HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-03-10, Page 5TiiC,t51kl.1, 1I.lLc:H itith, 1991 ' SPECIALS I Aj� n y for FVDAY and SAT fDAY Paiu sexes mss, wood vow, at Ir6totviy Saving .� W IoauMtd W'atria►oWs � onsoo > r4g. Otic P" Isotsail. Satttr- w•altt irsc� r+ar• su.e PW Ckocalli � . may 15c bar,6 for..•.2Sc '•� Neido es Gard Pwtttt6r*Ctt's MM=Otk Cakes, reg. 215c Sstles ptsot, .. , ... . , .. ... .. • ....19t•. hilt RE EAMPBELU S DRUG "0 -- Y � as quite tcattstactut•� This was �ii1• t ' A litter from the Hrtiro-klce(tri. Power Commission �> hYdro V. _. , that turner of V i(torttt street and Bri- r I taenia road was read, and ;( was fer- a red to the pultiic rrwrica at► m ftee. i The Southam Press wroteAtith re- fertuee to a book which would wiUPUY in picture and 'word tho ewrnto" Ae- c velopatent of Ontario during; the am- ty ysara of confwderatlon and give some account of the established and potential wealth of the province and aikard for information as to the 1•ro- i per uthority to ,communicate with for infaxnlaation as to Guderkh.--•-'this 6 was filed. • i i The finance committee repc,red as follows: In the matter of appeal i against assessment forcounty Itur- 6 poses,. a notice has been served opt,13. sitting to be held un Saturday, March 5th, before Judge Lewis, regarding Ithe validity* of the county assesmlent bylaw, and we finve instructed our . -TOWN - _:....._ ..... _.:.:.. r., ...- half of the town., A 1 the bonds as $ t daoi eke + REV. M. C. PARR , , OW COUNCIL t Bylaw ova. 69 of 132 Ia'ash, of 1sweepuil ca l,.nttc- t � N i hosnita}, and aniounttng to $S,OW, at C•6�atxit,°rho has accept.etl call to �'ic- 6�i p -r cent. from March 19t, have toric street ebureb. GOdtrich. I been sold at pzr. The bonds have all been delivered, a receipt Ohre}nod � 1 Mayor.. Ma :Ewan Arrived Home From New Orleans Just � therefor and, the amounts have been i carload of oats the former part of w In Time to Attend Regular Meeting Last Friday , re velved . and placed , in the bank. .1, this week• t cheque for $8,000 leas beeft handed to , Mr. Robert J. Asquith, of Colborne". the hospital Board through our bank- called on friends In the village the i Levy er, who has received the outstanding latter part of last tiveck,, hospital bonds and is noiv holding . Tuesday several of the Masonie SeparatehQol RIremeats Meant Extra e� i tllertr prencldng further instructions fraternity attended a regular meet- fr :in your committee. The matter }ng of the Goderieh Lodge. Need of ]Dredging at River Month to Prevent Ice _ JgitrgiI .wIll be fully cleaned up upon tetarn, Mr.. Thomas Wilson, assessor of otion. • of the. mayor. We reconunend that a Colborne, attended to his duties in • FORM� � YAGL IrIV2t ' The Famous Bot ess Corset Comai1NX NC BEAUTY, STerR .tl.,Er �n��ld FREEDOM 11V A. PERFECT C ARMEN T for WO,i�I�` � N -No Steeds No Boning No Clasps , No Laking Not -Rubber �* Washable We are now carr°ving these Corsets in stuck Kit several styles, Tho , N'r HIBBERT ilkONE CH ' Hti 86 AS STORE Referred to arbor Committee n ran o Cao ; itt'aut of $1,000 ma L, to a this locality the latter part o. the ' Committee for the year 19271 an can- ._ HI week. _ clition that the towel receive sixteen \ iss �i"eish is aRIe to just where you are,' '.lira. F, Robert- treat, spent. Thursday .end Friday ilii f4rnier in Saskatchc�valt. We �t�I�t ul mm�tin'gt' of the town for rubber goods was presented and deli$ concerts and one day fzee band Our teacher, x The Teg at ri sume her• school duties this w.eck- son- Hostesses®Dais, \� asl embers the vtllafia arca recurred to, llogxti : zl them success in thein new cntergt r council• was held on FSeiday evenink was referred to the finance commit' concerts, the band.concerts ts, be once Owlug' to her sickness there was no Mrs*requested Errata, Mrs, Allan. Members on Satu�dt;y. -, last. The Di vor and the 'Reeve, who tee, a, week and on week -day evenings. s.ho last week, are. requestedoto bring a suggestiotr ' The fisheri"n are, till busy tht+sc DAY DREAM TOILETRIES a bye awa • on the trip W New Mr. A. M. O'Brien, secretary of the We recommend that the Public Lib- °i tag for next years program, 1 dcil•K t;: ttCng ready for t1w . varay t A real special ,i0(• Perfulne Cid had . n •b Miss Elms Faunfiblut, lvho 1 ...—.--• • spr9lig 11,, p fie( lvitii any G0r purchase Orleans, had'yust returned the: even- Separate Schaal Boazd, wrote giving racy Board be granted the .sunt of absent �isttin friends in Tavi- ailing•. We ho c the ic<< un or a gar.: O and the mayor carne in during the tho estimate of expenses of the Separ- $1800 for 1927 levy, and that the been t, }n that 1: avl- ` OBITUARY ` I.:kc Ilu,(.n- Voll not star So htc(> i:+ -1 ave fast} Powder, road and Van- Ing of 'tate minutes of the prey- ate School board for 1927 as $1,4 00, sutra of $500. be paid on account. That stark and other points : l.,st'year. g • • ; g � i�zhin,, CIe tot, Compacts, Rouge, Iti.itM meeting. In the meantime De- which would rewire e tch-Mill school $21.500 will be placed in the levy for ity, returned home on 3ianclaY. n • .lar. c nd Mr:. ChO. �1'(.t� tt,'lt:lr in:g Mirk. etc., st+cc itcls: 1''or sale ex1y: ious g ' Turner 'had been moved rate on Separate school supporters.--. public school purposes. for the year - . tri v Armstrong, of r, Mrs, has A native Brantford, arch , , , ,r , . putt' Reeve Tu a p c U^ • t visiting her mother, liars, Yung- I --A native of Goderieh, but since 187�..i eliea` tali ll:tsi. tltreta ulont.trri suitic .'tar, t',a:t11�131;t.1.4 Irlityt. tiTC)ltka to the chair but -immediately vacated :'Phis was referred to the.futance cant 1927, and the sum of $13,690.78 for .ct g i r f Hraht County Mrs. John t 1 (s.crn's parents, )fr. and it oil Il"is Worshi 's -arrival. s,The,,'mittee. Collegiate Institute purpago . We'' blut, of the village, and returned a te• Idem. o , ry Weston, returned to t teir hu:n.• in ^• members resent were the -mayor, the , Mr. ,Tas:•E. Drennan applied for a recommend that the town. join the home tiro former liart of this week. A. Carlyle, Paris Road, died last' P Y P a k h rbo rs Association I 'Che monthly meeting, of the Wom. night, aged 75 years. She tiv;tR tale Detroit. la , �ecck, " Deputy Reeve, and Couneiliora; Cutt, bow ing alley license to operate three 'rent L h a r • A ..........i is • ly g o _ an remit the inembershtp fie of $1.0. ens 3itssionaly Society of the ales- third daughter . She find risco. Adainl The l.aurch re l St. 'gtlr•+tis'•. Humb..r, Bailie, Sproul. and 1fcLean. runways in the'basement of the acorn d , h 11re .ret inmend that a grant, of $26 bvteilan church will be .held on i Grty :t7aoVicar, She leaves one ion, ilnitecl eltutrh are huldint; a . t, P.tt- Tlie treasurer's statement 'of, re- I l9es at present occupied ly un as.a P n ', j Alexander, and three daughters, .leis-' rick's ,social itt the basemolit. cif the celpts and ex enditures.for the month billiard room. --»Mr.. Drennan was be made to the tion'Axrny Res- ; hursdiiy afternoon of this week. � , i,tlt church on rile eve`'b:i 7IYt;ah I;;II..:> o F r pa resented n refer- t of his etit:on cue Bonne at �Onn. etre have ex�,! Mr. Wilmer Nicholson's usual jour sea Lily and 1\iargaret-Catlyl .t t �t •s a ar,;I. �— f ebrua y was p sent and i hound in subpar drained th a tor's report and ne •s to;'hitecllurah tcrtninatr~1 }est i Iielen G., wife of Professor I), Il. t gut,.. prcigrilm i. b.,tug pl p red to the finance committee and the which was referred to committee of + t Jones., of the Ontario ,Afirtcu}tur.�Il rile. Chats, :}'arl:er, white unlacttliug"`e cemetery sexton's • report was refer- the whole council, statement of arrears: and have in. �1 ednesday when he and Miss Gaunt, ..: Collo a Guelph, also Qfip , brother, :logs, last week , watt struck with the red to the cemeteryslid arY{s . coul- A letter from Dfr. James Buck ac- sti ucted the etions.pt a pr in gd r7 o£ that nitlee, - ared married. tidy { t; : ,• �. , _ . p James Diac�icar, Goclelfch,, and«ane -skid nl the fwer(, cut ng, Tits lila ani Ge'n-ume , mittee. ceuted the town's offer to him as care- enforce collections. ••Re aiding ar- they long ba .abated to celebrate the e Carlyle, Edell- knocking out t t' o'k and was fat•• " �1 `re ttost `from 'the Fire $ri ode . f e own dumping round rears of taxes as registered against anniversary of the event. ; sister', Dirs. Alexander t~a e, kttu(1� i g; i t i e I. q t; taker o the t p g t; •{ lot 368 end east rat•t of lot 816, we The annual, meet}t gY of the Auburn burgh.• Relatives from out of town tunatc to get uta with so little ltttran recommend that the sum of 88.80 be branch of the Bible Society was held }tttencirng the funeral were.: ' 'Mr. Jas. done. accepted as payment in full of sill ar- in .the Anglican churAx on Tuesday :MaeVicar and Miss, MacV1Ca1, of A pleasant evening was siia;itt at 0�� � �„ rears of taxs us registered-agalnpt "-evening of this week. . The agent Goderieh; Mi. and Mrs, John Penman, the Yiarsatinge on Tuoftday m tnr; cit' ✓ . $� lot $(f$: and that thtt amu of $44.2S�e ave n ood address on the object of Paris, and : ri1t. and Mrs. A C; Mae- I last by . the cunfireg;ation oC p a g g Vicar, of Toronto,--Frant£ord b.xpo8i- Andrew's church in l;ttnteA and inuwir perfect Brea'd accepted as payment in.full of all ar- the SoOety, rears of taxes as reirlstered against ! 7atst Friday evening Wlarge num- }'tor.. and all enjoyed the ltoypitality a 51r, , ,a t lit ~ the• east part of lot 815. on condition bei of rho. tViasonit t''r.a n}ty end ! tura Mrs.. hen�edy, Th M Fll..I • without Wrapped or Unwrapped a their female friend, at led the ` " L , • • , that these amounts be paid at, :Once. BAYFI) Ln Jird and .thee Ireathersde, v i� e t t' The committee also recommended a , Masonic At Horne. in Goderieh. All � , Miss Thelma Ritx. of Sttatfo,d, mated into - their ncry abode, harm;; a` fault Chat nice, nutty brown that r T • :{e: number of accounts fox payment.— i express themselves well 14ca;Ced A th i v'a' i e village last week. bought out. the the flour and A cd `o . ', l' r a s a o ted:_ was a visitor in . g a 4ppeals to. -bath- Band alate . ,>a,r,,.� ,.c•. TI Is �P tt 1a d l? {the entertainment of.the evenin burliness. - also thu-m'ciliert}, fi•,lu 3Ir. ~• c"k Miss:Floy Edwai s returned.l}o,ne The special committee renorled ns Last �Satitrday evening a larger d• •Robert Orr. Dlr, I'ca6lrerstuna. ustw a. fallows: In the matter of the res! ( last week after visiting friends ill ! 3 00 per ton. 4Ruy a .Loaf of Perfect Bread T �. - nation of Mt. ii . IT. Robertson. number assemUlod at. the ho of Mr_ London for four. weeks. -.. _ . _ . r ,. --,,... • and Taste. tate. difference. "f"'" a Bari Committee, we. recommend George Raithby and gave }us -:laugh � rile. and 11Sr.s, .Tarries Sturgepn re- . ' t th.. fl. ter, Miss .Una- several -.useful art- siren 'ti* Yung rrtfQ �Fi��XQ. 1 4 Try Our Whole Wheat Bread • : �taliat Mr. Robertson be requested tn. icler on the evo of her chs in het: turned home last week after di s, + :. delivered d Y: and Fruit Bread.' :continue to act for this year, We � g � the past three months in J.ondon. Y to ,Edi Anything. relationship in life.. J berewith Present draft of a. bylaw to On Wednesday 'Of this we Mr. Robert Merilurray is attendin amend Bylaw No. 23 of 19. G and to y etc Dir,, El- i the Royal Black Knight's Grand Lodge . "I, was afraid to eat bec tt• 4,, i al• win took unto ltirnself a. life wayw 11, stonlaeh trouble, ntttn;,}vrfi(ls• "'' SOLE AGENTS . _ Provide a bill posters It fee of meeting in Guelph this.•week,' s n we retool- Partner, in the persom of" Minis .Sidra I _ fiin(e ticking: Adlcrika I c:ipt t ►> and' $25 instead of $100. and Ri} hb' on dao ht r of M1'Ir. .t ; e Doi. William Joryett, wT�o is open, ( trot Pane." (Signe 51rs.:1.'T eji si a• ; hien$ that this, draft bylaw be intra- ..t y, only fi E *e rg i r ter in London, eras a visi-! ( fi 1, : :1 i; tc} ►'r" tt �;i �` —This re 'ort Sues Raithby. We wish them . inuelt ]ay ing the winter 0.\ l; spnoilful Adlerika rein +, t••• t,:1S +� E0 . .U. CLEVELA�� �' ...,....... duces and passed hr p tar m the village on. Friday laat. � . t jj��p ppa and happiness on this auspicrous,oc- Mrd often. 1•rinp su nl-inr, riiic-1 ht 114° e 0 Ia adol)tecl. Ca41bn, DIP. Or ti eston, of Dot:ui., cat- the stoma, ir.. ;tr,i;u tat<}c fill], xaic•a!(•t] :Pfi1rONE 1't4 WE$? STRE'�T . The. following resolution. was arc: „.:.• • + left to visit his parents, lar. and-itl,l'S.. a f rcliI:gr. Tit illnv( R i0d w#u to -.,,i 4 "1'1• . . a^ilt*d by Mr. Aancey and referred to. (Front another. 7:orresponAlent). { Riehttrd, Weston, for it couple of days ;,fsnnt ir•to.stil I unci mstk.•s °r „t .,..1 �s :Jl�ERI�;[ the water. light and harbor. coiuntit- Mi•s. Robe: Taylor spent the week- la t w.e4k, : tllnpy and huligr� : 1:srol}cent r'ni c h.. i tee: That, .in view of the fat„ that end in Goderieh. " Oliver Goldthorpe, wlto'has 1*cil •stan,tr• .i"q,i,tivaticin. ('A:II1tiIi' .f 1 I the Government of the Dominion of 'bass "Irene Carter, of Westfield, is i i Canada did undertake (when making;' visiting her sister, rihs.:Qelson Piit-?spending; part uf'the winter. tt 11on• 1.iRl`G 5TC1Il>r.�` , the..altifi¢fal cutlet to the River,.11'nit- erson on the thrid line. -_-"`"-'+- __ _ ° •'� -~ lands to provide a harbor for 'ships'i t s� to. gee it open and free for the Sloly Mrs. hoes Harrison; ,of GOcieich, �e+ t P has been srending a few dhvir at the f- { of water. and estlecially to take jai a home of her father, :tlr. R.. Rutiedg;e. ; GENE. ERAS, . �ViOT`OR, �.' • LA -TEST 1" h�M�' N'� of the spring and fall freshets, but by re"on of the war it has not dome any Mr. Elmer P.obertlon is con, fined to • ` t< work at the mouth. of the river for the tiro house thcse'da�•s, flavin; hirci tho`�j/�and''r last twelve :veers, the council respect. misfortune to hurt 'his erg a�liil: log + +s�'e✓ ` --- fully calls the attention of `thy on, ging, i the Minister of Public W'orks'to the' School re -opened ('11 Monday, ?ilea, + 'j. fact.: and requests ,that he take such 'Ith, after bem+, eli*vd for a tveel. ; Action sis i, neceasarv.and, malceruro-` riving to th- dlnes of he teacher,' iridian in Ills ertianai'-5 fo•' dr: ds�'n,;. 11 Ss .. N., .til mouth of the •ivc•r, lurinx the J r ,• i. .tit , •' ' t��.{ ` r `.. � i j ��l• c ' i .fie• Iic,rner•b oo... I, in(la..>bnrm � ....0 T , ref M27. By reawai of the i wantho .r,•V i-, vvcr ih: week -ural• of 1i't''� r 11 �� fcllint" in of the in' th of .the river. her si�:i r. Iii: s �a .cu llorna •1 •ook I lee lames are occasioned tliclebi and at 'Mr.. TT. Ti %tad$, r c ` .. -. .•,:� - - ,,.:._ •"^ ..—:",. 5Ri•iau9.,ffoods and daninere a" RP; And . Tho �t'tlnN'11's nFth.Ute Di �tltis r•tmp - •• - rrw'r'Q'.. ' �" iJ rRl1,..a .C(InRq(gUerjCP t11Cre i6 great _den- . pnunity .ar. plrining tri .1i,61d.. it' F„cl;il ;Heal ` ._'r -_ ger taint tho tie rant may overfloi ilio evening in the Foresfc?s' ll -ill- oil I r•t north l:reakwater and tush into 111c' .dry, tiarcli }1ta, for tilt• mrml)ers' m`csent harbor. wherry a lot of. s11i17- and friends of the Society, „t.. p}n,r is laid nit f r the winter:" a utter a_ g e council then adtouined. Seveha7 from hri• ltd the, \" , • . - , ,. ., . • Th ri "At oma" in 'Godetu}r last sonic H 1 4�D . , �r Q. ; Action as to Grandstand and Band-' V day . night. Mr, Marv(t. McGrc • Ill F , K 1 � .WL 1� ` stand ashtcted with the..progtam'with a(v- 9 On Wednesday evening; feast night) •: erI vocal numb t4. Dti�s V< ralae . } the town council met, first ail com- Hoy swi acted as, hie t<>rnmpamsl.. ( tFctctsry, FstAblitc}lEd 1817° f mittee of tite_v+hole, dirt l meeting of List Sate r7lar evenint. the friEnds q Sales Z'a+i Rxtwt+ the water. light and harbor vornmit- of Miss Edna Raithby mcrt at heir Sul tee. and then in council.. home and preasented,her with a man- o NOEXCi$E.TAX - " -Tile committee of the whole report- tic clock, nut bowl, and pair of enn- rd as follows: Ill the matter of the dleWeks, in view of her appronellin;; ASSETS ��•`'��t LIABILITIES request of the Shall Company for jeer- marriage. Miss Fb; rence '1� alpex { 1.ye Jl t7 a . mission to . erect an oil and. gasoline { read the. address and the presentation General Motors iodsy •announces Mechanical storage plant on lot. 1045 as per 1 wad»rade by Misses Ialen Beadle and an at:imly new, line of Pontiac 31st Jalauairy, -1927 _g;ratiitid plan submitted, we rccam- Winnie Rowson, S;xes, notably eghanctd in beauty, Refinements " 1 mend that the re nest be granted. > inc retia .The, new and finer Pontine Six' q The tVoinen s institute will hold a orae g niumerous rtCna- intrOd,uc,cs inert new .[eaturesand Wo,•recommend that a bowling alley social.evening.on Friday, March I1tli.: menta un design, carrying nesv refinements in cn mitring deign ASSETS license for .three runways be gi,'tntecl in the F'orester:s' hall. Members raid i lots. priers --.and cOurKinuinq the to Mt. J. V. Drennan to be operated their friends' are invited. Sandwich I mast ciectsiforie developiisent In —such ar tiiting• 1, , few 040 to 1 �aslirott'Iiattii :. .+ .. $ Sd,1g8,26$.t�4 ; in the. basement of his prownt pool itntl rake! will ho nerved. riles. A,'?'cr-'. the low-priced mix field since the wt foot contrOl,,new trans - i ; room »remises. We are ,having plans now.historuc introduction of :the min on and brake leverq steering 1DepQsjtit•witll,and notes and cheques of 1 guson, Press See. wheel with aluminum spider; ,r . q i and specifications of a band stand The, Women's Institute will meet , original P„ljitiac Sixt clutch, even sn"thte and mote other Batiks + . 45,•126,gtx.24 prepntrd and siibjnct to your ,ipprov- al the ham( of riles. Erra,t. Subjc•cx New Fisher Body podtive in action and sit oil•sealed, al„will ask for tenders. "Be a short make life worth while 1 universal joint. � :�stt,witil(Gentral Gold Reserve ; t2,0t)ti,t)(Sd.00 - , , • V4e recommend that the clerk Never before in any Iei;••priced r write to Grimsby, Ingersoll, Tillson- ,ix have been achieved such com. Two Nett! Bode Type* Call and4S,ia t;loans on Honds,.Debett- burg and Simeoe, regarding; informa- in bout and luxury. The t of tures and•Stocks z7z,784,147.5 1,tion about erectinga new r"a"h B Y y� Two entirely rtxw body types grand clew bodies by Ostler err• longer, ekaeacteriseic btsrrty have beers Dominion AAA PrMint:ial C., overrimerit stand. Modd Theatl � . - y _ lower grid superbly executed. added to the Pontiac Six dose. .;ecttrities .. �4, tg,f;gx.4g The water, light and harbor com- . a are dashing. youth[ul • mittee recommended that a resolution WEEK OF D[AR. td I'() 1!1 All Cw. DiltCtl► COla�rs Spa” Roadster a s-prssenser C-anadiatl UtWiccipA Secutitiei and be forwarded to the Dominidn Gov- MONDAY srncY TUESDAY To en a.ige their inherent smut- Sport C brwolttt, to rival the vogbe 13ritis . F.o1jign, .anis Colonial Public' t ernniont requesting that provision be c„ t,ess, all body types are finished in and wnottnawt of the' highest priced ccatlicz ttiiatt Catradiaut 27,67S,CSc).3z made, in the estimates for dredgring; ItIN . TI;v - TIN new combinsdone of Duco colors, cars of the day. Both are ottered st �casitu , the utouth of the riiaitland river tier- the wonderful police dog in a thrilling , prices which rAect the ecOroOn,ies of i, way. .r,Ci -0elicr ;Bonds, Nbentures Ing' the season of 1927. story of the regencratioh of. a deso NCw. Beaaty and aS`ryit c;rrrcral lltOtors'tremendolus puirrfus- x a(l s w 4,t7g, tt,tx) 'These reports were adopted. late heart through a don's hernisni Pontiac Six beauty has always been Ing power. "A IIHl#) OF 'CIH; BIG SHOWS" r Outstanding, flat now in these, flew •. r w r s ti"st [ AssCts .. $420,587,11'9.'56 URNMILLB/R' MACK, ST:NNE'TT COMEDY 4 and Gncr models has hr.;tn achieved from the hour, of ifs imroducdon.11w Mr. Albert Good has moved from "T1111 IMED IN (;OLT)" trot only new beauty, bu't",-Ase-.alit Pontiac Six kindled tmh%Wt*n all I.tistnx :•'rad Diver:S3 :and other Assets 3x3,08i,754.70 tile laceland concession back +Ott hiw wtzrc las rskishnese—the retadt of a ':+►verthat'}rstef: Fkwebpsd.at+.the,crrirt Batik PnCrnlsrs y ., . 1 t Aty6,ti�0.t10 p I W90NESDAY acrid• THUMAY deeper radiator; larger. irav,cr, .ted lb rodot,e4 *km thors Proving st st4 rw ' " , Mr. Walter Pettinan hats moved i more sw kping crown tenders; sod (Orman#, eCononty dist$ eoruitort Liabilities of cusrainitix Lruder lrt'ters of ; from the. Maitland concession 'onto i EMIL JAIN.N1NGS and more massive headlamps. Whidshleld unhaQrd of wK t[tr Mire, r 2 Russell hilt's farm. LYA De PUTTI•, pillars are natrowetd to vimform to Now there is at new and Ener p6ddac ctgclit(r:Iierrontraj .. .. tx,2;'f,._•47 c Mr. Mussell hill intends moving in- in the great European Production the accepted custom°(wilt vogue sad ' Six�a tewua+ph reflecting a!I the $772,712*g,70.73 'to Goderieh shortly. > whit<h «i+s the subitei of: much lis- - to provide s wider ■te of viwbiiIty. exp,trience, skill and tremendous 'i`c�#st1 hsseits . Det; M, Pfritilmrr who is sell wing. cunsion waren it first appeared. Don't „ YP n4 , Irdpes art smartly recessed retources wf wGeateral Motool from a stroke, is about the same, nits •• amt I nished in a cantrastiupgt color. C;osras in I Sea this histoty-u caking; Mari T 7 . 7 , , .: LiAl1YI,iTIC:.S 'i'O PtJBI.iC � The youtrgt arable are praetirint; { "VARIETY" . Ca1�NC1tAl, i<i14rc�ns liRlil�l30TS OF t"A,NADA, lvlMtI'>Ul) Itiwxes itz circulatioesr " . . 41,50545 100 diligchtiv. and intend putting on, their• : MERMAID CUri1EDY ]r„atlse n6r:s:un : xb.u.s y c, (r,rr►a, a.�r w r c'^®, lia.:rrd 6MIAWA. W.'TAX10 647.,1 'p,';,Oj,20 "Farm' Folks," F'rid:ty, :tl:trc}, _ "W110 HIT ME" - 17egowtits . . . 14 26 They are also arranging for it �� �� �� ����� ' St Patrick's sale•}al next week. a with ,iI, ST. 70IIN Utters, of rr+cdit autitatidtelg •. r�, 37,a )� 47 ;lira. V. I, Craig, who was Balled on ` .•...� ..- . Se&n $9115 SPot't Roadster $961 SportCsbri:�olrt (4• it.) ,$1045 1 odwr littbilitiets . . ,2$I.r)$ n ecount of the sic kn�.as and heath or FRIDAY axttci SATs URDU Y Caupr S965 Ltttttiau 5tcian xl Ill lhiauxc iLant3tttt Sedan $lzxo -.�... �- her sister, Mrs. Geo. Smits, lir; . , ll0T1 R PETER$ ,.r + SIX Tokal Li*61itits to Public $ 7a,7x(J,tg1.75 (Rev.) Poulter'.s mother, returned to .(1 Pideet a. Atetory,0 4d•ire-44let Tax ,I?'ytrst.=^ 4 Zxcrsi�'I•a: traat+o C-- 1101, home in Battle Creek nn Wedi,e . the .return of 'ti ing favorite -to in e 'rets of ,lasers over Liabilities day. rehire and ori coast drama :of the tough weather ceasttt to T'rrbllo . . . . . . . # 63,993,6%98.100131 A l'B tt:�' r.� .,'rllir �IIll�1l ER" L?t�►r�tal ►tt Pon' t i Sales Ili �,TF,It I1R()VC�1, in •, On Monday Etat tar= Fortner,' rials '•Ii't,STlsllIS 11l'"NTIi G IIAR1 t"' 4�, ,.�• .�. r, � i hkl�I� shipl41d u carload of hog.; to Toroatty. GODERICH ' ill•. IV, T. Riddell dis} wtfl rsf s Matt"" Sal. at 3 lr.w. „ M � I Referred to arbor Committee n ran o Cao ; itt'aut of $1,000 ma L, to a this locality the latter part o. the ' Committee for the year 19271 an can- ._ HI week. _ clition that the towel receive sixteen \ iss �i"eish is aRIe to just where you are,' '.lira. F, Robert- treat, spent. Thursday .end Friday ilii f4rnier in Saskatchc�valt. We �t�I�t ul mm�tin'gt' of the town for rubber goods was presented and deli$ concerts and one day fzee band Our teacher, x The Teg at ri sume her• school duties this w.eck- son- Hostesses®Dais, \� asl embers the vtllafia arca recurred to, llogxti : zl them success in thein new cntergt r council• was held on FSeiday evenink was referred to the finance commit' concerts, the band.concerts ts, be once Owlug' to her sickness there was no Mrs*requested Errata, Mrs, Allan. Members on Satu�dt;y. -, last. The Di vor and the 'Reeve, who tee, a, week and on week -day evenings. s.ho last week, are. requestedoto bring a suggestiotr ' The fisheri"n are, till busy tht+sc DAY DREAM TOILETRIES a bye awa • on the trip W New Mr. A. M. O'Brien, secretary of the We recommend that the Public Lib- °i tag for next years program, 1 dcil•K t;: ttCng ready for t1w . varay t A real special ,i0(• Perfulne Cid had . n •b Miss Elms Faunfiblut, lvho 1 ...—.--• • spr9lig 11,, p fie( lvitii any G0r purchase Orleans, had'yust returned the: even- Separate Schaal Boazd, wrote giving racy Board be granted the .sunt of absent �isttin friends in Tavi- ailing•. We ho c the ic<< un or a gar.: O and the mayor carne in during the tho estimate of expenses of the Separ- $1800 for 1927 levy, and that the been t, }n that 1: avl- ` OBITUARY ` I.:kc Ilu,(.n- Voll not star So htc(> i:+ -1 ave fast} Powder, road and Van- Ing of 'tate minutes of the prey- ate School board for 1927 as $1,4 00, sutra of $500. be paid on account. That stark and other points : l.,st'year. g • • ; g � i�zhin,, CIe tot, Compacts, Rouge, Iti.itM meeting. In the meantime De- which would rewire e tch-Mill school $21.500 will be placed in the levy for ity, returned home on 3ianclaY. n • .lar. c nd Mr:. ChO. �1'(.t� tt,'lt:lr in:g Mirk. etc., st+cc itcls: 1''or sale ex1y: ious g ' Turner 'had been moved rate on Separate school supporters.--. public school purposes. for the year - . tri v Armstrong, of r, Mrs, has A native Brantford, arch , , , ,r , . putt' Reeve Tu a p c U^ • t visiting her mother, liars, Yung- I --A native of Goderieh, but since 187�..i eliea` tali ll:tsi. tltreta ulont.trri suitic .'tar, t',a:t11�131;t.1.4 Irlityt. tiTC)ltka to the chair but -immediately vacated :'Phis was referred to the.futance cant 1927, and the sum of $13,690.78 for .ct g i r f Hraht County Mrs. John t 1 (s.crn's parents, )fr. and it oil Il"is Worshi 's -arrival. s,The,,'mittee. Collegiate Institute purpago . We'' blut, of the village, and returned a te• Idem. o , ry Weston, returned to t teir hu:n.• in ^• members resent were the -mayor, the , Mr. ,Tas:•E. Drennan applied for a recommend that the town. join the home tiro former liart of this week. A. Carlyle, Paris Road, died last' P Y P a k h rbo rs Association I 'Che monthly meeting, of the Wom. night, aged 75 years. She tiv;tR tale Detroit. la , �ecck, " Deputy Reeve, and Couneiliora; Cutt, bow ing alley license to operate three 'rent L h a r • A ..........i is • ly g o _ an remit the inembershtp fie of $1.0. ens 3itssionaly Society of the ales- third daughter . She find risco. Adainl The l.aurch re l St. 'gtlr•+tis'•. Humb..r, Bailie, Sproul. and 1fcLean. runways in the'basement of the acorn d , h 11re .ret inmend that a grant, of $26 bvteilan church will be .held on i Grty :t7aoVicar, She leaves one ion, ilnitecl eltutrh are huldint; a . t, P.tt- Tlie treasurer's statement 'of, re- I l9es at present occupied ly un as.a P n ', j Alexander, and three daughters, .leis-' rick's ,social itt the basemolit. cif the celpts and ex enditures.for the month billiard room. --»Mr.. Drennan was be made to the tion'Axrny Res- ; hursdiiy afternoon of this week. � , i,tlt church on rile eve`'b:i 7IYt;ah I;;II..:> o F r pa resented n refer- t of his etit:on cue Bonne at �Onn. etre have ex�,! Mr. Wilmer Nicholson's usual jour sea Lily and 1\iargaret-Catlyl .t t �t •s a ar,;I. �— f ebrua y was p sent and i hound in subpar drained th a tor's report and ne •s to;'hitecllurah tcrtninatr~1 }est i Iielen G., wife of Professor I), Il. t gut,.. prcigrilm i. b.,tug pl p red to the finance committee and the which was referred to committee of + t Jones., of the Ontario ,Afirtcu}tur.�Il rile. Chats, :}'arl:er, white unlacttliug"`e cemetery sexton's • report was refer- the whole council, statement of arrears: and have in. �1 ednesday when he and Miss Gaunt, ..: Collo a Guelph, also Qfip , brother, :logs, last week , watt struck with the red to the cemeteryslid arY{s . coul- A letter from Dfr. James Buck ac- sti ucted the etions.pt a pr in gd r7 o£ that nitlee, - ared married. tidy { t; : ,• �. , _ . p James Diac�icar, Goclelfch,, and«ane -skid nl the fwer(, cut ng, Tits lila ani Ge'n-ume , mittee. ceuted the town's offer to him as care- enforce collections. ••Re aiding ar- they long ba .abated to celebrate the e Carlyle, Edell- knocking out t t' o'k and was fat•• " �1 `re ttost `from 'the Fire $ri ode . f e own dumping round rears of taxes as registered against anniversary of the event. ; sister', Dirs. Alexander t~a e, kttu(1� i g; i t i e I. q t; taker o the t p g t; •{ lot 368 end east rat•t of lot 816, we The annual, meet}t gY of the Auburn burgh.• Relatives from out of town tunatc to get uta with so little ltttran recommend that the sum of 88.80 be branch of the Bible Society was held }tttencirng the funeral were.: ' 'Mr. Jas. done. accepted as payment in full of sill ar- in .the Anglican churAx on Tuesday :MaeVicar and Miss, MacV1Ca1, of A pleasant evening was siia;itt at 0�� � �„ rears of taxs us registered-agalnpt "-evening of this week. . The agent Goderieh; Mi. and Mrs, John Penman, the Yiarsatinge on Tuoftday m tnr; cit' ✓ . $� lot $(f$: and that thtt amu of $44.2S�e ave n ood address on the object of Paris, and : ri1t. and Mrs. A C; Mae- I last by . the cunfireg;ation oC p a g g Vicar, of Toronto,--Frant£ord b.xpo8i- Andrew's church in l;ttnteA and inuwir perfect Brea'd accepted as payment in.full of all ar- the SoOety, rears of taxes as reirlstered against ! 7atst Friday evening Wlarge num- }'tor.. and all enjoyed the ltoypitality a 51r, , ,a t lit ~ the• east part of lot 815. on condition bei of rho. tViasonit t''r.a n}ty end ! tura Mrs.. hen�edy, Th M Fll..I • without Wrapped or Unwrapped a their female friend, at led the ` " L , • • , that these amounts be paid at, :Once. BAYFI) Ln Jird and .thee Ireathersde, v i� e t t' The committee also recommended a , Masonic At Horne. in Goderieh. All � , Miss Thelma Ritx. of Sttatfo,d, mated into - their ncry abode, harm;; a` fault Chat nice, nutty brown that r T • :{e: number of accounts fox payment.— i express themselves well 14ca;Ced A th i v'a' i e village last week. bought out. the the flour and A cd `o . ', l' r a s a o ted:_ was a visitor in . g a 4ppeals to. -bath- Band alate . ,>a,r,,.� ,.c•. TI Is �P tt 1a d l? {the entertainment of.the evenin burliness. - also thu-m'ciliert}, fi•,lu 3Ir. ~• c"k Miss:Floy Edwai s returned.l}o,ne The special committee renorled ns Last �Satitrday evening a larger d• •Robert Orr. Dlr, I'ca6lrerstuna. ustw a. fallows: In the matter of the res! ( last week after visiting friends ill ! 3 00 per ton. 4Ruy a .Loaf of Perfect Bread T �. - nation of Mt. ii . IT. Robertson. number assemUlod at. the ho of Mr_ London for four. weeks. -.. _ . _ . r ,. --,,... • and Taste. tate. difference. "f"'" a Bari Committee, we. recommend George Raithby and gave }us -:laugh � rile. and 11Sr.s, .Tarries Sturgepn re- . ' t th.. fl. ter, Miss .Una- several -.useful art- siren 'ti* Yung rrtfQ �Fi��XQ. 1 4 Try Our Whole Wheat Bread • : �taliat Mr. Robertson be requested tn. icler on the evo of her chs in het: turned home last week after di s, + :. delivered d Y: and Fruit Bread.' :continue to act for this year, We � g � the past three months in J.ondon. Y to ,Edi Anything. relationship in life.. J berewith Present draft of a. bylaw to On Wednesday 'Of this we Mr. Robert Merilurray is attendin amend Bylaw No. 23 of 19. G and to y etc Dir,, El- i the Royal Black Knight's Grand Lodge . "I, was afraid to eat bec tt• 4,, i al• win took unto ltirnself a. life wayw 11, stonlaeh trouble, ntttn;,}vrfi(ls• "'' SOLE AGENTS . _ Provide a bill posters It fee of meeting in Guelph this.•week,' s n we retool- Partner, in the persom of" Minis .Sidra I _ fiin(e ticking: Adlcrika I c:ipt t ►> and' $25 instead of $100. and Ri} hb' on dao ht r of M1'Ir. .t ; e Doi. William Joryett, wT�o is open, ( trot Pane." (Signe 51rs.:1.'T eji si a• ; hien$ that this, draft bylaw be intra- ..t y, only fi E *e rg i r ter in London, eras a visi-! ( fi 1, : :1 i; tc} ►'r" tt �;i �` —This re 'ort Sues Raithby. We wish them . inuelt ]ay ing the winter 0.\ l; spnoilful Adlerika rein +, t••• t,:1S +� E0 . .U. CLEVELA�� �' ...,....... duces and passed hr p tar m the village on. Friday laat. � . t jj��p ppa and happiness on this auspicrous,oc- Mrd often. 1•rinp su nl-inr, riiic-1 ht 114° e 0 Ia adol)tecl. Ca41bn, DIP. Or ti eston, of Dot:ui., cat- the stoma, ir.. ;tr,i;u tat<}c fill], xaic•a!(•t] :Pfi1rONE 1't4 WE$? STRE'�T . The. following resolution. was arc: „.:.• • + left to visit his parents, lar. and-itl,l'S.. a f rcliI:gr. Tit illnv( R i0d w#u to -.,,i 4 "1'1• . . a^ilt*d by Mr. Aancey and referred to. (Front another. 7:orresponAlent). { Riehttrd, Weston, for it couple of days ;,fsnnt ir•to.stil I unci mstk.•s °r „t .,..1 �s :Jl�ERI�;[ the water. light and harbor. coiuntit- Mi•s. Robe: Taylor spent the week- la t w.e4k, : tllnpy and huligr� : 1:srol}cent r'ni c h.. i tee: That, .in view of the fat„ that end in Goderieh. " Oliver Goldthorpe, wlto'has 1*cil •stan,tr• .i"q,i,tivaticin. ('A:II1tiIi' .f 1 I the Government of the Dominion of 'bass "Irene Carter, of Westfield, is i i Canada did undertake (when making;' visiting her sister, rihs.:Qelson Piit-?spending; part uf'the winter. tt 11on• 1.iRl`G 5TC1Il>r.�` , the..altifi¢fal cutlet to the River,.11'nit- erson on the thrid line. -_-"`"-'+- __ _ ° •'� -~ lands to provide a harbor for 'ships'i t s� to. gee it open and free for the Sloly Mrs. hoes Harrison; ,of GOcieich, �e+ t P has been srending a few dhvir at the f- { of water. and estlecially to take jai a home of her father, :tlr. R.. Rutiedg;e. ; GENE. ERAS, . �ViOT`OR, �.' • LA -TEST 1" h�M�' N'� of the spring and fall freshets, but by re"on of the war it has not dome any Mr. Elmer P.obertlon is con, fined to • ` t< work at the mouth. of the river for the tiro house thcse'da�•s, flavin; hirci tho`�j/�and''r last twelve :veers, the council respect. misfortune to hurt 'his erg a�liil: log + +s�'e✓ ` --- fully calls the attention of `thy on, ging, i the Minister of Public W'orks'to the' School re -opened ('11 Monday, ?ilea, + 'j. fact.: and requests ,that he take such 'Ith, after bem+, eli*vd for a tveel. ; Action sis i, neceasarv.and, malceruro-` riving to th- dlnes of he teacher,' iridian in Ills ertianai'-5 fo•' dr: ds�'n,;. 11 Ss .. N., .til mouth of the •ivc•r, lurinx the J r ,• i. .tit , •' ' t��.{ ` r `.. � i j ��l• c ' i .fie• Iic,rner•b oo... I, in(la..>bnrm � ....0 T , ref M27. By reawai of the i wantho .r,•V i-, vvcr ih: week -ural• of 1i't''� r 11 �� fcllint" in of the in' th of .the river. her si�:i r. Iii: s �a .cu llorna •1 •ook I lee lames are occasioned tliclebi and at 'Mr.. TT. Ti %tad$, r c ` .. -. .•,:� - - ,,.:._ •"^ ..—:",. 5Ri•iau9.,ffoods and daninere a" RP; And . Tho �t'tlnN'11's nFth.Ute Di �tltis r•tmp - •• - rrw'r'Q'.. ' �" iJ rRl1,..a .C(InRq(gUerjCP t11Cre i6 great _den- . pnunity .ar. plrining tri .1i,61d.. it' F„cl;il ;Heal ` ._'r -_ ger taint tho tie rant may overfloi ilio evening in the Foresfc?s' ll -ill- oil I r•t north l:reakwater and tush into 111c' .dry, tiarcli }1ta, for tilt• mrml)ers' m`csent harbor. wherry a lot of. s11i17- and friends of the Society, „t.. p}n,r is laid nit f r the winter:" a utter a_ g e council then adtouined. Seveha7 from hri• ltd the, \" , • . - , ,. ., . • Th ri "At oma" in 'Godetu}r last sonic H 1 4�D . , �r Q. ; Action as to Grandstand and Band-' V day . night. Mr, Marv(t. McGrc • Ill F , K 1 � .WL 1� ` stand ashtcted with the..progtam'with a(v- 9 On Wednesday evening; feast night) •: erI vocal numb t4. Dti�s V< ralae . } the town council met, first ail com- Hoy swi acted as, hie t<>rnmpamsl.. ( tFctctsry, FstAblitc}lEd 1817° f mittee of tite_v+hole, dirt l meeting of List Sate r7lar evenint. the friEnds q Sales Z'a+i Rxtwt+ the water. light and harbor vornmit- of Miss Edna Raithby mcrt at heir Sul tee. and then in council.. home and preasented,her with a man- o NOEXCi$E.TAX - " -Tile committee of the whole report- tic clock, nut bowl, and pair of enn- rd as follows: Ill the matter of the dleWeks, in view of her appronellin;; ASSETS ��•`'��t LIABILITIES request of the Shall Company for jeer- marriage. Miss Fb; rence '1� alpex { 1.ye Jl t7 a . mission to . erect an oil and. gasoline { read the. address and the presentation General Motors iodsy •announces Mechanical storage plant on lot. 1045 as per 1 wad»rade by Misses Ialen Beadle and an at:imly new, line of Pontiac 31st Jalauairy, -1927 _g;ratiitid plan submitted, we rccam- Winnie Rowson, S;xes, notably eghanctd in beauty, Refinements " 1 mend that the re nest be granted. > inc retia .The, new and finer Pontine Six' q The tVoinen s institute will hold a orae g niumerous rtCna- intrOd,uc,cs inert new .[eaturesand Wo,•recommend that a bowling alley social.evening.on Friday, March I1tli.: menta un design, carrying nesv refinements in cn mitring deign ASSETS license for .three runways be gi,'tntecl in the F'orester:s' hall. Members raid i lots. priers --.and cOurKinuinq the to Mt. J. V. Drennan to be operated their friends' are invited. Sandwich I mast ciectsiforie developiisent In —such ar tiiting• 1, , few 040 to 1 �aslirott'Iiattii :. .+ .. $ Sd,1g8,26$.t�4 ; in the. basement of his prownt pool itntl rake! will ho nerved. riles. A,'?'cr-'. the low-priced mix field since the wt foot contrOl,,new trans - i ; room »remises. We are ,having plans now.historuc introduction of :the min on and brake leverq steering 1DepQsjtit•witll,and notes and cheques of 1 guson, Press See. wheel with aluminum spider; ,r . q i and specifications of a band stand The, Women's Institute will meet , original P„ljitiac Sixt clutch, even sn"thte and mote other Batiks + . 45,•126,gtx.24 prepntrd and siibjnct to your ,ipprov- al the ham( of riles. Erra,t. Subjc•cx New Fisher Body podtive in action and sit oil•sealed, al„will ask for tenders. "Be a short make life worth while 1 universal joint. � :�stt,witil(Gentral Gold Reserve ; t2,0t)ti,t)(Sd.00 - , , • V4e recommend that the clerk Never before in any Iei;••priced r write to Grimsby, Ingersoll, Tillson- ,ix have been achieved such com. Two Nett! Bode Type* Call and4S,ia t;loans on Honds,.Debett- burg and Simeoe, regarding; informa- in bout and luxury. The t of tures and•Stocks z7z,784,147.5 1,tion about erectinga new r"a"h B Y y� Two entirely rtxw body types grand clew bodies by Ostler err• longer, ekaeacteriseic btsrrty have beers Dominion AAA PrMint:ial C., overrimerit stand. Modd Theatl � . - y _ lower grid superbly executed. added to the Pontiac Six dose. .;ecttrities .. �4, tg,f;gx.4g The water, light and harbor com- . a are dashing. youth[ul • mittee recommended that a resolution WEEK OF D[AR. td I'() 1!1 All Cw. DiltCtl► COla�rs Spa” Roadster a s-prssenser C-anadiatl UtWiccipA Secutitiei and be forwarded to the Dominidn Gov- MONDAY srncY TUESDAY To en a.ige their inherent smut- Sport C brwolttt, to rival the vogbe 13ritis . F.o1jign, .anis Colonial Public' t ernniont requesting that provision be c„ t,ess, all body types are finished in and wnottnawt of the' highest priced ccatlicz ttiiatt Catradiaut 27,67S,CSc).3z made, in the estimates for dredgring; ItIN . TI;v - TIN new combinsdone of Duco colors, cars of the day. Both are ottered st �casitu , the utouth of the riiaitland river tier- the wonderful police dog in a thrilling , prices which rAect the ecOroOn,ies of i, way. .r,Ci -0elicr ;Bonds, Nbentures Ing' the season of 1927. story of the regencratioh of. a deso NCw. Beaaty and aS`ryit c;rrrcral lltOtors'tremendolus puirrfus- x a(l s w 4,t7g, tt,tx) 'These reports were adopted. late heart through a don's hernisni Pontiac Six beauty has always been Ing power. "A IIHl#) OF 'CIH; BIG SHOWS" r Outstanding, flat now in these, flew •. r w r s ti"st [ AssCts .. $420,587,11'9.'56 URNMILLB/R' MACK, ST:NNE'TT COMEDY 4 and Gncr models has hr.;tn achieved from the hour, of ifs imroducdon.11w Mr. Albert Good has moved from "T1111 IMED IN (;OLT)" trot only new beauty, bu't",-Ase-.alit Pontiac Six kindled tmh%Wt*n all I.tistnx :•'rad Diver:S3 :and other Assets 3x3,08i,754.70 tile laceland concession back +Ott hiw wtzrc las rskishnese—the retadt of a ':+►verthat'}rstef: Fkwebpsd.at+.the,crrirt Batik PnCrnlsrs y ., . 1 t Aty6,ti�0.t10 p I W90NESDAY acrid• THUMAY deeper radiator; larger. irav,cr, .ted lb rodot,e4 *km thors Proving st st4 rw ' " , Mr. Walter Pettinan hats moved i more sw kping crown tenders; sod (Orman#, eCononty dist$ eoruitort Liabilities of cusrainitix Lruder lrt'ters of ; from the. Maitland concession 'onto i EMIL JAIN.N1NGS and more massive headlamps. Whidshleld unhaQrd of wK t[tr Mire, r 2 Russell hilt's farm. LYA De PUTTI•, pillars are natrowetd to vimform to Now there is at new and Ener p6ddac ctgclit(r:Iierrontraj .. .. tx,2;'f,._•47 c Mr. Mussell hill intends moving in- in the great European Production the accepted custom°(wilt vogue sad ' Six�a tewua+ph reflecting a!I the $772,712*g,70.73 'to Goderieh shortly. > whit<h «i+s the subitei of: much lis- - to provide s wider ■te of viwbiiIty. exp,trience, skill and tremendous 'i`c�#st1 hsseits . Det; M, Pfritilmrr who is sell wing. cunsion waren it first appeared. Don't „ YP n4 , Irdpes art smartly recessed retources wf wGeateral Motool from a stroke, is about the same, nits •• amt I nished in a cantrastiupgt color. C;osras in I Sea this histoty-u caking; Mari T 7 . 7 , , .: LiAl1YI,iTIC:.S 'i'O PtJBI.iC � The youtrgt arable are praetirint; { "VARIETY" . Ca1�NC1tAl, i<i14rc�ns liRlil�l30TS OF t"A,NADA, lvlMtI'>Ul) Itiwxes itz circulatioesr " . . 41,50545 100 diligchtiv. and intend putting on, their• : MERMAID CUri1EDY ]r„atlse n6r:s:un : xb.u.s y c, (r,rr►a, a.�r w r c'^®, lia.:rrd 6MIAWA. W.'TAX10 647.,1 'p,';,Oj,20 "Farm' Folks," F'rid:ty, :tl:trc}, _ "W110 HIT ME" - 17egowtits . . . 14 26 They are also arranging for it �� �� �� ����� ' St Patrick's sale•}al next week. a with ,iI, ST. 70IIN Utters, of rr+cdit autitatidtelg •. r�, 37,a )� 47 ;lira. V. I, Craig, who was Balled on ` .•...� ..- . Se&n $9115 SPot't Roadster $961 SportCsbri:�olrt (4• it.) ,$1045 1 odwr littbilitiets . . ,2$I.r)$ n ecount of the sic kn�.as and heath or FRIDAY axttci SATs URDU Y Caupr S965 Ltttttiau 5tcian xl Ill lhiauxc iLant3tttt Sedan $lzxo -.�... �- her sister, Mrs. Geo. Smits, lir; . , ll0T1 R PETER$ ,.r + SIX Tokal Li*61itits to Public $ 7a,7x(J,tg1.75 (Rev.) Poulter'.s mother, returned to .(1 Pideet a. Atetory,0 4d•ire-44let Tax ,I?'ytrst.=^ 4 Zxcrsi�'I•a: traat+o C-- 1101, home in Battle Creek nn Wedi,e . the .return of 'ti ing favorite -to in e 'rets of ,lasers over Liabilities day. rehire and ori coast drama :of the tough weather ceasttt to T'rrbllo . . . . . . . # 63,993,6%98.100131 A l'B tt:�' r.� .,'rllir �IIll�1l ER" L?t�►r�tal ►tt Pon' t i Sales Ili �,TF,It I1R()VC�1, in •, On Monday Etat tar= Fortner,' rials '•Ii't,STlsllIS 11l'"NTIi G IIAR1 t"' 4�, ,.�• .�. r, � i hkl�I� shipl41d u carload of hog.; to Toroatty. GODERICH ' ill•. IV, T. Riddell dis} wtfl rsf s Matt"" Sal. at 3 lr.w. „