1 III IT i I o; renumb.%r it I all I)— dollf. vmw�
. , I . --- . ---- I --- . -A.-�i,-J,a-MJ*Ztl*--':--'E�'N*I%N'�4(�N. .- " I ?, SaItfoid, the G. ,(7. 1. and. �Ile � dri�e lit Groderich.. Mr. Le 52 , - . .
. S" f. I I' t -, .r;ifff�'Clrirw ,at .-I�.�--L4slo",but-onc-.=4uta-uiorA,-U�aiw., -lialrinan .of A 10(al coltimittep and troit. . ' . I 7. � front Aeaforth abil UvRill(op. anj '41,,,,l .. wid Mr.;. 11, or. T'Alvi.& , I ,10 ,�ell alid at a-al"(1- . I
I oll tht, _Lt � Nil
. ___ - I good league and _____ � __�ind Mrs. Dert MeWbimip- - � r to Mr. 11 ,*: I d"i"'illAv v �
vejI,. o
. f,rvmfS44�, -- - - . aroull arAd - erwo rdoo 1,,,� ,fou I
Wre n Mod to mike a ,;F�i,7findii�KRT737t —j i-i-ife-if(toU�tj-�,�,fi-a------- - I - ,V- iti;', 1i 1, fwnle'loull
�,� . I I �. 14 : � - � y. of Dub , AU�P�,�j_'_UojLbj,_,_,iX,
ally toani wishing to join should.voill- � 7EW RECTOR r' jai'n—oll'' ___�__f
I .. FOR SALE ORTQ HUI T ", in 4 speaker before'the dates af t1le, , FT. GFORGH'S. .h __M;L�� kLintcr.
L ., i : _,�___1_4" , , I � ". -
. �
. . _ ate With IV. G. McMillan, The,,, drivo. June 7th, 8th, 9tji n I t � JOHNSTO.N.11r, Will J. jol liquill iGtilin and Mr. A. Powell, - — . I
. . . . 111unk-l. 1. 4 d oth, 0: . � I I .1 * �_ ;I full, Goiill il . ,.. , I
. -'. - "Ath' .1". lie, gi e . x0ain the objects, . '.Qv� of , �
. .J�OVSI . FOR 6 ,.-Apply, III' .- xt rneetin will b hold ill the Vlv.�,l � C - I I i I N H. 'Mills. U. A.. L. Th., It � did �wt long survive as I. - - I-! I "' . 'o"d Prilltillip", -
.1. .. . .I'. I I evelilig, xay.1§01. '14 wriften, en. I f" Pected Will Take Char oe, of-, inn resident of Godiiirivh. It ,va'.1,6n. I . . , * -!t" ';"'�I�' ";"' d "'r"lt'alp"'
. � Dedrop1h.cobourg St- ; hall on Wednesday Sinee the .above NY. I 1111.� A tionagenat BRIEFTOWN TOPICS :1,110==mrQ"-.7j= *--(.-.-�11; j
1 ..: .1. _� __ -, 1�,_., . . � � �.N
. , - .
il J,U% I( le V , "'':%='t�X,�'...''." � ,1__r__.._-
. - � . ,. ';_�' " fra� ii isit -Goderldi N ly .Mareh 22nd last when lie eefk,bra, Q i C. linton Publ, ,tiffile" Colkfnliq�1'10,1:,=��- , ��7 !
' - - " "', I
I � . ,,, - �kloulwenlent has b:�on r.vv6ivPd tllat'. W03' IV.. Goder).,,h, Viret 8
I . , *��jljj 48th Highlanders, to X tjna�, " Lit' I
, I - - ,
,� .. � . Pll;�Iif,F...Itory Ill I Dk�. Rokktle�y Nvill b,� ill Godllj�jejj to: . . I . metieth annh-tin-Sary of hi...'birth" haS a �Iurpllls ill tho iivatvrworl� k do. � , . ,. . . 7- " � I . � � 11 i
, Nvt,q,t Friday of Cent�nujal Week, I . U �Llul . .. .1 I I ;the 11' I .;, . I
liatil ;jIld Mclotrie I I,,,,, I i is. oil � . , 1.
. _ . � . ,tit I !;I,�.n�, Ifil tW"'"'atirn I%" .. ; ,
� I I , St. N1,111 be kwIdj at it bai,xalfi 1,;Ayliol . Arrangeniontri w if- I .,4ivo an addr,iss- on_lVednesday jjoxt.�, - I I . . I account (if tile collobration <if tit(. � partlavilf, . shnihir ft) thi, tionditijoll ni-all'i lv'�thf, "' . , of 0; , I : I
I I � � I , . ,nd.%V � 'A�jjj,, I � r
� 11
. . .T..'%N% MIA1011"', IVIal'j.."Aaft". ` Announcement WA5; made at St,�ihqy beingo given in Thk- Star .!t t v- ! Goderielt. � .
it') R*Slah'. , ere -i ade voster- gfi,'� 18tb, anti atrangernent.,; have I . i :; 4;f tjjj� $r 1 ill ,
. .. I . . -.", - 111.1 - - `01' bringing the 48th Hi'glhf,illd IiWii made to have thi'j brief z . . � � tbe, nwrai�il. wzo !1u;,h t i,, -, I's illizi.-I. I
� . da, d of Toronto to (, Sunday la:it that'tirjn(�, ,TVlr, johngtoll's dolth �aab' On. � '511'. ("o. �,C. .
� - X, if I � addrosb George's-churvii (In, s - till 04, Ill wil It, tilt-, ituo lvtatl� .., lif %h- I.- #III. ".
- .. o . PNTURF. TO LET, '0 `040rich Tc�' '11W and a TV01 Of PhIturen illustrative. of' I Saturday In.st. Ill, war, the olde'--t im. L(v has "Iravel ... I I
� grouml road -V for, tile VfIllvillt t"11114da - t114�.�, are vlv'!��ill..Itl. and t v, j).i.,N).1.!
. _�_�' acres, part Dand Tatt000n Friday, Aug, .Rtb, jile t wor I �Arehbishop Williams had been pltoaieil tiro1)orn il,,sidont of G � 4, 1 ", . ,
. -
11 llil"'d, M'vll fentled. ,yplen,411d livator. . t:% �_ 041ppoin -()( .
. . . -Y�tlay of Centenial,weeh. 'Tll,-, Hur, tvoeell tile two . t Rev. J, N. if. 10 "Ich, It"int' , tion of I lit- coal t,11i'.(41 lit, intellit. vr. Mil 6iii wal,; fill th!I fmbjeet. "I'l F -j-. I
. 44,10t 8,ilril voneessioll" R_M A -di-. I he k the tvil Cross 'is. doingir be- It
. . oil Old Doys .4of. Toronto ' Usual ShOAVS. tit tho,' L. M111% B. Ail I)ortj on Xnrch'2.11nd, 1837, .1 I I �,
: DAVID 11, ITt4IINAtfiN. .,s,4op,j;rriItoa Itre vee-�' Model Thcatre, , "I Th., as recto`r of St. (;,,lorT?(,Ii;� bu;lding whi in tilt' � ecting lineh of his Warehouse. . . di '.v Sv',itol WorL Wortli X-Viii!W."' In I
I . I I , . I I � ch used tif SUald whtlri! * I :�
. � . (,Iat.., ��Ii,iaiv,23.r 12,14inTralitiolf, ', Rindly bearing half the expens:i of I I ... . :, � (16(k,rich" .,r.d that it �vas. expcqtod L� � t h') ljo 4toll 0I ft- N flov.. I ii -a t � ill. It, -. , I Iini I iitorh o-1-11(ji, -w ,-vI . t - )ir.w th, t-.,�' 10 . . ; . , tq ;-, - ;
. At the .% .kl Am -1 �.V lilt- %Vl 1 . P, . I ;
- . _�
. . .. lriw�jrg*this �ilnek-.Iiankl to Godorich" - Wilt; - Huron: Ilre3bytorill � va)ITId take ellarge,of N4 1l,,�Nv,p;1rh...l;,jt* -*if Tit,, Star 1l,st Warell - , ilu'Litilir, In Clillton lilt .Mijndil.�, I4 la,'�t Awii,r.k, lhv �; INW, . A v,-Obs,r of � I
.1 - . 1,111 MINIEDIMT r;A1A..--'I*,,1i,, jwi It is to 'arrive 'at boon Of tile Fridm, j Uragt I I I
. , . .
. . I � IR) let liet'i it nleg I .. . tAid , ,Jr. livC . 11 I
... . - pwriv of . ,zm,.��j ,ii. tw:�Ijiiip i4i .pbd 6 tile st,if Attrdctiun at 1;;-,i� tai- i Tho fin vo�_ . 1. � el .11 I U.-ol lo li�Ivo Oil 411d Arc-, ek, ltevl. E. 'll!'11111 Cwtijill-tt t1w 111.1ir I'iol.
. Nir,4. � � o first Sunday in julle, . , - . . john't"', . . Foril. of God. 6. !I , Ill "I .1
al d4ato In the IIu*ron;T?r%iI;- ' The followitim- ijunIniney Of hiLl I ' ..
... . . `kf` -n lh,t'vt inAM(lorieb .,,nil lawl- r It � I 'Iye-a .1moor, "A KititIvIt'll tb�� .;;p,j-:C 411 .1 ankI ell,wwj 11 *110, It. Cut -t wnd.
, 'ifully to'l in the evetill, .i,. -whin. W. ii --p I"', lilt, �j ; bj*terial Vel"ating LOR activii' -if intt �' , if God." , . . . .
. . . (::l1ld-th 116ad, t -lI7Li�4h,,,_,cf h, .,ul . , tg Ir"i! 111 - � tm I . I . 11 . Y :. 1_
. it" - it I.A., Wit !-1,,;ii- 11 111"'I"".. 11 41.0- . . . � gue I oz thq (� lid , itm will li,.� I ri,ott tfi,,, (�I,fc,(W, Ill Whig'.1-1111. .it i0t.. �_-.110 1 t . . � i 'Mr, lhkII11i%j.'.�1ld -�t,io, t?',Ijr %�.! I %%Ill �..- . ,
.1. I , fo hayn sovi�-n Or e4rht band; t.aW I Untt�,d elture'l toolt Ill to all, f.,SI,r,C:alIIy 111�11111�_,r,z ef t", - , . � I . ", .1.1
� . __V. �,Ao ll4�:it.i.'4A;+;�*. I -k .N111s. 0141AIIIA.M. I"t . " t� f 1� , aco.on 'Nitind.ly I . - - _ i -';'. -'�Pjla It'! 2 ji�.J !,A F�-jj- 4 ,I 11 . 1.
. �
.i I I I �, _- - - I, I . - Tile - E Iclet ler pa"'t of ji�,� i� "I IM1111 V,1110."r�t flit. livall )r-"'.'..(ij,.j 4'1211 � I? ' "'i I AmIl lilt% 041, . I
� . - ,
1- - ;it - 1110�11v. 1)), Giovrge'G elivreh, who will ju.,_,,, f, .,- �.kttt,,., 5ir. Gi,.1114 � 1*,�, I .1 �%!..�,,, ,,I t1l" .".I i: . .
."�', . I . I . . I rj . ill ta,-",�Avoellhlg, 11,1y"ith, jq St, Androw's . ) f ,'.I, Ivi*11.61.. " I ollez,'I.Avfd�.r, (-�', . I -1 �t ini". 14;�Il l,'.'arf I4 IImI,.'.ol,;3.U_ i -I
1. I I I I I I .M1.11s for Cent,.Imlrld W.�vk Was plav-1-Alre0l, ;Dlyth; betwvvn�Rluevale ankl,�Wdrd tit . the ' .J ..! A. '. 'Ii � , I � r; . . ,
I fpV-. I - I
, r � �1-., 7', f . , efnning� of th( ii -N, rw. - , I( ., . , � ,
. , r I'l,"j, -Brielil, i. -4,h,0-1%'-** Ili- rd � I- , I t.1 , It" ,)1l, � SCII., -,m,ly � lie rtl�'Zllt alualt thnt�;-?II. I .11PI'll :wll III, iwf�111;.).Tl. Il�., lll14.-*V- A, � Gk:t4iii,ol A,,�lvzvhlv. Vvli, -vi;PI nu n , , . ,
T . , , .,Q 'llids , of (`olllnl,:;,i, 'r Alriloofic-Id. The .,;ubjkI-:t - 1.1; Itfir Nvith:plenskil-6: , , '.' , . � , - , '. il, oit"w'd, i� III tn'' -, htT.�,jjf:1.v I'll i� i $#` - yo.11. flit 1Vt..1,,4,%I'.;y. "it, 'p- -1 of .- :.
I_. .... . ,, . eAvil. Micti-n-k e'onV<l1-W%!:` - -' * -( - WAS. .(I- . . v, -,7r.4 in Chivat-i", 1,.;, I 1, I I � . I, � I I .. '. " .,� , �
__-- I .. :41. Tayloi. tind, through. Nt. ,N-4oIzon .1 !',;fIii �.. I til tit- 1�'110 r - , , �
. - �
... .1 I - .- I � ,d t1l.0. throU1141 P110111 -A, -1 in Itrampton, onkfii to C�ngitij ;VP,-, (.1,111nom. 1,4"re bf.� ath-P, , " jr," .* lilt. Slrnlfro� V- 1,:'r- 0j,", �n fi. .
� . -): AFf U.'i�0N., �- -- - '_ - ' L ___. - I " � .I . � . . . *1 . 14,11 11) . TN'— . . I . 1.4 l,tl,jl� ,);l " � , . .
-:;__ liting tl�i &juarts anf,i v;a.j,. : " I
. � .11 w, __ I k - � I �,_., - - plan of lig: I -'-1114 IY cl,plv's Gr"kups, the. �ret!teg. � I , ill .(I, I ;% ,. ,,� t 11;� tit , I . I . "'.0 " . . .
- I , . �,., .11. i,r , lt-q) I !� I .
� 'I' " 4' ' 'I 11 l�'111 "" """r- 6li(I -�I""- -r',-)�IZ,�tr' I . � .
. , 11,1,(. , - I, fu I - hivi llxq,�,, I.Vf, IlI 't :0"a.-Aw, allft
. . ; of laluj- of the eight. st'ilects radl ling T'1%.'I'l 'it: � � ",)It Idallure, . ,e tyilf#.,�, : Mr. johrl-4.,il v ,,, a. Ilt. Pov. C, A. . k A,T4 ", h*
. . FjT""T,l`-I�iit*lli (If 111f) ll`l'�v_'- "-w-b- ,_� � -'� (it I-Aigiou,i edu,o;,ltipn, , si, -ou VI%'�*'Ilt 1,,,;Z%1ir.g ;-,I 111�.piit- T�-�, , %I10i*7' "it-vit(I dumll,'- Ili ". �, �; . '&.1,11, �� I
. . . � ,
- - * - - - - �- - � �,* If - � ft r - t- vt I -n -z -�-,l I -(] i Ft i, I, --kdfakiiffi,� t6nn;s' I I f Ird, Ov.f.ai4o. . I . . . . .1 . , ...i, .
, ,,� �, I ; 1I. I � I -,llly�i I _ , ..
. .. e 1011.11 �,;)i'0.1' 0'.1"JAls, ,,.,�I!; till. ji-, 1'r," -1 .4 .31ill Ill If Will "i.
I - C�1'-�",A an " bitialed-. le(p'l pkttt--e.--.1hs-ln",l __!!,11I11,ki! . I . I *w , w , ._,%. I I
1 ! : I, 2 I) i 4 jw'ji the owntir of..,Itlll`�, I Vo. ...... � f4pi-111111- fif tit(, 70*il'�"'�'Iri!g.,�I` 'I',' 4W,,c-i,11hr- .1t�!�4,�i�it!�,t,'-,it���i,.-'I Ii".0'.", .
I 's " i 11.1 *
� ar!.I�,fall A-Vell with whid-In't1j. NV L!�;:ia:,kvt . bnll,� � -alit'.1 - _1,�L,111 , 11 1� I 1w I .
"I . rjul,t lw'-��,wlo three tlio,lt-alid ligjjt�. , �: ' . Indoor I'. 111i'll.". ,I ill"", ��-,";,iti- -tmtt—_.iduat��-,, ,,, I I I �... .
I � , . � S - , , ,�� - --r,-t(-�c:�-,�7-ifv-'v,-,t--�-Hl4Akitlf,--.h't��-,tt."��-'�,�-".iii 4�,AV"rf:lo�. 11,Aol -,ill, 1_.ill,41 i 11", -*I,11 "Ith(q. fr,m t vo)� w�. I '..C, f I r,',, I I
11 I& for, ar! : %01,111�,.,�* J)-,T� "'3�.rvico al IR -ell '.14,bi;"i, and Wio.itern jll,�, rl,.idowo of Xrr. X�,Id. I.. I I - I r -114 --'Li, __%�li -,-,U 1,'� ,,,,,, -id . , . . ,
viit 11"Ing- l'll a lwitsv ill low � l
Z . . at St.jk,afr;VjilS ! il,,�,110.,Ilts, Pallt'l.."linle'i 't'�d 4�`i,A.�1i_I')-("- 11"I'MIT)tc $. .
Al'i'vi, ftf,.,1m1,".0II,- torms it ,.,old. I'all p,j%.J� . . I I .. , � 'c"Ille of li��h*N'j-,po, t1lo , � I I I � .1'. �4�:�; w�'-i,,, . 1. . � 1; Ditrilicii4dir,_ - I . ___
. .
1. . . I I I . � O)IIIInlit'-, llr,tnutl�i: , I I'A i1w fif T.114:.- '' '0!6 � , 11. It. . I Il�,: Klti% Omivll ,
_. I., I . I .. . � , I I I(!. ,I . -I �, . . .. . . : a, ,,�A ?III . 1�1 ?Tim, _-��.i;w, .
� 0:7 k i� I,iA, -.-,if - *.&,t . ojii� Alj,,)y at '110& ,ill .; T)�,+..".1
. , -J ww 1,�,( L - A.." I I I . . . �
. l I I . . * W1. of B114h. 5'r �, UntuiTt. ,�n-rov,,ity. ,-f lij*(,�4,�Qo (,it. I " " " inicnil't-ref 041 I a U%`k7 '' , I .
. . i�l'.%!�, 44-1. 111*1:. �. " .Cjfrtii i " whit'll t6'. I'll, , 'J . -
I tn� , - � 41 w, 1 gv 11, Uhl-. , . . . ,�,J._ � . I
� �1% ,. . . I � I I. , Wr�,, 1104 fr,nil: 4, P�'. '1'1� . . . 'jj�jvp, ' ' %,I 1 'I � Tim i r, 1.0 -II, IV +-k IAT I -,V'11I1,jj
I . . ci%7" 'kvas the flillil ,�rvlee. h0d , - - dl, 't - , ta i :, I - .4"., f;-n:U,4n,_e;l�ink4Q" ;-�d �.Xdu- -1�,',.'� W. , wa,!r t,.%I.(;t- ,,&�;,j _ i .. of ,�' intcritiv, i1w,"'I", 1. .,+. I I
' Dai, I, � 1, ic Nod tIW%1rlN1!di,vV and B .IlVl,- � v 1, - I flut'.1lit , .
I , 1� ." I . , � f101d th,- neg-Ith"P. ' -adli'll' ill.�4 . IM11 tIll t!j '�Vl v. adv � fo,r flit, ji,..� .
r i I . "i.ji'mi"I W� Irl , I.�� ,%-�.dvot,,Ij li.-�. R.. V. � I!. C. " pif,t I, . - 'I'A'; It " Th" , -
. .. � .1 I . il - ("I P - at St,1-Patr1cIt!os13arl� On -sullshiv ilttm,- . The'judg.l.l. Ivet.i.:i'toll 'ill, 191-1), voll J.,-,! :�I'. . , ,,., Vj
I T"'l"-\`;" . I. � � �'Nl fla ,1:.i�'I",I,fl.�4"1111,11��ll�',)�-lir(,.,4"1�(,I,...� in4j"i-l"Itit I,a,�'Tt �;'.'vlif i- thi, .. .
� �. ). fiklt)1111''-s (,r,1';,4..W,'. ,,.�;��bll-,fitt line, ,. . V 1Y-11. -.1-11t.11" w,�rl_ 'Uht. t.iwel- %;d 1, . I ... I ..
� -n "In uiiietm.10111; I - nw'if,�(�q I
.. I 11-:01 rvio!lv Am!- lit", ., after ,.Sun - &�y sellool, * 1!i1ay6r,P,PIi. 571'. ..1312.Q.-wer. of, 4wol -f" gp.�( Lol�ldoll, 011ita;-hl, :O , ' XV1I;4.- il, -to + , . ', � I�l'lv� ',I'll ,if " , . in ; .1�. " !.,Olt ;', I
- S �, UffNi I _N vl-i� r- ==.--- - -, - *,_1:117=_�7 � - �-�-� .7,- 4_�;-, ; ITT,--. Aitl�cn, F)"' Blu-'-Valp, 4an'l '111"Iti.. jlc'm�, With tit- .. � '!i��:.. Ifiry . '" "(o�t"""", , )ov�i,ll iw�:r th'. I.:m!: ,,%,Ijo�,, � q; - .l .
I . -4 . . .
. :
� I %1. -i ,,- . I . � f M --,V�ilve .If"I'll'.1"a, IliNtN-U, J�Jv, �, 'to TV. lf"e V I . 1" il.'v. A. J. MvGifl; ... .... V, I 1. 0+1 0m .. I
- i,e'..�I-�,.-i -E-ri;. � . � I I I , ,,, ., (lo;'r1,..; 0 A , - I .
I I .. WANTED . "I"'lio, Of (jodericil, ,,n,,l they ,& nnol i . 'Ili. in !,.jle,. � I . -ti Ilf if."i � ',at io-N. I I , � 11,
- - � ., � . .7--- , . .. _;�.,i. - . , i 11l r v+". .� I ! -it . � 0hr1r;."T 4,411, 4l",[ "lid L. 1,..I:,..o :. . '. I . . 1%iii 11, ,,,,�f,AtA ft . ',.,� i�y .-;1,-aa - . I .
10 0 � , 4 - 'p% � + , .� 41,,.. I ,P�; I
F: I!, * IIIA � -."- , . 7 - , - 11 , 1 If 1, - , - - - . . . . I : .
. , ef th�? t4ril., (ti4,:o4I h�v A,.'%V.1�1 I � I %t; fli i -i A all;aJ.'r o� ,;%o t-lloi;N,r,� ,If U lit, I I
� I I S .�. - "; ivl�. ro!.O. 1.0., If I r;.0'n. 11 � - " � . ., i. � ... ,wttivil, . �.;,.�: .L -11n... f"ll i � ! qa�Ovrll hV tv.'t. � ,0' ; �� Vt, il o4, - �-I,ivv. ;QI�t,l ;n,� thr. I�.,� 111541 + .
� � .. q,,r1V,,%xI1'. ;'I",; E, ll'w�:�a.01 "villt-,"If" 'Illir ". ' - . . . .1 ), -i 1 ,,i,�, .1. " , , I .
'Lw, -i 3A � . I - il ; I 1-1 , 's rrim 'I '��-ilb-.-iL.ill, 1.4; -'el -al, 0,it'. , " , .'I!',. A,� F. & N. �1.. 't"r :;!"nuk 11144"i. of'frt I lt� '� I* � .
. , I, %,�'i,, '), OM; I
. I . Lot, lZ1011, -�.t ota'.- I I'f .No 1-11" �, . N't sided owr by ,ji.�,. �- . _. I, ... . I , , . vii f,k,. -
,, , , * it I!v .Nui4. ,-_, ta Lneo 8vott. wr-�-si&nt ox.. t.�,.,�, n1lv, J'W.II, 11011 I'll'— . I . ill , .
; of - I .Mp - V� U "' I .1 . ", , ttiva d.0V,g,,,,v.; it, th,wif"'y. - ,?- ,vt � ',�', mhd I lit"r ��Ing, ill'. ill", " . - �
I Ft, !-isi[ I �jvtj",rt:t ltva,l. at fi,;"t it Ibl,' I . 1, .. -1 Tlillll!,� .1,lu - -1 ilk 1&. -
I , I . , ,�Nnd Thqui,� ,-,al -,,,- .--i "i ,117)! , iwv, 4",f Putv!I U1 � i f I " i't:l.k,f_1t ilwil'. - , 1
I .,i.,�XNX f.".jf., (".4lit ni'l -�.. . "I'A"01.1111Z I)cf)t"l,,�'s'-';r,;,�!,et%�.of BI , ""","I"t'al, i.) R*v N1111- . �, . , � "', . 'I. aft'l l4h,,�oritv grfmi i1i el,�.I.* 11111�. .
� I :. N..
� I . . . I.r't-,,, liartivilUt.4 frp,pl V. Ili j),kjil.jjjNy , . , f aml vp-)"N�vd, . Mis;4 Ail . I 1A . I � c� I"Al"', loA cvrllil,�- I'n o.,r- $,I
, . ,-.,. _ _ , - .1. .. . . . . . Y�h. vr. .'.?j;ql( I . , . I 1.11116.4 B -C hlvay. .111fl bl'. :5 (1, to.�.`,Ii, . .
11 111"N71% -;;It�,vMln lka.,�;f:-,!_I-jnij. . � _I.. .%fl;rlt N I,% v �'.0 .. I �l _', � I .
. I I,,. ,ill: of 4111 , m I jil.,'X 'C' "I ' ""' I 8everial.. Ill -atill'.6tv)) 11� fhw lithl
... jj�y 4 Ur ( L,l .
� IVA.1,11.11. �--;11.11'� ��J, ��Il -wrti. It. Rt� L�mg.'Wi,,,3 llaili,� ., Mali, I ,, f Ow i4llvinl %i'�w, Of io. wi.4% l, -
. Al", 11 . I .- . ', Al. Fr.4 -.�nn ,fi- ,` jX-1, hay. 1. .
,. . � �. . , . 1 4: ll lit tit! 711, r.. * " . 1. - . 'i . I
. I ') , -%'I - I',-,.. J. A . , , I . .
I ... % ,,,�,,10 jj1tjN;,.1;,;, . . : ( I. �% 4 le F, I IfI11%, f D;.J1rjI.:. I I - hy .. I
� - .
� + .1),11,11.. , " 11.,11111, *N �. * 1; - '( I .. , V�,lltl - Cav!i.Alvi I!i� ita 44 tht- I ., 'fIl's .4� "(wiU oll _11 I:" 1.� . I " .. r. .. ,If, � prf i1bylorio: - , . � ..
., + ; -i�ll: �,A,ljxvaol�, Porn? � . - attendance. ;:Of I ILI I , I . . . . �. . � �f
. F Ixwl, Fqtguson, fvf) ;�,�( k;r, On".. .)NY ver.; U�... j�!;F'll�,l, 1V,-r(t,--.-h.V(j fre, , "' , It, 11,41.011t. jl� fiftv.I_41.1111 Ili,.' .,�
. . v. "! i V", 1 I I ..,!, , t %,�11'j ; !jj ,_'j. I,_ I, ,;,0 , - I .. � ,,I (irldorldl, ,.,�, '; -? 11 , . .'�f � - -f �,J;Iebv!l, I oj ji
-�,4 i, .. XV111,11, . I ;,," I Ili . . . I ,
I If 1,!%,,, JI), Apply 911II11K . . . I � " , il of I .
. I Aj(.'.kI,I T,,I.1.�j,,. 11.1ri'l 4'.1'. I AJ;-!ido+� .A.. \%4'-,.. T-.rw, " �;. ;' Ilasebiill- Note,� . .. � . . . X.If Montreal , I '. . � f tqf., :i l I . i I _ --t— - . , . . "'.., . .
- , 1i ,I -, . . . . I I � . I .1 o . . . � - M�n .-I C*i4-, .,.f,d,?r;,lI1 111*11��,�_4 in Tiji..! :��_ !l_ _w , I
... . _______:_____,_ � . �_, � � . - I. , . .
1 DF4 . I 11 4% I "ITNI" currw,11141,s' � ;;;,!.- lo"If.'I. 1',�
. .. 11 — ___ " - , . 11, e follo;vl Nil" .111pord . 11�'O ,7:,�,,' 1 111101 ,
. . .,--. --a-_ :11 , j: r PAY EVElil II'llok. ll:,tlqh1lf, '1111 ball - . I . I , I )it(,, IMi-s. Twft,rd end Mrs. D,hi..Jiarc , , ", -� - IT I I - - 41', . l� ":,"t ,, �4iof �,l , , I
" D INEWRANCE . . I . . . if I.i 11, -4, Lut 1'.. .�,.J,if. . + I �,,
REAL E$TAT9 AN 41, 1 Ite I'viv. of. V,% Hod � . .
. 'I 11, - aPpear-to'be on,jt-, N�,jy,,.ts�,li,iajlt t, . .
1';, . 1, I ba I . .1 thr. 1� - " . 41. 4 , : i-�,f, 2 " I . i,?( . . I
I -�_ - ef � ...... % - i;i,, I; -(, I., ,,!:fo.!)� vklo Huron -County it pres - and robitivvs and fricn(ta ill Xi�z. il.11, ! "I'de'.1., #'J' 131IRT, V"Il .., tf` ,
I ol. -1 , 1,
_" I ,.. )"I It ,-I� -tit' pro- gins, then reetor of ,Ru Paul", Chu"61. Go", , I * ,,,-, wpait.I.A., I":1 it, Altow +Y�-u ; '- t . . I I
' `�_ I:,_ ! , 11 11 � - 4j. j,,-,".,!peCt8. 111,01 be counted for 4�votbing_ Strafard, . during, his 111n6s. , I . 1. I -,�L(ifl.kl I �..Uavvr. Craig, Of 11f.r. "lf-!L,..iii',t��;,f;�l.i.�,11)ii4.,I chur"I , 1, , , " :o
I I Ifl'. AI0I::,rR(l.N(; 11ru., N."I"VIT ;md - 1. I * " � I . . . . I I fill il,11" .. � I � �
T . � I't., Wwllo'%i* Im., I . , : . I . + . . I I,ajif,tv. . . . I., . .
* � da - lit " �.1�1. 'Voryllia, ir'i"'A
I . . I_X,.-I111AXf,*'., AGEN(W. . I� ' 1.1 L-; �.. I �-' 'll, ;",", i,l lncetill-�forthcl purpose . Tie, Vt a lil- mew. ' . , , ... . �, I . ..
.� I I . . 1+ � I aily-vAli �1,1.' 1"XII.- v,,if'; ,,�jrj.j-j..jp_!,r of orgaiiii. � - t-pon tlie retirement. of tho late .... .. _; . .1 E. I - .. ` , f %% It - � i . I . I . . .
I . 1. . I
. I . I 1. S - STOR i-% , . .
. I 'IcIal Rev. J. W. Hodgins. ns,rector of st, 01)10�HIXOWS JIlTTEN"j) .1 I�uwx 01grell 11,1*0 i, ,,,. �. I - - 11, ,o-
. — ,a a 1.,-:�rd b '611) � tht't � . \ I . I. . , I . . .0 1,11.11 !. " i,, . . I �
- I , '111,71 01 . � I I 1. � : , "
. - . :.zlilk,.�\Y. 13, ,� I . I 11,ty'4th'and ft .. �-ot',:i in(ontitig k !al evvilitip. . flf,w 1-1,IT -
. , NA��. lIvilif, 'I I III, J. R.- Nvxrf�j%s � � Ili all INI �U-, I'M% - held in, � V�.I.va.f, in
I if.,. Ael-blell , In -I.-;q � Am',illoiljil;, UNO
� . . . _ ,
. . � '111411nill"I'l Etii.^ . I I � . .. 1, W� .11 :2.,�,-,% tilit. .,?oi�Aavo tlj,�re vlluorg��d 'th . . Ppul',4 0iureh, Stratfuril', wa�3 appi,int- ,� . . CHURCH I . I'l �.-SA.. , 1; " I .. " " ,,�� ilt, ),pwtitin. a thi� . . . I .. I
. . .;,o,rV;" t ll.iiIl.. 1"'ll". 4 Wit"Ill: ( 11'.;ko .�
I vi'l.i., IIINII. prip'.., f' -p 'all lawl, , . . I . I 1. I""'. .1. _1e-_-_. c Huron, ed . It kilr. hitilLpht-r. .$If thu L
I .. )., alljo �jp.Ny .-lil".x -k%-.k.,\1,1,.I). . . f, Pfountv. .as rek�tor of St. Jvm,s' churi,,'i, , Ifur-on I.-Idge, No. 62, 1. 0. 0. I I, . . .
I . . . . � � I . . .
-o4 CI � -d, ,where fl� ba."'t, .�e hay., k. 1). N,ibb!th 1.41i A Eieqjj',k-. will It. 11, .
. I 'alif 113asobgll League. it N�%.4'111rantfw li�-, ,��, , ,�,i!��;f.,�.�.,�,� I t 1 I, 'ill " , . ,
- imillib, inst'l walter ,inil -afvr k I 11 " _ - . . � � 11 I � I in tit,, puMil. fib- I .
. . I 1 un-telian III - I ,I . , blitly 0.1 HUI- r IitI��,l kit 10 "i'04'(1. I iar.y - . if mi,nlio� . t 'y lflt!� ill , . � . .
Mall ,lidting t Tior lit that �a- fo. ell r-'Ot-ll' att ,vded Knox elitirch lo. it
.1--noWl's, I if 'ue � f( ."ll'i
. I . . . .. I 0% - ,r the, paiilt ninn,*and half y6arA. .� Stilid4v rr,irningr 1%kt 1 Ifrntioll of - � .11' I 11 .
I "11� ('-j;1j6 iltliL It W � �'vs phill parl 11721", \"ilij., It"n"lliliv, b�! lild, � . . h cele ,I p.1 .
. -lilt t�) .,,I'll ct 'W"". ;, I w-'. Wingharn,' Nita,oll,,. After behit; ret -tor of.,st. j.,j,,,,, . . .
. , - � - , tit, . Tb , I. kvwulai, Illoll"Illy. mo!.Ijoll- 0, - ,-,,,,I--
- - _ ,
. 1 9004 1fj Mor"'. 11WIN" v'A' bit, ?�110t�� , ,11� ,11111 I" j `f)'1`11�_, %"`I#Ii11`-'. I'll[' � ftl"J' mul Godc-rich having � 10"It anfliwir�,Itq of. the Older.- - % j ,
I - . : , _". W"I'L I,]' S,, t 'f, ,it' - . � 1. �
. ,. . Ivr C
I . .. 11-_� N11 -111-1-I '1� � 'ied I, ,; of, tit(, .thr,i(i-lilth.. I
. \kbill, If...11-ill , it willingness to en6r ', .4 �.
I tv, .,I 1...jj,jj- " , I 'i q'I.,�1"Y'..; , , -e.� 'ill c-cle (If Hilo% .h`uj.,-i,' ,I,,-i,l,,wli,,r the, tva bleptilli, tj3 1* .
roundo"Ifilf. Eh er"V11, hi,*:" i." 11se. w1rill"', NN'., :11-,l ft expi - church, Urantford,. I - three, �v�U`, ;'Al,out 100 monbetf � �
I If_ I N U ell and parish hall, ; vill 1, - b-ld ill tilt-,, Ivetu v�vll at Ifennnilf'r"i niteil I 41� 01 on ;
I" . I if �411(1 bpavtv I L _t � built no v ell r -1-1li 't d (.rdt,r lined ill) f6r tit(, warch too thv : III' . ), Tit,,. d.,Iv. llpv ,1.1th;
1. V,?J1, flivi, ariv.111,ailt-fl, Nvell 111mill � � lea"like- btit ";4lee the meeting, � Wl ' , 11f. ),,I J I tow) I r . I
. .111tarl, 'w4irl�. Its'pit" III, *1,111 , , , Mitchell during tho ppt six yvarz;, in 30'�(% Of'c!�urel TlyI, sernion pr(kaelled by�^. f4 .
Tor ej fin ell Imu 1bAjs*tplr('rI, evert' f, It- I , I - -_71�bus!fl evenifle. May -.14"ji, t Program It:, the
. . frep 111ti-41-ati'll vala ogile. Irilli. , , ,it:i. have devidtd that tb(�y I - - 1. - J, of 41,(%� 11,111 (I X1 � -I,-, i, . I
Itli,iraff-11. 1;I 11 6111 elws itild f�1T;:,`l(Ii,-ilI(%ljt Itot have� enr . il 14 A. I , I
. . did, a .severe indif Rev. Mr. Nelkernild w; ft oh ,tht, t.til;. To 11 will bavi, cll.irm, " , . I I
vloan, ullielv lit I ,-.ervle , , strial deri%isision in a t � ,4,0111�1�!i!,� Mr;;- (". Ct.t* ml X i � .
. � ,qui ) 11:1111 1101411. &I,.,.jl1;.- , I -d ,,,, - � I. 11,11111 ugh Players to pjLee a , jbanufaeturinq� vity liths redul.lid t1i - I; i it i Ii, t.14I � � . .
I rypf fit itill"tst, jjP_Ajj)IIII,T. (�IfAfvr�-"?- � teava in tIlc. 1(, " � feet, "Who i--� my neighborl!',"'t, . . . '. ol, � . I . 11, I .
: , ', s !y wmt ,I,, 1,J) ,�(, , I M, tPxt � _. 11 . . Al, RORINS. BUI t; ANonfli. . 4, .
:.. . agiw. This thange (.f , prineil "I of the 61it . . . .
. t I I (� (�Itt!,,( � tkA ill) �4. 11�tlrirkl , , -t tht, 4 ope ; 13� upwai , " It U., . HANERV111 STOZ%
. ��(.Il li P. I I ihaurf,. -t1w it ,,?�, . III, 11 ll,.,4,. j�r)3 IcIng At. West, 'I'zil"Iti- i mind bals . som ' )4 sovell tueog tae ellurch � L.'.ing front tit,- parable (it tilt- (i.0 -id it, �
- - . . ewlint upse As of o sand doll it)- - , . ,
. -triwt, %(.r,\, 1. I, ;"" � . i S tit:" ihn. It was thi, bond (of filled � A n it ivvr,!.,iry s.erviefI; Baliti'A ., .. - -
I tionvoil--pt to Stluktrt� ;.xiw iiw-t kftio.- 1. I . � ;�"d -'t present it i -s 'not known jm4t For four years acted as Rur I I' 5'evii �!onll one hand and service on the, othvr � ( 1111"Oks ' .11E�. NT. Rtlljill;� lia", I'titight,thr, Vttpj�', , . I
- I whvt the outeonle will: b,,. -, Ile of .Drint, and bad, much to d'o With �Ilvhlvh . ; UM Mali` 15th.- Sertneinf; by .th ' . , �
liffinlefliatt. posso.-sioll. Pmr,. - liI21fipf: . , foj� �
fl!rtll- TILNOURS WANTITED - T I f�il j,.I,j;j ", T1.Qady..ttj�_W(,n,; I
.I RII(Xj ('a" ., 1-1vin'- o P,ltablh,hed the relationollip Of 'Itirl, ! �tfwh, 2,1II . .
, 11, I)a1af."t. gL. � of tilyllff I , Alor, for -Choir Ili the murnh!.i,� ' - I .
. . �. .1 ftkoors--worp elected kit thLy ;the inturovemont of ,the peopo yol'i.t. ��'.. Toronto, at is rat�,i it the - - I
. I telinii. It ilesiri 1, I . . 611%*Xhl HIS IVA. 'PIT). I I . 'Clinton , eaticus: rti", (If- i1elkitIvir, Christ wal:4 the'. Good iNell"", ( holl, lit night'. Everybylkf,I�. ia. d ,I�jj�.
. I X . " . i - president.. tile Indian church . . IV. I V .
� . mim')) r lot fillsps altil.1111-4 fill, . I � Hub " On thf� Gri'lld .8amiritan w:ioqe Ifivi, extended to all � vited. Oil Tuesda,v ni,,rht in Kilux ' 1 atch next Nvecl6i p�k "'k, file
� lit, � .
I '11"I""', filoA all . � : Pt-bt, J01111T,toli, Goderich; Pli'mident, � River I' Zese � : f-hureb 11 of loonti.ac, l . .1101111tvirlent. � .. .
y hilut 11) allwo.4 ally TP-4o'n-4 vVIll 1w reri,he4 Ile 11, rv(!. � njankind and men did well to form Wv. 11. 11. o4avago, I
. -a 1 III` 111" lilt � *Ntft.for (.anlrlbell, W11191IL'Un; Iiiet, pre- i s t I -11 ------- olo__� I
I " lv,�!;�Itlo;`:il rf,ijt;:r#,d. ,QAxlle govil proppiL (1y-,1-.ni-(I fill ft) -anti 1110!114010 111-I ' I Itken a ver-, "hetivo in�m'!?.It jfjdg(ik� flyid j,oc; ties of varlottuz � Mle!i., tho ltopular radio pl-,_,j(,Ijo , I .
: 21st !,ddent, H. If. Johnson. Seaforth; seely � e worts e � CARD OF THANKS
*_ . lips for -hall, Suitable rot, r1mlIA-,aI,Ii)g ;1f`,8fllvl.. 1027. for tlif, 1,lintill; lit, Ill.- � - in the miny organi7aii ' I I
.1 . , - I, �reasur�r, IV. Weir, Go , L Ob` Of hi8 0""" Within Which to learn to practice the "All (�arll out-. anniversary serillon. t , 11 _,,� .1. hll I'vallaill rold 62103� IiIi"11 . I , .
, !oqil garilenin,z. all nivessary buil(lings, 4. I 0;, P. Hall. milli hii-to A- dorich, The' cM 1,elf for men, women, bf)y,q and 1 neighborlineg% Our .not-je- N , erybuds- .0 hle. � I " I. wv . .
. � � . 111 . � Hwil. tli;lllli!,. I., liwir, fli,ikth
likmitteeiq to com-i! t (if a I d young people, find alsit ill looping men (If like ,radi. - P01141 offerings at-eiaeb nervici.. 1. . jjo!,.I1W rOwN-fil , 1, A'S.' , - . I
, - , I W h of ljo4' 2tutive cot it , I'lli"Pr 'v
I I VANI tv%V aiort.�� of land. aftai'lled. I..", I, I oll 11:1111t. Colors tit ))I- so-11'et'-fi ex S 1, t J,s lalliown. h
.h teaj�l of tile ` . 1,;a Allf"'.4 and 11
�. Mi'l al, ,
F1111 equir"PTA ellit-ki-irf;11111 for �Iile, hv ,'w t',`o,ovrl,V tlipll,mfffi�i-, Tit., low-' "er,resetitative,fe(In, elf� tht. life of Ele city. q)erlenees helped lik,the� Anniversary at Victoria $t. Unit ' ' II 'it Wit''N flip tit in vww ro: � . ..
1,(yw, to to%ion. .1 I . . . " tt-biler fult nvvv�,sarllv -%,,. : leagueI Tile local nrapkts ar,� fair- I Is a membe vj 111in,19(11, f,% I
r an .
t ,
. '. vl;f. lit, t�jli' t ii 'Eq 8
� . I . � I . � I r of the Domini4n I-',xc,. ell � A 1wr".4ii"I'll."Id. It . . ..
. . Mnut .')O. farm..; �roj,_ij.alt,Ii sutjl,� %'Ill, 1001) 4,11. , I 'Ily t'neouraging as theic Is atnpl,� lit a- �i v ative I promotion af brothm-bood, kind th6 fig- �,rihurvh. Special preacher, Tit(' Rev. 07, it , ..
, �., of the Anglican* Younp Poo- UT4.d -of thq 1,, I --*-------O-� . .
� a 14.i 10 I . I I . .
I : I W. V, UNIA'. Qlairill.l.l. . i "Prild. to choose a bille from but the i,plo's .Association, and -has lia(l. callt;,; �110170 iihat a1a'r,ge' amo'unt r)f'g'oo'(I' i' -in.. -FollowAti—ij; -5reeting, o' . ". J10RNX..____ . I ... I . . � � I
.-J). 4.1, offs lit Mbiarllie RArgaill 4iffvrin;�:s , 'urk Of the Oddfellow�, 'IV. Alp. (if Auburn. - Vj�tojj .
I . � ask ;.bolit oIll in. � . . . ____-_�_ S _ANIANII" --'--- 'battery Positions look iii if th-v may bland of tbA A. ,Y. P. A. Cattilf fill- in the wa � , I
. Ill Irooll int -1 In ollol Work. 0104)(I ?4(;[, T F -X F)hl' FI). I ANUVIMA) I I a.m., � .All 11; %? iii-mit-Ini
sultAcMe bil likisturil (it, gaRlIning: goo!I ToWN-ZIllpi . inot bf� filled as strongly as"Would! � y of extending the helping i'Anniversary .slervice; .3 Wil..' Slinday *I*,,,..,,,' 11,-'4411. olI4
� . building Fitt! livated not fat, troill .1, . � qZ"'in necessary. Ifo,.VoVer I Young People at Lake COUchiell"M111 hand of neig�.borljkioAq w . as be'ng done � School; 7 p.m.l. Annivoisajy gervic;-; 1:1, i I T. \1 I i 10111, 1.# .111, 'Iti'l ,Nlj?.� I I I J1,
.� , saver Inter yeall.l. � . .I limi'llitt-v 11-1, if .1 ,Ili , , ,
I - �Indf * L41 i and other campq in fox ill wiliell t Union, I., . . ,.. N111ir I � I
foil, .rs %vill � lit, ritef-ivell f)V till, im- NaYers who have, h � by tile O.dvr. Tit(" first unit I P-111., .Sunday.'Sehool; .11, 1�.Ljj.,, I I . I
.. uart-. Priee -,�L)W ea,sit, for tilt, �vl . .j,,r,Ifll,,, ,M previous vxper.� - Mt. 5fill"l is a member of tile 1"N".- 'society organized Itself wag tile faill. Worship. I I . .
�"�11,11;111. See . . � DIED ,
.. :4 I 111) to 3 lti,4*10tlk, , P.M. fill, ience are aiming to Uy for the JI,Virl_ i tt..tiVe ('0MMIttee of t * I . I .
I � Tburstla".. M")v 2011, fill, flit, ,t.It1l!,!vl& i " lie Dlooe.�'.!� $If liv. tit(. I 1 ,�41.111WAHM,14 111 Chul'oll, '-�[ Ttle.4'' .
. . . J. W. ARNISTRONG, . lion (it f'U'll (11111(111ple abollywIA-4, blr�lhki , " receiving i0b and Huron. . , . . . v: - priniary -ioclety Ill wilieb lthe ,1 1he regular ineeting of tho. W. MIS. I I � -1
. .
I % do. � NrS.'Nills was Miss Veda Carro.11. ive fat- anoth,?r wore � auxiliary of,finft church will bt, field ,�I` Nip. 'I'Djol Nlli*4. NL J, :-t-11,1, ral'it'. Ligo'd * .
. flattery will b, irtu6s of it l.i,. N1,1I, j1fIff."V.,Pr1kI litifil *111141 --ti
I ly '� I%%., Ii.,;IN ,q. 1 4y
Real 91;kte, � !11.ijl :f1+1z". Ili[ 0. eoll. 6. A.,111t.111., 'Ilsil i"941,11 )irps � learned and the danger of the Am, wns in tile lecture room on Tuesday. SL 11.1%:-, Pull, j if Frlel,t�
. I I VOX $9. Godorieli. (lilt. %,,vt -P -al brid-F-4. 1%V(1 Oli sid" lh)-I-�velop , A , tboalr1bollillatlyelsee Aspirants. ! ers. only Ilaughter of Mr. and Mrs- I
ojf'$*�..oflon every night until 10 04(114:'. (; I . . ..I). '12. '%V. 1%, One at 'At It 6,$, . , __;._ . I � jArthur Clirrothers, of Lond , tile hreaking down of tile famill' life, I"th, ,'it 3.130 P.m.. After tile Ili gtilar, -I, � 1, Ili, - . I
, - � 11.1t 7 1, - ' I
-1. - . I � r ., :o. N%% If., (off- Ili) ft. to.. 4.1,11. .5.1 one �. WARNING . '� I Obt- tile tevdenv� to look upon the howe I business, All,_ 0 g I � . ..
. .
is, . - I 1. .,it 7, '04ya. 11, E. If.: � I Mrs. Mills graduatcd with Bill" fr,�,u merely n� ,; ��urt (if hotel, a Ig. q Ge r o 510ho"odd will f 1.111,1o"o- jl'�i fe'llopik, 1, * , .
I- - a(.4, to, IV 411, 0 Q , - "VIC4,11. Wt .
- , . . .1, two' at it, t ___'_-_4-=_-"`l � the Univer.sity of .Western Ontario in g( n e acco tit f th meet of the 01 "I ; "Lo, \1 1% I;L 19,4, :! 14-14,mi IN',
� I'm). U. Counril Ili forhish aravol If "j'� j.jt;.X1*8.W% �TAXE ;%,ol,lor -1 It at-; ) to 1111N9 ill,' Your hat and have 'twelfth annual Ontario 11111F111 . 'III- X, , 1,
I . I blillol, I fit " -. 4 -r -I or (I . . \,& . 19M. and with At. A. in 1913. At- 'your mealix. . I I vinvialv"". Iiioill'.,4 4 J�tiv 1;-ijj4.- 1,0113l.r.
.. � I W. CRAIGIE i 1`011. PkIIN 'lod .14Ijt�.(iIjje,jtjojl,i o9s allowed to frops �
ass � I IV, Al. K of the Presbyterian ch I 11 "It I
, mov lip ss�vii fit kiii,fil.'s oMel,. � "Ir, %vPqf IMIf of Lilt 19, f kh i �,! tended and graduated from the Fiw_ - Urkliol l , ,.I., I �
I �Oblifop, - Durinz tile t,;ervice a we I ; . 2 .
e j,1.4.i;i,% U 11 l'i-li U.-Iff jjlvtll� vit ,-�ititr . I
I . 1�1 i Ul () ill 11111.,nolo w0s kriven by Mr. Ja k .%fcI)er_;. Tito congregations botli njol,4111(�* .,,tv. ifl."� l'It'l
..� . . *W4 lit AN"tuall'),41. By ordep ot 11 Nild('(A , flag. I , ',%It; td,- I -ill', fl,".11 1:1
I C. I,. UrbONAAlf. (1,lprk, ,, , ,q . Ity of Eduention Ili Toron't .held recently lit Brockville. -
. ungannon. 04t. : Mr. Mills is It mewb!?r of the Soli. I
� ,- � _ � ._ 11. -_Z- .% d - �, �. .1
� 'no%v 11 't) - '"t's!" - 1) lll!d and tile hyllinS Were -appropriate '
, . , 'ti Id VvellinIr on ,Sunday last ill %,apth V,I&I �.. lit ,-I' �.j
� Real Egate aww 10mace I -Al"', - �Tt. 'N —.3.- ' �( ;T �2 at ,4 -I'311 #,'I -wh I., NfAt .
- ,It. --Tor hatiling tojp� 2 on. The reSP0ns;ivO,' I, re large, The 1-1 I !'rlw-l. , , + j-�-� <. ,
AN*TF I �h. � ate of the University (If We"ite"ll Oil- Ili ' their .'� a th.. fl.01 A_ .
�- Aw. * I''--iom � � . ,,trcet ILTnited phin(Ill we I
� j�", I Tf"�);�71:'_'i�`__ '--''- N4 "I � t9rio, representing the city of Bran,- reading 1--las the 13th chapter -of Ist
. I t,.,fv.tlj ro."I river prfqp(vt'�.4 or Tit * -, , ; — -I —1.1 —.1 -_1 - I _ I I 1- �_ �, -.1-1 . I
�L! I -1 � r, " ford on that body. � t I � 11, . I-—
— _ - � � -.1 ... - NVIll flit, 1.1 tv vo,lip juilk a illirsl, � I I . �
. a, 1,1110 I -f jjl)bj,.V I Of og I, .
-o . PlAt 'to-) III)sIplAal 41-olliNk. Fj1fA.�,'(nt.;Ii1jllur , 'Corinthians' that wonderful -AkaptW -----:— I �.-.--� -
I .1 . � � I i , -1, I 10311s, 111"Jilt, or jert.4 at f"i 4.11ble, var I , , , . ( , Wit 40i ,; Have one 3on ;iX ytmrs , (on "charity." Mr. Doll, (If 1.�)ndolw I I
t opi. S�b "ne lietwf _. ___ 1.
I r h) -id. Teudvni to in, 11) I)y'.Nfal 4,11 N114. and JR111,14:11141 ri. 4ARIm.. ruNcumnx Nussim, ""', 1" elikiege (If the organ for tile .
. . 17111. I y0i'l o flit. �-A.I artlele at line . I
� 'BONDS � It, -1. I'I'11111 avopht �,dnv, beinz an applicant for tile vac." . . 11
1"A`%^jre_LV I . 116 J.r . ! fulllb# 1, tt"jUld... LIS tile pailty I -i littloilo-J)" Tim two French aviators, capt,ftbl, aiA ljosition of Organist lot the hurch,
l �N
11�14TS ,
I ,an Priv. 4,om. , " - , ,_. ,�, - . __�_ - 0
1. S1 VILOAA3 16RAIN �. _ - � _ - ____ r - _ "'.11.— I . I Nungessor and Capthin ('oil, W110 lAt'and handled tile Instrument ine tal �
, I 4A- . NOTICE I . .. . � Paris varly on Sunday morning in 4111'isfaot�,ry way. . �
, _^-__,�;_l��__.. Y+lTI1X-_'rjlt, fare frt I)I("I" �Attelblft to fly over the Atlantia�' Olt returning to tile lodg ' Goderich Ce'nbemnial . "I
INSURANCE , " ' N lit e roomq,. .
I I 101.11t " f;� UEVISIWN, TflWN!ilI1IIj orf4- land 0 lul -\f`it'Xeean in a non-stot flight to New4resolutiollsoft "
. C! 1 �V!7 -1#,I'.* Will bt, eflotill1l.4, hwaks and apprp; lation �
11-01IF11114,11. io. 11,411"11 bli, tho 111111 , York, are lost, and "r4nee !a 01"g -I, were passed to the minister, choir I ; .
� _ .. lit -1411i 4-i Jute 1)1,.L,q too I)v 4,flie(I .t,jr. r I �
i "'41gll"" ll1llq-a"rl'�ed into grim desPsir As it b6t6meilland bon d .
* I Goilirt ,fit ripV1,41oll wIll ho held It, I of the church, .
. , I
Alu"114hit'l'.4; 11,411 lit III'llot ,�'1011111 btl sk"It a,i ritrl,i as lot.iSiy,le is, f, Move appavent, that they are either. Tile d3Y being mother,%' day cttl tile ,
Harm INvgdonts , -SNIIIII oll IINN111A #11,,violoinlitle'llt. Iti K. I.. ciolu"deptl or dliftilig hPlifles2ly on th-- Atoo�mptnberii (of the order wore a button -i July 3 1 st-Aug. 6th, 1927
� 4 11111r�lday. Ila) Ift, �-Not-,h -4., Mollo-rit, I
111, At 16 f0ehock Et.m. , 14. liantic fat, froll No; b�-Jltf�n traek v1phole bou%vet Of white or colored � .
11, 9 . I.,— I I .'Llraittd, .%If MttIpai,f-rs ar,- horilty, notifloil to,, - -----L- .- _T- '' " , _ ._ �� Iveall.soilix VI.sspls. When th" gri'st, flowers � � � .
-ROYAL 4ANK -11WAMIl , , 41410f ill1v 61OPK11% 116MI the undemigarid j- kI'I'I,l1�3TI1)N 4.1 PARLIAUgNT, . .
4., , Wfor�,,�4hat. ,late, I r1sne, tb,� "White Dird'o!",did Ii it nr.: . _1-1..,�Ai I I
. �%p
,V._ 4)nj. � %VruWU! IF � A, ..
_ __ - .. . - . . I
� � I
'GODERICH — ONTAW, a-IS-itil,hor dogs anit'ro-tainjile thoi t,W2* -Nl'1T1(;F. '1-; 4fP,Ijf,�Jj1y"t�,`I%�f.,N ork 4n, ,Uoj0ay..,i%vmt.. . _ ,. .:j,,?,_.1,v1F�! ,
.0 I , . jjt,j1j%,yl I live� nt*r.,Ntw Y ,, � , - ,,, _ � , I 111'�', 1, The swisl
I . Ph"" 4"S !%Vill be rharxed in favo.4. I 11011lie'diton, Uill: jiv magle t#;* 111j,, ,,,,,,,_, Ing, as it %vai; nebedul,pd to do. haviiiR I Rill Prepared to deliver ieejoii any, � . �.61 the paint brush is in evidence I all .
" ' '
. . 11. G. TfIffINIIN)N, f;jorli. iqlAh I. . . k to jIY 'if tho Pro,ovinei, ,t: a suPplY (it gas to lsst "ll" 'Irt hflut", Part Of the town. I It. GMAHAM, i, over town, a$ cour peo-le are getting their plac " " i "' '
1111111111 11011�11M;i It. It. 2. (Alffitton, ont, i Wfarloo, f it- nip Vol es n
. ,kt Qioq44014011 (lit'retot, joy I ..
� n .. � — — . - filial pirMilmion (of tit-, Tf,i%n I
. __ = _ - 'It W44 ihOught th"t PerbSPA th,- ft -0 Elgin Ave. 'Plume 1-1, Madiness t - the visitor.,i of Centennial Week. I
_____ - - - !!!"Al !� , . q ,� till � had given out and that th�, nirm,_n h,jj I 0 recelvo
,- " -1 -, - I ____ � of I _ - - 'I
I 1 I I'All, 61' an Act f,vfi�nollng tboi � L�Ielj forced to land .%�)mowhere ;)b t ;�(. HOSPITAL NIGHT M0091, � The dealeloo Ste getting in 13tge StOCkS Of 'paintsand .
� . �. raw tip 411i, 0,1'allupilt ot molle S do.,,:, Ea.qt AtIanlit, Const. but an exken.,4v � THRATRU, TrESDAY. MAY 17th
I -N A Ao . �,
; Ull, R vort lot wiurfatii#p, 4 i;.
40in ,tivol, )v .1114, 1 40arch by airplanes, lII'iIvI1 vewle , . long befote ju "
0. F %..."I"ARFEY & SON, Limited S )pfla :on +4 of all Through tilt% kindliev.s of Ml,. Mtiv.! 1Y 51st Goderich will be the Spotless :
�'if ! till _VNIA' lu, flit, Tfj;�jt Of lldn&t has revealell r,, tilare at ^.Ij,_ir,,i,,,r,jj and under tht sulf1tices of the Town.
I ,t I t#,r Tpn tit(ppojild jj,jjj,jr,,, �! .
i . MAW *Mtt'Out futpre,it. ptirAimut,whereabout& Al
. IN VES 7*MENr$ anti INSURANCE I., t* Hylav, tho""'-h thP Wc'atll,'r Womoll's Ilospitat Auxiliary "Tivinkle':1 .
I - _\flo. 0:0.11" for a pf 6ill lit -WAS Yfry favorable l.,hen they m,,,jj-t_ I TOM" featurml,� ' #411toc-ti 3ftigre. Be.., 11
I I a 4 Oobtr 4 0 t I 111111111M I ,
I t 0
I -
1i U
I ]
I -------- 'I
. el- -_ --- - 91411 ,s"2r-4 fr,,fit oklother itill, A. 0�. 192;.'ed, tht rourite hvilp"d out -
I , thol dio to. "f 4-Itioiratiull viervot. Ult tort, � fraught with all kinds of d*ngio,r,1r" f'"M Pietuho�i Mr. lfklri-,,�y Sf(.-(;e,,? und.
. T I dut, Ile. Genrge Jenner will app4q!, ill;
' BUILDING I fill,. .1. If.. 1!43;. to bid weather, jkn4 alt they were tAk. thararaer t4ong,,ik and monot . (oqae.f. �� 4
MMOMC EMPIA If 503 are not already in the Cle,an-up Parade 11
GODERICH - . J. NV. 111'!4IrIhhb. ins & rinrtberly route it ig feared that FirAt show 7.30 mbarp. Admi,.ic 'r' now is thr-, "Me to join. � . �
ONTARIO Adjelt6l, � flip Ice milst h,qve formed on the mat,hine tents, children 25 ecrit% ,t,4 on; I I . : I
*Eo 230 1 " %14)1�e,`All- *bd forred it down, F,vii,rything jt"�,. � .
. � � .. � .. TIAEPHON. il-Ali'l 0 Nv'v�cl I'l 11.1-4 I - I -\" - 7 . . I 0
i I 60-ow"PI-20 -1 . - ._... . . 111bliI is I*ifjjt done to lw*t# thj MiN. May Rrun,twiek RecoriN. 1,at,,,,, _ 1.11 I—. � -1 I—— 1. . ... L. I I �
; -_ __ L. I � I U! 4* 0 '1jLj'r',-.h, %, It.. 19.1"_ I Mns rf*n. I
I IN. - - 1 2 a bit*. CAMPPIP'Llo",14 PRIlOr STORE. _ _. I , I
9 _ -