HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-04-21, Page 1Issepoi seetkest does yeas.
Subscription: $2 a year in Calmat'
US° a year to IL S. points.
Waist to UR Sometlise,
An ettmeeseetteseett he The
Star loin oh it. Thoasands
hay* proofs, Hod
Commission Securing Further Data on Auxiliary Pumping Equipment.Baseball Organization Meetirg Next Wednesday
Sun Life Assuring Co. of Canada
You Don't Hays to Die to Win
In 1920 the Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada paid to living pol-
isy holder, in maturing policies and ether benefits, U7,8244556.
The policy holders lived to enjoy the fruits of their own prudence.
To repreeentatives uX polleyholdeva who died &ring the year 1V20
the Company paid ;10,751,907. Theme policyholder* did not live to
receive payment themselves. The money payable under their policies
is giving a chance to those they left behind. Sus Itefe policiee pro-
vide independents for the policyholder who liven thee- suppote the
familia the policyholder who dlee.
Phone 115 - H. R. LONG, District Agent
AX7SeetTED.---At once. an experience:I
" inaid. Apply to MISS JOSIK Baseball
- Preepects for a county 'baseball
attrANTElte-liear from (issuer good league for 1927 ,.look good. 'Mitchell
'farm foe sale. Cash price, earn- and Seaforth are ready to enter,
4ou1ars. P. 1ltMinneapolis, Minn. Wingharn is a strong probsthility, and,
posmoN OPEN. ...1Goderich is to organize next Wednes-
day night, a meeting being called for
$0.00 TO $8.00 PEA DA „ the town hall at 8 o'clock, to which
1'f:se weeks only to qualify. Learn all interested in baseball are invited.
'lute earn part time on Motor efeebanice,
Inspector Pellow'a Service
Battery'. Welding, Brickley -1W Barber-
ing Deatity. Culture. Good positions DIspeased With
now *peg. Write or call for free. In -1 The enforcement_ of the new liquor
•etruntive hook. MART- control net is placed in the hands of
•It.:RED SCHOOLS, King St. W.. Toronto.
the Provincial police and Ina tor
Petiole bas received notification of
the termination of his dutka in atteh
office. Mr. Fellow, of course, still re- the tinnily courts teed a nese Awe, able to atrange for the use of the
tains the lunation of county consteble.i will be built along this side a the toad making mathinery of Messrs.
To letsbasit Price oe Gasoliee Pinaphist eourts. The hotel *stet** surtient Boss and Brazier, the contradore on
t &Winery • is being plaatesr new oul. gout* will ethe provincial highway, and for $100
Repreaeotativet Beeeoekeeeneoe be enjoying frees vegettaidime from 114 Britennia road', Waterloo and
and Goldie-AlcCulkiugh, Galt, were "our °len gardendunes the wow. dungto.e.streets searified ane temps
in town during the week to/demists: ts'"" " bit" 1.* to the a e41 with the grade.r. Thi t wee
done in a shore time with the power
!with the water and Ilea commiesion andf"teeeeifpre,Le",,,e_t*"11.4 Otr "tv'w'e machinery which MeNara. BOAS and
,as to installation of gasoline pumps Braeier use, and at a fraction of the
in g equipment at the pumping onetime' Ladisee' /doesdtalt Auditory tie* mid rot whieh it would fume taken with
artel will submit a price on the equip- Dem* a Mg Strecesie old methods. Gravel le now being
traent they recommend. The SAO 444, libMe OA he the hauled and applied on the east end ef
'Dr. 3iiirtist !Serried Ladies' Hostpftat Monis on Lester • Britannia, road and the intention is to
.Congratulations are extended toDr•.. Monday. iivanielir the l' • make these three streets, Britannia
• Martin on his marriage, which took *emca min* Prowl * Ant nueeesa- road. 'Waterloo and Wellington
place on Tuesday of this week, to There were four Wets awarded for streets, something .of the eau* grede
Misa Margaret Callwood, daughter of the card game,* fir* and liecond high of street set Vietoem street and C t
for lathe* and Arst and seconi high brie road. The present system of
Dr. Ilartin, slime coming to Goderic
Mr. and Mrs. Callwixel, of Tilburr
or gen eraen. Mrs. McPhee WOn howling gravel es not as speedy as Mr.
hes proved himself a clever physician radieie' Ant Avid firs. Toole mond Lee would like to see and we expect
and his pleasing personality hal made and Mr. Geo. Jenner gentlemen's first he will have some proposition te bring
him popular among jams or *IQ ?Or. Peter belief:wan second. before the council for the seeuriug of
friends, who Join in wishing' him and After lunch vette "erred dancing' was equipment that will make more rapid
his bride niuch happiness. enjoyed. • work of reed making. The three
Athletic Field Day for Last Day" A Couple of Firea streets on which work has hoot done
of Centennfat this epring, even without tee add:Lion
On Monday afternoon the fire bris of a hard surface, tire flfl eesier for
Mr. Bert ilkreath was in town gade were milled out to put out a fire motor travel, than they were, ne the
this week in connection with tem which started in the cleanings from holes which gave a motorist n nasty
working up of a big athletic field day C. N. R. elms on the bank ctverlooking
for the closing Saturday of Godericlins the Maitland bridge. Owing to the iolt and threetened hroken spring
have been got rid of, bute ties hard
Centennial Celebration. It he propos- distarite from hydrant the Are
ed to have a day similar to the one truelt was driven down to .the river
held /est year, bringing the best ath• and the pump was put operation.
letes or the Province together arid al- pumping water from the river. The
So. if passible, to arrange for a Ririe' brigade were at work for"a couple of
soft ball game between London and hours or ate
Toronto. the same teams ea, played On Thursday morning of last week
here last year. the brigade were ealkd to Mr. Whit-
ty's place on Britannia road. Fire,
Busy at Hotel Sunset Property
-.,which started in the dry grase, ran
Mr. Lee is already getting busy on into A straw stack beside the etable
the summer hotel property in prepttr, and placed the building in imminent
ation for the coming settoott. A large danger., .
LOST AND FOUND" Hobby Fair at Vietoda School
The date of the Hobby Fair under
eeser.-On alonday afternoon, in or the direction of the Home and School
" near the Square a erank starter Club hat been set for Thursday, April
for Durant car. Kindy leave a STAR
°PRICE. 28th. All judging will be completed
on Wednesday evening, after which
li—auteND.--A gold wattei and .enein with the 'names of the pupils will be placed
et. 9. P. emblem. Owner ean have dn their respective work and the
Fame en alwlYing to CLARENCE Inti- school will be open to the public on
DI.E. \VOA St. s Thursday afternoon from 4:15 to
5.30 and on Thursday evening from 7
to 9 o'clock. A moch larger prize
list has keen arranged for this Year
and the parents and friends are asked
to show their appreciation and en-
courage the fimils by their attend-
ance. -A silver collection will be tak-
en to bele defray the expense of tbe
Prizes. 'Remember the date.
Burglaries at Blyth -
Some time during Tuesday night
two ;Myth business places were brok-
en into. Entry to .AleKey's jewelry
store was. obtained -1"%it, breiking in the
back door and Mr. MelCay figures his
loss at about $200; At White Broth-
ers' butcher shop the glass in a door
was smashed, enabling the thief to
Mit Ms hand through and turn the
lock. Luckily, not much money had
been left in ..the tine but what was
theteerreettaken, libhuigit over $6' In
change was overlooked. It is belies!.
ed the two blirglaries were the work
of the same parties. Provincial Con-
stiible Whitesides, of Goderich, was
ealleti in to eonduct an investigation,
but was unable to locate any clue to
the identity of the thieves.
Three of Winter Fleet Still in Harbor
Three of the vessels'which winter-
ed in Goderich harbor are still in
Port, the H. W. Smith, the B, Lyman
Smith and the W. L. Smith, of the
Great Lakes Steamship Line. ‘The
other vessels have all mot but during
the last two or three weeks. The
Penobscot was the first, followed in a
few days by, the Ball Bros, and Rufus
Raney. Later the Sweden. and the
Otto M. Reis 'cleared, and stilt later
the D. B. Hanna, the Kamloops and
the Davis S. Troxel.
As mentioned last week. the A. M.
Reiss was the lint vessel to arrive in
Goderich harbor this season. The
Glenelg on Sunday last arrived with
a ova° of coal for the W, C. P. btills
and Tuesday evening the Brookton
arrived with 111,000 bushels Of wheat
for the elevator. The Yukondoe is
due with 115,000 bushels, also for the
Goderich Harbor 'Work to Start
flower bed is belie laid' heti* smut of ; committee of the town 'teamed wan PEOPLE VVE KNOW
'. WARNING 1 seee•-s ,sseeesesses -re's= e-.....ssees ---- ee.
HUNTERS TAKE NOTICE.L-No hunte! ,,,,,......._ ,rog s.ALE •
• 'ere 'or doge • aliowed to treepaes
VINI SAL i'...,Witttft ItIONSPat sweet
on west half Of Lot 19, Concession 4, A clover .s.int,, r DANK L. elsit:Nti.
West Wawanosie By order or GED.
-S. VILSON, Donganumn Ont- • Lew 4 esete ,
Ceekrich,...erelemioae ltos, oar•
• FOR SALE OR TO RENT . leolt SALE. ---A tleahtite. iete.`gravel. anti
• e• 'Ion eoll. ele0 foe yaTd end tall'
FOR SALE -2 -story frame Itense, v;ite &livered. ,.
epeeist!lo contreetore„
-I bath 'and ele°trIc• 11541R4 °11 NVe4 Apply ,to AL13ERT STINgssing, Qiiebee.
- sSt.- 'Will be sold at a bargain to wind st, ot• on tee. eeemeete.. Niemand Newt
Op Estate, J. W, °RAMIE, Real ftlAtate. --,,-,-,;...-.47 .-..-. , ... -...... _
PASTURE FOR CATTLE. --80 mei- ofir bre,o.tootty Stavin Barred Rock
. 4,04„revia...-r..,..es un nauming, o.A.s.:
-16 pasture land with running water. egga for hatehing purposes at reasonI
Cattle from $1.00 to 1.75 tser month. kale price*, Also baby (leeks of the
.11ICHABD BC644), R. te NO. 14 Ooderiele.-same strain. MRS. It. ;DAVIDSON,
.-1 e "Caone Dungannon al.: • • , ,
ITOUSE FOR . SALE.--APplY • . es ,
emeL Oedford. Cobourg St. , k ' Ilint'S.Mik..-100 bUSilelti. a No. 1 On-
... Carlo . grown alfalfa; alse 100
TO RENTs--Part of Lots 10 And Al in DuOiels No. 1 alsike : all kinds of feed
the Maitland •Concession ith°‘‘..11 and garden seed; also a. rite of Western
as the *Imams Farm, eontaining 218- feed ants. Prices guaranteed. A. •:.T.•
an res. Immediate possession. Will cuoPER'S, WARECOUSB, Camilton St.
• ...lease from three to live years. Far ..,:e - .. • .._ 7-,_..... ,..,
Pertitulars apply to .1. A. E. BnADEN. ...MORTGAGE SALE
P. 0, Box tale LondoneOnt. •
pon. DENt.--CernfortabIe house wan jaa,.111°Iirt'A(.41 gARE (IF iALCABLE
FADS( PROpERTY, •Sonn.K and
ell conventerices, furnished or un- mu/ rxtrwm
— fOrni_641td, On Albert se- Also, for- salve's.'
a Deintralan Piano, nearly 4108•-• APPLY t`Ninell and by. e of the powers
at mut 0144-IGE. contained in n certain mortgage .whieh
win be produteat the time of gale,
ITOUSE TO LBT.-Brtek, eentralle'lo- .•
there will be offered for sale- by public
midi. Modern conveniences. - It.
J. ,isioiEso„,. , ., .11:melon me Friday, tbe 22rul 'day of
e4 • April, • A. D., 11127, at the hour of 2
s0 es,,,"..,,,44014,,,oitovwx1,1,4,----rn-casto. ono.isek in the afternoon, on the. went-
' • with first-eloss builetuas, ale° an l'i!'''t In Inc" l'iNvil0iIii or well -4'10i. tY
Thome (Sundry, Auctioneer, Ilie fol -
artesian well with wind -Mil, Would
. lowing;_nroperty nomely. Lots 7,Oumbers
exchange on e house in town or for ey -
el and .1.2.• In ttle.,rigia conroestOlt 'of th
...acres. ileaSonable , terms if sold...Can
Kalil township. of tioderich• •
There Is intnated. on the,said pecelorlY.
A elee story brick !rouse 30slo. stone
roundation with kttebexi 10a5a, also
ilriring shed l.nd stable eonabintel 40xee;
anti a ' bent, ouse. There are„tevo wells
en the mace and an orchard. else. ettela
Arres of 'harilwood bush and other Col-
lier. The form .15 situated seven Trifles
from Clinton .qn 1 Dayilehl and three
mileS from Coln) Rollie,. -
..: At tbe said.11 e an(Lelates noel will
be sold the fel owinvStock and IMple-
10, 41,11gIVti--A gailge on engin ,Avo. tnents ; • • .,
I seork Worse. aged; 1 week mare,
I work horse, ne,ed; 1 driving
rrere, 8 years, supposed to be in loal:1
!Irk int.: vote 12_ years (ild; I Ifolstein
eow 8 years old, scuppesed to be in a1 t:
i .3•Yeareold -teeter, milking. purebred
Ifereford; 2 heifers, 2 ware old: 1 'etas-
ery %arms hindere 7 ft. eots I Maesey-
Iforris hav loader. good; 1 Deering hay
rake: 1 MeCorrnie/Cenitivatnri 1 Me-
. 'Armlet mower. 4 ft.. eta: 1 PrOKt *Si:
WOOfi -aka. 12 plates: '`) .walldng, Plows:
I eond heave wizen: 1 ,10 -ft. 'Verlto
seller:1 insod falt or sIelithe; t set or
, i erne..., 3 owl .1-eeetion bar: 1
leather tireit buggy: !steel tired bogey:
mobile insurance, cheaper and sorer j ..i.illnOrl-lPerland eutter: 1 hay reek:
than taking ehances. • • • , t De Laval ereem seesiretor. No. les 1
Some real bargee's In /temps anti tote e t meeek nee The, remelt,: 1 ey, horse
. -$500. MO. 81090; Slew. WOO. :Ste essenne encine, new; t ste learn barn -
a); te2000, $2501. . • . • • • /es: 2 froo41 borse blonkets: I se.t einale_
A few- good proncrtirs Vere near eeeeeee: 75 orind hens: 3 eroseeee
town, all necessary buildings with fess .:...ws. I ele... no pollode. e ,i,wee. 1401.1.
akreS of land, suitable .for fosvls end ,,,.: ;envie 15 tang Gr aonfl Ivre : ;4'1 ))4101'- •
gardening. • • . • en: nrtetoee. Seeeeer nue Trish Cob-
. A number nf fine ferme, welt located. epee. t teeetile (bath in ff. nem. epee.;
Many of them ean be bougitt•for lees
, P • • -reeks: e'eaine. shavele Imdeettertqtrtteles ---
:s'rwAlt VgiZT!'n at. once. AP"'' 4t
TO roomea house on St.
Georgtee Crescent, suitable for
oentilI Apply liURON INVEST-
• Fon SALE. --Brick residence on corner
Southweet eorner of Neleon
.•SL.and Cambria Road, at reasouable
Particulars from 11, DAtinfmn
Apply•Ire STAR OFFICE. '
• ,VOR RENT.-Exeellent pasture land,
-ar wen watered; - Sobwoatz. farm.
Colborne township. Apply BRADEN
MeALLISTER, • Berrlaters. London.'
••• AGENC).%
•Life, Aecideet, Sicknees, Autonwiele
Insuranee.. Etc. . •
Very low prlees for all alnds ot ante-
or., ear tore. one relneve. new;
than the cost of im rovenunils
a. acres exeellent• land, gond boil& foe mitneronq In mention ,•
ings, tenet% near (toiler:tell. P.25en.
100 erre:4. wood bulklings,• near Itallroal
stotion, $2200: See or write
• Beni Estate,
Box 80. •Goderielt. Ont,
oftlee open (were. night until 10. o'cioetz.
SAITIMAT, .API1114 f.)3rd,
Cousehaid Furniture. dilthee intellen
Panne, 1 1arge• Iron sneer kettles; Plough,
scythe. •griudstone 10 frame, and ethee
artiele.s .
peoprietress. Auelion.ecr,
. MIL JOHN ersessitater
will sell by public auction at his form-
restidente, St. David .Se. • Cathleen
(just off Kingston ;street), on
' SeCTUItleAle. APRIL 30th,
eemnienelng at 1:30 o clack enerp
Four largo leather upholstered
vniaire, new: 4 oak •buffetei eakepedese
(al din' table; I onk set of dining
Matra; 3 rocking elmirs;1fancY fableS;
eek drmer and wash Stand; 1 Iron
am, mattress and. spring; I Oak ben-,
mattress and epring; I kitchen table:
kituhen chairs; 10 window blinds:. 1
wash boiler; 1 clothes basket: 1 tires+.
maker's .model; ',pantry stool; lamps:
Iron ,hoartit Weller/ utensils; 1 New
Perfection &burner oil stove; 1 Ent-.
press ran.', eoal woodn.1 heating
stoveVgem Jars, lamps. and numerous
other artteles. . •
Everyehing to be sokt. as Mr. Mas•
saren has given up lionsekeeping,. • '
• OUNDren &.•
NOTRSE Incitp;ny filVEN that -no
upplit etiOn Will be made to. the Leg-
islative Assembly of. the nrovinee of
ontario, at the next Session thereof, •by
the' Munielpal'Corporatien of tbe Town
Wingbam, for an Aet extending' the
l'rina for the ropayment nf moneys due
r a eertalii mortgage given by tbe
leinn Sonola Company to the Toon of
Winehani for Ten niousand Dollars
ne10.000.00) inlorost, lnursuant
to 13ylaw No. A35-1920 for a period of
>,•ears from Oistoher A 1i., 1027
the date etesniration thereof, to Oen'
11111, A. D., 1937.
.1. W. linelIFIELD,
SoliCitor 'foP
. the Applicant.
Hated at -Wisteletin tide . •
est 41Ry of Newt A. 1027.....- '
Real Estate and Insurance
It...e.os•thln!, Will bo acid.
TEHMS.---.1.0p.1110 10 pop cool of
the nurehase Twines.. 'to ne ttown
,if filo flop, of ..110, Hod jho jr41:04ro
within an days thereafter without in -
Por 11444 stock and ininlemenie,
on eninq ot 010310. and melee, epee • „NIT,
nmri»rd.eight moos, itrotut 1.0
,aporovvii nfint Diqeminn folly
leee eeel. go -nein :Mowed for eash.
Pop Pooillor TorliPtIlnrg find rondo
lions or steely to
• DirelLEV itithetts.e. IC. C.,
,TIP ks. fees:Din' ce sox,
I Attetietwers.
woe.' this lalit slay of April, 1027.
GODERICH Masonic Temple I3uilding ,ONTARIO
The Stanaard of this otlice is SERVICE as complete in
every detail as we can Inake it. Our office bas iven equipp•
ed with this end in view, and an inquiry direeted to any meinber
of the staff of live cmpbyed by us, • will receive instant and
courterus attention. •
Huron Investments Limited
Royal Bank Bldg, Caloric& Ont.
Moms 491— 4.115
Primo wits uswoni.os with *1 Imelop back soil Grohs Esillsoges
• Cyclone Sally
Presented by the Anglican
Young People of Ilentall
k St. George's Parish Hall
• Coderich, on
at 8.15 p.m.
soder 4uspkee. 4f Si. Gaarges. Church
• Womes's Guild
Admission - - 35c
All owners and occupiers of
tphraettoises are hereby notified
All Garbage, etc.
must be removed from their
premises by the 1st doy May.
Asst Sanitary Impector.
A elispatch from Ottawa state:: OM
work on Godertch harbor is to start
immediately. Hon. 41. C. Elliott, nen- June 27; history and geography no
ister of public works, announced on June 286, art, and botany on June
Wednesday afternoon thet the depart.„20th, and arithmetic and zoology on
mental engineers were now preparing ',June node Middle, Scheel studente
epecificatione for this work and that will write literature and chemistry on
• Miss Emilie Buchanan is visitin.: in
Mre. Hoggarth has returned front
Port Huron.
Ide, IL R. Long was in Hamilton
during the week.
Dr. and Mr*. Rid were up, from
;Detroit hist week.
Miss Margaret Wilson is home for
the Easter vacation.
MiSs 5fiteVicar is home" from Wel-
land for the vacation.
The Centennial Cominittet has pro -
+sided an attractive engraeing ewe
oixes) for tho tees of merchants and
other bluenose men in their stations
ery, with the ohjeet of advertieint
the centenniet celebration. This can
be used without, any extra eeet when
you are heving stock .of etationtry
printed, or carc be printed at entail
eost it any ot the 'tweet printing of-
fice:4 on any stationery :you already
As it is now getting well on
M1'. Ernest Ernest Lee was up from Tor. wards the date of the celeteretion, it
onto during the week.- Ls urged' that all ehould co.WPrete in
Mrs. A. Chsillenger is visiting in advertising the event, and it is hoped
Kitchener and Toronto. that the bosiness people will Rivet
Miss Rita Worsen. is home rem their assistance at once in the me e
• ner indicated.
Blyth for the vacation.
Let everyone help to the water' of
Mr. Ernest Pritchard was up from , • •• • • ' ` •
London for the holiday, sleek opportunity in putting over tine
centennial celebration. It is onty by
Mr. end. Mrs. L. L. Knox were itr united effort we ean make it thit sues
Toronto during the week. cees it ehou/d be.
Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Saunders visit. CENTENNIAL COAIAIITTF,E,
ed in Toronto last week.
Air. and Mrs. Chapman, Wingharn
spent Easter in Goderich. ' i.henriArtinsiparents, Mr. and Mrs.
lelr. Bert IL MeCreath was'up frem
Toronto during the week. Mr. J. IN Herne and Miss Hume are .
surfacing of these roads wet make Mr. Arthur Bates was. up Trmat n Toronto this week. Mr. Hume is
nttending the meetings of the °Merit)
splendid streets of them. Tito curve Toirlort.tti‘oitc,filusrininag, otthethweete„ 1.. $tee, i4
streeta rOl lnd.1 laisrottontltbeuiwItesutrvoond
thofe s'ItVuteekt visiting friends in Toront Educ at ional A.ssociat ion.
Miss Campbell is home front Istorth Mr. aed Mrs. Abrams, Torono,
rities,rrs141.88.steetn. iet;tientitnoirts :on ,3,G.losditerhicelre bile:
Bay for the Easter vneatlett.• ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fraser.. '
' Mies Ruth blartin is home from Mx. and Mrs. Rol Snarling and
'Varsity for the Easter Intention. thildren, of Duilimn, were Easter vie -
Mr. Lionel antekrin is home from itors here, Mrs. 'Sperling remeining
Toronto for the Easter vaeation. I for 140111t? days to '4 felt her -mother,
Miss laterwnsb, Of tile G. C. IS staff, Mr8- %S 41)
is visiting her nuether in Toronto. I Mr. and ire. II. C. Ilaye, tee Mr.
Miss Maude Luxton, of Detroit, mid Mrs. 1. C. Hays, jr., and Mies
spene Easter with relatives here. Adelaide N len motored to Toronto
were in the Queen City
Toronto, was
. Toma*
sale of the street, making the street
much safer for traffic, as before the
slope of the roadway Was in the
wrong elirection.
Huron Regiment Will Go To Camp
June 10th
Between 000 and 1,•000 men, repre.
sentative of nine nonpermanent active
militia units in Military District No.
1, it is definitely announced at mill.'
taey headquarters, will attend the
mice> to be held on Carling's Heights
for nine days, commencing on June
10. A list of the units which will go
into eamp includes the lst Hussare,
htts Grey's Horse, Middlesex Light In-
fantry, Huron Regiment, Bruce Regi-
ment, Wellington Rifles, North Water -
leo Regiment, Lanabton Reginlent and
2nd Bettalionf Canadian Machine Gun
Corps, In connection with the camp,
arrarigentents have been made for a
camp school. commencing on the Fame
date and to last 16 days, at which of -
flora, warrant offices and noncom-
missioned officers may qualify for
higher rank. The came), which is one
of the first to he held in London sines:
the war, will Provide an opportunity
for praetieal training for units which
attend in the arms. of the. service
which they represent. 'Musketry and
machine- gtur-works-will-ley-condtreted
at the Cove Rangea. ,Infantry drill
and cavalry work will be carried out
at the heights. Some 50 'horses will
be provided for the mounted unite,
with the nossibility 100 being al-
lotted. All phases of militarY life in
camp will be included in the program,
which is being arranged by the *Mee
if the general staff. The four artile
lerv units of the district. the 5iith and
12th Batteries, of the 7th Field Bri-
Ode, Cenreitan /Artillery, and; the
15th and 29th of the 11th Field Bri-
gade go to Petawawa for training.
The date of the commencement of the
camp has not vet been announced.
The 12th and 15th batteries, both of
which are of this city, however, are
training regularly for attendance.
Nonpermanent units of the district
other than those which will take part
in the training. at the camp here or at
Petawawa will train at local head-
rplarters. •
Deportmeittat Exanditations
Smiths Falls for the Easter;
bliss Jean MacEwatt is. home from
',Am. fee some days.
last week an
a I Mr Kenneth 'int
Education:Al Association meetings in , with 'Mr. and Mrs. Waite Niiftel over
the week -end and hie lu ether, Mr.
Mr. A. ilt, tobertson Es attending
Miss Emma 'Wallace is hon' to from ' Campbell Sinclair, of Co istoh, is
!now their ituest,
her. wheel ax Norwood for the Metter I Dr. and Mrs. Whitely m meet to
Miss Doris Fisher, Detroit, spent 1 at the Martin-Callwood wedding at
Chatham on‘Monday mad we e gueets
IL Fisher. by way of St. Thomae on Wednesday.
Tilbuey on Tuesday, returning home
Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
.siarsh:01, I oiLitoesCh.awWa.;Pei‘rrusiesr tsintaddbglersem,Fletrhrti,4.4.42
Mrs. IL Feagan and son,
*Oho have been on the sick list, are R. N. Mee Marry Pinder, R. N., of
IMPrOvinX.--. ICIevel'antl, Ohio, and Ur. Wm, Hem%
atr. and Mrs. T. M. Davis,and fam- of Toronto, spent the week -end at the
ity, of Winona, Were holiday . visitors home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Pinder,
in Goderle14` " I Mr. and, birs. William Berriman. of
Ler. and Mrs. Egetter and family, of' Windsor, and,
spending the Easter
St. Catharines, were - Fleeter. visitors holiditer in town visiting their 'dinegh- '
in Goderich, . 'ter and family, 'Mrs. Roy Mobring,
tombe were home from Toronto -over
The Mimes Rita and Nina Wool. tWalnut St. They Were accompanied
,by Mee Isabel, of Windsor Teehnical
the holidays. • 'Scheel.
Mr, and Mrs. E. A. Price, en I Mrs. Walter Saunders was called
Guelph,' spent Easter with their son, 1 to Buffalo on Friday by news of an
wilprrt tiEmIllz Ave.vi,or Don and urs.!tahuetroinimobr.ilejoahenciBA"denytt oinichiw.hvraiths hseerrioburo;
weeeme, of waikertoo, open; sort. Fly hurt, He died the following day,
day with rdsitives here.
Mr. and .51rs. Andrew Oliver, ei, I isti.it 1•Li the accident. Tho both' WA8
!sustained a fratture of the
and Mrs. C. K. Saunderee fur. Itaken to Stayner for interment.
1 A family reunion was held at the
Galt, were Easter visitors with
Mrs. Sidney Donaldson, of 'Toronto, i home of.ritr. and Mrs. T. Wotton, Maur-
its visiting her parents, Mr. and Mr.' °n Road, over the Easter holiday.
Jas. Strachan, Huron Road. • ,when Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wootten arid
• , • • .
Afro. Marshall and children, Olive ,Sound; Mr. and Mre. F. Gardiner, of
'Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Miller, of Owen
and BettY, were holiday yisitora with ' Stratford; Alta. George Kenney, of
Mr. and Mre. ile J. MacKay. - Kuhryville, and Mr. and bire. W.
with Mr. and Mrs; P. Carey. I
Ur, and Mrs. Merritt Hay, of Owen Price, of town, were present. There
Sound, were visitors during the week were also present the grandchildren
of Mr. and Mrs..Wootton, Dorothy,
High School entrance examinations onto, Rev. and Mrs. Hamilton. e
of Windsor, visited Yrs. Larkines pars jorie and Verna Miller, of Owen
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Larkin anti eon. Muriel and Lloyd Wootton, and Mar -
Sound, and Jean and Florence_ Pikes
will commence on Tueeday, June 28th, Mr. and • Mrs. Cameron and two of town.
and Lower School Department exam- ehildren, of Toronto, visited Mrs.
'nations on Friday, June 241hi it is
announced in the annual departmental
examination timetable for this year.
btidele School and Upper School
exams start on blonday, June 20th.
Entrance candidates will try gram-
mar, writing and history on June
286; composition, ;spelling and liter-
ature An June 29th, and arithmetic
and ;geography on June 301h, the
date on which public schools* are ofli.
cially closed for the summer holiday
season. Lower School students will
write agriculture (first and second
year), on June 24th; physiography,
committer and Latin grammar on
Cameron's old home in Goderich, . WHEAT FOR S..4.LE
Northern Ontario, was in . Goderich A quantity of damaged wheat for '
J. T. Goldthorpe, of Goldthorpe,
for several days the• past week. sale cheap at MeLean's Feed Store.
Phone 350. W. M. MeL-EAM. ' •
s •
Mr. and Mrs,- Grisham Robinson, of The regular monthly meeting - of
Toronto, were visitors at Mr. Robin- the Women's Hospital Auxiliary- will '
son's old home here during the. week. tbe held in the Public Library 'Mon-
sonburg, visited at the home of their
Mon -
Gerald and Phyllis Elder, Of Till- day, April 25theat.4 p.m,
the week. • ‘1,. Wi.il 16 thank our neighboee miti
grawlmother, Mrs. It. Elder, during .
was a guest at the residence of Mr.
. 4
seies of sympathy (hiring tho Pect.141
Nene li for their klintriese and l'XIIN.S.
• MISS Marjorie (lark, St. Isiarys,
111nr... aud death et our dear neither,
manedek.,501nrds.. W, IL, Pierrow. oyez. the Mm S. Matthews, also fur intral trl
•Mre. Donald 'T, Murray and (.1111. bu,l'''''s ' ifENRY" I/1r" ali'l 1I.421K.
wfdruernraitype.stitpaGr:nodts .
apartntents. '
ka'ithiatYhowilib'Autrrnse. Mr. and Mrs. Win.lCory um, to take •
Oils opportunity to thank publiely. Ofiss
Mrs. I. L Strang. Is e. 10 ti hem 4' 'a eleManus •and lir. 11, 4:. Weir for
itheirueuviftsglinkie,1•Iki"rInests, their • vans -
week. •The first contract tei be let tory on June 21st; physics and cone.
tenders; will be called probablv. next jure 20; geometry !nut' British his- - ,,I ' ' e
i front Toronto today. Iler daughter, teeitightfiths.nektlering te1.11!:.1.01.•;;T".!:4.4,t:
will be for dredging and pier work position on Rine nnoo; .ateeeeas • se, 'Mien Grace Strang, Guelph, will t.e. slime,: ef Mee. eeny, Thee. Imsemee
amounting to $119,000, The dredg. eient history and music on June 23r0; 'oomPanY her. • . • efforts wo re airplay . tifolle,i,i 0.41 Tote(
lug le estimated' to . cost $70,000. French authors and Vreneh romp ene • Rev. and ' Mrs.. Hardy -motored to %,%„.,,,11,1111„Lit,1,4'Ll,it,-,t,'Ile.11,11,k„ 1:1„"li, Irb;1,1,-
Then the north pier is to have 500 tion on June 24th;' Latin authore and London on Tuesday'. to make' arranee -t-i ' --- i- -1--i: '.--- " - -"..'" - -
'.. ..0.11.111et.11.. dr,,I141.41 !‘,1
'feet 'more of the erib: work replaced Latin eoniposition on June 27111; :Agri- ments for moving atro tl e 1, I
SR 1 Amer Innen. .
,with concrete: 'This will cost 537.- eulture (0z4and second year), on i to Marion, Ohio. .
I amount appropriated for Croderieli . and Greek Accidence onJuly 4th, and Murray at ileyfield • se !! items ... ...!0B!,°:Nnneth Lied-.
i000,, The south pier is to have an ad- June 28th German authors and. Ger-
, I Mrs. Thee F ffilttle and 1 1 VII.I.Hf 1t 111.. Poesid.•ne tle-p.
:ditional .00 feet reeonstructed cif ' man comPogition on *Mlle 20111; alais1- i ter, Hazel, spent Enster Sunday tcjjh . 131, Detroit. Miell.. en \laren 21. itIlt. 1.1
1 cement .iiit a ' cost of 512,000. • The ; Metie on June • 30tlit Greek authors i Mrs. Gatiley's sister, Mrs. Donald T. Mr rolli MI'n i•Id.' A. ‘1111..r 11" KAI.
; oi t is year is $137,000 and tee, pants t nut lois an pan s tom-
lhaibor entrance is to be deepened ta 'Dietitian sm July 5th... Upper School.
201,t) feet and additional rock dretlg... Students will write literature and
ling within the hinbor is to be carried chemistry on Juno 206; geometry
• on to n depth of 23 feet. ' and history on June 21s1; mei:items
;Insprovestients at Bowelag Greens • children, Mies Porter and Mr. S. Iloey
The • Goderich Bowling Chin are - and Ftertelt rompositMn on June 24th;
- gehra on June 23rd; French authors retureo to Goderieh on Saturday
J. AL Graham, of Toronto Univer-
sity, motored up anti spent the week-
end with his PesiOnts, Mr, and alre, .1.
IL GrrahanamErnest I otter and
, Baylield Road.
. .
and eemposition on June 22n0; Id.
ing extensive anges ut their Latin authors. and Latin jomposition after strending sonic months in .1•,..
'greens on Piston street. The ohl ten- on June 27; trigonometry and botallv Ma*
me courts have neon tovered with NMI on June 28th; German authors and Little Ruth Elliott, the seven -year -
:nut rolled and seeded, the intention German composition on Juno nth; old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. IL
being to use this property to add a physics and zoology on June 30th; Elliott, London, wag a visitor with
. number of greens to the aceommoda- Greek authors and Greek composition
Hon ter .bowlers, The teat wire en July 4th, and Spanish author, and
tome whitii fronts the vortion (levet., Spanish composition on July 5th,
ed to bowling in former years will be,
continued acrose the front of the ONLY 0001)
whole of the property and a now dose In tea, as in everything elee. you
I board fence is being erected across get only what you pay for. Tea of
the rear of the nreperty. Th' new • good nuality eatiefying end pro.
club hoe. which iti rapidly Inking ; nomical-poor tea is a costly disape .
• shape, will Le a great eonvenienee 41ointment. .A lot of poor quality,'
Irol part of the new building will be lie today.
for members and visitors. The ern- ' eheap tea is being offered to the pulite'
........0641....... ...
!...... .
: OPPVI tevatrde the greens, and at enah .........
end will be a do' d rop, one a club • See our display and prices of
.4 m .00and +he t with a sink and '411alnals and Sponges. ,
. tap. ,ete. The oit6
l' m
cl eltet house has been CANI„.........PBELIs'S ....DREG STORE,
moved back on the int and win be
. 080(1for a tool )os' • ••. and toilet ae- eThe• Wrong Mr. 'Wright," the eom-
' t-ft1111110dati014 Miii , • suv be iestalb,41. tely given.under the atsepicee of the
The 50 01 is already laid. When the' Arthur Cae-le %yid be reeested on
ininreveinents are tonieleted the 046 Friday evening, Anil! 2.1nd, in the lee.
win have it pros -Katy 'that it would t,10 room of Knox churelt. Asitaie-
I'-asel +i) bvt, with every eoreseuienee, 1; n .1)5e.,
for players. ., * me of the eoffee we get served in
; Modern 'Methods in Riioad Work restautants new 03481)10 reeve be
By the eeereise of a tittle feresighe brought front the kittit.14, 1,. 11'4 to.,
Chairman too of the public; wieles weak to stir!"
The town bylaws require that
Ike owner or harborer of gay
dog shall obtain a license and
such dog shall wear a lkense
Dog tags for this year may
new be purehased at the Town
Ralf from
11. 71. Edwards
Tax Collector
IlE ‘.41 ILI ,11 j„bit
114.,4,o4.4 l... son 4.f 11444
and Kirati .1.400 it.,vitol.1-4. St 4,14 11..4',
beettier ef Otte. \Vatter. :emu lei-, et'
reeterich • 1t-4141 .
2.9Th, ignht1Ad
88. •Thefunerl Will take plaee from
Drophey Bros.' Funeral Parlord, West
St.,. on Friday afternoon, at '1.30 to
Maitland coneteine.
aturday, April 30th
41111. 040•411•1•11•••