HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-04-21, Page 7JjUAWAT. ArWL 00. Or- , wnow r"W"01 ""d kertaRss of Bf`eatk !fits, J. Q Caffisg, Boasie }noon Xaaek oketuks, Alta., writ".-- "Abort tbrro yeata. ago I kad a caer- vowt berakdown followed by heart palpitation asd t.kortsem of breatk. I could ae:t statin ilea least bit of uait!"west tor kurry in delag my work. dart had to be quiet Is, everrtkisg T wvs doing. At latst I deckled to Colic M ,.-.lo, . L9 i'At:s SKVKW -- .T - ---M—e'= -- •....at#Ii1'sip.�nittiiittlttsRLS..MIA.IiNnisrNr .�i,b�, "Him- ,t� .+ Sunda► c ternoon .�_._._. I ; Notcs of Interest Reproduced From Star Flies of TAvent)° IS�tB&L �',�I�[I�TdN, Goer ��c�c, tett. I Five and'Twenty Years A9u 'sir.+n+M..iastaswetiiatisserrattr�>t�tia.srtwaidttstRr<atre�twsreetrrtetase aiwrww c : Yield not to temptation, for yialding [ doorkeeper, cess allowed to cuter the okliftit J. T. Carrie and respandtatl to t is sin; lij )*,g iriet;t'3 palati: tatkttltc Pdt4er . Tt�E,'CTY•iXCI: YF#R»3 A,"',. b' peeve M. '!. Melaan. So&ferth, Each victory will help you some other*with him. John pressed M towards (From The Goderkh StLr of ,Is, t, .it, vtwa•t well received and wortkily Ivais• Ytis� the elevated part of the hall in xkuk 1HOi;) ed. "Th `'rtunty lk'lirials," pcollueea Fight manfully onward.- Clark piss:ani Christ was 1°tandinrt tout Peter stood A Urid[re Tkat '1>Eas Not 1111}1t by liwrve Bailie. of Rest 1i4awauuQh, p AIM od V=Aa" smut. back. Ile wanted to witness the trial A derutatimi titling; the Vourt wax acknAmledtted by frown Attorney 4 Nook ever to Jesus -He will carry sou but he yeas afraid far his otwn safety Iiouso wai#ed on the County coun+rll eager, atul "'41ur. 3ianufaeturers." toT through. so stayed in the back with the ser- Wednesday afternoon to ergo on that }proposed by (`auneillor II. 11. ileckett, Shun evil companions; bad language vante. He did not, however. etwcape T"dv the necestim of bulhl'nle a yeas well nes onded to by Comnlis-> disdain;SE ORANOR, recognition. One of the maids. look- bridge oyer the 1laitland. b ;;.cert sinner b'. 14" IMty, r �� Q ing at the stranger, r, knew she had r both ycentlenten Gods name hold in reverence, nor Ball's and Polmgville, ALaut tweit- litaeakinit hopefully of the tututa a! li PBX onto �(; ta>t #>lim>ixy yQli 1L>�4S g1Vlr1ig seen him before and said to him, lty gentlemen addre.:aed the council, t:oderich. "Scots What H.c'' ,Ya '; take it in vain: "Thou also wast with Jesus .of ?�az- " To himthat o°ercameth Gacl i;ivoth a are#h:' On hearing this Peter den. and at the conclusion of Cho interview ]duritr by Sheriff Rcynolda, stud Out- th�tlri the beat tea- YOUcanbuy. grown- , sir. Holt moved, taeconcied by Mr. Con. aide Municipalities" gave County w �I I - .« ,..w..«.. Y._ e.. Cigar_ Through ixith we Ehall conquer, led, saying, I know not. neither tun' telon, that the council proceed in A t,lerk Lane a chance fur good nxttrr• I 11 i,°kednesh uoi;," :it• y yd• ,1 r" - I : y., °4 b .. t. the cigar= though often cast down. derstsndest I what thou :;ayes`.: Wy to the propo,ted site to view it, ed rhatl! in prnuosrng, and Dr. Erwin, too, if it had to deptnd tilt ti c.::: +tio,, .sr t :.,. c. , t :, s t4: € s:taw s++ Horatio Palmer. This was a falsehood on Peter's, part, but the motion was lost on the follow- reeve of 1i inthau1, made a neat and late. ww it. and, knowing it to be so, he became: ing vote: Ayes- '.&'A telon. Connolly, happy response. "The Pleas' was � 1' PRAYER embarrassed no doubt, and, f- hide Holt, C'hamberit, Laniont, 1s eLvan --u. proposed in eulogistic terms by P.:�,� .,= * """ "-`"'-"""""" ""�"•� * bis confusion Froin attracting further ��" S'4"e thank Thee,. our Heavenly ;days•• --Bowman: I[i11Rr, Kerr, I.�tek- Inspector Tatn.• and a£knawletdgecl by 1 I: Father, that there Is a power greater Atentian to hint, he left the tine and harts :RPadkmaa, Ferguson, Hass and the ,local editors. VCauncillor t1r than any human power which is ours Went, out tato the`poreh. hoping to be fllcks-8. Macklin most effectively urgm the far the taking. By the in -dwelling unobserved there. Then the co.k crew „ claims of "aur Charitable In,titu ettitd after taking one box T was sleep Spirit we are kept throuirh faith in put evidently that did not startle (From the Gad£ �2ch �tar of Feb...lst, tions" and Assessor �lTm. Canll�bell 'sig better at night, and also hal }ng Him who the us; kept front yield- Peter. NVhile out there another maid 'spoke of the to Officials," bring• I Kd.til'ieulty in brtathi'ag: T eon• ing to the tem ter and thus made recognized bilk, and said to those Founder of Baran and Hrut:e Co: 1 Ing the program to n close in A Most rd with tbo rcmcde until T had mora than comnuerors. To Him rya around about, "Thea fellow wa:1 al,o • Died in 1"2 I tigi•: cable manner. Reeve, McLean ' taken eight boxes. I• was putting on ascribe all honor and glory, Amen. with Jesus of Nazareth:' On Tuesday manning 1►fr, Horace pxoj�ased the health of she Mayor. Bask, eating and ettjoyin mP mrais ` In Luke (22:58), we read how that Horton, ex -31. P. for Centre. Huron, and the speakers throughout th,• , H S. S. LESSON FOR MAY ist, 1927 n. »tan standing by also said to him, one of our oldest inhabitants and one ovoing made hearty aclenowledgment c . letter, while any heart both£rett nig Lesson Title --Peter's J)emal and. very little, iu Fyfe#, hardly rter." Repentance. 1"">'hau art also of them." lie dtrnied,of the best known ,non acs Huron, pas- 0f His Worship's kindness In extend• . Mill)urn's Iicart and Near Pitts Lesson Passa e--1t;axk i14: 53, s,4, both to the woman and to thf- Manx, sed away -full of years, and honors, • !jig the pleasant hospital}ties. t S - and this time .with an oatb, that lie aged 79 years. Mr. Horton was the � _ � xegulatte and stimulate the hrart and 66.71; Luke 22: 61, 62, knew Jesus. About an hour after• promoter of the Huron and Bruce BE CUS .4 ard strengthen and restore the whole ner- Golden Tela -•1 Car. 10:12. •wards he re-entered the main build- Loan and Investment Co. and front, e "us system. After the observance of the Pass- � ing ,And t}rev that stood by said again the day e f its formation until four :_ _ (Coc,tttinuedl •ton, page, u) _ , I I . S a q, Milburnrs Mcart and Nervo Tills ever and the institution of the Lords , to him. Surely thou art ons, of weeks 6fore death .came he managed ,t -.- but the rankest mutineer of the ora OOc. a box at all druggists and ,Supper Jesus and his disciples went i them, far thou art Galitean, and its business successfully. He was a lot'? 'Besides, it's quite likely that , dealers, or imited direct on rceaipt of into the Mount of Olives. On the ,thy Speech agreeth ,.hereto. It `I- member of the town council for many Lejaune won't be there. Iles brave ; Price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited,. way there Jesus said to them, 'All ye 1 probate o the Galilea,la were d yearn and• wag elected mayor by ll - p shall be offended because of tite this ,inguished for some neculiarity of popular vote for the years 18?2, 73 show. I but t, d like to survive the a . V0 I ? � 1 Toronto, Gat. show. In fact, he intends to be the , .. ,.�. �:•,�--.�---..------••----••--•- night." Peter said to him, "Although pronunciation, nerbaps some peculiar and 7d, and occupied the in4yor s • all shall be offended; yet -will not i," c0arsoness in their manner of speak -,chair for several years at a later per- 'sol, ,)opsurvivor,X should say." -� "` '~ '�"" `� Jesus said unto, him, "Verily I sa • un- inn•. that distinguished them front the °p t X.i ops asthoughrth we've simply got! ,bb " to thee, that -this day, even Ili this refinement of the city of Jerusalem. ed before the ppolntmelttof a county, l-r1R,-oDa iledtit T cio"i�repled A.M-bI said. ael ^1• I y . t 4 soma n night, before the cock eTor� twice, When thus addressed 'Peter becanzp ice magistrate his magisterial duties ,.�,tlt certainly going 'hald•h£aded far r� p thou shalt deny my thrice, Peter (mores irritated than ever and he added were many and always, efficiently per -t ,••.,.-� ^ ,,. I . Q $Poise��;t p snake the more vehemently, "If .I"ta the sin of druial that of cumin formed, In 1874 his name was placed,nn�•one who goes for me, but It'll not ,c - � •P I ,.v before a Reform convention as a Horn gnlng to loin any mutineers, nor• cam-' .,•- :N �Ip�r - I00 {p thea lin am with se." Likewise also said eo kse evlithe second°atimethe Luke inee for the riding of ,Centre Huron. nl�t. any. murders.' t - :� Idtllk SBItiFe „ f :von: are yon, he added, a,, X r t, i i ,� . w-?! " ! the all. Some hours afterwards �sa s in this comitectio>t that the He occu ied the seat for one parlia- __ _ . ---•- -•'� who these disciples saw the mob, X.ord tuxned, and looked upon.Pcter: rtletlt, and was ad;afn ele£ted de.fyta £d z"lunily out into the desert. ��»- Maritreta.t Street , tt- I 'Rt hat is to be done then'?". I Itsk,+d, ,� ='.: .^- I-,` " 1s, . Just off ilio Square lead by Judas, apprehend, Jesus they and .Peter Temezpb'~xed .the wort, o£ ing our, at that time, well known Citi- � ,,...-^"' 1' 9 all forsook him and fled, At least l the Yard. haw, he had s-a1d' .unto 'him, zen, the late Samuel Platt, bu" te- once a gin. �� ^.s,.4 two of them, John and Peter, o}lowed! "Before the coclt crow, thou shalt ole- Signed after sitting and session in Not I tell gnu, lepeatet} I .. , $6VglCiti: EiRS� CLASS-*HTOS-1E,liiY� bim-anct Joiiw.-'Lein n -the- s-thtz�'••--Peter-went.-but--anct-�tror"of"Sir`Mcbn�--4artwright;-wIlrr 3licitar'l�,__'_lin'�e_go to `Jun{t ltrt}t : a FOR SERVICE -OFT YOU ANYWHERE • ---- rve t bitter, Jesus and Peter were had suffered defeat in Lennox.' Al- when we do �ulnp," as fluclTy sFti=s; t , AND WH N YOU WANT TOGS C THERE p y' but we can only wait an event+t and ? i 1 , "in Cho same r"ala--:Tess i at the upper though '.tZt. Horton afterwards occu- •1lurtsea Meet all traitis wap $ofe SpetedMIN lJref end of the hall. and Peter in the ser- pied the mayor's chair and took an do what's best, As they arise. Aletua- I. .11 p i ,�e . while, let'. hold polite conver4e 'With pp Passenger goats �' ve4dactm Vint's part, . Varnes in, los common- active part its. forwarding thin' towns . „ i + i Neuralgia Cary says:• B a tender and coir ,as- interests, he ttevcr again solicited par-. the merry Schwartz. Cotne on. EI PsesenRecscalled for Cwt goy, f stop Your "htumYtism zionate lore. � single glance of Ithe lianientary honors at the hands of his And we g0t up And strolled t`truu It r f .. part of the town for all Gelid tdx sir��qaerot�strtd+l tar • v0. il+Q injutr,l Saviour btrorga» to friends. and, though it was thought the .Starlit darkness to the Folt. trains aR Q. TAI. or G. P. R Tmnpkt„rt►.Tar*4to, Sec Ord . I supiiose rye can take it that Ser- t 1. epola -� tt bort�.st your. drvrairt•s, ,remembrance •all Peters pxoniNbs, his he might have obtained a. senatorship 1 .�,���t�,,s own predictions, and the great guilt had he desired, he .never sought ouch giant Dupre itmows all About the ° 1 Prompt f`r"vice -and N1a�iW, ' R,I.YIA/tY19 - 0f the disci le he overwhelmed him an i paintment. B plat'?" I said, As we passed into the M•...j IF. ... n , p , stifling. court -yard. , Careful Attendances' r_.,_ with the remembrance ofthis awful (Front The Goderich Star of ?March ' ,cbo doubt of !t." repli£d.:liirltat�l.' I'll �f Sin. and pierced his heart through - 21st 1902) V view , . arab' . - , "I ant inclined to think Lejaune would � is ver and tiaelc 'Service `�"- witl, many sorrows. The conscious - our Ll y Hess of deep and awful' guilt rushed Golf Club ilk 1902. , ^� try to .keep a nice .cantpact 'loyal• . � t � . '? . will be found up-to-date Jr I+� , At a meeting held Thuradily,,even- party ,to deal with the mlitine>'rR, and . • Tfos aver Pct ms soot; he Sew f>allt,:tile. f Its evCrY respect., palad e, event Alone in the darkness ing last in the rooms over. the Bank hope they cl be like -the Tt ill.ellnyd cats, I 0 of Canrmerce, the Goderich Gulf Club -mutually destruetive. Stay. Tie �' p, �. ei►64 "ltwt'K `q of the night, and wept bitterly: ur Pa conn Solicited _ $ This .lain© Commentator says: was reorganized for the season of pre, Boldini, and five or six. iHtN4cn1- j % , Yq # 1902, and officers elected as follows : nair•es. . . Some of whom wrillld Ire ' h"®'� The #all. of Peter`is one of the ntgst � i . T. ��' , ,� 10.4 r • 0 ° melancholy instance's of -depravity, Zion. pros., Han, J. T. Garrow; ,tan. killed in the-4ran.. . .Of equrse', 0110,1 �► sir of t * 'a' ever Caminittecl in our world. But a vice rres.l A. C. hunter; res., tiV, 1V, 'doesn't know Whitt his plans real l,, i . . phone' 1p7 Mort r 0 •s «,. . - - :-.-:_.,- • tittle_ while-hefare-so':confident•..seat _ria£Vicar; vice }fres.. lialcolm IVIG ate ; exe£pt 'that he arenas to get, n , e at the table. of the Lord; iistih Donald;�str.'tias:, vtrnt 1Vtttith;"dinttiot7d, ai,t:of kudwrs, nl*d-:t Tlice ^-^ '• *' t i executive cow., thy.. officers, P. Itiely, little vengeance on Itis would, be inu� . - ----^ -~ -~ �--^ ^— guiclied, throughout the ministry of ..,.. ­� �. s J..Garro* and.C. H. Day. derers. , ; l _�•..., Chxist, tvitki neculiar •favors; _caution- • 1. r _.••-•--•- '` ed against this very titin' A Deputation to i. A barrack -room toomf` IA �- . s we entered the ba I ,__ g; yet so we .saw that. a committee -+nee ntg.1, : �« S ) � r . , „� �' sons denying Clint forgetting ;,leis C)n Tuesday last Mahar Caitteron tt 't her" art was in s m,lion. I , � \�• ` -' .. { .4A' 4 promises, and profanely calling on: and Capt,, A.P- TAL McGregor left far the bur n y ..�..�,.••• 1� .; ti , . • •. ' s fie t ,t i _ ^a They stared in hostile 'fashion at : �*� +t,,, • t �73, ... '_ {ztid t0 tvttness what he knerv:r tai he (JttarriaY,.:to ,be iainetl-on the was rladvit hsicha£1 and tna as w£ went tit .�:i: ? 4' t °'� eta • f_'.•. £..; 1.r false; that'he did not know•him! 'Y`et by Mr. S,•A..McQaw, as the Giric lie is and out our cleaning-rros', � , • ► .----.,-:; . -•+ ay -_-rte ii while we, wee over Peter's .fall and' utation to interview the Government. co v 4' �'r ft. - .- Iseek not to. weep his'' a lute, 4rve At a s eclat me tin of Cite council on from the little bags. 1( ` �" .I', - tsho ld.dra,v f om it.im ot+talt roc i- ATondaY afternoon moan the- deputatit>n X' Rat down On ]ny'brcl and t)eaaan * y . .-.ser t•�,y / ate• ° s, } 4 Im ;_�.. . u p n p 4 t melting wax on to. my belt anll nou- -x�� ,-., chi uses such.as. (1) The danger were instructed regarding the inert• y re oratory to aiatlaual c l:tlr)rs.' may. �* � � *,' of self-corfldence; :`Xie.:char thinly- tens to'be. presented.. Ther rv.re the che•, p p , g Clef• M. ` . r t l i , - 1.t eth he standQth should. take.haecl lest construction 0f"stn outside brealtwatrr The conspirator% heads drew to- .- „ e gether again: , , ; ire fail."- (2) Thin highest favors, to card the harbor entrance the Ful '' VC,� ! '"'Caita&,' iVlichacl went. Over to entero tlic•r Ra r r i,, the most exalted pzivileges, do not a fillment. of the Government's »romisc IVARNISH • g . « u come nd .of t.w i>> 1tIE . Tvliitard's• is theener. •• of l ; cure us from the danger of falba ]n-, to build an artnarv.here: antl•also to were grouped. at the e , .y! Yogi see -it everywhere' ,the to sin. (3) When a man bLgina to discuss with Mr. W`AIa%vrit;ht of the Have yo with ,,,out- atn:.wer, all rlteurriatictrds.t 1 h to's question X Asked yogi about slime ; .,Rub it In thoraugbl l 1)d•riiy gray, enameled. aware sin, his fall from ane act to .another• 0. T': R rvl)n was to i,,: ,in Ottawa, the rochons °d" growled. Schwartz, scowl • g .often., - i that F�e11s'Yo. g ser+vi-ce and is easy perhaps almost certain. (41 . airrGenicnt for the erection' of a new ing at 'him:. a ,, ° . re ofd-fashionid satisfaction. True .repentance. is deep, ••thaxoul,Ii, T,ntwev station. hern, It was. u.tdet "I hdiye come with s0nre nc+ws'about °' ,/f . •It eases the Paiait", s +dr bitter, (fi) A. took, from, .iesuacJ-a st0ad t�1r, tt0oer4, of I{int;stam wouicl „ � e' ,, d(la : 'flus splendid kitchen 'wAres a o0ehon, m friend, rrptieii' 1ii.h» , a the joints. puts r{tw•..t'e p look- of ,mingled. affection, pitv,,,and jniit ilio disputation in urging the411:1 into. the tissues. SidIP Peat, iatameled.Wats o. reproof--pxoduces bitter sorxnry fvr breakwater mailer on behalf of the ae. ,., r . defies wear and tear .guod its slay . 4 Elevator Co. Alf a dpzi;l Hairs of eyes glw c d . 11 . Hub it ill s3 at him, and I strolled over. So did . surface,. like all SMP9nam.elecl „4VOXtX.D 1�1i�bI TS l . T -YEARS AG,(3 S An xe from ills•: cat. ,,rust tbem Iilrtt't tlri111: l,ctiiu,+, trial elt:tir l+r' t;il+lt• 1.: �'Ware,Apnali Bhoele_ tted-far--Vear.i been. _ ... t, grown, t1+,, -.11:1.1,in, t„r• til"t ilia, • 11-t'; t;ltaI !. t'lt is so'elain�-smoodrand - From The o ench Star of :Januau bfarls and Cordrer entexCAI, . ani I - a clean it harbottt ns, s or fasted as the bast .wrestler ,n all the 11th, 190'r). y beckoned to Chola. ulu't t.,'n<iun it t�t the attic 1t', a , d.`.' sit;.: • fries.' ' resign round hrs home inrindia; bout. y t , "He knows all about it," Said. 4lica- tc•r tt;'nl lw it cirri' it, !hi. l e t,il , it to, r :.''`t • tunpur news of far greater events than Water and, Licrht nepartmen v lout tt » . You need po steet woos or ai' wrestling maitehes .reached NimWnton, Vndetf •C;ommission in 1907 gel'I. be continued `itis srl,i.h :�;;via ,std i};itt 1 i • lr ~r deaasarto keep SmtPPeart re Alto even•rng the village teacher The bylaw to create A �Vatcr atnd.. r (T •-- — ) 1:irt• g1t,1v c, wi- attire• -with l vs,., mg life, t ail ' rtgcle A. sAdhotwater brought his weekly newspaper to the . . parkli SO°P . Light -Commission carried tsy'a large TChe*+ the md+rks inherit thn tnrtll' ac,ldn,- do the trick in a its!'- Uwe in . Ivillage square and read how the Engel majority: and, the trv0 men chosen, rvho will there be to make then) lu curry �glish SSrkar,had entered. the Worl ,, every yew Irawtdy sit aid a%xe Mesi ms. Murney and Doty, lod' in that out the ashes:., b an old is. 1Var, Soon `A paji enlisted 'and ryas _ 1'tru`lf fisc) it iu,rinritin, xvc,rt:-,y:tnrl 4ttr�,ri<- Y p race by big figures,.. I itw1 e,i!•r'; rr•t+ti wtaitl a ndl r:ti'tti*,ll at a ,itw tit•, « dustry, sent to t}ie front. Afteic tea Years (From The.Goderich Stal; of Ttelt. T, Ngwadays a pant i,ul has to wx)tk wq.' , E+ '-- s5t+t,erltfsrxihacuctiCa--"tai" he was, home and was re eric ..to fret ahead and then site ,~rets it stroke. M.al11,;;,ul%• Ught t,yak all% -;h; itA. su urn sss . try . with ) ceived by his village people i docked. Yom false '.. ,ll1,t lit -11,I) it (111 :u1d1 tltc• w1labl)y U S•9 • ><dryxrateer rottoirtxr itiraNrriw imnzh pylae. They had been Proud. of Jackson 6mpan. Started in Goderich �..., ,r» _ ]tnlaoavrgx vaxcovveac eA—If i li' ,, • tarni,he•d1 sort icv. tal,,vs un all- d,f it, i•ri¢ i.t 11 'thc,wrestlertbut•Iler pride in the war After some delay incurred in the+ hero watt fart deepen: He was de- installation of their electric power .' :-- nd;ti1,•wlcsb find: lyd tttrtc. . SMP tiebted to find his bay Jay:tvatnl, had service. the Jackson Company cam-� �•. HYDRO. -ELECTRIC � zst �limshed at the village school and on :menced work last S't'edne.9day in'th& : . f`crhal„ the womdrvt,rlc 1,f vour hl,11le lived.,; ,•' :t`1. I - the recommendation of the _teacher factory on Kingston St., with a staff .. . ' frr,,hcl141g• tilt. Ur_ sax lsci_tl)r' fludlr9 ur r_sadly ` M. PEOP,�•S 1010 g , �r�, the father, in spite of Cite oppos'1tion of twenty hands,. ' F 11 of all his famll ,sent ills son to Cha avcar niark< ci �c c u h:lt 11 warndd rful cltuit91* Y I Mayor Elliott Entertained '�t:n F'arni-h :'tt;ii+r ~lilt +r„di:ic crit tht,r 'I - w. ____ \�/ Chinchore, mission, school. At first 1 1 1t► s► till seemed strange to the shy Al.r- • Last. Friday evening the nielubrl a nth 'bo Hit dearest ambition was of the county council, county olliciaiti face-;. 6atchus cliff <ti�;t11i1c;er.l,tnr:rtii }'+,lir y and members of the town council, sat bruolt and that dlnlld dl dittl;a. finl,ll �Vil 11V • y ,_.• to ice a great wrestler I}ke itis father, down .to an excellent dinner in the replayed 4% . ,:1•lt:t-. -.o', v-1,, =---Z--=== 1,rikhtnd �,, • =- __ - so he watt soon a leader in the. mat. m "" "' ."--' rhes: His mind was keen, too, and Bedford hotel, as the guests of May- • the did well at his -lessons: or Elliott, who had invited the.com�� � , "talo d;tit vt Slin Vaud -h :Matti at an% Call; Ala M u r Water limed. bodies to inset fora sa£ial , ]'.tint <lc filer'-- , t, t1 ",a _ In the beginning Jayavant didn't evening. The menu was up ta, the' '� 't"re. l +ttytilt 1f.,1t I$(. il' to, know what to make -of the pervica in high standard of the Bedford sprc:a.ls, the wr,rls ydnt },iarc ut rluliil. I lr'll l,c f;l:ltl t++ . ;.. 9 Cleans ,Kidneys, the church but he liked the Anging. and the largCrompnny did full justice � (,xl,l;tits t*Ci t(`il'11 Merit, ,1f thi, ulau•rrlttnl l l_r- ---� 6 +and gradually came to undcrstanil to it, H% Worship occupied the - and enter into meChrto under -Atworohip, p beautiftil renviver. t+f old and ♦,orn bnif:tt'i •. 1 — SVhen he went home he hail many chair, and when they customary loyal rrC>FtllwCn•Vp w-► ; 3 ;.Take 4 Little Salts if Your asok�'Whenohe to ask his father, Xny, toast of rhe Tong hada been duly with . Write f„r our beautifully ithi-trlttvil' fri-e c, lar Hurts, or gladder is father said to him. "I hear that Chrls� honored, Dr, Holmes, C'orinty Treasur- Troubling You itiara sav that all men are brothers. er. was asked -.,ta propose the toast i lirrirlc hntt•iril; nd tt(iti t : (. Study their Scrintures well and tell The Empire, ,wbieli was responder cdolilr 01otcas: of lir, elf 3 {' , "'"" ' inH :,11 you learn.,, to in eloquent terms by Reeve Tilos, yl,,,,,tto,t i. 1rt ntrd llt,fttr`. irr .l;tticic+ 1, r+�t ,' i., ar ,,,. �'n in. nr .tc ntn::t1 can tn:tke, a, mis- • Three years passed and he was still ',•l.xe:ntry," , of sed b t. Them "Our vt l� °' f }:+tit lit selecting, dc+l,rr ee k �11 �%�. t lye In. :'t'•ililtt; tale l:idlicis occasion- in the mission School. A movement •ountry, 'proposed by Reeve. F asei. with the joie. of r' of Grey, was responded to by Reeve froth >a<tiat Itlavdw. l 4chrriil,� fdii• tlii� itltCrr„r , `', t ,I/, IV” o, Cd0�{ TleciriCity ,. :::, chit -+:noun atithority. Tat- ryas topiary place among tha alder of or t Ctcritrr v . in ton +Host] rich food creates adds. boys. taster was approsebing, and thatec�ritu capturedtheilistenNrgll speech f },>ttt ticrtt,r: \ j 'VS�"h b EWtricit After lirrary Moat (l. r w u t:t nt e r c„t t t;, Y y . , trtrt'ic;i rvri:r the kiflriC3 rra;111eyCtr£gtEtg• lwhntcantdd�tb 3oin thr cltutrn ti tJey Red, White and Ilius” sonic by sheriff' ' � ' «1 _w _ T �Cran by Elecirletty a:crt irtcdl 'from tt e . t? Reynolds, the party jdrining in the :idfidre v. % he t ;tn;l<fia ri:i, :nld i:ail to filter the wa,te and l avant and his. most intimate fricntl,, chorus, sante in most Appropriately, cxu M , ' "" 1':tint ''Co. X,irllitd Q. "r e/ilrlA�ia PAINT �,'Q it +%Ix, CLTANw ria�ons frt -.it the blodd. Then we Ret l `71tha1, were members of it. . ,. , , ,� , , and then Our (3ountry, propo.;ed I)y �. , . Williatq trCr_t tt„sitrr:dl, 1 'Ick. I.ileunratWn, headaclics. liner Jayavant wan his fathers :alt and :-- - ----- z .• - b�;;•-, . 119110%' tro :bre, ncrvous>reeC, dizrintss, steep- shared "to the full his Love fur his . ' Cheaper f1t11xi or Wood lei acsa .std urinary disorders often Motherland. This only deepened hies +ieS�lCk cable iron ent 3,sh feetteys. d came �{, C NAd1AN NATIONAL �'1f. ° - 00 4* �` ` ” love for. Christ, whom he ba ""--'• �1n Elzetrictacarumlratt�►x `I'lrc marnent you feel a dull acted in tri lank upon 'as the only possible - tits tadneys, or hoar back ilurts, or if Savfnur'of his d7nuntry. But th0 dib-, �4itliattt ;3alvrts or Cutting 't" removas iltte dttst�'; a bxadrn tlrr urine is cloudy, offtnsfit:e. felt of starles its the bdry`s way to making a Tbousands who have ,tiles don't �� ��� a �a�� 1 , just mgtrts the dust. srdinlrnt, irregular of limsage or at- rprofession of bis faith in Christ, were 55 tended by a sensation of scalding, begin stairrtering. If he were baptized he know that quirk and loerntanen� rdlie d r drinking a quart of water each dray. would in an outcast. IIiR retativra earl be accomplished with Into nal >na11y except l<lundsty ' Vf1 4. f ad S ilia• . asi>idsainr•. uta stti ag, or.sny.1J6rA ar k,0f t.tVn. ,rant?i*t tell .,fFi Off at, an.. 1 •w, Il roti. , �. , , . j r. ,.�lnttxutite:-'it•ll,,Ry also stet about four dl,tacevv 3 Lamps for 1.500 tryouts. front any pharmacy; take a,tables jn• tauuld reyrar8 him xs a txafftoP to the treatment with ointments and suppas- " c ` rot t family name. It seeined to him that itortes will not remove the Cxuse. t,llntott f� •� a.rn. ,r� p.tit:" Walk its and fief the ciitl(llay at fol in a getass of vatcr beforo breakfast, c . cafttalt bat t (till. '1.1.2 l ns, and }ll a few days your kidneys mat iact,,it meant pullintr his life up sty the, Bad circulation causes piles. There ., , . ) 1 rootq, It would be easier to din. is stagnation of binad circulation in 'tliteh[sll '7.1t# stat. 3. i 1r.ui.> �ry PAINT PRODUCT ae fine, he 6Afd to Vithal. the son of tbn lio}v ',t 1 7..i[1 da tut 4.I() la.ttt. "� 1 I 'hetH d S illis fgraes "stl(g le made from tht ,mall, "Yee," "that replied. "it the Tower bowel and s nbardtfo; nd " , t keit; ���"' { ,���"'111111!l11��""11t I ltrid *+f araPd;s at+d lemon juice, cdmt- would br rasirr, but we aren't here the parts. Dr. J.'"+. T:eanhardt found 1jite•Ilerter �.`?tl ad ul. :t.`t) p.m: ___T---_ -=--• bilked, with lith, and has been need tile -remedy and called his preseriptid.n t;l.t;1l)Il .4:i a tic. ."i.;}i711 U, : , p for years to iltreh :tad stimulate the to take the +racy crag. We tnugt lir III:M•XtOXD:, Dr. Pl,eonhaxdt tried It /%� � ,t<J f � Jii'CiifE'!"rf`t7' i�d�lFiCillxQr~daS -- - ----- kidne s• oleo to fielp nrutratixdY the lava, to aur 'Alastor anti to our DtBth- in many, many cares with a marvel« �� Tdradiutdir 1G.1G tt nt. 7.:it1 to tit %� yt • . �...... - nuts net ord that IXT iX.RC)TI; is now Retilt nitig Lefty © ` oio- 3ttto C,.d.a ami., , if%�p'%iait 40to iC�t�1O°'/`7i ins i'i�fllfG`,t� wo acids in the eystttth so they no loitictr rrtawnd. (India on The Marelt) chase irrttatidxt, thus often relitvitwg Tltn boil-tholrlor I*""#%n •a t}1"t he sold by druggists everywhere under Sw :/ p It -nit ttt►el floo Grr lt,taw aw 1 1, bladder rvtskness• make; a, has burned ten tons of coal acid carr a rigid money -back guarantee. Parlor Cafe Car, Gdtd�rieh to V. ; ( mow �, BY vat � ARwit't",ia ohs i ad :-alta is intxpens,ve; ,... k dltf�iglttfal.efftfVtwettt litbax=water drink "riecl out trvAlvN farts of .,�1t•+ tautxide applications. . Get a imt,k;aiX a .i -.dl on 05gl1 tm. train Toronto, Ia � r which ereriant ehaild take. ttnry and day. �It, has) fro ctuiek and Is, -tint 6, I•, I:atch od li 1k o Tors Fo R. ILL K tken active help keret the Date, clean o f relief to hall given and �hauld a1:t tin lwelrwtt I aesge[tttrr and Tickets rlgextw ' of TII' 1X•RUIIi fxtart.xny druggist is,- 'Thtauglt roach t,oderach ta'Toranta tbn 440" ""O hears surd ad tivt and the. i ki pare, thereby ;; y " Life often avoiding eCitetitt kidnry complies• re of ... .mow........•,.. .. .. ........--,"'i ... A „ ..0, ,J,.i�1,..., °attmr #'ear you........,... I.....,., �1.�.....p..,t. .....-,.,.,.......,,..,,...,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,......... . . r L/Cra�1 Rr� .�.._ ONTARIO twos .., .`t'�"� k s . • .