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The Goderich Star, 1927-04-28, Page 8
hVW AN ;X _ ! 1RiQ>"fT '1'"tl'tJIXUAT, A?'AM tak i9er ON ift : Vacation slit arp all gvito 4^ baled Aam w tits Inew Number 1*0 ww ,rich the now Cotloriate, boric far the Uster be" s WPM .60 f fes'41w- A railway siting has base jam" Lek Zob#, Detroit- Rom. WALL at Mr. iters► Oebalde"an's and the Woerisiodr Cls ororrt�, C�aalr ea; Ituntrae1wr's suypirss t,x hrrhway SW Castle. arati'o 4; 19 at Jow*"mR r' are bo lit in.}aratlanaa i9roehtn; Joan M tlrtooi iliac' AIM dpkL; "•' ""'"""";"" '"` ,rill b* is 3A awl:rlt is tiro sr+ar Tut. Hwe 14htMss�gr: Isdts itrssfr, RF jAlliR �t e11�M >'+I F - PAKR ire, ede -staorat valu ldtw ]Berton lioeaor, Lar sto" Mie .i firs. Joy Saydfr, wbosa husband, don; hath Higgim, Lou"; Ri th , TAN UN1EfNS 4 Harvey $nyder, recently died, her, Houston, London: Groct Jowitt. Lost.I I Amit lrlliptt. Greta Raker., ,�» !•Mrsrals for ssMr�gira#' IS I# SJyiin Cletxrurt ;�'itxxtQ in every a a�`tit Wil ' disposed of her farts stock and P"'avid Dewar, rlya Dewar, Annie .... _... o petty and has returned to the haama; . • • • i of her parents, Mr. and airs. W. _11. Dewar, dasafa Cameron, icon and t' _.. daughter, of Toronto. � ` `• NOBLE Draperies, I #t ��OQ�r` CifK venin # sl� � lli! li><#l�li�'tp i are i'. ren cit #berets %•C , ,EveryTaste _ �0a� Monday m.:rning the r.nitraet. Dt. NGA N F IERiTM i`XCHAINTA BLOCK ,�' � leaning r,�0 a o� lt`�lt!#� �ZirrlallRl�Ri ngs ora for the Clintart►-Goderich highway Cdr. Maxila>Ymsn, sailor, Dungan- mt y meed reepla>cirn,g rvlt%z 1ibMlltlier n'A[r< rl~x hter goods, and telt! began t,r scarify the }nand bed, Bertin- , g , . Whatever may be your ninK on .Huron Road at the Royal neon, bean to announce that spring. cordially ltlttlitt tHtr` t)tt#plC�ttNiR Of +aur Cue Spring attack 4f samples are in and he is in a powitiott , The following otlicera were elected : ' �• �+y� �a� Fp� s �i aegtiircments in Wan aBir nit orner Cls on. Cro beiln ]furl to make "first -claws suits from worst. i prsafdont, Mr. '.Choc. Wnstfr, Luck.' HOUSiTr L` V RNISH`NG VALUES. 'Papaw, you will iht%d edo and tweeds at $26.00 and upwards. , r xti Sce�xal =e�tums nn the highway. tl" Baur awn cloth made UP at ran -'now; ow;e onv era. George Andrew, , what yt;a stns seeking ;enable priest. Give us a call. Lucknaw; convener of sports conaniit at PORT ,ALDER tee. -••-Mr. sired Anderson; convemx of , � WE CARRY IN STOCK bia:,ter Willie Hoy visited with re• Rev. F. Hayes made a trip to 1,0n- reiwahmtnt committee, Mrs. Jas. Al { N latives here. don on Monday. ton. Lucknow. Dinner and supper PRINTED LINOLEU4I, 2, 3 turd 4 yards wills :sirs. Roy Fritzley is a week Mr. Harvey Treleaven en was nn the will be nerved in the agricultural hall. ] FLOOR OIL ;CL,PTH, L 1 `:. a and Zlrs yards "lade with relatives in PashwiZin sick list for a few days `last week, ,while the sports will be held in the V Our Prices are very Mr. Chas. AItan has been conf! : rark. ? k STAIR OIL CLOTH, -18 inn. &Ad 22xs itis, "isle Mr. Wm. Draper is sportia><al a new The regular monthly meetiwe of the; r RURMR STAIR TREADS' tttockrate to bed owing to illness :luring the lr r Chevrolet cone]] theso'times, : Dunttannon branch of the 14amen s The tieeorntors have'k Mrs. Thos. McWhinney, of 1�"ile, post week. '4 , blaster Willie Wiggins spent the ' ho-neaof was held on Tuesday at the , f RUBBER DOOR MATS i r { Our Svmple B o o k s. visited with her daughter, Mrs. Rus- Fater vacation with relatives in homes Mrs. n A. McKei gae. lilt's, EVERWEAR VERANDAH RUGS a r l►tk to :sit them. .rel Free. Goderich. Cruiekrhanks and ltixa. J. T: Elliott, i Miss 51male Dickson has returned 'the district president and geeretarv.. w GRASS OR RAC, MATS from London where she has completed Miss Jean Stothers returned on'respectively, were present and Ad-' as a }surae in training.. Saturday to Toronto to resume her dressed the meeting- brietiv. Mea -1 TAPESTRY RUGS duties as teacher there. dames Cesemore and Partisan, v'to i ]iliac Florence McKenzie,. al' the l BARRYMORiw RUGS it Mr. R.• A. Anderson has purchased also are members at Wingham, were Coles Book Store , i,aderich i C. I., spent the holiday j V V under the p4rental roof. a G`�ovralet sedan from the Huron present. °bits. I3avidgon, who return-; C iNGOLI+UM RUCrS, tt Motors Sales Company, ^d on Friday from Toronto, having,' LINOLEUM RUGS t Master I«eptor' Crawford ha, bear been a doleeate to,the O. E. A. Con» ^^ ^^ under the daetor's care. iVa hope to I4ir. Albert' McQuoid nail daughter ' s -. - - --- - Frieda, are visiting the former's vcntion. spoke briefly an anniw of the , FELT ]'APER -..-���--�^ - •-• goon hent of his recovery. + daughter in Toronto this week. ' subieeta under consideration at the ok ,! A -.. ...... �RF'iIV�t bliss Irene blaclionald, of Perone"a' Miss Margaret Pentland returned convention. Tan fnllawir+•;• t:tlicers MARt2UISl~'I'I'l~ CURTAINING CURTAIN RODS . •' M spent a day with her brother, Mr. were elerted Pres;dont, Mrs. Mr. Mat. Shackleton is sportin,, a to ^Clinton atter • spending the Easter . ' Far),, MacDonald, of the villago. itrnwn: l,it vice ixreaident, Miss E. 'Fel- •SILK-XURTAINING WINDOW SHADES new Chevrolet car these days. ( „ __ holiday at site home of her parrssts. i• bSr, and Mrs. have McWhinney an.T E Missos Audrey, Isobel and Alica intt: 2nd vie ores.. Mrs. R. A. Me- NET CURTAINING WALL I'AFERS. i Miss Eva Frrin>tton, who had spent n aon, Bert, visited relatives at Hulme;• lIawkins, .of Blyth. rectory, spent K nzia: nae,-tr^^a., 1Kx•, R, 14icTr�n- I3 their Faster holiday.with their aunt, the past few, months in Toraxito, re- hldt direetorw ,lira, T. T. Eva". y1% VOILE CURTAINS � , CRI TON S a rills last Sunday. i'lV% W. D. Gray. turned to her home an Friday last. C• Rn-- and Mrs. J. i'..0 intrh�tl- dirt.. Mr. James Bunter and apo, lir. 14Ir. and hire, +, SWISS NET CURTAINS AWNING DUCK The Itev; E. Mayes and bits, Hayes; . 'Thomas Bradnock, of pct director--•-ttt'rs. Oaorao M"Intv"A. Hunter, of Landon, called on relative Dir, and Mrs. ]tarry Hawkins and ,Blyth, were guests on Tuesday at the 'Thq rpv+ ,•�ePtrnrr w.tt bA held At the ]FANCY MARQ,UISETiE •CURTAINS WALL BURLAP here one day last week, blame of Mr, and ]sirs. Thos, Wiggins. home of airs. W. R. Stothors. I Mia,. R. Gray motored to Goderieli to i We are carry to terser} that slit. i the Easter :evening services in St.' Miss Ila Brown returned to lEarl Untended far Inst week] Wilfred Drennan is aid up with George's an Sunday. i ton, Northern Ontario, whero she isAfter-spending,i �+D r blood poispning in his hand. i �-�.--•• ---... lsngag'ed in the teaching profession.. the Easter hnlid•iy� VALUE „� QUALITY ,•,�* �ERRVVIC#,ar Mr. and bits. Bert Treleaven sand � BELFAST a : at the home of is parents. 141x. and Tamil seat Sunday-evenin net tits BELFAST i .Mr. It; L. Reed and his daughter, Mrs, Adrian.D' her, Mr. Delos ]Risher • ' ; ` laonie iii Mr. plat. Shaekieto i. Miss •Lena Luckett raturiiM to 1411ss Evelyn Reed, ai Goderich, were returned last. week to Owen Soured. Stratford Normal an Tuesday. Sunday visitors with Dungannon where he is on than staff of the ,Rays] . { ! Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sherwood sp . Dir. and 14irs, James Hackett acrd;friends. ]lank. y - last Sunday vitt 14ir. and Mrs,' (iia,. 14iiss Georgie Allen returned to her k £ Twamletact bane o£ Win ha lkilfrid motored to Stratford one day dr. John Kilpatrick met with•a er< READY•T0 "a , a ._la hn»te an Sunda after enuvinrr_ a i'nrt - . _, .,._ ,•-,_.._ _ _ s �cetdent- recess} t+ RAYCol-.�- r _ �_;�.As tan ',etas ����u��S • , . _ 'b�. rariil�iics. :ac van at�eta e,c n g t q visit with relttttves at Stoat- ��� �+r �� �_ the f .neral of the 'forriacr'g cousin, � Mrs. `Vine. Baldwin spent the week- pard and Taranto, cotninsr dawn -the west river hill to the.' r '4i • J Swan, f L kn w his ficin tr. and with her brother, blr, Abe Vint, : mill with some bags of grain in his. • , . t L Ems, . r. be , a uc a , t Airs. R. A, McKenzie returned last buggy the harness broke, cousin the: : , HOUSE FUgNIS INGS .A.ND �!' AL the second death W the family within of Stratford.. - week from Landon,. where she had horse to bolt and uasetti' cans buggy two months. } Iitiss Florone Thompson is spend been a sruest.with.her daughter, Irs. and its load into the ditch on tap of .. • l log a Coude of weeks net her home !A James McEac.iern. the: utifartunate, man. T'ortiinatel `�- I Lucknow: • HOLME5V i.I.E Dr. and Mrs. FarrovG arid. miss the horse freed itself. bait AIr; I�,ilpat- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Albeit Cameron and Mar Farrow, of Gadaric a, . wekae rick, .waw uisnble to. extricate' himself d Air. Witmer, ofurichr apetit Sun -family spent Thursday afternoon with yand Airs. Will Gaysnan,.of H'onthill,. stay with his daughter, Mrs. Wilfred � guests on Sunday wadi Mrs. e . and he nay xn ..this perilous position n Mrs: Frank Piero of Ingersoll, . r� x Jervis. relatives, in Whitechurch. leaven and slit, Harvey Treleaven. for upwards of a» hour before anyone and, g FIG -LAX w , , ., passed. ,•Finaliv Mr., Gordan Rbed and many from God rich and tick sur- (� } n�1Q c Airs. Bolds« ort ), of the village. is Master Albert Phillips, of .Fordyce, se. who had spent th+a rounding' .district. In her. sickness Said 10. 11 Y�V 'havingher house reship led this spent the holidays with• his gra aster season er parentis, Dr. came along and medical aid was soon s s i s ur� NA�'IJRVS WAY FOR SiiRE S and death, Mrs. Augustine ne wa s. week. l stents, 'bit: and Mrs, Jahn Caintp= nand ulizs, T. E, Case, tied to'Tor- obtainers. l'hr. uatient received same rounded b ratan beautiful floral op- RF.L -EF FttOAi arm #s c'a be s Cnre at bell. onto,to.resume her dutles, .. ober. nasty ent„4 and bruises from which lies y t' �ioo # tt d The sacramental• services will be was bleeding nrof s -. ferings•of frier}ds and r4atives. She (;Q 15TIPAT,$)'J a a e u sly, He ver able THE DU1tNXN FARM. held in the Uniteil churches on the Mr, and f Ai Will lane, Walter Mt. and Mrs. Burton Raaeli and 't is was laid to rest in i?ungannon octan- : • and rtta, of k'.ipley, spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. S, Roach motored to ° be removed to his home wherw he is ter 25 and C10 Cents at-Dxaiooista I alrnesviIle citeuit next Sunday, May doing aB well as could. be expected. an Haran Rend (Prox3ne:at High- est. vaith Air. -and Mrs. James Hackett, Exeter on Sunday, hetiig guests with " "- _- - . way). . at Taylor:a C.orntra, 111r and Mrs. Job attended the latter's sister, Mrs. Hillary Hor. Port Arthur has suffered the. Lass YOU GET �E'rTE `SURE '- �. miles from ,a rch. — . C tie t Miss Gladys McDowell, "Teacher of of one of its :utast. ef6clant 'and. faith - the Holmesville school spent her the inarriage of :their nephew, lair. itoir. fat teachers in 'the' death of Miss "�'"�' , p All Classes of Horses (Heavy and Fasten vacation net her name in West- t"eeil Mullin, to Miss Hazel RHynard, s1r, It..J. Wiggins left on_ Sunday It you. apply` Mss. Svbilln Soahrs: D TE Light) for . ie. e of Lucknow, iia Wednesday evening, on his return journey to Tobermor 'Clara IVs. Augustine. Miss Augustine Tonsilitis to Read • Colds Co so YEARS..AN A4! S L fi ) &u. fl field. $:, �`' was atrxcken with influenza' and pneu a , nigh, One :Matched team',*of driving after a delightful halide at the Name Bronchi is nines Whoonm Cou h , _ ,. _ __ Y - -t..,. 4�_.Y:_._ _._fi._ ._.g_,, _._.._d.o .ts_i`rsa s..11olme villc at_____ ttabnitG and ;onMondaw;-A rll•1-ltff, ht+x laALLAGHEl3 S... 11BAT horses ?-ye�!ix-o1:I. for -.girl _ _._:. _�._..... i .. $2� ''fit oMrs-pari-e-ntis, �: and ]sirs. •Thomas , .. R Soxe' Throats . and Tonsil Ills,: or FAMILY REMEDlEi3 Y to idtiig the Clinton Collegiate, have ,spirit winged its night to xts [tter7ial f; $unable. for .a doctor. • SViggian$; money back, 'pi.rce $1.60, Goderich t a esunted their studies after the Ba.iter ., Alias J©sate 'Metcalf, of 1)etrort, rest. Miss Anqusttine. ~rytis; the sscond SQ -Preparations - 6b lion,hohda s wit:i her stents: Miss R an resumed her dut Dr isrtm.' • VETERINARY .__ T..m•-__Y __.-. _ _ r y n . hter-oi_the- $r ... M. .......�.. _DR C.O.Oii 3 iiLe'1'E les • as . teaclien at Webbwao tis nyantira artd r e. d b ar , w , It MEDIESRIO •,a._.�.,..� -m. : bra. Attgustsne. ��he .wan linin• in �.� . week,. after spending .the water g- imwith-herT--Pre aeatians--w'a A large number .of the summer bion Cou»ty and came 1 P �A ration' at the home. vi_ her mother, are is to Ash 1 t ` emedy for your apecisal nae8: 11� 7t'el, Ito$ r 1S Itourists were in 'the village tooking p n fie d •inhere Irte resided ��ara��St� H A r AND after their cottages during the ho1i. Mrs.. J.. Ryan. until.h� days. (CUSTOM HATCHMhtG I4iraa Margaret Me ad who has s Mass Laura Savage, who had enjoy^ ed a ptessant two weeks' holiday %t; the home ried he Wellsii spent the winter with her Bort, Dr. l3. C, W. I.tghorn Chicks, $16 pa:.t• 100 McLeod, in Wroxeter, returned to her of her parents, Mr,.nnd Mrs: M John Savage, returned on Thuraslay, to Taxonto.. C ,and s yearn I Saamd flocks Chicks, $16 #er.100 home iherre last weak. to iI Holy. communion services will be Custom Hatching, Be e>i g, • ,� . ; : Mr: and Mrs. Roy Harris and' tarn- Arthur ^been A Per held in,tbe Visited church on Sunday R, sc rafter May morning next' at 11 o'clock. Rev. Mr: ily, of Stratford, were Sunday gua%ts with h#r.• and Mrs. T. G. Allen., ' iln tress, of her 1 a individual Ken t r ; oda machines from 100 to . Hedy, pan ar, will be the preach their return they -were accompanied by, Master Allen• Harris,:. who had miratic in coni ize. OW -ago size. The test of ot4n our er. paid to ,custom hatchstto^. •Get your }Asti Harold Brandon has taken spent the past week:in Dungannon. Dir. and :Mrs. Aitch Lack-` arsli+svr and un Chicks e s 1 arly; a they, will den@lop into dawn ala house opposite the rectory. son. of PONV" attended divine Ilcrvice Er- been r good-sized birds to et the earl' f . K g y asst- and intends putting up an up-to-date + 'gets. -Early hatched Pullets 'make cottage, also intends making as. skims church on Sunday and :;<ssisted. which 9 i .some the lies} winter lsya4rs, Improvements to .his _stable. q in the service of rause. A duet ren- p. dered.h them during e i wag e u h tit service the. fins sawn ds '� •. es ^ �w bl ars. Georgie Beattie and Jack 4 it"i,:l TREWAR H A Sha#ter, of V4'#ngham, wheeled dawn much enjoyed. Mesa Douglas octad as accompabiatw a life -1 ian'c+'au to the village on Monde last and , t?; y n ! • r I�OLM E"ii QXVT. spent a few days guests of Mr. a»d . . ,, 1,4 Mr. G. McXensie motored to auperin terran 3'ko t11 ri Cll Mra. A. E. Erwin and' returned horns Toronto on txnd returned. an she -In dutles'as school teaches° tsar., from home. She taught in ,County. Cedar Valley, Crowe taw an for h f to d the post if en d beena, member of the Port. � pils And tho 'respect and aad- .of all with• whom she eartio it, by her eharlming. 'person - mutiful Christian character slosh service. :This love has rwn by the many fine lives cote found their inspiration ;n sritampio . of Miss Aidgustine s r life. Miss Augustine was Lmember of the presbyter, For several years al was ent of St. Paul's Presby: � cave Cure f r a rsev I will be at 116 el Bedford, Goderichr IVki161ksday night, May. lith,' an hursday, May Sth, with a guaranteed heave .cure for horses. Payments 1. half in sada and balance. We like the•HARD case;:, Petrboronttha COURT TX SALE Canad3,lIEN WANTED? Write for our proposition: Buy Made -ia Canada Goods: w est thehorse is curet]. J. H. MAURERI N SV N A The Mutual Life WE CAN PAY HIGHEST --FAssuragre--�ompait_ -- -- -- . _- - _�_ . nee atori Ceptral Sunday. �e seas accompanied on his d a--- -- — - ----. nn Friday 1! loww m -'i .. .,...,�.,,' 1,.� bath school among the new Canadians OLD. .IROtI, : RAGS : Aird inti► w . . - ,,.. rartnrn by' :Mrs. MOKeaia% and aon, of t"u ,0)d .docks sections of Port, Ar- , Matcohn, who had spent the past fort WASTE of; all lands #solos s uq �f1i>iH C)2:iltl dl Od" O Ibbit night very rleamantly with relatfver thara ._ tior;greatest desire was to help P S FE in the cit those whb were less 'feftunato than �►�" IGEN , ATHERO . tit;Aa orFiCL :: �Vdxr ntnay, fis'1% � e ilsrrrnl t b herself, sand this ambition found its j' ' and HiD""atte cow. *' • Mr. and Airs. Bertram Badman and s ft little son, Lorne Wilfred, of Torontd greatest outlet among the, d'eistitate iatattditrag top pricesD: 1�.�DDE� Ells : foveiirn clement. For a short time lie - were week -end guests with the lady's . t f Isiscr, r: '3�6 .40,u • parents,` Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Errs g, fare e r dear . Miss Augustin. bard BROWN'S ..a.rrrr n. Charge of the. midweek and Bunchy s RAST ST. i ion{ hlavinft made the trip by . motor meetings .of a '.G,I.T, Group in St. L'hotra 27Q Goisi ra>cai, t3 ix. n heir Chrysler Six, Mr. Sadmaii Pact a church. On Thursday evenintr QODERICH, ONT. .. TO llrtti'I#Ell' returned on Sunday, but Mrs. Bad- a funeral servire stns conducted in St. -- - - -- - --- man' and son are'remaiahig for a few Paul's church by Rev. Andrew Rail- �t �r a weeks�. .... on AM01M S. V�y� $ 1 is . din' aIsiated by ministers af. the An enthusiastic meeting was °held in other Ualted churches. 'The.- Uoard � . (;Mar y^cgr FIOW M Wly to rAVOid }}incest h Luckhowr on Saturday evening last: to of Education, teachcrst and pupils GEO:s ST. EW' RT Ftor.18t make atrrangernentss for the annual f'•rnts+asl:" &hobl attended in a . txidv. ,arkin pale t Webetrr Ise -union, which will he held Thi pall -;maters w6v th„ principals ._. ,,..�. . 'I'hbnifa lrt)5 - - lTrttctla Street this year at Lucknaw oil. •ruse 11th. o the public sehools, and slit. 'Wilson, .,.. .,d �MiM.�llO.., Wim. f>•�_ .. _. :. --Tusnecto��....... Roilden praid high tribute tof Poblip o the.boau• FREE Oful life and untivinz' service which t� est Street Miss Aauttuaitint- had always shown in r t i the Mssier's Name, iThe body was " 1• ouirht ,to Dunarannan for burlaI. A large space to the north rina Foo'twear L+ feet deal � The funeral was held from the Nome .of our store is available ?or Of her mater, MrB. A. B. Pentland. on P____1_,!Vn,_Sonday afternoon. The service was visitors'to Goderich to pat,-. . t We carry a good stock of conducted by Rev. Walker. pd:tor of {'heir cars.. You :ire w�A , With the CCr'CY111in orr � lrlin the mind � Electrical Applranes Dungannon United church. Msaa l Amquxtira: ]wives to mourn two .iii•• come to use this, :alit tlts:s':, naturally turns to ��W � 0 . h FiXttrr#*,* etc. tern, Mr, F. ff. Walker. of ,Brus:ieli; I ichar Mrs. A, 11. Pentlans no d.gd. of Dungannon. • stock . , . +and two l,rotheris. 0. E. Augustine, of i %C have in lltUt: every tlttrSlCt1'tt°. U�. WO SpiltCXalrse in Rranttord, and L. B. Augustine, of �A���� two 1 J, �r+ t4-th -!-minute Footwear for e'�4fe1'yone. trims of.All Kinds Port Saskatchewan. Alta. All were I a✓ r CU y .. ARE INVITED xC� SHOP A .. For ort except wa L. R. a pall ear of .. lwstimataa•given on Fort Saskatchewan. The pallbearers; I�Ixsxra iI$ Hem's �,�' r �r application titre' Mosler.*. t1. A. Walker, G. It .i['li a �a Shoe Store All Work Caarr AuowSnda L. A Pentland, B. (x ' .. plyllCatlO tkntstftsl" Pentland said G. F. Ponttand and A I. ! _ ----- _ IV. """""`,"�"i P:+ntl"nd. all nanhewn of the doeeks-; "- The PlAeA of Rellable FootwestiDrd. Muer ruplls..triends and tela - McArthur tives went present to pray their last PSE 43W -•-- North Side of Square � ' lahs'►rtle 82 - i' est Stiro et tribute to the one who was beloved by { = all. Trow from a distance stere Mr. Pfle Sufferers ■ r,rrr , r ..,,rr rrNr r,rw+rn...+..+r+r.n..+',. r.nwv�!•r...•..'_. _ .ww•`r-""r' ...""-. . s .. ..., _ ", _» FOR— "Perfect «, ""�Can 'ton AiKawer Thfee Qwtstlww?,Perfect Bread" � � ' �� f DW ! Do you know why ointt"rits do not" l �a giv+e youairk and lasting relief . Wrapped or Unwro d Aer s why +c ing and operatio is rsirt►e-'1, •� titian fait•# that ni6i.' iwttp , browt3 that . ,, r Give her the orae }{11111}[ intro y,,, kttdw the cause of }riles i6l tapFiesllstto hatheyerand palate. pplrearfelte That tl*rf is a stagnation of Wotid' * si1aG will # circalatioa in the lower bowel 2 10 BABY CARR1AG28 $say st 1.0etf of Persica} f Iso ma,karow that there is a harm - t bo t• pie ar sa taste No 7 iraslu te r sl4iffvrtrlc>r►. Try Uar **Wt WTrestt Brsuad end Frait Xrttrif d. E. � j CLEVELAND,# ,P.IMNE I7 -f rw ill smr mast nwutrao YrS PE 197 } now " that k t HNN. r1 mraody discovered err lir, as e a ra a or rim your rand kworra art HEIlt-ROID,ia k etkt . lair to be rein b &-artists orerX wktm, lstria*ms. All are tits] ,rairtfsi Y araa%e and will l 0" >Yoa►d srrrviee, no RD iaaalahfa pits* by rf- matWr what carrlaar you pick owt. I eawf, by freeing Wood smothers ah"W come in, and "• these era the ismer bcwMl. []rile 10, Carts arA Carrisira, wbkh willi. rr trektsaerrt has as almost , raadtf life Ttnappkr for bath raoiher l e reo+td for asitia. qv*k 1 air] Mabry. HE wt sad aarelloof to �� R. W GMR tit}raw at an Iiia. fi t It 'M -1w. - t: t u, ttlWIn T" r. Try HISft-itt)�ieday.Maassaarra llkxryetd he new for yoiL i ..W -,e, else::Agents' for TSE J�_EARFCas4.TION . C"L STOVE )drop, in and ate thli: Now Stdves. Turn 'in tl:e old Stovie for a new -one. ''T'his is vour Store. Use it., HAROLD LACKSTONE'S fORNIT RE EXONANCE On the Breairray sf Goderleh w , t T ' ct N ee � a . 'You, - like every one else. have some good frames but yon . .are tired of the pictures In them: Well, take them-o ut and come In. andeeledsame new Pktures for your fram6s. 'We e have a lovely line of good landscapes, sailing vessols and copies of the old masters. Also bring In those phitom and pictures youwant fram. . ed. Now Is the time when the spring cleaning is ,rir. , We also regild old frames like new s%ad clean engravings send prinfs. Smth s Art sod Gift Store East St. 'P6oae ift A OIN T —FOR. YOU Get raardy stir Spr i.n gti m.e Now Have your Suits and Coats dean. ad; sand Pressstrl by us, said. they, will took ,asst^ like brand ntew. _ Work done as you I&a it. Godeda French Dry Clesik Works Prompt ,and Expert Service 1 J. H. VROOM0 Phone 122 west'Streat ON—TILE WAV WE OF POPULARITY That's rt►lanria tis 141A cotolrod sJtioos ora for bothLaadiett and Oar s%Crsa is ws� storlted with sa variety rye slaadllYr in the rrrrrstast ismVal6t swes# and we invite yopr k"Pedift. Bring dins rl>aiidnvsa too. We Tara prepaw•ed to fit you all, frons iisdry to G"Aa lie, SHARmAN'S THE LEADING SHOD; STORE I Aird" Ift GODEWCH tc - 1! loww m -'i .. .,...,�.,,' 1,.� bath school among the new Canadians OLD. .IROtI, : RAGS : Aird inti► w . . - ,,.. rartnrn by' :Mrs. MOKeaia% and aon, of t"u ,0)d .docks sections of Port, Ar- , Matcohn, who had spent the past fort WASTE of; all lands #solos s uq �f1i>iH C)2:iltl dl Od" O Ibbit night very rleamantly with relatfver thara ._ tior;greatest desire was to help P S FE in the cit those whb were less 'feftunato than �►�" IGEN , ATHERO . tit;Aa orFiCL :: �Vdxr ntnay, fis'1% � e ilsrrrnl t b herself, sand this ambition found its j' ' and HiD""atte cow. *' • Mr. and Airs. Bertram Badman and s ft little son, Lorne Wilfred, of Torontd greatest outlet among the, d'eistitate iatattditrag top pricesD: 1�.�DDE� Ells : foveiirn clement. For a short time lie - were week -end guests with the lady's . t f Isiscr, r: '3�6 .40,u • parents,` Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Errs g, fare e r dear . Miss Augustin. bard BROWN'S ..a.rrrr n. Charge of the. midweek and Bunchy s RAST ST. i ion{ hlavinft made the trip by . motor meetings .of a '.G,I.T, Group in St. L'hotra 27Q Goisi ra>cai, t3 ix. n heir Chrysler Six, Mr. Sadmaii Pact a church. On Thursday evenintr QODERICH, ONT. .. TO llrtti'I#Ell' returned on Sunday, but Mrs. Bad- a funeral servire stns conducted in St. -- - - -- - --- man' and son are'remaiahig for a few Paul's church by Rev. Andrew Rail- �t �r a weeks�. .... on AM01M S. V�y� $ 1 is . din' aIsiated by ministers af. the An enthusiastic meeting was °held in other Ualted churches. 'The.- Uoard � . (;Mar y^cgr FIOW M Wly to rAVOid }}incest h Luckhowr on Saturday evening last: to of Education, teachcrst and pupils GEO:s ST. EW' RT Ftor.18t make atrrangernentss for the annual f'•rnts+asl:" &hobl attended in a . txidv. ,arkin pale t Webetrr Ise -union, which will he held Thi pall -;maters w6v th„ principals ._. ,,..�. . 'I'hbnifa lrt)5 - - lTrttctla Street this year at Lucknaw oil. •ruse 11th. o the public sehools, and slit. 'Wilson, .,.. .,d �MiM.�llO.., Wim. f>•�_ .. _. :. --Tusnecto��....... Roilden praid high tribute tof Poblip o the.boau• FREE Oful life and untivinz' service which t� est Street Miss Aauttuaitint- had always shown in r t i the Mssier's Name, iThe body was " 1• ouirht ,to Dunarannan for burlaI. A large space to the north rina Foo'twear L+ feet deal � The funeral was held from the Nome .of our store is available ?or Of her mater, MrB. A. B. Pentland. on P____1_,!Vn,_Sonday afternoon. The service was visitors'to Goderich to pat,-. . t We carry a good stock of conducted by Rev. Walker. pd:tor of {'heir cars.. You :ire w�A , With the CCr'CY111in orr � lrlin the mind � Electrical Applranes Dungannon United church. Msaa l Amquxtira: ]wives to mourn two .iii•• come to use this, :alit tlts:s':, naturally turns to ��W � 0 . h FiXttrr#*,* etc. tern, Mr, F. ff. Walker. of ,Brus:ieli; I ichar Mrs. A, 11. Pentlans no d.gd. of Dungannon. • stock . , . +and two l,rotheris. 0. E. Augustine, of i %C have in lltUt: every tlttrSlCt1'tt°. U�. WO SpiltCXalrse in Rranttord, and L. B. Augustine, of �A���� two 1 J, �r+ t4-th -!-minute Footwear for e'�4fe1'yone. trims of.All Kinds Port Saskatchewan. Alta. All were I a✓ r CU y .. ARE INVITED xC� SHOP A .. For ort except wa L. R. a pall ear of .. lwstimataa•given on Fort Saskatchewan. The pallbearers; I�Ixsxra iI$ Hem's �,�' r �r application titre' Mosler.*. t1. A. Walker, G. It .i['li a �a Shoe Store All Work Caarr AuowSnda L. A Pentland, B. (x ' .. plyllCatlO tkntstftsl" Pentland said G. F. Ponttand and A I. ! _ ----- _ IV. """""`,"�"i P:+ntl"nd. all nanhewn of the doeeks-; "- The PlAeA of Rellable FootwestiDrd. Muer ruplls..triends and tela - McArthur tives went present to pray their last PSE 43W -•-- North Side of Square � ' lahs'►rtle 82 - i' est Stiro et tribute to the one who was beloved by { = all. Trow from a distance stere Mr. Pfle Sufferers ■ r,rrr , r ..,,rr rrNr r,rw+rn...+..+r+r.n..+',. r.nwv�!•r...•..'_. _ .ww•`r-""r' ...""-. . s .. ..., _ ", _» FOR— "Perfect «, ""�Can 'ton AiKawer Thfee Qwtstlww?,Perfect Bread" � � ' �� f DW ! Do you know why ointt"rits do not" l �a giv+e youairk and lasting relief . Wrapped or Unwro d Aer s why +c ing and operatio is rsirt►e-'1, •� titian fait•# that ni6i.' iwttp , browt3 that . ,, r Give her the orae }{11111}[ intro y,,, kttdw the cause of }riles i6l tapFiesllstto hatheyerand palate. pplrearfelte That tl*rf is a stagnation of Wotid' * si1aG will # circalatioa in the lower bowel 2 10 BABY CARR1AG28 $say st 1.0etf of Persica} f Iso ma,karow that there is a harm - t bo t• pie ar sa taste No 7 iraslu te r sl4iffvrtrlc>r►. Try Uar **Wt WTrestt Brsuad end Frait Xrttrif d. E. � j CLEVELAND,# ,P.IMNE I7 -f rw ill smr mast nwutrao YrS PE 197 } now " that k t HNN. r1 mraody discovered err lir, as e a ra a or rim your rand kworra art HEIlt-ROID,ia k etkt . lair to be rein b &-artists orerX wktm, lstria*ms. All are tits] ,rairtfsi Y araa%e and will l 0" >Yoa►d srrrviee, no RD iaaalahfa pits* by rf- matWr what carrlaar you pick owt. I eawf, by freeing Wood smothers ah"W come in, and "• these era the ismer bcwMl. []rile 10, Carts arA Carrisira, wbkh willi. rr trektsaerrt has as almost , raadtf life Ttnappkr for bath raoiher l e reo+td for asitia. qv*k 1 air] Mabry. HE wt sad aarelloof to �� R. W GMR tit}raw at an Iiia. fi t It 'M -1w. - t: t u, ttlWIn T" r. Try HISft-itt)�ieday.Maassaarra llkxryetd he new for yoiL i ..W -,e, else::Agents' for TSE J�_EARFCas4.TION . C"L STOVE )drop, in and ate thli: Now Stdves. Turn 'in tl:e old Stovie for a new -one. ''T'his is vour Store. Use it., HAROLD LACKSTONE'S fORNIT RE EXONANCE On the Breairray sf Goderleh w , t T ' ct N ee � a . 'You, - like every one else. have some good frames but yon . .are tired of the pictures In them: Well, take them-o ut and come In. andeeledsame new Pktures for your fram6s. 'We e have a lovely line of good landscapes, sailing vessols and copies of the old masters. Also bring In those phitom and pictures youwant fram. . ed. Now Is the time when the spring cleaning is ,rir. , We also regild old frames like new s%ad clean engravings send prinfs. Smth s Art sod Gift Store East St. 'P6oae ift A OIN T —FOR. YOU Get raardy stir Spr i.n gti m.e Now Have your Suits and Coats dean. ad; sand Pressstrl by us, said. they, will took ,asst^ like brand ntew. _ Work done as you I&a it. Godeda French Dry Clesik Works Prompt ,and Expert Service 1 J. H. VROOM0 Phone 122 west'Streat ON—TILE WAV WE OF POPULARITY That's rt►lanria tis 141A cotolrod sJtioos ora for bothLaadiett and Oar s%Crsa is ws� storlted with sa variety rye slaadllYr in the rrrrrstast ismVal6t swes# and we invite yopr k"Pedift. Bring dins rl>aiidnvsa too. We Tara prepaw•ed to fit you all, frons iisdry to G"Aa lie, SHARmAN'S THE LEADING SHOD; STORE I Aird" Ift GODEWCH No 7 iraslu te r sl4iffvrtrlc>r►. Try Uar **Wt WTrestt Brsuad end Frait Xrttrif d. E. � j CLEVELAND,# ,P.IMNE I7 -f rw ill smr mast nwutrao YrS PE 197 } now " that k t HNN. r1 mraody discovered err lir, as e a ra a or rim your rand kworra art HEIlt-ROID,ia k etkt . lair to be rein b &-artists orerX wktm, lstria*ms. All are tits] ,rairtfsi Y araa%e and will l 0" >Yoa►d srrrviee, no RD iaaalahfa pits* by rf- matWr what carrlaar you pick owt. I eawf, by freeing Wood smothers ah"W come in, and "• these era the ismer bcwMl. []rile 10, Carts arA Carrisira, wbkh willi. rr trektsaerrt has as almost , raadtf life Ttnappkr for bath raoiher l e reo+td for asitia. qv*k 1 air] Mabry. HE wt sad aarelloof to �� R. W GMR tit}raw at an Iiia. fi t It 'M -1w. - t: t u, ttlWIn T" r. Try HISft-itt)�ieday.Maassaarra llkxryetd he new for yoiL i ..W -,e, else::Agents' for TSE J�_EARFCas4.TION . C"L STOVE )drop, in and ate thli: Now Stdves. Turn 'in tl:e old Stovie for a new -one. ''T'his is vour Store. Use it., HAROLD LACKSTONE'S fORNIT RE EXONANCE On the Breairray sf Goderleh w , t T ' ct N ee � a . 'You, - like every one else. have some good frames but yon . .are tired of the pictures In them: Well, take them-o ut and come In. andeeledsame new Pktures for your fram6s. 'We e have a lovely line of good landscapes, sailing vessols and copies of the old masters. Also bring In those phitom and pictures youwant fram. . ed. Now Is the time when the spring cleaning is ,rir. , We also regild old frames like new s%ad clean engravings send prinfs. Smth s Art sod Gift Store East St. 'P6oae ift A OIN T —FOR. YOU Get raardy stir Spr i.n gti m.e Now Have your Suits and Coats dean. ad; sand Pressstrl by us, said. they, will took ,asst^ like brand ntew. _ Work done as you I&a it. Godeda French Dry Clesik Works Prompt ,and Expert Service 1 J. H. VROOM0 Phone 122 west'Streat ON—TILE WAV WE OF POPULARITY That's rt►lanria tis 141A cotolrod sJtioos ora for bothLaadiett and Oar s%Crsa is ws� storlted with sa variety rye slaadllYr in the rrrrrstast ismVal6t swes# and we invite yopr k"Pedift. Bring dins rl>aiidnvsa too. We Tara prepaw•ed to fit you all, frons iisdry to G"Aa lie, SHARmAN'S THE LEADING SHOD; STORE I Aird" Ift GODEWCH