The Goderich Star, 1927-03-17, Page 4PAQY it :s i Men's Fashions Ready for Spring at Cornfield's Cheerful as a .Spring Morning itself, and with a Rollicking Carefree Look, are the New Suits for Men and Young Men Latest Styles and Fabrics, single or doulile.bra.'asled, and all the popular shades, Blithe, Buoyant, full of zest of Iifte. You'll sense it the moment you • i.,. eyes on these new Spring Models --You'll paa''tivety feet it when you slip into thou 4 Crisp and light arta the a:oiors. Prow.ath1 swinging, the lines. s .: Ladies New Spring Hats W e have .just rc.,cc'ivea a new shipment of Ladies' Spring Hats There. arty many captivation;' new Spring Styles to take your .pick from, and so many attractive. prices that you are sure to find the right one to tit your own purse, Ladies' Nev Spring Coats A new shipment of Ladies' Satin' Coats fust received, Spring' hasn't any smarter Coats than these—for they've taken on alt the intricate Cutting, Seaimins, Tiers and 'rectors considered the supreme expression of chic. 'PHONE �II8 A, Oir4FiEL1iJ 'PHONE 418 LADIES' and MEN'S.: WEAR Shop Whore you are Intuited to Shop - e ,ODEl IC�lt WEST SIDE D ; SQUARE - • la seepert to pewswish the Csatsaeissiest as at tlmr Slat. 1601, Ames mike the f*liewiag : .. nam king a. Y. sinking farad year in the • Nigiarts Swam, its at October 31st, 1144,asawtate teit $417;464.00. This ame,unt le aarriied at h- the taloa*- , tion of aunkieg fowl at a rate evil- . dent to tepay the capital hnveetatest in plant* and works as tiee basis of forty years instead of oft et bailie of. 11, pari thirty tears and part forty years as heretofore. This change in the basial upon whiiclt sinking fond is cal-. ' culated is occasioned largely by the decision of the Government of the Province of Ontario te pay of its in- debtedness (including the monies bor. rowed for the purposes of the Hydro. Electra" Power Comntisaianof On. toruli ib titin fol :,v yi ai.ie The extant to ,which sinking fund was --on a thirty year basis --set up i to October 31st, 1925, in excess of the amount now provided up to that date on a forty year basis, has been em- ployed by the Commission to create t reserves for contingencies And obso• leecenee in respect of the plant and works of the Niagara System. The annual sidjustment of cast of j power delivered : i Attached hereto please find a credit note showing : Revenue in the fiscal year, - G. iober 31st, W26, at an, iinterim rate per H. P... , . $38,411.73 As compared with the ae-. tual cost of power deliv- ered in the fiseal ear...$34,614.90 Leaving a credit balance to Your favor amounting to..$ 3,e96,83 This balance is tieing retained by the Commistsion for the purpose : of stabilization of power rates, and as security against future obligations. Section Gd of the Power Commis- cion Act provide* that "Any surplus or part, thereof in the hands of the Commission front' any municipality may be retained by the Commission as security against future obligations to , the Cainmission of the said municipal- ity for sa long during the continu- ance of the centr*et.of the muni- eipality as the Commission may think tit but the Commission shall allow to the 'municipality interest at the .rate of four per. centum per annum upon the amount •of such surplue from time to time retained. by the Commission." By resolution of the .Commission passed at its meeting February 24th I 1927, it was directed that the above: i mentioned of $3,890.83 be retained by t the Commission for the purposes above stated; The amount so retain- ed by the Commission cannot b ap-. I plied in reduction of your current ae- d counts with the Commission. ${ Fours very. trutler Secretary. Another letter was received from i the Hydro Electric Power ' Commis- . ,. d counting one department from stating tic - that they wave returning '.he Goderieh i Commission's books with accounts ' written up and closed ori' to Dec. 31st last, and suggesting that an adding p ti it• reaetisilitg et mire and ler. Lee was only tbro riasll eat the sagaa tins, sort pounding that lir lad a t wet agreed to keit feather into the awe - wets Iwaa t Alas he aairetl, bat WRiker's Syrup of Tar. and ter. in the rsraoir1Hag lee world want provision tela Tor adequate livILExtrad ratio t► of racer , a far ohm wr- ration of recerais, aatt .said it was saka*w that tkms. sboitid be exposed, its they are at present, to being loot .• forever in earn of a Are. kill e a>`, t rsiiti.s. -ThesinsRiker's Bromide Quinine Tablets whoaesses s{;bottkof i)r.Thom-tor' etrie Oil Is armed as>KaMsf nosy :11*. • It will relieve a cough, break a cold, prevent soro throat, ix` Two well.proven Remedies for will rmduce the swelling from a I sprain, relieve the most persistent '�� ,and Colds sores and will speedily heal cuts and rontttaaions. it is a medicine Chest int ___ •.__ . itself. BRIEF TOWN TOMS , The season has opened early atDUNLOP Metittand Golf Club and playing hay been in progress this week,"' a1 The regular moonily meeting of GODERICH the Ahmeek Chapter, I. O. D. i�:. will T'EEXALL STORE be held in the public library on. Mon- BHDFQRD BLOCK SOLD IN GODERICH BY -- The annual Meeting of the Gode- rkb Radio Association will be. held in Magistrate C. A. Reid's office on Tuesday eveninlr, March 22nd, at 8 o'clock. All radio fans are requested to 'be present. 1* with'the l`:I�YTQI.'IA�. C"QI��1�i1+:N',�' � seal 'carrying charges of the impior�e � st.ad of piling up,at surplus *.,,.*ace menta, but • seem to have been eet 1 Hydro-Eleetrie Commission. Mr. Robert hitteltny has hon hie. higher than necessary. • Another in- ublie spirit to the erection, as a free . dieetion that the rates now eh;argeci I At the Juntiary meeting of the I� p r gift to the town, o4 the community are higher then they. should he le to., eounty outlet' a ;letter was received f. . ..Goderieh urging . hall on North tarot. For a while at .ba :seen in the antiti>ytea of' the -lust � from the .Mayor of $ fr looked as if the project .for a coolie meeting of the water and light cont- the security of land for *toes to Ds enmity hall slight be incorporated mission, where it Was decided i • Dunlops tomb end the making of this with a new town hall but •the bylaw transfer $6,000 to, a envinge account ' into a memorial site'in view of the ra submitted to the ratepayers did. not in the. bank. If `there is a surplus of r coining centenary ` eelebratton ' in meet their endorsemertt. Possibly this amount (arid who knows whether i Goderich this suannere Dr. 1)uuloI► the town hall proposed tvns.on'� little the actual surplus is $6,000 0r much i is the pian who had more to do. with too urge at scale. 1t all even!e we Iurgert) the Consumer i$ entitled,v j the founding of Goderich and with tlo not tale it that the adverse vote it reduction in water rates. A prin.;the early days of this. locality than. on the town halt bylaw meat that tittle of all porotic servtees.is that they' any other man and now than it is Me people are unaware of the need should be supplied" at coact. (lf} just 100 years since-Goderieh was for iniprovemcnt• in the way of Blunt. course there are' capital expenditeree • founded' it is surely fitting that some. opal °filets and emitted 'chamber. It needed in the Plant which are modes I thing should be. done along the lines is costing a largo sum to heat the consideration now, and it may be of . the mayor's letter to the county old building xhieh we designate as that .the commission in delaying the I council. A ceremony at the Dunlop tile. "town _hall,' and it is unconitort .matter of: reduction of wetter Yates l tomb would be an appropriate event able, out of ditto and very•inadAtuate. till they see shat they will be on' 'i`e `:connection with the •Centennial Now heir. MeeRety conies **rose with against in this way, bu't,, if so, the and action should be taken at arise so another liropoeition for the erection .principle is wrong, 'When the, nod- that this could be incorporated in the of• a town hall and once more demon• ed work ie decided .on and the cost program of Centennial week. We un. agates his public epirit by hie offer known the annual c*rryirtg ehnigee derstend the county council will be, to eo-olx r*te In the erection of ;t 7aew and nuking fund are all that the waited on by a committee from the municipal building, throwing the water utters should tie called on to Centennial executive at the special question again into the limelight, pay from year to year. It looks as .meeting on the 23rd and it would be 8 only fitting that that body should to. snow ,...t..... ,,,.. •i5 Ile details of feta offer will be found if the cominlsaian Vias following the I Cutting down tanhd txmuning in the prat lansatian aver his own sig. bad example. of the Hydro Eiasctric, operate in making thin . historic spot trees, teaming ootid and accessible, branches, machine be urchased. O Motion was passed dthatthe .Ida loon ad in d 1?; machine now in the office on' approval. be, purchased. On motion it -was passed that the treasurer transfer $6,000 from the waterworks current account to the waterworks' special „savings account. The engineer was instructed to rurchaso front 25 to 50 30 -foot 6 -inch top red cedar poles from the Northern. Electric Company at $6.20 each f.o.b, Godeeieh, as per their quotation. An application from Mr. James Young for electric range . service to his dwelling on Gloucester Terraee was presented and referred to the en gineer to report upon the cost of in- stalling the service, and a. number of applications for electric light services a . were passed. • HEATING OF TOWN`' HALL OSTIA T Reeve Proposes 'Remodelling and ilse of Cheap Fuele-Build New ', Council Chamber At the special meeting of the town council on Wednesday evening of hast week Reeve C. C. Lee presented the following stilt*ment of expenditures of the public works department for the month of•February, #027: Sanding sidewalks... , $ :,Y Snow plowing end shovelling x mture published elsewherein this ' Co*:mission in retaining the ` nearly Iasue.• : 34,000 surplus which the . rates the »..�. u o Hydro have charged the town have Thane who attended the municipal, yielded, instead of crediting the town nomination toting last December on current account with this surplus, atm remember that 'Clutirman Mule as has always been done before. No toy of the Water and Light Com- mission inti*tated that the time had about arrived ,when a reductinu in water rates csotad be anode. Them rate* were adratneed at the tom' t,4 the is eke extension te cover the au, doubt the amount of the overcharge by the Hydro wilt be properly arm- counted and held to the credit of Goderich, but with service at rout. !