HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-04-07, Page 8PAIR MorT ?!iMISAT, A !L
The play. •coed io tie t'tty." I r^•_. •---.•� \ �'�
will 4e I►retaeatrd in floe parl.lr irelt NO NOM P&S Go tR, for _
'+ �a N'edae.d+,y. April 1*1t. by tho .
a*r aMLacirolah llracaatic Clab tea lAte tlw
_ aaspiceat of the Dwpoiwu wo"Wil i
>rielset year lla*W Cords Inatitalte. For porticalar+ ttwnt Wie. t 1'lrwtrr►it irlres lir. rpt. tate
*arty'. Wit kale a Malan The play, "The old-rashwood t P%Y�� We &we a w
aaawsr+taaertt: rsrtariag lar 3lt,tlk h is Fi-i presentedin hat the a10
price boort z for U. to vie. g;+riaila hal! un kriday evening b� the , iorpogm
ASN, mw our Iiaater Favor-* yo people of Fort Albert t nitedi. If you tlataak that the sMe�Eeou'+' 7'.r4X
for the Cklukett. ; church, under the auspices of tin knife to the oal;t mrtiwd of e.cape 0:0d s er working
,Women's Guild of St. pasty, clue h..from the lottery of piles, it's bwelooe
11you haven`t heard of tho new trwt• �+
Wall r ; Mr. Max Holtman, tailor, Dungan• u ment known at Dr. Loonhsrdt'+ HEM- ���� � �� � '
- - non, begs to annowtce that spring � ROIIi ►
samples are in ,and he is is tt position , This Doctoetreatment is internal. IWTM4 EXCHANGE Si.00K Feattiring our entire New Stock of Spiting !Moats, Summer Frocks, ".New
i ck t z )oar a�a�` Paco make firaxt-class shits from worst- experimenting, he discovered the i
wds and tweeds at $25.00 and upwards. �eaxse of piles and then wont farther Tess �r(f44S, HO81eI , CilOYBa and Scarves all on display aIi[i nlan,r lillt'S ptic-
Ing doom. Holl, Iliodroom. ' Al:o. your own cloth math up at rea• rt and compounded a rented; that would
�- - ed. at unu iltal atti�ir-active value.
or .kNsth Room. tree our sonable prices. Give us as rall. , renin a the coupe. Harold of Saltforilspent Sandray
tistupiev before b*yinx. The regular urnnthly meeting of Vic', Every pile sufferer should benefit afternoon with the lady's sisters," WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOUR INSPECTION
Rbc u ter+ d directors of-tlae West Wsrwallo+k brut- : by his discovery and so that then! Mrs, Roy Alton and Mrs. (ko, Lone. �
Rb ual Fir', Inser,ritee Co. was -1,44 xn :;Will be no doubting or delay, all drab- TheIadisa' Aid of Lucknow United THIS
� t j�,,
j, j�'
the office of the secretary, Mr. T. G:. r trists are authorized to sell HEIR- church are. putting an their plav, 'An ' �(
Allen, with all members present Ito ; ROIs with guarantee that it wilt du old tines Wies` Aid meeting at Mo»
parols were given by Hewitt. of 1�1n as stated or mane; back. hawk Crossroads," in Blake's hat', t+th
cardine, and T. G. Allen, of Dungsn t On that honorable basis b every suf- eon., on Friday night April 8th. qt SILK �1 �t
non, who were delegates to the con- � ferer should secure a package of ii r. + i NEW DRESSES .. • ... ........ .. . ....
t If Year eye* trouble voa p Mr, oke on Fr
a got rea a his
.-• caution of the Mutual Fire Under-'Letinhardt`s HiAt»ROII> today, r �... ,. �
!lase then] examiners] W Ill writers Assoeiation, which tvaa 110411! ' _ orbs broken an 1~riday night, when her , NEW SILK DRESSES.. • � ,`, r � � � � + ...........$11.70
in Toronto suave few tweaks arta, A''• Rev... r. RennddFr at the haus., and wait
abea mthe little Pigs. when the , l�'"r'. DRESSES., ,. , "�
the astaat modern aleth4aia 1 . i ` N COLLEGIATE RAIN'COATS and "ill at, and Glass. rlo m for ax ]tsars by Are teas also paid.''the Ret;. Mr. WeVermid, of C.oderich, old pig turned on him and knocked � f+ " . •
es trona .3.50 u_r. 'the United church parsonage. St. wofhimiated at the cemetery. There was Min down on some scantling. He is
►iarys, was the Beene of a tluier wed :a 1'arg is, turnout from different places, "doing nicely at present. NEW SWEATER., COATS , , .... .
cling at 11:45 a.m., on Thursday, April who had come to pay their last re-, Mrs. Jas. Gook, Miss Mary VSttt
..th, when Mrs. X, Dickinson, of $t. ' spects to the - departed. Mie xs sur- ,
Book Store Marys-, was united in the: holy bonds vived by her husband, three .dauagh» and Mrs. John Mullin inva attended the ,���r TWEED t�R ,� ,.... . : . .. ... . . . . ..... . .: Q. j
of matrimony to Dir. in. F. Reid, of ; tera and, one son, Mrs. Wm, Green, Moana banquet held in Kincardine R. ^
Suecvssor to t ucknow,nday night in honor of the M. R. ' ' , , .. , .. atJC
the ccrentony hello; per- Colborne tp.; DIrB, .Toe Barton,I3artauGaute-; NEW SILK BROADCLOTH per yard .
- formed by Rev. Thos. Green, pastor . rich] Mrs. Wm, Weston, bf th,1 vil- ° cr es , a d the R. . 1G. Master, J Ani -
W. 1. - � r � Y , b
PORTER'S of St. Marys: United church. .'After a loge, and Charles, at home. The bus- � Hunter, of Ontario Went . Visiting , NB�� RAYON (Ili:es5 Goods), per yard , ; . , ....:.. , r �tM
* short trip to points east air. and Mrs. band and family have the ;"incere L. o. B. A. was present from South»
. Reid will raside in Lucknow, where sympathy of the community . in their ampton, Goderich and Dunsannon. DRESS CREPES# r• , . , , ......... ,
.Alr. Reid is in business, mad aAiiction and loss. pe yard• . IQ
aYG�' N '�i* 8 A business chmige-Cllr.. Charleq � Miss Winnie Lane, who underwent NEW '
`Elliott has disposed of his buainese to Ia serious operation for appendicitis in .... ....... .45c
Mr. Lorne Mcl►enraie u it up an- miss Alma CREWE KibIA�1A CLOTH, Per yard
i' other tVixilrpet car fr ort, u thi a Air. Harvey Treleaven, the Ist;ter ob. ` to Rlakt*, of Ilc:trait, ane tt �Vingbain hospital two weeks a>ft'o, ex•
Poets to be home in a week ar aro. Mr„
creek. tniniittt possession on Monday, April the week -end at her hone here. Cyr Campbell`s children are ail
Dir. Geo. Hamilton has gone to or- 't]rd. Dlr, I:iliatt has hod a lona and lir, and Mrs. Jack Swan and family feeling better, and little Harold Reid, �I' HAVE MANY. SPLENDID VALUES
sxlccessful business career, having;
onto where he will take up a nest • in. " visited friends on the 10th con. last who was so critically' ill on Sunday
been xn business for upwards of 25' ,
ist's course. ;Worst. Vv'hile sorxv to loss Dla X;l Sunday. ,with flu rind pneumanta is 81a3hCtyr r
Dir, stud Dirs. G. X. M0I%e ie soot] Nott, tvo welcome Dlr, Treleaven, xvhn' Mr. and Mrs. Raymond .Finnigan improved ,and Rirdie iieid and sister LINOLEUM and RUGS WAIL P.f�P7','.RS
son, Malcolm, were week- tt guests is not a stranger hero, huvintr lived , and son visited at Mr. Joe Shamiey's.4-W., W the+ name disease is much bet- r
,with relatives in Glint practically .all his life in this district, last Sunday, �. ; ter. film Nov Llnoleums, Oilcloths, and . fore
our. Patterns --and Values be-
r Miss Flora I)urni , of McDonald and having acted as Clerk in the Store: Mrs. 9enneth Campbell and daugrh T(i1�v'N COUNCIL RlI$S are �io13" 1x1 stock. We 'v4'i� 1r8 >}�1le y01a kitty. Prices, 1Q0, I2c �SNG
(ollegc, Guelph, is holidaying at the for the past year ar mare. Mr. Fl- ter, of .Detroit, are visiting Airs. � a 0' ,
home of her parents, Dar. and firs. R. Mott retains possession o! the I,ro- 'Campbells former lame• hexew', freight
contdrnued from page fir pleased to measure and give esti- 1$c per roll. All papers 2.,,•Inch
T. Duxnin. porty for the present. Mr. and Dlrp. Sant Sherwood s nt reig she of -repairs and the• chair- mates for your new Floor' CaVt�rili�S. width. `
pe man of the harbor committee was ell).
Mr. F 1113th; Cook, having rented his 'It•'hat is it and who else has noticed ''Sunday evening last with Mr. and
powered to,.have •this done.
farm, has gone to Gollingiv,:orni tvlx.,rc It. Upon several .ace r8tans recently,. Dixs, Herb Curran, of the'0th can. Councillor Sproule Advocated the
ora a entre, 1 P . Miss Rath McConnell -returned opening a of Raglan :street through
Tic has antorrtl into a rartncxslii in a in fact almost, every evening between
S g the hours of 8 and 0 p.n1., there has home from Stratford last week, where to BaYils d road. .Councillor Cin�1 AY r'
Mrs. G. M. Me:Kontie lcava.i on been seen, by your correspondent, -she had been' attending, school for fixe a raved of thlS as it rvouTd: savLry 'SSERVICE v �U���Y
PP .Th Ir
Saturday for.Toronto, where size will slightlabove the western hoxlzon,,winter months _ many a utile to drivers, Half of the
the wedding, of lux: brother, pair -,waveringtlight of ail acroplmre., -----� disiance belonged to the town at» RGUgI'tx-rURNISHIN+S AND �17JLL'APER.
. tr. F. No4bdlte, t , a�tten ion was first attradted by PORT ALB,,,+ RT : ready, 'being' • tRe property back of
Mr. and Airs: Troy" Il'arris and. Fant it, owing to its reddish color, ars other.' Arm. Ray Fritxlry spent the week- Victoria school Property'— .
wise it !dight �eaxtly lee mistaken for ; pe04,
ily, oftratt£nrd:. tvei+~ Sunday.y;uests 'the bright ht ev end with friends in Goderioh. On the motion'of Councillors Cute
1g . ening star, It seems t4
with trot= lady's parents, Mr.. nntl Mrs, pin the tllro t3 of w , i Rev. 1r: Hayes, of Dungannon, favw and Sproul this .was referred to the
T: G. Allen. g Con est by rtortlt w , _
,.tired his congregation with aha her public vt!artks committee to look huts ,Chairman Lee had go informs-• need rebuilding, The matter was dis- matter be referred to the public works.
Tho Inans, friends of Arra .D;aniel 'west, and. as it recedes, sinks lower sof his hooch Pec t t and report.. tion as to new steps back of the cussed in committee of the whole and committee to have Plans and
upon the horizon,. until it finally dls- app .ia ed sermons. P ape rA
Fowler, of Nest IYAwanosli, .Pro sorry n s .. i Mr. an Are. V A motion was paused to give Mr. f C.P.R. station and at the head of Wel- the committee recommended that 'the i cations prepared stat# to •ask for sep.
to learn that she suffered a stroko a pgiear , Ona ran :only carilectul r ns ; d V.. Touton, of God *' �.Murn the same rebate on road oil lin on and Waterloo , street which -= ='-""^ orate tenders and r' n , P•
.. _ = w
f to its nightly alrpearances, anti to its ; cli, spent Sunday with the lady s ,
paralysis. last week, her 'right lido Passages over the 1 Y ' ' Parents Mr. and: Mrs. Walker assessment on BayReld road as had
being paralyzed, P ght. oke. 1 alert far gt , I a t kir Mur been given before, namely one-third.:'
tans ray, '
Air. - . Wan. Fitzgerald, of Detroit; I Finmigan-Fitzgerald.--A Hulot but I Mr. Rector 7igert, of Detroit, ac. On account of the long sheath past
1 comparted by 1118 friend, Mr.: Angus '.has farm ,pp�his Ila thin was consider-
spent the week -arid at the. ]route of, pretty wedding was saleurniartl tin ' , , ed 'fair.. This motion was , rustle by,
iris father, returning on Sunday., IIs Saturday, morning, April. 2nd, at tho t'Saunders, are visiting. the ftirnxer m C une'1l Huniber d Rom Lee.
'.was present for .the marriage of his Ashfield United .church ,parsons
Parsonage,, "Air. and Mrs, John. Tigert. tie only t vote n w�8 ;o
g Th ny to ay a (un 1
: »elster on Saturday. Lucknow, when. Laura, second daugh- l., .The play entitled, .,The. 'Olt] . Fash , tiller McLean, Who thought the amt
Remember the play to be givott.ait ter of Mr. Robert Fitzgerald' gni] the .coned, Mother, given by the oun !ter hal o to committee.
•Blake's ,; D ,. y a s u d R., c t
,who lata Airs, F
reix 1 al Fitzgerald o e
x I n Friday a Id e l f t. v
a ado evert became e• e P o S Andrew's r n It h bi 1 P chart ry
Y t d s h os r w
a C. a s a re8ent with tt
u r It, IT a
Y , jr., p
• of tht8. Xvcck,} A Ladies' Aid Dieeting; of Itabert R, Finndganr of Asittleld, `decided srdcceess. Those who., ini'ssed � petition from reatidentg of the neigh -
Mohawk a� Mohawk Cross Corners.'! See lust the ceremony beingir • performed by { It will be ;given another a portunit b
arhood to. have he al market build»
-issue for particulars. Itev. A. 'IV. Brown. The bride . i to hoar ft on Frida A r' p yh e t d .
,. P t de ens loo Y, P rl 8th, hit the rentoved;.iaeing; lte�.t:laailltgd, a fowl._. -.._.:The .Airs ttniion t} ,-2PA1V1dv attic il-iA hex,tMAll': ecrash hall nDu an xrno .iilr c Iii _ aA anal t a��'lk d YeCfation t 8 P e s haul ixoa*d _ hla i kip 4diseld'its regulaar monthl meetin ,on . tome, artxek of trvo�tone blond geor� l 1 a .kAy" in tho viairiity. The pok_Y R ette . w • - ...... ..... BELT ST Wednesday evening at the hanre,., of i* + rth coat to mRtch, with corgi, ;:,ners-wanted-#t-tamvedn tyre t . u.t .:►i,v :iull�,
Ilia secretary fox the discussiait o£ gage: of. butterfly vases a+ d rase hat. t ass •F#orooco hom son s' ant have the site seeded da`vn so as to room To Liverpool .
17umir OSS in connection with the :school. 'Sha' also wore the gift of At utt•onn1, ar P p make it look nlde for the' .Ceirtenrial. ' :tsar, 1;a:..:..,
• , wase of uearlS, f Sunday: at her name ru Lupknorv. ,.. ,
Dontfdrget•tha r4 a,n .,4c-Niedding.di1uwr He Also inti mated that, property, own- �:Ipx.-,1..., ;,:yN,iitelart
Program .. , to be Priv- was serve + We are verge nleasGd to report that • t
=kill b Gordon ,i1.. Stewart in the ar• ti.ai< the brides dupe, fol p 4r8 on iV%z►trtaat atxeet would come lo. Gtcrr]aatrr g yt,utru,niit+►r►
yy P lou'in>r-v't'ltirh the happy couple left1l the .wick .children airaund here Are ,aloe a :little later with another pet! :tiarttxarlr
iphi roar]. Dungannon, on Wednesday, . , . tar ravin . g
P mcurbtan na,r
#tar°" al'n
,. a lox t trio to r ix Tato' t
she thirteenth day 4f April, x titg Toronto, Hamilton iidn, to be altawad •tax xn trrX • • ,
Mrs. "Will Gakilineri ,or Zion, s ent their own expense. i>a t 1avQtriv
will be worth seeing. b'ax. rkictrC
and Niagara Pills: Cgs their return t „. 1•,. , , , yi.:tar:initi
rai< bit
i 'im ,Mr. And Mrs.'innrgnn wlll resiae on 4 couple of days.last week at:. G'. 'This matter. was referred to . cant» i -
altee lla,
Raids, To London
:.< .
the v
se nh.
e t co Cesei: council, ,
n n f t l whole coon l
0 0� sh l mite f the w o �
Aed te4t ,
r r 1. , . tits] . 1
"resumed in St. Paul's where the groom Is ti's dcessful fa Mr, and Mrs. George La Chairman Crai le of theacemetery t , ..;s.�, ;t r t
11ift Sunday aft rm g Iia and Dirs. h >c t=>ttx�r �i,tr Hh
bei h
Calvin Cute. s
.$ pedals
Corn Flakes,. Sugar Craaps,lec,
3 for ..29c
• Duteh' Sets, 2.1hs for:. � • , .25e•
"Shortening, 101v Fail ..51,69.
B, : Tea, 580. for, , .:.... ►dr
Old :Val.. Raipdn, 2 lbs. for 25c
, ]'lit 1Y6
sThis recommendation % as adopted
and the: council adjourned,
O� :�R
Burns .(with :aa !bang
chore r%alt1.11 a n-te..
Duets of
n pop. or
7ff da fire a fon
kir AIXMI kir. their many friends extent] con. Will rlaldwin sent Thursda in and arks committed mentioned the To Cherhutirii- otithanr titan `---" -` -- -----
P y p, _ es ,, -� Positively Will n
.: #ixltw» for a. month owing to the e• gratulations and wish them it long ' Wingham. treed of mecuran mare land • at the fpr. 1,,. ,>+iiapl, rs of et,tt3an,1. Y tl 8t
aignatian of Rev. T;. Hawes. The and happy o • S E v am- ` ` xFiti 11.•tt:iat•. G'linik r.
cemetery send has committee• was , a.
Pare t4ndutted by Rev.. Dir, Hayes, matrfmPPy. ;age avow the sou of Mrs. ;Will Gairdiner and daughter„ a F1te.0J1 �ltr\1His:ti, ,
who is still resident here. y r any. Rva, of Zion, Spent Wednesday .with Pewexed t4 hooka . enc�uixies as to rix . t I N •S � R � l� � �
r .. Mrs. Jas. Cook. possibility of purchasing,, ' a L1 .
- t-�•-r- .........,.� .,, 1 t r foal
RI a A suggestion from Deputy Reeve tt,r.2;E ,1114 ainntr,lm
BA'3�FIELD r, and ivies. Will Lane and Wal • rtatiy c; autir.:1 �Ir,nr. a]n, _ Prig per fon -
y ter •and'.Ltta, of Ripley,s` nt u ,'Turner. that the whale cauncrl visrt, Mo ".1.11 aunt lal,...aiinnatto�;t
', Dlr. hand Dlrm. Gearg�a DIc�+.en$aa, of `da t J! , pe S n ..,the -cemetery a lrttld.later and see • •yltl .4JJttne.li•. .,-ltontciurr - �,3,sQQ .
OWN Dungannon,, ir> rho village an y a ,. m Hackettat and Dura, Dave, what work seemed to be advisably �T'o ltelf>ttit-aGlral►aw � ���
Sunday last. Hacketts.
�•1�• » � there was well received,•N,.... ....,lteilta w ••---
:The village is alive these days with Nurse Miss Margaoet McLough and :Chairman, Cralgie asked as to what y.:rylz darn,■tt......:1k ta.�anr> �ut.u��,.. �aif�. µ.
lmlt automobile agents dcnronatra in cars Air°' • Webster, of Lucknow, tare was gtoing, to: be done about a:band #o I.ortdon
it t tiperidin$,aa few weeks at thc•hontt: of I •h' h d n sketch re Pored xiag .'.. .. •:';tt:rlar•]x The Den -Coal
�+ Coal -
A full line of Stomped Goo00. of dif%rent styles and prices, Vi". +G. Heid': . stand, Ia alta from t town l,'ksrrrt tat 1.1tMt; �5$tiCa�lltlw4 Uom All
McBsrs, i3r4v�tt Iiiggants and .Geo. before hos recent absence. f m a , ....
1- , son &Tr. I tis h hple allotter ni' location arab I'u ,CLrit►ourtr-r+eiit ltarntl`tun-
ATarrzn T e w .�,
Sanat Ito erred L.unch,ron oil Mana ar , a k for .lie, ispent the track -end at the homer style .of stand woos again xei$rred to . 4r►txxr
r1 oI :Clatit► a GOIDERI H -
look far x Sob sailing an the lakes far' ,>pr4"yuan1 yi.,ntlt+5,11 Rrtsaoai*i,.+lass
Sets with threads the summer: of her daughter, Mrs. Percy Graham, the cemetery and •parka committee to Slay J$ $'Mine 15.. ..Dlontnairn PHONE 95
of Sheppardton, get prices.land report, To Gltsrba,lxrtl- lolitbiuxxlrion- Ht ,ora CrirRC4; : WATyn no ON'r.
tax wont Mr. Oliver I'thynas. and.son, Philip, , � . n • o �
p Mr, and Mrs Will and sons. , It was : decoded to hold the next 3lamir'q '
of Darlington, attended the funeral of. �••- ---. .-. ,, meati of the:c6un0il an April 22nd, �JaF11 �:aauii<� 8 A:Mp. Of I., cf, pp
the lata Dirs. Falc4nnr.rn.the• tiliarge ""- ...-, .._.....,,.- ri1;1y^:z Jiinr �l•ri,:,, tkutlanti
D. tat Agent^-«-- _�,----•
MRSp�+ on Sundav Inst: on account .bf the regular meeting .'
. E EVAN night being• Good Friday, xTo t:lterUourtr `;oirliranii�t„n i r
Death visited'
aur village last weak, „ y •.-R, -� ^..,... enl l?ttotit: 2,50
.....: _
r��rwrri.rr�,ru,�ui�,rr„r�rir..,,.,�`• removing' one of our oldest and most .a � � .. - - - +.. A� 11]'•1' t1 � '!'lll'tiltiT �. . L10T ST, .� : CxQDkieiCH, .Lx it -
xce do a
respected.+Citizens, in the Person of F. . - •i.11inli..1.. MIN��AND
�.. > ,. �_;. ....y, . , . „ 1,16. dolts Falconer. Deceay.
_. . �tl haat ChirteforHatching� 1;t�ttln+rv:t� •rut'ns 1.,.
been.ailing for the. Past year, but wits ] .
only confined to her lord for lira last ffx,�r �l
1 A141]r Ia Litt ti :t:x,alts,
three weeks, She ]Pura her sickness lkngglish.Amexicoan s, 1.. I �Ithi,It,
1r'ahl!iiltlAIs �1`sii:w FOR :11 Ri: 1:t n.. latent I t..-. lr,•l,t.. � al's AgeYrts fol
peacefully and was -for the cast weak Single•Cosoll White Leshorns � a',.Ia.lt. gild,; , Toronto.
r Its I.II*F FRO1I in an unconscious state and slept t t :• PATTERN atld 75c x setting; ;5 as hundred. Adeiald,� 21n,
CONST ll'A'I' it ,)'ri Peacefully away- on Thursday nights a%* Agents for the Model In- • TH APOINTER
at nine'a'olock. The funeral was held , 0allaior, made in Toronto, one . -- +.,;,,..,....�..,..
25 and .,0 cents at Dxuggiats from, her home on Sunday afternoon of the best incnbatora an the .fir"(YO ...,
._ lost. 'Service ass conducted by the l maarket. �. �� 1
.,. .,. GEr3.. GRl�BNSLADr., 140'W Shades *
Bayfield P. n. ��Le STOVE
,�i� 1 Get reardy for their
ri,AgS TEjt
T`el. 6i12 r 12, All 0atorry woad sixes of -Shades
s ' Goderkh. kept in stook. a also !.lrak�r . bras in sand' stet the e7t�11'tlrt$'rt'ty' a NOw
,.�l1r any aired Shaekm' to order.
-- Shades delivered and hon - for Stoves. Tura in the old I• AV* yaw Suis anti Golds t uan
,With the coming of Sl3ring. the mind Showing xtosel ALaterisla, cu
trlcate Trimmings ani clear -cwt
naturally turns to NEW S'H'OES. Mine's. bier►; Cbft*#+s Flowers.
than; styles.
we have in stool,: very attractive, up- � re
You ore coraiiolly Invited to
to -the -minute Footwear for everyone. inspect our sCock,
We era 's Shoe Storei ''
ss cVicar
'line Irla+ctr aE Malmum X-OWWrt►r
PHONE 43W --- : North Side of Sq a Are
"t afect Dread”
Wrapped or Unwrapped
that slice. nutty brown that
appeals to both eye and palate. ,
kir �+otatf orlr 1°',ra�t'tr+e�t 1�'t�a+,liali' "`'ti
tlre.d T`watatat ata�iat eiifferrwxgwctlr« 'h
Try Our W,iit *''Wholif Btratad A*
+toad Fruit ,lxmad.
e !d« ,a�i� NDS
PNO.1; illi I+l al•'r
Kingston Street
Fir Who.
r your
% aa*ss at
it Portrait of
.1. To " t,
op IS
F 0i iJ1PAn2.IN� ME
Ton Not tra,e harsh Porgativen--A
Tonle to All You Need
4 Not sickw-butn t feeling iluite well.
That is the way most people feel -in
the 'spring. Easily tired, appetite
1 fickle., Sometimes headaches and a
"feeling of 'depression, Pimples or
eruptions may appear stn the skin,: fir
there may be twinges of rheumatism
or neuralgia. -Any of these indicate
that the blood Is out of order -that
the indoor life of Printer has left its
mark upon you and mays waxily devdl.
op into move serious trouble -
Do not +rinse yourself with putga.
ties, cud moan; people do, in the ]rope
ticat; Scan con put your blood right,
she iveahtoll through the system
ins A*d ofivingr
l 'h, Any dortor Pdll tell you
trees,,, Wl'ilit you creed In tht`
rxing is a tonic that Trill evirieh the
iri sa'dlid--a�--}} the nerves. Dr.
WWI&srs' 1'4nk Iii do, this speedily
you free of ehorne. ' '
{ieach Curtain Rods., alt sizes,
its darle, double and trlpde.
Arch Rods and Door Itod;. Let
ars measure your wrdndows.
Lover' Line of Raster Cards.
SWWSAd d Gift Store '
East at. `P'Iroa. I"
uitrt EPsri_ es 1;t :hir." r:..�.,.
011100 earick tics blood whkh gAlbl� CARIktAtiltlt
mi*errat�*n� ztrarag'ibntae the APle-
tiiat aai tir*4 **Prasad men. as 'elaborate or stimplt as your taste
wromert atm 94m itdbn sad strarwar, or porketbook dictates site to be seen
Mr. lasses kka*n. Wootasaath. Ont., herr in many styles. Alt are well
my :-ftl ��tt, h oft rapt herr. wAd* anti will give Raub porwict. no
and appetite poor. My mittttr what carriarr yva pick out.
tiaMs ,a,ad vist>ery. I dip- Mutkers should cons* In sand !rea tk*oe
VMW try' Dr. Willisaa*' Ptak Paris, tier Carta and Cairrlit va. wraith villi
a few► bomb I Alt m,lo- itfe happier fee both aaothw
yftu ti w w M tt up arA not and beh r,
a,ta I ears t+awat.r*owat tier � WHEELER T.a�tiMM� tist+nr� A ahY J. r
a eirtae tialsirr .r llr seasil art >kx n — n"40 'Ittli. i1 Jc Galata
retrle a Mx craw Tfa. lk. M4'illiatn. hors ova fitrw!cd
wadlelre G►, Drr+ckV111a, ORL ,
:Stove; for a new one. 'dr #Ad bawl by sis, *W they
This it your Store. Use it. will look mast M* brand oew.
Work d*nsr as you like it.
HAROLD HLACN3TUN E,`� Gei1erick FreKh Dq Cle&l Works
FURNITURE EXCHANGE Prompt and »%pert . Service
oat tiim lilraxtiwar otf tleEatet%6 J. H. V1 OOMA1N
Rphone 122 'Ttfeat Street
• ♦ r
lne.Neweeset of NewShoveas for $prl.ng
,..:> r�"`f;Eg,iv��tlg :7,�;y i.1��tiiil`� •Ca,r'c e3t7r�•=�y�i:l�i� " .. " ,..
tett iiwi y IC4446l0riiiWe a rices
Wit imaiter your imp"ilon. Iran t till >>t 11#d" a Pair
to comw1ofiirtt y"r ErGrohw tgtlNllxiue
Iii Gtl"H