HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-04-21, Page 8"!#3UXI DAT, a."tM aft, Isgf
I 011ie"
Miss Dorothy X0borts" Is h~ 4W Awdy Aw
"• •M��M7%+ "� � In rias ttw'riaW of Il Ir�rat Mies Julia y0ow was Isew from Gil �r+�
*a rr are • f"" a� Is l letrtret., ewu tu. ng is aid. Redecoratino Values
game'* asrviat sow y'a so aaat- Mies isuMl Yoasatp it�s! isr. a It a11f�fMalatclll
kWI&r with friswds at M al!`Ilafth
tsa• w. �aa or +n tf� j
coos asaer ai std esaaastt is oars lir. and airs. Halmos, of Cliutofa.1
If yo* s11 M' raefMl► I+ri- never tis Ai s. We leave tfhe vlak* l at W. Idsw4rit on Goad +Tri, t i` �� �
sraitar srsiinaty im the hsawia of day. ale4d TM#4kfs Air 11�4D>f',�ia;g %� �� � iii! r
sldxa b4 Itaalavla 7s tl+see we strse. Xi" Laura Mustord visited with j'! Cleaning Time i n every house; a time, w~vhoh
" reit A. J. �Gtl; Sunday.ar friend, Auas Annie Diilkr, u�+i � � �l�lraperies,,100S Faloor +Coverint ;t and Furnishin s are
!Lf1Irraul�ut->l�rau I SS NO�t
1i'iiC'fi� Av"i'.+I.t;t+► Isdr. (`. A. Robertson and daughter, tRiTiS•i iE:XCHA,?,= BLACK ,'�r,Yven a t'hortl�tt�"i�clear1#iXtg. ,�OTCIe Of these Farltti:iltlt,�d
1 tai to -morrow + ; Dor�thy, bre spending a feiw days tai t may 1"IR1Stl rsi'p IgCtAcQ' wtth i►1illlrtltl� atlaf ori Mer goods, and we
a Rectae of fdotor Ixyaaiptaerat. ' Tearonto #hist week.
not reliove tbo :tri � irhwaw: myth tit. la 1 VMaaatCt George McBride it spend -1 AUD�i�a� � � cordially invite your iinspection of our ¢W ,Sl�rtn� a#vC�r Of
Dumxaafaraa • r Z +ins a day or gt with his friend, Mas- Mr. Johnston of a carload of coat HOUSE FURNISHING VALUES.
W aiaaltes ft waw. � ter Roy I:xrin an.
Mr. and iiia. Dan Swantz And three , last week. He s unloading snutbor
c car.
Have your Ryes itxasaarun- ed,t ori; twtwdx at $2.1. 0 and unward?. ; children del an with bis. and Airs. � s
Alan, °.��ur oun cloth mad* up at rea• Paul Disedel on Friday. Last Ratuxday Mr. Cordon savior: WE CARRY IN $ TOCK ;
to-s'�ay. t Mr. 'Mow is s nding the holiday "received a carload of British Colusn»x y n
j sonable pticea. Give us a tall. a
' with her son, Mr. Harry Mew, and bio shingles, j PRINTEi? I.I1�iQX.EU1, ., S i 4 �ruds wide
Dir. Lavarrne i outland, of Detroit, other friends fin Goderfich. The Easter sang service in the Pres- I C Fit.00R QIL CLOTH, I x'=i 2 sand 2': yasxadts wiele
spent Easter at the 11011le of hi•t par. y �� a are sorry to report that Xrs. J.1 byterian church lost Sabbath was
enta, Dir. and Mrs. A. B. Pentland, McBride is ut9kr the doctor',a carts *t s quite a success. � STAIR OIL CLOTH, 18 ins. and.2V's iaas, wide
k having been ra11e11 home, owing to RUBBER STAIR TREADS
n Ar�rtcnt. rape to bear of her speedy � ?here was a goad attendance, aw the
Ui 4 t} �' death of his rtant.Ilis►s Augustine. � ,.
II vias acconmanied by Airs. It, E. reco.ery. services in the Anglican church last
Willis. who visited her parems, :fir. Mfisa Diary l obortson, Principal of Txiday evenirsg. � � ,. I RUBBER DOOR: MATS
and Mrs. 1). J. Crayford. ;Glenview public school, Niagara i~'alls, I Mr'. Iaasgone Dabfe► one of the Bxug~ % i EVERWEAR VERANDAH RUGS
t Rf►jlsitf;rf:f 'The regular meeting of the I)unw is spending the Easter holiday with <sels Use rs, is spending his Easter � RAG MALTS
. cher sister. Airs, 1;, Fisher. holidays with his _P ,_,.,
Q toluettist Bannon branch of the Women g Isis;ti• 4 parents; here, � "' �
The service hexa on Faster Sund iy d The Rev. A filuoeh of Aiiilvertan s TAPESTRY RUGS
p • tutas will bre held on Tuesday, April • A. , , �
f 26th {instead of Thursday), At the was well attended. Rev..Ff. Paul#er • took charge of the services in the
fi homo of Mrs. R. A. Dlexenrie. 'his Save an excellent Faster message and Lutheran church last Sabbath. F �XMORE RUGS
C* S W Store meeting will be far the election, of af+ the eb a���'e a selection in keeping The farmers_ have been very busy � CONGQLEUM RUGA
!iters for the ensuing year. Mrs. ' seeding durfin the
1. past week. Quite LINOLEUM RUGS
• • C'ruickshanks, of Ninghani, and lilts.. Mr. and Airs. Auras ,Muhl, of near. a number will. finish this ,reek. ,
,. -•..° -- --- --^. "T J..Flliott, uloo of V4in hang, rte Collingwood, have moyed•their house- FELT p�ijpEg
g Miss Effie Stoltz, who is teaching
DUNGANNON wdistrict president rand secretary re• hold effects into sit:' Thos. 'Wilson's near Lake Erie, is spending the least,
�I Mr. and ':firs. F. Rosa were visis"ovi spectively, will be guests of the i h6"T� a � pleased to w e su enn�v here.
er .. er holidays under the parental roof AMgIf(�Uj$E'I"I'Ia CURTAINING CURTAIN RODS
i•rasielt tit this meeting and a full at. here, R D
VAU Ashfield friends on Saturday. tendanee to requested, I Airs. are
.and family to our midst. SILK CURTAINING WINDOW SHADES
dos,iv kit Toronetoo tri nds at Faster. I Q i' from iTA iIt e$ Earl I:silwi was placing an
' a t 'firs. That. McPhee motored up 'the side of a hill with his tractor, t NET CURTAINING WALL PAPERS
SVIi~ti n an with Dr. and Airs, was upset lint no very great damage VOILE CURTAINS CRETONI S
t s>loir. Thom. Stathers has purclia5tsit • Barnby and: children on Goad i+•ridav
''.'p'4'iit Dir, (moo: Shepherid, tylia has been � done. •
Isenzie pet conch fi oIn' ills. Lorne :ilc• o under the sloctar's case, is Improving. t and ttpent the week -end at the old - Mrs. Jackson, of Wingham, add her SWISS NET CURTAINS AWNING DUCK
home, tittle the doctor and his fam-dau Aiiss Margaret, Mrs. George Cowan, of Illy ta, vas Dii. and lits, Wilfred Jet•vie spent : fly went on to Lokhfan to visit at his t3hter, xar! ret, of Toronto, FANG MARQUISETTE CURTAINS WALL BURLAP
Sunday at Zurich with ;firs. Jercis'..tfathcr's on Saturday and Sunday. are the �t*alkerburn of lir. James Jackson,
i• to guest lost week with her rous}n, Suxen#s.
i The :
f . 3I'rs. A, I). Pen#land, , Y return to Hamiltoia an Aran- � ..._. , - .
. 1Vts1: kt lay and family have niova�d ,day. 'The cantata in the 'United church
., nidi Ilishan, of the Standard ll:utl pp - last Thursday was well attended, All �j .,,� QUALITY
i i r�+ SERVICE
+�rp i �r
stmt!°, was a holiday visitor with his #o their firma on the Cut Liao, near, Tbase who attended the•funeral of went borne well VALUE. d LJALIi '-� JGila i 1`�
consents at ��Sebrintiville: t Xlaloiesvfille. the late Miss Clara Au ustine on Sun, . pleased with the en,.
r `" ' AI}ss tiiabel trig Ida g tertainnaant of the evening.
Cdr, and Mrs. J. C..TCntlnnd, of g, of Toranto, a Y from here wore Mr. and Airs. Lliiaa I:lsi Lawlor o
'pent Easter with her parent3, lir. n Vareoe,' sons $art And Chavlie; Air; o. f London Nor•-
# aoeo mother,
wore guests.D.t rvi the form• and Airs. Ed. Grigg. and Mrs. Trethecay, Mr. And Mrs, maI schodl,.apd her sister, Miss Let,
r'ss mother, ltxs. D. Girvin. a t tie, of Glencoe, are spending ;
fiiit►s Carate Cowan, of filyth, spoilt, Mr. and Mrs, Lrogden X.MathlErringtotl, 'Xr.� And. Mrs. Gailagher ending their
have veturned to their bottle in the,_•ind Jaames, shlia. A,C.lark and ilia Easter holidays: at their home here.
.'�aafew.da3's last week the lu'ane ° .,___ .._ „_ _ _
<- 1
Re afiei mx(v--3t}sile`ieacFiin ..:-As, _xsH>xnayi sec�e T;� -
W. seaurdin�;.._tltc�tu e?:' in, N , .. g n he foxy of DRY
s rs.. B Pentland. Toronto. r o.1 scliaol bliss Augustine was very Sabbath schools and young peoplu'a • • WEAR
Mrs. Frank Jones returned on Fri- 311r. S. . I{il attic • 't highly thought of. Deep av Athv societies in the Pre sb tartan rhu c
• front Goderieh hospital after: A ' .. p k A ad family, is , iy expressed for t A will tae y, _i h, I HOUSE-FURNISIRINGS AND IVAL L PAPERS."
.Ashfield. visited. at the home of his. d the ielativcs and. k the servscea in rhes Presby -
j �ful operation for removal of friends. teriun church have 'no Sunday.
brother, Rev I. W, Kilpatrick, during
Easter week. The•'fitr. Ar: S. Piet in•.the township Air. A. C, Jackson has sold his farm .
Mr. [;and Mrs. Cartwright And little' ,:firs: aohn tan x a Fhail. an Gaon Friday. with *.largo At* ;to Air. George Groose.. 'Mr' a
o h s returned froth #en ane Grasse
�ciaughtar, of Toronto, were Easter - f d _c , the president; Altss. Clark, gets possession it once. Air. JacksonToronto And is spending the. Vaster
• Uvwitts with the. • lady's parents, Dir, io ho chair, The .Easter leaflet was has his sale of stock rand efPeeta next , .i..
.{ :,uspad Mrs, Andrew Stevan. holidays with' her daughter, lira. I, )BELFAST
' visiting with Xessrs. Elsner and Wal- , Fame oats- are different. A tui
followed" throughout, Airs. (Rev,) week, Xie wiil make his future home ter Alton, u
11Y. I+ ilea#rick, at the Hglme:<vil}c pt►r- poulter read part will,
a chs ter inthe in, Goderich... Miss Lena Trac ett • me f • nt can: saw them all by l,itnsel#.
Ads, Kansan Pentland, of North' flay sonage. p i t e k is ho rP - �- T
-"formal School, is spending the East- study book. :She will finish the chap. Th Strattford ldtirmal for,, E We are eery pleased to see Diss
f .r her astir boli -
I After spessding.tae crates xlnontha •ter next mentis. Airs. Joh etulari monthly meeting; ofd , ` 1Vtnnie Lane trema again from 1Ving-
rotation at tht home of bin par in Clinton en Jahn Ford and his sts-s n Young the members of the W. IV. S. of the aye, ha ihospital.I
- .mats; Mr. and Mrs, A; S. Pentland. i And Mrs. P4111tekr gave very interes i �, , n Tt Is four, weeks ago %� • ! !
iter, Miss Elizabeth Ford, bare return. i F Prt*rtOr an church will be held on Mrs. Rolm. Higgins. of Dungannon,
l It, Davidson iia in Toronto this ed for the sum ntc ,aster messages, which were en. 'Thursday afternoon. The children spent $unda with her sister, Mt orate :she wont there. Mather Mine
ch diet , y #ei, •s. ;
mer to their biome on joycd sbv all. A very leasing feat• will provide a short entertain en Nilson Irwin. The. Misses Ina and Aileen Camp -
Op attending the Convention of tho the Huron Road, p .. m t at bell ares spending their THREE ACT COMEDY
ki�saatarloi Educational Association, as a. ure of he meeting was the presenta.. the close, alae •a sot 1 Ii pe , g Easter )ieli-
v a from T;he .Easter services in Rolntesville tionofa life meiai r • ti c. a alf hour. .Mrs. Thomas Ferguson spent a few days with theirgrandparents,,- to be presented by ,
be shin certificate days last week in Goderich with bits. Mi. VICTORIA BT'ItE -
eP . th m the township of. Arlt- .Gaited church were well attended, to Airs, Geaifge isle w a a Mr. McIntyre, of Dungannon] came and firs: Roulston near Olivet. ET 7 Ot,Dif}
1 i1. h ha beerr to the::conclusion to terminate those Win. ,Phillips. I'1~4Pl.T:'Sa LllGl :3
Mia a The pastor, Rev. % yf', ; Eilpatrick, ;h' member of the Socio far 36 ea :q _ Again we are reminded
ss G .orgac Alien, who .has spoilt [cave a ver tin i, , y ? i , regular periodical visits to wsur vtl. •bit, D es g. e i dad of how un- .•
Y . e addresg on . The ever since its ovxanrzs}tton in 3$$S, yn Campbell spent Sunday. certain, .life is through the death of
! ;:PIw yeast week with her.: stator, lits t. Aiessalce of the, Risen +Christ" .S over
Air loge and on?Wednesday of this week with his sister,:'blra. Herman Phillia In, HALL
pe . aria s. Glen was completely, he And Missi Thelma Lawlor ro of Phillip $, Fxaitk Scott, nazis Lanes. i% :took
asrrria,. of Stratford.: We.'an Easter tial Easter music WAS sonde' ed b the takt'ri' liv, s , , se. nd Courey's rerners.
__ Y _... _ urprise__she_: t k sick S n 3
M __ ..._ :. i .._.... _ ha?t .ad_ , tee.. _ �._._.. a alsaY ii ht Aril xOth with,,
_i... ......_..._..__ A ._.- _iotb -...
r, aaaid. A . Ick-. ehoir;and was^very Koch a!aA reciated. Socltrty Tn a few wr�el c da>t titer tf M>~.,Ssandfalsl X.awlar, re= s,_ rncT . WiII w - �ine
P 1. chosen. .wards aTain, Vii: umPlua,. solid, pas Away the: fol-:
.arias, of Toronto, _ W.•., for their kintlneRs paired to the man,te of the j%nited and 14irs. Gilbert int �s
#tr. R. J, ,, Tsrayer from the church and secured �s } . - _ 1s . , spent Sunday lowing, Sa trday. The funeral took at 8*1S p,iw.
gg , u ed the , ery cea of the afternoog in Msraoek. place Tuesday to Greenhill AD?d1SSIQX lr:-►
S'�i ins, motored down GtDERxC'H TOWNSHIP leaflet Was in Unison. after Which y Gre cemetery. a ,
Lreea»i Tbbermory on 'Thursday and : ;a s dainty hm+eh. We$ served A Rev W It. Alp, who tied them to . M is cif Solos
bt s II. ; I. C. Bell, of Windsor is t nd a lea rr. and Mrs, Dave 'errict And . R e predeceased him about seven beilye�rn Acta by i►Ira. W.
raSiendfing tits Easter vacatlan at ss ndin t p their heart's content, aley, took the: Miss i, el • ears a o. F. Saa r chis, a
s , .he home of big sant half hour spent talking aver the, • a a, spent a couple of clays y g He leaves to mourn him, satf Af[r. Dort: Cant,
i he baster Vaca#itsri at work for the summer, ~train for Toronto. on. their return two sons John who t mo of Galt
parents, Mr, Viand lits. 'home here. the will resMic in Dutaretannon« tVc a -- - _ _ , jus moved to the iM t
> .las tri ins. 1.
tiwsx = Mr. and. Mrs, C. A.: Robertson anti ;e , boundary east of Lucknow, and Bob
=. iss Sarah Reid, Stapley tp., is •ra them much tog and hap ineas.in, °
W. Max Roffman, tr►ibr,': ►u ani vialti a ,t Mra, A, Johnstone .attendcd.the;fun- A ort, at home; Jean Atra. M zie
[hair new relations,of,lafe, } V C,s�liN PAY• Webb), 12th con W� cIi no
begs to aamrounce that surfing Ittybt Davidsoiiha»ia o and Mss. oral` of theiir. rciaative. ,the tort ;lira, eat Xtr sanash
M01(From, another, correspondent) one sister" Mrs.
oar! in aid he lr lost Pps}i#ion 1 Akr, n f Emile MGl,ennan, of flochalsh whose , Jahn ."SeXeenntle, of r
.,*ef .Poke irgrit-class ad suits txo .. a d lra. W, J. Simpson, of tragic at era. WL Allin wcni� to Flint i h.^ : /! bacc p r��++��' Ripley; e , Smith's Ark Stvl+e is Lace
{3anday , . ,lite , LRRIC "' PRICI ES $v broisliers, all of whom wire P
m worst Taranto, motor uli and spent Faater sag dc, h erce j., an. last week to visit her rsiatars. out -Nest.
morning at her Rvrn home chess the �. Q e .brother, Henry", and to bw "Ur _i
Sunday with the latter's parent::, Air. car she waa riding in st*lied .and 16. d'ohn Clark has inoved'in#a the OK RAGS and ' Mrs, John Tit-Nnald .t,Mpry Ann
and .iia. Jas. Rosa.. ! 'WASTE of all Wn& . Predeceased him a .few ears a )'
� �� - backed -down n steep. embankment, house he : recentl)r'"purchased. • _ Y ga. '� ��++
' �' , lfdr, ,and ;Elsa. T. 1 ,Ross and two In iryiiiar to juinis out her fiat risufiht Mr. Wallcer,;formerlp of aha► bank IAT S+ Ea7'HI:RS il�f o ``i�hajes
children, of Peterboro, also ,Mr. ,Victor on iaomething and she was ,dragged spent the Widay in this vicinity.
' and ...-� .:
y , HOES, are coup- The best qu atlity iasnd ' t
GALI.A(�lSltit'$ .1dRR:DAI, _. Reiss, of bshavRst, visited -with lits. and and tcrribtp braised inwardly and Mr, •�, D. Munro Arid bis. G, Thom - � t s -
;FAMICLY UJITAI1:L IX4i . Mrs, Jas.'Roos it SunAgy,. never regaineii consciouanesa, aT so m p '
i.. n motored to Toronto on Sunday. v �t ore of .colors :to ielect
' l►atrstiatts,, J# Dr. and Alrr. Xi« Stevenson and chil.:though she head for two hours. 'The We arc arts t si► N .7 INSURANCE
ilritw t,Y?OK $ . s'E'i'$ItiN RY
4ren. of London, motored 'up . and funeral on Wednesday was•very large- J. S , ed o report that Mr. _��
ymfington >s able, to be out again. r 2764
llti3ifi ADlB$ l la►� ter Sunday at the home of lv,attend<d, intexm ant tarkmg Place in 31dr • a All .calors; sand sizes of Shades
»l- 'ralanriattosya--7 sdY father,. Mr.. T: C. Cox, X intardine . cemAt,sky. ,, igee sunt add lffrs, henry Snyder and
A :ttarwly far ystar spodsl faxed. Path is f family tralted relatives in the villa GODERICH, kept in stock.
Next Sunday the service will be y alt far Air. MadGennair` and: �' �� AtfX taiseet Sbaswlar mots to orfle:.
We like flat IIAAD casaas, held as usual at Union rhurfeh At S little sort iii their great sorrow, also .last Sunday: $haieiossa: akllvesed• and hu for
ar,. --fit ice. , _.- T.,.....,.r.__...�
h f'inaats .sxt., Sunday schoolt-at 2 p m , Rev. S: rert#it �; m 14tr rs: A: ?1d: 3tiee-arid:' -, __ . -<; - ori #'see . hung A p
Ctl►iJN t3ALXI$AIMK Jelte rson will o uAY the pal it- F'rrnor. of Defrost, xnd fames it sand' ker_Garth: wrertt';visstors at h o "w�..,� ,j —F at cilli=ge, °
P , . t e,.lw nt ; w -• Kirsch Curtain Rads in single.
W itiNTil;D bliss !l}ice Sowcrby; of Stratford ;rattier relatives who'mourn.• the 10 'of rsf yir; Wee s; parents.' . '* . �ra_� S c,
ASwturcltri L►0ii1 eioial►lr, triple, Also Arch and
• 1r}kttea i+ar sats lareiaositio9a.. -Spent the E-exter holidays at her home a: brirrha Yaunr life from their raids#. Mrs.; f,'gttrtetvin,' of Guelph, visited. P Lipar.a pati Door hods.
+� Mad[ is t Cabala, Goaio, here, returning on Monday to resume ,'1'hC�tt sanntveratlry of their wed -;her stetnetyi, 'Airs. Er tt•• and Mrs.
ding; was the day after the. - _ 0 �`#tXilt�it----�•
Icer studies at Central. Business. Cul- . Washm#ton,• over the woek-end, r
lege. +ae esrras
___._�• �.. Miss Adargaret Jackson, of 1'oranto,
a CR�VV'� . �l�t $tali'
llliasea.Eila Apd,Lisz}e..Sowerby, of was the guest of brother, Mr. Jas. : FREE iir•.:an tlpl tcz :ivy t I �ut,St. � I
WestReid *nd 'l`hedford respertirely, (•Intended:. for last wgek) Jacksop, the early part of the week. x iso, Oft. ftoow its
are -spending the Easter vacation at Seeding its an tali awl �y
ng- Mr: >Jas. Johnston is unloading � � D. , j ��—
the home, of their ng
prrents, Air, and � Cutting wood wait the aider of the chestnut coal at the station and Mr. A large Space to tits north •
{a Mrs. Thos. Sowerby. flay around Crewe last week, Gordon Traylor is unloading shingles. � , . y f'Boxn Za
MAN The man friends .if Mrs, Reg. Mr. Jack Malloch cold some cattle N(r:. ►aid Mrs. Thasi, Tdanning, of of our story. is available for ,
tr a1Ms'ttt, iM� 'ailler will bo pleased to kner�v that. #;s .'41r. Bob1Sienary abs da last creek :i London, vrere visit . t EA�x,ST. Con�Ntcx, ONT.
she Is able to return to her ltotne here I: Y Pin 's ora tsnth itis Man- lrtsitors to. Gtsderich to herr.
SINS&C Ill" Waist. otC. s DIr, and Mrs, Robert' Duxnm, of ix parents the early part of 'this theft Cars. You, are tvci -
after convaleaaefinA'' from her recent " • week. _ _ ~ _ .. _____•
operation at the home of Dir. Itobt, Iville ch, visited the home e , tirL come to use this,. and there
_�ppee villa Durnfio one day last week. , Mrs. A. J. l<eraruaoil, Ma aret nn&
Afedd, Goderich, + rK .. •
rlir. Fall Clair unloetied a car of : Stewart,, spend the Eastertide with r. i5 BCl s; hgrge: �
Last Sundav a large congregation : fertilizer in- Lucknow for the fatmerer Mrs. Forguasons niether, Mrs. stow.; aG are.A elit,3 fol'.
• �'airt, of Winghstnc
. S''AT, atttnded the Easter aervlce' in t;