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The Goderich Star, 1927-04-21, Page 5
! �_. _ .. .9, I R. • ; in, Lk r A—io `APRIL 2181, 1927 TH16 GODERM STS PAGE FIV2 ,,,.,.,,,.,.,,,,,..M". _.. _ _ ._ _ - - - - ...---. .��. s �.. Y -ter+-. .....�-Y .�,� -�. - � 1'fe wttrnibership, and also far the" r COMPLETE NL STS OF C purl: and th,v:rr.. �+ YOU r ��t + r*}� �# '* 11tt('ar� lent•. then :rr�cd ilial n aw:ial AR,G ,L �><.% i✓ ONSID,1�'r�i,f; Qot Up VM` 1t c i,' H01.1V 14OMNN'E LVAGUR i Gay e etWnS Vl a tke bsu-k begiaw to aelse evil HAD P1R08P)1'1MICS YXARta Prat Toget Crea. p4in it is ar stare sigli 1kat tiwre its t � hat the � 'Allol'c Wvincn's hearses" I Ne W*ndow *Drapes ► something wrong reit tht kidae.s• has, camyk•ted a tear of ravc"fatl: JUST INr -- & 1ek, ra lfut lir Pillsel Dire relief to irrinu l n wasgsheld at them vixth ' THIS SPRING ? " weak, plaiafatt and ar?iiag bark#, rnnual ttaeet9n held IaFt weairncday � ,L j SPRING Mrs.Roy lale[via, Vpper %QW%tcw,k, evenin(r. Apr'1 13th, which wil-1 kt- a N.R., write * Nif cox ki 1p. reruia• #ended by a esioxgoodly number t £ nrent- p *ARE.E SEE OUR DISPLAY Ia meati ))nalr'la Rillae;r Tilts, bers. The tr,•cau r, )liras r. M. a'-; IF C)[1 WILL $ PLEASED TO SHOW YC7�t 'I 1 if-: !'fit, �' 1 I sulrere.l for yearit with a dull. Neil, reperted that a i"ubatantial punt , aaaty beekarh•, went to bed, with it had been rr.iaed durinlc the trait year.' PLAIN SILK NETS _' ands of u witk it and tilt only � STORE, tl P r Her rehens e r sew of e' a yeti l ,..,_ FANCY ILK NffS relief I could apt was to lean Lark, eauip,•ehensiivc review of the I �agaa,► t arttimt something hard• netivitiet for each month dug sr• the! i T Only used Due box alta part of yc u; Thi, rep„rt wax pre;raa 1 Iry FANCY ' " NETS # y 'PHONE '90 another when I got relief, and Row firs. F. L. )jean. wid tcstifstd, ! a not feel 1_ike a new woman. small men, to the, dntea,st (and1 FINE MARQUISETTE T have 'four little girls, do all R.v zeal shown by the membem In the r _. . -A. R-- .. ..,.._ _ .... - ......._ _ .-.. _._...__ arca work on a large fares besido DOTTED g ► various t!larts +which resulted in such�L REI • WESTFI)� LD goes out to Mr. and �strs. )Tarry � C`ook two stent to work tor,'' a creditable showing. and thud err. i N t Miss Grace Redmond, of Goderieh, and family in the loss of their nine Peee W. a box at abled them to give a ready and gen. ' p months -old daughter and sister, who erous response to the many d.•nle.nd; _ R t so)" Ment 4 5Q -)bell sun fast is home for the M1acatiol}. - r died on Friday horning in Wingliam all dealers, or a�ailnll made unon them. I Qx Side riJIRpCS t4 &�G� a splendid I)SSM ` Miss H*iel Pette, of Blyth, is visit hospital rafter a brief illness. Ser- direct On receipt of Mrs. W. J. Langan presided during � materials lilt plain and striped and two-tone effects. Ing her friend, Mrs. Walter Cook. vice was held on Sunday from the prieo bT The T. Mil• the first start of the meeting and, be -I , Mrs. B. 11. Taylor, of Goderieh, is Westfield United church at 3 p.m., im- burn imited, fore retiring, in sa few words, while �c '; visiting her daughter,, Mrs. Albert mediately following the regular Toronto. CO.,Qn#. commending past efforts. she eneaur-n���� 2tlld SATURDAY i11C offer i'rlcl>< HSICI + 1ncl�heet- Walsh. church service. Messrs. StanleySib• aged a continuance, or, if possible, an . Alias Bertha lapis, of Courtright, is tharpe and t4'm. McDowell sang a _-, - �: increase a#:buck, keeping ever in mind ln�?;s also Circular;Pillow Cottons at Reduced Prices. - visitors; her parents, .Air. and ,11rs. J: very impressive duet entitled, "Look» the motto of the Lca;rue. "For .Goes ., - ing This Way. Rey. Alp had charge lint, house burned to, the ground on and country:' Airs, J, R. Whitely "-"""'-" x _"`�-°"'�='-•-.:,�,_-, �.�,.,,_„Fr_...,..,._ . E. Ellis. of the services. Interment was made Sunday .evening. The fire started lauded the work which. had b^eta ce. _ • t� L s� bliss V. Rutledge, of Auburn, spent from a spark from the chimney lig-lit- comnlished by the Society. After a �,�/n Iry �dnesda ski=d Ti►ru�'"s , -'Ap "tl n[ir 7tsfll. and �G'r 8th the past week mdth her cousin► Mrs, ut th© Union cemetery, Blyth. Ing on the roof. With the help of , a Will Carter. (Froin another corres ondent) the neighbors the contents were sal- hearty vote of thxRo to the retiring , p g officers. Airs. F. Robinson was ap« Miss, Ella Sowerby ds spending the Mrs. RAlker is'visitinl; hex brother, ed' pointed chairman for the .lection a'.' MISS CATH'�'RINE" ` .'NICO ' vacation with lar parents in Code- Mr, T: H. Taylor. The following are spending Easter officers. The following were elected the well known CORS> MERG, will demonstrate the "LPI 'f i R.S FORM" in rich township. Y y 1 vacation at their respective homes: to carry on for the coming year. our Corset De 3ltttxzt IT t. i' ittln a >oizitments can be arcan eel d ' rs. I. Snell, of Blyth, spent Sun- Miss Margaret MacLennan, Misses Spiritual, adviser, Rev. Father Cant. Ia t p Miss Gladys McDowell, of-Hohlles- a with Airs. Joan Cook. Anna, Bessie soil Isabel Aiackenzie, e ville, is spending the Easter vacation Mrs. Bari McKnight spent the all a Toronto; Air, Charles Mature• peau; Past.pres,-.M+•p •W. J. L`nnan� by te.evohonle• - at her home here. pres., Mrs. -J. R. tiirhltely; lst vier ,. ,,,.,;,�,.,,, ..._, week -end with friends at Westfield. ger, of Kitchener; Miss Annie Alae- res,, Mrs: R. J: Phelan; 2nd rice _- _ ::Yr. and ,Jfrs. Jain Campbell anti Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mason, of Blyth, Donald, of unlo bliss Bessie p THE rhildien, of Aylmer, are 'vlsitinl; pres., Mrs. P. of Baechlee 3rd vlr. PHONE visited Mr, and Mrs. Walter Mason Crani, of l,eeb rn; pair. Harry l'i'cit, .pees„ Mrs. J. FOdey: ret, see., Afrs, V. p.'�s�.•i I� friends Ili this vicinity. on Sunday, of Stratford; Mr. Duncan MacKay, of L. Dean: corresponding sec., Mra. Tl. i E1 ■ • c Miss. IiRzel. Noble is sp:ndin the ;M1r, and Airs. Robt: Vint and sort, the .G. 0. I., and Miss Lilian Alacken- J, Batchler: trea>>., :firs, 11, M. STORE Easter vacation with her parents, Ala•: of Wingllam, visited Westfield Irlengs xie, of Monticello. O'Brien, councillors, Mrs;. Rnhinson. � • and Mrs. Thomas tioble: on Sunday. ('Intended for last week) Miss Vauf•hau, Mrs, Barrow, :Virs. J: Aidss .:'. Clarke is spendingthe Phelan. The Leas~nr+ has ab•a;,dy .. -11 ..... .. _ .... � ; • Miss Annie Blair, of Brussels,'spent Our teacher, Miss Andrew, spent - 40 Feaster holddays with her mother, Sunday with her parents, Mr, and the week -end tat her home inLucknow, plonred a series of teas and •s lawn the Maintenance and Extension I•'und, tell will bsY sersed. . Mrc. Cl^eke, and sister, :M1rs. ,'4I•arvin 'Mrs, Wm, Blair. socdal to -start trim year's activit :& i Requisite nn 'the. ..farm.--B,vcry McDowell. Mr. Samuel Johnson: of Roo:. Cal- _ who was out of town, cent Iris report, . ' At Elie k'aister siervices held 'dn 1 i.:- farmti and s;toch-raiser should keels 11 F ,c Miss. ' Grace Mason, of Goderich, .lege, took charge of the service, in ANNUAL p � . 0 �' • which was read by the pastor. " to*ia I;t. United church un Sunrise, rt suppl., 6t' lir. `Thomas' F.electric Alt . , z. and .1�2„ R,.:Stonehouso a nd spent the weekend with her sister, ANNL IM FET jYCI F Air, Hamilton. organist. and choir- y ran, Dop,ald, of Gaderich are. Ashfield Presbyterian church on Sun I T :h :1pri1. 17th, seven persons; became on hand, not. only as i read -ern Mrs fi ort c<,' ting uvirs, harry Cook, day. 1 • NORTH: T, 1( Ni P master, spoke of the work being* done meinhers in full cuniniuniun; foul• l+y for ill-.. in t.u. fanldly, but bccaau3c it t ehaus g parents, Mr, and Miss Hazel Potts of Blyth, sent Mr. an Mrs. Alex. McLennan, of CONGREGATION and high praise. was accorded the lrofcrsian of faith and Hire; Ire cer. is, a hrsrsc ;:nal 'taut! tueddelne ui . Mrs. J. N. Campbell, staid other, role- the week -end at the home o bii•.puid Detroit, motored up to Ashfield' on chair. titi�'ate. Srecial music was rsr:idcrcd gl:;!t t p:,tenvy. . sg a :substitutes foi tives. ,airs. Walter Cook. Saturday.and are visiting friends in Reports ref Work'Sbow ;Splendid Re The terms of Messrs. W. Hera, A, ,bv thQ choir mornin anti evening.- sweet oil foie horses und. cattle aaf. Holiday visitors in the home of 'Mr. .,, and Mrs, m 1iA w:!`t a Lochalsg • sults and MucH Eutouragement� . Saunders, J. Dustow and J: Il,. Oral , ' _._ ..._. ��r,_. ,. fe eted by colic it ;far surpasses stn%. - David Carter aro Mr. and Mrs. Frank f i for Futlrrc ham as members of the reG,ion hav-' a . � , H011ynran and: Hiss Dorothy, Blyth, spent Sunda}* with 1VI'r.'arild Mr. Arnold Cowan,.of Tgron+n, and ! - 1 r#:t a vermicide an cxrelhnk'lurptsa tl.in;, Hutt. c�t1 tt :al.uini;;tcrt. . hy, of WAt Mrs. Geon a slow t r rw C a i' - —•- Ing expired they were re-elected un t'o s '1I 1 • Cr •'•?' W 1 . 1:. Ai . Me yn , � ,.., a i n t .., of i(i. tate.. c.aiJ x . . erdown; lir.: and Airs, ,^harles Lock g to t. pay n, of Nety x1.1, a.c . anlmously 'for the on. In s 'soon . Mr. and Airs. C. Lockwood an n vi,Iting their parents, Mr, and.\its. Tac anniinl`lneetingt ttf the coil re- g .it years. termimitor. It iias savecl the It%ea isf' ; -, d, . of Brussels, and 1FMx, Harald d so' Jno, Cowan, at Hemlock C. _ gation of North street 11nited churph The election of members of the linaiti countless children, Jt11f f•it11n ,,,,..z . sill, !TAR Carter, of Duncannon.. of Brussels; Mr. and. Mrs. Hollyma;r _ ryas held lar,. e!•ening, with a wooer at-: of stewards to till the vacancies ow.: and daughter, of Waterdown, anis •AIa ing to expiry of term or death, was ' • •1 The symn;tth, of this community 'MLE tendnnce. and the reports of the work i t •--.._.,.,..�, _„ ,,�,�,"`� and tvlrs. Heg. Carter, of Auburn, . _ spent Sunday with 111r. D, Carter, , af:the vs,rl(tus alrganizations In isle left over for another meeting. 1 Misses Vests, and Annie Tabb visit- congregation wer, all full of. eneonr- Light. refreshments wore servol by: _ i •. u ?r The "death occurred it Winghain til Miss Betty at the parsonage Ogement. The congregation is nink the I,idies Aid, after which the meet. "1014 A Bahbette �il�ft Spon a hospital on Friday last • of Beatrice this week. . • i„a a wonderful record for r;iv�9ng, Ing was dismissed with the benedic- °f 1 � ,% .. .r.. �... .....„p Yvonne, infant daughter :of Mr. and 'Miss Mabel Woods, .our teacher,. is After cleanine un a mortgage indebt• tion. ID t 1 . . . �+ ” a Airs, Harry Cook, after 'a fqw days ..spending her vacation at her home, edness of 69,000 a few irears ago, re- T l � (', r%;ej ythin'�' "in illness of spinal meningitis. The St, Helens. i7airs and imnrov?p,ents to thry church AMONG THE C:HDRCHES' A funeral took ,place from the west- Mrs. E. Nivins has returned to her „rorrty aniourtimc to (,3,500 have Services in Knox. church next Sub- ' MUSIC field church on Sundaiy afternoon. home after spending the winter r4ith . hpen met, eoverinv the new roof send hath morning and, evening. 11 a.m. 6 . Service was conducted.. by file pastor, ilex sister A1rs, Jose h Aic env. the ,clscorat;nn of '•the church: an(l elle. T p f`+�,,r, Rev, Mr. Alp. Four Iittle girls acted ° p C past veer folding A •td ions ave b.>i' h Minister; .7 p,vn.: The ::liliister.. ;� ' Popular .Songs . • . Misses Velma and Oral Finlligati p 1 g p i t h n Sal,bath"School and Bible Classm at . as pallbearers, Misses Florence Blas}, are s endin their vacation with their p 3 o'clock. Margaret .Cook, Hazel McGregor atki " placed !n the basement to savide for . 3 or , I. Q (% . Piorente Nether Little a ' an parents,. Mx and Mrs. Win. Finnigasi, a number of :class'es, the � sunpo: ting• Victoria St: ' ails 'Union' services, 11 . _ __I y M rY d . bnanls in the basement have been ,•e. Gene Cools. acted as idower bearers'. itev, L. C. White motored to Chit- : April 24th: scoria St.; 10 a.m,; placed and•. the whole hasesnent l;'de- Fellalvsbd Interment 'took place 'at Union temp- Kant .this week to spend a few days s- p. meeting; 11 a.m. Wor- ` , Gtr 1 tJYI%$rU%iS tef y, Blyth. osiers sympathy is ex- can tied. The outlay far these unu,. y y mother, who- is ill at her shop;. 3 p.m., Sunday School; ? p,m„ • with his troth tended to the family in their sad ber- home there. . ver large extent ,-In been til 'ta a Worship. Union. 2. p.m., Sunday ` �` � . very. large extent and the #oral Habil- 1�. eavei rant. Mrs, Jas: Connel, of Galt, and School; 3 p.m., •Worshipl. Y . -; sties .of th© pongregatian amount.to "l daughters, I elen and Jean, are visit- iinly �'IIKt), The canRtegation's allot- The Arthur Circle o£ Knox church ` ,.* P`�,1 �\. ' (:mended.far last,weekI ing the former's mother, Mrs. Jack r tviU hold .their Thankoffermg meet- ...,..,.z.,.M,.� tt:� : 1 anent of $3,125 for the maintenance �,��; . Mrs. J. ?.- Eiiis was n Wingham Taylor. l and extengion fund, it is expected, will ing• on Monday evening, April 25th, � .-, . 1`11; visitor over Sunday. -Mrs. Joseph' A1cCalln Inotored to be nlet in full by the time the books in the lecture room. A special pro- Tj N. . Miss Belle Cool;. is spending_ a few Detroit with her son, Darrel. While- are Onsed for the; year. And In addi-. strain has been arranged. All mem. e • . • a ' weeks wikh 'hel : brother, lir. Gear' - beta Airs. McCann :will visit her Boit to this the W:.i, S, radsed ntnrc hers are ached to be present. * ,, Cook, -.of .B�Igrave.' „hters,: Olive and ;Firs.' Chester than. their allatniont' of •3846 *.and' the The W. M. -'S: Auxiliary :of 1(lim, 1 . ; G� / s wn. 1 'rss' Circle ....&,e d its llntment i:iurch hold its A mil meeting in the Alt .aria .sirs. 4t 'Will: ,T&Doav441 mi i.il. ion C t (Ice a 1 g Z"s Miss .I,Pnare .tiilliOzr were' G Leri Miss Alice Shepherd, of St:. Cath- of ; 204: and the. Ariscltrn . I3slnd` sslfio ,lecture rgotit on Tuesday, the Z(itlt, 11 +, ., visitors one day last week. . crines, and her brother, ,Air, Edgar w('nt over. the ton, 'Th- t�`alg raised 13,30 pan. After the regrllsir 'biisiti� :cs " ,y a rNil 51r. and Mrs. 'Ftiesle Shepherd, of Hamilton, spent Ea. -ter by the cont reg•ation .and tlu? varlow i, meeting there ,viii be a .shower for e� St tic' i� Wesley a a ruse, VARNISH, .I. ,of .a,ruri si.,d, v.n:ed sic, tilt home of avith their motzcr, Mrs... Alex: Slu:p- nreanizations would . ratted $10,00[) iht ;Fiisstoli Band bazaar after which�Y L . _. i ttie torawr s sinter, firs, Wm. :'Vic- herd, Nile. lfnr the yeah' �- ....,...... ` .�... , ., , ...., �:_.. ... 1 '. --t Powell, on Wednesday last.. The play, "Safety First," presented .. The Pastor reported two hundie I •, . fainilies 1ketivcly connected with the .., Iii' Si►►hTRU„4i.' Air; and Airs: John Buchananr mov last week.'was thoroughly enjoyed by w, r ` T iter sool . ` ed their household effects #tom Win all who saw it,: and we hear it said car i egslt.an, .a gni nib tibio roll of ! • . TO L 1 g 443. an ins:reasse of. 17 over last year, i . �_ ham „n that last. They will be re that some who took part in it are and a conAituenty served 3ry the � . 7' '" c . Aj1r.2h1,.1Gry _s ...... Alontnt:,-• siding'Ili the vicinity, as Mr. Bueh- .(lultc as good as professionals. [ ,t. " G (, ' �? fit' LAl�. 1) 61 \la • G..hiro:• a:..... \ton tealui' � anaiilla:; taken over his father's farm. - T1ie funeral of the 'late .Mrs. Math-.Ielrorch.o feeling expressions - - I _, �%. .... � - .:�+:"'w- 9., _ � .. . Very feeling expressions a4 alpnze- p, f--4*•� ,,„,r t1;i}iJl.tuil,i lir..:.�Ilun el ra The �+us,:1; 'people of `this vicinity ecvs was held from the home of her elation of the work of the minister ,( .. . . t a .cr' :lu e f ":. ..�luiltrlarl. met at the hone of Air and Ars 4'K Son, Henry, .Monday. afternoon.. In- , .� j�r l ul.,„ ;� 1, l n , i .m, t were ntadz .11y members of til, con- V S H . . . Carter on ` uesday 'evening and pre- erm,nt wars spade. at Dungannon I t lfas - ' is o v' , cemeter • Rev. L r• '� negation and also of the fine �vorlc t To is [ Gli n 1 rented thpitt rvitlt to iriisced,aneous y+, a C. 11 tl a ofHeiatad. tl.ing carried on by lite vari,aus sir-: -- 4; rt:r • \t.,� a ... .....�1p1i(4S`110 shower, to`.extend their good wishes at th service. .- attgns. 1 `,s tq_ thisy voun�K a:nn w _: ,• . 1 sinal renal 2dt1, of . i, torch ,o . fi Ninvy-1, I1a1,,, ...: %G JJP:•sitt,s . - - pier hu ,11•mve }rise ,. ti }I--- 'hc I, zdzess, Attfi I enacted . utni -rs=__i• _ _._ :.. R SK .,X I 4W started out: an their ittatii,ii:inial s being,sl7ranged aganl and all roads cel tie Of 5872:5 ,Dill of which S3ri0p ' E. - I ., .. I L. . . 'ea-Loation c..areer: lead to Nile that day. Everybody is was contributed towards the folding`. A \la) >... .........:.larl"oh . j A number of the young l eople of coning• this.. year to beau t%e South- floors. for 06- Sunday, school room, the vicinity diet at the homer of lir. 'rn Iiawanan Quartette. Watch this ,and a balance af. $l27• remain-; ori L LL ;'l;f►V s,t'll;tit; and Mrs, Earl McKnight, of Aubnrn, peace each work for further un-. Band. , on TlrursdaA+, es:•eatiagg aauct presentsad , nounce'ment. The report of the fi4'. A1. S. is' print. rr I'o (:tirrbours 4itnlhunatstuu Airs. -PA1cKnight. (formerty :Hiss Lva We regret to report .the death en ed elsewhere in this 'ssue. CUSTOM,. FOUR„Do I Z rAnWet i l•I, +Cook of this vicinity ), with amissal- •Saturday evening of Airs: :i. Mat- I The Mission Circle reported $200 i ; % . l I 11111111111 . .11!r.di Jutii? I :.: A1,,,n.ru}•it • laneous. shower, to show their good, fbews, after a months illness from sent to the Yon; et street mission: �liey I I :1uni� 13.. ..Jhantneit•gl rrisliees,tn the bride: ptncunlnnda. The, funeral oak 'place . Average attendance 19;L. 1p �. frons -the resdcienee of he>+son, Henry, The Mission Banal has fi4 members.' To Gperbourry SOu(haulplaik- I )j �Fis on Alanday afternobn to. Dun;;"ainllQn roister Over X120 :and sent to the Pros- - . llumWo i . cemetery, The sympathy of the com- byterinl treasurer $117,50, its allot -1. s . If.101 ? sJurn''i ilii;,, ,ifl'rsoue,, ' (Intearltd for, Nisi week} Y 111undty is extended to the•fanitiy meat beiaag $111: ' i . yy '''� May 25 June 22 Emp. Sc„'I•nd , Air, and Mrs. Will Lane,., of .it•pley, � _- _ " l The LadioW Aid reported through. 0 ! il ii il y a I I . I " • visited at F rank Johnston s otte day , SH ''PPARDTO Aiiss Whitely, the W, M. b, tltroti>ah - . �'f,r clr�rhourr-�anttlsiniptoll recently: Aiiss Robertson. the Alission Cirrle rsslly. Quite a number from here attdndeid air. and Airs. Jack Ryan Aid sal, thrausrit Miss .Clarke (lti the absprlee. s Bruce, of Detroit, visited the lady's •� ` _�` ., . the play given in flakes hall last of Miss Hume). and the Mission Band . Friday night. parents, Mr. and Airs. James John. through Miss Robertson (in • the sib- r . p' . ( AvK .�11t(It`.I' [►l Ii Tttt`itl"" g Teton, over the 'Laster holidays, c t.' Miss Aparjorie Ilenderenn, of Luck. .fa ee of Mass Mooney and Miss Br d- ' .. �, 1ltii(1D (ttTil .4r1) , s I L itol,v.4� 't'ilt'1tS 'now, visited at Frank Irwin s for a MRS. HARDY PRESENTED WITH The astor .re orted for the 'Young ' �395 ' - few days recently. LIFE MEiM , ,p p ° . Y I13EIiSHI[ i�ennle s League $202.10 enntribured1I I Apply i,r l 1, sl A!.pnts,; 11lr• and bits, Harold Ferguson and On Tuesday afternoon the ladies of to the Maintenance and F:xtenefotl Delivered fatliy I, 1 t'.4tiht:l;, fstrnily, of Itucknnw,.�spent Sunday .at St. George's. congregation act in,the Fund. . i:ln.:4;:.nI t';s.�., ti•i,t." Air. Thos. Ferguson& Parish 11x11 where a presenia+ran was'. Aiiss 13nilie tcitl._.Of the wnil,_thn q iped,taxpait[,. . s,.l'.il. Ii1,IL •i•',r,,iitll. - _ r. ui ... 11 ,- I Mrs, Jim. Barbour ian& family, of. made to Airs. hardy, President tit the 0. G. I. T. is earrvint~ on its fourfold in (ta.eK) . ,.F16.1,i11I .lists C:oderich, spent -the y weeli.4 nd A the Ineal• branch of the W. A., of a Dio. nrogram anti that" the spiritual side " �� ,home of the formers parents. , ,son Life Membership in the Wom- of the work ds bearing fruit is shnwn i • �'""" __ . ""' -- Miss'14iyra AbcDonald is visiting sat tin's Auxiliary, with its accompanyingLv the fart that of thirty-six nteuib••rK p !rich, one of the faremnot custom ho,jv de-. �— :..--�- I All steel body, t:ustomded>rn, with dee �• " _ 1 her• hotile in Lues .now, the seheol hav- pin, and also a purse and bouquet of all but one. have become meinbera of ,. ', drawn meet stansplass forming beau• diners of the country. The tar has irre'Isirtlble Ing been closed this past weer: `owing'beautiful roses, the church and tltax one is likely to ID Will curved lines at the back, and ' atytge appeal. It created's sertsetion at all of thr • to sickness. In a few opening words the hector become a member of another conr:'re• c:urred ride m'embeirs carriadover tiro top, con. IBuroptan automobile shows and the shows In . . cele Tease : A very promising life was cut off spoke of the pleasing event about to ration. Of n class of fifteen talking odluuns the finest pursible i ody can hruction. this country, where it was viewed by over two, �. ,, , s take. place, for which so plan • Indies • • , t " Body trtinmin�t of Bedford cord and broad- million people. Ili •tender years when the an„ i l o. } oda first aid.work all received ct.t tlliea e s . tri. 21 TO 30 ' death eame for little Harold l:csid, son were gathered together; then peoceed- and in the code of health rules the cloth. Novel inaruttient board in duolone Tltt pserformance of the tar is remark. , .�I•.EI{ OF APItil, of Mr. and Mr -a. 14'. G. Reid, of Lanes, eel with they short service, Opening; code cards showed tit t ) 91 par fent. colors, with titarette and `love buttes built in, ably etlicient and much Superior to IYI�Nl7AY tttrad TUESDAY 1Ve(dncs,cdasr•, April 6th, 11f27: ,.bout with tine W. A. member'a prayer. efFeetivepess•in carrying out the rug= zasolitae rause and cuetamary inatruments. @ arrant, if nor all, ears in the IMrsne peke 1 After this prayer he called .Firs, gestions. Fine hardware and interior decoration. Entire field. it will accelerate from 5 to 2S tulles In W4 , • �.� two weeks aI,"O he ryas taken suddenly I,ts.ty much superior to an � JAC.KIE COOGAN - ill with the• flu, which developod into Hardy to the platform, welcoming ?Fir. Jack Purves reporteil for the p t y job In Its pries seconds;climban II%tradeinhighd�earaad g pntuntor is and tyzadually became her as a Diocesan life member. nits. Tuxis boys. Atr, t,ordon Tebbut: "attics cines ever offered in Canada. Comparisons stet ,develop 60 miles per hour. It is.free froths tnea- in a picture with a r'Outation, �:4 bi + i' , ► , , urcently invdted'and isill prove hm,c raring story with t11r31,s; ar,(7 worse until relieved by cresta. Ile *Slack, a charter member of the W. A., Mr. R. Stonehouse are carrying on the ch nical defects and will stay out of the repair plenty of heart interest.. was a very noble and promising little �;'d one of the oldest members of bt, two groups for the week -day aetivi- Chtesls of:ntedern simplified desIMIL Dire . " I NNY GET YOUIt HAIR CUT" � fellow, diligent and apt in his studies, eorge s congregation presented Mrs. tiles, and Mr, it, R. Long' and 311. f . Material and -workmanship of Stud& Jn I hardy with • the certificate and in. M. Robertson nee ttakdnir the Sunda!, � �i 'Kiri tar Is well Baran d s n co klentific and tt snerlal favorite of all who knew 1 • baker ctaaldty thrasshnut, comparable spring suspension Lod seat to#irionin . OUR GANG CCAiED1' }rim. The remains .were interred in Miss Burritt theb read the following work. :Fir, A. Ai, Robertson ki in to tragi linear obtalnabir. Self enersitin f(kir• 7 P K '•i'()I'R V!'lV BALK XAC211 address: s The result Is the superior riditis quaf. Greenhill cemetery %today afternngiz, charge of the Trail Rangers. All # ii,href brake#, nlckel plated bumpers front and Ides of the bis, hlsh priced, cars. In riding . •'--`" Rev. A. W. Brown preaching the fury The Guild Roont, tbete irroups are doing splendid work, rear,,tnotometer, beautiful er(ma fenders, and comfort, the car Is equaled by few, if any, stuall' T ' a 11VE1)iVESI AY sittd TIICt! SDAY era! service. Among the floral tet• April 13th, 1927. 1 Air. Gordon Tebbuit reported nn tae t1 interAwm edger quality features never befotr butes was a wreath from hack' Dear Mrs. .tardy,-�-.. Sundav school finances and attend- furnt.hed In a car 1n the price class of the ttsrr net the mocker. JA(1,X HOLT AND ' ett's :Sunday School, of which he wars On the ev a oY your departure* frons one(,. tint of 209 scholars all the Irekine Nit. � AVON&`Ilse price Is low compared %villa half • )tAYAIC):tI13 ItATTO`� u member. The sympathy of a wide St. Georges parish the ladies of the rolls the average attendance was 1.11).A 1, ■ ohey. Alter Sixes stlikwt fat• more • ' e tale ele,of friends o out to the bereav- congregation desire to express to you Collections amounted to 1292.,34 on(I 03,ottellnes car. r att(t stly,fen fenders ji diginife gal ranged onpoi i ranoin FrAine'vtittt such :..,, in Znnc'Grey':s tspnited adventul rig g their sincere regret Ott having to bid for the Maintenance and Extenpin;tcar. 'lite Ix1sly. fenders and �ttractor twrq tinted clan�rside ora i rslaine, wdl de» . sof the rattle country, hair trigger ed parents and brothers and, you goodbye; and to assure you i:,eir Fund $)50.19. Supplies eoaG #2b,A.t;i. were designed by R. H. )fit, monstrate the troth of this assertion. «. action is temperer) with merry coni:-, + -�• �••� hearty good wishes go with t�dv in ASH l�iLD you to ;Fir. Ilrrn, thin superintendent, reljart- your tires home. ad on the •financing of the fo9din�• If ,�•`Oi'1 approCltate quality aji'titr� value, expm>d1'tl al''ttfi ti#r1'1C' " r'ORL< RIR RIVER"' t As a token ,of reme.mbranee they doors for the basement, x200 beaue .tCr I:LCiYI3 )IAMIL'i't): t"OIMIEI)'Y , .jr, J. K, West xeupietl the pulpit ask you to kindly accept this Iti,i= from Mrs. I,�aeh, X-150 Pram I,�rdiers' an l RSKtNl SIX bef�'ore i ou buy #flit Cali" t'hrs OPTinAr )[rigid: COMES CHARIAH^ s lu Ashfield Presbyterian church on ., , �ca'ean safe Memberiship in the W. A.. Aid, t'6.'. frr,na ;unday sphoal anniver• e Sunday. an$ this aecgmpanydng guasa anti rnry and a halanee of $51 owiner. IIs' , ,. I .Mr. William, JlacKenzie, of 'Tonin- flowers. Signed, dealt more particular) with the work FRIDAY and SATURDAY ,to, is visiting at the home of Air. � y Other tattti(kls are the 'Psurcr, t►esttittg fine: $1,34x; the Custtttrt Coupe, with Dickey viRGINTA VALLI aan,l John Cowan. i .I, ADA )i[yRItITT, 4 he-intr done ;a the Sunday school by � seat, sesathst ti:aur, $1,395; sod the Rushwo tCttwptr, starting tlwo, $1,345; D livered i A, sistant Secretary of :4.. the tearhern, whom he considered an PAT U":Mt4Lt,1•,Y i Miss Katharine )linter. of Luck», Caenrxe's branch f.f tl.c exre°ntinnally flan sctaif. fully equipped, ux pai(i in Goderkh. i psortl ty th({ nlisunderidandinj4I bf ,nowrI.ennan,ti f�I.eehal h 1e;. »ai,, Alex. < W. A<, Gaderich. Mr. W. Pridham. treasurer of they e , rAntrinlnny in ,nn entirely n,'w lvay , t Tile pur: n and flow(•rs aero, theft er,ngregsltinn, lirest ntrd a highly sat» which Ahowes how niu:;h is thy- course The regular mont.ily heetilag of trescnted by :Maras. Smith, i!.factat:v report �linwing, that.he vols-� W 0- 0 the W. M. S. %&: held at the hams of Alra, .tardy received -the gifts 6iost ;tregatinn had caught up In tho ;tett= y Fe e , w., of frac VATe. - � , Mra. Flora )toss, Kintail. ora 1t'rd ' grac-dously, and the Rector in well ural fund to the amount of gl hiss du '1'M':1T('t{ Yt)CR IFR" 'day last. A good aattendanee wait re" (•b( ^n vt„Oel;, txnrrrcrd :Kra. )Iardy'w Ing the year. 10ii-tium ntarir tlttr:al;r" DDI. ����1i`TOR, 6401 ,RICH l7%11VXRSAL COMEDY ;piorted. it-apreciation of the kindly thought (►f the yeas irniountrd to oter tt.,410 ltsn .................. _. ...,....,........•........ , .... ........... .........I --I.,, .....V.... Rxa'.; • 1, ................... ... .. ................•. .. 'I'RIAI Sff;'t"�'Id1r Mro':Midisand"R1ley.,hifltwtdmZ.' :e 1, the'W:"A. moittthft's4"iti,kw6isityt'a'itlft"ltfwpc•rto f, I., lutut,' stili 1'.6=9,.1°.' •. had the mirfnrtunu to have his dwcl» nhieh w ivid be ret tt+tar.h valued As tho tli. A. '►I. H, , i t -iia. rr, -,voi• • • • , f ,: �:_ s. Matjtrer~ flat. at prat. ""