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The Goderich Star, 1927-04-28, Page 3
FACIR ?deinrIl _ _ _""_.�._ .....r~......�., ! f � ' JZatrspttpr►r pttir• +say be s to t:i•� tiIthst ,tt soar kiwi osof '• ! ir+wr he toaf•rred alwa Wrurdnr dr P �. Her �� P� lags tieatpie of MOND AI. 1rtl�uNf�paaari��Nir"004 A /��'"��+�1 McEwens �' k " ~ o #o a tAr+iatet iaaib►lt: w t► t cos at { silo lion C" 1Re taper Sort. out." s. ~Whir border. s are stiann A FUM =IPMXNT OF PRUNlq DOVGRT DIWT FROM tflltoa the kidasys got oat of order t 'Iitat's going yew- sot siitsay ileo ka•lt 4 etre to ieeeata altetMi '(. � (tae+. owns+ asst elti�W�stt wt rani ort:' said the Recorder. "I++tk+triarts Sad lull pais+, rkarp paiso, wlwiek het tkrow Owes on to the It ante NNW TO" pa ( 1 i; ruttins on Cod, boa tky Mak ro twiagw all point to tie fart tkJ4 ileo + M•� da y, *' a brief ill.o.a and wlwn they take McCoy's Cod Idver ,ekaata want to advertise ]try should i SWAM lit a W kWae;. n.+e,1 attention. 1 A elttiet woiding' to0k plaee a* operation. The dereaaed lady was Extract Tablets. Tae the rwwopapors.' He said he ll.* 12%' w a . Mrs. Allan Batting, Enterprise. O■;., '„Thursday, April 1Etlt, at the bums of ► la Listowel. and apentrtser early y are rick in vitalising vita- would bo inclhw4 to deal uwr►r severe- irk a lb wr.taa:- -After uiy mov"d wbv way d Mrs, Catherine. Hodden, Exoter, witta life in Wingham. being a ditigkwr of miner- the kind of vitamins that Iy with o1f'tsders in tits future. Tltertto art► not the 4?t�tes► Probes. but Styr toile soiree variety of F Ion 1 had awful pais+ is iay•bark, !novo D. llcTavisk tin}tad in mtyirriage the lata Mr. and Yrs. Robert Elliott.,rrtate strength, itaprasre the appetite Cttnitditta L'intlaltatti'Jtotirtly sad could not yltep at sixkt. aer- yanngvst daughter, GrAw Olive, her father having neon for right years and build tty� floe gowtr to resist illy- The Canadian C'stH Y't�s W II�� Doportratot t•f Na- I costa hardly do my, ltorsswork, to alter Carman Doups, son of Mr. editor of tlw WingbAm Times. ��. tional Defowo is load#d up with over T'r'y our Sok SLACM TXA. one of tk* fleet is town for tite tunny. es tat} •is washing And Mrs. A. H. Doupe, sof Usbonie. married at 1Wtevaie One woman aimed tea pounds in 100,000 war =*&Is which have nut „ i JXI,I,Y POWDUS FOR . .......... . . . ..... . , .. , ... , , .. , .2itt 1>�' y y xg when i bad to bead over the tub. Lienar-Deapr f A quiet wedding was soltmntsel at twenty-two days, e0 tablets. (10 been claimed, according to an order= I Gloss Frain No**;* Frot I had read se muck about Deaiiit i A quiet but patty wedding took the Bluevale parsonalevt on Monday, i cents. Ask any Arugghrt for Sic. published by that department. The XW**y Pills, in your ala ono, I u plaee at the James . strost church, Etta mat p.m.. when Miss Mary (. made up as fel. FR>iSH GROUND CEiIi FItB, GROUND AS YOU QIIDBR IT. do t I would �p n rtlarria,ge tom Morris. r Joffra .>i30 days mane tba back. eta and unclaimed awards art 19111.16• 7.U3d A NICIK tHc •gk ,give titoat a trial, arxetor, on Saturday afteraooa. retv( halted if you don't gain at least 6 uad+ ht Iowa • 1916 Starz of , tt I.}N1F, I.i3.... , ...... • . . . . . . . ..... . ........ . .... . •e I got tires boxas and whoa I bad 14th, when 'Mists k nit Ma Madeq, marriage Mr. alta y ys y e y British War Modals, and 40,390 Vie.. CLASSIC CLlILANSIILR, A TIT................................Ittc f nislod tate tkird.oae I was completely 'Doupo, daughter of Iter. and Mrs. Ar- Rev. ]tiro aWen ofMie}ated, only tart• Demand Mef'oy aR the original. tory Modals. Besides these there are P 7 PANSHINE CLBANSI#k A TIN ..................... . ........19c rotittved of my ti'ottbk."' thur H. Doupe, of Usborne, was umt• mediate frioitda of the bride rind � �__._.. _"_,.- __ soverat Distinlrulshed Conduct ![<vl• ed its marriaxt to Mr. IC-fi lad Milton broom being present. Produce- o as in, "of;" accent X*rb Sts, Military Modals, Medals of the , A LARQH EKMTLX VANILLA XXTRAf X' ...... . . . ........... Xc Erica We. a box at 1 Wiagkam Will have Wadatada Order at the British Hmpire. Meri. .A LAROX H()'i"I'I.lt LYMON XXTRACT................. e.....23w, Luther, son of Jars, Luther, x on last syllable, isauit on Brat syllable, , all dealers, or mailed also of Uaborne. "I'M ceremony was t After_naox Holiday Pperile. Pronoui' v pu-er-il, u as tnr}ous Service Medals, and French RRDPATH SUGAIt „RY THR BAG. NOT BEET :SUG-AR dirset on receipt of t perforated Iffy Rev. D. McTavish, I Cotmmortelvir the first Wednesday in "unit.” a as In "her," f as in "it,." Medals. � y i� by The T. Mil• Brussels Chamber of Commerce , in May azul continuing until the end accent ffr4 syllable, + Canadian Cold Ranks Third AT THE DRST i RICE I'V TQWN „ burn Co., 7, i m i tad, The Brussels Business Xen's Asso. of October Wingbam business men � � Qui viv i, Pronounce ke-vey, both Canada is now the third gold pro. Toronto, Oai. sets has roan +nixed rc the Brun. will observe Wednesday afternoon as eon as in mit. ducer in the world, being exceeded * � -+els Cltatnbez a� Commerce and will a half holiday, � Refutable. Pronounce re-fu-ta,bl, only by South Africa and the United ��/` maks a drive far new members The' Jartrie,Fitky Nriptiiala a as in "met," u as in "unit:' a as in States. In 1845 the last year ford + • E WEN MUSIC I1ROF. W. 11. J.#i'1+•+[) =In4trtzction •given In Voice Cultum, Organ,. piano, 'violin. Cultar. Theoi y. etc. Studio and residence. Focht street, HH. Q, HA�[1L�'O�i-.(icganlst � ot•tti St. United Church. Concert player and Teachr+r. Rtfsidence at �irs..CGiborne'o, St. l'at• rick Street. LEGAL CARDS Ir.�, lir I>,tR1I(1�1", Barristm, Solicitor, Notary Public, Ltc„ Successor to T L. Killoran Phons 97 Office The Squire, 0,ider l4i Barrister and Solicitor` ' 10 Bing Street East, Torouto, 2 Telephones Main 7793.779ti. "UTA -Ey E. IIOLI$IES L.#,, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Conveyancer, Fte. PHONT 27 RNMILTON SIRRET SPECIALIST EVE, BAR, NOSE, THROAT. Late ,.louse Surgeon New York Oph- thaiml, and Aural hospital, assistant at Moore ileld's Eye hospital and Golden Square Throat, Resppital. London, Eng, 53 Waterloo St. S, Stratford. Tele- phor,e 267, At. hotel Bedford; t",oder0b,.. on the evening of third Monday of each nionth tilt the following day, Tuesday, at l p.m. Next. visit in June, CHIROPRACTIC DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER, DR. h. N. ATIi1NSOti, �Chiropisetor and Drui0o t Theraplst, r'bronle, Drgaaic, avid Nervous Oixeasrs Nquippe� with . Diathermy, Electro_ Magnetic Baths, Electronic. Weetri Treattnents and Chiropractic. Oftice hours --2 to 2 and.I to J p.m. fond by appointment, "teeptipg Monday and Thursday Oneracruis And evenings: Office hours ---2 to 3 and i to .9 P. in. only. Lady In Attendance, itlesidenee and Office—Coruer of Soulh st. and R01114nin nnf"L AVCTION019RING 1i01IAS CiiNDRY. .Live Clock and General Auelloneer, Hamilton Streit, Goderich Sales made everywhere and all efforts' made to give you,"satisfictlao. Farmers' sale notes dlscounW. ROBERT_ nOBEnTSON. '•" AuetfiJnr•e�r. f~idon St.. Godcrtdr -.,III conduct and arrai tr` any sale on the lAterst methods to flet last results . See him. oi• drop a carol- and lie wilt give . it iminediate attention, Farm Y'ales a spee:ally.. NOTARY 'PUBI,14;, ETC. WJf, BAILIE. ' N(YrARY PUBLIC wnenrral Conveyancing don. Good Companies. Reoreaente,l ?hone No. 08. tlofieriel), Ont ' - 114SURANCE McKILLOP MUTUAL, FIRr INSLII ANCE COMPANY,. ?AAAI ANII l nLATEP GOWN PI61" EnTY INSURED. Value of property insured up 'to Jan - nary, 1410, E3618.9sa.00 OFFIc itsJames Connally Presi- dent, ooderioh • Ise, Evans. t ire fres.• *nt, Beech«oon; T. E. hays, :+co.• rrea9 Seaforlh DIRE CTons-1), P. Ale(;regor, Sca- forth, J. (). Grieve, �Vlnlhrop; Win. Wrin. Constance: Georg^ NleGartney. Tuakersm}th; Jobn Ferris. Itarlock, John Dennetwise, Broadhagan; 'Marray Gibson, Brumfleld. AGENTS --L W. ileo, Grwlerleh,, Sandy Leitch, Clinton; Win. Ghesn y, 'S,ea, forth: It, Ilinchley, Seafnrth. Policy Iloldrrs can pay their wasets- mertts at It. 11. Cutt's More, ftoolorich; A. J. Nrorrish s Glot,a}ngt Store, Clinton; car J. II heads 1layflelti v ]f'IItC i:`tiSU1t�ANCit!,� . have it attended to oy the WEST WAWANOI:H 11070Ai, FIRE INSURANCE CO Established 1578 Head Ofliet~ : Dungannon, Ont. Win. J. Thompson, Auburn, Pres.; Wm, Watson, Vice Pres.; James Gir- vin, Hon. ,Director; Directors --Wm. McQuillan, St. Helens; W. P. heed, R. R. No. 2, Lticknow; Harry L. Sal- keld, Goderich; Ak-x. Nicholson, Luck - now; 'Tim Gfifiiti', R. R. No. 7, Luck- riow; Chas. Hewitt, XiYslardine; Robt, Davidson, Dungannon, Rate -42.00 per thousand.. T,1106. SSTOTIIZRS, T. G. ALT, :N', Tress. flllcratary. Brophou Brost 000KRICH rho Loft lei MIMI so taboo" OTdas iffy? � to Riff stat E�-WWM cc tiatg. wook% .tali holiday* will commence I The home of Mr. and Urs. Sandy "ask,"' accent second syllable,. which figures are available, the total g -PHONE 48— with TThursday, May 5th. Finley, Wa ham, was the Scotto of a werda Often Misspelled value of the mineral output )# Can. 8 t ads was about $225,000,000, ar $26 t Paused, Away in Detroit ground on Sunday evening, Apr. 17th, Banana; anana. no double it a,• per capita ni the papulation, the larg- b Goods delivered to your ltouaet by the boat delivery ifpt town In Detroit, on Saturday evening;, when their third daughter, Ruth Stratagem. Harass; one r. two son. esu ,amount per capita of any earn•.. April 10th, Nellie Elliott, beloved Elsie, was united in marriage to Mr. , Development; no a after p. Ileipous; tri to the world, In 1915 the total • ------ ^ ----------- wife of Mr. A F.. Saunders,' Passed Percy Stanley Jarvis, of Listowel, tot "I, not a. Temperament, l ed a sergeant going off with two bot- Useful in Catap..,, Explozer3, aur« the presence of about a0. guests. ( gold production in Canada was valued Ashfield Home Barged t SyatnnyYaa at $137,000,000 or $17 per capita, ties of wine. '"What are you da}ng""' end I>r prospectors ospect r P;elect hunters very Productive, fertile, prolific, fruitful, while in 1986 the total was only a lit- he asked. "Obeying orders, air," was + Oil The home of Michael O'Reilly, 10th generative, plenteous. tle over $10 000,000, or about 12,25 the reply. "When you don't kill the useful in camp. When the feet and con, of Ashfield, was burned to the Penalty, penance, retribution, for. seer capita. Thpse figures hm � iust enemy, you take them prisoners," legs are wet and cold it is well to rub ground on Sunday eyerftg, April -7th, feit, fine, legal punishment. ( been matte public by the Canadi:air : them freely with the Cliff, and the re - ,+,t •nxq Fire was noticed coming from the Fight, battle, conflict, combat, en- Government Information Buro!%U. 1 sult will be the preventlons of pain% " 'roof near the chimney by passersby, counter, skirmish. The difference between work And in the muscles, and should a cut, or and the old gentleman was ratio r Insert, inject, infuse, inculcate, in, Selma Cohen had iust ent agi d, n 'exercise is that you can work without contusion, or sprain be sustained, supper, quite unaware of the danger. stil, iniplant. impregnate, imbue, new washerwoman and aft -r exai,tin.'a special Uniform, nothing could be better as a dressing He says he cannot account for the Ability, efficiency, competency, efl}- int what there was to be donc,, added:! or lotion, ' blaze as there was very little fire in cavy, ableneas., '1My husband has a trick- of writing y i 1 �► — rr, r, r.rr�. the stoup. His wife was spending the Flastio, resilient, rebounding, Itis engagements on his shirt Gaffs. day in Goderich with relatives, b9oyant . springy, I hope you don't mind." Word Study '"Shure an' that's;,all .right " an- i The irate Mee. John Musgrove Kwered the washerwoman, An esteemed lady was Mrs. Jahn "Use it word three times and it isscandal," i raves it; s �T Musgrove, of Wingham, who crossed bit of - • w • f ` '. T •� ,,�,,��,aaq . the +Great Divide on. Saturday, .April lacy by' Let us increase our t.acabu• 1\�� iltS;�li IIal�e>�3 y by'mastering one word each day, A jovial English colonel who had 9th, after being confined t6 ber bed Words for this lesson : been promoted, gave a dinner to his for: salesmen for almost nine months at the home ALACRITY; eager readiness; regiment. Addressing his men lie f r ,•`i of her sister, Mrs. Wm, Dcang, 9th briskness. "The child rose with alae- said, "Fall to upon the food without' Th many of our `can. of 'Turnberry. Deceased was rity and came forward." pity -treat it as. if i were n--•'�`�-,' Y t'tlr iiilt4- P 3 t T re the c ,i. 1► towers' Rooms like the one i barn in Willmont township, ztnfi was TIMOROUS; fearful of danger. ouiv." iltdicated above are laced i a. daughter of the late JAndrew Woods; "she directed a' }}Ref timorous glance At the *end of the dinner he observe " � Paving'. Between Seaforth and Dublin towards her father," asy t at the day sal of the Lon g br Messrs. Kin tend Whits tivho have ANTECEDENTS; the previous � „ ,, ..1.• ����`.� �� a 1 Distance user. Writingma- the contract for paving the Provincial events a# a person's life. "Litre nae n eraial,_triAps,.rate,schedules High -between--5euforth.an,I_Duli. h staff of..thia t�ittn.'s_aittPcedent4,,' t.. , � i tt ` t t t _. _ Sin, commenced operations at the ' SOMNOLENT; inclined to sleep. directories, tmei;a�b].es, 4 Seaforth end on Mondaylast. They I remember him as a lazy, rather caleAdars,etG:* are pI'Ovlded. i gravel it on the'farm somnolent youth.! purchased the p' �' arm Herm, in privacy and cm- of Mr. F. T. Fowler and put in their DISCREDIT; to injure the credit or fort, the salesman receives , crushing machinery and laid pipes reputation of to destroy faith or be- hire Galls as the oriator for their water supply, A a lief larg 'in. "We found nothing what- w �" � numemployed of men will be em I ed at ever to her discredit,„ his Completes them, w makes, up '.,IV pit, and a camp will bemaade on 'INpIGNANT, inflamed With anger ordtar”, or make+ the ground. Several cars of road at what is unworthy, unjust, or dis: mri 1, ports- machinery, piping and other equip. honorable. He was very indignant Whore customers, zooms do not ea - i ment were unloaded at Sforth• last that they should accuse him," f. • �' th4 D3aaager offers the week. Use Miller's Worm Powders and ilio: A P60616 was the vise ng tgalesnaan the use of his Rad Accident in McKillop battle against wormy is won. TheseMan's 1 i7fftcC,and is resid�,#ar give him Q,nes young son of David J McF�nr- powders correct the morbid Condit- Calleandy. advice about aur uutiding.terri-. lane', 10th concession of 1ticKillop tp.;, ions of the stomach -which nourish It k.pt his'ra,utb moist sad tory, clis's of service -to use, etc. °was instantly killed and a second' worms, and these destructive para- fresh on his bot, rocfq, road. we t t placed in a critical. condition, the re- sites cannot exist after they :come in Calling oa his sweati•, lis took _ ... leu #bras tetfdtttotial qult«.of--being. drawn• --under a_irea -contact with the, medicine: -•--Thy, __ ...._ __,. .._-, _ .__ ••,.� vY, nor a staootl,, 'wkiltt st•atl __fact uti;1 mtt#re vrt> se rSGP - Ixollor, upon which they had- been' worms are speedily evacuated with . to tiff+ •larpa body clinging, When the team of Horses . other refuse from the bowels. :Sound- Today, to make a lasting, . Bon In r t is 'x>y salesmen who use drawing it ran away on Easter Mon- ness: is imparted to the organs and satisfying impression, take �' �� it ao i>l l •pertly. day. The "lad. who met: death was the "health of .the child steadily bu her Wrislor's. George Somerville McFarlane, in.his proves. _._��- R Wiwi% your lnter"t. Coed as becowe due, three year, Iiia brother is about WORLD EVENTS .':n oe when you receive c ...three years younger. The boys had }► IV for iltttLl+e�t' gone out to a field with their farther(Continued and bath got on to -the roller with - from page 2l I on registered bonds, deposit then. lel X SaV which it was intended to do work. were tried on a, char a of Attemptin Alr..8.., AM#* , " The horses somehow became unman- a g; Aft r Sm.+i"tar root , ' lugs ACCOunt in the Bank of Montreal. . ' • >)geabl,i and ran away. They. tan to assassinate Premier Mussolini last CH7t1 fes'' year. A prison term of thirtyof years ThC money you receive, oil your investment • set through the barnyard, and. in doing so, ,has been imposed on hath of them, 4'iruck a post, causing the lade to be and numerous other minor penalties, iii bonds will then earls intertr,it for you. thrown: under the roller. The elder Others who were indicted with the bov, George, . had been holding the would�be assassins received punish- CANAQIAN NATIONAL RY. reins. George, who met death in - meat ranging from seven to twenty ,. atantly. had his left arm severed, be- years. TRAIN SERVICE to TORONTO sides having his skull fractured. The The Neck of the Bottle.• vounger hay' ricoii erious injuries. Owiiy Except Sunday E. V. LESSLIE, Manager. �f •' his- condition be} ported as criti- An ocean of liquor pours through Gve: Codarielr G 00 a m, 2.201�.rri: Windsor, Ontario, into the United can States, according to • evidence given Clinton G 23 it -in. 2.52 p.m. �11''init. mein tial holarship before the Customs Probe Commen Seafarth 641 a.nt. 3,12 p.m. We 1`eriti 'from Globea re- sion: and the Chief Collector of Cus Miteholl 1.C4 A.m. 3,42 p.m. R Baler cent date that Mr., D. rew_who toms at that port admitted that lie Are. Stxtattmd .7 30 a m. 4.1 .m - is ,otimpleting the course in agHouL.- ,. 0 P was ':unable to • chicks Dost too are at. the O. A, C. has been awarded bo assurance that itilcl:ener i.20 n.ur, 5, 20 an BMWF , e liquor leaving by boat actually reach - ..,match to lose by the. Memorial Scholarship, presented ed Up.destination across the border, ;, Cit;ciil)h 8 4Ci a in. 0 p.m . . Established ick of care and proper annually .to the senior student who Toronto 10, IO a nt, 7:130 ► U) i$i? + and was not returned 'to .Canada for 1 > , during. his course had done most for feed, �Vliits lliaaxltoera consumption. Retu► niug---LeRVo Toronto C.C) a.m., i Std other chick diseases nted the permanent good of the student 55 p.m. and G O5. p.m. , peeve Major A: E. Nash, auditor fur the. 12. by feeding Pratte Baby Chick Food, body. It is understood that upnti commission stated that out of the to- Parlor Cafe car, Gocl2rich to ^ars It saves millions and insured health graduation, Mr. Andrew will be a - '------------ ii y P tel exports of whiskey ,from Canada )alai aq morning train; and Tora»tt - Lastgrowing. chicks and early -laying pointed agricultural representative in to ,the 'United States last year 65 per to rroderich 0,05 p. m• train. pallets. Buy the Beat. Halton County. , 1 cent. went from Windsor,. and out of Through coach Goderich to Toronto .. Late Thomas Friendship the total exports of beer to the Unit- The death occurred at the residence, ed States last. year 80 rer cent. went F• ;r' i,AWRENCE<& SONS of his son-in-law, Mr. William Chap- from Windsor., Taws [ aasenger and Tickets Agents �tii+fVd man, 44 Louisa street, Ottawa, on Dealing with the whiskey export:; Phope ' Sot.i L�l�s.t.ra set very C 1, Thursday, March 31st, of Thotnaa for three years to the United States rrsidi77t J+tMtt7RrD0a1G gp` Friendship, after an illness.of only a he said that in 1924 Windsor export- TL=G rex >a �,.. wonikoo nt few days. He was seventy-five years ed 35 per cent, In 1925 this had in- THE c. w vs .rant. and one month old. ,Born at. Devon- creased to 59 Per cent., and in 1920 to m shire, England. the late 'Mir. Friend. 145 per cent. ship •came to Canada with his father, In 024 Windsor shipped 80 per z the• late Thomas Friendship, lie took i cent. of the beer exported aeraGa the GODERICHc HJ©©�v[ H} p up residence in London and later came line. In 1920 this decreased'to 70 per � Especial �Altt"Si RAISINS f1f1 DARK HAIR to Teesivater and for the past iot'ty (cent.. and in 1924 it rose to S0' per 15 Olt. pstsktlt �( 1O i ears had lived there and at Wimp- , rent. t , f01N Stt3 Q� AND LOQK Q��G ham ever since, except to vest+ htfi:r "Pram haw fai dues titan liquor } f W t �; daughters at various times. Sutviv-1:come to Windsor for export," ha wits � 1"► i rV��7 ® ��s� O1C i�letiiMsJ{ 2 for �� --- - ing, besides the bereaved wife; are ,'nskpA. Nobody Can Tell When You three daughters,. Mrs. iffy. Alleu, of "From as far west as Vancouver ���,� Yx os. >p*ttltdt Wingham; Mrs. Hary-v Schaub, of t Arid as far east as Qgphac district " for Darken Gray, l=aded Hafr MA A A 1', De s s in Seedle" 25 16 Y 1{�tebnner, and Airs. Vitra. Ch,nman,; Dealing with whiskey oxvorta sN6° Jj1.MQii HAo "t=1.t," 'j 1 With nape ?eat t 'of Ottgwat one son. Thomas, of Teas-ifrom Ciansd* to all countries, 'Start GOR `I'H HalAr atOl.Kf '" '0cwt« cwtet►oAtvxA CLAg,u1► water*° two sisters. Mrs, Jns, Ross_ niiC Nash said that in 1024 the Iinitrd $NB sysps.rstees cool" Mrs, P. Currie, of Brussels;. also four', St:+tPs received: 42 per cent; ii.. TO �E IM" �* Largs etre tAtu,+ t Grandmother kept her hair beauti• grandchildren..,— 41925), Ol t+pr cent.; in 10M, ion AN NOW CNtf. G000 Afi NE`ol �PORCINS Prunes „Date* i fully darkened, glossy and attractive ,tient.. ted 99 ver cent. in t"ie fnllaw- +�" 5C Kram 2 fes. zZe 2 ibe. ,2ji7C t� s with a brew of Sage Tea and 'Sulphur. Nation-wide Esme,.. There is ver-, info six months. , ur. sass 2 25 Alhcncver tier hair took on that dull, rely a corner of this !treat Doniimo:i or , t 0_, (�,,.,_ f faded or streaked appearance, this sim• where tho merits of Dr. Thomas' E , Ile Earth t sal hat.0 19. 4 ` � aria; er:nortpii $14.Ob0,000 worth �r)f f � �+�* rik•i4 it tri tett writs s•dn s4 tri *•g lectric Oil have not been trier. and linvor to all countries. ,,f. whir's fir:.- bak�ng Powdor Tib � Pastry Flour 950 �& pie mixture: was applied with wonder, C fut effect. By asking at .any drug store proved. It is one of the world' most 700 000 tvunt to ti . Vnit.,d St<kf o i. gg r 1' eth's Sae and Sul inc Com, efficient Temedies for sore t,t_oat, r,. .+ nr-+ i r, fo � y % >>! n .. +1),+, iln,tEd States rne,.iv<<1 �. ftvitra �ir pound,' you will get a large, bottle of lame Back and many other ailments 111400.000 waren out of a total ex- � m e CrnCllak Butt « i7eei. s� 'this old-time recipe, improver. by the arising from, inflammation. Rubbed � nort of $10,000,000. In 19211 it toot - ��� = addition of either ingredients, all ready on the skin its healing power ir, rend- et i 900.000 utof •a total exiSol't ••rf fwONsflthe't C to use, at.very little cost. This sim. ily absorbed, and it can also be ta!�,m " - � E pried fol nwind ;+t tbo nfv )v,nnthi Iilr pie mixture can be depended upon to internally. inn it +°^ceived 110,703, �1' restore natural color and beauty to the hair.,._ 000 out of $11;706.000. ■titttttwisl♦t Bea r As showing the growth of t hi, �R i3'e11•knnrrn druggists say everybody ' �..%"` _ ssr�i,.�1t 4 .'l'r3L' _ 9C - uses Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com- Out Weekly h,i!+f,ti •Rr rail the nortr the :auditor+ rife l ` stated that 1)eicvee» 1.812 ttnei 1.i,,,. . pound now because it darkens so natur. Any doetor will tell you that feet- � larvae x�r� t,eaaR Nally and evenly that nobody can tell it l Leisons in English { the value A all exports had riccu ting plenty of warm, fresh air in the ' Rreitts �r*� i>L'��t Y been a lied .its so easyto ase, , i from $:i 0M) t130 to t:)1.0(i0,000. eatsrto grtafits Why lNalr 111rt"tfi 7 too. S'ott «im1�1y dampen a omb or 111 By W. L. Gb12L'blV 4 Tip for Advertisers .. house' P fell of Nrtnakat- boud4" Moil «iwi,«w. e soft brush and dram it through your µ . side the Lowe, s��� Tars R51e hair, taking oat strand at a time. By r t Hull' Y tit of rel fresh :ti: out- 4 A"v�riis 1st' Curktti Potted C morning the gray hair disappears; a • Words Often Misused 1 lee e �tva cold.i. itiflucny:t ftrA t►1ltieries Most$ 3 ='s'r i5 ter tired tot itspnatu Sal color looks Dont say the benlr fell down upon and pnwe rata, • 0 / CbsrA" X'se kyls r CRlr y sough is* or h + • y " p But turf can tell you that elle l,c:`t � t Cltteer<stt lorry, soft and beautif sL the floor." omit "dawn." i way to secure that warns air nt tl.e „ 3'70 Ili.® Don't may "the pantry is handy to house} i s to ufie ow D. L. S W. 'er:an- the kitchen:' Say •'convenient o," M>raid/► Iwo Catsup 190 t tat 4'.y n lrA1'= �► ttlets ��e j Iian't tory h shall pay it by the laM ! D1 , u Y n 1t , , •: „ �'M"lt�° t1rYt order ALL !rind todaJ . u � est fptwMtr i+. Lta1,t yrtrp lM� -QI� �iAtlr��t' _ r�, uWheelerter end of the month. Latter' i�„ `' � ) i • r redundant. Dont sty what kind of P man Ui i! M —(" `fH�i 39Mstta+rM �+reiMsr htsit o I Faneral Director and her omit "a." E>lrlballnBY Don't :say "when we Combine tlt+�e r' Aliirltdtsts :•..tire Ralf facts together. Omit togrthet ' ¢, i c'ti'a""sw i�+irita� tt i+Mryn 's't eek, Don't nay "my work is ccimpletely dderich, Ont1;<rIp finished:" Otnit "camplett`ly,"r "F'in• , " r DOW" tb. ished +toes not have to be quaaGed. For +lint Cleaif t,ova, r,usb.it ••••••• wa �tatkluM#lli r Weris Oona ;Mliaprattwneed COAD �iA 7 1b. All calls prbml;t,;M att�ntacd to iL Was in IiVP. �s' surra p1*iio 'ri,.wta..tt7,,.Nrytailrh,.t,t. day or night;. Long-lived. Pronounce ce the i a in a 0. MUSTARD ARD CO21''AN'� .,• ,. ,. •, � 11ANUM TA+.� trf.+u M rare vawr a.wrrn.r r+i•r,e � i,• , M 1Phnae- t;tnsss- Hoaise 314sv 1 i'rivacy; °i as in "ice°' is Iii°tf<rii'.t" p}� $8 .,.. Cockricat � , to i as its "}t." - °� _