HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-04-28, Page 5Tit U 1RSUAY, APRIL nth, •.2t VAR i MOTHS Protect yoga' Waseassus with *ode's i .tftods of exteradostisse those post. We hove i* stock Larriii, Sapp°, Moth Destroyer's, Fly Tom, r Flyocide, also Moth Ba, s, Moth Flakes, Cedar Plainer, etc. CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE 'PHONE 90 THE TOWN COUNCIL To Make Square a One Way` Street 'And to Erect Stop Signs on Square and Victoria Street W. And L. Com. Hands $4,009 Over to Town Council.Petitions Legis▪ lature to Take Over Bell Telephone System • The regular meeting of the town Stratford, of the Department of High - council was held on Friday evening ways, asked if the council of Gode- last, with all the members in attend- rich wished the Cracks in the conerete ante with the exception of the ,mayor, pavement within the town limits tar - who .l1 red. was outof town. In lnl absence r d Asthey v a were about to, tuna - Reeve Lee presided. Some important Meuse tarring of the cracks in the business was pelt through. For. in- pavement east of Goderieh, the sec- stance it was ,clesided to make the tion in Goderieh could be'done at the Square a one-way street, all .traffic to same time, and $40 or $50 would pro- mo to the right and to get stop signs bably cover the. cost. •. to give effect to the traffic bylaw t This was referred to 'the public' passed last fall, requiring vehicles works committee with power to act. coning on to the Square and Victoria i. The tax collector reported the fol• street to .stop ;before doing too. This lowing taxes paid from March 18th to action is ,recorded in the following April 22nd: 1920 taxes, $2,595.51; minutes: 11925 taxes, $1,024.62: 1924 taxes, Moved by Councillor slumber, sec- $17,35; 1923 taxes, $10; 1925 oil, onded by ,Councillor Cutt that the $3.08; 1926 oil, $56,09; total, $3.686, - Square be a. one way street only . and O.—This was referred tothe finance that a bylaw be prepared accordingly. committee, and the tax .collector's •-Carried. ;roll was returned to him until the last Moved by Councillor Craigie, sec- meeting in May. untied b. , •-A-•-letter-frone.- r. J. W. Priddk< matter of purchasing and erecting asked the council to consider the re. signs as required under traffic bylaw inoval of burned building on Wilson I* referred to the public . works .corn- street. as Ids tenants were malting mite vii mittee y thpower t acts—Carried. z• •' complaints 4 a �, 111thea eT • fT to ed.of s me.—Ref to t Convenieneer; at the tourist cam p- the 'public works committee 'to look ing grounds are. to be installed, as into and report. per the following resolution: 1 A letter front Robert MacRay and Moved by Councillor Cutt, seconded Alex. Young asked for permission to by : Deputy. Reeve Turner that the; gonstruct a cement curbing on the lriatter of installing sanitary condo- #,south side of Nelson street from. St. nencest a the tourist camping grounds Andrews street to North street and be referred to the cemetery and parks also on North street in front of the committee with nower:.to act,—Car- MacKay hall.—This was referred to reed. l" the public works .committee., A letter from Engineer Downey, The recent fire. among rubbish, the 0 so Q.ems...; '" ROBIN BUYS THE BANKRUPT STOCK FORMERLY BELONGING TO 'rho royal Ladies' RA ady-To-Wear. Watei This Paper Next Week for Big Bankrupt Sall .M. ROBINS 0 0 BUY WHERE YOUR • DOLL/. R BUYS MORE c >l .. T .,0=e Q ..r ...,•1.041....... Cleveland Red Bird and Crestrent Bicycles --$32.00-and-u ALSO SOME SECOND HAND .. Children's Joycycles TIRES, TUBES AND BICYCLE REPAIRS > Fr R. _MGIL LER 11, whii Acre PiRFEGTION t Thai's sloe way the sntnfolk talk when the old wood otos* has been replaced by a beautiftd Perfection Oil Stave. Fine for thenal Na'Mows .roots to chop and carry! But it Wogs icy to tfie wosren, too, for it means far serfs held work ; no ashes to lug, no hackhrealcirl drudgery. Meals cern be cooked in no thaw — no waiting, no worry. Less pot -washing, for the Perfec- tion gives clean, smokeless, (odorless heat. ° '.ire the new motels, pekes 09.00 to 0170.00. Distributed its Canada by acre Scut r Maul. u PltOntfu S CO. . axr;,:xasI, 1e:OYi41 'WINNIPEG t )MONiill► IAN( .M AI% ti*GAY This Is Interesting • "With Is Perfection ,ost don't bare to scatty mead and gel word to isild a frr. Sintf.ly roar+ a starch to thud lou bare x i.•at Sire 41 once. Yos can l.4; a ar little leaf or . r redixrt brat, ea if ;f•os are a little hrb'xd hard, an Fah ate ball Iyr: .lr i1 led ire lel." 41;i'oabur1, Oal. syn FERFECTION Ott Evak Stoves and Owns Wilit COULD IQUIDLY , filiffitK OS ISWATHE Cold Wes toSod Mrs E. R. Or'eeswsr, itayeseeil, %Irak., writes: ---"1 wooed like to telt yea tint 1 tblak Dr. 'Rodd'• Norway Igoe tytsp is one of the very best remeditr for a cold. l batt Reek every bed told x -could Unity speak or breathe, so 1 went to our druggist's toad %shed hint ,mat be tiouglrt best for a cold. He advised me to tape Dr. Wood's Norway sad .Syrup say 1 felt grateful to hies fee, beeiaee being very pleasant to take it relieved my cold quieker than asything else 1 ever tried. I don't beak stay one should be without a bottle of it in the house," "Dr. Wood's" is put up in a yellow wrapper;, tiered pine trees the trado mark; price Sac. a. bottle, large family size 60c.; put up only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Oat. cleanings from C. N. R. ears, was the cause of the following' resolution: Moved by Deputy Reeve Turner, seconded by Councillor Sproul, that the C. N. R. be requested to clean up refuse from empty cars and destroy it or otherwise tate care of it ao as not to create a lire- nuisance.• --Car- ried. A petition for a sidewalk on the north side of Quebec • street, front. Waterloo to Weilingten streets, was :t referred to the public works commits tee; also one for a sidewalk. on the north side of Arthur street . from Waterloo to Wellington and one on the north side of L°shthouse street from Waterloo to Wellington. A request from Mr. C. K. Saunders, secretary of the band committee, for $1.50"of the town grant to the band, was referred to the finance commit- tee; also one from ide, J. P. Uume, secretary of the G. C. I. board, for r$]£t00, for May 1st payments. The following requests for building uermits were referred to the fire com- mittee; From John U. Graham, to erect garage at rear. of lot`adjoining stable, on.. Elgin avenue: front the - Godeeich LawnB wling-0lubego-erect oleb.house nt +he lBnwlirie Greene oar Pieton street; from Mi. John Snell. to t ret new nn ch of frameosth cedar a angle.,, from W. C. SnazeT, t . re- -Mare e cornice en storn front of West street: from W. A. Coulthurst. to re* .rine heading on West street: from w''vq. Black. tit erect metal rearsge on Elgin avenue: from Mr, Yet. Wisbev n reern of kitchen chen an West street: . from' Mrs. IT, Denton, +o ereet rimv ..ra-andRh at dwelling on Waterloo st .: from Huron County: to make $600 of tennira.at the court 1�}}rause. new finer in the •surror•ate elegrs office. tinie etc.. and. $3000 few steel filing Ul nen Ah � - na T. r. q pn t. d from It .s achbo ne. -to erect poultry house in Wells Sur- vey. ur- e v u Formal c . rm't 1 niece. of :the d f judgment nt e n � His Honor Judge Lewis in the .appeal leafnst the ennnty .valuation was re- teived and filed. • A lettere was received ~from the C. N. R., m answer to the request of the couneil to have a sleeping car Wanted "r,o s, derich fo the effect that the railway had had such a ear named. "Goderieh" for some time. A request from the Charlton Road Man Co. Inc the ins ged,ion of adver- tising h this publication was turned 'Jason, on motion of Councillors Crai- •,ie atrtcl Cutt. The finance committee recommend: '4 that tee treasurer's statement for `he month of ;March be filed; reported having had a Joint meeting •with the Water and Light Commission and that they had egreed to turn over to ;he Town General Account the sum of $4,000 from the water deeartment surplus; •,reported that the following• victory 'bond interest due April 15th had been received and deposited to the respective accounts. ns folio : *:emrtete Perpetuity Fund. • $12.59 Baechier. Sinking Fund, 8275; recon - melded that the auditors' report for 19201* acceptcegtine balance ed—gid- Fors' 1926 salary be 'Paid and account for• one-third amount be rendered to `Ile Water and Light Commiseinn as laud; in the matter of issue of rwen- `v local improvement sewer bonds to- 'ailing $18,612.40 at tee and offered at' a price to yield : per cent. that all `1,e burets had been snbseeib rl for; 4,e h,nd.a were being printed and dat- •el friet Stay 1st ami reennnniended het +he 1»n& be - allotted as sub- -trilled foo' and proceeds be need in •etirinr• the envier eonetruetion de. limed loin. The nroca•'ds from the tele of ties bends will anumnt to 1`19.410.25 and the amount of outs ..tardinrr loans is $19..6tt2.99 end the Committee recommend that the tlif- "rcnee. i.e. $186.74, be naid out of 'he. town general account, and that .lie Tocol imer•ovement sewer amount W (dosed -11m report woe ldepted. The water. tight and hailer corn- nittr't' rennrted ex .follows: In the matter of 'bargee or name flttee for q. S. Goderieh we are ordering one 30 font long. 12 feet 6 in. at the spar rind 7 ft. 6 in..rt the small end with `ler nome.Gederic•h sewer on 'both Titles in eolore ns specified at a hied of r47. --This report was adopted, The special committee reported as olIowc: That the resolution adopted .by the municipal council of the City if Brantford, that it is of the opinion that the best interests of all_ tele- phone users demand that 'the dell Telephone ' system be immediately placed under public ownership and operated on a service at cost rather than on a profit-making basis, be c.p. proved; and the Provincial Govern- ment be asked to immediately take stet=s to secure such public ownership by whatever means may neem exited - lent to them. Councillor Lee of the public works department brought up the question of the purchase of a 4 -ton end dump- ing truck for use on road work, which he claimed would save money, as it could make many more trips back mrd forth between the gravel pit and the road work in town than a horse drawn w::tron. Rock crushing machinery would be n ,good investment also, a: illy the use of screened gravel, the best material was Ieft at the pit and the stone that was put on the read, bring rotted, would work to the Rurf'a& in. Grad of beemeins,r imbedded. ne crush- ed stone would. Ily issuing deben- tures and spreading the outlay,' for such nisrhincry over ten year.; the • smell r -net wt.uld be light •aml the +a t,•i tr :1Rtld Ctlt"r+ fhr tnuncil tinned that the treavc•I whiels was, knit* en the 10544 'filo* trier Isola. t nr1 the matte r was referred • th . nuhau reit•]_ committee to bases i•, ., rp ;r,rf- ' Veer/ filo- /fund a 5.1(.(1 it Hie ors s.e it . sten; wt.tk Nine il,..n + had Leen ptt'setl by the c•,urn ii. Chatrasan Iaise stated that the yMb- lie wsirks csva.hlse hod • - s�iei *Kt.thee and ae•lllor S r had hoc attended. t otnelllor Bathe sant that a rhiais. titan and committer oust he •stewed . mars latitadra, Inman graeralty any 1st,aa work would b.t referred by that teased to a contntitter. Chairman Lee said the wuvk bad been tidaytd too long as- it was. It the s:aritying had started earlier it would have gone sr. ' tkwp Councillor Cutt stated that a goat Job had been mads so far of Br.tiennia, Waterloo and IAellingtoa streets. In scarifying•, but the gravel that was being put on was too Mt. Deputy Reeve Turner said this plat- ter bud been gone into thoroughly last year and no ddouht a bylaw would have to he submitted te the people to raise money to purchase to equipment proposed.Chairman Les said he had *eked the town solicitor as to the necessity of a bylaw but had not received ad- vice es yet. .Mr. Geo. Laithwaite addressed the councit with reference to the purchase of gladiolus bulbs with whieh the children's Horticultural Soclety were prepared to make a beautiful show-; :ng on Mr. Harrison's lot across the 1 street from Victoria school. This would be a beauty spot of the town would ,urease the bulbs. The ntat- 'ter was referred to the parks commit. tee. Fire department matters were un- der discussion, Reeve Lee bringing; the matter up and suggesting a line of procedure at fires. In a great many cases the chemicals which the track earried would put out a fire: without the damage that :nightensue from the 'turning on of water where it was not needed. Apparently, under the firemen's rules at present, they are allowed a larger amount when the water is turned on, hence it was claimed•. the `tendency was to turn on the water in any ease; The whole matter was referred to the fire committee to look into and report. Deputy Reeve aTdrner said the fire marshall should' make a monthly re- port on the state of equipment, ete., aslused to be done. Councillor McLean pointed out that in some . places gravel. was needed alongside the Kingston street pave - merit and Chairman Leve said he would look into the matter. COLBORNE Mr. Howard Baer sports a irew Chevrolet coach. • Mr. Chester Keegan has gone to Detroit. Mr. John Treble .shipped a car of wheat one day last week, Mr. and Mrs. Win, McWhinney and. family spene Sunday with' n to iv a inClinton. Missi Hilda hardy, who has been visiting her Parents for a few days, returned to Goderieh. • The play given atCarlow on Wed n esday last entitled, "An Early Bird, was quite,a success. !Congratulations are extended to Mr. and • Mrs. Elginin Fisher on the birth of a son this''week.' Miss Cepha Maskell,.who-was•~lionte from Alma 'College, St. Thosnas, has returned Inc the rest of t're term. The sympathy of the community eees out to the sorrogeing relatives in the'est d tho f, George Cur>•ey, J~;•., ,cat, was brought home from Detroit and was buried on Sunday in Colborne cemetery; • GODERICH TOWNSHIP Weddirisr bells are ringing. 'Miss Ella. Sowerby returned to. Ca l wesell will warm Jour home, Ara the Zr sement 10 the dente.. . M ?'tl Ii S `1'. cottage that is comfortably heated has got it all over the pretentious man- sion that's is cold as a skat- ing rink.- A toi of our coat will .assist wonderfully hi making the place of your :abode a home, sweet home. The Dean Coal Co. GODERICH PHONE 95 rrdel Theatre WEEK OE MAY 2 TO 7 MONDAY and loi.SDAY DOROTHY :IIacKAILL and ('I-IARiegge MURRAY in a romantic, scintillating, smile -a-. minute coned,, t;ith the New York subway.. as its locale. ale. Th is picture tura will give you _ snickers, giggles, chuckles and roams of laughter. "SUBWAY,t SAM' rA� HARRY LANGDON COMEDY "REMEMBER WHEN 7" WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY iBE:BE; DANIELS AND CHESTER CONKLIN have made a comedy with a kick, piquant and saucy: the plot is laid ale;ng the boulevards of gay Puree "A KIM IN,eTAXI" MERMAID COMEDY , "THE JELLY I•1811" FRIDAY and SATURDAY LILLIAN RICH, ROBERT FIL Z1;il, i VICTOR M'I,AGI,EN in a crashing epic of the big stows. A daring departure front the usual run of melodrama. Superb acting is a feature of ' "THE ISLE 0t' RETRIBUTION" 11IE ADVENTURES OF MAZI1; "SO'S YOUR 01.D MAN" Matinee Sat. at 3 pat. PAGE PMI We are now carrying in stock several lines of "Lovers Form Corsets" HERE is absolutely no substitute for this Cornet, which clings snugly in place and at the same time gives perfect physical freedom and comfort, also takes years orf your figure and gives pleasing proportionate lines to Bust. Waiut an;l flips. "Lovers Form Corsets'? will not b^ sent out on ap- prove!, but will be fitted in our Corset Department byan experienc- ed Corsetiere. Appointment may be made by telephone ���v�. HIBBERT4& Westfield on Sunday after spending tate holidays at her home here. The Ladies' Aid of Taylor's Corner's will hold its 'monthly meeting in the. church en Wednesday, May 4th. Miss. Lizzie Sowerby returned on Satut;day to Thedford after spending the Easter vacation at her home here, Miss Helen Bell returned on Satur- day to her school at Wipelsur after MAKE CARE OF BABIES EASIER • Stomach disturbances and constie nation .r, op onet b a for much of• the peevishness of babies and young cliilarenn.. When the baby is erose or irritable the mother should not resort `o so-called soothing mixtures to cor- rect the trouble, for in the Majority of cases these mixtures simply drug he thild into. an unnatural sleep. Whet is needed is a gentle will at laxatit,- . r h sweeten n ins the a s rhn ad ta ` ^e ul ite bowels. �YY the e Such at rc rSmoa y a 'found in•Baby's Own:. :Tablets. They are c ev-to-take-mnd-gua nateell- to be entirety free from opiates and narcotics... Concerning them Mrs. Jos. Tousaignant. Ste. Sophie, one., w'•Ite:, "I would like all mothers to know that I feel .there is no other medicine *o equai Baby's Own Tablets. I al-, wave keep. a box in • the house and rlteir prompt use never fails to res etnre 'my little ones to health:" The Tablets are sold by medicine Reale: s or by snail •at 25.,cents a box ftorn The sir.. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. spending the Raster holidays et her Next Sunday thea service will•'wba held as usual in Union churns et 3` p.nt., Sunday selionl at ' p.m. Revd t S. Jefferson tv'lll occupy the pulpit. ..j Union School el. S. No, 0 re -opened on Monday after the holidays with rt large attendance, five new beginners having started, namely, Mildred Powell, Arnold and Maitland Fuller, Erie ;McAllister and Morris llama, use Graham, of Goderieh, liana stir i umecl her duties ;titteacher after slrvndin; the'h,Pilaye et her hone al (;odes•:th. • ;ylaspY Pt"Pl' talk to disguise the :'act tient they ..have aothin:r to eees Gcderich Certennial ti July 31st -Aug: 6th, 1927 : The Centennial C;t':iltukfee before cumpleetitic; its pro,. grant for the celebration week, .invites 5ut;'I;estlt'iLi as to ,Lie features notalready aunouneed th.it shotildhte incorporated itt ]r : r1 y . the program. 'fills • 'i.to i , ni, l�1t s 1 t. llatlltrlli 1 1 'tt t G`e t• r,at1 1 n !.and �r S Y everybody is breed to take :an intere5t;u: it :anti to assist be:' way -uf sal$ -gestic. rt-rr-othetwist*--- - 11ave you any. Was to ()Ener? arse's tht, tr,r:+t'am it 1 ., ( tit, r. with `r opinion 't ,, ,n , nt 1 � t sir t nlr n 't •, ' r , ti to v.'l :at (, 1 1 ,a 4 1 inlatdl a .t a. t li t l 1 ,a l Ir tk should '1'e? • Your l . .; tion:+ wi11 N.#0.0 mu: and will receive Careful 10:n:.'dc'ra rents, it handed. ,at .:tt earl:. •t;'t.2 Al -the 8,.eic'.- '.arv, '1', Ca. C(•)NNON. t. t safety, value w Studebaker Custom Sedan St •045tlrluved iu (idticrich, j c ompletey t•ttuipperl end tax paid r - ms luxurious Stndchaicer C"iist:+rn Sedan gives . tt ti more for view money than any other car se ate. tlting like its new tow price. You'll be antmr.! at the new standard of value. Studebaker Oned'rofit manufacture has nnalle poo. aible-the distinctive cuwtnrns lei ty Inside and one, entnpletrneasef equipment (more than w1e',) worth c- try. at no cctra cost), and the :Moro ishing versatility o: its ttari.t',-head eisgine. Talc the wheel of s1l:a smart watn ear yourself. P.e.ed on the ratings of the :sa...lety of Automotive l.nt::steers, this is the eyorlal's aacnt powerful sedan of its site and weight. So expect a new thrill when you drive it. Enjoy its brilliant peefortnanceeeere how slowly it wilt rile in high, stow smooth'', it accelerates, how flashing fast it is at the pickup, how easily it dens through trathe opsnin;;t, nkitns,di/wrr the free stretches, climbs the ateepext hills, with a reatwn* rareness that makes driving a real soy. With supremacy its power, this new Studebaker Custom Sedan gives vats a new stanth'rd of safety'.• Adt the 'rafett of a f,tll-vla$eg etre 1 1 , ford by eki'ikity into tt (.nit,;'r.rttka!'t iiiJ t' .til•!e cur itivv .nt.cltani,• rt 4••v`.tr-et (t r°:, a ..,r.. t:.e h�ee•t bfecritW. rrl,ehen i••.n over at'..tt'c•.i. t l4atel,fngt the cueta•tt b: t,ctti' e•(t 1:,r1,u,•retl eaters ,r it the c,, tour lrtxury a+f lie roor.r inti fnr ria b n:.,!r.rir, etate4' ite brtt:,d::r, r, . 'a a a' fins rt 1+evil,-. ... ,.•lt .e'uo inv, iridescent deist lLgl►t saldeep, r.:41,41 sear. f t• i 9 a o t new tar ( r. r s :u .al.rT.cr Aitltn to n I a,t i, t• t u Custom Satlatt last, von tau it :t• et, the stat and eaves Trott money all the w.,t, leaau+c its lighter steel construction is le<K %AC:1 Int; 011 vitt". Raj 01401' Mating of Eacntinr -1 %4: f.! eatct' e,,'wnty alt 'roans. I)riwc it today idiom of fat ata . isrit'1P'edi:�v r =-t' i, t et i.1.,nd Nemeses, Ia. •,, ars rr ,i no, tfrsa venr,tannv. wits=ith.ctat (raalto;* dy Stu.ttttekte n 1.:': ,ire 1141hrnn tU 0 ,lel' 511er1* an.1 rregii: {M,1.1 5.,13' • iptat oat. rha,nital Iwakt* enakw d,errnr w .r r1,,t t.vdr*su* a i tao:irae WAtatt ort al.rstet ton -Learn aaa,rar trrNediext•tc. e.:r.,r.5:wj front r chins %thee"i anwt lochs incl tnt(tuw dram lad:(; rc.,'maw tign,t (15..,41 5utu,laatie wia„trtit 1.t cic.,t'tr ar.,i tryst *swan ,*hear; od filter; Alernite han.* 10104 ,tu:n* e::ken aottaiaet► llwltoknith bat,lware. F. H. WOOD 86 SON If5T!tUWTOR, Go1)ERTC'}Y Studebaker finance charges are the fairest in the f)t,tninion ... ...... , .�r Made in Canada ,- • •