HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-03-17, Page 5VION Z, ?HVWWAY, MARCH 1'.k, 1927 Twip. G0009cw PAGE FIVIR wo glop loolo" TM UMM CUO -a* w IN 0.%% 81h, I to awi -Km AMw Casitslon aiw?=Coo. Naar A40osa from I I A Uhler, Golier" to%linshiP. Ift. a" of Selo" 1W I& at Mr& ftoev W"W have h,"a Ifty jkeact" STRAW HAT DYE ="f = $he kLQ0jAg sutures "LOVER'S FORM" Lay* &I it wass. Nottia"rostine *Adtftti tololoratior *R 11101 = tui a4z Mr. wbkb Mr. W. IL Raw. suporistvadest steep waaa kindly, gtniul man, oft of 04 Ontario Sc" for the WV4, The Fanwas Boneless Corset' wad Was r*ady to assist a friend in arsatfor4l. Savo to the Lions Club To make the did Straw Hat LA)ok need whenever he could, anti he had Frkky ovilallist. W spun from I a wide circle of fritiodii. The fuser*1 thin solillr".s It nut= a the 0W COMBINING took- place from kit late resl&nre was full of iat*rs*t. IA" mayor, Like Now Wedo""y afternoon, Xarchrbth, the Macftaat gave a short talk %lit the sqrvices at house and grave" bei ng trip which Ito and Lion Breve L se "ALITY, STISLE antl ED 0M VKE =uvrdby the Rev. C. J. Moore. made to New Orloans, 6*UChJIW QML It COLORITE and PARKER f Qntario street church. Clin- number of iitterootlzW Iwidouts in INTO A Aormrc r c.. i RKEN T ton, with which the family has been coaziection with the ;tip which were connectod for rizany years, The poll. not published in Ow press Act ounto. bearerx welt six nephews of tloXrWalrbAnt Mr. MacEw;-.0 ub-f, for WOM.-W aksed: Harry and Milton S.4cep. Nerved A contest wh*.ch augge,-.tcd it -'V y and Ralph Clintelon and Ed. and self or. a eco ter wiiielt would be in.,i CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE fornold Miller. Interment was, made teresting in connection with some (-f'� No Steels No Boning in Clinton cemet*ry. %r. and Mrs. Goderich's celtbratians, a kite -flying 'PI40NE 90 IL .. owwwwir-m no Pop H. Steep, of Goderkh, " Mill* Mary competition for the children. , Mr., Collyer, of London, woroamorApt the Lee also has some interesting xtortps�` No Clasps No Lacing relative# from out of town who were to tell, As for Institme -wliea the ex. combine the dual attitude of =1*4 In prempt at the funeral, cursion train arrived at its destina.' itivelf, having due regard to the old tion, they could not understand the Not R Washable .T pMT11Sr. his 1PALTRIDOX.,-Profound ubber ways and at the same time keeping sorrow IN large number of d4rklex waiting with the "en mind to things now, combin- felt by the people of Goderich hi the I'veoldent of death of U dogs of all sorts, and conditione, till Radical r. Alberv, Paltridge On they discovered that the story had London Ing the Conservative and the Rm4k Preac church Sunday evening last. While not per- at Austiversary Seirvkv* in proper proportion. Ti(e - the beat of health previously been spread that the Vitnaillarts all We -ore pow ra eyving thwso Corsets in stock in several styles of; North St- United '(Ura L44 should ga forward with new ideas of hin'salanonly a little over a couple of wantedSiutdsy, dogs to drive in protestor service to society as well an growing through the city. Judging by the ac. in ebars(ter and in knowledge of the months he had been ill, taking to his counts of both the Mayor and the "The Golden Age is not behind us; truth. The old Wes. of sainthood was W on the 4th of January lak", He Reeve they were well looked af�er at • the Golden Age is before us." declar- living apart from the wicked warld; was comparitively a young man, the 'various points where they ritop. The ed R#v. Dr. �.IdacGrelkor in North St. the new ideal was that,o elevating being only !it his r3th y1ear but he PHONE . _f el. ped. Uli%'oa 1,611WA �00 Sunday vi*ubg the world to aainthoqd by contact was utlable to throw off the poisoning one of the major activities of the CASH 86 last on the occasion of the annivor- of the 3yatern, and passed,away at the HIBBIERT, with iL Lions International is in helping chit- STORE Weservices of that congregation, in the evening Dr. Ma family h0rod Olt Sunday evening last, dren who have some physical hand!, re is more in the Bible then boo spoke front Gen. 85:3,, llandeGlertegor Mr. Paltridge had been a rcslklen� of cap to be cured and a committee was No •ever yet been got out of it, he q414, Arise and go up to Bethel; and I will Goderith about 28 years and was a "All. 00 q__ Of, 40 06110 and we should look for and expect populat business man, being eugaged appointed on Friday night to cj-oper- make therel an altar unto God, who .,in the harness v ate in carrying on work along the fresh revelations of truth to thejln�, answered me in the day of my dis- and leather goods but- of this Activity. dividual soul. ' The truth wasAlways tress. and was'with 'me in the way 'ness. Ile had served for several Afiother matter which the club wtis for the blind have been. started bi'thing about their afflictiou and the 8trangelyrnough you seldom sedgy 4t the same but our knowledge 4 it which I went." Reconsecrati years in the town council with abil. loo king into the past season was the Halifax, 151ontrV,11 and in British Col.:;' speaker told sonic amusing stories !l- physician who is minus: his appcnd�x op was 'Ity. 'In his church connection be was stratIve of their reticence to say and tonsils, -Now York Telegram. should be expected to progress and bbs subject and he showed in graphic establishment ot a toboggan slide unibia, but the 140 Tinos in attend.,luf 'he hoped that the young people,of manner how Jacobs sojourn lit a- member of the official borrd of here. It was found the cost 6f this ince come front all the other. provin.; anything' about their blindness. Mr. Race is a native of. 'Mitt-liell a man is s the present age would bring in a bet- t, with abundance of prosperity North street United oburQlt and had would be considerable and. also that ces. In addition to the regular When down his enentiti, ba� e co mg," the ground proposed would need to be course stop kicking hint and hW frienda 11 ter civilization than the world hud d tP his, forgetting God. At been connected with that 4 e the girls are taught domestic and is well known to Lion Dr. Field N 'Yet known. Dr. MacGrrgor was tion during his residence lierel and 114:011 at whose suggestion It teas that lie igin,-Chicigo Vally News. I Bethel wh4n he was fleeing from his osition for�y . Lm prepared as well as some priviliges, science, and music, the boys ak to the Club and speaking from the Biblical narrative brother Esau.'s wrath, he had had a held offi.-inl p 'rs' Mt, for use of land'secured, and for these piano tuning, broom and fu�tljture vaine b(,r�- to of the building of the temple of Zer- vision and had vowed a vow that if Raltridge was born in Theofoid, Ont.; reasons, the &ojbot . did not go making. The instructor of the man. tee gathcl'1119`1111�?Ilthe Lions certainIv. TEST THIS, Our. vbbabcL hlavtext being. 4aggai 2:9, God would be with him He wobld be and is survived by two brothers. G. S., through for last season'. lio ' ual training class hImq.elf is, blind. had a worth while tall, front tl wever I lira. Sybilla Spahr's Tonsilitis, The glory of this latter' bouse shall. his God but away from holy influences. of Thedford, and David.. of Sarnia. the Club has the matter in )land and 31r. Race expressed wonder him- guest. of Io -At Friday evenin be greater than, that of the former he had forgotton God. Never' once His parenLs,,N1r. and Mrs. C, J. Palt. Ts ed something can be done self how the blind can go about as I tient? Coijb, Catarrh, Quinsy. Droll - I it Isn't the brevio, of skirt, th t Troublea and w I e in pt we hear of Ills ridge," are both deceaspd. 'In 1901: he I, . 4ore �hroatti. Gnod rt-Ailis or money saith the Lord of Hosts; and in this no will make It passible they do and get along so as or. P lace will I give peace, saith the Lord was married in Forest to Maude Pick-- to I worries f4tilpvt its 'iho� short lenr"th PQ%lt's r"11811 -n- building an Altar. but the Lard was )1-e a proper toboggan slide dinary persons and told some Inter. of time they're vedro. ly-patient had did -not chide eating stories of visitors to the s0lool GyadQr!Qb e Drug - of hoits.�' There was a great to on e eritig, youngest daughter of 31r. and available for next winter, dency to remember only the pleasant him Airs I. Pickering, of that lilacs, and commanded him to go to Mr. Races address was 'a ninst in., "acini; conducted about by it might ba,� ADVERTISE IN TRE _STAR t thingq and we were liable to remem- Bet 1. And Jacob started but on the his wife survives, together with one. toe�stlng rp�elatlorl of the acbleve.. a blind girl: then shown all about the ber the good things of a past. age daughter. Mrs. Leslie Pentland, of ments of' blind - perskins. and of the WnAnual training'denartment; witli tile I way, came to the wonderfully fine i "QM Nile, and one son, Williant, in town and *to lament the present as a de. pasture land of Shechem, and cont I work that is being done at the school various articles pointed out by, the Iya" in Brantford. This school :when first blind instructor and being totally un. generate. age, but in the good old promised with what he knew was and to the family the Mneoro r r1j. - ,, • - J r " WW days there was much evil as welt as right for the sake of the raortoy that pathy of all is extended . Funeral established IT% 1872 was known as the aware their guides were unable to; "A the goad. At the building of the was in it, and the result was disgrace services were held estorday at, I Instibitti for the Blind- but now for a see, The scholars march nut of J;, 4:� temple of Z - vvei, in Jacob's family. Then. the divine . , - I .. , - ...... erubb4bel tb;re at home, good number has beeii known their class' rooms 'Ili much bettoV or - o'clock K those who wept on account of heir tev. C. F. Clarke, pdstor of North Av. a school and Is under the direction d -,r. than do students oble, to see.; command came again "Got thee up.to by P J recollections of the much , grander Bethal," The speaker. said lie had. street United churvIi.. assisted* by of the Department of Education. The They go about the school and always ' temple of. Solomon and there were fears for Canida if it became ton Rev. T. Vr. Ford, and the p-41-11carers to. blind r-raon, Mr. Race said. his just stop, exactly opoosite. the door of thp, Z who ejoicedover the new tem- re srs. 11. R prosperous, ug,.unitis the people recon- were. s. R. Long. W. T. Pel. as. much right to an education us the roam shay. want to go to and roach who wept must have ,serrated r6 T. It: Wallis. H. Salkell), W. C, rile. 'Thosetbemselveg. InEgypt.jacoll, -eeimr person. and with their books in out and open the door just as well as been old men because the captivity in Pridhain and Dr. Em�itxson. * After aille-type the y can read as readily a. seeing; person. built no altars and that Was the ten Or Babylon had _'lasted seventy years, dene the service the remains - were tak. 0, of too much prosperity to make the seeing person. Of course Mr. Rice doei not consider that and the younger people were those •it easy. to for en by. C. N. R. train, to Forest lVap?ro cannot be prepared. irr. get God. lnevlm ,blind persons have, for instance. some who. *rejoiced in the new temple. Dr. MacGregor. wag � listened to for interment in the family plot; in. Braille. but Mr. Race said one eft greater aptitude for music than a There wits a. very Protlek reverence with' the utmost attention during Beechwo4cl eemetery,'Forest, where first tbinlzs he'did every m6ritiroz was seeing pet -son but, of, course, they - for the things of the past but we both his discourses* which made A the services were conducted by. the to tell the mu lis in the •-school he 'have greater ability *for concentrate should always keep a.n,,open mind ' The congt impre3sioni vga- tiastor. . of the United church. Ile- news fro, 66 iliorning papers; •ak a tion for the siiri�lo rOASOn that thev:* fox the new thou ghts, and n 9 profound AQ new views; tions were large. :at -both services,. latives whowerb here f6r� the'funerlil knowledge of �Nybgt_was goink 6n in -do not spe things to.distroct the mind. its, 'dot rejecting 4 especially st, � the eveiing% �-servlce, S.' Paltridge, of Thed7 the world was 3-uit Ps'pisential The blind do not usually iikay, any-' trying, the •Apiki were 3b. G. �4 -simply, because it was new. -.-ieet thing when many from.-tither-oungregations ford; Alis, (Dr.), Alexarder_of PO"�� of their education part 9 'for the in' He- --wag- w happkIndividual, who could were tiac, Mich..: and Mr. and Mrs. J. G. present. gA Keefer of Th Idea Gas� Makes' People The music 'bath services w Oim i -of we got of a seller of lead, pencils -.or Nervous aid well rendered and included the aiiiii- eiiiidii' and Mrs. Xeefer. 'are sig - often gathere elne., "God Is a Spirit.", by Bennett . I tars of 1.1fra.:Paltridge.' uti- d from the !in Kii stress 1W _", :. - _ -Nil V, Many "No, Not Despairingly,' Alarks, -till floral tributes of esteem and kym- $boo laces on,the street lint this was FIG -LAX slid at the morning service. Mr. -George pat.hy' were sent, including. tokens ct wraolir idea. its 'most blind p?nsons 1PIPFIN(0) for CONSTIPATION and Buclianano,a recent' . .etimer to town, froin the official. board of 'North street could be educated to help thehi�elves Gas prexsu�re in'the abdomen eau�,�. STOMACH 4nd LIVER took I the � solo parts in - the latter United church. aril, from the Tecum. to a very large extent� "Sir Arthur es 1 a . restless, nervous .:(eehng I aild ilog with r�ucfi kxr�ession� At sell dangers Cam prevents 'sleep.. . Adlerlka DISORDERS and w 9 p PeArs0n. the jOlicnallsf.' for instance gas in TEN 'Minutes and brings out'. MILLINERY OPENING service the anthem "0 .1 . 25 Anti 50 cents at DruggisU; the eve-,-- %s COUNTY VALUATION a blind ptrs6o, and other cases, surprising .amounts of ol4. wasto mut- wi-I gs of a Dove" bv Mendel� ON listanced where we nevAr for th L BACK' TO COUNTY COIM-iCIL ter you never thought was it% yours d and follo day Ir 7.4009" ssolin wp, -:dLiss Esther,Ilunle thougbt�of the person,*.who it'mavbe intestinal ". Mi r.ch 2&,22nd, 23r taL-io- - thc.•o -,nprano, obligato, The is the author of some recognized - work system. This, excellent WE IN VIM .1 YOU. TO CA �off�. 17sirry -ith go' 0 try County Council to Meet March 23rd of authority, as being a.,blind evacuant is -'&vdnderful for cax%,Ipa,! L4 Soil. Saviour," by 'Hiss Scrim;eons, rutins.: to Try to Adjust Valuatio per, an. tion or allied stomach trouble. Don't Then there was the eas,,! of Rehm Kel- P. Mr. V%epler and --et, 'EAL AdlerikW action. CAMP- e Universal Mill GODERIM ,ho , get 1. Mode'l—Th6atilu cinri, Mr. Belcher, factorily to' Avoid Lengthy'Legal ler, blind, &af and dumb, w waste time with pills or tablets but North Sid WEEK OF MAP_ 21 TO 26 also w, effectively rendered., 'learned to talk,and became Woll -du-� IS DRUG STORE.. of Square inted nod able to converse 'itt four RELI RE.. MONMY. and TUESDAY 013MARY No fewer, thait a6veltil4wyors 3vere different languages.. 'In the �uhotkll- are tauRbt exactly tbei. playing ',*KAY.—A life-long resident of present when the court proceedings in 'be pupiN dates, of thist it ore are nqt 0 the seeing-, and the' 11.4 at completed 'but we hope to shi M.C. Hays,- r. was present as county the S' si as to the P 4A Vit Go or aged tion were in. progress on Al today. d Final arrangement. thea against the. county valua- d ich, passed' away on Fridayi sante curriculum a% in tl)i_- scbo�1,3 for Lovi 'on Mai.,h4b,in-thepo onofMr.�Alex4 Prov tudebaker :v ndc public exbOnse just as• a public 4 McKay, -aged �ixty-fkVe Year& 'dr; D. Holmes; solicitor for Mon. and Tues. solicit �deceasga 'Was noe married, but ol' education.; pupils of course.. 0 The the transock . rtatio to JACK leaves several brothers and .5istersy behalf 6f this town; L. E. -DAncey, re- A IR COOGAN Town of Godericb, was presept on have to,�pay their V iroUrt presented Blyth; �R. V�wtbqe,: East their homes during ing'G in the last, picture Of "'The Kid."' the school and Are required to go to 00'Ac Plo 6 d I -Mrs. P.. a. Fox, Wrs. A. M. She -.Jaekie,has given us some mighty lik- 'and' Air. S. G. AlWay, of town, and lVawanosh and Wroxeter; J. E.. Sian- ii, the summer vacit,4. iible'plctures and this his last, is UP- Air. Air. McKay, of Detroit. The birry, Exeter, n *ro matter, lio%�; gi-at the dile-i, Henoall and Bayfield; tance th,,%r come from. Other schools' funeral. took place on .[ — 70 actual F claimed his best. ' See Monday morn- R. S. Hays. Sonforth.' fueke, Lrr ing of hist -week froin, the residence Usborne *and McKillor - -an '"JOHNNY' —5to40mill6sinISNsecondst.. GET YOUR HAIR C of'Mr,'. S' G. MKayj Cameron at,, to 1161ines,, crown at:orney. Wingh.im. REGAL COM9DY' St; ..Petm.'s church, where serviev. was Delay, was caused by failure to fitild "LAUGHING LADIES" . e g to Darwin's Lit"'Ited, tj eondu�ted by Rev. Father. Campeau- the original ­ . : Peter's Toy of -one (if the by - Interment was made in St. laws providing f()� the Valuation and Home Service Department WEDNESDAY and JML,�RSDAYJ cemetery, Colboyne. Air. Arign", :tic- the original copy'of the valugtorg' re- vi sista elevivelli, 11val, alypearil JL"E C011MI•ER was up fiorn Detroit for the fun- Port. and the legal meww�nt�. Xav ER -'BEST TORRENCE and .4 1 1 . .1 � . 1. 1111111iffOXIS, 1101W%t Ineq %old eral. ed the presence of at least one of the Avoluen 01 4-11"rarler.10 sholt-'alut. NISSEN, LOUISE FAZENDA and 1 -rh 7th. valuators to'prnvo the ).epnrt . . sell - barwhes sainvily vtyledf Rudobakors- wg Sik wrougham I STEEP.—On' Monday, Mw Thts OLLIER, there passed peacefully.away, after a caused - an. adjournment fro;, the .641rinil Mv.s.ses Atkil Coil- kit the i in 4, colorful tale of warm love, hidden 1, long and painful illness,. a longtime morning to tile afternoon at 2 Oclock, Some- Price as silo%,. n And sold lie beauty, and 7hv wbi-li time it was hoped : our larre so&sifetexqrul ehiin or, delivemd in 7--r . flashing action, 7601 resident of Clinton in the person of me he luis, adirr' Wady-to-neor Slorvsv WOV $2 340s+ IYI! Arabian nights come to life. A Per. Mr. James Steep, At the age of severre, I Ills Is an linusuat al"ort-Inity lo s, .1n g documents would hive�' beer, . ,this . . 1. fox 1&4;4 ur ol ofart Bacchanal. ty-five years. Mi. Steep was a son J 'd and one of th� vgluatorg could HISILc a iwennuientconucrlion "THE LADY OF THE HAREM". of the late Henry Steep, a pioneer of -'rt t -v Godo ich. Whcn the coat re- with ftgruln'-�24)­esr old reloll Goderich fewnshipt and os -horn -and sumed in the afternoon thoi missing OrIVAIIIIAllon 2-14 earn a ffrovvill.q 'JIMMYADAMIS COMEDY involife In k-ecilluo witlivotor ill spent his eArlomanbood in that town- 'Vlaw had been found but not "BEAUTY A La MUD" I Ill- We'll ritralsil file taillon ship. It is over forty since he vo'lltiltdrs' 1-4�pnkt and the attendija�e I , I � and esvii(al tai''k-ou to 4110.1,1114i 0 rp• moved into Clinton and he was in of none -of the valuators had been oil and 4 VRIDAY SATURDAY business as a produce &aler there for curpd. putatio - leerssfill In *1rotecled. territory willt. Da a I About three , His Hanor r iRED THOMSON meat nottly Years: the County Judge m. irinl�s over.%alue4i"tild hro,d yea". ago he lost his health and had' pressed his full c�onfidence In the In suaranlet, or sksorenic s,alkroelfoll 6ifd his famaiii horse, Silver King, in to gjVc-,Up active business.. He ral. tegrity,and -Jibilky of the v3hintar-.4 to Volt owe' -a s dy glee picture. Beats a t,.V. lied somewhat and was able..to be and said he believed as land valuatorg to your.4eir to,%ri(c lilis.*rry ds_v ,,,onor -speed and a typhoon -,for down town again but had not been they were as good men as could be for ran narifeuls" or ilig, 11;tj- thvillk is 01111orlu'llf'k. EIRIKwale OR. : out since. November last and was found but they might not Iielveiosc . luall- "Tile Toro'll. Guy" fined to his bed Mace Christmas. .1fr. hitcd changed town t-mllid Pollow the A41rentsires, of MarieSteep is survived by his wife anet oh13 Honor was prepared 1:6 iweent topica e%perig will trainviosr Mrs. Collyer, With her of the valuators, report but counsel ont land rorpler rtlw' ions Ilis fry. Our stir alto "THE -CONSTANT SAW*, daughter-, who plenre. Ad - three young •daughters, resides with pointed out that they bad reason to ofrt-.,w Wrwin'o, Limited, M -pi, wl, Mutinee Sat, at a P.M. her mother. 'A son died about fiftlion holieve them, were movile, ebange.,k in Roy: 612, Alonfreatt Ogle. the printer report from, the'original d IS land claimed they .could not go on without knowing what it was they *ere arguing about. 4. 1. Finally the county solicitor made'a iesaCaft,ef I'love at first without having consulted 2u "k; that the county council "on. sight" when your foot the Warden. should meet and endeavor to make an Buv vup M"ft lovkAw shom 'nd;ustment. in the valuation. It was _J QUDEBAKER onsfiteon "dofied theta. You ",ill marvel at the brilliant -Ct(0rm- 610TGOODSWIS point,2d out that if the legal VVUVVVU- %J se Vto by Proving Ground tests thit The ikact- o(TheCommondtr—adt"ire its btawy •Commander would out-Ispetd, out -climb, of custom lint and fitments—apprtciate the �W "ilo .44"C' ings went ahead it would be a long drawn out affair and, sulonosing the A44 out -live any othtr car —six -or eight— safetvof its low-s"ung, full-Vislen atcell-C& PIK- /A� TZ I valuators' report ghould be thrown Gefiui�e selling for less than $3500. —and be complatly con- inced the tit io tl,t . fout it would only leave the wat, open 01011c remarkable A'Utootolile Valet in lass• 1� for a to petition of the whole proceed. But the ultimate proof of rtr(ormonce 11 tory, at its new One# sa&t prise. Ings; 'the appointment of new on: the road—with yourself lothild tile %beet I And on tht r6ad, as Ott the Proving port might be it vlalu^; away Coke Ground, you wi!1 tbrill to the dashing pick- tM,' WhOSE 1`0 'we f, acceptable than the present trite up, the silky smoothness of speed anti the 'R N I EUVIPUSIVT—The cow.m*iglers NigW_,t51""d appeal could then te made . ....... the now valuation. east of hat0ling that Ike: CoVnarkder ",ikd*%f4#4 a plactok At your command. 'lifts. dr'VolifoU and Vesit.tok &AL01f 6mr,"t'.of or&,. A'furtbei� 0journment of the cout I, `Perfect Bread" �` Wtapped or Unwrapped that nice, ntitty browt, that appeals to both eye and 1alate. say a' L"f of Perf*ct Bread -A Arod Zosto titre difffrence. Try 0aw Whdt Wh"t Bread aad Fruit Nnwd. E. U. CLEVELAND, Baker. PMNE I Z4 . I wisi srREEr was made for itbout three-quatters of an hour. during whielt the Warden j lifte ruelvituout conferred with the reeves who, were! present and the result was 'hat a a faidt 1 meetiog of the county council is too lk held an March 23rd to considpr the valuation, and tit(, court is adjoui�ncd $13411VAU to.n until the 2qth 4t 10:30 gran. tit per the counell time to syn what valuation thev can twitV to. delivered R*4 it in for Lowe 1kck..­AL brisk 11rubUng vi,+ Dr. Thomaq' Fvlcoo-' al wall relifre isms, bscl,-. The F -kin' SOLE AGENr& 11VAI inimediately, 0:,morb the roil aqdl. it will irrtc-trAte the fi+!we,; and bringi 0, Try is and be con-,im-- -41. A:! the P'nifflent sinks in, ih(. Isain Mi ne Dian Co3l Co. tout and tho-l*, aro. limple ew­urds f,�x raying thnt it Pait ex- '(01ont 11 . GODERICH tla,ny men and %%Aaun *11" are led "tt:y avOk, own hilt'. i