HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-04-28, Page 4ft New Curtains, Curtain Mate ais Drapes and Draperies; for House C The latest Goods In Ruffled Curtains, Voile Marquisette, Net,. Madras and Scrim.. Also Silk Panels and Silk Overdrapes mtionittliSINOMMOW House Dresses Neat Patterns at LOWEST PIRLCES Spring Wearing Appa rel If you did not get your Spring Wear- ing Apparel for Easter, remember that we are aahvaysready to serve you with time latest goods .at lowest prices. Far the MEN and We have the Nawust i pring SUITS, HATS and CAPS A New Shipment of Ladies' Coats Dresses and, Millinery YOUNG MEN PHONE 41S A. .CORNFIELD PHONE 41S 4. LADIES' and MEN'S 'W EAS "SHOP WHERE YOU ARE INVITED TO SHOP "• `. WEST SIDE OP SQUARE QDERICH, ONT. . CARLOW ?.Miss Lindsay,,of Lucknose,is visit- ing at Mr. Jarvis McBride's. Mr. Mew has returned from his 'holiday and is at present working for Mra Sohn -Treble:-- Mr. Ewart Young has • given up school at present and will work with his father, Mr. Gordon Young for the summer. • Miss MaryRabertsan has returned to her duties at Niagara Falls after n eleasant holiday with her slater ' ' a and other friends. 1 Miss: Nora Reed and brothers, Gor- don. Stuart . and James, of Dungan- non, spent Sunday with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Erring - ,ton. ' !fell;' unr Mrs. Ilblert Wile—en—TM two children, Ruth and Joyce, auto Irs. Wilsons sisters,. Miss Carswell, returned to their home in Cochrane after a very pleasant visit with their relatives here.. Mr. Arthur Clark, our energetic sterekecper, is busy with the Egg W fl n - . "Ray ,amrftfs r nits A�ptaae rram' ilBrut j all mains r*, td sec,wle; the averse 1seed.11.12 miles per boor_ No auto- 1,Reliel yrs t�Cssw let -mobile or other rabid* in America ter Litsiassests of ;has ever traveled sa far, at such a. No ties 1 •Maisie spell. The total elapsed time include:I In no other disease does the blood Itime for stoppinj for fuel, relief of Income thin so rspfr}ly as in rheuntia- drivers, etc. In view of this, the ay -- them. Not only does it become thin t wage speed of the ear under actual,' 1 but it is. loaded with impurities- resuming was far greater than a mile !rheumatic poisons. Without the pro -a minute. Except for one punctured Per treatment these poisons increase, ! tire, the replacement of a grease cup the inflamed joint*swell and the pa-erd. two chaesia lubrication cups e tient becomes a eripple. Most treat- damaged in quick greasing operations, rents simply aim to keep down the no repairs were made on the car dur- pain; haste with every unfavorable int the entire run. condition s renewed attaek follows. ' Harry Hartz. champion race driver, To east out rheumatism the blood .started and finished the run. He was relieved by Eddie Hearn. also one of A mprr;a'a p neat speed kings, Lowe Wilson, another race driver, and Ab Jenkins. who smashed all previous re - +.oral% last June when he drover a Studebaker Sheriff from New York to San Francisco in 86 haunt, 20 min- utes, According to obserVers.5000 miles at more than a mile a minute clip is equivalent in strain and stress to 26000 miles of ordinary driving. To demonstrate the , splendid running must be enriched end the rheumatic nelsons driven out with the natural secretions of the only. This can best,. be done through a course of Dr. Wil- liam** Pia Pills, which have a ape. eifle action on the blood, giving it new irichnen and redness. Thousands have tried this- treatment with bent. tidal results. That every sufferer from rheumatism who '.does noS try lir. Williams' Pink Pills is neglecting the most hopeful means of recovery' is shown by the statement of Mr. David Carroll, Pictou, N.S., who says: -"For years '1 was truVibled, with rheumatism. The pains were not continuous, but they always returned, and kept getting worse. I tried sa- c lied electric belts and many medi- rhes, but did not get more than tem- porary relief. Only those who have suffered from this trouble will rea- lize what I suffered at times. I had begun to dispair of getting better when a friend urged me to try Dr. Williams' fink Pills. In a short time I could feel thio medicine helping me so I gladly continued taking the pills and soon found that every' trace of dile trouble had disappeared and there was a great improvement in my. gen- eral health. It is now _two years since I took Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I have not had the least twinge of the trouble in that time. That is why I,eonfidently recommend the pills to ether sufferers," You can get these fills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50e. a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont. Circle these days, going to Bonmiller every Tuesday horning to take in 'eggs there.. The 'co-operation is doing a good business in this district. Several from here attended the funeral of the late .George. Currey, -Ire-which Wok place from Tfiie ]lame ( of his sister, Mrs. Roope, Goderieh, to . Colborne cemetery on Sunday a ternoon, Deep sympathy is ex- pressed for Mr. Currey and the sis- ter and brothers in their sad bereave- ment. There will bea n � a g c atlollnl a I� . meeting in the church on Friday evening to discuss how to use the $1,200 they received as a settlement of the claim on the manse property NEW *CANADIAN PACIFIC r is owes �I m.�1top and Toronto 0 0 roc � t � ods h TRAIN SERVICE -NONlAltr . MAY-- 2n4-- ..— (Daily except' Sunday) Lv. Goderich ...7.00: a, m.. Lv. Hamilton. , ..3.50 p. Ire. Lv. Listowel. , . $.00 a. m. Lt', Guelph. ..9.57 a. tn. 1.v. Guelph Jct. 10.38 a. in. Ar. .Toronto. ...11.55 a, an. Ar. Hamilton...11.30 si. m. Lv. Toronto. ..3.15 p. an. Ix. Guelph ,Jct... 4.45 p. m. Ar;: Gi>tlltilt. •:.. S 25 p:• tn. Ax. Listowel. , .7.00 p. m. Ar. Godericb, ;8.15 p, m. For other train service and detailed schedule information consult N. B. FLARITY, Town Agent, or T. G. CONNON, Depot Ticket Agent. TRAVEL CANADIAN PACIFIC Canadian Pacific D 1 Gee go to Goderieh every ,Monday evening for band practice. • ppi)nrk ' spiel taker charge of the preparatory services in the Presbyterian church Thursdae evening. Last Saturday Mr. E. Phillit', at. tended the funeral of hie brother-in- law, Mr. Andrew Fox, at White- church. Miss Edith Mogridge went to Tor- onto for an operation " for goitre. She is recovering as quickly as could be expected. at Auburn. This was made necessar Last Friday evening quite a num- lay the rearrangement of the fields bar assembled'iu the Foresters' ,Hall. following union, Smith's Hill being The evening was spent in dancing and separated from Auburn and 'oined to other amusements. Mr. AIIfn, of Hariock, furnished the. music. The Presbyterians will. observe .the Seerament of the Lord's Simper next _ Sabbath: Tlie Rev; Mr. MeDermid, of Goderieh, gill take charge. Rev. B. Gracie will take Mr, iMeVermid's work ie Goderieh. Mr. Russel King arrived home last week from Goderieh, where be had been operated on for .appendicitis. We areglad to'sew him home again. Ina short time be will . be as strong as ever. Benptfller and there will iie other business to disegs AVITURN Mr, Eugene. Dobie left for, his school in .Brussels last Monday.. Mr. 'James Laidlaw, of the village, went to London hospital this week for treatment. _ The Rev..P.'B. Gracie went to Myth • last week, *there he intends zesiding in; the future. ew n of To 0 0 Rev. 111r. K nn int . o SAILINGS 1•'80t1 MoNTItl:.tL ' ,To Liverpool erect !May 2 ...:..elentrose ,NIay 0 f Junin 3 lloriteatm 1Iay18 t June InNtlnnedo-a Ma5'20 f Jtuie MGuttrlar•' Delfast-Glusirow :1prehz Mttyl2 ; June 0.. ..melut;anm to London May 2:r. .... ...,1i:lil,:rrt: I'I.t11�1 Q ISR8i; Toilet Articles of Distiuctiou We always carry a well assorted stock of the Leaedl' g Canadian, American and French makes— FAC PERE S FUMESWRERS COQ TOILET WATERS BATH SALTS H.C.DUNLOP THE REXALI, DRUG STORE Bedford Block Gode�ricls Nathtng as Good condition of the Studebaker car, Hartz drove it around the mile and a al t me eat Culver an hour later the completion of the five thousandth mile, Argument is where you stake your common sense against the other fel- low's prejudice. Eggs for Hatching Eegiish*American Single -Comb White Leghorns 75e a setting ; $5 a hundred, also Agents for the Model In- cubator, made in Toronto, one of the best -incubators on the .market. GEO. E. GREENSLADE, Bayfield P. 0. TeL 602' r 12. Goderieh.. r or Asthma.-Aa- thnta remedies come and go but every year the sales of the original Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy grow greater and greater. No further evi- ' denee could be asked of its remade. !able merit. It relieves. It is always of the same unvarying quality which the sufferer from asthma learns to know. Do not suffer another attack, :but get this* splendid remedy today. "Babbette Gift Sboppe" Everything in MUSIC SIC Popular Songs 3 for $1,00 Mrs. E. Evans Fine Pastries and Bakeshop Delicacies Fresh front our ovens many times a day,: Just give us a trial for your Pastry or Bread needs, and you'll be delighted with the WARY. QUALITY GUARANTEED. A BETTER BAKED BREAD Corteous Salesmeni Prompt Service e .84 SMITH LT We de1'iver Phorr 1 /� �7 �L � E. • VI To • €Itevhourli-Soutitampton- Anttverji -Apr.QI ! June:1..., lontro, it Slay 16'i•June 15:...Montnairn ti m to 1 ro •(:bol boutq ouah.► q i Ilanth'Ii Slay! 1 # sJnne'S �Ernp, olkranee . t May' 25 lune 22 Emp.,Sco'lanrl xTo e1Ierl)oitrge otittraruetoa only. MSK ABOUT R TOURIST THIRD CABIN LAND EUROPEAN TOURS J E. PARKER,. rrn. .'its' Pass. 1), pt., r,.la.ti Bldg.; Torunto., Adelaidee "2105 • SULPHUR CLEARS The Farmers" Club shipped ,it ear- a " i UGH 1) 1: s$r 1 ,Toad of hogs and cattle to Toronto seeretarg of the Sabbath school and s. last Monday.. • young people's societies in the Pres - On Wednesday of this week'. Mr. A. byterian church, took charge of , the Face, Neck and Arms E'aslly , C. Jackson has his sale of farm. stock Presbyterian services last Sunday. mads smooth, says 'and implements. Miss, Elsie Lawlor left for London specialist I Mr. Wm Davidson went to Brussels lost Monday for the Normal Schoot ----; . eral of a cousin there. (From another correspondent) ; ' Any braking out of the skin, even 411. last Monday to be present 'nt the fun- ther`e • • . ,• I Mr. Rollinson and Mr. Harvey Me- The Baptist Sunday school very an- fiery, itching eczema, can be quickly --. ,_ _, propriately celebrated Easter by an overcome by applying a little Mentha -....-. .. . � --- . offering of eggs. Fifty-four -.dozen =Sulphur, declares a noted skin special- 1. were contributed by the members, some of whom ttiok a great deal of interest in decorating them. The 1E31FtITI 11-1 ILLi Ell" 9 IMF' a�wlr C•ir.r6t.yrirdty�j C.wis. 0r,.r.,aw.. w, Bathe in the Pacific BTII'Tisii Collo/tides, (,Oast line is indented with Bbeautiful bays and inlets, rimrtieil in silver sanded beaches, where happy bathers splash in the ealuli. crating surf of the Pacific. You can spend a Wonderful vacation i.tt British C'olumhiai motoring in private car. or inexlietisive public motor buses. over miles and miles of Mountain and amarine hi wars; fi*hing teeming;triut and salmon streams and lakes; hunting moose, caribou, gm;aalr, goat, mountain ANT.- and of big .game; or, enjoving the magnificent scenery of British t nh;mnhiresern}nt line --more wonderful than the fiords of Norway ---on luxurious, but inexpensive steamers. . You'll matt and feel the great pulse of prosperity throbbingthrough Britisoltsaabia. You, will note n�itit interest ts h (' t aired diversified natural re entrees that stabilise end Dante the prosperity of British t'ulumbia citizens. Well be glad to give you detailed information regarding Canada's ''Evergreen Playground" and its wonderful reerelarcee. Clip and mail the coupon today. lei COLUMBIA rt1'1H.1'E'.ITY COM1411711tt 4,111411NDIR STRUT W&ST VAlgcouVU. LC. :.cAlpirows Avgasi.t)suinti rtiAreastotrim ist. Because ` of its germ destroying properties, this sulphur preparation be- gins at once to soothe irritated skin and eggs were arranged on a table in the Ileal eruptions such as rash, pimples and form of a cross; which shelled the I ring worm. j , words I?•.ister and Jesus. They were -. it seldom fails to remove the torment. 4 donated to' hospital work, twelve doz. end disfigurement, dndy tt do -not have- en ave - en .being sent to each of the CIinten to wait for relief from embarrassment. and Goderieh hospitals and ehixty Improvementuickly shows. Sufferers • dozen to the Sick `Children's f'Iospital, from skin trouble should obtain a small ;Toronto.:'An aprropriato "plrogeanm Jar of Rowies liicntho-Sulphur from was aiso given by severe! of the airy good drug2'i$tt and u5c it like cold scholars. This in the secondyear in cream. • whieh the school has contributed in -- =^-" , t f this way. 1 WESTFIELD' Mr. 'W.,i. Parks attended the Teach- ers' E'ducationtal Convention at Tor- onto last week. i Mr, and Mra. Bert Vincent and fent-. 'ily, of Belgrave,'.wereWestfeld visit - ore on Sunday. i Miss Etva Walden is spendeli ing' this i week w'ttk ber aunt, Mrs. B. If. Tay- ' tor, of Goderieh. i Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cowan .visited at visit - : the home. of the latter's sister, Mrs. I Frank Kershaw, of Goderieh, on Sun- i day. Mr. and Mrs: Gordon -Snell and farm - 11y visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 4'. y'oungblut, of Auburn, on Sunday. A number of the young people met at the home of Mr. a»d Mrs. Jack Cowan on Monday evening and pre- sented them With iv jardiniere and pedestal to show their good wishes'in their newly nmarried life.III *� OVER A MILE A MINUTE • FOR 5,000 MILE RUN ., Stadebektr Cotsttraander Sets A New b Record of Terrible Speed for Long Distance Culver City, Calif. -In one of the • moat remarkable and gruelling tests ever made witty an automobile, a • Studebeker 'Commander has just eats , abliahed mix new speed end end ranee.' records for fully equipped Ams rican- t made stork cars. The Context hoard .of the ,American Automobile :kernel*. Hone, whose representatives .•hocked and observed the entire test, today ' announced the reaelt of the ran whieh was -completed April 8 at Calver CRY, , Calf. The Studebaker Commander rover- ' t,ed 5000 mike la 009 minutes. main- taining an a speed of 61 .12 mile* per bear estabi}slttna; this record. Tise Commander also set fear.; retire records for Marken Meek tare. A record fee WM mike was ett by the stapieel tiara of ee h ori'. 1St • minateri and 84 seeaadfii. an *TermtM* • envied of Mat miles per heen, t 50 elapacd hours. the _ear liad covered, 't10*% raises, settles sat aaaga of . «2.05 mike per hear. At tiM ones. the chard time equalled Pt hears. 1? minute*. t!''4 oees.ia, an amwor .imr••d of 1.52 *fin per hour. At t?r • end of it hear* plywood time, the ter' hai traveled 4414 miles at *m averso', ,of 411.2 pules inn. 'beau. The reit$•'- tine of the rani. Wt Wiwi, was worse The told True rlaving A PENNY SAVED IS E We Can Save Yoll Dollars W_�_ quantity of Col We have a q y � al stored on the Ocean House property, and it is going to cost fifty cents a ton to move it over to our Coal Yard, and we are going to give: you the advantage of this saving. While it lasts we quote -.( Chestnut Coal at: $14.75 per ton, delivered..' Stove :Coal .at. .:.$15.25 per ton, delivered'. ARE' YOU DOING ANY BUILDING? We are offering the material out of the Ocean House at the following prices: HEMLOCK—2 x 4, 2 x 6, 2 x 8, 2 x 10, and 2 x 12, which to as gocd as now, for... $35.00 per 1,000 feet Lath, at. . .30c per bunch Pine Cumber Doors : and Door Frames; Windows and Window Frames for equally as good vaduep. For Hardware, .Paint and: Oils, Plumbnig. and Heating, t our prices CHAS 1,C!.. LEE The Hardware at the Wharf SHIPCHANDLER PLUMBING and HEATING Electric Wiring. -Store 'Phone 22. House 'Phone 112, P I,EV ENT t= OP.E--S'T FIKES THE FOREST has played a major part in Canada's development. The stability M our forest industries is threatened by forest fires which have destroyed five times the quantity of timber used. Carelessness with Fire in the woods has been mainly responsible. Will YOU. help to stop this wanton waste and ensure Canada's continuing prosperity? CHARLES STEWART Minister of the Inferior Concoct! to Forest Week, April 24th fel 30th, 927