HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-04-28, Page 11116..� � �, I . . 'i, ... rl�l , he .1
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I STAR ADS. WT THE X A I I 00 tc , Z t,ar
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SIXIY-EIGHTH YEAR Sul�crfptift: $1 a . - GODBRICH, ONTARIO, CANADA* THURSDAY,, APRIL :N.thlo 19.27 WALTER NAFTE14 Publijber. '
I 831.118 A, Z"72=�
L_ , - — -1 I... 11 - - . _. --- -:11.1 11, I I I �, I 11. .1'.. 1. I 1. I.. I . ....,_ .
Town Treasury Gets $4,000 of '""ater D!parfhment Surplas Organized
I I --
which will inalct It thoroughly up -to- � tuns Casioto Club wow hold oit Thurs. I and Ars. H. Cailwoomt, of Tilhury,:� ROCK CRUSM Aft 1,Wattritoo townsh And: �
date in thl ro*Wt. i ito Freston be b�, fter movior
' , day evesilag of Nqater week awl a tihnt-o to W. W.. mart ;1 id.wo TRUCK WOULD SAVE .Ame me'llber of I
Or i.,� 4,1 �
Z q" "w wr*nr Mr. ,, v,bry *njiwp" evostag wait spent. tioderich, son of Mr. ro. lillain; Towii mowrthe local park" VOIliftlission, anti the
Zi 0"', I WAss Irv* exults MI the highest xartin, uf Lutan, tooic placo.roctritly,. ,niothers" allowance Ward. Ilolitical� .
siassaw the WAUs In thd Five I ut St. Andrtw's church, 'I'Miltiry, the . __ -,
. The r*09at performance of The wore _ I ly he waik a Liberal. 1)eceased was a
Wpou Mr. Wrig�:it last FrWay nigist'Rulubhod same And Mr. Thoot:1-Prit-'rtoictor. Roy. IT. Dobson, o0ciRting 4 With a.4 large a wilesse of sti,4Tts kPillinent Intruber of Cambria Lcodilie I
In Xwx church lecture room was a I "hard c .0. .1, 1. 0. O. F., anti of thp ma, inle ,
_VTW off to,"'Wottaitors for tho ,the church decorations wore corried f !'I Goderich has and the bad condition . O.,
= 4" there was a fair-sixod .niout. A Xwoolag ta out In white and green, hugit bouquets � into Which a of-Vient have bon loodar. The funeral was rVij oil
- k
el. which was delighted, In ad A, go "lot = " 4 �
tho tiass, at which "04 rAl 'of carrihalmons, b�xster lihos And baby -4 t , getting the A;, *me of v4jullomeut for Tuosday of last week- to Blair centQ,
dition to the play, to hear Dr. F ,would offp proved interosting., breath graced the table, while bmton ., making So6d roa4l.; seenis to be a tery.
,gener " I
I 'Four por"Its 9""ed within two, &word lerns and lialms were Arranged ,, pressing netd. We are glad to Hilo
in solos between acts. .t that -The fullerat"'of (-.t,,,rge
julinutes of the time and the cut tof�about the choncei. Ribbon streanirripi thQ three streets which bav�k so � ("VRREY,
mallin-jamm I aye It prize to Miss Eve. i and lilies marked the guests, pews, r, badly needed remaking lire under .
, thle. car(Ts g th - B- VurreY, Of Detroit, anti foritivity _�, -
A "iet vnKwnir wpa solemnized in � lyn Jon". The MoDaraid-Redillond ' 'the bridal party entered the whurelt � Way thin *spring. naniely Britannia .;Of Nile, was held on Sunday from tile , I
Detroit on Tuesday, April Iftb, when'Orthostra played for the dancing � to the #train$ of the Bridal Chorus, - road, Waterloo and WelliujitonO'Onle Of his sisters Mrs. .Will'aIn
Irene Golargens James. oldest daugh. After lunch was served. from Lobengrin. I he charming 1�streets,tbut'it is a disappointment to Rialto. of town, and was lar4el.y at- . I
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Goorp James, i 001krich 11"Itball Club Organked bride, who was given in marriage by � he till the gravel whieh is going on tended. The unfortlinAte Young man .
was united In marriage to Mr' John I A meeting was held last. eveninq her tather, wore a beautiful gown of j Britannia road is too light to make a 'was one of two who were accidentally ,
After the for the Organisation of a baseball club! n hand. I A,; KI)Ih.
Mullin, both of Go&rjcb. %eally good road. while, as I)ublie . yxiated the previous Wedneiday
white tftffet& with front Ps tl h �
wedding the contracting parties left for the town (or IM. and was fairly I painteil. ill a lily tilotif. Her -mil of Works Chairnian Lee points out, the when the gas jet4 wero sup.
on the early train for Toledo,,Toron- well xtLtnded, I tulle was ,held by. R band of lilies of . better material N.being4eft at thch lilt posed to have been turned tin by �
to and other points. Mr_& R. Wigle wag beeaUj;e ti �� "
chosen chairman of the meeting And t the vall�y.,jt Jere 1 no rock crusher to "at$, two dcAd Vas havin-� been
I ,,pit -*he qatritit a bouquet � 11"d i. +1 .
1. . I j Repart of HOX. twipmealEx for ior threhids lind White roses. Her ut. 111any I; Suitable for the 3u,i. 1. A 001111. IQ AAVQ1'_-1;1NI
I . volt SALE . I Wiiot Nodiag April 21, 1927 r. W. Weir wroury, Anil the'rol-2 tendants were Miss Donna ,Clark, of Chairman LeO hum figured out tho was 18 years -of, e and a .soil of ..
_-..4__-_7___1 - TOPICS Ing Ofters #for* Apt�ojftted: L U611. Of , , '19
. TOWN , _ Gcorgo currey, 4 PlanY y�,ars it
ssoak Sweet X[A Tilbury, who was Stowned In'or4hid,eOst the operation R a crusher former near
'6EWAn'L . "
. F fill , "A.M.R.--whit" 311). -�__ - _.,;_�Ij M04w—Total hogs, 2U; select ba-, residents Mayor Me ]v chiffon with large poke bonnet of the � Anti truck outfit anti shows a .quilstaft. Nile, ffhe ser.
, . clover �ct%41. PIUNK to. YOUNG, . con, 114; thick smooth, US;- heRvies, 6; W. Witte" AM crown Attorney D, , els
11. It. 5, 00deriell; Irel"plione 1(14, car. Dogerilb, Oat. shop hogs, 3; lights an sania sbado, anti 1.%tis.i MarJorie Mer- I tial Saving Ift, favor� of this system , vit, were. conducted by Rev. S. Jef.
, 4 fggdors, I,% Holmeol, president, Dr� Hunter",, vice ' fernon anti Rev. L, C. N%!hite A11,1 tb-
� low. Secretary Douglas Brown of the Aulturn-o-Tottl -hoeso 58; lie r;field, of Ridgetown, who was gowned " over the present plart of using teajn,,4 ,
. __._ � .Ieet bacon, president, X. L. Dean; secretary-, E. � Pall -bearers were Mwisrs. (!lilt,;. �
'E"� ' __--— Liolls -(`Iub� received a. communicatioa ; t lick smooth, 24; heavies, 2; shop L lit the pit. On Friday last Ito pineed � �
. 000 Oro- Prldhaw; treasurer. J. ff. Liluder; similarly in putt- - green. . Their bou. � And hiring men to gel,cen tilti gravel n I I
Br"`lN --q F"'t "'�14E47)' front VanciJuvor, the other day addres� ,, st eXe to j. B. I quets were pink roses. The dainty , . Brock w Norniall .Allen, Will. Mr. :
cery. Turn over *10.000. No el'i- 7. uron County—Total hogs, , CUtIVO eOr4nitttG*-W. Blase
. dit or 'ilf-fivery, 9VIoNF.Y 'SMYTHE', Bed to the secretary, of the LlonS Club, 44; lie c lleon, 422; thick salooth, Reynolds and R* flower girl, I'Atsy flodgins, of Lucau. 'a (!Oi)Y of the following Ntato,tnom lit I can't unit' James Feagan. Inter- -
. uaaet 1,ane, mhiston. Dogerich, Ont., G4derich may ba rich ; hen . * a, I IF. Sharman. Mr. in ruffled pink chiffon and bandie-an of 010 hand of each councillor, find the L "Iellt W88 in ('01bolTe epinotery, Th.�
� 44- extra heavies, 'a ; Weir revort*d oil t". Prospects for it -fisruves lip gives are d
. with dogs all right but we didii't know 6 op hog , " Bilitts and feeders, 19, county league and juidertook to ar. forget-me-nots and rosebud8, carried . . worth careful ' eorge Curry.
ANI) T-() ItENT.-Or oil t -hares ror they Anew so much %note about it in At the Varbor . . ., the ring in a -basket of pink roses and i consideration- 'Verdun, Que. I Mrs. Roo
I L �, .jjjpl�V ill L(*If range for a .moetl�rg �jn (3intou ,on !'""' "ir '� ,
his sisicl
baek'Alloill E()- E- Vancouver than, in shown by the Goile. . , Estimate Cost of Gravelling— 1,f town: and abrel, brot'iers, Allipv,�4�r
� W till"'NA14ADE, Ilaytl0d. 1-rhone C#2 r '1he last three boats of tliZ� winter Monday of Oodorleb, Wingharo, Sea- strewed petals In the bride's path. .
. rich assessor's list of dog tag.i Win. fleet cleared 5 o ell $, ,, t('Nvn*. Isilac, of Detroit'and salnue,
I 1,11, Uotterkli.. . on Monday an Iforth and Mitchell to form a league Dr. Burnaby, of Rodney, acted as b�st 3 men at pit, $3.1, it .).,gx. :of Dur-Tantion, survive. L I .
.1 I ,. -1 __ .ed, I d Tues- 081 0. n is a It or man, and the usbe6 ,were Murra,.% 2. 0111119 at 1'14 $5,40 each 10,80- Among. the
day, the. W. L. and B. L. Smith an this --- I M .
i IVOR 11 'A qu4utIty of ravel unit Oddfolloyrs' Notei lacrosse 11, 'at) I Macpherson; of ,Blenheim, and Dr. � . . (h) cars Wilich followed the remnins
. A: SALE.— 9 Monday night about 9 o'clock and the baseball, it: ratoo . t In Smith, Of Victoria Hospital, London. $1,410.25 � to Vo:*�4)rne cemetery were two canti
. -top soil. At,W for yard anij balf The Annual church parade of Hur. H. W. Smith on TueWay About noon, . e mat. -1 . -
2 I ; n .
. delivered. ,'-peeiai p -ice to contractors. on Lodge No. 62, 1. 0. 0. F., tern of finaur* t 4 cl I seein - During the signing of the register Vi- Y11-4. to tell"' or 3 yds. to. ) ' Of George's friends froi Detro! .. :_.
I . .I will be the W, L. Smith left fov- �sht"U]A to uniforms n lit tile. 11"AREWEI 1, PARTY ,1� .
AmAy 4-o ALRENT STEVENSON, Quebe I g, I Mrs. William Wylie sang "The Da tennis tit 8.*.,, it yd. or St.,"d a load Nil
"' held on Sunday morning; May 8th, to and the B. L. and H. W.'� mit for inaY be avail le of Golden Promise." ,Mrs. CallwooT, : Anti 8 tripi each per da ' 11
. 1. It
. , I , I . St., or on* the preinises, ' Mal tiand float. KLUOX church, when i f h ,do Saturday the An rX 6' Y. 213 Y11,5. .
�L .1. . 11 I., � it is oped th re Saskat- I mother of the bride, wore a gown Of Tr4ck-. - L I I PRESENTATION - -
I � ... bo..A large turnout of the ble- Tol' a "" schedule were eft to t 0 0C ti . trjp� .. On Friday Afternoon lost tile Junior . L L
chew unloaded 70,00 bushels of . . vk" black clitifton with gold lace garniture, ' 6 trips in 2 boura Ili, .2.1, 4 a L
I — . at O,OOOL to Inatch and (lay with 3 yds two ti, Auxiliary of St. (leorge's thurt-h held
. . WARNING. threo,.as the officers ,wish tor njake -Threa Million pot rs tit A broad-bri ed flat �
0. whe and 3 tushelii of flax at Sixty . min 11), O' -d�" �
1. - this J,:je ]a-rgest in the history of th the elevator. On Sanday the Maple. Of Will$ - L . �'.IN ,Iti regular Meeting, utter which, a l,
� .-No Ittifit- O. : � .
11 HUNTERS TAKE MIT= . in celebration of th court unloaded 00,000 bushels' of Commentl4g on the improve too clill time, was enjoyed by nit th.,h Ineal. .
. . lodge. Irbis is 0. L I corsage bouquet of Orchid sweet pens. a (lay.
. Oro or do a allowed to trespass blefits he bridegroom's gift to� the A e True)k driver. a (lily.' - $,,
'he - heat, .10,000 of Oat scalpings ard that are being pialle,in the office of . 10 'gallons gasoline. ' ' ' ' ': - pkC11w
. 108th ,anniversary of t O11r& . bers, and a presentation of a , �
L ___-on_we9_ba1t V-j.04"onv--es10oa4,-- 1ToFw-TigWUi9---11xuee—s iFre-Imij, Ir w2l 11111 I: L = a cream silk Spanish shawl put. ...... 3:00 .
S. NVILSON,, Duagannow Ont ' ding, Eal - . In-pinle.-Todei-a
. .. . 'West Wawanosh.' By order of G&O. . PT-11-8—x-An"O --iMbbda-YTt1f0 -th -resistrar-of-the-11 '111"�V �04 a, - .Oil.. — 1. - L'. I rin -_
�, . . stalled in the Oddf0IjOW$fLb -0 , � , lwas_mude,by Kitty Sale t,tx Dora .._..
- u keton 243,000 bushels of nheat, of Huro , to tile bridesmaids, @:Old ;And silver . L --,A - x1liXti'v 1kW(T___th`e.__foTF4_)wmg adfrr-'r, ----,-" "" *
. .. . __ - .- I—- � n, wbich,include a steel filing .
L -I''. I,- _ —1 — '. _-_ __ i both at the elevator- � I system. and which will cost some $3.- finished cut -steel evening ba -P., anti to . I $7ir) , 0 read * . . I s", � L .. .
i . . Fop. SAL]i ,OR To,R] . . . _� L
� '
11 ---- �� , I WAINTED Cyclone Salij . 600, His Honor. Judge LOWISL juade th the little flower -girl a necklace of Crusher— I � L - Goderich, Ont
L —, . . I I ee -.1 I __ . _ I.. . The . thr I . - L . t . . e it pearls. . The I . I Friday, 11 11) -
e lr.s-�. wit �VER go.::7-it '071* ee-acf comedy. a.Cyclone stAtemelit to The Star this wook that -see . soloist reci,%vild a I 110 gallons gasoline.,;., $.3.00 .Apt, I 22, :.,.
. . FQ11s&"L"-'2-nt"ry Train 1 ' ,,, �,' , I I ' an exfol-'r1`11cell Sally," given by the Hensall Dramat'il there were mixty,thres, million dollarul bar pill- with amethyst setting, the 011....., ............. . - We, the members of the Junior .
. . baill and PlOctrio lights Oil us ' ::,: 60 .
. . -a bargath to. vaild S4 ,,, niald. APPIN- w rth of wills filed in the* office. A . .
. I St. Will be.sold at "Mmg, Nviist, 'St. t( , ) AllIctS Jl)SII','_ Club in St. George's parish hall on I e LaStonfShingly'Llarge Organist: A in6rocco handbag and the, I man. , 1.00 "Mary, wish to expre,m our �iwmro
IN , , - - Thes figures 'fie best man and vshers leather bill -folds. I orse m .regret that you lire leaving jr4. YOU
I 'tate. " - . -very Intel- , 'Ii ........ L h`
up Estate. J. W. CWNIGIE, Real Es I.. � ... — .----,-- - . Monday evening proved a , r 11 ::::,.*: I * * , I I I I I .
, . . . )Q0 .-
- - . __ , have been a faithful member for at.
� ,Z WXXTRD.-Af once. a inalil,foi- gell- esting event, with plenty of hearty quoted tb show the genet -at pi�osperityL A reception -At the horne of t4il bride's ., I I . . .
I , ]EIOUSE FOR SLAL%.",Appl�, J. .. P1111 b0IjSewoA- Apixl,y miss, laughs. The hall was filled Find all e county, One morning,L recent- parents followed the ceremony. The I . �- . I 1. , . 812,,-,j), most seven years anti we have ajw�jyg. I .
I . I L Bodfordi Coblourg St. ILUIUM, 81, Vincent St.. Goderich, Oot. enjoyed the entertainment very much. ly, be stated, before 144vilig to attend' . reception rooms were decorated with , Truck . ,; ..... 1—W ........ $ 7.00 onjoyed YOM' COMIMIlloft8bip for you .
I PASTURE TO LtT_,r(t acres, part � I . Some good dramatic. talent was no. court4 he filed Ito lie$* thun V-205,000 Orchids, tulips, dagodils and yellow � ,. I I .� have been a good worker. Wil'gil
11 . I L I * $1.)Q.00 ;Wish you Joy :Ind happinesa ill your
I �
I . 'of Ijyt_,,4,_3lld 0oneeSSILon, E. 1). Asli- WA .. . ticeable among the caste. Betweeft of wills. .A will coveiring Property of taper candles, and In the dining room . I
. I A) . . .
L . Ilt-ld, Welt fencell.' cplerrditl water.. acts Miss Ann Wurtele delighied*the $113,000 and two cibers of po,004) pink rdses were used in profusion. -69 yds, for $20,N) cost 2.90 or yd. new )ionic and.although wo - nee, sorry .
I I J)4%VII) N * , Sh . � pq . . I
_ON tIVe in this dis- each were filed recently, Oland all The bride's table was' lighted by To . flat you
. I.' J()jlNST efoloardlon, Audience with ..some y6eal numbers ams cost 84, per yd . P. to part with you, we tit) hope't I I
I L . OnL Vdic'no 23 r 12, Dungannon, IVIOL 'for e.stablbiied Toronto and Airs. Oakley,.011 the violin, and farmers! Wills," His Honor added, and, means of 4 white dome In the forro t.j Truck C . I will continue to exercise that ill
11611w; one johl'Inq - . . � . Ission- �,
. . . . . , atolomobile, It on to state thqt there ,,vaA I —
TO RENT. -Part of Lots 10�ana 11 Ill � . I Miss Re on the piano, g � Wer tit)'-,% wedding bell, from which radiateil . Goof -
I I ypold iii 'Alve a 1. I I Ary .Spirit you have shown in St I
preforrt-d. To. lhi right niaxi a ,ur I .
. . ,r 0 Other County Oil the ISTorth Ameelican, white streamers to the corners . . I I .
I . I Ithe Afaltland,6toncession known '. te* ottkartive r4d, p#r*awouj% - very pleosing instrumental . t 0 . I'Me yd. saving . I goLiff, We ask you to Acce t this little .
I file t5chwantz Flinn, containing 218 , . - . � . I. . tA . I i irift as a remen�,lxrance - . 1.
. .
- .
7 as proposition ; will .. lie **04":'. Rox numbers. . .1 . . con nent, where a.144n could do so table, terminating in pink kewples, 69 ylls. -1 day at sce a Yd. 34v- oT the Junior I
I . . . I . I acres. ' Immediate 'p.obbession. Will ...%.", (.0DEIRICIIST.Aky'., .'." � CAIROM Club's Easter At llomi� well irl'a-ttrriculture. pOinting to ca 0 The flowers were pink buds in vases. In , 38.64 A. day or a savivg ,of I Auxl1ary. I '
*1 � lease front three to live v . �, I of men able to :retire *9 I L .
I --ar.s Por and live the rp-, . jlEfRTITA CRAWFORD -`
� iftrtleulara'apioly to J. A. K 'kiAx., '" , `'h',� ", - .1 A buftet luncheon was served. Later . � 31,84 or one iv I cok. i . � I , . .
. Bit. 7_7 . .The April at home of-tlw Menese._. mainder of'their- lives on their In the afternoon Dr. and Mr& Marti Invest en I . I . 11 . . I . ...
I . . `;��� � _-: ___-:_�.=__; . III . ,� I .. Secretary. - . I .
. - ___ I— .1 earn . . I .
_'_-_-_--_L 9�0,,Box 510, Londw,Ont. - I � ., . - - 0: .1. � - . . . � NOTICE L", ,_ - - . - Ings1rom. their, larm, in . "I'll 1. . T. - I , %�.t��_L!__._.ft___j!_.__hh.W , ..
. . . 11 . . . ': L- I , ado -i - 4eft- -on a 4edding, -trip-whiell, _��4,e _-Wa --t-j""x�,--ete,- ----- � -1 . _:____�___
.L . I . . I I � . 1. . L ., 4p a L L . adif,t, , n their L ' 11 .. ,rushev . .
� . � . .. __ -�w - - -_- _ '_ - .� � . more active vears. 111L on to the suent in Toronto, Montreal and New, . ..... 1. . .. — . I ...... $3, 4 0 0. IN) I � . . . . I .
, ,
, I
. L . HOVS9 TO LM -Brick. centrally lo- � L WANTED. - ! . . . .. Godedch. , Oilt . Ming Of wills -W-fliii offl*- all the York. The bride traveled in a ' Oil or gas Anti engine.. I - BRIEF TOWN TOPICS .. , L . I
� oated. -Vodern convenlenea. -It. I 11 . . . . viod- . . 1300.00, : The groceirV stores of t . ow I q will:be . I
� ' L. . � . I . . All I supreme court Judements for the ish costume bf black and, white with -1 ....... 11. OW.00 .11
. ---;—.-' - � . ril A41h, 027. . Motor truck I
I I Dr. L. �,., �..._ � I
i . . J. IWIESON. I District representative for Gode. To Wtiout Jt Mav .0oncern : '' . L . county are kept on file there, So that shoes and handbag to match, On ag.... . . L closed for the weekly lialf-holiday on .
1L. , . . . . . i rich and vicinity w repris This'ls an 4 -,%* Joy meL fop , _ hence, . (10-00 Wednesdays (luring MAy, June, July .
v . I SALE�-Varjn L Of Y* gerae, of land,. .5t&^- *Mr%r'� L I ent Illeat's -wjIfFlo, , l)(+;, , Slate " vfkr�z Ictrge amount,of-filing.space � is thelt'return. An a. fortnight . I ! I . I __ - L
, I . .
I I , � ite L-Inelft" 1 huf! nia(w. rotif.terulug. re"I"d. w- . I they will rc.4iile Jh Coderich, -of- . .. . - I
. - Fol I - � � ,*�,;,X'.,�h, . Augast, And Se*omlioer, Comlnenci�g' .
-- IthiliNt-crags-b"11(hil-g, alto an ll"�' 'Rae cffai',N�j -'i)f-. fr. TlionjiO 1. . 'May 4th, . I .
I .W ; . L' Out L $81760.00 1 1 .
. -Car , _� %"O' Sunday's Tragedy . T town guests not already noted were - Interest on $8#7430.0o tit 6e.� bond.
I arloslan well LN Allony - of Cpnadu. A jood , W* * .
.Nilth. witid-mill. Would 1, NIMI, (of Auburn, and I's 11yade by InL for I L. � �
W contrx.%, will be .made to, tile '�'ixe purpose Lof 11 L. —
I . L doing what I m. to IT I A great shock came to tfic neople rLS ,Ind sue, $438.00 for one Year. . Birthday Cards that ea8e. I I
AM& gleleaosnoftable terms it sold. Call I right V.hrty. '-Experience I a of Godericho. 6 I Mrs�. IV. Burfix And Mr. and Mrs. H.' . TWO Weeks' naving over the present , G S,rol,b, L '
exthan 11thouse in town or for .. s Mr. Pn(t 'At ','(',. Schwartz, Mr. �. Is.
11 � pre�, sture (Inigliox diatuetor an(I reputatioL XNXIIIIIELL'S DRV4 4 I.
� have pOSSe.sS . once. � ptily sit ferred but -not essential. Apply or 'Mr. Ife.Nall. Froui what I ean lear) ( f I 4103108 1 —, .
' "Joil At 'A Peciall.v to the fainjiv .
L . Callwood , of Detroit: Mrx. Thomas way of working will save �
L ' 4' .STI%R OFFICE. . I I " I ripli&q, of Mrs. John' McConnell. " � . . L .
�'iero is dbso I, 40 tile V laRt.,milien tb od-tins. id Lucan; s Miriam Mar- w pays the Interest on' Tile SaItford Hosp
. - , 'T. -I rooftied house ' Flatoments M.1ijeu were milti. thoneprn. "In $%la . 0 nevvil spread tin, of Lelominwton; Mr.' and' Mrs. D, .investment, or in other words what will istect in the .ital Auxithiry . L ..
� , I I . ' r full _�"6i Mir, hich more than
'A' encie 'Ar' to'"" to I
� . To REN on SO .' Ig INSt "' T�R 81�CURIT that or body had bzPA found on the is honiih. *of 'Mrs. John
. George's Cresomt. suitable for LIFE J4ANCR 0 -_ Tory- 1!19'Nfr, McNall anil, x1flit,WGITIall, ,uld I shore at the -bathing beaell, She and Biowthatij Air. Leslie ,.%nil Miss Anuie the truck and crusher would do in 12, Jenklit On Thuriday, 'May 5th, at 2.14; .
I � ssinail famfiv. 1; 1. `iT onto S ,,kill sitiverely �,orr�, that I .il1pw(,,.l 1118Z
Apply 1113= . XVP',� iiEr"'t, Tacontn%,. .401f if) repellt snelt statements- :' hqr. 4ons Started to church Ili the ,BnNvmnn;.of Quinn: !Dr, and Mrs.41AYS At a'cost of $240.00 the present pan. . ,kp .
I . -T�, LTD. . I . . . 4 . L
I . �AIEX I _....., . .. I . . Q A� 11OWso.N. mornince ond an the war she aaiil She Whitolv, Of Goderich, unit Dr. nild way - requi -.- - a, �
. ,
. � . . I ... I I - . --- _ - , I . I k, team$ ire 34% days with two , . The regular meeting of the Code- I., .
. FOR &-kLE.-Drick rea-ldeno ou corner, —L — ....... , --� I'llovkht .9he would to holvic, not feel- , - .8 I �
- . Mrs. T4omoson, of Clinton. and three ell screening and
. TENDER I Goilerich, Ontario, ing vp . L. %*out
lot, .%nffiv.v4t cornet, of Nei -,wit L 8 - WANTED. I . ' My well...- Instead of going ivoul cost 703.80, milking I diffthr.1211ch Women's Institute will b3 held I
. , . . . April 14th,, 1927h, home sho. njo ! PE OPLE WE KNOW ence of 46 .80 extr oft Thursday, May 5th, at 3 p.mi ill 1
Z4:;-- 1. stLbhoVQ. walked down toj I a cost fly the
. St. anti Cambria Road. at tvasowtbb� I L I � _," To Whom It MAY Concern ; : , town, besides v ng tbeoge ,,%NlacXRY Hall. Roll call will be',an.'
- E . - I . I . I
L I rlo;� fa ieuiars from F. IL DMIRONvi . I . . , �;: - .. . I . !. the dork land fallen � inth. tho w.jtnr,. -- * . roper Ina.
.. . . .i_ . I .1 I This is an Apology by me for st4te- The body wag found - lov'Bert, Aff:D,4. ed to Goderich terial for t e s, "for n stone'll Swered by QXej1Ah$s Of bUllis or slipa. .
. IsTi--A gamge on Fight. Ave.. I . I ments whfo.'i I, bi-;e made I MISS Macara.Totur�l I I
� . . . . F�" HE . . I * . . iloncerning Oft on'the b-ach in. 04hu�, thi-ei feetithis week aftcr�soonding the winter in- place Of t eo round stones with: � , 4.
Apply to ISTAO OPPICE. .,. . . I L
. . I . . the character of Mr. Thomas W. llolew 4. water. Mr. . whit.6 yo A banquet wai hold the previous
FOR RENT.-Extelleut 'pesture land, I I -. . I Nall, of Auburn, ' I in London. , I p) I OCOL u cannot make a road, and in io , .
L I L , I . . I And is made by me roror.r. , McDonnid ealli. ' 9. MUOViLtIr IS atL I
. -Dr. luntor,who dp(-idod nil;.. Miss M. �nxllng of taking all Summer putting , veningi -at which the guests of the .
mt.-a . . for the Puroose of aointir Whit r roads in 6roper Aiape-they, would_� city were entertained. .. ��_ ... I . 1. I— L
Avell--dwale t7- ritrin. r-F.,1%+3fi-'"t(j " . 0-161d -'a".-inatlest. 'M I*& ,�Jgcrmllejl the mld-sunnia6r ii1illinery opening,f in " I .. . .
. I dr�--thnto restore the er andT 1. I � 'be. gotten ready. in the spring. .
Mr. M,NAEI. to surrived I)v her husband find Iwo Toronto this week, L . L.. �
L . "I "me towljohlit. Apply,I)BADEN A. - . linder5igned .,Ind ehtlor8e(l I.ITelpler '01,tation of knolL I. . , . L
I LISTER,, rristers, 1ondoo. I . . Rverreally Flashlights, Batteries,
t !NVINI "r felmirs, to-Plets. Kineardinf-, ont.,11. ,,can learn there 15 L From what gonoa. A It ard Murt"13'. Pnd hv bor , Miss Rtbel WhitelyL his returned to T.he.tru& can bo twd to good ad. .L (*&
. . ., AND L -1�,%Illv' rUelvell 'Until 12 o'clock ji absolutely no ��,hrjtb,.r, who was visitiv- the fairwhi: Dyer's Day to. vantage during the winter with .it Bulbs . � _MPBELL'S-DRUG STORE. . L
IN9L1RA'4N'CF, 01RAIRIAV-savinq), 3londav, 13lay ! resume teaching nft"e:snow plow to keel) our roads . �
RHAh ESTATE . , clear I
- ), M , WMelt were The family o,oni_ frioni Toronto a few spending Eastor.4t hcr�homo here. ! L
.,��;� .41stin'; or thii made corwernlog I,Mkr.. McNjlI filid ve,,,,q ago,. Mr. XeCorinell.-being. li)eO. . of Is glow I CARD OF THANKS .
. L — I— . � i for' repulm to 'plers, coii I . .
. reironstrurt:on ill eoarrj!tf,, (of pliptiolls some woman, And I am sincerely stitry I"n+1VP r4ech"nid ,(,n. t Mrs. D. 11fla.AAchlan, Of Chathain, I I maiiita, in that the town should In- N1, . ii v*41i .Ili thank #our nPIRlilfw,14 atiol .
THR AW -0 I --alfil i 'o ill . ,ui ,
IS1110N I ..% 'ST"7i'
X Y.L 1 r . h- e. P. yl� on! .
INSCRA.,0H A.&10 . ll tile N and south P, -s, at that I allowed myself to repeat such �,,,.,rb� 4 i was a week-ond vJsitof with her un- 'tit)
. Mijear( ne Bruee�uountv, Otit. - I statements. . t
. i vest in a I
� . .� 0 gopropet outfit at once and (.v,, rrivilds fir '!it tv My, Iness -1 for ex- +
esS, L . . . S,
" I t . SJOLN tailly f4piwil thiring
- " ire, Acclident. ISIcka Aullomohile , Plans and fernm f.f contract , call bl; I (SgdL ' Toetriviv 8'irvice thol-ow conducted ,it, -is Uolla Hicrit bas: returned twiterm � filir 1101t.1411. berf."tV1,1114-iii ht 4114. d"Ali of
. , I . I uty,.,, Th funpi4i was Ijiliol op.,,j,' Mr. Melvin J. Clairke. - tend (if yep�y�eot of same Over a pri fit ?1�4111
� . � . I I . -to � I .� L
. � 0 i) ALBERT'J. WILKINS. +hp -rn,viliv h.."e, Ms%rlrot q �, lov : her 'duties in T !siting at ,
L tn,,urawe, Mr. - I 14111111 and .bPek-filewtion and - rdini.ij or I . _ , I Mi. .,
. Vork low prices for all kinds of ,into- tender obtained at this Iwpartallefit, at � Prx1.lakTI(iN-1-f � _�_ , oronto after v . GRAS. ',". LER, 11111, hit ar'Noll .411111 brit'.41'r. 1;6.11. 11, Col
. Y PAl1LlA1Ij.,1Nj7_ - P-"'- -R- C MeDeitd. Th-r'lliji"'ll. , rev: also for floralf0butt,-i.
. . ' I the parental 4 .ionic in cb. 1. �
I . molille Insurance. Cheaper ;&D(I'L "'jifer 1- oftits-st of the Dintrict Engim-ers, t -AA, . �'.; 11-.0 Afelt-Q., D. T - Jones. Eloner � Goderi L .. I Chairman of tWO.131111INY allif F"VIIII.Y.
. fban taking chances. Customs Ruildlirg, Loniton, OLut" J."qui � - .. . RI�-ni-flowp I 'P . . �. .
. air .Q4, L 111"j, , C
ty i � xwrji-F� Is. m'.,.TIOI;� (il\*EN , that an , ar "'..'. � miss olive B. Whitely, of Tioronto Public W,.)vkq. . I. .
I 41a, '�n ��'%` I a . .A I ,j MA-ARIED . I
: . Some real baKulniq in ,housm nnil lid.4 Building, Toronto, (tilt., alill At Ell- Po'l I '404'311 "It be inad-t -14) Elie Leg- 1� qeh- df r D L L I — , .
I L e . . FIAL L . , Micl -nr -"d r, . K - � University, spent tbe Easter holiday,; I . " '- . . . I
,� �0. _ ' .
_4300. $W. $1000. �1200, . I _ Offlee, Ulneardine, Out . I -laihe A��wnjijy tif tile- Pro-,jue", fil",q-h-ders. Tlh- finior-t .1-0 ,' ih�,'With her parents, Air. and Mr.i. J. E.i . OBITUARY 11"I'-"' I"" N', It, "'t'"t- - -:dw, -
0 1 . .
I .,A; $M- *15M., . I Tuaders will not be considered iuilf4ss. hilario '4 t the: nf,xt $jIssiolt lllpr,,Of, ]).,.I off6rooi,on r'. X., R.L tra;' for P'llille'.' . � .1. . . .
I A, ff"tV ' good .p6owrtjes very w4rL If"I'le I'll printed forms tjupplim by tlif - '' IT. , � Whijely, . I . I . - .. I � . . 11-tv. %prif l6th. Milo' ltfl%;,, 1; th...p. hit .
. . , Iw Aluilleirial Cotiforation or wo T I . I I l4forbiff'-fludl. )fit,, to Nip. Frill, I*, .
o"lli"t"'n f` l"fers"'Alif 'Nfqn ft'-plIg', Mayor 11. J. A. MR03 h, MARTIN. -Within a week of ,each ju�;,Ii. ill fwtl�;lil
0 -in, all nere,vottryLloulldings ,willi ff-%\ lipp,frilne"t and in av,vorflanel. N.,.Itfi. #I* WIlmham, for an.Aet, e. 1. Vlrfxlvel� 'it (vlfjer�6111, -
. . I Nie , wall was in.
. . owes of lard x%UltabjQ for' fowls . I)fl ftillug tilt' i --rinthig- tlqel,lv wit', 4-1- f -l -1--l- hi .Toronto last Friday attending the axl� I other. Mr. and Airs. Wright 51artin, . . I
, 11,111190s thontaluml the,re'lli, A 'me for like, I"TaNI-111.111, (of molle1h, s due, .�. DIED - I
. .
. . I gardening, I I 1"'a'':l if 1141e.r must I I rd r ;I vorlitin ni;irtga ! fli_ tr,�.IV;i. Ur, Aff1�111-It'll lvi(l nual Inecting of'the Provincial Con. two of tour old residents, passed away, I . . .
A numbihr of flne faroos. well localed. all ,�t-tio(zi.%xini(it toy . '111111 . 1 m, glivii bv'the � 'ot bonn in good halalth '. iWOREA, At 111,13,141 fill Thuiwhv.
aler(Arol t.1i'(1up, �Olj a elial-1pl-pff . i4mlilla J_'011:141111V tit Lilt- TIA;ll lif, in, j4o*Ue tinr�. servative Assoeiation and the- bantluet land tile funcrals were beld.froni Brix-. � , -
. . �#. . VanY of them can be �oupht for I " baol'.1hayable to tilt' Order of tilt', 31fn- " WiM.1%ill) ful . ., . . -ixe V. 4:41 vy, ill lf� 11ith, I -
. , , es I . I'vii Timm I 1161 "I.1, l;14A rr I
Wt . , cofiven- s.' undertaking roonis, that %eal" I I
. than the.roA ot Improvemenb;. i � Sand 1),)]I'kv'- i Rev� S., S. Rardy Presented W in connection with it. , The Phey Bro, * . .
45 L�jer�S c- '1`� ,, of Go!d . . � tion was an enthusiastic party � rally, � %le4�11\M."I'l. , Ill is-1111,11fill lit- sun .
� , .%,Cejlc.Ijt I�jn(l. Rofill . I)II1111- 'j,", oi of laniolle Works. i-qijal �1, i fit Ito, I *14'04M,I) Nvi, out Inti-restj pursonni,pum. � of Mrs. Martin on Saturday, April
1. . 1. - ' P. 11 ' nt tif ille �-Intmnt or.; '.h1le joillf,ir - If lI%*N'kV -No, .'-M-WN hir if pi-riail t *by tile s ' f r ,.jL;1h.ALt1ibart Anil NVU1411.
I .. . _n1cli � and f'on to Ottawa" was. the logan. Ailth, and that o M . Martin all Fri- ,!., %, �%I,rll
s, W011. tene(41. near Ofiderleb, fQ511 (of,' A oci 'I hour WAS spen . I I I
. . lfl(fl aeres. irood buil thMIN of tht. IRAllulon for Callatla (W " I 11 ,1*,1;lr4( fr# to I iciffbi l"I Itlij -.ii. it.. IW,. i , 8 8 I 'day last, the 22nd. -The servictiq in,llil-,�*,l %%ib, ist Mr. 30jo %fe(:-matjAf. , � . .,
I dinits. )teal*, 11.111roll't ". (I'll'. ;ff 4.1%ldeolifill 101(rel)". tit .1)(.t, �, Of St. George's church on Tdaxdav�_ The Manitoba Free Press of April�
L �VW. 14k,e or write . aillan N I .
. st.,,llaa, P. . bwifts of giv,c:ln, Natton"tj Ililliwav, hi .
. I I V aipany *1111 alsa W-7 A,,ef,p1ed,Iyrr---f.A11j';_ �� fill. A. I."J"W', � tevening in the parish ball in saying loth contains a-&ture of Mias Flor-! both cases were conducted by Itev. .14. . I . �.
jr. I I I -x Arect I
I �Jefferson, pastor of Victori. IN MEMORIAM
4. W. AMNI-IrRONC enC6L Carey, olece of Mr. 0. X ('Are , 1 411,1( e( - - N 11111 ' �
I L Beal &qtate. - . . Hv.,or hc�ld:� anti a dieflue it re;jis . ireli i - `, � I .1. W. lWAlIFIF1,11, Lq good-bye to the +rector, JRev. f;. :S, . Y' �, United church, Mro. Ntartin I
. : I Ed n-ake upan otlot aniount. '., . , "Miss .Carey," L d b ' "'11-1- � In lilfilil.-I'% h
I - SO.' Godprithh, (int., . '41-I'vitfir flor ,Hardy, who leaves today for his fut.. quote hit I �% I$') 'If.jo jj.jj�ol iffiftiLliff It 'I I �11
IL� L %pril,,2618t. 11.01:t,
, 13ox 5�..Blue Prints tan bi, '1101,01w. , of Godericb. . . tto � for some time in the Godork-h ho,41ii. 1, I ,..Illlj,,t .,%, ;,,,I, I L%% ' , Ip t ,,I� I I
I Imlep to -, i, .. . from tbd Item, ill I
I . pen every nigtit until 40 ol,Mtiel�. lit - � fill, Afiliflemit, 'ure parish at Marlon, Ohio, in wjjij�h ., ... "is a popular Wi;nni- i tat rind it was there slip breatlivil her � q ij�lt
. L . .1111 Ilds is to officiate for the first tinip it
., ,_ . . this N -fartalont, toy df-1,414itilm. an t flalot .41 WhIA:1, � he g girl, th� daughter of "Nil'. and bI. i -c Ile,ill. It... 14 1wil ,t%44% !
I . . I L I , , acceitted 6eque for tile stim ,if rvjt)tio. . '4 9 I ot. 51r. Martin was .in the uAllity 'L tilt, ,
. I . . . fill- Order *& I" J!�1 (11"' (it "M31`4 11, A. 11.1 t"'!7. 'rector on Sunday next. � A wolf filltit rs., Eugene It. Caroy, Wellinr,toit' a L i Nvi? 11 4 4 hevvy 411fill, 'iml,.k. %% 91` 4
. . I ibi, Slizilst 'r or. ___ __ _ - * -:----- pUrSe of gold L .%VAR presented to Mr. Cri, cent, wbom iongagenlent to , . Mr. home and died there (pit, 5Vedne�day ot � liallil , , . I
rp." �_ - -1 '_ . - � __ , 1;
.J. IVIIIIII %1;11 1)4. rt.tjIj'jj.,.Lj ,_ �
1. L . . L j L AUTION SALES ',Jfardy. His Honor ,Judge Lewis pre. Arthur fleury'S. Stead, of Wimiii)(h9f last week. � � . ill-, h,1.,.%%.,IlAI,r04ioflt,tlf m0,o,t,%h"Ltii,I. - �
G "Y" I.Ir ._. . I Vol I'It ti- lln-.�Illitlg. htk�% %, 1,� ff, ,
W lt �lil't-t�elil"ltkt%"i"liflill,a bldfler StIblillfa r;,.,rli . '"
- hill. � . 6 . ---,* 'sided and made an appropriate .I(]- VAftinday. The well- TILT. -The death took jolate'luilp il� 41.4 111.1W lov ,illef, 411. lin-'-pi Ill. . I
J... - CRAI IE was annfounee( ll". �
. . . I
I L __ . I I Cf'xm1lN4; .,i1-I.-r1l)X ,,.%I,P, .
. . 11,V. order, ' . Ill' � drESS And the presentation w . I q it Saturday. April Wth, vN %it., Nisu hilt �:jjj' %%j: , I'L , �. jl�j �! I
I - L . . , 11411'SlMol,l) 11111NIT110,. as, niad� ding will ji&601 ace � shortly at, (,,a,,,.. ilro. tt�hn, o - � �, ., . ;
L .Z, 1,.*. rllnfifl,�%, i _� bridge, Mass." L I - %,,,I,'Il � . . . I
I � Red Edate &W I.r. ime . . I Seereta.iy. , . � by Air. 0. F. Carey, one of the ward i III. Geotgc A. Tilt, father of INIrti, A. I . Gl'. I I '.
I . I *_______*._ , "M tall. �-1
I . . I I)PIgirtolf at Of I)Ublle Works. . Nili. j(PlIs .Af.%S�kxy*.�� I ens. . Mi-. Hardy made a feeling I,(-. * L. Maxwell. of Goderich, and broi!1o, " I -.1 VA tail if :. .., . I WO ,"', ",.4
- L � ,11 bi,j r1j ,,,l. , loly, expressing him regret.at I I I
. .. 16� —, t it tawa. April 26. 100.7. . hvNill ,-11 It% Islibile aileffoll . eavint AMONGTRIECHURCHES I ,if tht, late M r. Thomaq Tilt, a rornwi� : J " I !I": L !�f.� ' , I % if$. x"I.'6." '.S� �j� tit"I'.
. . � I - , - , - � A,�jr r,,si,l,-rIj,4-, st. 1);roilt .41., (;#),Ij.1.jej, Goderich, in which he had spent tile .. . " . . propli(,tor of the British Fxchatige � Ell 1,0., ; %.. I.f ,It# .,.,., ,j_ 1! ,, , , .1 . .
� .— — � — - J. . -.-- - - . I DL 14% . I
. I - . 1. . � ji St soft Xhigston stri+t�, tilt ,, hatiplest ,Seven years of bi,; IW-, Ite- The Presbytery of 11 ition (t,nitlifl) , hotel here-. .Mr. Tilt was one of llvm. i lit #.�;
I � . - . - - . . I I - u I "Jou -fjll.,I�Ilw ,low, �
. . . I SX1,11ill.ky. Al ,till. Mill, WAS going of his Own volition, X1, is niecting today ill MacKay Hall .,Ind 't(on's prsoininent citizens. He %va,1:1111114 -if , I '1�. .
I T14E LA$T TWO YEARS. 14AVE 5EEN A DRASTIC CUT I crumitut-ing at i.xo webylik .,laill-11 apr-ointment of a Successor to AL-. th(, Presbyteiial in North street Unit- born at Blair. Ont., and wao for 1:10 ,� 11 - 1, iv,, ,11,t.l. Ili, )" Ill-! wh I%. . I
. — J. alfif-1. Inoll,fl-11're-Al . . ' �
_-4--;1� , Fiair lirgr Hardy as rector of St. George's ba,i , ed (hureb., I . ,tv-fiv( yeam employpt! by the. A. 0.1 W111" ,6v,;,l F%%.11M. I
SU,RA NCE I . . WiLintur Company, of Branti"'wil, latev; - 11w1w.* I.? %. I'V
-1 _A&�L� IN, AMD � RAMS. I el -airs. no.%V: I flak, bufflit: .1 liak pi -&-s. as yet been made, but Rev.,Mr. Tail., El 11111"i..'Ja 1�,*,,J�_
- )WORILE LN - T 't.11 11111:11Z table. I mth sV#r dinim-, cock. of London, has blen app)jiit,-d No2th nt. United church: 10 a.m., the Maqq!y4I4rrha Coinnany. Dur.rll;# % % % 1 %-151. L I
,4f,jjjjl,�.�', .1 r(xekjjj_,hitjr.4. ' "What 4ire. I,,,, 11.
_ , I 1.1 ,_ 1�4" '
4V WILL PAY YOU TO LO . ji,* . Mi.n'f; Club, subject, , , �Yjw Mv,s to,, -.1 ,t% �i . t,
. . - L OK AT OUR RATILS .1le- to conduct the servicer, in the raean- I vA ill :4-,. %1.1% :"1 RXi.
� . �I sal, drow,.-or '41141 , %th, �oll stallf, wo%!dly' ani&enienml" Clas,4 nieet- , . t .It tl;n(! he waq aloti'viumi, . llr� %.ji 1. livi-ft-0, I %.it R op,_,?
I a, 13,F,I:ORE INSU11ING [it'll. nlatllyi�, 1: t fr!)" tinie and will occupy tbQ pulpit next Ing and Atis.sion Band. Publie wor. th 'h Cattle 1juMneris. which he effiltill.. .
- . L, s YOUR CAR. I � . awl sprixt;r. I omi bs,l. Sunday, 6tessri. 0. F. Carey, Doug- , ship at jl'o,m. and 7 pail. Sunday'li"I aft(w revering e(onnc(.tion I . #III,- I'-11.1 r,ll;t t�iv, tv'It It1g: I
, A 13 WIt-11 %,,,I iVk-, 1419'1411`0111 -111V ht�.� 1101�11 610 :
,umtlress and sElping: I hiEt-lip" lable: , in4 114 -own. 1. Salkeld and J. S. Platt $chofol ct.,. V.lil. "this company about 1908. Nit-. Tilt, Ill, %,,it 14 %,,,v�kiq ,,,Ili �
L 1. L - � L' "" Ill'" ellairii. 16 vvintlikv blinfl- I "rantford and Waterloo on , #1 I I I
. . Wil-ol 1111H. -r: 1 (1114111's b4shi.1; 1 ,l,.i,,4. were Ili 11 w.,w for thirty-five yearil clvrL, of .�o.jf�, ljjj�'4;,,I lo" lilt-lvmt , I �1;0 R,01 pf
Inaker'.."JI14.110: I 10, � Rev. Dr. David Perrie, of -Wing. -- � - . 1i
tilt ub I I
a 4 tom
stlo a I
I e
d A
i I
I i
f— i
1. I I
I I I .1
t. I i
-I i i I
, ,
A- at 4 I
. I b, F. CARFEN1 & SON � 1)#1"tril: Mit,il,'lultry slosill; i,tjjtj,.,- .Sunday Imt to hear elergywa who . � �
GODERICH ! Irffn I litellSils: I Soh,%'. may be available for the, position In bam, wao elected moderator of the. I -1.1 L �
-vIlon 31-burl"T oil si-i,: I Fin� � Goderich. On Sunday evilfing lagt a L .
.. L' — "'' Ma L sonic Ternple Building ON'rARTO .; Porto A . Pregbyterian Spoll of Hamilton nil I .
' '-
. MORMON - ��. P1,41" P14111.1o. risal Or� N"I'mil: I 11,11hm; Mr. Hardy ureached his farewell ser. London, which tnet in Hamilton 110144 . I .
=_-Zt_���2t��-tL-_ 1101"Fillit, m(,n in At. G.-throth's church and it ,
� . __ __ , , __�,��__=�__��=� .. - ____ A likip?.o Q1141 fill. week. Ile was nominated by five 1
— ,Mlove. X. In 1.irs. L
- .� - . . . __ � - ___ _. 01114T 111`110(�14 . Pre byteries .anti has served in the
___ , - -
- � � .
#1 - I I I . I - ____ - - 1 E� viz4h fill, lot be S1,111. a� Nil, � his �nutftber from (other congregation.4 IS ,tr. L
. i. .
� ; I I., . N in attendance. Mr. Hardy be. minis v for thirty-seven year(j.
. "'S"fl'i'l 'elykil tit) housvh#4'1411�4. � were . I
. I L ,, TRI11,1S. 4!�J. 1. . 'i gan his ministry as curate to tile late Victoria st. and Union United I
Daytght Saving Tim'e Change �! T HE' PAVILION ' , !
L S . T. M*Nlilry,& ,iziov . i� Dean Davis Ili London, sub.4equo-Ittly . Church " Victoria St., I 0 A.m., Fellow.
I , " 11 . . ". Commen!:j"s t%ft'Al.^nAg 'LIA , -% A I it I 1. - I. - I 1 � AtWI1sm-e,4_ - � ge kA , as ittz-vate , with, Rev, , ( smoll ship Ineeting; Victoria st" I I a. ni. I -
. . ; I 3 0 wt.y " t 4 OLUCK rnarr,cjs will 1
. 1. open at 9 a. rn. and close at 2p, m., excepting Grain Markeqs, '
. which will Open at ().3o a. in. and close at i,15 p, ni. Satur.
I day sesssshns (� a. tit to I I a. rn. and Graili Markets 9.3o a. ill. .
to 12 2. ill. Office hours for this office for the sunitner months .
COITIMCIVing May 2nd, will t1c 8.30 2. 111.10 4 p. ni.
I I 11.ron Invest--ents LF 4o
9 9M Imited
� 11 SOND ItUALF118 bE_%V;!Al. 1%�,VRAM 1; 4*T(W_.r% RIMERS
,� Ill . RoYal Bank Mdg, Codirich, Ont.
. !� PiftesilAI-4411
. I lorivals Wift " 1i Ng Will all W&I Swk Sol Gnis rotihaqvi,
I I 11�1.;1.11.11-12 _... _. � __ I
I . ,..�= � mm-_ --- im"". - " ,
I Hart in Toronto, And had As tiN firi4t, Worship; Victoria st., .1, p.m., ' .4unila,- f
I charge .is rector. the parish of t h,- , School; Victoria St., 7 p.m., WorAtip. ,,,
�ehuleh of til widon. Union, 2 jj."l. Sunday Scht)ol; VnEon,,
�Sutsequontly he wa-di in Ridgetown " , p.m., W48hip. , � - I
for A short time and iteven, yeara ago
came to Goderleb, anti during his in. SPECIAL OPTICAL OFFER
funitc,ney A,; rector ct St. Goorgelo Ifigh grade, heavy w0gnt, goldAillol
has b --en Active and t�qcrtssful in �-Jjf, spectseles A% eye gls'pes, with be�.t
work. The enlargen-at and rebuild. flat 81h6rit-al lense.A. fill- only $160.
ivx, of the -parish hall will stand &,4 11 All other Ftylt, 4 f -wa.-3 And longe-
mairk of his enterprh,44hi while, in,at reasonable pi.Le& 1,.�_,,� eu.iminfid
(barge in Goderith. All will tvi�h']�y t,ur well kn(�wn and painstahing
Mm continued su(cer,s in wA I.,,%,., s
fir,-eialist. Mr. Ifughson, with Menty-
field of labia'. .. ,ve yests cxperience. You are tot.
Mattin-Callwood rvred of the best optical work v� I v
, (-btailled and at Very ploderato E,i�.�t.
The- V-3108ge 6f MiFs 511,111,111rch! Thur�dav and Friday. MAY I'll and 1,;.
CAR0,4AA younge.st dawthler of ,141r. qMlTllli4 ATIT .14Tflil!R. aftlWIN-ft-
...... � .................. _111''.., .... ....... � . .11 1 :___ .. . . � .. ........... _.. . . __ ... _...."......1-1 .... I.., ...... � ....... _-.11-1.1.1-1 ....... � ........
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