HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-02-03, Page 2_. __-... - _ ... ... ......... __. __ _ .. _ . _. _ -- -moo. _ , ....-.-...-...... .. .. T " � � t• . . .. I ,, PAcs S1Y(? }'i C4D kICH STAR�•. ~ 0-0THURSDAY, FEIN 3rd. it." 0 ....-- _ - .- T"gk amd Dotmp► grain , Tko proislsma of tough and damp! OTTIr s • od tito s'r'.atithoroughly n l Reasawh 4ounncil� Accept No fe� i ■ e CNet Thin in ,f Canada. Tse Dominion Research Laboratory at K9nnilwir sod the three i Prairie t�t�ivsraitiea will co -a rate �, ' he oH.u ti. ?+airy. the i'rc:rsuch, raid'! of V MEN'S TAILORING br eiouii.d i! rsatazch of such mag 'niUW* bad ever heretofore been un-. 4RANG . WEAR , - ' - � dsrta 0 r Canada. t I �a" "�' ,no MAIN t,)t.tarb'a Gt►ld Pralrtetfun � ,,� A reesnt statement shows that th► .. 11, X • :"., Value of ploki pradurtion Tram the + . F miner of :�ortiwrn Ontario during IWOwas $31,168,617, an Increase of l oda 07$ steer the output in the earl•. CHAS,, BLACK ennder year 1925. � "a Immigration Marti T A ' Immigrants Jo Vanada for the 1 The Leading Tailoring and Menas-Smart year 1926 numbered 135,99 1, com- IlitC>►!2Qslt A 1��lCi. Cf1C#►.T3C p4`>t'2 �. pitied with 84,907 for 1925, an fn-, — ,..._..- -^ 'Gliear ;, -, crease of xixty per cent. Zvi • num.' 11 } { her from Britain was 48,813; from j EDU%,1111 ON IN HURON C j� Ptorte 21� —» North Sidd .� u_ ara.tho Unitod States 20,944,ani fromi Ot1.f y . I other countries, 86,20.1, 1_ N.. - " r made in many sections. efficiency of the rural schools by the I J . fn,'Tt#wrship Boards of Trustees Would Increilse Efficiency Additions amounting to a large establishment of township borrrde, of Rural Schools and Be n Mcided Imtprovemettit mune were made in most schools, in the winter agricultural and nig t cbaxaex 1 matter of charts, geographical, his- fn. rural districts, but it hall not ,net �: torleal and agricultural; $400 Was with much encouragement frim those i . . spent on libraries In the rural schools mooch intterested. the meantfrire h on which rants of $164.60 h - we been p cress has been made under . u_.., _ _.._ - ., .. , .. _� ,- "• . •.- .. r a Say ectors +o a and ��ald �n Repo is '. , , t . pard' the present total value of•such .the conditions that now exist.,.. m • Ib.arfes is $7,00. 1 ore is n;thing repulsive in -Mil- _ Tax Rated Would Be the' Sa me for Eisch Section in the There are :rt present 11 t chgrs ler s Worm Powders, and they axe as 11 I- Iwith first-class certificates; 14, with I PCv= l se;nnd class eer#ifrcates and one with pleasant pleasant to take as. sugar, so that Township for Sohool• Purpotia#. few children wail •refusii them. In "A .Rr" Gli#tiN, - . ► a kindergarten• certificate. First-. some cases they cause vomiting class teachers have little' preference_hrough their action in err unsound k y ` in the world leas been found by Pro- I � The following are the reports of. tion De artment free of cast. I eg- with trustees over second•class `ti:acti-' Boys for Canadian 1 seine fessor 5, Langdon while conducting p stomach, but this is only a manifests r Weld the � l ,r'; Inspectors Toni and Field on the con- islativ@' grants on teachers salaries, ers, aithauglr the Education Depart• tion of their cleansing power, no indi The Federal Government, accord- excavat#ons for Iierbert !d and e , *,.: o i t ,.: � dation of education in West srid East certi#icates seed experience will be ment encourages their employment I cation that they are hurtful. They. . inlr to Hon. Robert bark,, will make Field Museum (Chicago) k:xpediti n , , C Huron respectively, submitted to the .raid in 1927 as they were paid in re by ,providing .larger: grants. Ail the � o . I a harant tlf $;i0 fc x every #nimi rant at Jtmdet Naar, 17 males northeast , .. ., 1.< . Januar session of the Huron count fent years. The total amount of the new teachers with onl one ar two ran be thoroughly depended upon .o . • i boy brought from Great Britain.. by of Kish. The discovery confirms the a '1( Council a ssiaa this week in Gods Le,gislative grants t'o the Public eXet tions are oin creditable work,' clear warms from the system. . the various Provincial Governments, theory long accepted by the historical "" �. , rich. a Schools of West Huron (not including I du not think- hat there are more; JOg gttTN •A E 4T:A '^ . j , most of whom have, already signified botanist that lllesapatamra #s t:re ort- ` WIEST HURON � unemployed sinal home of bxeadmakintx rvhentd. E the grants far agriculture, household urrein la ed teachers this `Term than . . their to•o)ieration. The work ax this � science, etc., was $84,183.84 for 32,. tcsere were last Year; :most of ..11enl , Immigration Department. in recent Wheat can therefore be. dated at To the Warden and members of R i For 1920 these grants amounted to: have been absorbed in other-otcupa- ��. years has proved that it is much errs- about 3600 B.C. ;. Huron Council: $82,571.90. The Goderich C. I,,. Exe- trans, I ier to .get British boys ,than adults. Perpetual Motion R Gentlemen -4n. accordance ,with ter 1 �S., Hensalt C. S. and the rural in the tafarth High School En- r Every year, according to the+ Britisit 'turf 1 inventor has inverltcc ; the statute I have the honor to sub= fifth classes are doing excellent work trance centre which a nsists of out-' rl Q1. census, $40,004' bays leave sclrOoI, Of clock which is based h an the rein mit my report ons the public schools for the pupils that continue at school a Spe; clal Cl@a _ n p posts at Brussels, iFthel and ;Manley, . ,this total about 604,404 end, avor to r I RT. HON. W. C. BRIDGEMA,N . West Huron for 1920. after passing the- Hic'h. Se;taol Fn- there were 145 candidates; of these cf le of tlrcrniometer nrechanisrn and Men's �,btairi euiploynrerit in indus,.try turd Worked by variations of temperature, First Lord' tlf the Britfah Admiralty,. Attendance trance examinatian. Ali lire schools; 97 passed. of 'wham 24 took honors . I . the oth6s eontimte their education in: A difference of two de zees Bail is i who is responsible for the action of The total number of pupils onrolled in this inspectorate; were visited twice and 48 failed. In the Clinton centre, -the higher- schools, Each Province «utfi teat to ensure a feet a P alalic . � the British Government lit sending a � in the 09 rural schools in 1926 was 'dartos 1920, i which includes. Blyth, 103 wrot6� 71 : coning into the scheme inuat set up {{ Theclock-winds u iitself, and can lar2•o naval force to tlie defence 2,866, and in x925 was 2,820. The I am, yours, faithfully, passed, of wham ]1 took houses, and , rk s� „„ and equip a training form. for the I continue ,uarkfirg i definitely rvlthout Shanghai,, China. four 'urban seeti6as had a total en- J. ELGIN TOM• t 32 fa.%ed. 'In the Wingham centre,' qli These s o br used as 1 i . boys. Tllc C form are t u c l stopping. Tlra model' was. tesred dor- 1 rallment a# 1,02' #n 1926 and 1,001 lit EAST HURON j which includes Wr xeter and Faxrt- I assembly stations. The boyca will be, In one year was not touehed b hum- y 1925: The ;total aggregate :attend- t with; there were 98 'candidates, Si ' >3 y Y, I New Settlers, fax Cana la brought direct to the faints• land will a lea dur'n h tiitle an r -til ante of the 'ural nits ruse 3y3.403 'Ta the Warden 'and. Members of the rase , .of ,vhom .22 teak honors .and . o ' be ;gradually distributed ainon� the n reds i x that , 1 s l t 1t'ith the approach of spring and pupils Huron County Council: t 1 a� i, l ofnrt: 'Thus the problem of per ire •t a and of the uxbau pupils 16$,12•l. Tlie _ 4 f rigid. .The a rthmetic papers are ,n Sher#s farmers, as opportunities accui. A teal pati n ala s Iv a, the season of emixration, Britfah ra- total possible attendance of rural u- Gentleme><t, «-Iii accordance with at present less difficult and more prat- : bay might be on a farm anywhere 1 a y ler a e pees .tire dixcussing Canada ad.Abo fIs v s 407.2$ a r -ate attend the regulations.of the Department of tical than formerl but candidates . front .two weeks to a year. depending Record Butter Output. land of opportunity. ,Accordinta to an 'e rand f he 9 r a l ou pupils 1 4.199 Education, I am submitting •he�rew•ith find much trouble yin. re grin for the lines, this is to, be an important c• , a t u b, n, p i? fi , my re p B i �rppp lots aptness .far farm rvorlt and Creamery butter productfan ial the The ereenta a attend ace of rural port' of the condition. of eduea- a examinations fn British and' Can- tFlannel War the demand from farmers. Pi Province of Sttnkatclptewan in 1920 to- :gear in the development of Canada,1 p _ a tion in the public schools of the in- ' t}i 5 Dozen .Men s k . 1.�� far It will .see. celebrations through- pupils was 82,6 per cent! and of the s ectorate 'of East H n or' a 't►dfanhistory. S arts i dark re and . Electricity . in,,Britain tailed 16,632,706 Bounds, An inereasa g pupils ir. ,� ill f th At the Departmental examinations h n grey . y ' I urban u ils 90,7 per cent.' I, of 'G8G,532 pounds . over 19'5.' :Thu out the i)aminitln of the dfantanx3 job- t , year .29�G. tat Bl lx 24 candidates wrote air the { khaki. Re , gal les . . The great coal strike has caused value e r ant r butter output ilea of the Confederatfan at a .bine Teachers; Pertifieates,. $ataries, Eta.. Yours'res ectfull ► � di s . . a ue of the Creamery e y utte tput I y, Middlo School examinations, at Bru i British dden to maks then,- last year was$5,488,812,an. average when many factors indicate the great In, the fain urburi sections theca . 4OHN X. FIELD. 1 I u to 2.% Clem' sPlvrs .as independent of tool as pas- y o the The e- (are 26 tea her bean 22 women and Du o decreased eels 24, at Eordwich ; 7 and At 1>Vxax- . P • , , of 33 cents, per pound. The total vas: prosperity of country... i e Tel a s, g e t d• e d attendance' #n the, r 2 i i sable. Vast rlcctrifrcatron :i.hemes m graph h says: s: "Ste s are hem to en three men,. holding three first class. , Fordwich and Win li `1 blit etc 2, .at Cltntan .- 3 wrote on the t • ing ou,t at i 9`j the •lie of all dairy products in :,-,kat- 8 B Y p 3 k g g . au. public ..:.arxlddla-.:and_ 64 : n..tli ...0 e; _. lid are to b t�tarted during 1 .7, to move over the Alt otic from this certificates, 21 seconrl:class and ono' schools there zs one loss t all �x x o e pp , sc nl .,-_..._. - _.--:_._ ;1.. :.:......__-_-- London 1,rejects alone costing $' 00.- { chewan. in 1926 was $20738,812, ' Can a. 3 ' , . e h, » at Seafor th 86 on the rn.udle and 72 -, . � 9 • I adians.cat 'more butter than the peo- countty no fewer than S,OOQ fanlikee, kindergarten. The rural sections had each, this leaves in the rnspectortrt. - tp •27 TiS;1 i ' any parts ' sthd co ,rail on the upper, at Wingham 70 ort the , pie of any' other country, The. per who rvibT travel at what _'tire, in the 94 women and X7 -men, with.' 18' first for the. past;:, term .118. tettchei;s -as ; xisC in along parts of the country. . . , li ht'of normal ch r e nidi lously class and 93 -second' -class certificates,' against 120 'Previously. I have no4 middle and 5S on the upper. Ttnti all sizes ... . . Fxfatintr stations will be extended and capita eansunlptian� in Can- I iraz4 tz. rl � s, cu . , . , , , , . p . , y , fees for the above examinations . .. , been used at 2•r sands. In tiro la,v fares. The r ate' to IIalixax,. St, The Sue urban prrncrpals . receir a an treed a further decline r:r ;atttendanCe • , .� = fnAny beg factories electrified. r , B John or Quebec, "I% only 0 with a averse salax of 440 and the 20 : in several rural schools, on having amounted l $2,500. - -�•rI. Lnited. States it is,i7 pouridb.: 4 , y $1 , g y. � > , _ Pulp and Pit er Industry < w hf her char ' . s i to is a '' avera a of 1012.60. and tw '1 a d �a a g.t." , he total grant paid on equipment . '. p p d s Mixed Farming nn. Nest ! g. get of cc►urse, for Winne a s a ri 2! , yr o pnpl s. n nether four, and accommodation b the "Ontario Melt's.Grey Flannelette e t The owth of ail ;branches 'af • see, Calgary, and, dthex,: inland towns. "The 99 rural ,prihelosls average sal- the waste is abv`Yaus; no rerrredy Y. . ` ith., it yr rX .to..tnaking ,the, supl ly • . b"x Government for. the past • Year was learin out a ot•, ,good continuous, the ':Canaditut I dairying in Western Canada to re- j and children ;,rider seventeen. Years of arts , ,;94.6, and .the :12 rural, assist- seems -variable. . 5lrirta, c g t r rnoP arr> carried frew. Th se offers ants"' averts e' solar is 925. The T a.,n w schools were.'bu#ll this ffi9f31.5$ and an salaries and certifi- , Pulp, land. Pa er Association has.tcath-. ceiit .years, has been. phenomenal, .In e g $ �e ,• _ _ _ ... , , _ «. - _ .. _ I. _ .. p i h output f butt,, in ,vlrrch the en -operation, of tl r Gov- teachers were faithful and diligent in yeart�',one. in S. S .No._9, 11Zo1{rllop, Caths, $27,673.50,if.the latter sunt • C P oY r ed a new laboratory to be estnb 1,00 the tatt•1 a tp t o i li. .. ,Gre t :received• 53.054.-Ila,uick.$4. 5C . r. , . rr nttn t t t w a .. ei - _: e. -ai d., . kart , _S .'-.N ..11 T , .y; ... 1 fished at the lc rl nig .Ile- :llanitolia Saskatchewan a cl Albcrttt n_ n of. h n tnurrtry_ ith what of. the, performance f.th r duties.. Th r. 0 4a o , uxtheist, ,-.. •-- --- ,___ =:-. . i4 G, l U etsnt,y, , ... ... ,_ 1r w. Ii(i, .Huhet£ $3.130. •McKiho 32;610, Est i o was less than. S 040 0 sands. .8 ?Canada, bnd the• suppazt of •the ship- ailacrpline,. manaiement and• • proms the school rn Na,. 3.Gxe ,••••attar tom-' -= s"-"; iseiticir irtfi p'e rinenttel work to be e > , OQ p Y r Mori -N . $2.A61.b0�' Tuckersmith ' SB,- ..: .. . .� c - e i 1930 it is e t d h dot tan a ilial; . and railwAy' • eGntlit<nies have . Tress of the puliiis have; been grata» pletety .'remodelled. They are ., all ondufted thea will have In view tlrc' xpeo e t e pio , t : ,647.50'.. and .'Turnberr $2 490: The a a ' •tui 1 a lr 10 00004 ounds barns- : made• possibly.. constitute .a tr-iumpli,, ymLr with few exceptions. They are built on: modern.-plans'and represent Y , : filen s ,Fane Shirts, 'Clearing afegu tdint; aft the pulp ntrcl paper, 1 xe c �0, O pvillages of Blvth:33russeis and Wrox- • R In concerted°'arwtton.for the ieneaura' r �'1 not only #ntcrested • in their ,schools . the 'best in comfort and aPPearanre... , irilrstry'. with .a view to its perntan- trs`an the Canadian prairie leave ells , ,, t6 r y titer received ,$1,040,,$800 and 6 .0 ..0..r ` e 1i tat h !far stn a o e'is - anent of'nt#gration. .. but a}so take a'fl�tle interest in all S, S..1Vo:."11, Turaberryt has a section., ,8 0 out' at ares zed h w ta; n g .l n nob, iespectivelY together with equipment 1. as rofitabie as neared. tarinin and r ' V ,that w#it benefit `the coiiimunity assessment of •only $55,000 and' yet r�, ,. . Alberta Schools p g After the" ate,.Slacker * slants et £RR. S3$, and 52:, Tho A -- -- _._ s_lara did far_rts lsfldren w}ta _. . r L' Q� .,(a5 BdE� , '1.7 . „.. _ - _ "- Albekbi -s lui6i` aes-tion —tv conro a ere -the trenchant xemakl: of Cco. Ail' Mkt tar; ai:I` or ce �. fi1;0 a `f�nahip l3okrds ,of . Txashas Totivns of CilAtom grid Seafortli re- • �� � `i' c q iV. Spence, . ;tX,P. for Maple Creek, ,: 1, n n „ to n issued t few seettons with more ,than three , k,cfrire the-, Su rime Court . of Canada , a gross inenmo. of 38.004. Neil be im- In . lit Second Letter" sued ky he corked grants on .salaries, slid certifi- r �- p }}Saskatchewan, ,who said recentl r, „. ,, times: that assessment withhold from sane time in February, in thct form. „ y+ posed oil th- i tote -slacker at the Ministr r of Education, rekardrng the' have •r. sates of 42,440 and $1,212.50 respect- `' ' " . t God pity the cowless sowl-_%,, hen- „ darn 14fWe schools e e had thea of n question concerning the right c.f . „ � i next nresndenttal cilectian in th;, IIn- � "Bill' to establish ...Township Boards, dark�� Ash walls and ceilings slated fvetv:. and ant*i»anent grants �!i 3$7 Robins the" Dominion Pariis heat •o make less farm, 1 iced Stntrs that•is, if Senator Cir- of Trustees. for. Rural Schools,,, the u a - g p and $78. Winghaiu does not pat•tiei= dt:ring•the past year, or two so as to I Ieimanc»t ,the .system of s� bate r ^r, of Kansas, has his sway. 1 following changes are proposed: nate'in throe eran't. as fts o uLitian ; .. 1i 5. P• ('.targe Xoung s Revenue P- p li school$ which was: in existence w,lien 1' 1st, in •townshi s having .more .than improve. the hghting ,and general ,M . William, WrIl ley, Ji., staies that ! Rumper Wheat Crop. B cheerfulness; other rmpxovem.nts to ?s in excess of 2;040, Alberta b.eame a Province in 190 i. ; , i' o t.o u lr O taw Ca �� u» t to t . ten sections: there shall . be two .or the buiIdin s and rounds were also The •Government would increase the { c or ger . err rg•, the ,'Poi n y o t , t a, nada F• a co pu a g 2 . .1. __ The First Wheat ' who won the Catalina: swim will ninko'' tion of the 1926 wheat' production, Ili more Boards of Trustees, riot exceed- i , Ing ten members each. 2nd, ]Each — - -'- . (}.,c of the old.st ear}lples.oi wheat near $100,000 out .of jus exploit, t CaltAda shares this total. yrtld was ' t. 4 a 1 o 406 60 00 shcli from 92 '168 440 , school section sball have its own "rep- s,:... ..,,._ W ;..: 1 c ung is makm2 81st) 0 d, v out # ,2 ,O bu , , awn h' Bo r . , L - �.._.._.._.. _. _>-., _= r reserrtatire on the T s rp a d. _ publr�-nprietrtncoss,= arlcl-lies-w2fi,.n es,_csiml►recl st+itll .116 COQ: bu �, . - t hrd � The-elaraase�-prorfiling €oar ip,13. - _.� - , 11 .. 044 l,rrzc money:is intact. Tho anon steels franc 21,!172,732 Beres in id2,i. ; - - - _ :, REA .. t , ,, ,• . ?meat of trustees; to be struck out, or Kim ea` is to b. put its tvust, the iiiother to Last years clop was the tbtrd large . _ I .. n si 4e7 Vr t . to be r,tutio optional .,rl t is pail of I draw :. interest until she dies,. ar:cl est o» tecard, the greatest lleini tor. torvnshi o rovide for such ltal'- ' ��++++ Gearl;e, tat get interest 'until. he :fs.{ 1923:when it was 474,199,000 bushels, j the B t p trstabllsl rw ``.1 , . -.. ,•,..,.. ............ ' itis forty, when he fn to get the principal.'+The average yield per acre i>x Canada mint. 4th, The tax rate to alae f 1., .. ,­. T .....,..... , l w eat in `1910 was 17.3 bush- same %r school 'purposes far each 1. fori... all,....._h............... : _ ,..:.. u l ti It i rid . i. a . -. ,. t i i cellon. ......... . ......... ..:..... _ O 5 � ran .� Uh rt , , els, as compared with 18,7 bushels in ..rtron rn the ttlwnsh p CAPITAL . . . :. . . ............. 6 ao. Tho British war cloud oke,' 183& and with 17,6`bttaheln i» the ani ... School hates.' A inst.lti #rt Stomach '1� fib China,, which was , never :n reality' nual avers a fox the four years •1922.1 . In the ipspectobate of 'West Huron • : REST and UNDIVIDED PROFS � ^684,ti6 11'arns iia op e t very .dark, is ,dfsa peering r'.�p?a'ly, i 24. Por f l wheat, tt;r3 aVeragc yield `tf►ere ere `J8 ritrtil • seciinns, haviirg . , ,""^ r_ ti '`� ,Artiocisl Diets rats p i _ :, _ 7 TO'T'AL ASS�"I'S IN MESS OF . 750 000,coo . <� - a Sir .. Atisten Chamberlain, ,Foreign per acre' err 1926 ins 26•.6 hushels, as 294 trustees. The bill, with the Pro;- ' r;j . Secretary. i a speech this week stat- { comp -red' with 30 bushels in 1925 and :haat people' -who suffer, <rthPr:. ar Y t< Be , . p . rasionall or' 'chronically lrtinl : gas, ed that the. demand for treaty revis- _•26,7 bushels the .tour year average. y. Y g , r r u average fo r P n o Insistent, and was t the a er •e ' r, • t nn had b ,cat e s n t, id For spring whets a ., ra ua area and Indigestion, have naw p R i, M ditcailtinued disagreeable. diet,, pat- fundamentally so reasonable- that 1926 was 1,,Ci bushels, tis compared int' foods and the 'ase of harmful "we must try to negotiate this change I with 18.4 bushels in, 1025 and 274 I drugs,, xtamach tonics, medicines end with the, contending government.{ in a; bushels the four year .avera2•a. - artiffclal digestants, anti instead, fol- vortex of civil war." The proposals 's`• More Elevators . . )oveing the advice so often.given in offered virtually cover everything de-; At least one hundred rain eleva• these• columns, take a teaspefonful ars manded by.'Canton and are, briefly t tors are to be acquired by the Alberta ` two tablets of Hisurated Maivnegia fir (1) To rermit modern Chinese courts Wheat. Pool this year, either by .pox- . 0 little water after heals' with'the it. to deal -with cases involving the Bri- evator or the suit- 'that their stomach, no longer fish. �f2) To apply in Rritrgh courts' ch1 d � existing ea About $1,2x0,- . in China existing modern Chinese i t t tr x n o tvtublra Them, hex lir njoyr... to. eat ata ' filrll ''AT' i" eoinmexriat"cot es. �'o a 00(k hale -beta .voted tar .this purponc: i they please -fid they enjoy mach bet ( ) ?' At present the Alberta Wheat fool' tor hrslth. 7hnsi< w n t4e isutatrdmakr British subjects liable to pay .. , owns and operates 42 .grata elevai:arb, regular -s ul r Chinese taxation. of ntrvoly Magnesia tr e t � n . is neve dread t • "Via" In r d r cl t a. , c he a n leh . (of meal flare because thrv,In %v this ins~ cuacrinimation anainst :the Urf- The Fla, ho rope . 'sural oh Nt'antI.*eid and fond eorrM•t. fish (d) To enter i"toloi,nl arrange.- A "Cin" epidemiL�, though wild ih . ive.. which can b!: obtained from tiny mPr+a ai•eordinq to •tho Wirtu•ular c it ?form, compared with that which rag- rood thutr store. will instantly* ner<'1•n- eumetances of ench port. oithor for °ed during the Great "War,- has swept' lite the stomach ,seldity, sweeten t1sw ar'i'cltramation of the administration; through France, Spain, Norway, Pot - tie nendments world create 14 ,_ • � ' try- .. f trustees, 'having'98 me . , Pour townships wwild have ` s _ems" ° �: •- .. _ xd each, and five townships • t 1" �, - ,,. wo two boards,each, all aver- ,;;j even members far'each board. - '` N. ,t, ` . , (a)' the lowot and •(b) the . •s school section rates for or- :...:, x .:�, .:. - .!; . urposes arty as followst ._ " i * ,. +. (a) 1:3 mills, (b) 0:0 mails I _ i ,� r (a) 1:5 .» .'(b) 3.5 -r►. 1 a. »« (a) 1.1 " " (b) 2.9 „ i it 1,' �- ', '-N ,�t , N 1 , I ., 66 (b) li. , a - (a) .6 Cb) 7.6 ii + I tl.' , , a 'I . %!. , „ r.:.,I:,. . s :i t i 1r 5.F F )1.r ,I . �r C;. 1 a� ,� A/ r � P, .t r 1 () ,s v } O g �t wi 1 b t a ) ( t i .y ,l of artovnaeh. prevent fond fermontation.. With that of adjacent areart under r and, Roumania, ugoslavia, GrecCC# not be a decided Improvement •an our - aw! r.ithott+ th« atimbtest pain ar dig C'hineso control or for some other �.Ilulgarfa, 1•-M , The Netherlands, present methods? A number. of comfort. Try this plan y,ournelf. but mothod of harming over administi, and Switserlarid, and is now taking trustee boards have a permanent sec- . j i . be errtain to tet pure Bfsurated Map•« tion to .the Chinon" while assur oat ; its toll in the British toles. Amer!- retary-treasurer who is not a► member , i r wlia especially prepared for .stomach the Irritioth community some votes In „ can and Canadian health authoriticir of the board. All chequen are signed . use. municipal clatters. . i see no immediate dantrer to this `ran- • by the chairman and the mcret.!ry- • __ i tinent, but point out that an ounce of treasrrer. This is a urine arrange•, ',; . 1itOiAlt�1? Ol trl�IItEE."I'(JAS HE"Y MINERALIZATION and Favor" �Ganlati of cartdit o tai on . Lakes Moron Ll .. GOLD MINES, Limited. 7 -foot Vow *fta"twrl �. Ii. o* A*W at it"`otistR Sweet • go"�,+,,,,,� .,...««r..,..«...... *a My4opomh am L*6 .ice �r l J. U. C. 6 10", L hm Item i a W ► �is►bot ca NAME........ ........ ... .......... JiWRESa.......... .... .... ........ 11 . . . Ir. 11 1., l - • ., I prevention is better than a pound of { cure. The epidemic has also appear- ment. &la.ol iliortrses, Cromtads, ger. Tat lex. Noy. Loxl),S IKAxafcO.:A ANb MOUNT ROTAL . ' " *� Slat VI1 C McREbrm. Ut`r,, President' � $ 470N6lI1'a cx�rlSCyix1►'Y'I� . s ed in Japan. Tiae I'opr`s Atrprai A fine near school ,pas built in S. S. Let SagrtAlrfiJR f"aAt1Y)tJ MtitatrtitN lief. Just as sows a, y�ouar Red i Twle#trls` Irtstltmts, IMM. PeNimer Rut yft feel t}tt tinelft best. Was hold in VitttA*k st1oos), God*- I& three minutes it *An" the 41(we J rich. Im October wkh alt attsr+dawit Sao CtARLes GORbO� G.S.M. P X*h0ird w WMICOt commrrm t Fathers, huabalnds, brothers, are No. 12, Stephens complete in every re- .a et. It is a reedit to the sectitln,, Fatrtr+alu;a' AnA&m Bio. C. (�n:tttl7ON PArla,s,^ Box -ex. -.m o owAtt, BsQ. . %lp5tyt; gyQ, H. R. CitcctMrtot`m; F,�q. D. Poithrps Atmos, lt3egx appealed to by Pope Plus to help cheek what, Is held to be an irtereased the trustees and the builder's. A., neat and c-nvrnfent school was near- The l mak leas renter bans O&M in Canada, I" a f`otmtKand, Usnssai sty Me 6m; it sow L° ► �r at 13ti^i•. 1"rastce, trirh � in af[ Cauntras, arferinpl t,aorirnorai liicilitias iia alll dailtuymrsatss of Wirt. Mc2UTAsxI51t. BSQ. G. B. Ftt&"k LT. -Cot,• N6xgca'r Melees, C•M.G., 0.,C, i Artc7t lr iCerttatsAyr, lam: immodesty in women's fashions. lie• , 1, iigrous papers o! all denominations, #n completion when I visited No. 12 s Stephen, last terra, Several schools ° TBrz 14<&. Sett i osteo Gotm�, His Horrotrtc t-itrrxttx CoctcsElcrrr, Wit. y B. W. BeAxrx, , K e >;ac 1 however, are not at all Asrre:I on %ere redecorated in the bright, pleas- , K.C.M,G. y M yi SIN: Sut ARTauit CuRttw 47.C.1v{.v., K.C.D. c+ r/1}tt� .7IRW/�rr {support tlf th�p"l. _� a ins colors that are sin Inspiration to :iY Pl i iW#,it , ,'� �., y..2J..•.,;_"_;1i�.•IR� }• :�12 ..... Jia,J1s.:i�W.!'AL_ N§u • F. E. Mwtax t, Uscy, K.C. MN.-Ckm. Y"i�tsHo 1. S. C. MP,vvetlitts; C.M.Ga. ,TFtouA-. Atitl yw, 86% } Bap! s acrd teachers. re are ve. at ]. W. McC'.atvtvru, Bscr, A W. MOLSM. few clans -rooms that ars dark, dingy J'and' dismal, which dampen the �ptrits . of the occupont*. Most of the school . SM FttenerewK � ILUAMs TAYLOR, GC err! Ma"tai grounds are *ell kept, vdanv behilt V , brightened with flower Herds or win- clow boxes. Fart of work in agrieul• , LONDON COMMiTTIM tune is es" of the xroands. f!ielrstsl 11'alrttt I l-Irs CO ACK.7 •a Dtnca or Davorrxt'ft*A K.G. ((7idi*t ) Twelve lwho i fairs were helm In F. it. S. ISALVotltt, 900o- . Sat )<" iAttmfiAN lAvaa, BAttx:, X.C.& this iaspectorave in September, 1WAM When .voa are suftcting 'hith ,heli. , All wore well attended. 'lrapils, par- aim hxrdly aroand Tat lex. Noy. Loxl),S IKAxafcO.:A ANb MOUNT ROTAL malism *v ran ptct eatx 0AW t+tviters irnjtly Ow" smnvAl 'oat try Red Pepper Ruir arni you will � rratherIft, where thea, s ted a happy, have itic ilu'rckest scant knorru, � $ 470N6lI1'a cx�rlSCyix1►'Y'I� . d*V ire eorapartition titi+f rommw'nieft Nothing haw Smolt colte"wated. Molle- # wltk tkoer of other tieeti"s. testing heat as reel parer I". l"Asat re- +' Let SagrtAlrfiJR f"aAt1Y)tJ MtitatrtitN lief. Just as sows a, y�ouar Red i Twle#trls` Irtstltmts, IMM. PeNimer Rut yft feel t}tt tinelft best. Was hold in VitttA*k st1oos), God*- I& three minutes it *An" the 41(we J rich. Im October wkh alt attsr+dawit WMICOt commrrm s��,t th>ch rnuanal rhrrnt h. Frees tke I of over 130 toaeVrZ A new footore n dais is a,n Fatrtr+alu;a' AnA&m Bio. C. (�n:tttl7ON PArla,s,^ Box -ex. -.m o owAtt, BsQ. . tk•nd circulation, breaks ups tiro mesa's'• of ttrooth* watt a Tir+ttttaday taw tion -sand the old rhrwpot'istm Iona" � sanest al•raai�sd� j is am*. ` HMne tied =Tnew at Go&,". lt.,wl,t Red I'Mtrr Itiob. made from u It was hirkly approdstwi its tier The l mak leas renter bans O&M in Canada, I" a f`otmtKand, Usnssai sty Me 6m; it sow L° ► �r at 13ti^i•. 1"rastce, trirh � in af[ Cauntras, arferinpl t,aorirnorai liicilitias iia alll dailtuymrsatss of n4l prepyirrs, a,.ts tittle at any dims ) tear)wrx Olid orator Sosok& Cxaeseol sail An"p b"16% flcraiaaa. $ we. tint It jar at rete. G`•s it fir 1 fbcllm A� seal C*orlwx lea asrssa'itia. lrorkaeite. stag seek 7� "f6 80* of i.;GaarY wA b" sola iaslaeec at Poole Sys ( t,clsa>iml ttrld C?awttwwwtl, The - "�esM� +ositla r d wa Almost l T>w lnille fkMsi ,A,ftt ata7► i. a,t►- gswissweeks ► 'ttidt Ms sty *R wl i ant !r come Colonial . awii IT rsrs on ata tills *Oocis`tiat is shirt to o9sr iu aliases mese cusw�wrrisfieo treses aatstl arsarytirss larrrmicir� see r+ot kr iwaimess Kixii tf►e Vl+wt Iw�taa, ximarae� siwt iartirsrtarr � � � lowA unfit% siom. 1 40 a"it rA�� It --me a tto ells be girt lino to E*atca!- ;•A;i t. +.:•'�ir.i. .'1*,AUY:I.`t... .'., 1�i' !� ' J �.. 9ift' sY,i. '.�,ea i. Y�.' •,,L -L" .Sd1 :iY Pl i iW#,it , ,'� �., y..2J..•.,;_"_;1i�.•IR� }• :�12 ..... Jia,J1s.:i�W.!'AL_ N§u