HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-03-17, Page 6I I ....I� %-- - — a - —_ - -_ _ - - I � - - - --- - - T . -_
.1 �, PAGE 5l.X — ---I Tg7jWAY. KAMIII ML Um -
, .
.1. .- -_ - . - i- 11111111FAM" sm , . - . qjwlyw� Now --- —omo!pm
'. I . - "t�� - M 7�;�,��- - ___ - __ - - ___.115600010114� I ___ - __ __= -
.__ . _== - - =!= T ==M . 1 4 -
. . as 04ki smont beat 14 bw I& 1606- . - - _. . i "
.. '�'�., -a .0 flower wiloorosloolLAftem OtUO. - - i - .09 Is"wow,
. On it KAts be a to lot 1111011- ng S
I �� I
I , 0.%Wft . I I Xqu Qmtw*l ales Of
I IMF--- , - latior. I itut :�,-*,,,*.V-.:14r-r--Iti&�i�wvr4lo�p fablem lilt he .
4.1 I h40.10twe that soutdo "W wi I "I re 11 -
� I . gild as ptolal fail a ppost-04.1t; a L if T=ioniilbe wkb a 01144
. � 11. I I . 1-1 �t is thlo 401oadon of rkk. WWOM WbOtt tb41 4404t ilr.,� loysts loo"Pr that 1 i4ovolit Z 1, I rattle. tood be** Lelpme's spy. YLw I , �
�, 1 7 .1 Con dw 414" — tkat jivel f4tra fla"Jur to 6mail and Mi haft Wild Vigby if I wished too AP We Xo*s im Yew, trail i I � �
I I . Pt all. I =��w =04�mw Milk WA voia., � .. 11 I I
I *rod ttam Acknose to calms AA4 0140*�M&44 from Tiflis lottvi, isitt that ,thillogA 10tril, I vokit a *aw$04 loosherloo, I I 11
� at Brantlaft Abbso exudy 1110 111' this teAtor." �4 ,
�- * I I +i; Vol; ideas that swolial slWIZ041, 1 1 ) I
Aunt Patviritihad, so for, rissmasm, � lost to xww)es M&AS". title k .
, � U R I I VF`t U IR !(`a`tL#'gf"r*,@�ithor with ths pollro not 0120tte"r "woMlY invited him to orionow -, "I'll, I
. . �: I
A .1 �t � with gaybudy'vise, avid had takox all below asid faw his Ag*-.*% jo,vlt& � . I
i I to MON01 fiw W M f*#1 N6#y'�� 1504 X" 204 . step#, whatialoysir fit the matter. , tibia wkkk Solifial doelhood (and was' I I
. vftw4 cosou Pliler milloo tU. t44*000, Twomas. WOW44 Oil olows" , fAi�p,9artnj1,y Ohio had accolowd the', f9w ever tho allaits" Istarlor, ix Con- I I �
. , :�'� � —.001W t hot foil r 4 � I I i A
f I ..*.**— - - .1� � I .--. . .: - I of tho thres Clostest IuW � I
I rtz�� . ___ _..., , _, stiolt" tht 111111to Water"- -AFA, iiiztfs. I mg=*1; version who attlit reirta I I . I
. ,0004 � fit dillOtilyand iltrollibly'. she woot just, watel" us, and with a baleful = -
*1 doing nothing at all abuut Its but alm- 1*9 *Va. was Colour-sorgennoo log. -
III jt%aitinm Vi0lil Hoctior'd return. " Umap himself, now, also, Sergeant.
. .
BE14AU G.17Ejj9Tb y1he 11341 violeitifid Auxuatus, (.'loll- Uxk#r. .
dim, oinot Imebol herAvif, from tho, Pro- �� We wore. hoiwpvior, fir too lipen, . .
. ' Story Ever Written � hibition its to leaving the houlitio. Owl � Vilrotful. and eapabli to flyo him tho - I �
The Greatiest Mystery ; bail #81i,eft jig quelitions of any tit 0PIwIvtuni;r--,ha obl-lously dvalrt-d. 0
. . theill Mince the day that I had dlsall-,� whfit, hi P&Me In far room-Insipoco �lea
I I I Dy PERCIVAL CHRISTOPHER WREN I peared. -Alit that #4y, she haft ar- tion, he made, Ito , rotithem, of not Xly� I
I � � . _______V� ... .._�,_-.4�_4 Ing us and our kit, mxroutromentiopk
� �[ ,:== , ;�11 %____'� rep it the polotall SANurance to Ujr- ; NU41 ,bedding. it' longer , anti nlfiri,4 have re'sulted lift ruduced cost
I IF15AW -imili Till 18 wp 8con found that it was a'rval uAtus, Clau Is.' anti I 1) 1, it t tv , ,
I I � t ; action than he Mai I tit il�
, "A,)�, 01A ;I) 140 ,absolutely noth sit 6 where. Is 4" Alloft
. � -it genusliv 1AIIIIIIE"m to) let it C0111.1
� Thrc,il broth� 1114, MiV11101, It , too . ill' I nji, JjLjvj� it: got tit our leather and the 0*011tes had 90110, whic it them A y else except Buddy,
I 4,0111tilk'sto 6%;i , v Homo, urh V a' qp��
llh,ill,v lel". , . � as tile thief, or whether e wrre I n I met th* long hard store qf 11 of mallufacture 0 W,e a",^ now
� , , �
. Ili V,11sland, f"lli,wing O., tht,ft 11 brass, itur rinv* and bayonets, vur w ,� him but *nil crual eyes, I thought 4 -if it , , 0 1 # 0
. "Illue w9t(T." ki %alu'llil- , - A 1 o;'41 . It - Van It It tA It 11 It Abe panthor fir some uthor feral bettoot , .
I 11%Vneft by their � Aunt, 1,011.v Ili, i I !,!�`11 , I �! fat'"04"i"t" 'will' ullderchoth' 'n,lioxgue'not u If vs nil a
� . I I " Aw,,,. f,jr, to Idills a job meont the. wroto, "nor irot at what she' t nkm,, wh"90 sole mental content was )late, savind,
. ifol, i'llivst leafovi 114111118 of getting it Packet -of.caporml III I pa,*,nssino an -thi's , to our ' I
I . I Allichael for "D,1411 � and feelm. Bile fully acrepts, apjjar� "Illl- � "M 111111'" W
I iirfii, Then Pithy Anti lInAlly.,litlin, vigurettex, a bottle (it -wine, a lwxt-., *tit my exculpation of Guielle, 64nd � * "10o"re more for It, yard." itaid Bail. .
is IwIlAerI4 bavo, goille age-stoinlo, A change, of dist, 04 piece I - � APWAL
, Ixel y at el
. I , . lohn, bAlevill , - 03111f dy tot, mot aftcr Ons, of those illsippeo,
. , , 'I'Llieh Foreign I'vXioll Of aluell-needed soap, or it chance to time still scor a to a rect Claudio. � t1ohn. "Our vilmoloi, mud, That Moe.
t'611 johl the" r I � a Ir6i a 10 I
;. . cu modoifiAnvm. This means tht; '
- gorm to 114118 to villist. lie fokli j4ure riipleniNh his rleaninir initierix1s.' , , I 1 tioiwbilxs�tntikos me feel like when I j No Vol .
I . . A*Dlghy, 'We three did not shirk oue work, '09 0100- .
� . he wilt catrij uO with 11vau or 14he as told that 0 at . .4� .. .. 1�1 .
� i : . . Ith twit by tiny means, but very,oftent when t ly fre - ro"I 0 a lelo 1, a d 0 0 � IN 0;1 �Iiuttod Into a grixillyoWar, Only I'll.k-
I I . Ife foraw 44 fast frielidalilp W O, (jut Us to e no 'fur or vs oretwo in I led the boot, better." - I I .� e
. . Aw"Ticall adventurerx, Book And weury to do4tb. or anxioux to flyap", ogr6td Uank. "He's mot �ii
� , . . 0 glill) taking tilert ta of barrocks, we gave out, ant tillage t the atter at fill.. Gosple Ills 4)
. '
� I - I ff I mosta,%nd'best food for ...... th'
� I � . IlUddy. - On tit 4p cook yefulleg to feed work to. one. (it thn niany who begged j ciout"Ito atit le. Ito as -I ril ?I 1 grlxzly.b'xr . . . But I've ,#)lot a . . . I . . � I . . I I
. Oran, Africa, 11 all along that yolk Would co 0 to a i grinsly-blar, - I hav, . � 11 AM Aftli Jo oso� 40* �, I . � .
. . � . the yocrults. 11 The recruit# progressed with aston. i bull llond�thv thron of yous' lo, t, while I 1 .4diled � . 1, I _ . . � _
� . � . b,,,g mildly. . 1wilmst MQn ,
10 is g4jundly t�otlten to Ile Allowed to do It, I "They ain't liumortoll", he
I 1 tile Anitrietiati, At (,)ran, he ineets , . I I '" I � , , 16ijr 1, � . � _.
I I . . . '. t by anti Allellael. For 'the Airst I"Iting '9peed, bill" lie- believes that (to, John, aroo tile It WOO 11180 oulte clear that Corpoir. � - I � I vl.
. k ',I protitivally all, certain that you are till' In together, �
late they collie Into voiltaq With it holued soldlerm .be, ore they joined � . . .
I . I 1111111 who.wjIfi tit Inive it lot to. ill) with anti PICk0d All) tile TI0009MAry Legion., � actual thief. I Uil Nut that I bad a a] Dupre bull found that he hail oaid . "a 0* . . � .
the wrong thln* when he ropliod tit 4
i I ., "Ir. French rettiorkably. rapidly. I belief toof anti when he aqkcd what it . 'I
$` . flivir unhol,py, fotui�'eli. Ile waa S , WAS, I Haiti, 11 believe that It you gave 140japtio,os enquiry so to what sort Of I .1 .
l,ri,ilfltl.PJ%innt,.011f,itft),)('-Ulf)"t(,I.ut�l, � r n became good - 0113poeftled animals we were, -by do. . Ask Your Grod Cer
� � Millers. rilijud by our Intelli your whole goal to It, Oussle, you _ 7-
� I I � 9 lout oroultwreouB lljeolbvlf�. � of the entire 11 geneof 4 ' mighttpossibly, Monte day, be At to , clOvIng that we Wore model TOPVults M 0 - . - . � .1 � � - I __ 110M
� -_ -
I � _-UNjon. I I otrength, soolorlay, athletic training,,, I ". 0 , I , 0. 0 0 , 11- .... I . 11. .1'.. � I .1. I I . . ..- I .
. I 11(iflau Of (1111ciplillil, knowledge (of clean A oltu'a boato or those of atly j WhOlit, sole OL ect appeared to be the "=!!!!!Tz!!�-"TFi I., . .. 1 1 t���
N,,OW (so ON WITH T110, STORY other Geste . . . IT also gold that it, is approvAl. , , W.�-_-�,,- .;;�. 1�� -, _____ . — _� 11 � � - �_
I Tile)), Unit a genuffie devilre, to niaii.'�. he ever uttered another word fill the C000-rNt V1106 W Ot 1) ed thern up an eviiry Occasion, . .
I . , go low. F, 48 U it -'it fe (lead or stlive.
. . — - All wita Wells thiff 4110111i"� h a -I. .
, n fare good. tOQU � TAox tban, one In a huudred itte.
I tivell, anti the groat 1111ols In] , subject I Would discover# when tile low at hotirt, but "Ito boll got t live#" their word for everything, anti, riop. __qhntinued nil ,page 7) _
11 I , for# In tion to I 10 Z... ;;;i��. 1� �_ _ -
. ..Nore fortunate thfin e ivere, Police cAlueo. that Ubad Ingde a ,III%. and it grow clearer and clegl coodn In o0callf"T - - Iffol
� unilibled Impassive anti Ills, hard , I at-, Am ported,thein blindly. � 40 Ittlill t . ,
. I Itherpetrillot,tho exort,*vdtheAvj4bs,1 ;miuxv fill e ctt0 pro-
, I Wall-041104ted gild )lad 1"T111111etG1!1ound;" , take in thlriking that It WAS Mot arm tho weeks wont by, that we three There was no appeal. lVilat the. the native armoidnollee sou"llerm re-' Vivationjo; Nother Graves"Worra VIX.
� . I � . mouth utiopened. I ft little molle'v thanks to btlebaells could do nothing rigbt and Doldhii ilon-commigsloned om(vr Matti IV the
. . We took our LAY44 1111leti from the forethought), IvIliah wall wellIth In j r had held w1jon the light failed! . ., nothing wrong, . AN 'celve a reward o twenty,five, friin�jj Urminator and it coin be *Ivan to
. I . . vack, put Out, bnYonvts Ill tlivir f"693, tile 1.0gloolit good habits, melf-I'luntrol Atli I not it beast? But lie doort make I tr* and what lie did, was ,right, o# ;a head for the return of deserters, Molt delicate child' without fear of'
I . I tile No angry with hili Nnoerm and Pon. � -. -
. . . 'ind I Public school trnining., i'la We i would comwt oo, -
11 I and clattered down to� the Paralh, it Our thlet' Olytheg w4K thAt � we, againg tho private otildlot The re. 1. ,..r��ow , ''.., I 11 I 11 I � hijurg to the constitatlop.-_ _
. � givuld at five-tbirty, Im Ova glkjl,. , I mcious to offence',iout We felt Molting fliselplWo was. wonderful -,-and .Itt ___ , "---.-, , rett-
I . t, - is vold morning. . . . I w6re Inolrenolve by reagoll of 1108fles. letif ctitude, the I jili"011 lltth� vlls-� we walked on - � . .,.--. _.1.1 -11, 1. I . - 1. 11 I I I . .1 I.. . . . . � -
I - Iol Slut tile conald I . . very thin fee. , , so was tho bitterness, hatreds and de-
( � The - battallon marelled nwmv to ernflon, courtel4y, and i- .Y110WOV4, "$.I have said, the Pollee In lose that% a couple of months we apair of $Olue Of the victim$ gr Injijol. 1 1 1 .. 1. .. I .I i., . I �. .'� � � � __
i I 111,14�,exertflSes, and the verrultil work, t1elf-rcaoecting respect t()r others 4 r1ftV0 were disminsed re6rult-drilla And be- tice siod'persouill spiteo 1, . � I I I . . . . �
proper to gollitleatell. I not come, yot, and Absolutely , � I . I
'' fill -tiled upj tOld Off. Ily 014COinideft, each ,'nothing is being thing. The servii.otil came 'full-blown legionnaires, . A 'sergeant boil only to tontinuo . . -
;� I . ullder it torporal, And taken tout to 1,2414 'fortunate than alost, we *6ro hawn't 'A ghost Of Ito Idea th34 any. Abilye the head of my bell,, Appear. PoWilling 4 vletlin for the tatter t . .
I .1thil "plateau," ,it vast drill -ground (It'I'VA0111011 tit VArIPd f00dj Cooifoft� thillf Is wrong ,0 I � .
111II0 HUPFOU"1111198, 1019131`0i. Q ' NI'M � ,# and life goes on just eutnthe unfavorab s notice of'the 6t.
% . Ileat, tile *village negre, fill, physical I the' legend, Olin SmItIT, 'Noi Is . . I .
teat tit Itlental and lillyflical rii6ea- as I you three had merely gon-0 oil to , 0 "I - . . - -0,* L
ed It printed yosteboord card, fivitrInst I
1 Solditt time I Classoo, and I " IlebroXen the latter read %he 0011. BUY, THE' BE'S,T I 0
� 1. halufm IVII'vil today WAR nlflspl�r I Oxford fox, this tiirm. Bardou moot WAS .4 Ishm Uthook, gild tot find his punish. . . . . .. � I . . - : � .. 1. ... �.. . .1 . .
� , I j 0011, 'RPOC101161109 (it life, And allover, fisecond-clitzo) Hold or of Fortune, _ . . . I .
. � I . I Nteady runjiffilt. It was nothinir )line I fill. wonder that you all went so suddonly takIll Ine"t doubled -with a wornlug to be. I 41 ' , . I . .
i � for yojit"Ir athletes likom us threp. Init If and with No little hiti: but I don't sup. . I my Floca In -the vfinits of my wave lost ,something rot.%Ily serfou-1 4 I -, .
'! I � I a liftle, i,ruel -for bitit-starved Or -out. """"� litp everything was new 11086 It luttrept" him muell. hattal On. In time I should N A Bol. ba cued to him. . � . AnU h661 it weighed on your own .,.,,,,. -
. . andut tit ir % . . ;" I .
I . . I . of -condition, Illen, . ' "t'...", tolflarkablo slid voluall. I don't know .what Mole Ifector flat -lore � Chisitt., it I Were good. , o Amoricans' ril. not as lucky . I .
. .wljok bod ao� "oil tiel we were Soldiers of Fd , 4 we ' .
� . I .. , rtutill, we will say about' the delay to solult to . 'It,
. . for some thne, . I .. I Michael nil; yi, the two Americans, oil not as careful, #8 we throll V� 4W MARKET SCALES I
I . '. or, and - We were fly 110 Marls, 4P St, Audre table to- thallato o"o, . , .
, � . . Oil other --tilorphigs, tile Phytileal Were trigethe I ( . , 5004, , I .
� .1 . . 11)(41111A unbappy. . I. Scotland yovill It I Almost to thl"go they someth"08 dra;'k tho, I . I . IL ., I I . . . 4 �
I . q� I . , 'e,forni, of gymnuatlem, ,)at though Aunt wants the cul .. I
: : . .. .04 . *60 , ,.
'vulture tO4 -tit t1111011 At the 1101111" thlie, And Our little APPAIIIAW hiaddshilix Alth, Sold In the
1, , ob, how I longod to Noto Imobill ! exclitto, or aloe . Nut or Stover Coke . , 0 -w. -per o
, . .1 . � bo*%log, or. a lotig route-Inavell. - � Iaebi t at it h , wrt"kept tagetherf - , IOW*clays wine-mbors of the Spalifill . � I I . I - I
�, .. . , And Nradualiv. -wondellng thoughts 0 11 Ile* 411 now learned WhAt -marobbiN quArter �
� ? . to 01AX 0 Nut or Volonace P000hantas" $13.00 , too, .
. 'On oop return to barracks., wot and, Ali t -o th Water" and Ito where. really in, and whf - thk 1461611 10 'made front -fics. rice or wo6di nud . I W I
. e "I'llue tor would pit 'or the Ghetto. C1,lide 0100KI
-1 ....:: -L. If It a I . I . .. . -1
I I - I .1 . warmi. wo, hail our .tuorning, Weal of no public mean 1V Ott t ore 0 , , I I I
I � , I soupe and forced. and it, quarter-Iltre tolp N &Vol @it "Ann, 0 No - a'd $6161 known In the Nine estith Army Corps known as lospedl, tchunt-tebuill, and � delivered. - . �
; . 1; . � .. ObIl4ts, retired to the. back ,at in 4 1, . , . I I
.� , . . I � Ili fill, the wOrld was- t000 moll K, I be avoided, Ire vt � .. . � � . . I . '.
. - � wher; toe I there to� be - tint Aunt would. have Any M 11 nowebes wore of ap?*111119 11009th* OXPI601VO and UVIVOlitillit Nik ,Anthracite Coat $13.00 or t6o, delivered: . - - -
L � I., I __ � I—— - ----- - - - - __ ot -go,qil-w-b.�,,--�-Tln-llltitt,'S- And 90,11, wit) - Us __ 416 ed.triptoly, -- aw U*--t-A-Voo-lo� it pled, The route. gaflieliri, would, inako 13oddy's uilipar
. I . �-� - I I � ovey on of , i Wfille It.ron. I . P s I �
., , :1 .. I , OVi Wore rattled oilt of hinking cu I* flole stvallablo for Introspectlorl'or, 4 ,
I .1 .i I I boards, 4wd.. N4 Pat lit the jung tahl an UnvAryhj%AVo-kI ilmot-roo on bout. Iloroil JlAnk jn41,�erjmlnatIAgIv Aggg. . '
, 05 ditio-dreaming. Our days were too the thief, thau#h��;-and I really d6h1t, Over 10,tigils roadii, In ,the Y,nglitill tionsto � *Wl, ,$40t to fall hpllvlly;, upon EX'S * or N, ut Anthpaoit
i I I . I that, occuOlid tilt, ventro of tilt, big .-buxy and otir.nights all think she'd suppose Vital* Sector 4 O,Cosl, $16*00' per too,
I .. voin, Th0e was ment full told too' -would prefer this delay to sganrlitt climate'. and With the English sol;jlerl* the ue* of,tfio, Horgoant of the (; u4 I .. . I . . .
I I . I . "', W"ll, 68 allort for thou I . rd, . : - ,delivered. - I . . . . ... .. . . �
� I ... f,ht. Upy were Seat" Surely � � � .. . I .
V . : vegetable" Ill -Illy oisfeelle'llt stow, nii(I Iring enough iI he I not the Person to CA " It, thoy Wduld have boon, Incredible. when the 'Uttior admitted him, "JuN. ' ' . . "
11 . . . I I � � .. I . I . I or1be deep dromulemit . Over, *and *nil AvItert Attoneop u"dor Ing. $nyougly, In. the. wAtitiep 01 the
I I I . I � tilt, brotd0bouA irrov., ;Xas palatable aleen u0colimary to 11,00 �Who were two ones XvIA scandal, And ho a to � . . Stove Anthr4ollto Coal 6-50 11 � ed -
. � . . - _ . ov' the Aivicap. sun, and with the much night, � . . . . I P $1 per ton delivor .
. . . toll"lly is not ths person to. apippovo is � __
. � heavier kit *of the leglonary (whieh Thor
, . 11 . I. and 1110re than sufficlent In -quantity'. workedo" we were, - , I *Ito loojautli' � 01to stoyt itzo, $15.00 per to
I .. . nud after that, ittiond Anti cont. . Anti blow wo I ' dolay that wily make �r'octivevy Impo,j. ,Y, And to- Master Anthm
� , ture, I UPP . I I - . I lit ,
. .
� .1, . . . . Pany (11-111, while tile bftttjIj0nL did at- th6*0 glorloull It ble"Noll Boni ays - siblo, I can't ninko It oiit.j%fall� Iftludestatitteanvots. firewit6df *.blokn,, minded �them of. how they, hall open" . I I � , : . .
41 1 � I ro-saving day$: of . � dolivered. ! % I : . . .
tack-formn.0011 ) rxerviffio on thp lIlnt* complete rest. . k . rancy U14010 lit tortifirlobed of thir. kot"and 4 0004 UnIUM), they were their Moths, In blet presence, .110011 . . � I I
� I I " I 40811# I . .1 . . .. -, , .. ty thousand pot o' I"A"Itoly Iliorit 000 .. I I +U evening ot their entry into the I . I . r . . � .. . 1. . I I ,.. I . . � i . I I . I .
I I I After this we 0 werei met ta wo On our Arnt SuMay mornivi In the jildol 114111 go raving .04 ono ommian wo, taA a "troll of Lotion. . I 1. .. � . . I L*V- a L -
I'll W rk LOKI^ we three milt"on mkd and kilt peoplot . . 1, L I I 'r or arkalf or fleav Mirdwarli` We - -
It I � fill brooma anti -whoolboirrow M khmel's Oil, John, whire, Is the wretched five hundred, m114114 molkohing cootin. When thgy wore o6vAtiod iii bar. I _... I . -Carry on. - , L i10 Stock -1 . r
1 . I 1161119 'ouvid the barracks, and- . I
0 at W -and beld I% "CouncIt of .War." aa uoukly at thirty *1100 a day.' -as the rooks, he would have the olefAulterm, I
I . I - lit) At we bad ISO often (long, to the dAys of' thing? And how long WUI.It be W. colonot.thqught we wanted. IIA'Irlug�ll I roll collood at odd times, ilithe boyle of . P . ipt ., . . I -UP pate I . I 11 '
r I � . 'W(TO I Brandon Atbas. � to%* You tan all'comp bscklk I sholl In siddItIon to those merciless we their Waiting 1t; and when thoy wtro 04 .
I iy4m� then free to go to the lavabo' to the Blind, %k In the 1111110 40 pollee, wou 'M .
�! . mud drm our white, uniforale. It was doolded MAI: I shouhl *Ato whros to you at once if it tuvao up, anti
r . I � At five o'clock we got our second to 1. e,her# j,w. # It X $hall certainly come and Nee you It hail a4mirable, ftAinifist In 4telillsho, . lit sot that , from � - rinch Ito. 44ach always
� mral, ,,gbt4j,,tejlInjg hev,* '114 ,an itig *avid, *oMMIlAi plenty Of C0111011011Y the vorgett 'k -of tho, , GuAid .torjfod . �
, , � � exactly lIk6 tile Arst, *nit y4ro plavlat that I knew whore Michael YOU 4141"t Como moilit-4ior It's my pri. .N 'U"fler rVetett" -of I . .�.. -1 A-180 a heav stoik of . .
., . I then finished tot the day, save In No vate 6111111011 that you are oil three to, and battalion d 11, first -Mid, flold tit. them out hAurIV1 . . . in Stock# . . 11 y .
j ; , , , � . iGI DIRb.v woro, and could send thtin Notherl , ,� .11 . . gineorl"le, varied 040-rongs w6rk4 suspecting, that .they bod tobacto or I . . .1 1. . I— I . I . . . �
1. I far Oki We 11.4d tit -prepare -for the . . . I . . . . I .
� . - anv IlUllsofg0m fit View". . I , ,jehael Aind the theory of Infantry warfare, drink. I I : � I., I . . . I . � . ..
I I I , mt, In the *A#OK of *01411"ing find #rol. 118111bol was to use her discretion; Aft . I proibl,64 ,this letter for - U_ ' ,� , . -valves . .
I � By the timo wit three, felt ourselivam Sometitnot, b I , �.
I .
I . . . I ighing -the loot or %till metal tit our to sift"Itting that lobe Unaw Whet* 1 and Digby to read, tit our'. Suft4y old 1101diftlit *4 4100 110NA4011*0 1001 We 0 Would ito bloutelf to —, . -, ___-6.411""�#"� �o � 0 0 , I � I I .. -11.4- _." .
I I . arms 'And equfprftont�n "moll took, "Council of Wer's next worulag" their eolls# in the ratoldle of the UWR6 . I � � I I . . I I . � I I
� . I . . wit$, but If sheAld admit.1t, she VAN wore otaitnottin montAlly, abd bacoMo groupg .them with X a � . I I * - I
. . pow 1% I'Vehoot read It without A, word lit illir � Moe foov, and � .
.. folly with $tot? fres front state, +,j sold-4he ali 'th ,h#yjca . boveds And * stai## of w oddlift I I -' . I . I
. �. I . I flore tho'noverty of thA Toglo mple trath tit she comments and .With. 44,411selrutable 41 Iv(q it it lit, harsh orderiin to, 0 . . C"ASO � .0 Is' LEE . 1. .
. ,
. a Ivid not, the'Alsbiest Idea is to, where foelt. � , ... 'mitilb after 'night of Avolling about thalt It would I 4 � . .. . . � - .. . .
ogivin help oil," for no nwn: need tilt a bit disobeyed th0ugh ; I
. Woke mtore than he W1006 of thim tile Others wave, .. . Digby saido. "The little d*tli 81dimbel4kboo, we* not Ito" enough, tosetitmonlo-or drunken ittupfilkyl, .. I 1. The jK4rdW4r#A at the wblkrf . .. . . . ,.
I Thin Plan WIN Miellaollaf and as he %et she ug" I and out brain* wore domoodfus'exer,* I - think hii : would have given It SHIP 4"ANDLI1110, - . . KwAsil"a milst k0lmo
kind of *ork, while he has a bollf. 001111011 out to Sidi If the thing to. I .
11 . * . . � . . a"mod keen on It, and neither Iftity, doetmot turn u �V" and he blouncod-on 0 . . #1011th'A.".Pity to bjt�,* *oceeA&%d 11% I � 11 I I . I I I � . . I .
I I �Arjjny t6 111ftr4g. - I I . . .
. 11 '__11'_'_ - nor I saw anything ogal"Ot. Its we Ulehaot dervoll that we should , . . I I
I I � .-.-.---- -.1 __ , __*%__0 I ." �__ - - �__ xdoopted It, and I Wrote a -letter whf?h the -.boil, with * *its At the idea. . Blo,601c, w1ringw , .
I .. ,
1, I r � Ift .She could show to Aunt Patricia, or "Wonder. What 11100 Ractor will itudy Arabia. 'both, for the good of *04410* tone, -of thom into striking Owe. The" it, . " �, I I ,� I r now* 'Phone its. , I
� ; � . I . . . 1. . I . . .
. ff I Disagrees . 40?11 $04 Michael.' "Poor Aunt Pa. out XQUIN..sm with it via, , him, 'It. wso ray' tonktatit, fear that . .0t .
� na, a% wijbiould Buddy would do' so, And dolly we ,,, 1. .... � I I . � . 1-1 � � .1 . I.. 1. � I � - ... � -
I 1"O" . . , . . � not� -As ithe liked, I " * trielwwIll get a thin time. , .11. - I asefulnesa'sit, Such On eats, and P'ftv. _.
! . I I . . .. I . J)'l Ito orals 011trust.-(t With diplomit. this Into their .
I I I � . . In Loglon'"alr*401in 81111th, "Fornot proventlitiv. tilt front IfIncli. " I L'"'ItIlillat saingthink of the sort would . - I , I . . � .11 r 1. . . I . I . - . = , . I . I ORNNPWP .
I Nis k' Hot Water Iwrote so follows . 140.18956), tit, "ilsalons or I t Vy. govsrnor,.� 1 , � , - � . - � , - I 11 r. . '. I
� I I I � I . � mitill — -- M." --- _____
I . 0! 0 ... SM— 11110�
I I . . . I ,.--. . Ith Coura Promler Etvaugery lilt Itt" Period DIRlo), . "hip' ' I I , . � uot' happear. However. they were old 7 -, . I . . . . I �
; i I I -f soldlota and wily Antericaus... t �_ I r I . ill
With Now""Is tik Nouttallsor 4 via 81di .Abbott, Alvela. "; . y I
i . . No or "at calling Ia, tile pollee Ou Ataloto ov&04 useful bo:fiote All
. . 41viia DWI. - . at once", SAW Michael. . , then. . I nil ev. . IF
I . jkW Map 11AXNation. G � Dear to And s� the mouth; 011"Nellp It . ,�10 411a "r . . I
� I I 6 ,� . "' ' every. board rout my dikeling. 20040
it 140tant ROIIOG� � , A letter to the abovft aildross will 411 wonder why., ithe (Ildn't," I ra; frool'the libra week, I I
I I , , , �;�� . . . Anti In". 'Xichavi and 1ARV lalow it marked. . . . . We got litiolm "-Vs '"i Nothinit happoned at Brilindati.AbloAff, I it I .1 .
ir . I "Yem", Said Michael. ,,Funny, Isn't, ,$late Clark, who workell 4rhaphlin W%M*abot., � I
� I I , i it., . cralted It half -t t,ogs . Mwk In I
I I I When footi how like lead in your also. 1 can solid thom any mov,4agetij Itqs, -T I 1. � . I Ili, the Bureau Aratie, to moot us tot Soetgr hail 0011tra In, anti 'Unale , '.. . .. , .. . $ 1. #
4 atomatolt grld.�ou hRve that full, utl,� Or Ilewso train Broindon Abloas, tied blot himl#.0'out. - 4 ' - .
� .
, . ol- , . , And yawning #nil turning round an boor, four evening$ It Week, tot Iniv ,after all. *nil bad gone to X . I . ttr , O;nd , .
. I ('�onifortablt,'bt"tv,d,:t"lingo It lio-be. Neither of tbital lit In 11"aland. Rith. , its4ha . I . , I.
I .
, I b4id toor - ' J. I . .. ,
� J I frot the ivind4w, out of which Ave flonYti-stotiont, *nil took to haunting r
, nir to othoot bf,mr#.� As he.had ' . J. .� I
� of ln*umelent blow supply to or of them w"ll lot 'Ile .Unow It lie had been looking, I notived th-it Vol Arab rates lastead tit French ones. mror� with tiger in the Control Prol. .1 .tL _jL &W I .
.� call" ; 0
T, It . . I . . . the stomarb, romblood. ,with atomach cloin ,, Ila ,g,11 nt aildrott#. I am In , , * . I :ij 61ar
11 oy We distinctly liked 'the divined � �
I . . 0),*ut lit.011 ! I $hall Write again, dint woke aal"li on bit bad behinit us. . vine#$I, . . 4 . , I .. I ,
I I . . acidity -suit fooil formentation. , Int if bear from �o i It was curliluo how quittlK that in n 4rd - courteovot men with *boll% we I . . I . 9W I . Ot
k. I s%eh illiffs try the Olaft now hollowed I u. I at" so Anxious I I
1� . .. by thausandit of former suffft fr m I h happe-ning lit home, * , No reference was. mt mode -to tile I
to ("low w at 0 Ike ,#I . �
I . �tould move mbout, with In ext -I talitt d over the wonderful tofte � mimolng "Blue Water." no questions . . . . � . . . .. I I
. � . . . I
� . ..
I i , �- I . Indigeatitin by Ain y takin "I t,01*11. .. John." , .1, itto , and silent woo. We mado voilldurtogroas and, otters ,had bjen Asked of Isobel unit ithe had. I ,. . � . � I .
, .
. .
� 4 nful of pore 3 surattid agnilmlit WIleillkill and DIg*6y, oppytIvid .Of"� . I . .
. vs A ; C.4.11:4.y. llimsi,ed swiftly awsy, ntolimp, sito a point *f talkinx Art. � .
. I I I *tilt We were too busy and too tired b to x h lothor. It ,lit tn. onsy tan,, volutitoored no InforrhoRA'AS to OUV . I . � . .
I it I � �
91 101"liAlf So XIANN Of Water, Xot but k% thils, Alk It CIPV*d. Up A tint Of efifflo.'to I whortisbouts' *nil her being Iry Pont. 11 .
. , be Wro,teh#d . . I . I ..
I . I You. can rainfortably ,drink It, The �rsunietitloq with Brandon Abbovit, but, from Ave I � It . the morning till Ilve I ' *Uage to loarn, torilt,lally Ili, a coup. olunfeation with Me. I � I .. ..
I I . I I 1+ hot water dmwx tbo blood to the made no thance , In tht x1tuRtion, � the ev#."Ing we were hard at It. a"Idl try.whoro It Is tipoken. Also abe .would "come � Int,W'� her I . I . � � I I .
'. � .� � I . I
� . I .
, And still Boldint haunted Alot like money on her next birthday. and she . .
� : stomach avid tht, Blouraitood Us", Is, Front what we' had 14%aruf, ft-tttr � after that we hail plenty to do. in our Shadow, Corporal Dupre walted .
. . I .
I � .. . as any hjuktaft cob ttli yfou It"tantlyl . was then ,going to do a little travel. I I . .
repaving out kit 4nd, 6ecoutrojulevs for it eltancie !fiyepart us, *nd' 14allue ling. and intended to wander - . .
I neutral two tit* will and stopot the, oulte come tiv the voncluxion Ont the , or t, . . , � .
rl diptor"t O"quirlom Of "Oldiul, We, had �, f , he marrow, . . I.. In Al . I I .
. I . . � food ferm*tdothm. Try this simplo rngliph piollre would take no stopit In �', That doine, or given to it n � tedy'cout. bided his timov ' gerlat . . I . � � 11 "I'll, . I , . � 1. I
I � plan autt .v,ou -*Ill be astonishfod'st But we were wAm find we wo-re, oil- IsIlope she cotriox before *'We gwtir I . I . I
, the immMlate f"ll"or of rollolf and pursult. Of thr legionary. John Mmlthv'��, roda to do, Wei dressed In our walk. F bo volnem", . 1. I - I
comfort that always follows thfit x1vi-, I I , a% he r*malnod in the Uslon" Ing -out uniforms,., set ordlag' to the ***ptf(.nsN6 Inkliors. wen 'thext that we doniii; to before If . . . I -
I I I. , � �'_ . . I � 11 . 1- . I , .
� ! . '4111all %tuxh thilre *#ro strong rfoa.'� particular ordit du ja 411(til timult-Andors ,*nit fAult-makerti, sitill I)Igbyi on farning thin last lVitef, I
ille. .4 tolittovatitift of I or, *lid went could not, get On apportsulty, anti we of 1067iniatlow-Ior - wo were fu I of
is, harmlem, he nor* I no for mumpoilt.thtir him to be John .for a Walk In tawdry hybrid $Idl, or I I
7 . rat'00ok ilf 1111006011, 1'#APIO Who moo welt favorably noticed by our Moot- birope that w# should be ardong tbome I .
I I I �
I 11 I .
And It inconIonlent at thuft too wore , Ofrat# who, had disappeared lit tho, to hear the Loglonloo voUnIficiont blind tenAnt (Ilobumsy) and Vartmolv% Meil- Selected for the big special draft that . .
i I I , . I bot'water anti ttaNtoltrot *lilt iv- fiv- limtk 'It the JOwill-r6blit"ry- � In the Place Hadi Varnot, or tit" 114"41 out), of whom we maw all too little. wall ping mouth before long, . .
,�. i I obilited to take haixty 1"016 But t III Ivately Invortod a Avrap At I din. Publique. Vivally . we threo I I 11 .
. "oetilly repaired. ithoUld XIWA�01 0110 P*jitt till Whit'll wall, a 1111005119(k Of 101� ,, wi-til, torethor, but somettilleg. the two � Theirs toldxd us In nitinsituvreq and F,yerynno Imew that a battalion. a I I
! I I l!"Atly I hr" tivo Kraln tobleta of Him- dying and unaltei*ble love to my �, Americans atul lit. .Andre would ac. war, t e, it rammissioW oflk4.rA1 to thousand strou Was Iming to "de- . 641 &,ughitls -
� l twit or ti t prepare u$No. be lod, And In thlow the moomtratell cut RIP border shortly, and � �
. I I .. urst#4 Max"osla after w4lills to we.- otwoolhoatt. This she riould dostroy, " t'OMPAIIY UA, and Boldini whentwer; -toWerit ofislott4l them only by their "demonstrating" meant further poxee- I V
I 1i woi vould not itbake him oft, . - . . I I
,vent fermentation and to nioutrallse and the ItUtor she rould PrW*n f6r, J aov�hority. to evoty posilible WAY, ful ponatration with the boyortilt, act- . I
, the exroom Slid lit their storAch. Aunt Pottlelm.'s Information or liotj lie stuok to us closer than a broth - �, sa.00 up. he* 114y rive .1 .
. , I
� � I. . I I . � . 4io a W #r atick0b, and after blot'llvoit. uiw.�,oild ""' lrAPo%XN# Way Ivo Service. and rhances of dhiti I holft" S" . . I .
� _ � _ I I - I � . 1�"_ �� _,_--._-1_- -1 11!lml . 'hold the powoo of the non-eiRms, back- tifln. dowation, srA, promotion. I . I . I
I , , I ... .. I- . I I -.11-1. 111. � � - _ . �... ---.-..- I—— fulflioNII was ever (and pikid, tot), as' - _.M�. I'll" 0�!",Nlosslw if woo did itot go we should bo bit. � . � I
_ I
I . 1. I . . �. ,� I ._ - -11. I . � "I I. I. I wi gained expi,ritnto and lot---- - h I 0 101,1110161il. 101, W1110.16. joila.. I Urly disaroolvitod, and latiovi Itilto I I . . �Fi.lgo boxilos aft bimuti. 11
-� , �, � I t !Q I VIiIWA, WIk r1lottaffily tild tint domlr# hlol.� inned victims �4 1 . fully "Mmw am 6"W4 �
, � ,clely for himself slow. . 14 Ifa harly Cray �. ni,lore borm anti disillup sititly Atli". plal" Intorlo"
I I 11 i� . lot a M."netorinsm soul-41111nif routine, . .
I %'l.,_ � ! k, ead i on Aut appartatlit he divolred lituy,00, find' . Wiftli. $a ' daily doing the drill in, whieb. We wet# . 14091M sire 20 tharmlat Irival the luxury WA NOW t"to
. � . I I I Aritiontly. . I I I iftifn perfect; cursing the tuard-mountinst. � ,L body typ" OW ook* COM, 0( thill Anilot clubs &W dr*w. , ,
. Pr . W= .#A "fatritolpo ;11 4�11
. I The flitors wr saw tit the two Availr- " ' ' 1 .2 looluttv-go. 0111d fildIt blawww" on four th"Wis in I" to"" . .
. if (01alt. 0 looll'ttor wit likoll them, and ' learning the things Wol knew bv .
. ,eeid fbr t,h ' . perforiniv,* the px@rtIs0j ajj� Noteworthy almocia the newor
I �' 1 th Ur% 0. 3tow#, fooloort. Allttq lwrt, th# roew PM& Um of Sizo so6d
� . . j� th#4 #at"(* a'Oplipa to Mt. ArAre, but
. , writes: 411 Weis ttsow with Vey t1iins we fauld,40 windroldi imhod XjKhft*-WA *vwy *k*u or,lIf PO
� I V e �, proehao,ly tho mver", *** true Of 4 "Vol* h#Wiloghooll 004 agesetl topers .404 aill tho I cylbutw es"
0 1 PW J!" Wdial. , " *" droxxinor ituroolvon through tho kit- ftM ft 6,43 1111mushom to with 40 *MWY how Mi-Plox
. I 1� agiorly frawwIlk thota.
I I j�Tjfldrejn - 1' However. *III wore not troubled hy, ofit day al ftW*A W me &boot If"* mts-morchilm that we hated, I
� . I — - � %1* pr*lWfts when Pudo went out, But what a cruet thisor If we, wilrom do $413 Unmoinot is 9( tt*., ;� tnw*"b6k)4 Providivis ftiv
� I . . ,' witk %ilk for t1to Aw*tIma,woold hawso pelorted and ##fit At just Sol 111111*1 .dhk*W Vs* quAlfty. wftrd opoodo. Thosi oni
'. . I ' nor I 1 � . ,,,I) **do" trsmotxk" swkittisois
I L is of him, asod se"Plood nid to x4y 1 1 WAS coming I �* motors aro, larl 44
:1 , To 0 A
. � � � Igo With wsfol - floollmosoomooll. ft he rithfor- hatiol, It wo w,�oro not ' With UnWitity0lo alloncoo,
1, -� � ,( 1. takoin (and wo woro still very jotiltir 1001, 0 wkh
I I I "(W to hoott 0*121 this, c4latolm F4 I I such bomuto or mwh bvw amgkio,
I � � . 0 � stroAs - �ho would say tromovivatly. I molillprool. ,ap. should at saw rat* bavo . �
.r.' I I l" tn i � TvaIllel'o visit to Xdl-W-Alsbita tit look . *d IWO ,^ bellseved cTw*- w* of #"fft, octilti,my, fW
I .I tlw amoo"aw ona );evil AWAY he" me I � I . to"MrA too, , . . � � , - I
� I . . , with bOA foott � I � ft"t. soa." or 4 M "t, Wait my hilwing tn Al" , sbaft *4 "*Uw "Im, ok ktWh of me Uk
1, lorfft. low. I rosily
1, , PPOW OltesIly 4111WOUrNfift Odk i � 1, hor tiol, %04 1 Imolva, 0 di to r OwA ot*in *v&* Ca in *conorld No " dwas.
, I . � twofal so this was. we Wery gio; thinir thist I sh000m. 'at 111tooll. llova Iftip-Hydraulle 4-wh*al ,, Ill% style &rrjjy_th#r*,& no
: - I to proft by it. for � I IN , 'I'llixt.4 I wilk the, W" fst "o"Inox an Wd w lin alwarxiismL
I lbs Moro SM imare offosowav* Ummiw. =1" 0-M the prowww'does" . (M**kX%
I i IN__Mjff'_%_1&K9q4W I of, 1000%. *9 WWh"VlAIV
: ) , ft into toft-164 ithe . Is, 7U M06t 8001,601W Car ht Ar^n*w
I I ! � - - 1111111111111lP _. WON" tok " throo ( I A" 110111110bld aim 6 0* III a isola I Ak"�m wrl� f__f"__0_4_Q_0_7__ stu,mat. 'MIA ^n a A0% I I I
.....6 and tlw "Wok 81=10so he *%-,I ""froff so pOM" 111b6bolief tMt WAY
I floolo" 41 to el"10) , I amoMod to 4% 0% imall sifwr "M ,*M,. is She tAsiss "M fee, flitt"I , T*m*' %,aAiu,D*a1*r
� 02 "failftle ". I b"" I ta" It 1110011 6" se" low, sm tworift "otows in &*" .,
IV �
4M na"al
t W
4 I it
in th
11� I
i 1, i I ,.
11 I I
I I I � .
I I I 1� L
. I' 1XftmMgh1x.'
I 1101111'
1, -W. I
t "
Ar U _
I =
. 9""We of a ,"" ot seek "d. I bilm 'I WW ������
SO ^ M I xws �Vmmv I I "W"a .
, , ,,, :� I iiiilmoolis -M, -Rsvowww IF? %A The am 0-0 of a b000lhow hw 4 VICTONA sr., GoDsiticom
_.q Imp ..
, . "4111 G"Aft ItAft= QC LaffM "S 8 1101" a bw hmd,j 6%:NbL I . .
now"111" ; of 1011111m.. . W mot hr "lloo 11 VMN" 004 .- - - _ _. - _11110410-141
I .- — __ ____ 0, Wilt. L,*66K?Wj@N6%*" A .- ---__ � � I--,----- -
11 - - __ - ___ ____ - - i lads" -Mie 4 Abmw i W hosailis at 66 Aiello. I - �
� .
1� r I I
, .
lb I . .. � I ') . . I
, �, I .
L, . .
I I . .- "M!" � '. ,_ ,
41L � . 't- I I,"%" . I AKllA1d1I11L_W1� --A--.-.&.—AkkfiA����,kL,&.,OAW�A1,A-- — ' ,_�-- ._u.a-tAoL_ .. I
- L"!io � .11'di",,�A��&X:�i.,�&, &,_IIAL&_Io&��_*.... . , , � .A� -1, �, � - ,
19� -.11L" A..,1.,.%,_,_ . __�.ili�-__.d