HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-04-11, Page 2METWO
-"f'irlGlili�!'I?AY, APSM 141ita
141::11 11 Will"- - -
f Tally at�tl ik Z q'te1 mod". itftr
Geoege , lista to No to k that
tk rrparip�to fits 3tsit ri � ..�rac-.s--..�------..�-
n� `i10.
b 7 p.tu. every x „ i S0y03L, JULY TO AUG- ISial� � 'East& Neckwear
I lrrirJtiti "rFtr:>rtat
crest &chain e4ebratrr ""13oiintt, $lxatsii lstfael
t i Woek" this week, but 'Sat in a carry ; 3"sW sConaws t+cr Tto char , mosie of xtaedr
' l riRtthuto.[f+d;18 ,00C,0P0 to ineret s it de-
" ' i. i i w fees. a s r r � *ex.t
it k an redo ineof taxa x co"" tb*� IN ALL THE LATEST SHAPES ,and SHADES
_7 , there will y yf•
z tion is almost impossible In vitw of frac" Dr it�a.. ■
LADAN ilei deficit, acrd �IitnitOn iilurCltillr cawars 40imid wa+ iw Clow• l L•r•••, t• -+r • y f
British Vitancellor of the ll xchequer, "�' took .ita.•ab,ii<,sweet. Y Y it .�t�Bows.
a*aak. Mtuleta'. Lop. Udsetw- t
has drawn r+p' _a-b_adret to tae!:• the ;; .,,ass .wa tlr,�. .. •'� i r lid- Hands
� S
Tweed of $4,�oOP0,o00 required by Yi and ;roc y�
i rile GAvertatrsert to corer its bust srx- 't "oft" .cart ear $*1* a
pens". Has. Mr. Churchill utas oak- R s..ecr. nr.rMi.,re° Alia your
New Easter Hat
eti into the Cwlitttrt, ` 1fa•tflr.i eoerY3airacei4 sv i#-
eft* Trutt - -
bstause he is re-
lref Mr salts ......,._ --T._.-.:...--..-..» .
gardsd ani a clever flinsncier, and, it
(1 t7 I;0 Insist t, n, 54glada. Whilo he has reeteived coibslderabk r st'ct.. a s'�. raw, it
;was the general opinion that if env
One could redaee taxation lie could r
TI><a, is WIl;1► p illi 2t9�
--- ..... � Sada r'h
•••^--+-°�-••-- � ' .. at the hando , of papers of ; , -------- _ _ _ . _ _ _ __ ._ .. _, � � , . I'+'w
��e ����� �ff-KiA`E y,
... .,.. ._, w --•---it .._ r . �, ... abuse he h;;,**Awa grid aiMried glut trialserz.
criticism (t p g
all political atzapea, boa Auti-'lltrik * Ft+eOot� is U. L � Old Mr. Carter Helped
� $9 � �'Fago� its Ctrs rt �aAt1c
����� not fulfilled ethst hP4+it it in gen,-r-, rrTwist�t the lioti'o tail" ># atilt
al'tx admitted that had it swot been for I
the miners` srike of last year with great sport ill the Unitod 8ta#er ae- hy si�,tpia_ Mixture, ,--^^
1RiZ attendant financial burdens he would 4c Eft in a sensational speech made ,after takinr Adlerika L feel bet• The $arra oi! aSupercargo--Fullerton What Have Yon Got to Give,
`D Gitscitfotl have been alrk to present a more is ;v- in EsngMtxl try Sir A+sekland Csedd+rw I ter than fox ears. At n►y are i*ro) I Waldo Angela Petri
British Ambassador to the y Tan Eichler . With Lawrence in Arabia -Lowell
orabk report, fortner Iizt it is ideal --so different from other t Well bred Eaglish--•Lill .
Britain's' "No Strike`" Bill : tetnution among the Labor arty, 'Northern Troop* Defeat Cantouetie ; Uzutod 19tstea, fifr Auckland has rnrdicinea: " {signci.). W. W. Garter. Today and Tomorrow --Henry Ford
If the* new Trade Union bill, whiwh who arc fighting the issue tooth unci ,to been silent on political niAtters� Adllezine ," a aim }Auction Bridge Completes�ATilton C. outwitting lriiddie lige-Carl lta7eius
is �tt pre m being discussed in the 1 The Cantonese, or 'Nationalist `in the House of Comx�mons, and his ad- ple mixture of buck-' 'Round Home --+C. S. Kinnison
British Ilntsse at Parliament, is pas- nail,
Camslissianto Beautify ± troors of China met their first ser- dress, which was `deliver'ed with re• I thorn bark. glycerine. erre., which re- � Work The Fixe of klesert .Falk E`. Os scu-
d, it will make t►1l atiameikes t, is acrd i c'anada`a t'apital Taus defeat at the hands of the rear- ference to the recent anti-Brieibfia feel- ino.'ea GAS in ten minutes and often �ulrhs fihos. L. Masson. do,
O% Caeztr the faloverttmrnt or intimi- ganixed Northern forges under Ahe+ids voiced by the new Magor of E'hi- brings surprising relief to the stoat* Sailing crass Europe- 1�legliy M Garden Breams --E. P. Fewster
date flit people illegal. Any person ,The Ottawa Improvement Commis• command of General VnAnC, Tao lin, ca o, caused quite a stir in the capl- i a G+li. Stops that full,.bloated feeling. i ow -
1 protitirLing or instigating such .strikes cion, which has looked after the gen over the week -sial, and latest reports E. err Ht claimed that there were two Brings out old waste-rriiitter you nev-
ishabit to a fine or imprisonment not ,stat improvement of the capital, has state+ that they have evacuated the'streams of anti-British prop5ganda, tr thoutrht was in your aysiem. l x
execeding two Sears. The measure a been dissolved, and in its place a; town of-Chingkiwng and are fallinx flawing. into China, one from Moscow, cellent far chronic LVS DRUconsttion i
also declares "t that picketing at tho , Federal District Commission has .teen back on Shanghai in confusion. This and the other from the United States. CA)iPBELi: S 3aIt1 STORE` r
residences of workers or at the! fine -;£armed, For many years the Im-s will necessitate' more precautions In the latish esbse. he declared the sulfs withtheroyiil owner sboaat put- `
tory Is unlawful, and punishable by provement -Commission hos admin ° , being ,taken by the foreianeri in propaganda was caused by -voung IvUsillg , new livestock. The Prince
itatexed the ;150,000 annual grant of Shanglwi to pzevettt the usual lasting Chinese who returned from the States : same s
fine or impi aaonment, As was ex- k which has been prevalent in cities ! lass been raising splendid strnk
peered the bill h,is .3n�sc1 Fred+ coli
Ottawa,nand now the beautification
his t to China where they repeated the gib- {ort leis 'ranch, some of which has
been inrxeased' to (250,000, with a ; through
Trove pAs,tede, defeated Chinese l wex .ash nd niey dd lag es ab�ui I re t rled off tho most coveted 'honors .at'
'moll hives Wirt view to Riving the commission more the largest fairs Aird• eState"ions e-;
scope. The ant .covers a period of Canadian Wins Rig contest r ti"The United States," �s ea' er ;'Canada and the LTni#erj States in re- ':
silts and Siren i w eats, pn of the new ojects in A recent literary contest held by a „ p cent years. including the Internation- !.
,iA nn o y • p biah-e-Isss American periodical, which said to concluding,. does not possess cal Live Stock Exposition at Chico to• ,
°new is the creating of a National for s avec. ]las ; concessibns in China, The Americana t Man Canadians Leaving G. S. i '
°� Tick in the (;atineau district, The offered- ,'10,000 t be t n y .---.��-----*--" - mn -- - — - ---^-
" "i1y 20 -year-old daughter Since personnel which looked after the in- been won by a Canadian, a MISS Dlazo !lie in our concessions, stat � hof the � Statistics comt•iled by the Canadian
wrak siitd. had no appetitr,. Since xerestt~ o£ the Iinpravrntent C'ammis I de la Roche of Toronto, again�t 1200 all the advantages slid noire of the Department of immigration ;and Col -
Giving her Vivol, she has an aaiaziais e,ian is expected #o be reappointed to f competitors from Great Britain, Vn- odium:' onization show that an the last cleveu
Un -
appetite and strensr'th. -•-•Airs. 1i . the Federal Commission. ited States, and many other countries, a rionths 18,997 persons from the •CTs-
,7c►osten. The ver FIRST week they (xeo irnthusiastic .9tuilenL The book which Miss- de la Roelic E sited ,States entered Canada; wEtie the
Ning rice wrote is called "Jalna;' and has its" intention of r maininf there perunan.,
take Viuol, children befriii• to fret e , s
stronger, rat slid sleep better. A I . king George is a very interested setting' In the province of Ontario°, a early. This: is in addition to the re,
tint le strengthening r on and cod and thorough. student. of his bang- fart which will add much interest to l turn of 53,` 95 Canadians wbo had Alit
p r dorsi s politics, and every day he re. its publication from a national stand-' formerly. been linin in the United:,
liver e•ompound in use for over 2,i, p g
nears for .run•dovm met%..and women cravrs n brief sunnmary of titc af- point, Ttie $10.000 prize is aver and States. The movement Canada, -ward j o
land weak children. Contains nc+•()It airs discussed in the Houses of Par' above tite royalties and serial rights, ', shows an increase of 3.194 in general{
pleasant to take, lintnent, r This is one of tho tasks which. makes the .award one of the inimirrration slid 1.1,2G5 in returning
p ,CAAIPBELL'S DRUG STORE, that the tiice«chamberlain lies to face
� � � + y most notable ever wita by a Canadian: ! . Canadians river the same period a �
Year ago. The- number of returning" I
French Troops for Indo-China ACanadians is considered particulariv t
The outcome of the revolt inliar s
Indo-Chfna, and the over- d:
significant, as indicating that
k Yunnan, wave of prosperity, nod wages, and
'throw of former Governor Tangkaio,,: ' eaninte etnployiiient is again nitsriti;
rias caused the. French to view tic northward,
situation from a more .serious angle„ Non+Stop Flight to Pestis
especially the Bolshevist .activitie., in
fhe revolt, soil they are sending ntnrri I + A prize of $25,000 has been offered
t s : by a wealthy American. to the first
t troops to supplement the G.000 British ,
i A restful night on Libice i3rlo will tett i p•
airman to qty franc New Park to. I'ar-
and French troops already in ,than ' i
,r ajoy�meut to your tele.
territory. is. in a .i on,stou fli it. a distance of i «
l 'Three 1 ft Cs&$ ,Steamer !i „ Provinces Show Financial Sar ,tis
:.< .
3,600 iii es. Already- flue expeditions
*l� p' c . are preparing frit the trip. inclu4insr '0�,� i
/ili�irl�s.V 1Y rad �' rY GR FV—"Cn o813RtE" he finance$ are
attic tpro�nce. Adaf ' u Commander• R. F. Bvrd. who flew to
t�niimtteatieilutc>t,lnctudinitttrirrcftckariwtem,mr t11 Dominion it e n be p„ , the North Pole and back from ".Spitz- i�
. rhal:trmte a logit night's tafccshtaa. alar. Fxceilcne and seven of the Provincial Treasui- y ` yy� des beft ' t0 Qjt!
drnsrnraornaccvt'a. ors report a surplus against fuer last �.. � Bergen. Conim"der Byrd expeets -to befog[ G the a
p, ga commence his flight this month. and, ..
pAILr AfAY let TO NOVENHOR 14th : "year. The Provinces with a: favor- will .txaiel over Nova, Seotia. thanes
c�a�►AW Each glia Every Night Between � able balance are Prince Edward Is. I 'WDLL -KNOWN N BRITISH �reross the Atlantic , ou satisfactory results for the
J�i}� %VI Y land. ''stew Brunswick, Quebec. $as-
y._to :_Ireland _ :anti LIJsDST stty.C}r wiltgivey
�r fit* y ! 'rito4Enrrland •as far as wP eau o" runes ar ao: .
Bi falo and Clewelalnd , • , first 10f000
t katehawan, Alberta orad British Col- Lieut, -Com« Colin ltiaycirs, R. N., rho .If •he • a� surceaaful he will not. of r ' :, . .
%taviq at 9,00 P. m., arriving ae 730 e. tai. : iiinbia. 'reoefitly retired front the Submarine course, he the first a't•niait to v r. But if you wadi the -slime fine service on through the aebuindA .:
-. 1,rucmSaadwrdTtme , Service to take a an a , aintnient in, cross b e er third and itA0 following tens of thousands of miles, y
1IZ%V i n1B DI4'iSION Great Armada in China p 1 P � the Atlantic Ane bop, as XcLau Klin-Buickl
ver CScBSia+rtwrr Ci1X KtF1 R11L", to wtc�sre fc.d the Sullmar►ne Department of Vick- Unlit -print . Alcock awl Brown. two ( g u
end U Pato ail artamate nkdsa, My3rd.:osevt•6eh. The largest fleet of fighting vessels c
r i i now sets ;ors limited, shipbuilders and ard� gri rah ;iiimPn made the journey slid Accurate tee#s at `tlie great Proving Ground of, General
tteadi>awir R"dup ever seen in the Orient s n con.' manufacturers, vas axreited by Tanded i'- Galwav: Ire nd. to ,n n- adotors, *Bete all cars are driven and examined, show
5.30r. Leave ,. &a'alo,W.Y... Anive &W a. en.:. centrated in Chinese waters. It com- I u Tal ranch of^.Scot- nl bA n . n blit-8qi k's start construction incl liowerful Valve-' _
le,3or,,ra.J4rtM .... riq.pa.". Leave 12Aata.n, vessels, t including the tofiicers of a Spec B ane: This was a rpn+�.rknirie.f�at. loci au c y on a . at the int an
L".o0ir.n lcirva .., e+e.T...... An�vela3op.m. prises 172 sse ,ria g land Yard an a -charge of unlawfully lfnr.,%Vvch b1th Were knighted. v.; ;tin ! in iirad Engine, still gaining in, effi _ y 1?0
F:toce,m.Aixtva.,c3evetaad;ei... I.uaw.erloa.ta. , usalil naval;Auxiliar'ies sash - 4 trans- i sasssin offieanl secret tans n£ t�vo Geo P �n�a Pa g b 4 g miles"wheFe othGc cars are: distinctly on the down grade.. N
ta•s isr t•«MJtrrart+, lAsonrit Net x!,it,i i►at ports, colliers,• tugs, etc. ' .Of this , possessing g= p George ch preselitcd vitt a
of Britain s *"t r(,tcent submarines. prize of $30.000: X: zs the circ in McLaughlin-13uick design: the tests at the
FEE.Nkcpisene oe rcn,riat t>letrcY ctktcaitva great Arxiiada ,G are Ilz`3tash, 49 Jape .» . -_, ... ....� .... - 1 _ ... . .
L&Y„rrrrail tkkac a r rw American, 1q French . Proving Ground to be. sure a siggeated changti la right --the
anese, 30 , Welland Canal. Progresses NEW BOOBS A2 THE Pi BLIC r search for better and more durable performance constantly
New Automobile Hate $5.00 and rip Italian, ane Spain, Portugal and the The Welland Canal will be finished LIBRARY carried ori-�►hich are responsible.
�'W AttasemrALo �A Netherlands one each. This atlanto ' in 1030 according to a report' tabled +
T /►sin FV
a V does not include ;inn 'capital ships, p Fictiot.--, Enormous volume and its savings ii;ake possib,e t ,is cxten-
i. S but contains some of the r�orld`s mast , m the Hauge of Comnroiis, :tilt $13,- T siverpsaxrchan'dz%cLaughlnn-13uiclGs sit nerior construction -
.50000 was
total osttof the Cr the The Lneertain_ Glory -.Harriet L
,� Smith McLaugblin-Buicl:-.cars are built for big mileage on their
4 estimated at $115,000,000. The Grein Valley --Mary Johnston speedometers --for greater satisfaction to their owners, Buy
(The Magic Garden -Gene Strattort Y on.i for years .of exceptional services
' B. C. Lumber Records
w The British Columbia luml►er i:,dus-DI
i try. broke all records in 1926 with a The Stark I{night�-li;tlie�3 :41. Dr1I
Judy s ?IInn-1felen Berger
!tainhex. cut of 2:900,000000 feet, (-X-
Sea Gull ICathteen Norris t , GOf�erif:b Ont.
The Nept ite elusive of material used` for fuel and Huron: Motor .sales, ,
! Three People --M. Barnes Grundy a
..rs.sz .xwe,iwf„acw t'attnTrig purpgses ton i,;tcrease o£. The Moccasin Maker 1; Pauline �. , - , IlQl1e1`sOr ChevrOlt't,. �IdsmObil(w,
' owa•a 11'.7 per cent. overthe prevtaua year. Johnson r
Water -borne exports Out of the Pro- The 16v Above • the. Door -;V1 auriee i � ; McLaughlin and G. X �i Trucks `
p1 c_ wince were 720,000,000 feet, or 9:30,- .+
000,000 feet more than in the.preced ilangman'ssli'ousr.-Donn Byrne '
o.ib year.. The Shehnanerpi-F. Pauline r
Canada Leaving Ellis Inland CVeW
jTC .
arn"is es
viThe Canadian ImmigratioA Inspee- HkIlybilly--.Rose W. Lane 6 y
tional Office at Ellis Island, New The Phitocrat-•-•Booth Tarkington
i York, will will lit closed on . April 30th. 'Shackles ---Madge Macbeth t
Lowe Drothers 'Neptunite Varnishes are ideal in the past it has been the practice to New Furrows. --F. J. Williams �tirilil �tTti1 k1iT•arAef[at Alli �r1,CT. iMrA1011tiM LLiCK Wrll ►irlbTliilf
rk for either exterior or 1nte .,,r use. examine certain classes arriving in Jen Cultiton---Melia 0. White ..e.r.r.• *w+ a+,�.r,..,.► .,,.. , ...
New York en ratite for ,Canad,% at A New Name --Grace L. Hill
"ve the di4inction of being the Qnly � Rhos Island and other classes at Can- i Cherry SquaTo- Grace S. itichnnund {
' varntithes: that Have ..4uccowtfully withstood the ; adian boundary ports. In the future tinder the, Tonto Rim -Zane Grey
Grey{ N
° heat from a Hot lro.l.,on their surface. They will ' all such examinations will be made at The Ghost of Hemlock
the Canadian boundary and the bilis Harold Bindloss .x
not turn white, crack under the llattnmer test or t Island office will be discontinued. Saairdis of Fortune -Sinclair Murray w -
show heel mArk:s. IGC' and know or•rain ha'ye no Geriaan Siirlwtiaes League C'aatncit, Into the Vain --Florence Converse � *. :02.
4. ei%ect on them. The German representatives at the rTomorrow Morning --Anne Parrish
They produce a, rernarkab beautiful Snittl t :
p . :special meeting of the Teague of at- Smokv---Will James a ��►y� ♦/�+ T1U$.Z0WGM1
tions to d reate army and temen re- Brandon of the Irngincrra'-�Iisxrold .thlcfiVt/it`r
they wear loner and cost less than mq+et ll atrictions created much excitement by Bindloas
varnith. demanding that the Powers tie forced The Tin, Soldier --Temple Bailey
4 into a disarmament similai" to that Peacock Feathers, --Temple Badley, .li' �... ,
Rnf kked upon her by. the kazrioua Glory of 'Youth --Temple Bailey j
.trestles, and the meeting adjourned The Three Hostages--4ohn Bueban
Reptr. . -
tt: �.
vskrAishe o and trtldnit ht oll' taste *r4tir.rs,
A, itaain vviors ire now ati-
. Nepttinite Varnish Stroll
hat ttpk-ndid wcarin:; dualities
and git'("t a Kao m;rror-Ula
filet �, Haat•
to U.". Dr;cts
quick -l± :, ' a t urfstee 13,e
-s th-..t i., °roe from stiokl-
rs :alta du,A_ (tiff t.r�.l;•.
House Pain
Loge Brothers r"high � ta3ul;:tri;' I.it;ry.::l
Paint e(ver..s fully hof tato I'Mch more than
a iso- called 011e p pmnt. etc rr than thio,
"High Standari " i,% so seapy to aprly and
laitts iso long that it it comeds'(l by hun-
drtdx of Upera t6'W er ►ilott:fr*
}taint rt•r squi -re foot
it cemcs< in It spl"ial
rargr t't beautiful solos
and produ; o-* a high slow
finial. that cream .ft
trr'tnly, leaviatrr the sor-
faee in sewndM rrrnditlaS
for repaintintr. Try it
«tett next you paint..
7%ww 40
klizt wall Paint
l or 1,iiritor decoration: it is a llquliT
p;tint, really for uiv. Mellotone cOtAbinaei.
the delicacy of a water paint with all the
dt.i ,l,le ' ..:,:Aa Of a lead and
It it very - +economical and
c..sv to apply. It ran be wash-
ed with xaap and water;, is
eo'or fart and covers 900
s,i.,c:ce ieet to the gallon.
Therm is no ntW to drive a shabby car
when any amateur can refinish bfar car in
a few tours with Lowe Brothers Auto-
Afp Gl9F roduee,A a iin4h of revirrk-
stride h - ut: • r dent h. It Own out r,avfe1Y- ,
and lft% n no brwsh marks
or ovrrial►ldnx+t. It to ewe■..r,,,•..r
I+rrtNanent and ttnperriorsa re !ire
to iht weather.
Wee will br my rw to
supplyar''m With 11tori t
twll►or you jMdw to To -
store Ow" llalsit to rw
me. Ya+t will k out%.
pritod to lbw low "or
it is.
r " V% 8c SON
011- Wag Sw4waft
at a late hour without any dreiaian In a Shantung Garden-vuouis J. r
tbeiajr arrived at, If the Germans per- Milne d
°xist in their injection of these injection,
The Witness- Grace L. Hill
d tion. it will probably mean the break- The Tryst- Grace L. hill ' r ,+ : Brant%rd Aspitslk Slab sat"
1 inr up of the council, bot it is thought The lCity`� of Fire -Grace L. Hall ora four in onG Strip. -requiring
9 thcl+ have tarried their bluff to the Non-flctiot�- only osis operatioa in handling aria
limit, Thomas 'Gainsborough -Hugh Stokrr a ., `
i ;Iloswey fat I3<lgiw►a>rti 'Rocha --'W . R. nabden M `, `f ` >il> itQu fear 30 to 50 per
y .The proviriee of Alberta will spend t'Fresh Air and Ventilation ---C. M A.
$:t;400,000 on birhwayis and bridger.I Winslow
G'this year, according to a statement a The Barbizonbrr Painters -Arthur
made by Hon. 0. L. McPherson, bi
it Provincial Minister of Public Works. A Little Book of California Missions
This will include $(,000,000 on main --C. h. Saunders
highways, ltM.000 on market roads,"Acroas Unknown Australia-�:NCiehael
the balance being on maintenanw and I Ferry
on construction and maintenance of Luther Burbank=°.1: W."lampett
'' bridgeft. B fibs Mother A: W. f)arton
Priote of Water to Visit Usach I Canadixt t Plays from dart house
H.R.H. Prince of Wakit ban rrr tnbt-1 'Theatre -Vincent MsaseY.
-t par-atmthrr visit to his ranch = t loudrs and Viteathrr Phenomana-
at iwrklsko, Alberta, which is babout C. J. P. f`4t�
,25 milts from High River. The vimit Appraisal a of. Canadian Literatarr�-
ibs .tinted for somettrow in Auttust `or i L. Strveasotr i
September. 't`he brit to the Brati+h,Winnowed WiWom-°•-,& Leareck
Throne may h. ate
ied by the: Another Trosstary of Plays for t
Prime Mini!trr sf d. Rt, lion. f Childrrn-- J, ul)"A;Manley Belldwish, aPro. The Christ of the Indian Road -E.
fes.or W. L. Varlylr, Managrr of the t :ttaniey Jon"
"'i .If, iiaias.h. haA recently rrtarnrrl A Bit �a INye 1 Mn. of Inrentiorws-- I.
�tr,olp, 1°.I►t1'l#tT;'!41 1}t�went to Tosca
Saks Dangemn Varicose Veins
Can Be RAW, at Rmi
�. Atr
011 (to"r
!iritis f.taeb arm t'>tr.ari lYtwaYit tiarrwt�th) and ap1a11 nigkt
#tart at Iliad in.„ VVI" ; toad nierriiiig to rhe Awoiton, fttsrvm t
FUVX Tlea Rat. reins. Som re+r will irks that ricer
I - are it e+rowiag sea ober ani' the tt oat-
ir yoai or soy rok4ive we• frivadsi�oe
t ahM he e^errtin"d tenth fist
'ar• wwriod be4sem er Ilwit ee Ve1as.1",k, are of normal Also. St► panty
or baacko% tiw tart nidi ae 0M +Iwo!• ! tratinr and iro+eert`al i• Irmorald (XIi
err M this Wali girt► T" k b ^ t "'two 'Tisa err ersickit aMnrie 1.
oak yner WON
itsr ITR origiRai ' H. C. 0"10P alis t•+ts rt it.
twosWV of No 2 1r.IserssN
ML in laying -RIA ilavo a roof
of permanent Charm and distinc-
tion. Alade in four fftdelt% colors,.
Brldatfoert tit+rotErit Co. I.isrltx,alw =r'aattorl, e3a,tarlo
� _w"10-
' r
'a taste Cart", Infewmatte n Furriis)ad andp servico
*a Drrantford Rooling rondsrsd by �w
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