HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-03-17, Page 7­-T'j7"q w - ­ w.�w--.w7ww*m-7,IYP'W—;"W"Twr--,—%'"'- * --- 11"11VU10 " , ­ —_ ,-7-Rw- —77 1 7r�--,ls`7",Vr,_7- r.wwlw- —;w --j7 ., I I I - *­ 11 . 1. � 11111. I I ... . . - _W­rW­ - �Vft- 7-s - I __ - . I '1-1; ..­ . I ZT,W#-� --miz- * , ! � ��i - - - 0 - - - - .- 14- ;EWA-olk� ______ ___==1M=& . , " 14t 11 a - - - _�IM __ ------- -111"I , wealsest; jusajL Iff a Coe " rural ""am U so" - C>ww '" Y"=.tjA � . 11 - _____ - _ 4�bo§W low worm 6 Mm pod U& � . #us *"I as nopfriatio W We view* , 01::ft"I'L� itratio: the f1h.1 that l, �, - this sewil of rise watch awk mwd at I us all, - was Now pedged in A isommumot, htlattlen � ragooiruiotpmsmltl ar"VIP80* W" 4100miAwd I . I . ast IVIte'loorillood to A gislostanifflas I =11, itcasreseat rur,a "%Wis. tw. . . J o...." ft 1W 04fternoon 11 will rlk4utirr bin, arwirsew"t It MW is 14W raw selit"U. *IV I I i 0. Or twu at woot. I . Loll t0y 34911 MAXILTUM Good-WeA. Ord. 4. gi.-Illool, IW U01 flit Ott no$ ow j to U = Orwell, 61, bt% Ill, "I i thraike'Ite's wu"h 5-tafti, Ito kaft-wilkis too sib" rxw not "ont worth I I I weep"Imeallsolow assowass &glass 284moo ******Noses A viloolot"t AN4 ArvAllood. vull thus huth while saw i the rural clikild "lest 0 L4W saw Master of U& *11 I su-t min vild in itsdit. but 4 wti-ii, to "%` 'Mo) ktwl* 110"I'll"" ft"I" ld�r pANW4 le4volholilly at a very sit I . b Wftk 0- - a 1-1 Vlb&U'W 9" vismoil or ,he ead 0,( (;Od,S kU%sfdqV,j. Ilk. be. 1� la.� �Ihal I-1111 410111thAft) abloo-It twait- It he widiff" tu attend, High I X11 ; - i - we, Own JUV away, we lssi:a�rpfh), roll.: liet, III& the'. rvety Christian shugl4l be'. 111AW ol jolif-loo. flit- rula tot, many Ift­1011'.." This to felt by the, parents to tw un- I . , S11, 1% lfv� it i.oilot fill& od% I. -I. v.00114 tie - 111111 N%IAUIrWiOt." , . wisto, fat, o"(W they got Away, it to %he Mrs. Ifiddistion adifiss, ILX. me. 2, Wo tess our lives by Thine -1 our . The churkh lit a . HdA13444t Ili thr pr4-MA-lit do). � V , SIN a � � Port Posy. usit. fortmot-­1 to the our ,yrfirold, our Hrother, lito n itlatitU111,11 'a i Jj#*A %jJa`"rj,4j#1j4j Its i Islas of the " ralwokou :b,.4- . -Ahjeh *0 publiely acknuviloodg,4 four . Motto 0- ,Kuyl,luolollo too IW"h pOrthts and 1=r 0414roo,tv, ' " , awbor Of foul Phillififies, wifoll *her aw loord w1ityk we I:t veNe j It, 11014 lit, for kit t'stj 1A.116 at 1.6 lJoe jk4ilflk., ALA .m� .Ao As"."L . ll - %bill( lild'y wits ban I ra sliffalostiskin What my Tity servk-o bv1 01119101WO tO 00d, ilk Vrion mulkicipalitloo have INV" able I lOrkiolk left 3my It", in a very we" N4w name, star hirm, nur ritual ward, � inspit 4tfiwi and strength fat' liviftf,!, off t -40Y. to provws their vildidivit, with votiouti, $go � WU d through whieft we isay sill to'4 .Mr Wilittlu i-oti, Imiled III& fllk+lll,� - � ""A'sVit %wit at ('ainmervial Cour"P. I 01"Plithon. I was mks III , follvwlr4o Theis, -F� i, Tothilkat $rhoolls or Iridustriol, 41as- its 'At all sas~ Xut NITUPIY I 11110" YAN41 vilould rt as "NOL my J. (91. witittler. I ftbrring till it 1,014sumawtio" Chirloit's, lit -I lit fill it 1-1,116irl III it s"'llulallil'ito A," I 0 "' w . � F X;uis 14W will as to $I" I kingdom upon torth. 1111601 01 as it -lit, `A,J;j� lli;kf $Ili kLJJj4K ik�41* 1411- "if,fitil. Why should aut the rural 4-hII4 NGIE , " , � - . go a. l.=50N oft U41K!v $ilk might moak - ' I lanw-1. -w -, -trol, 321 sli-It Aidh'04 lot -111119 ItInvto the talse, opp,irtuattlos brouisht RED RONEW ORM _V_ PEKOE is extra jVj. .. . I . . LVaes TRW,-_&vI@w.- 11111tuilles; lit --who W of -a rharch littlifold our, -liv Till, 1"iSyslu f -or tilt% till it , too his dw -ban ehild! Whv I �- ­ I--.---- % kin proict r Jilt thi to ______.._._ _....- . , a ('11irlatiss, Life. � chureh be - V ilAx, illowthir 1110ittliA IevIlirra 4 I % should root a high ot-hoill volluvittion 1W I loNl�­_ ; ,------ - - �­ - - Devotional 111#0411ag—Rov. 74-11. I it all of its members *or* just Ilk*!,,,., I", arv:i%), .-f ttle I still ill tht, . I , Ilrisr. I ,rom x1i low a % k 1), line Wo* aekiessibits to "very rural thild! why If flit, rural #+Vti§,II,4 *I, -0 Iwito r 11i'l " .1ou'll4a, I . � pl)jir- gilloSril, thl-V vtoUld t�ll 1111*111"W go* 0 ' I 01 (4140it Toalu-Jalkilt 140. 0 mall, I lilt lilIlithlix1im Ili*% voirlo-th,w off j,*1kl1tP;, ifhou)d he not bay* tho sainti 4 4,17,4 1144 �,Ihtjrfsed) ty I , - ,.*-- son. 2*4..41" Christian Follower OC relit, 31tIt.—Moklas the Vitionstuld , frilittit, #I&II filitkorlit. : %unity Aft the urban Allild tit vlJoHloov (A withuut suvIl IAIPV jktSUP,"t, fk'Alki 1W � I "I" � I ro'! 11 �i . . J0401116. Ckriatills. i A itioltit itat-rvitt bo* loviii to4kinjit eimrse that invets hipt nv4otl Slostill:1111"'o lilt1tv", ,,, wall,�� t,4 014 H" *It- Nil i,io, iok�d utiduls, t1w fiA,mv tit I I .1 -IC-1111-11. (got. 11.113-11L ,111%i'lillil 011tk lit' 111110111Y Uth-14-tilpi., 111441 Wo. CtifitiftUO to send 11-141�101 lkl%'A 11111111 � dilli Y pi likitsIA, allit 11,P vi% rate W11111d vt-twA okkall 1141*w'.4t; A Colli 1,10,111-k%f f, . , 11 . mirk 1:10 - . j 'l 4 1. , " tit �Ilwd fit llqAI;,lo.v thl-Ill, . I 1 14*4 sill )dark, *;14. I '. go. $III. I � 111tirto Offirt wilf IN, lout forth ftiv tho xlrIx to High Nellool, to toduvatil theirl ;3 uIlifarlil, I"04,1411 lit %ktt',�Oflw ill tit _*­��___ � I I - - . . lCarly In His mirdst* Aesufl t-ho)w Paul had voilltel4fil uraviltiv toil'! I III-Amr;otf At$ lit tot. flillfirf:u: Ilk Illif 10111111. away front the forms'. differelit . toctiono, I 111tv-,icif 4114, tllj� p,ijtr� I'llf"V tlal"I � , I Man to be With Him that they ml lit the Irvedont tit the GentilP (11000 111r,11 Work, The forraer Of today requirilit mot* At tilt- il,-vo,lvilt timi, thv tf,lvi,lll� Alrolld Ito Outh'i, lilt th0l, 111,1114 , 'm W101 . A , r ithig, tIlkil front tho burden ut thio 4*416 "Pre- 1,111, AvIturt, fir flit; 1,4111111111111 lim-04.111 � than art elfrinfIlItIlty filUeliti011. lie Illellt OEM.% to JIM" F"%'Qfl'Y,ft%V 114l' . . . . '. . be Inittruettid in Hill toite 116111tt hiV� a k"01IN1#111190 lit 1110 AIIII11- Vent, tit the Cost otinight prhoj�l I 1111,1L.L litifila't" ��i�_. �_, ­. . I I tit,, * I Alit, sad took two boxes : they might catch Hin spirit# and be,, flat Inw, but In his abrence Judght- turlil 14,punt,11. given by .Ili,. Ilitaty for ,.:,,,�. � . 't"� of Xotn Rod I. Am sow sojoylof "to #Wguod with His power. In thib Its. Ing tv"chlorit l' I wftl� o fit,! lilt. was of.grva� infere.'t, 'rills4"At , ,�til - I MOY loll persulf(led tho, I' -� lon fit it0euve to the ralifloir t,f iihort rourses. T W im lot il,willi'd JVjQJl,f, I lyv fill lilt, 11railt . I . I . , I'vet.jJil"ItIll. I trust they wil istip Pon We read how some of tb#jlv men tile Chriatlanit of (41stin tWt th'T ('1111111 -It 1,11110di Itself nu rf"ord with crops find otook. Nowk Ili order to benefit tit urban ventres, but till AW. .N't,l if i.jlp 10,jtj to, 14, I'(411iRM1,41, h'it lu'r . lk must Allwy the. whill" )$two flaull it,, -1 have th,me pfivileges, there, jlluli,. bkA rount pf.thp 1111,61'j, 81'atIt'reit poJ11114%� ilo".-i'l, irlilq 4m) tF,igravettil. , , . . , *1110 us they bokv* 1141ped ste.11 , were culled, and how, In val-h rasio, 1,;*Ird tit ill(- im.111111K lot littlik, -tarlvt I ter, vo,olsorlition aillo1w o(litoolK floil ill, rurill parts kullid not kk pro, " . - . - Wl'affk thent Whi'llitlittly to MOZA IRA f 101111114 011ot I'VilltP Mot ifilit Witt, flit- � P10 ,.- I -1"A tit* Artiff Idgititif AV wnuff" of they Immi-diattly left all and follow. fit their freedow, but rounmeli thikol oivgJk1IIt-,I1IJ1I,V lit prollwtiolt lhl'� 1111tille j than flow vxista, this Wing tile main vided for 1�11,+J twk,tioll,4 ill tho izam" � " . � _­ � I �� �', tit. 1. #4 111m. many rents later one of purpose thal haA prompted .1be bill. way.- � of . 'W Ittkart. or "ryoo, Y41U MmId not valt , . &ins 8'Pound$ I . 1441111 your rase I 'fill, Ni the whole, Mr. Skillichl'A opill. -� these dlitelplea wfittv, of those who to *,vatelft,that their frewhim dcwti not lxVilst frimilm jorno-lisvil ii,v Nllnlll_� Am a .,4(slut lit), tile Minister tit IlA 0_9 - womn d#wl*r%tft bo, called theinisolves followitro of Josdo, lip,ad to license. H" foontrants vividIsk 'glont,119. . . � vation hall prolitrwil the Townshilt. Ion seerni ti T,o lf;�- agoinst tile towo,)hO � I .1 To ou avall y000Wt of r0of by "Ito that saith he abldooth fit .him tfti workm tit the flaith and.the frixit* sonle lit I lilt Ilehig 04%, OP4111,41 Ille, t,%, � � . , . tie ilb Is Heart #Ad Nor" PlUo ought himself olP6 to walk' even all of the tililrit. 111111111fil tit fir( held .,it tio, Arl N11111,11 School ard 11111, NvIliell would bit � hoard prol")s"ll. I Since T.Aking W00 to I -glidatute duv- lit a Ik,ttt%r from 51r. Fer w - "I I Wit gluwxish, di-towriv anki weak. I 4 1. As the -v *'Ill fAtile al) Avid Itill'sirth"n He walkedt Altifek Oth-Skarl"r the 64W Nows. 'it T(loillps. TIIN A%.Im 11111 lirmt fl%'d � Inv fort, till, IA g till, 0, � . . ";Ilm ,seat jom,sion,. and hAid on torlIN froul whiell wery rrad Ill%, Str.. .ivnil Fitt "-­0r:tA%Vl N1114 Now. I , ill" 110riflPt build Up 010 1111UPION Of 44 - 2 Vor. 4t`1440. '11111 be.d lit (*allalla. 411141 I th, I r vollsillorlition. Thik 1101 J. W, Nvol. It"was h1lown that Ill 01_� "t ft . Join. -V-.,.no Standard .of Chrixtion Artoi At4-81 lifiltill fir IIN U . it) sild tot , trifli, tbit blood. T.JVJftW.L _­­ . Atts, 1:11. ' - . I I ^011illor triati New Yawl; lilt% hi.�, l,k-- 0 provil . to lit it townshill tit ten ,Illov�llvo tit 01111al"I.4 thole aril 1'er-'foorrill"Aft- And havi, 1.3ford 9 loollifli", . I Ito W 111111v"6 'I'll(, vvry FlUST prioe tow. a �Ox 'At all drutillsto or , Luke. 5:07.38. � I The ,Ntopy ('41110 #?il'Oild lit '01INA- 1111148 VAIWIL Ill 93,f)(111,11410- i I I ahi, V11161. You 'Isk, . I I it, 11 sections, t Ore )v I bilard of tell Illiel1l. fit-hollIA w;th 4I..1 ft%vrae,;l Itott'luLlml - Urvi. Vim I, ,till to I .. 4PRIerp, or wailed direet on reeltipt of Matt.. 6:411, 1 . flanity till. tolflAn Acts of t1te. 11 iviis aratit.%ing tit Ivarn frilin flit- ; lof'"' L jille rejjV*eSj,JAtAtjVe froitt each I tof livv ur fvivq polpilfl; Imt till I bz�. I fpvl li�,Illvlvr. 4,11t And Airvp Ix,ttor. I b.,r The To Milburn Co., tolisitittil, inspiring. (Iliflotiftim ml,ri,tllry. ,Air. I'dword 1. tit dw 11INC. i wwtion. Wh6v thore tire wort, than till ii-or:ur, 1.11 tl% , � L After gathering the 41stiolti about, Apm-les, is .. 4itui*iflol in G'.64 Ill I 'III, POI-R(lillUtion, %1jAre.jJVJV. 4 ill -11f.1- Aii'llij.11 If) %I . olIt'll 11!�'i N . 0 11. thi�; Alliple"fAvell- . KIT1,911 Illm Jesus began to teaell. them the who, through � rivll linvurl,iii, a i till. th�x r 11wtiln- havv pjllvtliflo� iro;i 0-1111 elid li"er %'%ojJI)fjUJjd L . .tt6, oat. s ('111 IllorlivilItUrWIA Kril, I tell (44.VtJj)JVR, that tilp towil...41111jillp . . . I I - � 1* L ­ ,on frnin JerusnIent werit, About torill"l foll rom"4. itilillam. alittlIfill flat] tJIVided Intl, tjVo.L%VJj(%Il there wouhl be i A, pi.nj w, tontI %Ili t,. . 'L ... L I ,4 .v, Z ;", � ;", Z',10Z - - characteristics thot xbould' mavk the )rejt(qJj?JR jhlo, *11rd. .%%TjN' . . llwt livi'll heilling iletwou'l. 1,1111 -down #^ , YVArR .1,111f.1, ll,IJAI.V?,. 11. XjjILN' ttj 1411111Y fliat � 114) ,.'vetions, - I Illuselis of Ilia now kingdom. These . two 1�oartt4. and If Over . A joint. JjjojVjIkJ­ J.�J'.' ill Ili I 14 "'4JI %V.�lwnik. tivilli mell, allol Jj.kJ4%. Aj%�,Iy L I . I � later Paul, w0fing tit t1w Corintliling, iwii�,rlell 4.1lizelli; Are ival,11111 Jill Ito Jill- IV; I 11 bIli, ,Lk.ljiJjJj,4 1, . 'I 4,111hiri'll. Vtoltaillf" no 441 phlivinlit, 1 _34 , wore 1% rovelation to 11ja 111ROPIC.5 Illid , t1levil would W 3 bow -ds. It livould Ili, ill lilt. W I 1r,oun), .t 01 . � .. T, SWARTV �o the mult!tudeii wbo' had -g,i,th(,r0 t0l"N. of the-ptfw�i that ('oJj44fcAJjAQ!j V:11't tIJAJ. %%I1111, 411141.001 1-4 IIIWI,lfilt 0111tional whether the infollib"lm tit lit VVjrqI Vj.tA;fIJjl1 Ilt,pil ljjjkr�' I'doll"Iti-111 to take. I . . . � , the, followers of Jesus to )jU'bJjPIJ � , A 1101111IFT1114 Vilt"t; h1r � - 11� AU10 end Horse Livef UL to bear the rtw Prophet; for JeS;XOL tbe In 11,4 11:11ill,111 NurrouniffilgH. 11 �lqjl- lit- flipme loonr(14 would bb pald Or not thaki iii provided 11�- t1w Oom x',t . I . . (lit F. lauded I the ottio In spirit Alta th(� tidings of Ills 1UP, Ilis -deatit pull Irls, W,.j,;,_,,jM Ifiliw 1),lillitiful, (Ititterli-It (this litiIii. One tit. till, alliendulf"JIN velill-sirl, udiltil vvilti-1,11 vituhl, Iltit it,, - . Meek; Ile Jld that they should I 0 glorious reAuvre(Moll. 1111t, 10VO ,(.f 1.1i'llIN. Illav Not that llw3, Oro growbirl to tbti, priginat Mill, It the 1411 bv-',c%xpv(:tt,d to 111111111y, omilillw3it Ill tiv% . - f -pray for 00P ov 0fiNt", he Nod, "eOrixtriliTleth URI" Ilialk(.1 '14 1111t 11111y hir tIJ(lIr Oliva ple.1sorP cable law, flit,. Rpeaker thought It � (,vt4luditt, L I . . I . t1wir enemles, atfill :,JJWr. ! , - tild I)to 11(jule tilue II(Srilre ,tL CJjUJjJljfj' VAid v Ilvllmll:� wilk-h would 14.� . , 1, . I Oack 810168,, Etoo, Nevotor" then sullialed up, these March I Ith-Usuing , ock Worla 11111 riot. I till 11 Oi-onfila. (it 1,14111tia, Air I Wo � . AJJjjOt4t elltil,ely lj�. tlIt, ouj.ij�', , _ . , I . I Q% . I I I I . If . . . I � . I I litriln%el sayings Into t1lig, lytq tbt-re. Christian. . 11filverp llwvv a Ilifloollat, lit till -Ir 11wil wrorki'd out to the hiltisfaetioll, of all, � vollillig fr,tllll tll(t 1,41,1111try. (I..'I'U111" . . � I � t0ontroal Strollost L . '. .1fielltitl'. A;jfJ jttjo.jie�kl L , - l' . � . Matt. 28,14.20" jlketa 1'r It,. - I'(1.1.1. L , V%.1114,11 4.;jl.rJV,. ' merit foFifo . K '. it 11, fhl,?,p %lilt, i but It would -come About %oradually. i L . just off tile Square . fore x all be perfeet,"xii, your hetwon. . . 1100".110, -k . I" . I 1� .1 - .1kor irkultur, -0 � 0 1 � I ... �11 ly Father Is verrfvt� . Xatt.'28.10. . I rlm%, 014-11t 'wit'll fillpreAtilloll. - "Ifillif liv-eilillbilling "fillip tit Ow Wei AudV tif All , flit, Inat ont . � t . I jtj.,4 J411111 " ti.tj . I t�YOL paksaL 1111A IL , , res I(l";;jVJn liftl ftlillft, (it laille .1�4 4. .t1l�cI'l,N. thIlt1gilt. _ " , � I I 1 .. . . #**,*� . Itla, 14th -The ChristfaVs Use-lif t'ho, 'The tor itilla 11111111ii Ncilools with nelghboring sehoolp, rith . . I ilk 11.1 , . ... .1 I � � . I . I lithill waR 'given to 11,11�1ill L 'L 1 ,7 jl� .. 11 , L I . Ti i 0ass work miglit ho varriell till, A0,11i., much fitte I It I I k�,, , . . SEVERAL FIRST-CLASS AUTO11 RIAUY � e Alto -first, tile' giving.,wt the gre'd ,%vio,." lie enn fortlibie-the, -cartiollf's . I Ir ` . .1 r ... 4* 'll'. -at work Ill- introduced. publip I , 4 . �11 . . , , .44% 2 11W, .1# � Ing. 11,111(t I Avill il�vlvorol. 111111 AvItIl � .1 , , , , , , I . FOR AIRVICK ­ 61T YOU ANYWNBNI , .47, . vollimission to,tho disciples, and'soc4 N:ll vultm edueration. Ile laid two lifiva *ho ,fill - . f. j, , I . . .. . I to,, not R(.1 falth 1. thallLth L �, " � . . . ANO W"4x YOU WANT TO Got 7111909 Itualm IIIII403. ond. tile speciAl leading of tile spirit [III, Hlktrl.�wso; fuld livalltv fir llowt,rS.,* health courses b., inaugurated, e L fArin 0 1111111h. vel)-tol, I l, 1 �PAL 0 1. � , . �Vitj, till_ , .� * -t4,4 - 0 1 . -1 .. 4111op" bl"t 011'Trallsoauti Front ver early times it knowlefto of God which resulted in thk, mission In vIYIlehl�IjjjI 31,. j,ai!b%xAjjk, t,x_ part-time wid evening elassfia If(, hv- And they * eould I "'111joiV, 11' I . � . I "I . L I poesoaxor boats . of the nitswes. wito required 41 of Atul to' Europe. I'Aul 11"It lihlh� 111'"Fit' jr'talall fill, tilt, Infitructioll of Older boys be pluillivil.. I, . I . , t I I I, "I - rial t 4 , 'I till. 111�11'- 11111(r jo tIlls vi'lltell'. IV girls. Itit I terant teat -hors miglit ' Aft-, Robt, Thoffillkall littivell that . I I , A . ." ; sal )loll Lto. A.Ijdt Heyeral irovimp of Akin Wal Year tit 41m � . Passon 0 t allied to toe, sly every orth OX JQW, fina 'he�Wjjs t1n. lorlell Ille'loillulters,11111 - sonle tit those rour� tile mpiltilig kio oil ret-ard II'l Ill favi". , I . L ll . I �ijjjwd to teocii ,them 41ligentty ul%tQ' Minor b be,pulployed fol � , �� . I I part otillibil town, to) lit ,'tile $p1rit suffered hill) Or Iho Shieltot,y wroild. ren -h Zooti, - - L RON. Alld a fi;%Vle board CoVil(t. deal (If the adolffloll lif lbe-11111, provillint" #,�' L 4 \ . . I . I L � . troW at (!# To R* or,C, P. R, 6 rbildrou. The serliltuiva Were, to nO , but ollenell to him - tile donr to -a ­ . -.-.. _­,�. : L - N40 tbost, matters to bettvi, ndvant- thrit, lotownshilm 'play nilliolat t(j%%Jl. . IUL � 0. 11 1 4 1 L . I I I Uspols. L forto a xub$lket of,convernation ,lit all �Wrgel' service, then the, *tilt he had Tow lilid ;Ili% ..... 1: . rM . I . .. I . . I . I I . I . 11inos"not,imly,at the perfad of wor* plana0d. - I . . . ,r4SHIP SCHOOL BOARD it ,Itt,!iull'�t,litti,iiis�,I)o�i(lk. -, - ,&­ - ,li-t'il-I 1 . 14 � . - . J. MUCh 20th-TI16 Christiall's I flope. . � . - . I . ir,fo I ir- ship school lonat . . "Mt - . -peompt, Service and . Allilli. That , loytti. 4eWs oboyed the I -11. louA,quggestions have,bet'll I toliv withdrAw (lit IV fisup-tifth,4 Volt(" . . . h Ad . I , l'arlVe L and littere)(ted (;Atherial# . fooled am, Alternatives to tile ju,mittiod This was vorriod. but IntoV tlitt PI -11. 1 - : .. 1. Careful Attenda"ce, vanimand - evident. Paul olixerved John 141:14; $ Cor. Sit -IQ. . (it I We L wouldn't stiy thilot - . . I I . . I thAt Timloilly from oRrie .Childhood I loh" 312, 3; John 14.2. 1 Truat"11 It"d 'fl,tittotlitiovers 41C Dow 1)[11, Wilmot tp. sutrNeAft IIIAW -tht% posal WarA made tilot tile Illoilon re(ld, . . . . . . 1%0161* . t . boards roinaln nA tit iii,emetit, but thitt 'i'lf L th" li'll b!� li%lt'l fill till% stljtllt�l wrisloy's hiss is, 0600 st the . . � .11 . . jl.�Va Ild L"&ICk hiff"Ifile ' had 'kn(mri , tings which: It 18 Ititcrestitile tQ troice, t wittknon Hear Mr. IV. At. Morritti on. �11 waddiniff tirlitiolon.y, but Ito tistiot L I Our _ ll� ts 4 tlle'L hyough ,41,0wrishill Sthooil Majda" find O'le rel)"Re"t"t'vol' be 1�110NJVII froal books", ete. . " . . . .1 L � � I I le ill tie toint upott000dota . hAVID 1440 given "thAt the Mgt' Of Golf the Bible tile growth of 1404 of . Other Matte "40h section to fill"" Lit toWl'shill . ....... 40"W ­'A . I , .. of olrosioll 'or wholoar you hilva a. . . I . ' . % . In every resoolict.., � "I"' 1je tolnpilete' thorouthly f"I'Villob. $11111jortality from , the oesI1411-in ra of Interest. to ittiral 1103rd to ji'ventw1ii for Advanced ed - 1. 1. �'-UUWT G14m-STU.j L � trying ordsti to fificsi­uJits I . , L 41 I. . . llea� I , . I . . . - I 0 unto evnyy Koria wiirk. � � Illf a Man (lie shall lie Ili,& agoltill, to . Pokitiple" .. . . L � . L tilla. 0jJjftX­J0pUS Wore f0j. It Qojjj_� . L ((.11(yltl Jill "I I , Wtitiorls liew DOUSLE .1 . I . . . . �, 101010 0 ** I . I -the, chostiall the cotiffat,ting words o One . �.�­,� I . -Ould _--Ll, " f � ­- p froj)l flat"(% iltv - I . I . , . I Vour listromaxot,9411141titio . . Isit. 1*4.�.Atorky" Lis . . of th Are the rlebpla of the tow-nishipti tit munift, Rehool 1-botird. wbleh j% , _.� I . .�L I— .-.- I I MINT-4t's toal 0`i . . I . . 1. 11111le I r I A 8 ef lit . Polpfformint. �_,� I lo�.,,)� .1 . . L. , � '% '. . , . . � * ) , L 11,101I i g3a; 14.11-i4il.' - , twho lkne'v whereof Ile spoke" "Ile Ashfield, West Wawatiosh and C,I�. 1,1rovid" ft"' 11 Hellilt"I -to 1) ltu�t I 11 , L �e_ I I I � hat liveth anti boel%veth 4ii Me shall t Lof 'flplitral N,Jlla;.,,,. 'jlli,J1jtJ(jjl�,L FIC�Veraj ' Ileing 1111tehlems tvaeltvra . 10 - . . .1 ,T. SWART$ .. L L Vatt. 0:943; 117*- I er,dJQj" oil ICIVQ Unto illeln QterIJAI � . � ',, � I I L borne. Intorested. lit the bettiormeh Illedi good - itbotto, 4JJjd bi'llvo 'LlUk-o" I I I . . � . Ilov - JjAV.jAjT Or . t ` . . ,, - �.. ll : 11 . 1, . . � . � pol,flollq but, 116t. tippooR.4111.11V ' k4l .,: _ i , . . . . . pk4ns 107 misfairsol Site I their schools. sill(), in ,educational of Jill (11 tile SnjjJ�LtjJWjj�bJa.,. . . . , 1. 1, . l ;L . . - _ _ _ � - to Along with the Atutly of the niblo life," And "I will eolne Again And r4l� j I . � 'e"Ve"' (10reeslIful bI(%t1d1Vt)"Il(lt'- %4� . 11 I . . -, - - . L ? judging h thOr splendid re; The imint. tllt'v fit 1 .. �, . - ___ - L mus'. Ito prAyor. : Thw-'86n, of Jr.0d CPIVO YOU'Llint" MyNelf", L U Vo i .. vd quputjob, "If ,von dki ont ill However, thik jlttelllp� jf3. fr('jJJj'.lntJ�' L '� - ' , , , , , ___ ' I I .. � . . . I . . , L . . tatioJIL w tilt, . i . - � . �=;;;;� ;;;ii;i 1. -;. - I .� ­ 4 ­ ­ .1. I . flilientliouva lit close votillnuillon- W101 I I . -­ . mpom to Attend it nade by maddelled i-letillin ilf 1111,1K I 'I f jL. . . . . .1 Ill fj tout"01.1 sphoill lmnrd '�-Alallj . wliat 1 NJJe( L I" � � � L . ci�) � .,... . . . .1 I . I Ills father,. lie prayed *much In NO(,- Miller's IVIII-In Powders call do )1� Joill" meeting, of the trtjstee�i anti ji,nuld.ynit ix1IgVcgt. jOV tile ),ettfirliltillt tit e or of '111 ilinnotonv And fill .1: . ; . . ill. . . . . .. . l�:, , , . �11,g, m0l Ill I , ijj,JUT3� to thO most , dttlioNte child. rAtopayj�TS oftlie$0 t6WrJsJIjJ)"; in the. Shill alld tilcit. JJVJJJLjI'�JJJjjQjJt,. N% t lit I "I � :. I . . I I . . . . . � . I . rot, Ire pral-vtj Ill tho hour of testing, Of"I'lli'M AP11001 edueationlll- brough4 , . 60,*�Aftolll A V1 Midif. . L . I I L I ... I I I I , � . . Nto, , tile. hoor L of trJunipli. Ilo Any child - fir 111foAt in tile JjfAtO O�L I"Arlilh "loll' at "u"garillo" Oil Friday' At 'Morrfa' oddreltr4to it close, . Valight, vjJrJe6LfroJjj JQljJf,J16.V to c1,11f.1 . '-. , .. 11 1� 11 � . I I . . . .I . �. " "a adolescence, who in ,ditiomted ,,wifl, Feb, 25tb, It IN (Julto ovitlelit that, linto, fit (lit, derree fir . I* , I . .1 1� . , 11 . 114, . . L I . . r . .� L I oil the" Yndutitaln-top. lit tho Itre, . l'offir. flurifilto the dl.wuflsloll. 111% lieverltv. Action , � . , I . . . I . : ., %.. . . . . P") f t4141 fl-till4d, -111 tlark (;0tlj,j worm" can take thitf pftsj�ijtjon-�vjth.: , they The oJeCtillK. Which WAS -till' the flilestioll. Oik 1. vofurd'fiom 'which Otev wero mift : , . - ' . I �­ I - I . , -* *I I I P � . I ... : �. . . I I . . Iti.84014 0 L '111011, f"01111go that dut OU81111 of tile stonjach, and ivill orrAng6d by the Ashoeld Towbithl Mili'l N Asl ., r,i %%.(V erf, 0 I., . I . I t. I .: . I seninne, T**q. 'diQ01 . 1) - trotthir valliv for.flie monvy pxoondi�jjl Mr. "Jill tif thv 11111oul tit unlrolm . ' Li �:, .1, . . 14 . L 1%ravol'L.-.1 -11 uAlIVII ta -the Af'­ovl�, "till t Ill A imile relief ;ind.a full pro. Ass oil, Vol . tioli tjjjJjtV,?j# , t,J, %ok"hj(.h " r( . j jitill hit tJJeY Ilitly 11"Vik 111st - . I . q . . I . I ociation of Trustees atid ltntpp04 L 1100 � . , I . '' . . ,., . I . i . : I . 11NI'jill 040t, TY., +, tiletion lordut th6e.degfructive. peog; (irk, wit" tile Outcome of a foolbig, oil . . GANADIANNA � IONAL RY. I . I . . . 1 4101 th"fil It) pray, Wlifeb. tire regilonitillil'o for nnl�lj Nfolr.' the parf.0f, IllAny, that forthei. know;, 141)(111801; of ',not,' (,�Jllfle. f�olll sevill4il 1, .0tiv, Iliall, W116111 I llvw porsonalll-0: 1. I I . . IL � I �� . " I I ! � . l oInA I I - 0.0ve tn tivalil AvIlat litto. come as of letige (if tile Tj'j.ol)Of4cd bill Of tho Allo'. ill 0114 fludivilev. -.1.-...... . . j' i0wn under m-witionet, to timiear. ll'-follo . . .L � I . 1. l I A A 4'a 11" ­11rd "TI)OL Lni-Wif, jOrlypro." 11 . too, - V I .1 I . . . 0.1 -Ir , - - lie nean And great 4flivering.-to. legi( . At the close of Mr. Aforrin' addrvso. I tilt, suorelne, t-ourt lliartlill fit 01'. : TRAIN SUM' .1 to TORONTO , 4,; 15� .� I �� L . I � little bries, , � . . . io;tQr' � of Vdueatloia,­ to viltublish _"flmv Illetiot-vertain Ilt'lit1l. .. 11RU0101 i-lieVil jll,,�() what teull, pt'a L . ",,� I , lially olleAtif-VIR I wo anketio And. ji .11 t . � f>ajiiy rxiogtot run *( y , , I 'U I A . �� ;lloe 'Flith"', _ _ yer _ vt title. .1 Which Ill WR - ' L . ,()Ul(l Note . L jit-i +l,-4 It %ly _ �Jvoll I , . .�. -, Ili . � . 11tilwil"hip scho") 11"Itts'd"", waftJ dpslr� . ity. And lfran kwmil t'l . . I . . . . � .1. . flussit-it took roll . ( [I �% ttjltl,�, , . L . ' - 0� IP I t �, . . . L Itinf; airero -W. A i how, onetilled froill 014. (lo , . I I I. I I I jh'44�4 �1#,O. .d Ill'the aajljkj�Lof _ Milli. To that end, Mr. 11, Mfx- ow dirl wei tjlw� Xot . �,t .�(l 1, Ill. . - . . . . . �, .. 1. .1 - � ,P,RESIDENT LAITHWAITE 1;t111i1t11(1Ilhg 0XI)rQ8141 I . I %e. i4odoliv!l . . . " . I I W M thAt the-Illia i. L ('I "r�t - 4, I - I . _­ . I : ., riot -of Toronto, Sev.-Trolons. of the, on. ill, Ito . I, . L ., .. ."'Flylo L . . 1. ­: Mhumdotii and thr 7� * ADJUIRWES- , , - rA 0 � Svverali. who"I I knew, wtmi i4it hlt*) " , - "'I ;% 111 '2'-')'_o t. lo'. L' .. . . . I . . � . tarlit Educational Association, of -Trun- Ad a ,won probaill", tIw..vAUA*j'(, . I . . . . I . I . . Jart. "Offi-The (1hrintlati 0V0rCoAJIAK L-; .. I - the depert and livere, Other fol"111, lipliti " :`1111,41111 it 4 I :J, Ill- 3. I I., 11,11vo . - , . . I I L . L . wunn waterl, rulibttig " . HORVCVLTURIST$� toes and Ratepayers, was invited to of tbil greater 11"I't, of tile opp0mit"11111 " *� j, I , , : L I . . � . Ternottiflon, I L. I - _ I . I � to tile proposed measure. I : kind 'llitallati'l, 411, lieviw lival"I jif N14 Vt, �wpl 4 . 4001 3 4 �-1 P-Ilf- . .. . . , .l . . tho4c'Nitiost into thiti . I katherillir opoll tlliq� all,, I Anti Inaliv, elther .61VAISAA aml lin'. If * I . � I "*e 4.04,13", 1 Vofr�, 10112, I'l. ,lopes 'to NCO Goderloo Hoelety With ubjeet. � ! The following rossislutiti,;in were! "Wril , . . i�x. 11 7 ' 30 :i Ili, 4.10 pait, 0, - . . . . . . achine powts,vith the I L L 11o). 2 A 8. I . I =4111�1 -NUr-R41derett (%gain, fir Nvert; Iii6iijklit .. .. . , , I . . . I I '' , , it 60O.Monbership_ , ' L Mr. ,Will. Itutherford, prouldolit (if br(luelit Ili, "That 110A itii�othsn of! -, fill Uw I 1- � be- ey N 1-1 0 ajo. ' fj.'�)J) �'.Ill ­ . L . 'Is L' .. .. . finsiar tips* . . . . ... L. Tbv, retiptliln of our mal4tfoll waa . At it inep.ting of the, direa . firs (it'ilte 06 ANbliold Aggoelilrtloa. (,C(lUpJQd till* tile Trustees And Itatf.payerr4 vilpf, t,li , back ronninix, or dmi-m0lia 4. . . . I ' I t till,11 1, I ' L 1. I . .. � I , . . I . . '"linvol inntl,t ))vrf(!ot thikoaliji (im' floderleb -flortivillhirtil , 861,1143" 114-141 vllnfr� And In g �elv polilted roolarks; A-41i'"ll-d as ondinging tilt' reliolution of orround. tit tile end of it flortl Ovd to 11; - 8:4.) 1i ill. ")..".0 tmll . . . . . . hV r . " L , bufrerill (Ill., SnOlteo of -by Aft-. Alar. the moldiv. (if lilt Aiab polit,', trtsum'. T"I'mitt) 10,10 A. In. 1,40 11.111. � I . : I . .j_qsVrd1jj Is also' ipiso. t1lifilrA t1ho - 'It(, svfTerod, prill "In that 11,1O t!1,204 )%vj,i liall oil Thursday J114,11t v � faf-t thrit tile , lj0WeVcY# W(V 111111 (�offlv IWO- I.; I . � ,b tit alled Attention to tile 'L , he - -140%vv� 1\)r*I1to* 6.44 alm. I I ris" titat � ilia trivi'lutioll iiianding - bit � Rohl) Ilillil I .1. I . . . . . . I 4. did for sprablot. brit" ; - Ile libutiolf hath suirorod, b(!1Ilg presidetil, UrlGeo. ttalth, former -Is im: awillost s011ie of tile [flVell jo fb,;"(� inking the Aforivultur- � make. corpera for *otirselvefl tit, Hill-. I. "" IM5 I1.111, I i . r ad'ofoaklifild 11�__&.,w tomp"Cal ITO 'is . able to succor them %l, it I te yl I 19"D i paill 061fill U . . 4 1 . thIlt .,, ga%,p,jt I lollt,.for Me reeil vo)j- t fla1vult. orohlelliq tit -tilt, 'dayi i . . . , ok WeV*"AM� 'It . Willitif'R ftJQXt havj� J�pjjtl ill' (11, fill, L Ilro%j - "I"" fol, (' 't'oJjjjjJjJfltJ(j a"(1 1111111 djors, of Fortulle, A"d- to I"'I'01"" (;`a' Parlor Cafe -ear, Go&%ill6h to 14`01!*7 - . .. I . . I _. ­ . 1L. 'L ­ I fire tt'lillittidi . t IlviAl 114;141611- old ri(qjUlres '1111' tile' QdU(",ttJaJjaj ajj�. �Ojjrse fit L 11 . . � . t I 'told of flick force tejllotlnj�rl In tile JItj%J ,;l,f4s4,.1JlJIJ,)JJ of !i1oroolit, vantogrg popallile, in 'OrAlfor tit 1401vo, ROmAs and Collt,ftrlottt Institutes," I prols In the Armv tif Vranoe. An othm- I ontol -oil moriling trilti, And Toronto I . I . � . : 1) Other way Could it -tit hilins-1011111 111 vallavotioll jl�ltll tile 11114my problems Which ro."frolit Aftov Intli(litt (lJseuf').qj()Ij ,fli, tht, res ;. i forolzoera hall dollil. froll) (1110:141110 to C, .. . '., . , . � .wilderliesm, , I"'ll I ' L Oderich 0,05,J). ill. train. , * '. , , ' 1� of the tolirlon * AW we did pur tit. . I . I Is 10 L -nown. It 'IN 41. �oflrrci of Ill(, Assavlatioll will lit, It pit-ilitt Ili,,cq, b1m, W .t&, referre.41, to tilt, fact lotion the following, ,mumidnient wtitA -blfkv 'etioll for t1to plel - (Aloderieb to Toronto, , .. . � . I 'L BEA I � . .L ,hnv(k lo-vit I -sed by tbip Illovi.: most to lit , sell Through coach I I � I . . I I I L 1p$rft boW Jile 11(ft 1 or ,�, - , - P. V, LAIVIIENCH * SON$ . . streligth to tpinilteil 111111111111ty to - Ilig At Walkeri-Ille lit It 4( It tle� to, rt of tivitnianyof our abloAt ilieti. Ixoth (if 'Rol"'#'d "fill 011dol . , -, . , w .L I I .1k Imill ,�L . - . j)'JJj% L of tli�e 8dellelf Of � (1d 110talioll that Avoin tot mart I I , ilas"4eil I churell ji�d statel'LefflallatQ(I front the 4vig Wrilat. A, A3.41 jeati. Of I he ollo. -,_ . I I . I .. RK IF throril"Ji tIJO fires. of jetolititt1011, 0111110 Delft f1pr the how, . 'Purill '144%.1f.; - 1, 11 riI I f oi. tile next fol �' Owo, 11"aftinger &I . tiff � 1. . I . l . _ t 1( lit Mileldfuro, I!,liville to till% trivulat toil, .f . Ticlitto AffoAto - . . . I I - . . Ills. of 0114_� art of t1le jtt,4)vja(, L . farin.. wid reevived' their -party eduva� ," L . . I I � . Without )till,' .. - . , _ . ' y.(:tL I It, 'I., I t tion.In tho rural school. , " Ix, establiAbod." � .1 tleM of paelfle penetration (01, pall, . I I . . 'Phous .4 : , . I I . . � � L I I . . L . , Litt Ikolied, tillir IJQ%t year 1111H, 114AIrlet - thonks Won tell. t fleation ., of I the lipwiv-11elli'tratell " . I I . . - I � r - I . Febo Oth-"o I (I(Iiii'lilti, Tho respective, ircieveg of-tilit tbroe X, bearty voto of - I 0- � W . .- I `!0 . I I I Pradk* � 4w TV-Wita mlepting will Ilp, Ill-ttli,it) 'j. derild tit Mr. AfforrIn flit. Ills 1111PFI-to. ­ .'.....- I . I . . I lft*§rfthjjj. ' . I %rwrivifillito- reprosoopted, � Mr. "llivix1f lll� � r . .. � . r .. I . 0 ,Tllfk (Ilreclork; (if flit- 31.4-111 Stivietir I iti, �ot ('otborcle"Al.ri Aliki ' , Anti Pro, t 1) ."Ildreg'I .1 ,"i I .­ ­- .. ­ � 11 . . I ­� � I _____­ I r- L ­ ".., -1. I all - L . , 11 I . ­ I . I - __ III - IN-... I Ma,tto IS414.ft �". _ . I , . r . I all,(, taloklog ia . 4,111211,441W fior $lit, I '. .f. 1111CUott, A it 10, � . jil),X". L, � . 4 ­ .. . . . . . 6 1 'I j r LL .1 � . I I I . I '101)(11W. Ile. At t1w clome ,111 flit, ifillit illm, I . I . ., � .. . !! -! L 11ppol ­ - ­ 11-11 * -11 -it it 11101, A4. Mr. .161m CanIt'i'll", � To . . . I . . I I I .� . . . . . �. A i . I I I .--- . � .l..""10-- Matt., 22*11* . 1111(l liat'p.mll (Ile WYM10 of As1fdold; . thp Aslifield ww'nslilit A qrulvla t it'll , . I .� .. puty Weve of Aslilloold, anti Mr. At. I - I - . r . I , . I - . . . . . 11 . . . A :11elosh irlarlatlittl in *,)I �Anofrlldy, jtlr�tlh�v- Wlill On, \Vt hoold a "llort nivo-fitirr ro'. flit, 4,11wifoll, . * . . L . . . r .114]: flie, till'(4,10VA NV61.0 called upoll tot- 4 tow remorka, I f- ,, I . I . , I . L I . . L. . . . . I 11 . . U S 4 ��L , , ' Jesus taught plainur, ,j�at His fol. 11111t, .4we fit'jug offf 1J,`JIJiJ�6f`o`:Vre;x1lII3JJk bort .1c,itinktoll, O'r Wffit )�faWljjrosbt lit i'mot-J'a anti oflinr buq1tiefts2. After. . I 4 loWors Wjere . L i� I , JJJtOWAA$ f(W (;6dt Lilt AII olniiiult IN, 11141. foo 2,vpfort *.- flin roloill"It bV 'fit., pppj.pt�j.y (of Ib(, 11 , . �V, I . . I . .� . I. . I I . I I . . j that they PDXNesplp'llt Prid At'iint All they soollty jillsof ,slid each oxprempokil himself. att Willtr _.. I 11 � . . . L, z__A�1111;-4 � I I... . . . , �Jjf;jo fit jjj',J� OtWoNI)PI'm for lbe 141ji-lely, , 1111nutes of (Ile loilit. U111111111 'Ill'.0,111j. , �� - I .1 . L . I 11 .1 and, 411 they wore.should W ,used : 100"AI&WI 1.1111 01*111141JI1. 11 Ito. r ill mrinlinthy with the betternicylt of till' ffillowitim ttflleet-a Wf4w elot-t('11'. 1'r .1.1 - I I � . - . I . . . � . I r r I , 1100 "T - 11(wilItUx iui* edifeation"altitough not entire- r Iftent. liff.. Witt. ifutlif-I-ford: victo � ' I ..". . ' r � . . . I "URO EUA � RIC hat' ut. for Oald Ibol t1w int U'ra of file T* lit favor of the proposed bill, � III I - I � . , - . � C"' 11 I M _ anti litereamed, not for self b P Ott , . . r, _­ . . hartleoll- ' 11 - I . � I ; . Voll's plory; The rtilt'hirtil,, a,,ilvants t1jr,13 wu " _ V I V.1 r . 1, I . I -Iftlt% off 0filkoo JJ"%,11�'rrsf44W uremIdeut, ,. or. M. Iti-old" PAI-raur, .. I - .. . � . The, spi'alter of the day, Mr. IV. Mo i I . I . . . r � I THE PEOM'S FUER .' ret,olved rleh it,ownird In, Ineveatiolod I I r'l R 11 Thwidsial. I", . ". .. l Of Ife, lirsiffoll, of 1 le Allild growill, of %irrls, wait then Introdueed. And with tr""llurt"'. Nt - till "t 4 1. I L L r I . L I ­­­ I ­ I Abilf-tv, In Illeyeamed � Totx1sw tilbility (114.1rurgillilzallfilit," tit(. Jill allif-I'Milill of QOJ)JJjdeiljkbl0r. hijaJor ill it few ,%,fill. The fAllowit1w delplyattis Wore An.;. r r I , �1� . . . . . . . 4 . e 6d I "At I � .0 �� I ' ". , .,t , 1. . I. and in P16SO fellowliblP NVItil their WJJJ(.IJ lot I)f-log, 1111-relIN(Ill ill, flip adtift. ebosen,'Introductery romarltio, won ibe noillutp(l (proOnloniolly) to af4eml Illift'i �'! � . I I 10, " I- .- ­­. . . . . � . 'i I . . Lord, Tile unfAlthful stoward jos� tl,ja off Illoof,,111,1" � (it ellimcop *l0t flip confidenee And respect of the laid. Coinvotitilill ,f lit,, 0n+qrIfl T."dul-116111., I �. I ',.,.A* . . - evorythilIt 1vorth having, "T., IN rf"* Itle"ll iff It jjjj�ri at All""(41,14-1 J.* lr'jp�jjfa .11!1 �*!Ifi � 1. to _. . .. - 6 alliffal, Ontario, ThAk forile. Having Itcon briou ,lit ul fill 1prt -P I I . 11 I fit, L jr I . I tj . � - 410i"d of It stawlit'd that lie bR+ found allvallvellicill 1,4 k followinw I -Ins Afrv., G 'I , L . . I . Pill rist 0) '. I ­ "" 1) , I . . J,;11111101 101111flood m)1oiy -o the thrill, the speaker was quite oon. " , I faltbful." (he 440%% AN " rtl Alls rit-lo filat) nre dim. versont with till the Aspects or rural T.lrin�.. lijr.' .?OJjn I ;Jill! Afrv:, � ,4 �� . ( I L r + L � .. . ; poll, 113thi—Alsking Our 1111914411 Cifirlif, 4.111'slog I lit- fivio, III A ill 101. derli-I'd riloo, 11fo, He spoke of the-, " """' r I i "I 'I . . villue of tile I U, f1*flj-,,jjt,*j(lI, . . : . ON% I NUMI ifill-lelleto, r .. . � . lietUl-RIr t'Ck#oUrcoN of fftnaft, rbul, re. I I . r J*#MJafijJ Srt25; litA,, L �`tr`,.,`-).,01tV1,`­, �1'e."IAVID-140'N ;� I I P, . . � ,IV , I .'.." ,�( .I, r L 41e , I . _ . — � _L John 4 11. 'r . I . . A )fill%- delini'll.11 wag IaUclt ,;tilt forred to the fact tbut her I.W.'s Wall. I . . f4,, .1,,,,,,,,.r . , A . I I � I . . -ill 0 , 1!:1.1 to' f . � . . I . I , - I Year %fliva, lilt, � ,,,,,,,,,,.,,,, r of lion. twit hundred thoustand, boyA And tit Ashfit . 0 I I ,r .. I . In no place Is Christianity, fri-l'(0111i polds, Wore the greatext heritage that,i Townslifn Association Ilf TIL'U'it"t"r lit . Vol � r I 1� ' L. r \ .. r . �� I -_ -r hick, More tlearly thown thii op Its stave two prIzeff". 41111ILT lit 1.1,11"teril Ott. , Itatepayerm. i . .L ., I . . r I It, tile fill -to uIld'oolo, Ill wplitfielk (jollki'll), for ('�alljjd& I)OAPOAN'N'L And It Whooves *bt,r t ' Jk , . 15 � . . . � Ion And develop. . Godorich Township R le"allor it. . L ingbotise 65A, I ; i.. . I L, — -1 r I home.. It lit there, If Anywhere, thtAt fill, ellet'se flielorli'm KIIOWlllg thf, great. to Inake the eflucat I . . , fit 4 III . � . fit 1k I + i L I One IN o1off gullrd"o and Whitt he rpat. s 401, ment of these her greatest roneeril. Cussed PrAlloxed 111111 ; . 11111equAlod forlo"N'ra"plVialume'toAl) , L 'At bliprovenlelit Ill it 111wil I'll HeP, 4 . ,,r . . . L . 1 ,� ' rr IY to eRn be s"n. The Chrbit1*11 ,jj,�, Illoldcoll file,, , flat 51citting " . .. . . I'l #4 011111folvd, [fail, Ife contramtod tb status lit such lift. I Rer . anlit selectivity, , I -home III "the dimet creation of chrhl. thillIsoods- of rArl:14 � flons As 11UN4101. (11ilift, Otto., which nIT � Tile, juatter'of the Townshits �hlwol , I I ' ' I . tiallity.11 Aoym Farrar. "For marriage rjjelflrlf�14 %i,oll,,, VA '1181tiox fill,me rich In natural resourcoh, with thet flosird bill %VAN discus'spil by Goder-101 � . .. , � . I exialted to an almoot maeritmeptal dix. l'all'll rtill. spirit of 11114 1 1 . . . 4 1141110TI-Illi-Ift for fill. or the III-Atish Isles, Which whilp "fit tow"Ohlo rate Jill vork fit K lueeting stireoym whyoff.4100 IN- . . ifolut, 111111 JIM Hill,, Mo rI,b rill ilAtUrAl refit'llree . 11tf 11 . .8, forl ItUr. held At 110111leaVille (111 .1fond ( I r r . � 4 . itity; for all that efrelot (of ht.,!wpaly 1!111111(1 latifs, L . Ity after. i . . . . . ble"Idlign whft,h reo , � . . sult from a I. MO i om . I . . Work flelfolv-evilli-ei In ofif� word forom, 'I'ller A14-.410. .1fled, 111)1111 flell' flamed these other nations from #Ili 110011"Fell, l4th, fill, whivil Mr. F. It. � ,W r , S 47 W� J* . . I 11 , atioll 114,4 educational Mandmint. Canada haf; 100*011 WAR %'hifiralfia. 4 'I I ,Ili YO I 11 there In lit divinity Atid liweetileX4 " afflow4 fir flit, terain --alliatc-op.,* ,*pIll. I ; . . It Ili her power, mitunte'd All Ithe fit on Air, It. 1. Aalkeld, wbo. waft the' de" , . � Cook hy Godekily 1,4011", And 11111,411,hillonal" legate fVj,JJJ till, taWn, . . r I the one w1ad Ifordo. , thipt we tire 'IbIll too tile loppt . . ,,, I i I .,tot 40 fil'till reg"41' MO PXthWAY I)VtWoerl th(l Offid011f, ,� . . . I : ? . I'' I L _'. Wi0h by Elactricity - Indebted til Christiallity alo"00 fit hol"leoltocls1p, The animivur Is (jue A,,d the Ori;nt. to inake of horself -it Ing at Toronto ]list year fit thpl Oft. "We W'ant to dance'and .. We Want to dullee . . . I - . . (noth I littin jtJ;t)jYj4 IjJAJJtN fill' thillfli�lk tit (hpal Itreat )IIJIllon - The I lit ('pit, (kill] ItatilpflVI-I'l I L Jr,00 ily EIj�trjcjjy roliV 201h­�14rvinx In and Thr L . , w)ys ill girls off javlo Sehool Trust I *�*. oil I tit(-, Chutch.. I I 11114'rijill for gAla, IIIIII 4111) 11111'k lit � todAv will 1w the men and women (it � firs' Awitiviation. mode onnip livu,rf-A, , I . -, -flit--ill . . ga 4 CONVANWRT, CLEANt ,. * Mott. 11104111; Acts 2:44-41. irlipa jj,,,J,k litillsillf. Tilt, lialrall-I ' r I at horne. There is always Q lure ..Alld, . . r . 'I 1114' S111111111 11'4 till filoll a fonitirrow, holding Its po.-dillolis nt', Ing ,pniarkm with rilferetive tit liffit � . .. I . . I .. r A"Wit I Vor. 3 all, � . r fellP 44111411ft that fill ttUllt and r4hilhIlRibility. What ,All* j itiveting. Tilt- townshin szellool Writ 11 I . to daticing, It is doubly so when the Jimmie . ; . . NFWW%Wk I "Tho oftiont ,churehmst".11 Altv-4 Dr. 1111110YA, It kilrdelive tit 1141 till, alorloi, A we doing to make these, iboy4 atid I bill, am lit otlIvIlt Ill Ily PI-vuller rt I,. � � �. L ' Ck#&Plr &S W ., r W00j 111roft'?,slootil IR n1le %fliflav jfflrdj�jl wirls Into pontented, happy and loyal I gusoll. Was 6ppo"x(I by till- volivA. I is played by ttie world's greatest and b, est , . L I I . 1 " Itough., Ort!A11111CM that the 646 Is _11tion.'. . . . ..� I . I . � I' 11011,1 11 illibl"I'll, 11 I 111HICA00114 Art, volilluelpil for 4--tillinfer, 13ritillh subjOellft 1! I �, The ut hall ventres. hi� said, ar,­ toppos. � orchestras." - . . I vint Ittletiottem. , L I :. . . I i . -An Electric. VAcisiltui Claant.r ---------­­- -- -- At tho outpot ho mede It plAin to,�, loll tot tile Ifiralit". given to rural N0141,11 �, . . L I . I� '""*'f"`6�o`­4'f`­#'.1o". "*­$.'41,ff,f­f'f�#'.00 P.l'I'l$L, 0WI119 if) Mo% r4lid lovi'll"Itt, In: file the audit -nee that he wits riot ntfad-, mr(thinil These" IV fmt . I .0 ,valits III,(, n mr, I I . I tenloves thal jow; a btootit 111,9111ilso doo lit liew i , Fural Arttions. but urol "Perfect reception of dance Inusle right i r I . I .. I I STOP CATARRHI OPEN 01"'It'llf's. till$ mirlite lit tho township, school I)ORIA � bopellt 14 tile I L . Ill . . I . , !list, mov" thistaust. . " al�c. Ist. bill but that Ile Was hert, td enlittavor, opplimed lilt the grouild thal, Jif'P capi. � our Own houle is, alWays available. This is tlie 'A r�" NOSTRILS AND HEAD 'I'Irp'11119111A ti'4)*�.�4l'ill'ililill'ill'J"lt,nall,,'%taml'tltll�'llt"llio�i,t, will tit give thit people 4 vienror Intlitht I to, the itrantil tot I urfil Nt;blltlls Lift. fit ii I a, 14, � I I 'W11111- Vt lilrg4-P (;jjVrcjJ, Intl) the "leaning anti put,tiose of 'till, " jeftAt tilet'lity timoll lairer thAll thome � , " . 1. , , we Atlaks"ttee all 11fdro I � 1---li, fol' 11111fle Ill I . 0 reasoll: We selecteda W,ZSTINGHOUSE. I I il � ft 4 1 ftlent Prailt. inemsure. Ile reprementod, -the On -;to vity schools. � . . � . . I bolups for 1.100 IfititiAls. yx (rftAi4A:j!ft In NaWrila , I I L 4 OW �Ilr, 1',It'llift, Wlimoll ill ht, - YOUX ,UXAL1111 . I .- ... 011WOO N - ,#Wx oft Ow. .4 ildilrojo%. its isrin Apsololation of Truat#ex And j - -Where it towriablit, ling, Illilluo tile, I ASX - ! l Walk in arid stilthefilisplar alt � p g A, 0,,* liv I-1111VI'llillot roferrc 41 tot ad%,j4.Le,jjvj.A Itstepayorx, ifiblob. some 40 Yvarpt ago, -, present s(flool bouril fwotioin. ablilit , d I . i . . I . " 6 * � ok ot,# "40jfk,,s.*#,,"�*.*_ _4� C.4 I . '. I : if qpIll jillirlial itill,lilt I)%_A ,was orgAnlited In tiv� town (of WhIthy, 4 thiktv it -00014m, exi'lif till-ce, nw:-king � 1. . . I It Yy"Ir 111"trilot Pro rU#W 11*4 ywil I I for ihe x4oll tit their own Ae Hoot. . .Vaks Ofers1n Pritielost ('440dim" eaks . L . �. . __ . A . I! Ito'!" - ":1,"i, I% .-old wt.lt lit, 1,1114,11 Joy "it, I � I . I . , , .% Itot, tkipeto I*inX to Uve Ita memberst' �1� , - � The Hydro Sill, 10, lukatt N, shigiltil - jilt "it row't *ft' Ow k � . I I . tul I r fratly lwallaiii Ott is com for ollisrith"Just I "1111111 AlION1, tilvill to Alfead their owtit to distruivi educational plkablfornii�tlloro would 1w, andelL the jittlPtOT11 . . . . I I . - . . . ­ I— � I tilt A Ahl*lk follottle "t Ely's t!mm 14alm M114re 111111, lit thillil kol,4141jot"4-Iffirr lit And Inallf Ikswitextiff"It to thoto Do".0 * I towombill bomill Niyttiteoo� allo.jut t(lit"all : � I . ' ** ' I I ­ ­­ I -.1._._-1__.__--1 lit any driv ito 1, - I ' CANADIAN W,1"SITING11005F, COMPANY, LIMITrz ....... 1. . jl�.._,_. ­_ �­ 111911111119, Allf"I'lIx, U4101PI19. ot flat !lift#. i lent (Vt r'dwation. Ift, spooke- nt %0, I working toget1wil, for lt�p nond )f the - tow" to. Apply it little of this rilreaself hitio"ht bpi take whnle township, Instrad ist' the Preft-1 . . , 111011,1111104 041AIth) I I . 4 . W __�� ... 101.1 . ji fragraitf. *Ali* - 'lilt" %Id, It flo,lit Im lift lwtt(.r tifty lit VW it In -the , tow � . I .. . I . I . trite, 904 lot It fWattrAw thw4k (Avery l V . I 1. � . - I I _Wle i4moe litits your nos Astinclation, especially by rural pni- ,� lost slorittrate units, the wholf a . tfosir MOA, oltolaft o"A . _=t!.1. � --r._1__-__ I'le. who! lho;t yi*r F*nt I&M a tbo � ithilf Would be united, anti would I ri; �� ,. I :,*oil r,,-i;--,,r,-n,t,,,hs,f,. **,til" artiml-I i� le,\ So 1711 dt-lossitox to- t1w rspt#r Convort- 1; tbr buliefits of Mrig Able Ito hllY I�Jjfl­� . L I . CASTORIX ,p sptr4v j?'011 , lift". Th�ss, deltogattfoot )war tlw very i� Plies' On a f wopl,rative ba�fx, It' " Affieliflon I I toe . I 1101"Ahts"o onot 110111; Vt 10001ki t011111f, *A I . , I No, -W I W, V* Igioft ad CbJWW* , j Als I Illow Xm-A It, fe" Yosir *%. � jupo)k if"`A**# PA 19 blood, it.1waltero. and. by thiffir Intor. thore should lw any xii lwiolq toof mmall I , N 4 I I V� I r tot fine "I". .%oor hand I* Ither. so 9060 veto "hW"" ]hanxe of Moss with iotheor delloxates, to *� kcrit Aitwin, tht4 (Auld he Owwfl I ' ' . . so wit � haiski"* lknolilling, h1wir4l no � I f 1 4 14 I" U" "WOW I Its , Aise bo(k ratkith Inq0trationfl, sivii Wei! fhV44 4444, ting another ?vfirl on%,. (Ill -, WM* MacDonald "' I morto, Iwitolilf-Iffil, drimm of, alrooloig Y Mitt =4OVAW,.j4*r%6r4 1,0,4 help. to tlw it0twooltirs 'Whith thp othfor Wind, any (hildirrn, n4ow in� . L I Avws" 100"L .# 40.011% I'Af0f 1400 jtelm lit IflqiJo , I 'I"testo"t, . sit tondantle At Autb iri hools wisuld be%,%, � . "Phone 174 W. - 1, 11110 tol, If. , Ullf Folloork-row, flog , , Stood irl fl, Alid Ailromps If : itl% tlwn ;ollflinliti the motforAN nro, if# lift, finnvipf�qfrd tit othct - - � . 131ri"taiinia Road, siflut : I. I . ^ I oiarth uwj, 114 A %10*L " I a mv 9 0 4ax WSM 3 , 41 aft� toy thI4 �far slid advierd, Wb"V (!Au�illx r"'ttlip 1. 1. ll. I . '11�1 I ,.l. 'l, - I � i - I . . 11 !2 I � . . , P I , 14 to r " ` I � I : , , 1. I . � . 0 'I, . L - 11[464-e dilov i I I I I 1606046 I I lumitDSE I .1 , lotio I I "1111111111iii. f* - � VF4 . I I "o, "" I I 11 I I lv-*��Mlrpl I h 2 120,101ON10,40,1100%_000110, I I . I I I I I I I I I I . I ""I" ","' I I *41, 6 I . 41 I - . . � Vour I I Ln�onlim,o 1110101411" I Z;1114;:�� � I - I � I , . I I I I ji IQ il - ,I I. I . i I . I I 11 I �, . I I i . (I . . I . I . Ili . I r I I I IL I r . . � 11 .l I . . I . . I I . I I I � I I I . . 11 I � '- _____ _r�_*_­. L � . I So I .1 P, _,L."j­,. - ­­_ . . � � _ __ --%"Nsisno __��o=---ft-', � - 11oll-, ­ _& . W - . 411h--.. . I . . ­ - ­ ­_________­ -