HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-02-03, Page 7ear ed
Bevel; not le. oritanitis. Lean (to
, no east y egrets s
buoyant nlattner brought cheer to the
GODW$ &AR�--
rich and parts of neighboring town-^-
' hpr" f'Innumortalaits rapPns 14thout
incline); Iden (a legal claim), 1)is.
chit. OW"ules.
weary prisoners."
#2#2,#2#2.,., . _ _#2#2#2#2.,,.
l�li "I IMA bdatr to it:'
�r asaltllt A P061a ro-
W0141s fat thiel {l{lrtittlll : ll1,YT1I fiJOoR't lYll'Rlili �- •..- •,�..�..
T [t ______ _ ydrli f mats and watawa skould 011ow
raider ate i u whit in ply ere,tsittl >Itv*wt iiweitttled I.attt kris the advice and instruction reet�iLed i+L
� the iirurselt
Our Wookl Y
Nates, "aatttawrtq" n►satw ieiettci-
4ky---ldtu ivot Inarwky Nigkt
and continue witty their
rural activities.
IA dot
ealty gibe Nom*•
1R►erdta O ton
AUSpK'I�U8; favorable; ,"pi
bout. "T y ° an auspiciow; tinge
Friday, Jan, Mirth, rate the cunclu-
bi', of the annual Short C�� A0 in
Coursely such as these havo i vonitl
dwidedly popular in the ma,inr:ty t.t
lh' W. L. GORDONIalWlltyitails.
Aeeostt iron, not pit,
Hbovt,w, Trea►elttasee tiro o ar in
t+" bstin x
COltl't: MED; mutually anted
Agriculture and Howie rconotnics
cut to by the local Department of
A;trteulture, t'iinton. 'Isis
rural communities and whip+ their
pur•p, rte tit the di >ltetxination •,f tarsi»
N „
soft, adt its in
RIML PronWd"tt t4Wt1 tka a as +
or agr"d np". will reltutr+ con.
erred action,
cr)ttrse was well attended ng x ,,,
cultural and horsehold info.-mation,
yet the social activytties carried tin by
WW& atsm 3d;
- 110s't say "1, am ti16a4t>It�lt PD►7
a wwd of two s7tla".
Act Wt last syllable,
DOCUMENTARY. of, pert:ainiox
t0. of b6tasd upon dt:ettwwntr, They
rlar students to the number of 1n
Soya and 't0 girls dail . 13esidet:
the oromnixetd classes in after yearn
are highly important results. 1t is
iso "I Irate gtdalyti *i1ttts."
`t tt$il► "rtrkett do enittrtaituaasnx
'went 160100.
� r!'M first a as In
"he'" is pxvRierred.
prwhittS tlacwNse guilt rxidedow
APOSTATE; guilty of dtraeKine
thea#, a large numstwr of viaitora
Came to t � raiticularly in
the aftorn000ns twtske
hoped that successful Courrte.; of this
nature will he held in other 11411S a
t; ' f
was taws T we
+'with" t.
New Orleans. Accent the Or, net
ore's faith, seli�104, p4rty, or grit,
+ advantage of
the different lerturetr and dentatiKtra-.
the county during the coming wtnter+�:
is reals
We `A,Wro*W*" pooplo who aro
t6gtrals, *Itresent," a parson to a $v-
last syilabtte.
' Nerals �� ���
Pier (rnasoar ); peer :(an clival).
cipleo. false. e was apostate To
tlbo yawn of his ekurch:'
BUOYANT; kay.tg t).w quality of
t '1 d "Hi
Thursday evening, Jan. 274th, a
banquet wan held in the new Com-
A ,IIACON Hops FA1R FOR Ilt, RO.-4
All )tog raisers in [`olbo t' ill
THURSDAY, ]flex, lard. 10#27
t :
.Regi say yarn InhImerable nuns-
Bevel; not le. oritanitis. Lean (to
, no east y egrets s
buoyant nlattner brought cheer to the
munity hall at Blyth, at which all of
rich and parts of neighboring town-^-
' hpr" f'Innumortalaits rapPns 14thout
incline); Iden (a legal claim), 1)is.
chit. OW"ules.
weary prisoners."
#2#2,#2#2.,., . _ _#2#2#2#2.,,.
the members of the classes and those
instrumental in malting the Course a
ships should be interested in the pro.
Posed BAeon 11og Fair to by held in
a $wine Fait. As one of '� ilo leading
counties in hog production, an indus-
W. G. Reed, patt'olntan. $,x6.04; Jno.
'liilpatriek, salary $12.60, attldsivi. 0,
A see, consent, adroit, caro 1 ,con-
a¢ P y
Et. S. Nott GM10tieM
success present. The xuest of
honor, liar. Harry J. Iatidlaw, of
Bram(iton, Ontario,
Apt, 1, The At�riculturat Repro len.
taiive, G. R, Paterson, has )utlined
try worth $:';ott0.t100 annually to tile
cgunty, it would appear to Ile high
;13,tW; Win., Clare, see'y ;T, ti. two. 9.
balance collected on debenture $119.38;
! 1 Q • wel carr, Parod&coedy, ri"tt> e, !fleece.
• • • Parody, ssriattture; Yi+ityr IW-
The following is tho school report
� � d. No, I, go*rich, for the
gave'..n,,vt=ry. in•
terestiat address. lite subject,
'.What tho Jrnior Farmers' A,;sAkla-
the ntunporae of a fair of thiv nature
t., tht• membertt"of the {albttt•no) IPa.
con Hots Club -the
tiiHIP that a Bacot! Hog Fair was er.
Robt. Dvrnlu, sheep claire, 425; Rich.
and Johnston, 'salary,school attend.
. - �
tatt", eittV*vX XwN, - r1e>ztlue...,,_....
. months a# D outlier and- January.
tion -Has 13one'for Me, to
and Colborne Farm-
f lub._ ......... _ .._._. #2._#2 - __ .._....err'
doubt, tile° to rrutity of fartners
ante oAl4r. $12; 1)r. A. A. Sim ion r
"I felt aitttgileh, drowsy atttii wotik,
Arrange, .*xppt. clsss4fy, group,
array, adjust, collocate.
Honors 7t,Vct Pass id0("F. Sr; 1V,
painted nut
the members of the beth clamev just
A goodly number of •1lacotl frog
interestc+tt in Fit least one .Ir more
Fill Fairs. 'Their interest rung high
, ...- ..•:11.11
sttlat� Ito; {);`ltralth' 1W;`Jl�t: 1
plow, points, $2.75. pn motinRti of
A friend s tested Viral. Now I
Pm flt, pr000etla, 1Mt<'Iti tB, retur>a:t.
Isabel McMichael, 91%1 lRernice
Moore, 7111 �'layton iaithwaite, 74.
how the Short Courses, judging corn.
petitions `and debating and literary
Fairs are held annual) in the Pte
wince. They
in the shown t,f hortsts and cattle,
6 y
Sullivan and Anderson the retolution
Ane al�d ve wined II poattda.
IL Bailey. s vary FIRST
gain. Jr. IV. ---Margaret Fry, 81; Joe Dal.
header, master, chief, chleftaiu,,
societies, features of the Junior
are promoted by
Ontario and Dominion Live ttock
ientdon should br g trii ,id Mon,
government grant was dubs pats.
sed, On motion of Sullivan a i
u an Fit An-
week you take Vinol, y6u begin to
captain, commander, ruler, king.
ton, 79; Marion Lamprey, 75: Orville
Oke 83 Phil Blasett, $I. IIL�-fiat-
Farmers' Association in Peel County,
helped the speaker in not only his
►? Pe y
branches in cooneratiolt whit the
Agricultural Representative. °
try nu'aning so much to the farmers
of the i1'e
derson couneit deep t
ted to purchase
feel stronger, eat and, ,leap.
Fat over 85 years, thls simple, stren-
Bigotry, dntaleraws, f4nxttclani,
credulity, auperstitiont extrnv$Ilfant
vey Ml;Michael, 06t Rverott Craddock,
69; Thelma Pry, 64; Ted McMichael,
agricultural Activities but itis sacdal
life, His
are purely swine shows and have ice-
cotmty. would ,°ug�p
that you get, your pigs in sbalm for
y, 000 feet bridge plank. On nlntioll
of Anderson and It eNonxie, council
jr thening'iran avid cod liver compound
has been helping nervous, run-down
zeal. s
Wort[ study
.604' II,. Arthur Hicks, 68. Sr. I.—•
talk was well received by
all members and highly contplinteu-
e ,me exceedingly popular ill moot ill.
stances and are serving as a means of
the coming Fair. 'There will be ela;'-
ses for different ages of breeding
adjourned to meet Feb. 14th at I p,m''
C. E, McDONA(ill, Clerk.
children tired stent, and ppaale, sickly
children. Cont>}lns no oil—pleasant
"Use a word three times and it, IF
McMichael 73. Sr. Pr. --Ruby tart' remarks were heard regarding
McMichael, 64. fir. Pr.---Metty Fry, it. e
pointing out bacon type both in mar.
ket has and breeding stock. They
stock both sows Find itt.tu.t; sixicial
for pairs and rctts•'of finish[Q
to take. e.•
voure," Let us inprgafle our vocabu
lacy by mastering owword each day.
Gladys Tarrant, Valeir Craddock, Dr. Milne, Reeve of Blyth, in reply-
Ada Farrant, Arthur McMichael, ing to the toast to the guests, pointed
Nagel Manse,
also, to home extent. form it medium
of exthartre of good breediaz stock,
.classes I ,
market holt, will feature Lha show;
demonstrations in grading and ;discus.
out a few Important reasons why the
co fat -116 yon County has not
market n ylwill'bt anti,
A Noted Doctor Strongly Fsador.tes
llnwg,l eCediI
Kt i I'd i�
1)r XV. Ili 1'i k 'd 1
FREElir 100 In Cash Pdff, 5 ��
Tire Mail ,tad Empire's $7,000 Gold Mine Offers $3,000 For You
,sal wilt • slkare ill $7,000.00. '111e greatest game on amok arrives to -day. ' For every [man and woman and child who is nota careless dreamer..
wiiw really wauis to sttteseed and has the will to do it The Mail alnd,Einpire offers tt chance to share in $7,000.00: , Dere is the greatest gold
MW* of tkestlt all, toe gremest chance at lrielww that ever came, the finest otter ever glade, FOR SI51PLY FINDING 11C.W611DS" IN THE SIMPLEST
HOW Many Objects Beginning' With the:Letter " 'C" Can: You Find- in .This Picture ? ,
There Is no catch In It. q hare la noth:ns Yard ,to' do, 'i hereIa nothing to r:ak,, And - can find. We publish this picture to -day' -only to start you, on your road to riches.
there is Ores thousand dollars to win, Turn to the pioture below, Within Its borders It Is a largo picture. All the objects starting vtfth "tV" are there and, easy to find. And
sx--i a, nl;mb*r of obje;te a#A-orticl•s, the names of which 4egin with the letter "(•". that Is•tho key to -the BF:Y):1•'1H�1'd4'�1)-I)Ql,i.�It 00111) MINE:,
You 'VKIII' And 40sort$ of tMtngs that Ltw'n with the letter '41" --there is a "Cat", T•'ift>r casli, prizes yiil be stven for the 50 best lists of words submitted In drawer to
there ts'ai "Cow's, there to a '•t'rgm", a "Galt" and a "Clker", and "Cabbage", 'etc, this puasle. The answer having the largest and nearest correct list of 4iribla ii4jeets
Irani pf''thsm are bard tet find, Prone of them are upusual words. Easy words. Wait- and ar%ictes.in the picture. that start with the letter "t,"' will be awardod First Yr•ize;
lair rt�U,.
.othis pat• with 17.400 turfed in then[ ready for You. [tee how many you! second best., Second Prise; etc, -
�,.-' . X4__.1 � .✓`�`�`^--. -
Choose Then
Wi,. h.
4811f__.-..�• Start
Cw i1111110 Your.
CROCrlRi� of
it C
� +
,� - - - ........- That
R. ...: ........ .
>r •
,.,,-:•� 6sh
.:.....:..igen �,
� ` e
Away. fi Prize
y d
71be $r0%t"t,oymrtuvity of your life is wbat r)h'e Nall And Empire is of oir9ng you in this Picture Puzsl• (lame
to "�Iay•aMd leark" WWI* serving a big wadi prlse. You can't help enjoying the hunt .for 1C'W'orda'' in this. Ph fS a1 tie Mill, Evot1 1 -Word" Pidwo. PIM19 Gid:'
"Stt6rt 2'1ua1«; �►11 you 444d' is an' obsgrrlpt age. L4V$ All ,join in and have a folly good 'time. • Give Xary ,a
I*0401 t attl' ffobb a peaotl and the wito J► TYYii)Z a:BY itCI;K WORDS
YUl W -T t8w. a TU t'N11C A �t►
y , ,peIIUl, and the oldest a pencil. ]take It a:Aroma. 13•e who can ttNAT wUltUri KU`r'TO tN6C.
t110,0wlet "e -'Mortis" in tea winutes. ' You`ll find it's fun. Tt's ,easy to do, it'■ educatior4l, `ft's amusing, and 1. Any roan; woman ar thud whu• Phot In t•anada, a,rd..lr nut
WA *000 Ti "Id THOLT4,&ND 1X)1..L1•IttS, a ra"dent-at Toeuntc, µrd who it ratan tike rniploy of The ':iat
' and lainirtm or a uwmber of an en,ptoye's family, iday, )10,111t an
answer. It costs.vtthblrr to try.
Whest you bar* mato up your list of "C -Words" send it in along with one or three yearly subscriptions to The x. Prrxe winners to ruriner yluturr yusale garuar c„nduttad I;Y
btail 041t>b The 1,1&11.and P:rpptr* wlnaing $1100.00 ur n:vie are not ritttlbi* to
Aire at $6.00 per year oaeh pis 0,00 if doily trod in Hamilton or London, which. will qualllfy your participate to tats puxieW
tl04wor 114W tko ]ftt�' Cash Prisoo to bar awllyderl prnlnptiy after the close of the Pusals Ciatne, MarcYt fat,
a. Au +pr �j: .g`'a�j„ ��'�er, Rooma'Wa7lia�ili i w:170t+rvl�%:;
90 + ASS jr-AMI' E How Prizes Will Bye Awarded #' -►i IMtr of suras ahuutd ba wtlttrn un our aide of the payer
only, 11114 words auno' d conarcutively t. S, b, etv. /Vrlta )vur
fu11 name and rldrarr on ",If page Fir too upper rlgtlt•hauQ o,nrer
The "C -Word" Picture Puzzle Game lit n Cam i If you dealr* to write auyt.,;rig etre use b repptate Inset
x Increase the Popularity of The Bradt and pa•tc s i, Only wordy thief are u,un* cununant,oll l l the t. -stat •`i••'
Y I11t11tplre. It Ct>Mts ,u rye Sound In wrWter'r :yaw int*rnat,unal Llr;ttuariy. 16:4
nothing to take part, and You, don't have to sand in a edition, will be counted. The noutio, rnuat ba the akin** ut (Mijase
$7paw"W900 CASH ' #nl»orlptlon to w1a a pylae. If your Plat df "C'•Werdg" ' la [h* pietufs, Lo scot tar obaulete wards. Ira nut ace
bypkrYatti wrrdr. Da not use evinpaund wprda ur wurQr turu.edis awarded T17rst Yrls*s by tb• Judges you well 0th i3ti.00, ►r the oonbtnation of two or raarr ca..lott5 tvrwitelt wa:dr, earh
]Meet las 1R0!+ a�11k$gla. we are snaking the following sb offer whogoby You Of wblch in Itself to the nam*, *f as object, rn, uvt use w.,do
rritl rNe%il
can rwi greater cash prises by ■odds in Out or TH,i'tllm dear ib* • csoreWs,, abstract words, cvllauutco wards, and wards
prim" aMtseiiw�t, Yerl y subscriptions to The hail an Empire. in th bid a teteWh Th* wrrdr mrrt a d t e singuitiorate abcann aabe
Walde WWI. �'-4 ° p touwhted. snail vice yormaflir plural la orad the ring mfrs uar.nu[ Lt
gaM111Me, ;,MrlweMag, u p ■■�*rr��. �p ��p/�
tris ilii, 'Aho f�Nrhthe � N!�`eIS��W��pit�IRSWH��IeAfMll1'�et� a , words of the wire kale 41 6fellt be ural mora than nate, .
avec tbnagk r t t to "Is Srtr dt ca nt ab e u Flo? Manta ub ea t
ddtlt taOnMl�. tee M ailat" *sty ous*; the o►jact so nau.ad, however. jury cuucaCr,
as use *r store of its porta other obj*cts witch n,ay alau be na "*d
1. The asawar bevies the Isreest acrd a*areet earre,t [tae at
I1! !t )f• tysa,,, ■dtaaAYh■ ■f�Y�t■t 1taAteaa 'o[ 0•fTe will Tan aMt= A*&$" Of TWbla nrsrrets o►jrcts shown In tba pletsrr 11414. 110,914
`�, ■Aaf■ ■A■ t0 1 t wiltllMd' iOgK Oglae. be the asletter "t!," with the feast or frw*st list
tnb*,r of rrrnia. w„i
7 �Vt4►�r�YV � y�l, be awsraed cyst ►slat. Thr wrond tarsNt Itat at eerMct surdas
�. it11Yil YO YI'iw0600Iikt I*.tom MK year yN ii0ea cant Wilk the loeat or fawost murnber or errors, -will ►e awarded r*tond
Am *rte �•`' �t i(Seeprtlo•, aa4 N *a tKr*urk the list until ali prise* have boon swat let.
11104 Y'*iM! -•� dd.tte lidM.!! �. 1.dN.N �• Priel. diN,N:'I"lalrrt Ii'risc. t13gY.}0r ate. Tb* srtseo wilt be dretdtd and awarded an r yarr;rrta,fr ►tel*. !t^r
secoW eolwas of" ftar +s iw MAO List.) epelred werlo will be counted as errors Nursoy+, sty;* or, har,4,'
t� lib lee de.N tIM.N 1,NM.N wtftljig have no bearing usios decldlat the wlanora.
t'tlre.......1 1d,N 1 ".06 I !+'0.00 Ins"" of 1►sd..e 10"a be g. Ally nunlbar of poop)# tory coaperate in aaswer.ng 11,*
t0lse' t 10.0 ".N SO&Ss awalr6od to the ammo, grass*. but only "ne prig* will be awarded to any ame hourah.,.d
.1` d.N dd.N IN.N wikka Aral[ nor Will loos*, ba awarded to lritr* than use of any grsrp w11*ar
1>C'lK`.. ptro• two or n:om have La#tr working together.
lles(tw. , dad ddAi 1"" $3900100Ill W 'h AIdE featly sub. fIn ea*r a tie ["still frons two I.gto tiavtng the satae maruber
..•...1 MO i CA's 1".66 stvivauast to xl+e M" _ of correct words, Ota lilt of thdaa two havlac the faw*rt wordy -
1 per rest a+arls, of iti.N wrong will strive the prat In the #vent of a tie for any prtaa
..@ s,Ad so.#$ 1#9.40 Swat F'takptre (dry Mail." dd,eil rfl*tr4, where two av more anowtro (ostaari tut writ number of
d�•d.0t1 d de.00 fN.N' par.'it It iatitrorvd It IlEtinsdtto116 4r 1aadta.a
►) ar+e Watt 1111, correct w*r4s, sad the same rirrn4#r ut, wrung words, thr fun
0 t�'d 1'x1 Owes& Prime. $1.5".00;'PbW VW". >jI.NO.N, etO. (Wee, Atna,vat of such prig* will be pa'd to cath. teed ►rrtlolpent
• ...E -. A.N + d.di 101+N thlrtd coUtaax of Atw•es to Prise Uel.) Is gtsaitfyfat for • 11, Eeboarlptlonr, b.,tl, new and renswal, pryablo In advanc*
the .NO a$ lelastt MM!' skdq' steiascrrl st $9 of si*r YeAr by n ao, ur It Ile soar rear dotivared by co -rifer
It 'Oban ehlttatt Ot Is %U dot W 1a'tee r• lbe frit seeat ., tl't'isl' p'tl+►n 11Nast tr .hay In Nuaflt4n or t,andun, WI.P bs acceptrd rtrwavrr, ;n grelPty..
#abaft$ tai '006 Vol" *A Le Pale ti cath tied + lag hir the $11,011 prtga at Pssrt one 1140' wrpertptPsn n,wt ba *est
And that's act All. We wl;l sive extra amounts on alt In, No arbncr.itfotr dor do;Pvrry Mthe I. Pty at Torvato wia b*
ateepted to aral:ly amarerr
Prizes, In tike W.10 warner. It ruuv answer is qualifted t1 Ala naw rabikraptfane wt:a lot carefrily vrrld*d by 'he
by TFISR19% yastrly sullakrlpttons and you will fourth tars:* wanrger t'rndidatos naarktur old subsoriptloes as new
prize, you wi:I lteeivs $30tt, and go forth down the prise wli) p+rltivrly NI!#a the 0:0,4A or suuh rawertpt)aa re ewnty)ag
;4L;4Llot- Ajos
'�'a"Jit��i Adtfatt0ltett is dolt astwets wiH 1#cCvo the w"e,e c*srld*rats*n rrg►rdlrat
Tvur own subser.ptlow will ttfallt, or subscriptions to of whether of nvt a *uWMIAtlon Co The ?tato and RmWo IN ,rat is
]alt s amia" ;y,,�t�it "��.•. start At seek* future dote, lust write an the ut°dor wbin I11 Tbrtr pi .oiln*at 11,,ronao , 19sens, baviag so toeareti*n
deg rOrA`• 'br abarritr-btr InyMkma- >UYer gtarttla and it wltl start Wilk 1%* styli and *o+pore• wn+ be ebpelrbd to act a ietgea !e
ytY tvaY►t [Mal ptunaIs *elect the Mlhneia and vartuipaste er rrhdjj.g Ps tks:r aasw*rs
Igo ASAAMIANiiN 1)I�• un that date, You will flat it "my to On sub'kriptloAs agr.* te'aC1rp1' OW fl#LN.<m of the judsre a Arit rod eeeetbrive
1bM ltd altltiAetti Witt WIM 4406000 0010- t" 'Ihe Mail and Iswtlrire to gwahfy your answer for tit* ri Tha jrdj:tv w. -d u.eot va itarth sad, sn,t aaaoraauorst of
above 006, Natnh 0410. $3.000 tattoo. It Ifo t+ far Me, dally newspaper the pr.se winae.s and iwteet list el wor4r w14: b* psbliebed In'
pitLifsha!d is t sAiatis.
a' y the ansa rod K; a4,„if is gvr,kww morvafter ss postibi*
Mail `lower lewa o Afbewors sail `Qsttbiif' ift +Suh6erlpao" to
J K nP„ ants a I 48
All interested nye invited to get in
touch with Mr. Paterson or members The test of Any remedy lies in its
of the Colborne -Farmers# Club exceu- acceptance and employment by the
tive in order to obtain more definite qualified medical praetioner. No
Information. In any event, Iit there less an authority than Dr. Andrea
be general interest in this proposition Amici, physician NAM Papal house -
and help place 1lurou on the tole rung hold, writing• an the AuWect of aline -
of hog production. min, impoverishment of the nervous
system and disorders attributable
thereto. '-strongly endorsee Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink drills, recomniendin;; then[
as superior to other tonics.
Dr. Atniehq testimony reads as fol
• lows :�- "'Far several years I have >
made use of Dr. Williams, Pink- Pills
in any work and I have always found
them efficacious in the treatment of
disorders due to impoverishment of
,the nervous system, anaen%4 and
"b .neurasthenia, stomach weakness, .re-
tarded development in young women,
:and Irregularities.' There is no lank
of tonic remedies, but in my experi-
once no one of them manitesti a su.,
perior etlicae'v to that of Dr. Wit.
Mims, Pink Pills."
No more conclusive eviden,,, of the
value of Dr. lviilianW Pink Pillst
i . could W, asked for or given, than is
found in the above endorsement of.
this noted European physician.. Ile -
sided this, however,•thia,-medleine, has
,7 enjoyed a world -with public conk.
dente fttr more than a third of a em -
tutu in(] hits brought relief to thou.
sands and thousands of weak and nuf-
feting 'peopl'e
WARDEN DR. P. I; 'TVH Try I7r. Williams' Pink Pills for
F•rarn The Mdveiatatt Surt we take, anaetula, rhemnatisnt. neuralgia, nor -
the following reference to Dir. PONThem rss and stomach trouble. 'Take
y them as a tonic if you are not in the
M Tye, .a former C:oilerich boy, sowas best Physical condition and cultivate
IVirs. W. D. Tye; of fawn, who vt'sta a resistance that will keep you well
lust week elected IVa den Of, our. tui- and strong. You can get hom pills
,joining_ county:: 1)r..1. I.. Tyr, reeve through any. medicine. dealer or by
of , live to)', who was elected .by Ac- "'nil at 50 cent -a box_fronL_The Dr.,
cla nktion to the Wardenshi,p of Perth `Williams' Medicine . C'o., Brockville,
County, }van corn in the
.city of Brant. {Jot.
_JmAA3..years ago, his -parents being ••�:. -
DD. educated
andsati-11feDontr}ct A Remedy for Earache. -.1b hnvo
was educatetd and brought up it the. the eariiche is to endure torture, The
CYoclellch public and 11ik•h schools and sear is 1t delicate organ and few `ca.r# .
the university of 'Toronto, inhere he to deal with it considering it. work
;,he next in medicine in II)07. For for .a doctor; Dr. 'Thomas' Velectric
the next two years of ,dill hosliital OR ofTcl-s it simple remedy. A few
work at Ottawa and Buffalo. In 19oJ drops upon a piece of lint or meth -
he came to Milverton and entered in-
tn. piutlmt'ship with the lute Dr. 1'red sated cotton and placed in the car will
Parker.. with whom he was ig5ociat• do much tit relieving pain:
ed until the latter removed to Strat- It naturally mAkes an Englishman
ford some 14. years ago. He married get his Irish up, when he finds his
Miss Edna 0. Tye, of Owen Saund, in ticotch is `:Po bad that it bring.. W€tles
.191:2 and has, a family of three .sons:'' from Ills friends.
About eight.Yeara ago he entered the
council and for tile, past four years of Wiimen look better than i6n, but
that time has been occunyiltg the of.. it man doesn't have to stay at, home
tier, of reeve, If Dr: Tye .hay tiny after lie washes his head.
hobbies thev are. horses and machin- -==—
et'y, around which he has A fa.te'llin' The ('hint ;e i ittrution
apen's to,
mrxl�e •►Fid mote calt••fot dente' lronin� ..-:. :....::::.
_11II1N'(ti'AI�.:..C�O�Tl�Ca,S out.
A, t4omlin, they say, tall see more
Ashfield sideways out of her cyt's, than her
Council met on'Jan. 10th, all mein- liusbund can looking strtikht ahead, ,
bers present; and subscribed' to the'--�
declaration anti oath of ofllce. The a "
Reeve,then addressed the council tvl" $ � u� e�, '
grrdinir matters to come before tit(
antj hoped for pleasant relations.
Minutes of December meeting read:! Days an, N��'h�
aud•on motion of Deputy Reevp C`am- , ap O
Bron and Councillor Anderson,, was r
duly approved. On motion of 'Couil- Until BIN Ute
cillois Sullivan and Anderson a ;;rant
of $10`was sent to the Children's Aid, fire Wood's
Goderich. Moved by Pepvty Reeve NO�Wiy
10imeron and • Councillor Mt Kenzit',
and resolved, that a grant of ">lo be p�110
sent to. Dungannon library. Carried,
Moved by Deputy Reeve C�anieron : Syrup
and Councillor Anderson, that the of- � yira Dow
den of 1920 be re.appoiutrd for In anis Lien L. uurpky, North
1927. An -amendment by C,',ounuilioi g h, N.M., writes. Htlats tiw'e
Sullivan and, Reeve Ifackett that a;;u 1 took a severe cold ani it
Council advertise fur i.flioers sr:tl:cd (in Tt,y iucgs.
The E I eau stied dt�y asd tai )kt sod bad
o rnation•ritrricil. Rif'. Jas. ltaydt•n lr.- 1 tach severe ' [ ,
terviewed council reLarding brolten i hardly tbepaim is tar theta I eoald
axle of his wagon. Moved by C,ornl , y
helobee piSullivan 50 nC•ar'ried. Ott Dint Il t,uttle of Dr.y a f �VOWSsd Noftay a to r►:o
titin of Cameron and Andc't'scn, the i t'rrup, uo I gat a bottle sad after I
followilir bill:: were orderrd paid : had tul,eu it u,1:j,.'e of duces lily toul(k
,Election v'Ovn;ie;;. including hallo t,;,; I.�`�Prlt•,1 tv 1,N i."trim,• )utter, so got the
0109,25: relristratiott of .birthv, oar- .'went ! Inset:, w14 after 1 Lad ttgeu
Wages and deathrr, $21.25; Inv: Ilny- � ihr,t 1 � ,,,. , ua,ph•telr . riJ (it u.v
glen, prading..14; Will, Johnsiton, t;l':t- teot.l j
vel. $5Xr; Alex. McDonald, Ir ,tvt•1, 9 t'i� ::,,•, u lwttia, large faudly size
$1.25; Jno. Menne, gravel, $1,6.5 I C ;rut tlp only lry The T. AtiltAara
Frani: Irwin, tractor on grad..:, "11: 1 Co., Limited, Toioatc, Oat.
„ Senning Money
r to Distant Points
Y013 can send ,any amount. of
looney to any point in Canada
,it a minimum of expense by usinw a
Standard hank Phoney Order. 'Thin
�atsnwM method is" the simplest, safest and
Mak mast convenient way to send remit•
t+tt�r lances by mail in the Dominion; if
Cl1'Ii the mail rC:,es astray no lois is sus.
twined. Should you desire to s.'nd
XS maney to a )stint outside the country,
a Standard Ilank Draft will nerve
your purpo3e for forwarding moncv .I .
to foreign plaerti. -
t'Dis' CRN•ADA
GODERICH DRAMat—H. I.1. Reich' 3l00W
10 a 6 A *No st Awl"**. stiolew #rad owwoo""