HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-04-28, Page 2THURSDAY, APRIL MX INT You Can Try ti A GREEN TEA '1'TO Write "$atia►da', Toronto, icor sero* minas kpies. IN liiLVZEW 'icy GAMad fs.► (hie Man (*used Epidemic cal end of the performance. It will A man who had typhoid fever 20• call tor a very extensive linking up of rearm ago and remained a "teenier" is radio stations, implemented bel tele - blamed fol the typhoid epidemic Phone services. which started in Montreal early in, Italy To Central All Industry March 'and lasted over a month he-. Mussolini is again in the forefront • fore being brought under contras. :of the news as a result of his pro- i Some 2,415 eases developed acid 180 mulgation of the Fascist "Charter of victims died. The man in question.. Labor" on the occasion of the cele - quite unaware of his dangeraus pro- oration of Rome's 2.681st birthday. ('livity, secured work in a dairy, and 'ter underlying idea of the "Char..' was dismissed as soon as it was learn- ter of Labor" is the State's Undisput- ed he wawa carrier. I cd right to directly control all forces To Broadcast Front Peace ''Cower I of Prodeetion, acting as the guardian On the night of July 1 it is plan- 1 both of capital and labor, establishing ped, in tonneetion with the Diamond equality of rights and duties between Jubilee celebration, to broadcast from them, compelling them to carry out roast to coast a reeital on the Par- their tasks for the common good, pun-' bstaanlled,tory carillon, if it is then in and also a program of pa- tiriotle muss.. The, idea has been letting infractions and.. maintaining peace between them 4xt any Cost. In erder to Accomplish this, capital sanctioned by the Jubilee Committee, 1 andlabor, uncle+ the enarter, are, and radio and telephone experts have ganized in legally recognized units been consulted Concerning the teelani- called associations or syndicates, all. relations Mtw..t them lashes carried mot throes& end active eoatrests. Otter unite called corperatio s sad artitg as Gm &met sigmas of the State. control the setivities, whit spatially created labor courts stets as the court of last resort in cassis of tontrgvsrrsy. me Charter of Labor is based on the or:aeiple that the State is to be served first and it must dominate. Therefore the trade union is legte- Is.ted out of business, find both en'- nloyers and employees are to organ- ize by industries for the purpose of collective bargaining and control. There iia to be minimum wage. Wa- ges are to be determined by the cost of living and prodteetive ability. All employment agencies ara'to be con- ducted by the State, Sed apaarently rlacement in voaitlons Is to be made throneh these channels on the heals of ability, Maa,itabs'a New Minleters Premier Bracken of Manitoba has xearrstnged his Cabinet prior to the forthcoming provincial elections, which take place either in the latter Part of June or early in July. Hon. B. A. Hoey, one time Progressive member in the Federal House, has been appointed Minister of Eduction; Hon. Charles Cannon, former ister of Education, becomes Provin- cial Secretery, and Hon. Albert Pre- fontaine. who heli the dual offices of Provincial Secretary and Minister of Agriculture, will devote his whole time to the latter portfolio. Aeroplane Diameter in Australia The Duchess of York is said to be suffering from shock as A result of a disaster which occurred in Melbourne, Australia, when two aeroplane:, col- lided and trashed to the ground, kil- ling bothaviators and pilote instant- ly. nt ly. • The planes were taking part in a series of manoeuvresover the city in honor of the visit of the 33uke: sand Duchess, when the collision occurred. The Duke and Duchess were not Present day traffic conditions call for speed with safety. When the driver of a Ford Light Delivery gets the signal to go, he gets under way easily and smoothly --out ahead of other traffic, because there are no gears.ito shift and acceleration is spontaneous. And he can readily bring his car to a dead stop becauseof the - Cornpiete control, ease of han- dling, quick get away and ex- tremely low running costs are basic reasons :why there is a major preferericp for the Ford Light Delivery. For loads up to 1,000 pounds the Ford Light Delivery meets a definite need in almost every business: • As an authorized ,Ford dealer we will gladly demonstrate . onstnate the new Ford all steel trucks at your convenience... . T hal A D1 T I O N A L O U A ,L I T Y Paint Noy! And paint with Lowe Brothers* °'High Standard" Liquid Paint. It cost* ap- proximotely 'a cleat per of sayinThat thatis per per cost, which ehonid alwava be the measure of your Paint and Painting costa, High b'tandard it the most .co- edaiatral palet you ran buy. Tho reason is found in its eareptioit+ally high quality. sa S 11.1110 ..i a $ Sm lirsa At Mr., �„ Lade*. Ant., write,:—"I as +sting a few !:ars la praise or Beedesk Blood Swam wkiek relu„dd avis of boils that L was very badly treobied with. 1 had ave as say week avid three en my ant at the urine time, sad eoeld nut got stay sleep I was is seek Wary. 1 saw )ear sdvertis a Gaul aught I would try 1 Thought it, aid 1 mit plowed to say that after taking ase. battle I got clear of all of Ogee. It ala* made ane feel better and stronger." B.B.B. is put up only by The T. unbars, Co., Limited, Toronto, cat. aware of the accident until after the celebrations, when they were inferno. ed. Iluikling ActivItiee Increaser•^ Building permits issued by 63 cities 1 in Canada during the month of March this year had a total value of $11,- 641,427, an increase of $3,862,05 or 49.7 per cent. over February, 1927 and about 10 per. cent. over Mauch -old last year. The total for March tide year was the highest on record.; Building costs are now at the lowest margin for several years. APPOINTED CHIEF ELECTORAL All provinces reported increases in OFFICER the budding authorized during March Jules Castonguay, who has been no- es compared with the preceding pointed chief electoral officer of the month, The greatest absolute gain Dominion t-' emceed Col. 0, 1,, Big- was that of $1,652,8$1 or 37.6 per cent Bar. Mr. t'us#onguay has been con - in Ontario, but larger proportionate nected with electoral work in this increases were shown in the other Gauntry for over 30 years, and his no - lo aw" pointment is a very popular one. Canada's New Military' Chief New Zeniand's Naral Plan' The Canadian Government has at The New Zealand Government is at last appointed a successor to Major- present considering a very definite General J. H. MaeBrien, who resigned naval programme. and if its plans from the position, of Chief of the materialize provision will be made General Staff of the Canadian milt- far a payment of $5,000,000 to the tart' forces, some time ago. The UAW far Government as a contribution Chief of Stall= is Major-General H. C toward the Singapore naval base Tbaeke_rr: son of the late Major-Gen- ofscheme, and the replacement of the oral J, Thacker h radian airany: Present two mewealtiifcl '�`I3' Gla s ado College vied the Royal14e was eineapsd at the Upper Can - !niter College at Kiatrstt.n. $loofas llxpier.r itrtwrni The Australian explersr, Geo'•ge Wilkinss, asad his pilot, have taped up liMtky Point, a burdeed highs east of Foist Barrow. following a 70 -mile trek aver the ice fields after their machine ran out of gas on March 29. They t sw north to try and discover oaknown lands in Alaska when the aeidortune occurred, and they were rut off from civilization for three weeks. Pilot ) ielson was° found to be suffering from severe frost-bitten fingers, which were affected whilst he was fixing the machine. Two relief Planes have been sent to their aid. • new series/amens b1p Wynne Ferguson Author of "FRAC'+-CA.3. AUCTION. BRMDS' ARTICLE NO. 18 In a number of these articles, the choice between sound four' card suit writer haspointed out that when a and one. of five cards, bid the latter. , hand- contains, .a -singleton orvoid.snit, Then: if overbid, show the four ewe" a suit bid is much preferable to a no- suit, spades in this case. trump. The reason for this is very - Hand No. 3 apparent: The opponents have the opening lead and it is almost a ter- ;• tainty that thing evil' lead your weak e suit, Against a no-trump bid, a cle- ver opponent *III pass and open his strong suit. If you bid a suit, haw- Hearts—A,K,5,4 •ever, he will overbid with his strong Clubs--A,K,7,3 suit and you Will thus gain valuable Diamonds --10,9,3 information. The modern tenden,:y . Spades -J,3 is undoubtedly for suit bids rather No score, rubber game. What should than no-trump. Fes. example, sip Z; as dealer, bid with the foregoing no that, as deafer, you held the sol- band? • In this example Z has the lowing hand : ' I -choice between a four cera major suit and a four card minor suit. ' 'With a suit of only four cards and each a !sound bid, the minor suit should be bid, rather than the major. By so Should you bid no-trump epr ane of doing you are much more apt to get •` your four card suits? A n'Yodern up- a bid from your partner then if you to -date player would bid one spade bid the major 'suit. Ile will try to land_ see what happens, If your 0P -'take - out a- minor -suit, and -.try to. let ponents bid clubs, show your heart you play a major atilt. In this way suit, If your partner bids dohs, bid you get more information by bidding t no-trump. The object of all sound one club in this hand than one heart. bidding is to obtain the best bid for If overbid, show' the heart suit. the combined hands—that is, of twen- Hand No. ,4 ty-six cards, not thirteen; and the suit gearts�J,0,7,6,2 bids obtain that result much better . "than no-trump bids. The following hams are instructive because they contain principles of bidding that occur very frequently. Study them carefully until :sure you understand the principles involved. Hand No. s " Hearin-�8,ti;4 No score, rubber game.. Z dealt and Y Clubs-« A,K,Q,10;9,7.: bid one heart. A two diamonds, Y two A. B : Diamonds -4.,7 hearts and D three clubs. Z and A •Z Spsdea—It Passed. Y bid three hearts said 13 hid • ' four clnba. Z new bid four hearts No score, rubber game. Z dealt and bid And A doubled. What should Y do ? one spade. A bid two diamonds and Y 1 Should he redouhle or •,vasa? Y jiearts—A,K,i0,4• Clubs -4,2 Diamonds --K,9,3 Spades=A,K,10,7 •Clubs.—none Diamonds—Q.8.5. Spades--A,K,9,7,3 Y :A 13 Z 'passed. What. should. B now hid `3 13 hat *wide eboiee of bids. Re may bid three clubs, two no•trump or pass In the hope that his partner ran retake game in diamonds. The writer it in- YOURSPRINGSUIT!'110! COAT Will You Be "Out of Step" in the Spring Parader The Man Who is "Out of Style" is Out of Step The Very Newest in Style and Color — The Very Best in Workmanship and Material .__�.. €'.oCHAS. BLACK ''iNE S9uarathSide „ The Leading Tailoring and Men's Smart West+ w with two "I;" class veneris, declared sentence on Tito Zanboni, cruisers and General Luigi Cappello, who The whole of t"e Dominions naval (Continued on?page 3) expenditure will be devoted to a New , Zealand naval division as soon as the' T' Singapore base is constructed. Gains 8 Pounds English Football Classic a Since Taking Vino' For the first time in the history of j drowsy weak. the classic English cup final a Welsh! "I felt sluggish, d y team has won the trophy. ' Th:' A friend suggested Vinol. Now I teams, Cardiff City and Arsenal, wee feel tine and have gained 8 peandA.» the survivors of 600 teams which o g R. H. Bailey. The very FIRST.' -sl;tsi•ted off in the contest last Oct -.week .you take 'Vinol, you begin to ober, and they met at the Wemble I feel stronger, eat and sleep better, Stadium before 250,000 football fans. For aver 25 years, this simple, strep- . The ,Cardiff team won by the narrow gthening iron and cod liver compound margin of one goal to nil, and King e , has been helping nervous, run-down G presenteeorge.d . with the cup . by waren, tired men, and pale, sickly f children. Contains no oaf --pleasant. Italian Judgment The Fascist military tribunal has! to take CA.MPBl?,LL'S DRUG STORE. ehonld Heise by all means. To, re -'E double in this 'position would be very bad judgment. Named lvlo. $ dined to the latter procedure. If A has Il'earts—A.4 4 a sound two diamond bid, A.B should ,DiClubs A,K.A.7 ainonds9;3,, . emcee .er,a.;. g surely score game, tonins+ only one geadra . p,g ,, : spade and one heart trick. It is a very close leans. llanul N.,f : A Y B: Z 14 NEVER TURNS WHft Neptunite Varnishes have the distinction of being rn the only Ve:sh made that can withstand the heart a hot iron on ,its surface. They will not turn white, crack under the hammer test or show heel marks. They proitto n beautiful finish and cost less than malt "l$iglk as.»iame Pat -lapas a ead hot. ries iOne �Meaia a iiawwMt & 1 b- eat lasis front twa tis ?war yaw Wow lima arty asnaitfai bum plat. ph MRLLbTONE For Interior ferc•ration, is a liquid 'rift paint ready for use. Monotone techines ell durable rte. meets of a least and oil paint with the delicate beauty of a water paint. It is washable with asap wed Water., tr uImtuien$1'A1I le a kith grade Varnish - Stain for Mors, Tutor and Woodwork of all kinds. Vandals. red shone in ew. easy +poresMow. Ties stain colors .,, aro n.ed'aiitat. It Leas splendid wearing taialttiss •. and is vary way be *Pal/. HARD DRYING nook Driovernight to a high. gloss enamel finish. It is so smooth that it requires no a scrubbing -- . light waking will keep it always brigkt and clean. Anyent c a s< apply it. Is very durable, retaining its fin- Ish for an en. e.ptiotally lout time. AUTO GLOSS Any slantwise tsar rower the Sales .1 his ear with. Auto -Qhs:. It seely tastes a rfraarybewes to is it. It it east ibMie sadtmRi7 Weiraaostd a[ at. gloss Sad est abilit y. flows Ott *mai. lasritat as bresker oar - Y .AZ B, Hearts -.-X Club* -•-K,7,8 Diamonds.-4A.Q.J.10,4 Simdes.-�A,Q,J,7 :No score, !hilt game.. What should 2. as dealer, bid with the foregoing hand' Z hags the choice of bidding one spade or one diamond. The fat.. fere betterbid. When you have No score, first game. Z dealt and bid nne 'heart. If A passed, what should Y da'' Should he also pass or should her bid two clubs? Y should pass and shove his club suit on the second round if he fete the opportunity. To bid two clubs over one heart would deny the hesrta but a pans andthen a bid of curb+, shows help for hearts and a bin; club suit. This is a common situ- ation ado note carefully. Varicose Veins Reduced Or Money : ck Says H. C. Dunlop SW* f.*. treatmeat That Is Giving Astsuioret Womolts 9`1he world yreogresont. Today ail- tned+eta that twist +reeks to treat can now be cooed it a flew days. If you hare varicose voles or liomebes you eat start today ;10 lariatlr tsle►rn hock to award .3.., wad V you are wlrs yew wRi dao se, r li ' s leofarl*1 bottle - iag 'Malawi* sofie Vert and want to filar �M .'mbar. It io wiry sed sail a lila Lata all !S& Afar a Menu sere tie slsas$set tier veins wit Main to gnaw swsailfr and . b +radar visa MB am notice to normal. !Dome's Emerald 011 isa also s •ear- velour healing agent. tine spplica• Cott for instance stops the itching of ecsema, and a few applications. caudle the *mistime to dry ap. scale of and completely disappear. It is equaiiy as !effective in barber's itch. salt rheum, redness aced Inflammatory skin trouble. • Potpie wleo want to petters varienee vales, or get rid of eesssaws. *ars, or ;Boo in $ fsw sis7s sieeaid not hada,* to gut a bathe at .ace. It is se powerful Vat a small betas lasts a haat Lboe. Aar paiaors.y ensu sop- piy yea. N. r DUNLOP calk lots of CAN DA HAS 1NDCRSED TNE OLE.SMQBILE SIX., GOVERNMENT statistics prove the pub- lic acceptance of the .Oldsmobile Six. Automobile registration figures. tell the story of Oldsmobile's e't=er-growing;, populatrity.far more graphically than words. A comparison of the years 1926 and 1925 shows aa increase,: throughout Canada, of 108j4 in Oldsmobile Six registrations. January and February of 1927 show an in- . crease of 1.3'3 r over file same twp iziont is: . of last year and an increase of 1042 % over the corresponding period of 1925. These figures prove beyond question that Oldsmobile six is succeeding, even beyond expectation, in its task of supplying to the Canadian people a six -cylinder automobile of unquestionably high quality, at, 'a phenomenally low price. ' When you have seen and driven and known Oldsmo- bile, you will appreciate, why "Canada has endorsed the Oldsmobile Six. There area few good territories sti11 available for responsible dealers. Trite Olds hfotor Works of Canada Limited, Oshawa, (Work) HURON MOTOR SALES; Goder ich Dealers for Chevrolet Oldsmobile, McLaughlin, ' " and G.M.C. Tucks OL ��4n. �• I E } 05.501 ?Padlo4d `Y�ur7Zoof • -You couldn't make it as tough and strong a,s Brantford• Arro-Locks. Brantford Arra- Locks are locked on. Severest winds, storm and frost cannot budge them. Brantford Arro-Locks are fire-retardent, permanent, econ- omical, ° Brantford Roofing Co, IdeasitMa Brantford,. Out. tot" . a RKYLOC 1�1 es Stock Carried, information Furnished and Service on Brantford Rooting rendered by W. M. McLean, - Goderich New Spring Overcoats and Hats for MEN and YOUNG MEN Well tailored from all wool Tweeds, in the very new- est Fawn, Gray, Lovett and Brown shades, made in the very latest style, Sleeves and Yoke trimmed with Art Mk, Rises 34 to 42. Special $12.96 NEW SPRING HATS for MEN and YOUNG MEN at M. ROBINS Buy where Your Dollar Buys More.