HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-02-03, Page 10n ,� - _
."��;•IIII Sd a t-WNs. ~• tib trek wk w
Vii. .t Loadee0M and Get R` wdy for
Valentinesf�.. J. ftl.� .0.�.�. � w�ek Centennial
sf O+sasoscr*s, rtsM.rt rise teiwr'n
days last WOOLYWRI "IV, a routis al Wo ,000 a s�M�+endid
a " - _. The Ladi�eri Aid of ties Wool" st"k of
r' t! }r1eVt' d arse Assort- 1 United chit eft air YuNissf a teeeesst
1. TAh� L[XBN.
. _.. _ 4..-k_,.....M.,.._. ,,111__1. __ . _ �....
srtiertt al dainty -- akar .�...: ,,.r-.,....... 1,,111,
fish. Mile. £vw•ybody webosee*. and 7"hrR4satlt for sWs�rrhinlir
a rg1ti.>t611DA Y. it lE 11. Jest, IMT
tim.& Secure yours early ; "_% �. Involving i Qt" Q
before the are rickei MISS d NOBLE
�" F lir. and lits. Wilson Irwin sipent
I 11
over, Priced Brom S+uaday at St. H*leas. . E $LOCK a
. ' Mrs. Jacob Hunter uteri dap beer, ; > . ri i Prices
Y eRlT19F•1 F?CCHh1VG
. 3e. to 75c c' y Rom. is x1siting at Mr. John Crimp. , good although,it was - '
� lwil'rj. 1. ��
--- .. ;the y'i $let k $8'400 worth of W' erchfllndise to be cleared out at prices a
. _ � Mrs. D K. Alton is at Cheppsrrd• i night of the season. Rev. II:Jsa act- 1 a
We are now showing our i ton this week visriting her daughter,, . ed as chairman and an interesting
i ire.,,. l'c•,,, t•raharn. i prograiu was given, Consisting of vo ,. gQQd deal below will cost. Stock f>Kluiit �1G rGtl4llGt"d at
New Spring , Air. Junes I.an. srpent la4i, week tat solos, duetrs„readintra an4l ,cn"utli i
i with F'rieada at Toronto, 11 irghain, ; rrsxan selcetions, and a chorus of eix' .” once to make room for new merchandise
Wall Paper , Waterloo and other points. old maida fit characteristic costume,l .
Florence Th nipson has bear, hams:. which created much merriment, and i ..
Comae in >and rieeoursarn- at Lucknow all week, where a wed•• the wonder is 1*;w it happened that s OUR LOSS IS YOUR GAIN AND THIS ISA REAL SLAUGHTER OF PRICES
• ding iveeption wast held in honor of Wr UDYIN EI,AII&H K1.011I1 six such attractive ladies should still i
I� of ,pondelrfu desl:ns , her sister end husband, Mr. send Mrs, , Reeve if Hay Township, Elected last be able to qualify in that clas,. Per. .
I)lck McQuillan. has the most interesting featur of
. >l 'txllarins at vel'y' �.,.. •,--..-.- .. week an Warden of Huron +count . the evening was the violin eontes� in !a�ee>C>rii`11>��>CeerS TQC�tyra Thursday,
mocfertrtte r�ccs - PUtt Af tBrFRT ,� HayA ve-Y -,' .,
. Rev. Rin Iter r.•
_.. 1 1 1 1 .. , . >, ;. ` +p „ .... ...len which
and lVir.....bram :Culbert, were.
Riiss ivaslell Iiuy rs vial Ing. rwith'" lQ�►f{x.��1iNDi� the contestants. After Iistenin: 20 Vit'i....arI3El...
"Q ""`_ friends in Clinton. .
(Intended far last weak) various' selections executed by each,
! ' Dancing parties have been indiilg�d' 11188 ?Mabel Brmwn, %vha is employ- . the referees asked all three to play,! .
A p in during the past week. The British GtrenadiPre, VVo are crffcrir}g you, Barrg�tin Prices on almost every line
. S Q.� Stir cel in Croderich, spent the week -end alternately., " '� r, •'
Mr. Win. Richardson, of Detroit, I it the home of her mother, Mrs. C. x Annie Laurie and Home Sweet
Suceenaor to has been -visiting the past few weeks C". Brown, ' Home," and awarded Mr. Culbert ', of Dry Goods, Ready-Wear'.,;Qr House Purnishings
among friends and relatives. i Mrs, fhas. Agar and little daugh- i'fhrst prize, Rev, :Hays second and Air. t
lir. Thos, Cruise, the well-known ter, who had been here since the Treleaven third. Each received a r
fruit dealer, of Kincardiner was de. death of ilia iarmet's father, the late; box of chocolates. ° The proceeds IT 1S Y4UR UFf'OI�TUNfTY TQ SAVES .
l+yed in the village by car trouble. ; James Mallougli, left Etat weel. nen � ain anted to $19.40: . •
__. --. We hear that Mr. John Tigert Is their return.to their home near $as-,- A few minutes atter midnight on� '
("OLBOj,tNE among the lucky ones to have a new katoon. i Wednesday, January 26th; anyther of DO DO NOT ASK FOR CREDIT
Mn and Mrs, .C', A. Robertson ::re Fslttt� redia installed in his home. AtiBs Rlarthzt Pentland, milliner of "the pioneers of the district passed to i
kI 'iiNs Ruby Dickson, ,of the G. Ir. L, Lucknow, who has "bki±n spending the his reward, in the person of Mr. Jas..
in Taranto this week, who has been indisposed for the past ;past few weeks with her sisuer, Airs.,, Reid. Deceased was. barn in. Ireland "
Mr. and Airs. Iiaroid Allier are ea- two weeks, we are pleased to 8ay`, is :