HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-04-28, Page 7?Buil WAT. AT'J<1!, 1M&- • UWT
r%V'r. r•i`:vkm
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ttgstttttr+tisottt*a'ttiMtstttiteat tnt•t#rirer,~tett wetw
ir1W. atKf i+atnia no 11 AWSMn.
A lett!* iRtsr t it over.
I and as be haat ov*r nett k to hang
� "t C.� `' � � t>» its k vrhuprsrwd:
"I have not told him, . To-tMor- 1
row," and went back to his p1aee. r
� " �k 1to ISAB&L HAMIL I'1DN, God.°r•1C&, Ant, s ft
la t'rtate icon. 1M+traMs asw{ ata fader cover of the ` Iaght+t t,ut'"
>rflrsa firs creast leseraarse+t affaetaJ, AL
tt000latitrtlNNw+tl+set[�wsa+astttArit[gift;tWANSttt&mos artRwttoxonamalk}, Now To Treat �IR*I*. 1 repwtted this to Michael,
ebt* ensues li trifling t a elrokisag 1 - - -- "That s all right then," said ht:. i
wim ative, a slaortaws of breath, patpl O Love that casts out tear, sea ret ars astir, for the Saviour do , '• " Ais
Q love that casts out sin, } ,led -cal author;t.vs stRta thein uear• . tit a shall have a quiet night.
deter to her, recefvi>ag Eton+ the lips ly itis* -tenths of the vasaes of stantarh And then perfect silence dewentiwl a
tatie s, throbbing, irregular beating, Tarry no %sore •ritbout.. athat had fed so many His firAr word trvath:*, indipxestion, xowrr►ess, barn- on the roost ss usual,
swa Bering $emotitrn, div4sews, ,vrsw But corn* and dwell within. s aq the risen One, and gutting a catu- ing, ims, bloating, n.itiasa, et_'-, urs It was an unpleasant night for lite, we
a mIt sleep. &ad have a weak, sinking, Great lave of trod, colitic in, mission front Him to .carry the gene
all• oa* feeling +.f oppression and hidings .to His disconsolate bretb• daw t: an Excess of bydrochlorie ogle neverthelusts, far I by no means sitar• r ROSE
1iYellsvr:ng of heavenly pea ,, „ , fn the stomach and not as tram• be- ed Michael's faith in ita quiet. Youmost A�fSJ[7r
ssaxlety. ren. but some of the most beau.d- int t' a lark of d gertive juiece. What more likely. I thought. than
oaa the. Riot sipof the heart lee- 'Thou Living mater, come #
Spring up, and never fol specimens of ietttate Christianity The delicate stow, Itning to irrItat• that Lejaune should thtxaRe tonight PEKOE. A little higher price than other
oatag weaken*, or the nerves us- llorati s near, will never be. heard of till the rerun- ed. digestion is delsy*d a d rood for his anticipatory counter-stro+ke'"
ding, you will ind that 4 rection morn.
P]3A,X81t "`l;nsreen, unfelt th•:fr eat•t}d,• sours. ca►us)nat the d:sRgr�rat� • vutp- He must have an iron nerve or very* teas, hilt a >"e81 difference 'lit quality. N4'Dt
Encourage our hearts, p Gtxl, that+ • toms which every stomath Puk_,ror grert faint fa his spies, otherwNe he
we nuY love Thee more a d more -,l tele knows so well. could hardly continue thus to si*, an pBlCkCi� In E�rumillTMtll.
kindle our souls that we ms, praise ` self'accttsed of sin and siatli """""'"'"o,14 ""
hey live acrd die; their names de- Axtitlei:l digestents are sat needed Mi powder -barrel when the fine wag
Thee; order our thoughts, Bort and; cay, in such cases and may do re►1 harm. Might.
11t�v*tett" ,+ , r ,�u a, • , : , -t-_ nn'l clan,
deeds, within end vrithaut, +ha we Try layitsgY aside ail digestive 1sltla and Or had he other and surer sources `the i -nt' �; red„ r• a ci- +n t , r..+rrta�
may be wholly thine; and may ertis, !
viola sinrithpefr�eezing ill st .. instead get from any druirgist, a few of information. Gua than the tales of Tdolf-'; just cff, ` T:'• . .`I t' 1' tet lwe wa'i t as ,
praise and glorify Thee, for cv :r a»d • lrlo vernal steam around they cos# - ounces of ilisurated Matriesta and dor. and C:ran#aro s reports ( to heel• 1/t+i ... r\ tI r , } ,oriel : t( ht a'sclr. �
lever, through Jesus Christ, o Lard,' But they shall flourish from the take a teasro•:nful in a quarter irlasa dint' 1iiFaa one of Schwartx'or ,tta4t„ ,.,.,,,. ,.......;...«�„«.. .,...., , . _ . - ••» -1 •� .....t.
limen. . (British 1� kt,, h, a of water right after eating. This trusted lieuteinnants mrrehy Lrj:tut, 'tr .. � ' .
q1PS. Id. L1SSON F'OR 1HA'IT . h, 1927, tomb, + �'
The breath of God shall watlw them sweetensl the stomach, prevents the agent }�ravacateura a
to and ,Rtimulat* the heart Lesson T'itie.--•Peter and a Risen: into od'xous bloom: " for of excess ache sand them is ,:,Ul, k.1ell71,ts tohl.self be Tbn _' mss''
w.0i11 regulate I,crd. I Keble. ° no sourness, gas or pain, illauYated janne'a 3ackah'? tI3o, that R&s shit- .+
and stmag;then and restore the whole Lesson Passage• -John 2sai-la t on hear nor jdaxy's strange story, Magnesia (in powder or tablet form -sense. and this horrible atmosphere of 11 �" '`` .
nervone system.' T 21x1-23. two of the disciples, Peter and John, never liquid or milk) is harmless to treachery and suspicion was poison. ° " `�"o"
]Gee iltrth A. ilr.ker,1A cat Jed+Iore, Golden Tseatt=l Peter 1:3. feet off tet ante for the sepulchre. The the stomach, inexpensive to take and fnft my Tpind, Whereas i.eaauno him. i . 1 d ! `
-�t•7f writes:•" Three ;tears ago I was Mary Magdalene, because of her younger outran the, elder but ten is the most efliefent forth of magnesia self was wholly evil and was pro.. _ , - , ,
troubledi +aaith Ftnothcring:=ge11s; chart• , g;rathude to Jesus for reltevtng tier of reachin the sepu{chre he hid trot the far st mach purposes, It is used by bably after Michaelis fabulous jewel'
aesN of-bxaath and sieeplcssaesa. evil spirits, accompanied hent to Jer- courage to go in. Iv'ot so Pete:, wlio thousands of peoples who enjoy their ••-patiently ,and xemarselcssly creep
A friend oft mina vrh+i ha�i tared usalem and ministered unto his wants, was the most venturesome one of VII meals with no more fear of indi}tes• Eng towards it along a path that ic"d
Milburn s Ileaiit and Nerve; 1?tilg ad- Her great love ,overcame her fear of tht:ough quagmires of treachery nnd' � _" . 1. .:.
viscd me to tr d them, which I slid, ! the disciples, He dared to enter and etas. _ .— .__.,�.,,.,,,...
I death for sho watched, her friend suf- make' certain of what bad been told f rivers of ,blood -Schwartz wand. was a tom- �_ ,
need after uxing the 1lrst box I Melt I fir, and die upon the cross. The dews' him. Ha was not frifrhteited by "T�lic could work for Foy sahib and not ('naratively honest and. honorable ¢.
better, oriel tlnee that I have taken religion forbade them to meddle any .lion in the way, or the ghaat in tiie know God is lave." liege was n eft- bxutr, tnadIy thirsty for Yett,eanee ,, - t -
three, boxes. more than needs trust with graves ,grave." He had, repented bitterly his. nes$ with the whole of life behind it. upon a savage beast -taster who had v °
I I can highly recommend them to all and dead bodies. Again her love was g denial of Jesus, had joined again the Forty years of beautiful living was t driven hint to utter desperation by In- ; • t
who sufrer ax I dile." sutiremc, for she went to that sepal- ,company of tha discfules and wits now speaking to the Hindu In his befog of � Justice and savage cruelty,., And, ; � ,°
Price :a(rc. a box, at 411 druggists and � chre to weep there and to anoint the ' cagex in his search far the truth distress; Christ interpreted through , save for Bolfdar and ttuantaia, his � A� • �R�-.- i
deniers, dr niafled oirtct on receipt of body of Jesus. A glorious discovery, about the empty, grave. exiierience and backed by fine living followers ware Iter hfm, brave men y
ice by The m: Milburn. Co., Limited, met , hor, the stone was rolled . away j When John stooped down and look- is almost irresistible to Indies today average character, art humanised by � .
Toronto, tint• And the grave was empty. At first sed in be saw the linen clothes lying. (The Christ of The Indian Road.. an inhuman system and the it,
in- '
s }±uman monster tubo applied ft, TM's r:NMeAMNrrtty
she did not realize the meaning= hof i Peter_ oft going In saw the sante thing t, � And why .did not the monster ;« *.,w :.*,# r;:.,,,, ...., ,
'11 I K,.,•.-.,•._., w e+yv the empty grave, she •.jumped tote I but, in addition, the napkin that was BF't.,A; + ' , stripe? For what was he waiting, """ ,�••�
• - coneh,4ion that the body had been re- • about his head, not lying with then .Coolitinued tem . a>ra 6)
t Yi viten every hour increased ]its dan-"�-
T., era W ART n,ov�d to another f hare: and her soli- � linen ciathns but wrapped together .'- -`- "' ` " ,,-------,—
i eitude gave 4, rags to ll•. i feet. and sbe • in a place by itself. John, encourag- Schwartz, Brandt, Haff, Vogue, Ire- I +ter? Surely it could not be aterely* .
nt 1�r p flew back alone. in the early morn- t ed by Peter's boldness, Barr went in larey, and one or. two others, round I the love of the fearless ratan for pro- ;
guto and Orsa hiverg ing, to tell the disciples what alta had and save these things more distinct SehwBrtz's heti. longing i teruatio ?menacing zine pre.. ; >
seen. {y': They could not but realize that ; 'I pretended to go to .sty pat}u9t: ge carious situation .
} for something. and then retired and Could ft be that, Before talcf•t� ns>~ ;
b SLC, 1)r. ilro�vn, coaiment;.,gr on Mary the hyo had hoes remavGd reported ta.s•►fichaal.
11 oack Stables, Ma dalene s devotion to Je. s says, flail. he Trottel wished to know ab,da
g wh trete had been • s unseemly haste p said. lutel f
f , - .
MA ntrweai �trstttl - "Nowhere in the Bible -no -where in al;hut it. In this passage we etre „ "That's ,ail right then,,' he r y or certain what Michael �attd i ; •
Christianity is woman's place more told "John saw and believed," taut in Whatever the fools fix up for tonight. were going to do when the nntt)neer , beaut Q
u t tI the tit tilt* i rbe-reportedi• rasa. he. 1.
} s a f i lookin ere „ will to Lejaurle tonight,
Iwo qw. b.autftul than ,.here, ri , g, i Luke 24:Y2 we read that "Peter snit- _.•. _ .
e____.. __ �. __: � �� � --= -rrml--nvoudex d z-"irr---uutram• Anr-ter •end•hee- tuiil...knavt �Yhat t�sia, (ir :was he wnitintr tail soft ) of �, � _,, — _ _ .
SEVERAt..FiRST Cta'!S AUT03 REATIY ---- - - ._.___ _ __ _
�Ilna grave end afterwaircls Ili ddseexn `"We'll have a .word with Bolidaar {136 C:ni ax Dupre?
FOR SERVICE --CET YOU ANYWHERE w nt,. though, bytind by, ` he added.. '`Nath -1 Of course, ff«lice telt that In the
Am? WIiEN YOU WANT' To OR THERE G U � ' me + t ey were so slojv ing like knowing what's• going; to hap- presence of the diamond no reliance
.r +• I Why, was it that It� pen" could be ,laced on either side':yi thea UN A r*
li,er4sargs: M1:a:t N,tt r r'0001.snit s ! to 4--lieve - The Old TeetameDt.
ei_fidats - th .t1les- Half an hourlater, we returned to two colleagues, arid 'if, as a shrewd. .
.. . Passetltc s otic of tits resurrection of
' flee reekfn , stifling xoom, Mo,t of noel cxpertrucrd .
In any Judge of ttneu, Ile _ , , :
• stab and th3 disciples believed he was
part 01* t rrttaa tar the, men were lying on their cots. estimated Rolidar and Guanta iii at
tart cit the town for ell � e the itilessiah_ Jesus had often spolr I I .
a r . Y. +d nr aw, a .Tt en of his rising o air on :the third Boltdar runs :sitting; on td beach, }fol- their '-trug worth,. or..'imthles nt)ss.-- ;
is ail*x t i g g E S .
�1 y{•� M a erha s tt vvas quit in ss' le far
ltpp.rtt' $wtlds++"'"a+a' R�"'"�'� idlny: .In I oke (24;46, 9Fi:) \ve find lite tsh)n its bdyonct. t7 p tg to ipo sb
' r o herr slow to believe. .'��tll ,you polish mine ton.)" I said, helm to act at all. If niactieally every e.
llrmil,pt..1%erx16v >indrI leeason oft I
It tuns that "ile had not yet opened gorse over to him. . "Follow me _nut, one in the garrison belonged to one :
• i I whispered, as I have hfm my ha,*- of . ttva . parties -l: thc, �"honest'.' mut-
C,u rt t u1 . -
t A t F e t i da nee. their understanding to understand i 11' a s.'able a �� o�
onet. inters determinfil 'to desert, oi• the ,
l,,, y .,, tli>i scriptures." _ I strolled back to ttiv.cot, beg;an.,to rascally : thievvl%} detbrinined- to. steal "
at tcw ...Jesus. on different occasions. appeal undress and then folies+' tit ntus . the great jewel and get away with H �Ty, .
Oar Livery >in4 ,.N. t!v . ., c�STr1C�eal.�
' +wtii be tauntt:.rtr til-4arte. ed to .certain of itis followers and nn Y
John 21:1-23 we see hien with• seven went out .of tate roost as though for --what could the nian do? v •
n ovort teapeux n# his disciples at the sea w Tiberias. water. '.Was he hoping to use the, thieves to, Jy , .
*H -vary P Watching the.lighied doorway, I fight the mutineers and :to deal xvith Du
e Snricited (7f. the ten appearances of the Ilisett waited dot the darkness. the, surviving, party himself:): Hard-
Your i`attwnag Saviour recorded to Scripture, this io, Ten minutes' nr..sa later, Ilcil'id+lr lye that. fair the mutineers greatly'; •
.�-the ases+enith,.:,4ut., to his- disciples_ tbn
ART came out outnumbered the. thieves. � . { '�herc`s effete a;�voritl of plcasttrr ill 5ltitttli'ss rvt;sitl-
Tw +� third.. The disciples, had returned to ,�„
;,Well I asked. ' Gn the other hand, could hrt sat tt(tt'1: and well l.ept fhwrs 1 Sltalsb� , (liscolo)red :;ter.- ' �'
Phone 107. M,oc..tretl Strtrrr Galilee and 'here it,ts recorded that „ believe, a wnrdi, i ' secure the arms of
- LeaAnne does not be rr tie to ea8rjhy e e t �ti 't 'l::alt floe(' itt tlrl' \1"Cll lel' It ltt)in Vin# -iior.
1. v they had..i.esiuued,their_,secular-..tkett_...,. _ xr _ face. lt. . _„„._Lilt _t, _il _ . ,_...__,1.._._.._.._.._. _ it ... ,._�_ . .. _ - . _.___,._ _.-_._...._ 1 .__.
HE Firestone patios but with no. success.. As they
flout -the diamond not -being -hetes hb nrutlneemi arid•-ai.i est t4m"len-tit t•heri p- -. - M -- -
said, "and the mutineers are going. to beds -by em toying the- thieves? fie ' . til°Iry ti)lcr;ttr_ '.elft nt �nc�u • rets 1°;trtif�ttes �vvill
* -r, :... _- reM.}Gti1VI11nir and 3Yltit._:nBa1• the. $ i 1�
T _. , : _W.
o0" fs IiiPp�uB ' • 'shoot --T itn-ond-all t s .n he,f what�Itelt'' The tYiieves , ,r r '
• _ ,•hate they, saw a stranger nn tic• � _ ttr..i�,ltten flesh' \t}t fur �•t)uA�u t,t•al\• �Yitlt pt 1)t'riTta- ` _. .
. .••� one of the most :important , morning parade ta&norrow instead of would murder. him and dsc�rn with
shore. He called to them, using } .'sent, iltirror-lilac: \vab-ltir};Ic Mv� Ritty7' _ _.p� -- __
. the, many. Firestone a designation, "Children at night. They,; think he will be ex, the newel -probably releasing the k
of floe unusual g ft ,� woodwork ur ~ ttccr( s
.� �• a mora a )" n nswerin pecttng it at nt ht, as sots* nnxoun.at mutineers and or antzinar .thoni .rtrtl 'If it's the \\ dlvv k that 1
coattribttaons t_, � have ye any me t. O a R m that is the lan. a e" iant n u sus a tri egeort :. :
+� "' '"' ' ` _y tr in the ne attve He told them where .must have told hi fa the d o d,s n pct gr p li
I r ' ecortartW liugtWay attilS g
. .. .,He'll be off ,his guard. .Tiley to 17orocco. An<l. each man of .t}te +' 1 �, attentimi, �l' '-�I: t?+II
i,o try again, Again Jolts showed its nd B heist .' ' : ' i aio Co}- .. .. .i'%i' \\•ill C1wce tai tits litolli'lles acidI 1. .
... nottt;ttr?n• ower of discernment• oyer Peter and ale. gonng. to kill Dritsto a a thief patty (Boldini, Grant ire }
B� tb;s reccsr;.ernry filwar. p ,. ., e ,simultaneously with .LMaaune: , , .If ihna, Gotto, and,. quite. , prab.►bly l : g ,k • ll its tlea;in r nerve'-
p s boron let� sand to hirn, It is the Lord.!' Peter o n th v re o} n t rule hon i t at ' ;.• l,rtti„ 1)at a } }~ .
* T« .; of every cord , t g, your, parity is a b.g on e, a a; ng` Vogue a d i7upre) v v. h .
' { s turatc t and insulated. wsklt at once left the ship to the: ease of ties'. .111th, \v}nisi \ etw etc t c�: .
J s the others. and .went through elle wa- kit leave vou. alnne. if you ,leave therm by good lurk --der rilirre likely, by good .11
rubber Minimizing friction alone.. 'They will; laid themselves ora management --hep would be sale sur- '�; �" ;
e to tiro ter to Jesus, : When all hall laniied r anti', Tutt 't .tit vv a .lt tltpetrttt .
' endo heft to destructive witli waiter, wine,.,food, and animuui- vivor of the thief -tarty. <' • '... '•
Rilielitlrlla ZllItY>t .. - . they saw ;that provisioii had been \'arn611vd �ttt F circ at i th pert
tion, and march out at sunset. I feted to put myself in L-jitun 04 ; �?.i`
` cars of hundreds of made for the satisfying of their. hull ,,
•t , Doerr suffer naadles9' � Ora.tl>,a ca ,,Blanc, whit has b en a inflate :s plow. � t ::oat}ry ia;ttc•t•, ii itlrutit•�iitjut•in; ,
thousands -of motorists, in the ger. poing; to lead them straight over the What should i' o if I were he. in i
. • 1> • Worts some r .out service otr When Jesus called big first diseiples , «,1` .0 DA PAINT it, bc;itttiittl iiuiwit. Put if tart
' d' I.itlimctttand: 1. tiny -in and deny - e told them he would make them desert to Morocco, by Lejaune s rats- such circumgtancrs,? If. I wished " the d oorl r++tttse fit' c three• dei
M'inar ; t.ie largest truth' bur and h cal pass, . Schwartz fq to be captain;. first to save my life, and secondly to i
rub atell, Into the of a cab ilocty, in the battle.of tiees ; fishers of men. lie now tells there to s; An Haft lieutenants• .Dalai- s titre a em. of rest . rice Niiich i ' rc)\�: boat affil porch reilin;;o, f, , •. l t' , hal d r•ne ttt;li
+ a r5 a o tricks, l:ir.sta a Gam bring :the fish they had. caught' and brand d e g g p i.
fectedlu►rts; 3ioullezperi. n ey sand�Vogue, sergeants-_andl Glock believed to be reposing in the .pouch to resist tltc. r:t\•a; vs of t1w Nveather. 'k really Ston- t
�� *iter almost instant relief, i
E},r, s l Tires, because of their Peter went and drew the net to land .and Hartz t arporals: ..There. wJ1 of ane of elle two or three men upon ; ,
Greater geYinina, etre detivsrrng and then was seen the .muitttude and i 11t rFtll t'rtl'lti.11 frac pall \v'i•,1,r114trC1, l ti Ct'ltt 'lleiatrs. .
trot Nlttiards and poen er „�,} c rhr,aji :aiiddad the size of the fishes.tliey had caught. be twenty pjivates. wham I could depend in trine of trntl-±
. r i long g Sr; #They are going to court martial ble , . . l i r the latter i i)te li;tt c : l :�, F 1,001t �'•.� R ISM:.
eimplycantgetontogether; safety and comfort. It was to the d aetpiNs a mantic. t Gnantai0, and if he is found gunny And I found tt easter fa, ask tae
• • The Firestone dealer , to tion of the, power. of Christ's cum- if
. they are, gatng to .bang him. :. , . I ,,, than to answer it, sinco one ricin finish tliptt l,lot cant ivrcar tonglt� Fruth it:trtl»
.The Grealt Wh t. I . your locatitysells,and aern�lta mand over the sea and its living; cult
. knnty enough to get hfm hung;, th,e natty wanted niv life and the oiler. \vuo(1 floors. Crack.,, chips or heel nutrlca will never'
these extra quality tires. Lac. tents. It was sytiiba}teal of thele ,
s you of the trouble: dnrtY..traftot. ,Harty wanted ile jewel: ttt<tr tete ti al)tles<a 1)cpittta of illi: flint 9t;►rtl 4urttisll.
s es I him feel Y ftntuie. ministry. They. weie'sitHt±is� ,. „ ) , 1
free 'service -elicit ttto :Gupa- s' f erten ittntiy And you?" I asked. Ravin+► cried to put.myself an tee- Y •, is tars will toot' ill Fpitc it, nor, Avill rai t •
fr fishier � _=dAQ b_ring�r ,- - l,o al:tet ret .l tt \
..� __ — oc . I am to sou. �n f IJe-- W� tarn*s pTnee,-T elan to understand. l ,
ipping risocesa .uasures.. to SaVddrir. + �, " . r r
a u serve ou_)satt�ir 'plied, to prove my sincerity and good .his delay in acting. Ile did nothrn,, tTri.vitt}, t}irutt},it an'open \vittrltit\' ditto its 1,(l•ptsitt;y. • �
say N 1 , how ka ria y' Jesus 'then invited them to' trine
KING OF ■/�� and save you ►noney« ; SO* with him and, .after the repose . h;td faith. If l don'ts I anv to be ;shot sty` bcestuse' he could. d}o nything• 1 lustre. tii�
Iona to -ear. been partaken af,'He addressed him- self,.. ., Guantaia hats been svilt,n I almost aegan to pity the nm:t Yasx
iia as Rtrst3rtit CQ► Peter had . rc. Ing me, to Schwartz:" rr I realized his .poRltioit, Ile had not a N'our local. i'ruiada 1'a•ittt clealrr s;t 11� ,carol Vni'
TIM", ,,,X s self to Simon Peter. ., r ,
or• CANAPA, r.I:t�rxa>y •d)fned the little company laut'thi:i was Havp,yau told :I.ejaune thee. T soul to turn to in his lonelmoss and
Hamilton, Ont. J asked this astonishing creature. danger. Weil••• -he wa now reupin,+ ill lie A \fait to 1»s '�td)rc will 1)c tite,fic4t stcir
. to be itis public re-establishment by ,"I ant just going to do so now," lie the .reward of his co-' ist-fit brutality, 'ti"rig and real sheet» itl illy vaeilis ling job YOU have,
,- -' MOST MILES PER DO Tagus. Three times h@ had dented
_., _- �.._ .. .
. .� - II;m so row be was given a chance to rel` nd T cut ose he'll arrest -them to all who wero b _ sub:arrlindtte: , 1tt view.
vcknovvlwdge His love the.trama noir, A ),, r as tiveli as of his h as1,y aVarfrn, '
USE *- r h y of his tonight 'I asked. Iiitht+xtd he had i_1 . n been book d , Write for our Ile, tifull� 111ustratttl free colter testa]:, .
t of .tomes. The vv ole eerie '(Probably, if he believes me, was .
•'v Deal of devotion to Jesus _before by the immeasurable ii wer and sat -
.I. , . I I I . "t� , 9
ir • a His Arrest and hist. base denial of hiss
tic interesting answer. thr,rity of his sunerior:a. nnrt caul+l in- i showing f}ctmd r'ola,I . photo" of lot t'1} paitlte(1
,..• a evitabhy rely uron the r In lienable I ltd�nies;, to l;ut<lr ,roti tet ticicctiftg; .t olur scitctrtcs For "
TRIC ,_ in the alar of the high priest, woald "What i£ ltd doesn't?"` I etigtt}red,
YRS - ri�te,aar Huitde fife biy e]a,n.o„>t>� x�.. ,
n ,. ltd aver- abd,•at that, the wretch had another mnpport avid unsw t .g sinnxoval. the interior or cxtcrfrii -r)f tour 1u)ntc t,r tiuturiter
man vivid] to his mind And
1.` l�N i •.ort Y with shame ns Jesus said "narvc- stornr»' or hysterical' fit of tri Naw he had no supe and, in" to a
THE PEOP"LE.,�, DEAD whelm hi w face with the anon: he road ,o «r cottage.. :5 dtirc��,-..1'1r(� t` attadn I :elate
1. IERS : !o him, Sfman, can of Jonas, lowest filing, with demented gesticul'ttialis ,
_ I: Jt:. A and mutteri»ors• lone• outraecd. bed vi . and had sr Co.1,,ttttited, 572 �� iliiatti tit.,.'.11'otttreal.
Barker Brox. H. James Battrrt Ser- thou me more than these?" After ..What` shall i da? What .:hall, I ed. he gnu^+ *^od nr fall .,1n ",
t:: _ _ vice, ItisrEwan assn Ttbbutr, the tlnfrr} tinea of question and answer .
._ ;'cHwan aro*. Jesup it dtes*d of qte, ascii He should cin?" he kept on.. "What will become And it looked as though he nnt:at .
i - ,...- of me`? God help me! Help me!.. fall. .. . , ,&*$41t '._f - , ,
,_„�. _-- •-�:: .my, "Naw, Sitt+bn, thio Iasi speck of Ileln mss!" Then an idiisa nrenrred to n,e. ".Itssrl i
._,-.-..._....,.,.,.. .d
. -_�� - the cloud which overhung thee since . „Loa i, • " '• h sort far nnrgt,in I+ 1n•a '1Vr�• ,•rye• i I(.3 � � set ° , ` ,,
Look here, said I. You tell yne .
that rifarht of nights. is disnelled : nnd my brother everything --•the abso- rain already gin its ria.+ from Tokptii s
p t,,f` �{ , tttneeforth thou art to me And to guy
F "' If Back 4sa flea ' work as if na such scene had ever Ia•te truth, mend --and we'll save v,)u where thorn w-rn GrnprnloC s,�,.I.-II ;
. {,,° �',",' happened". (i3rown's Carnmentaryy. all rittlnt. provided You do nothing ,,s a mulr,inowitrd �oriraanv i,f +�r,i { .
�Jlldl+j�5 l%nvas .catnmisaioxied tri lead bout stratnst us.. Na caverfn>a with yatzr T,egian2 Was that what he was wait
rifl- mind!" friar for'? R
iambs nnd ,beep- both Yount; disci- 14 clutched my hand in his hot
. pies nnd morn mature,. whether of Up... sha,kfngr fists: No, In the firs~ ntnre he tv Irma , . �`., . s
nn• ChMistfntt *Titer{*ince. Atter this gnonoi•. 1 felt ab4alutely certain len•
prink plenty ors ,Water. and Take Josue fo tion, a Peter of his martyrs "You stand in honestly with our hie life than srynd out all apo -al for ; .
t3fass of Salts t3e1?ora Break- death, but declines tae t*1ve hint .any nArty and you'll be safe." I ,vent an. help agnfnst the vete men rte vra. . ; , .
• fast occasionally j information as to what is to be the °`tiTe'll nrevcnt the mutiny, nnd nam supposed to eonini:and. the very men
y , er<t of his companion Jo{tn. Jesus bndv will be killed, Neither you )tar whose trrmblin++ disrinlfned fear of
• +ottl Inter h+i should not only feed fits anvbody else." him' was his chief pride and loudest s . � ,
i When %-ntir kidneys hurt and your Iambs and His sheep. but. after a Zang
I hoped I soolte, the truth, Perisalas boast. It would certainly be the •ends I ' @ T ! f i •
` back feel .r,rc, dosi`t ;ort scared and carrier of such service, lyd±.should be of I now told Schwartz that I knew of all promotion far Adjudant I.:+- "`--
About the new morning scheinc, rend iaune if he had to do such a thin% .i s s � -�.; i
r_ proceed to load your stomach with a ,counted worthy to die for they nam+ of rsqured hien that Le.iaune knew it tot~, than. In the second place it mi,a;ht � t ,I
i Look by l lectridity hat def rfrstgs that excite the kidneys the Lord .leers, By Elim revela.ion he'd own himself defeated Anil give if l
' Alii EkctriCif need irritate the entire ttrfn.try tract. to Peter of his and Wird Isis with -hold also destroy this ehnnet of get4+nt,
Wa y y .. ] , all up, On the: other hind, he might the fabulous gem. It was nnly ani '
triCti there your kidneys clean like you keep ings of information about . Johns very floe abed water: tint. hr, in hu; ' "" """"'""w" w
hart by eC y your laotycls clean, by f tshing them ; manner, of dying we see how abso- tun amok, selifntr to his gang to fat• -� " �" `"� .
low hint. . . I.cjaune s . nerarrangcd oQ;t+an. could fish for that. ��� . _�`° `�
COMMEMHT GLEN, with a mild, harmless salts which helps lutely i.hrialt claims the+d'rsnasft°on�a,f plans would probably settle their bus- p r rle(+1rd. that tiinre had bee+i ,no ` ' „"w_. . "�� , , .
NT, to remove the body's urinous waste human life. Jesus with unity hf,tt, If
and stimulate theist to their normals I will that he tarry till T come, what mess proniritly. Would Lejauna� thein S.fy ;q a ),real from 'L'ttderneuf to 'C�s- . "' "'
1 • "" `" _"
activity. fns that to thee'? ,Follow than net!' ea and ashaot wliosnever el;o he hots, '�,�' � /' tnttr;rayuI—— ,.tend
Chertper than Goal ia►r Woad 'flee #unction1.
of tic kidneys is to thought might be better dead : I: tossed nnd turned In my )titt and ""`"'• ».... ..
filter the blood, In 24 hours they strain . 1 Bolidar dunk all, and I ,vent back uncomfortable bed :tg the pr:sblrats ,
"In speaking of the witness of the tars^di and turned in my hat Outwit- v of
An Electric Vacutttn Cleaner ird►nr it sett) gains of acid and waste to the barrack -room. fnrtable brain: and my attempt to de. ' 11'1
P we can readily understand flee vital lige, I do not mean to 'overlook the Taking my Arabic;copy of, the
)s rrsmryve�s the dust; a broom im;wa "'i c of keeping the kidueys active.' fact that it must bre a witness backed Q,ran from the shelf above my bed.'I � ��` -`�`
eight what Y should <Ia in Lcaaunt''s • /'j�'�
v „+winked at 1Mlichael, and. opening a e , plaeeY rnded in my decidfni thr� �u.int- //
jolt cnavca the drat. T)rfta lata of g olxl nater Uyou can't l Ly life. This man who( is to speak
' :drink tr-a tnasrh; also feet from anlr today is back of evert tt>r; he A s, i Ytditlmrigt know
littscst loth I,eiattnc •
y y book, seated myself beside him, r ,
We►, guarantee all Hydro ,, nhormaci; t about f9ar ounces of Jad . said the chairman of it meeting to in- began to rend in Arabic as +rrc often
p �11hours. Salts. Take a tal,lespoaitfttl to a et:iss I txoducinga isp einhere IIc ,could hate did. to put himself at the bead of etre A,PAINT,%_,1s, .1 ... Lamps 1,Up Hasp morn- tnothingfitter. A friend of seine verse I went on in „ ,+ ���
. of water before breakfast each x) ;raid Having grad a ,
Walk in,tnd ace the di>eirh►y at . honest mth nee-ra, areest the thief.
tng for a few days antl your kidnevs q went lata a also shop and found -the the same monotone, As tbdugh fl#ill party, and then appeal to the nthertz
" may then act file., This famotts. salts - Hindu shop•keepaer in d"p distres:s. residing, and said fn Arable: - with nromires ,of annendment In i.,u C", T S d
., f�s I ir; made fro -it the neidl (;f ggrapcs and Ile had lost his only son. My ftfelul ""Tomorrow. 'Morning, They will +•,nduct and reform of their c9lltei• L Ul ,
r h lithia and bra h give infortna• thievo�s ft;r 54
�� �� L%A �i a lettar`n juice. Combined with to comfort him arid, KVei{, my t kiiL else now gaesc tog , tans. . But arrest the P �,
hes sten la,e(i for id ki al i ', clean er, temember in your trouble that ,+ • • e next what y . . . end anppotte the tnuti0.
tion, and then went an with «h
-- �.__.. _. _ ...�-_- a .•. and stimulate cT,tps geel kuhtecs; cake to God is love." The Hindaa'x , face verso. I then gave the book to Nlieh- Dern lauxbod at ilio promised amA moolLi ,�y Ag M47k&.T 011sb famous,
:, ___ neetraliye lite -16114 in the y teal• sa brightened up and he said, "Y(,.;, I nel, who followed the same plan.. s J
" `' SnrAtian of their lot? / ,q G �1 j dd i
C they are no longer a; source of, HIM- know (hat Is live, My friend, inter. Soon I heard between actual *rcrxeR - It wqe a banele"sx impasse I r--•ncd> �/eprsd1 i� l.+rd%%� �llrlla� �i�lrF�LL°
E tit}tae thus elten relieving bladder weak- ',,ted at his evident eR)cerne+ta, asked. ""We have warned therm. Say Hath•
CASTORI A treat. ;"'How do you know trod lot lave"" ' ing. He will strike! tarsi ht. Ito not 4 v., n'i'l tnThi ones 'sit " art eta I:' t
Jad Silts in inex "sive; rxatt stat in -;"How • , ,said the Ilindtt, " ,► nth + v�rlr+ This there, n e &)(o : \.-O. FOR $ALF- 133 i
I"qr txi�tttlGt stttmd ttidlretrt 'err; makes a de ightful etfctresccnt ""Cth ` ' I vrerked tang rileep, Y will tell rmr friends. and gtri'ri fh• ,tits°> rya d thcrtr, in the tl nor
litl+fa-water drink which everyone <,hmld , Fox trnhib in. _Cawrt�f are, atwf tin r. then another verve of the wfsdnnr of i `v:ay. y.,fi) ,,t T liratmd' rdb
U" F6 r'C W30Y � take now and then to fu_tp kem thrir .0 theA PrephM, before (.losing the tarok _ . eery .:F.i,t,mt{ dy � R.
�/� �` � �e� �
I kidntys creast amt active. Try this: at#o . Chil drew 0rV1 i .faun after this. llolidar entered the , MILL
. /►twsa s bsata ktt� t+l► tie wafer dtinkinrr. nnd nn � � � roam and 'xttan to undrers+r. VArn�l dTiot"near when trratetl fti,T: , i
tbe tare of ei(a+tHt van will rcrtndeK what ire game of „a ""What about my bayonet. vont, Ik,t• Trn}T„rvaV'sr si°r,rn Il(tttrry rr with:>u',D� : ` x'ati�
Hk vont: kldoq trouble ari backache. i 0 A �? T 0 R t 11�►....;dart” J caa{lerl at,r4as to ,hlm-.. lseaving-a star.
_ _ . _ ....
1 " .
. - . . Y
:ti.. I wee: .__-._-_.-.` _.