HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-03-17, Page 2We are ej'erMM Pf ti earl Re/ttwalMt id.riiret ;',.-.00re Gehl swat tit
C'rtsdriarr Doartiaeat Stotts, Limited, rt 3oe0, to ykLi ?%.
Thor *Wit be drlUsn *kir orad $4000 brad o/ (1W saried f$4,201,QO4) , fat Aim M lA,i
no pro remade* s:e,rk r/ flrr cerwprrv.
peri Wird injernrttien of this *est otivotaipe irtv+rstrtsni sesimtratitste tsitla;
Municipal Bankers MB. Robinson & Co.
Boom road Soles Cwrp.retiaaa Liasloo d U.idesi
tavatresl otfaawna Lridrta Mitaltiralg
T .
ly Packed
hots allmow ey� 4 a aay3arhiiias in ria
Thy . ') ..M iiwfa i +..Iiuin t
"tn.fi.e met.
As free from dust as tea can be. I
Penalty for TreasonI
bare c,g all parties.
Ther Postmaster -C ;en erat, Sir W'1, 1l Patnraus Painting
]ism Mitchell -Thomson, speak -51g at The pantheon - de la Guerre, ", the
•Croydon, referred to the Chinese largeet painting over• made iia
question and the rerorted xtatenv ntfi prance, being forty-five feet high ai:d &
of, certain Socialist iced three hundred and ninety, -fire feet in
thewass ;ver they woulldd that if do their eitcumferenee
best to prevent British troops from United States, is to be brought to the I
and will be on view in
being assemUled, If they did that, many cities. This.painting ele feta
he said, they would end up, and very the World1Var from the llllies view -
properly, too, against a well, with re'
firing party in front of them. Isle paint, .2nd it Presents wars the : principal
thought it was just as well they battlefithls of the with 6,000 life-
sllould know that right froiu the start. size figures, ns well as 300 oil por=
On the followingday, in the House of traits o#"individuals. 'The magnitude
Commons, wvhehe rose to speak, he of Jtbin^ picture can be imagined from
was greeted with loud cries of the fact thatoa special building had
"Shoot" and laughter.to be built around it, and now that
Canadian'Twine.for Russia I, it is going on tour the building lies
had :to be demolished before it could
The quality of Canadian products be removed. French painters, who
is finding general recognition in for various reasons enuld not serve.
Russia, and large orders are pouring in the war made the picture, and they
into this +country from that source. were placed under the leadership of
Over amillion dollars worth of binder Pierre Carrier Belleuse,agedad
eo and
twine Jiro been purchased by the Augustus Francois Gorgust.
trade ddegete of the Soviet Bepube� j Soviets Are Angry
tn.l ,.s being shipped C.0.1) Soviet Russia is again u in owing
ork. It is expected that a state- ; against the action of the League of
Nations. On this occasion it is be-
cause the League has recognized the
annexation of Bessarabia to Rottman
fa. The ; union between Ile,snrabia
and. Roumania first came about . in
1917, at the time of the Ruston revo-
lution, when the fernier country pro-
claimed the right'of the people to de.
Gide their own fate and voted far
political union with Roumania. In
1920 the Supreme Council of the Al-
lies recognized the ilnion,and hi tho
same year drew up the Tredty of
Paris which Great Britain and France
ratified, but Italy and Japan -did not,
The recent • ratification of Italy has
caused much resentment in Russia as
there remains only the signature of
Japan to make the union permanent.
Earthquake in Japan
'• Central Japan has Again been
shaken by .a severe . earthq;iake,
which, supplemented by a .terrific
gale, has added new hardships in the
Tango district.., The latest . official.
reports, which are .not looked Alvin as
final, gave the number of dead from
the earthquakes as 2,687 and 6,44; in-
jured, It. is estitriated tbat 10,000
buildings have been- dest-royad. The -
hastily erected. structures to :deed
shelter to,the refugees Vero blown
Own during the gale, and troops ex-
pel'ieneed conaiderablh': 'diftdeulty in
getting then' up.'Ottani' to the high
s.as it has not been poaisible.to send
any help to the stricken villages
Ali l Pain is gone 1 along the coast Which ,iuffered the
icklys :Yes. ,Almost instant re- most in the eruption..
lief from soreness, stiffness, lameness Great Floods. in France
and nem follows a gentle rubbing.
with "St. Jacobs Oil." • a
Rub this zoottling,penetrating oil
right op . o r painful heck, and like
megic, rJiet comes.. "St. Jateabs 'Oil"
is r harmless backache; lurribago,and
s• ica is
9edy 9ch' never d
nient'showiisg the -extent of trade be-
tween the tea countries will bs made
li s cord .
pub c b
Mrs.. Philipson's Task
Another tradition went by . the
board last week -end in the British
House of Commons, when Mrs. 13i1 -
ton Philipson served as the first
woman teller in the history of the
Rouse. On this occasion a division
was called on the second reading on
a bill directed Against the teaching
of bl'asphemy and class hatred in
Communist Sunday schools, and.
tt'he .- was , appointed to count the
•inenibera in the, division lobbies and
announce the result to the••assem-
bly with an ancient ceremony,
which ineludes three . bows to the
Speaker, Mrs. Philipson came
through the .ordeal very happy and
.and was heartily anplauded
by the Ministers and assembled mem.
AhI" Backache Gone
Rub Lumbago Away
14ub Pain from back withsmall
trial bottle. of 'old
lit. Jacobs 011."
Alberta's Surplus Down
The surplus for 1826 of the Pro- who is to be the general manager, and
vinee. of Alberta is $170,218.47 lower who for the past i.v.ral years has
than that of 1!)26 Recording to the bee Assistant General Manager of
report, tabled in .the L.etrisla.urc by the. Robert Simpson Company, Limit-
er. The figures are: • 1025, .#188,010; dent Victoria I.oaan d Savings Co.,
1928, $17,800.63. Ltd.; Chas. M. Reid, President Ritchie
British Co. L.td.: Duncan Ferruaon, Presi-
The British Budget C
lion. Winston Churchill, 13t•i Coles,- President.
Chancellor of the Exchequer, is goingCo.,
to have a hard time compiling the
next budget, owing to the.fact that
the Cabinet has objected to any in-
Mag.. writer: -, • I m �him j nal
r.a that 1 dint Dr. Weed's klararkr
'lar rex rap is oar of tiro very b..t
rasimhea for * totd-
1 had sack a reef had told 1 tome
hardly 'pest or breathe, au I moat to
1 oat druggist's said caked fora what he
thoagbt beat fur s euld. He *drawl
sae to takee`
Dr. W d%
Imo 1 most say I fait grateful to hits,
.hr, Weide* Wag very pl.aaaait trr i
take it relieved say oda tptteke* thus
aaytkisg else 1 ever tried. 1 doa't
aaink aay ase should be witkettt a
bottle of it ix the hoot."
"Dr. Wood's" is pot ftp is a. yellow
wrapper; three pine trees the trade
mark; price 35e. a bottle, large fatal'
risk .; . put up only by The
Milburn Co., iistitgdf Tomato, Oat.
' n'
Hon. R. C Reid, Provincial Treasur- ed, of Toronto, Wm. Flavelie, Preii
The loW-lying• regions of South-
western France have suffered he -
pietist damage from the overflowing
of rivers and streams eaused by data-
tinuous =rain, At Clairac hundreds
of houses have been 'flooded to their
second floors and theoccu ants h 've
cod , at p a
pond's -and doesn't burn the skin. been confined in sumo- .1111855 to the
Straighten up t Quit comp gaining l " noels, and the problemof getting
Stop thoie.torturons stitches. In a' food to then' has been t; very difficult.
attntnentMAW'. frtrget •t'�at you ever one: The Rivet tot has risen very
*Oil Veal( ae1. be Don'tauitu on t hire
high tit several points, and the Ruth-
fibr be stiff or la! (rztl have ordered' houses to lie
a'emall trial' bale of. old, honest evacuated at -softie
places laces along its
'St. iacabs ?1 from *due druggist banks.Narthert France has also
Mow tnd getth,s lasting
*offered front torrential rains which
Orange Lily its •a
c'e'rtain relief for all
disorders of Women.
It is applied loealty
and is absorbed into
tate suffering tissues.
The dead waste 'mat-
ter in the eongesteii
region is S expelled,
a.• •::i" Des._ giving immediate men.,
tad and physical re -
lief; the blood vessels and nerves are toned and strengthened)
nnd the circulation is rendered to normal as this treatment is
t based ort strictly scientiticc prineiples. and acts on the actual
loestion of the disease, it cannot help but do good in all faring
of fertile tronhlea, including delayed and painful utenstruu-
tien, leucorrhoea, falling of the womb, growths, and ovarian
troubles, ete. I'riee $''2.O0 per box, which its sufficient for one
month's treatment, A free Trial Treatment, enough for 10
days,. worth 75e. will be trent FREE to any suffering woman
who will send'ine her address.. Enclose three stamps .and add-
alr�s: Mrs. 1.,-cli* W. Ladd, Dept. 10 Windsor, Ontario.
Sold By Leading Druggists Everywhere
Reduce Prices
deem* Wiodkortokers,
oftibbillOS ISNOT *a
Sett wok**
Charing at $2.25 awl $3.75
sinus 36 to 44
Wimilirealtsrs. tltla n lM ltlh. avec
Special $2,25 ..
Buy where Your Dollar Buys Mate.
tisk dent Duncan Ferguson' o., Ltd.; E. J.
s F.. J. Coles . Ltd.;
Chas, •Austin, president, Chas.
Austin Co., Ltd.; Ii. B. Bristol,.
President, A. Bristol & Son, Ltd.;
crease in taxation. He will, there- George' "Wright,`President, Robert
fore, be compelled to consider Inc i•e- 111.Wright,. Ltd.; J. C. En\el, President,.
vision of the present source of taxa- H. H. Engel, Limited; W. E. F. Bry-
tion. Wine and tobacco are believed W. Robinson,iPresident Robinsoans n Co.,
to be two products that will came un- Ltd.; James Ogilvie, President Ogil-
der his axe, and it is rumored Unit hr vie-Loehead,• Ltd.; A. A. Fournier,
is going to strike a blow for Impel:- • President, A. A. Fournier, Ltd.; R.
cal preference. If he increases the
A. Beatnish, President, $eamish &
duties on foreign wines he will9pro-
bably readjust corresponding duties
on Dominion \vines, which at present
are subject to a largely reduced rate.
The Cabinet is now considering a pro-
position providing for the increase in
tobacco duties, with
preference for
Empire -grown brands, and should
this come into force it will tend to in-
crease the -growth of tobacco in the
Dominions, •
' Tax on Bachelors
The new Italian law imposing a tax
on bachelors is so 'thorough that none
will be able to escape. Bacheiors be -
tweet ages of 25 and 35 will pay
$1.50 per year; 36 to 50, $2.00; 50 to
66, $1.50. •This tax is to be supple,
mented by: a percentage of income.
Drinking in Hotels
The Ontario Government's Iiquor
Control Bill has encountered a.vigor
ous :protest from hotel men, who ob-
ject to the clause which permits
guests to bring intoxicating liquors
into hotels and drink in their rooms.
The Premicr ,has asked for sugges-
tions seeking to improve the meas -
Protecting Naval Power
According to Earl Beatty's mem-
orandum accompanying the naval
estimates the British naval po\\er by,
heeiiil�'of' 1027' will he :great "enough
to snatch the .eombined navies of
France and 'Italy. At the same time
the British power in the Atlantic will
be as great as the entire French fleet,
while Great Rritain's control of Gib-
raltar enables her to co-ordinate for-
ces between the two waters on a ono -
week basis, of time for the fastest
ships to steam front the Atlantic base
at Portsmouth to the 'Mediterranean
base at Malta.
Duchess Has Tonsilitis ' "
The Ducheas of York; suffering
from •tonsilitis, has been obliged to
remain in Government ILouse:at Wel-
lington, , New Zealand, . white" the
Deka proceeds on the tour of the
, South Island. . .
Smith, Ltd.; P. A. Huntington, `Presi-
dent, Huntington's Limited; W. C.
erosion, President, Creasman Co.,
Ltd.;. A. Robinson,. President, Mac -
Laren Co., Ltd.; 1. L. Matthews, Pre-
sident, L E. Matthews Co.; F. M.
Stafford, President, F. M. Stafford,
i< >rw1b wrest,
T. I.
T. a. ililsf�t.
1tdd.; T. . dieoator. >rrest.s.l
lel l Weiler T.raai*al, Ltd.. dime -tar
of lima sipal hookers Corp., Ltd.: D.
W. Goren, dl r.stor of Municipal
lliratd:ers Grp. Ltd.; D. W. G 'dun,
director of ltunkipal Braker,• Co'p..
Laos .. aid director a Canadian Rail
rad Harbor• Terminals Limited.
The consolidated beeinees exper-;
ienee of these *ten. who are minim -
slide for the tarolitabl. otietatiora of
their buain.ai in various cities augers
well for the success of this consolida-
The stores entering the consolida-
tion are located in the fallowing 'Mire!
sed towns: Belteviile. Stretford..
Woodstock. Chatham, Piston, Br,tek-
rille. Lindsay, Hanover, Sault Ste.
lrtsrie, Napancir.. Frartatord. Ottawa,
Nat' h Bev. Midland, Peterboro,
Huntsville, St. Catharines, Port Arth-
ur, Montreal, Sudbury, Pembroke end
The owners nt the stores chosen is
the various eitiea throughout Onterio
and in Montreal hare been quick to
r.totite the great buying advant-
ages to be acained lit centralized" aur- I
chasing and feel that this consolidst-
ed buying power assur.dly will place'
them in a position to offer merchan-
dise wider in variety, up to the 'min-
ute in style, andat much better
The Canadian .Department Stores,
Limited, will be the first chain •of dry 1'
goods stores to operate' in Ontario
and have the advantages nreviousty
mentioned of acquiring businesses
long established and successfully
and Overcoat
await your cornznand to
step into heir" at
"The Store T1ult Sets the Pace"
Lateet Fabrics, Custom.
Tailored to your order
The Leading Tailoring and
t4Men's Stuart Wear
North Side Square. 'Phone 219
Could Hardly Live for Asthma.
writes one man who after yearn of
suffering has found complete relief
through Dr. d. D, Kellogg's Asthma
Remedy. Now he knows how need-
less has been his suffering. This
matchless remedy gives sure help to
all afflicted with asthma. Inhaled as
smoke or vapor it brings the help so
long needed. Every dealer has it or
can get it for you from, his whole-
One thing that makes it impossible
to put up with a husband any longer
is the thought of alimony. '.
There is no new truth, but only a
new vision.
And yet if all people had- in#e11i- in
gence, think how many lawyers would
have to ride in (livers.
The man who dieams of becoming who
famous over night alwa a wakes up i
the morning.
Back of every business that keeps
with the times is an individual
keeps ahead of them.
To Visit Ilia Ranch
Cable despatches say that the
Prince of `Wales, who hes stccepted,
with Premier Baldwin, the invitation
to the Confederation Jubilee at ,Ot-
tawa on July lat, will also.visit his
'Canadian ranch in Alberta.
SlappedIterensky. •
Under the guise of presenting a
bouquet of roses to Alexander Ker-
ensky,former Premier of Russia,
Miss Catherine Barry, ,-age 34, New
York, on Sunday, in New York,
struek him in the face. Kerensky
had just risen to address a°gathering
in a theatre held to commemorate the
tenth anniversary of the revolution
led by Kerensky.
Miss Catherine Bary, age. 84, New
sky for having reused the death of
her fiance, an officer in the Russian
army in 1918, by issuing en order
Under which civilians re placed in
charge of armed feces. She . said
she was neither a Monarchist nor a
After the Smugglers
With a view to bringing the Cana
dian Special Prevention Service to
greater efficiency the country is to be
divided into districts, each with. an
officer in chane, who will be reapon-
sibie to Ottawa. High powered auto-
mobiles .capable of giving chase to
any ear suspected of carrying contri-
band goods will be provided. For
this branch of the service the sum of
$850,000 will be voted by Parliament.
With regard to rum -running on the
Atlantic and Pacific C'otastat it is pro-
posed er eachanceen one
h guuns,
searchlights, wireless. ete., while fast
launches also are to be employed.
Mr.• Churchill Corrected
Hon. Winateti Churchill, in two vol
amts has given his views on the
Great War. Amongother cornntent
he saltsan
tamed* faed to *ripply the
necessary dollar credits to maintain
the needed *apply of munitions. This
chste has been vigorously denied by
Sir Thomas White who shows that
the output of munitkina from Canada
rete in the four para 1914-1911t from
atii.184 to the enervates figure of
fil`FOR* MGM
G. 11. 'lt oak. the Prwsiel.*t, Is to lir
General Msnartoe
Th. t'attadtatta Departnwittal Stores.
Limited, a retest estt+atiiinlntloe of 22
roest atocoo, camera 1* the'
* cities f* Ontario *ad (,hat-
itt.ttneo Nook board of direct-
ors. This +ttraetoratr. eottaptawed of
trwtatam41ag btsa1» at.a and Nntairfol 1
tattrwt, wUl lra as flotlam,:
Mr. Q. 11. *snag. PrrdMwt. Rawl
Ohlidien,' Cit
There are many ointments
Cana& Department S:ores, t irait-
ed, t;re largest chant oto a arytaae
in Canada, lncludee the following
tinrtcsnt terpu!•,on Co:, loitered,
• Stratford •
Datetalos Ao novelle, Unitedlisideer
'The Ritchie Cis, United,
7. Coke .ted., 1.iatittd `IVoodsock
The Cl**s .Aurin Co., Limit
A. Stinal A Cowpony Perm
The Rofrt. Wright Co., Limited,-
.ek,-Il. H. Engel t;. Cas Limited,
Bc, enc Limited Seek f te, Marie
The Robinson Co., limited
Ogifvia.Lacfaesd, Linit.dBesitafad
A. A. rounder Limited 0a::aw*
Beatnik t. Smith, Lirrhrd
North Bay
Ihrotiagtott'8a I.rtrt;:ett Itt11and
.The Creecm*n Ca, United
&oniric a: Dears Hunt.:riil.
Maori* te: Co., Littritied,
, St. C,ith tiles
I. L. Matthews £ Cs., Putt Arthur IJrt•irdrae Limited Putt
Sta tern Limited Satal:rury
fermate t. $r ..i;b ° 1 eaa1. rw:.e
r. I vi.:, Lirn.,etl L Ltrri,eM
t1lDLltN��l'Q' •tb
• _
a -
Greatet Ch
Store S
ORTY or fifty years aga' a `trip to town was an :event in the life df The
rural dweller, frequently occasionn -the loss of a clay's time, often accomn
ponied by Hardships of weather and transportation. Yet, even in grandfather's
day, the department or general store formed not merely the shopping, but
also the social centre of rural life, and it was then thr.t the foundations were
laid for many a successful business.
* * * * * *
Since than. days, in Spite of the Leen price arguments advanced by the mail-
order houses; the local department store has continued to find favor with the
'community which it has served to faithfully, and continued to enjoy the
confidence of the buying public.
* * * * * *1
Now a new and even brighter day is dawning' for these 'stores. Together,
the beading department stores of many important cities in Eastern Canada:
as shown on the map, are combining the better to serve their communi-
ties, in an rstensive co•operaz a motrcrnent which will enable the local
department store`;to compete successfully with the mail-order concern, and to
give the rural and small city dweller the same advantages of personal selection
and low price as are enjoyed by the buyers itt the largest city stores. This
great consolidation is known as the Canadian Department Stores, Limited.
* *, . * tit * *
The average age of these stores is in excess of forty years, and some of them
were serving the populace long before the
days of Confederation or before
the country was united by the telephone and railroads. Throughout these
years all the stores under individual management have been consistently pro-
fitable and successful, Former owners will continue as manageri, and have
invested to an average extent of over $100,000 or a total of more than two
and a half million in the project.
* * * * * *
The remarkable financial success of chain stores recently established in
' Canada and the LJnited States speaks vobl:nes for the future poesibilities of
the Canadian Department Stores, Limited. Sales for the l2 leading chain
stores in the States last year totalled "more than $660,000,000 — a gain of
$80,000,000 over 1925.
* * * * * *
Through centralized buying, Canadian. Department Stoics, Limited will have
direct access to world markets and will be able to undersell and outsell com-
petitox's. Cash transaciionis will be encouraged and bad debts eliminated.
New l.ranches will later be opened in Ontario and other parts of the
Dominion. With the modern rase, of transportation, present good roads, and
with to substantial advantage• and. economies of large volume purchasing
and strong management, these stores are bound to merit and receive ati
increasing share orf patronage and prosperity.