HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-01-27, Page 2F7
797 � THURSDAY, JAN. 2:th, IMT 11
•F. rho *ill probsbty Ieave far the Sosith 0 � R cmtawa carillon Comph ted
. /+A • - at the end of this weep. The carW*n of bells to be ereeted
IscieI tifiadly Pached. coy � � � th.3'i►�.ry ?ower at Ottawa has ��� ���� ����� ��
A ;veer 'A+tearlA � so.r beers cawtpiesed at rite factory in
The title of the "fastest hunnan iso
er belongs to Chsxles Pseldoa k srls'r JKrst,c. lant,taa, lyetcY ' rri7dar. Sagtatsd. 'ibe entire a,et is
inn ' a w ite*.-�.• A yw; *So my fa.�e was to be ssaombied at the foundry for s •
I 6 according #o �► mesaab'e from Ietdom ; , av rnecl witit Wt ,,r sxei p im I recital wiuclt will 'be
f . _� ,- � India, rep rtin to new world's rerori,. 1'l''"• Elven b Ma .
�' Z n 100• and dash, tatirtvi osis # loose i�r e,iatrx w aittiiagttiah.d company in ]}Osie h. r MENI
� of nine sec.�tids i a } ,oi% •t+rw,, I tituwka lues s K r' will shipped he me
. � « i 1 he ca id3o�n I be sit Ape t ba
inside by Mukeril. a student at the st**r# bet � *,wWo easm i,a k r maps to Canada.
• Hing Edward Medical Schoul, Muk-, I aa�aiw. .#..wt�.� �� .1111, ,endSMART WEAR
eru established this xeaoxtl and ala:o . .
i 11 1
ik sari 220 yards in 20 seconds, •it a i �+t ,._...,..
tournament. + 11rE alit J. tlx i
ltli name Irrepsaratiaitst k ..I . I O"A evzor ' I 't,
•t Great Britain continues military "j, t,A
` % Marin ; 19-1 1 r',? Canada f t+'cn'za-
preparations in respect to China. � tion Asso.,a,...,:t :•n.ttt•d .31 fa•ni:l.cs
' t T6si One thousand marines sailed on Mon " v*w LLA 01,1 a _ e4 hi Wivt crr C ..ala, I •
14 day from Portsmouth for Chinese wa- ' . - t
SJ,G,it s•.es cf w.Hi,li v... -e i.s the 7'%le 4aatlrf,� Tailoring s1►rtad �'1�6'tt's Smart
+ ► � >�QIIin tL1t�l�St E; , lt`,iE# t 7C+ texst faun battalions of infsantry are? 1i pruv:r.zr. <� *tiara: c:i,a.
being held in 'readiness to embark; i •` I; i`i''eari. I <
,..:- _
- _ --, �. ."," ""`""'-`_"'�" two re rntents at Malta a►re being i p
• I.
. held in readinessri o s vice int liiq s, a aat�t tMeagit I a.arai l tr. it asci after l� eras s4cet� sen c on, Ietcd for the 'Phone 9 --- �%Gr#fit Side SgtturG.
41, and . the 4 u►in is ta,tttr I :aav it„atxl 4iau ani r d al. 3 Conga;s, to b heal
1�1 or�,gr'�% �i Xr"agreed to contribute a contingent of }. ' i; JUL . .Atc,a from July ;,,.h ,o Auga=t
n,v cd greatly and after I bad used 4th. :tlu:'e gran thirty cauntives will ' " "..' ��.. �'° ,. _._:.. I— - _ ....:... ..
troops to co•oierate with the British§ P 8 pi i,e I lar with the Canadian public, the wwwww■■sionow.
f ITOZY +�'> �in authorities. Meanwhile conversation d the second nnr li m .cs hoot all ba represented and the number of ,
00 in t;'old to. N,,•%v York, in addition diFspprnr,•iS an,l I liavc peter lY.:al any 9 best Icnow,H and most popular being 1.� ,
*-, -
Spt,rting Records looking ; to an amicable adjestment a „ dcle ate. Ss ex cereal to reach 6,fl00,
S4 . are raceedi at Ilank.5w. since' 4 g' p the splendid tours operated via the ! .
Mitis Gladys Tta:i insnn, '_ f T+�i oat >.1 to „ ,t3tiii QU0 received the wee:.. bei p lig w 9 Put up only�by Tliq T. 2,Iilburn Cosi `
., � �. Canadian National Railways, under
` foxar. ."he is building up a 90M re- A Jubilee Objective • T.iuHitod, Toroaeto, Ont. . � Shanghai is at the present ti:' n
'. " in Chicago, aturday, ekablishetl i ve gui}irient to protect herself in i , th direction of blr. ;M1tartin ICrrr,
l what is said to be a wnunan's world's p' er p The Cahalan Mmes spys "T'ire c -- --�-r--�"� == - � operating more trolly bussaai, car- B. A., (d Beulah Ave., Hamilton,
-" ' • .the half' -mile ts, skates, the American market. jubilee year" of Canadian Confedera- °
record for r j E tion of non-productive expenditure, tying more passengers per mile of Ont.) and Mr. A. N. Bryson (k 1. Sill a ■Robert
SY r >
11 with a time of 1.31 4-u, five seconds Ten I'Iayert, Kitted tion will be worthily celebrated if it local and national, and relief Fn taxa-, route, and charging a lower fare in verthorne Ave., Toronto, ' Ont ), of 11
et ball In ors, of sees, as there is every sign. that it tion. It ma be cc,rrectl stated that td the Kerr -Bryson 'fours. 'Twvo more,;, N 11
Easier than the previous mark. Cap- � Ten track bask p y y y, terms of go• trares than any othar
rain Melton Campbell, in a racing + Baylor University, Texas, were killed will, a Government in 'whielr the Clew Y the same essentials apply to Canada. system in the world. such tours are announced for July, I �uftfielxslructafGod liftrt'a1+Tlt'f
automobile, reached a speed'••in %.ng; on Saturday, when a bus. in which Western Provinces play an unpxened-f I
� ]927, one from Toronto through the .
land Saturday: of 1 1.ti nniles an lroun. 1 they were trirtelling was struck by a entedly important part coming' fret^ly f Canadian West to the Pacific Coast,
including Wainwright Park, Jasper EOt' COUGHS. COM
over a measrred mile. Over 18,O00.Great Northern Express.. to tine assistanco o£ the Maritime The champion Jersey cavy of than ,
Provinces, and the whole I3pora:iniari ' world. an out and out, British Colum. National Park, the Triangles Tour, . �� ���JNCH�TIS
' fans, a wt',rld record fur hock.y at- - Wrestling 1tiit,h Contracts , � t -
tendance, watched the Kaw Yurk I g aeeeyrting burdens in order that the'e. bfa produa t, is to go. an tour accord- 1 Vancouver and Yi:tnria, B. C., re, i�r�rr>•���>t1
a George Young, Torantar who win life -blood •of commerce Wray quicken a 4 ing to thb directors of David Spell- turning through°the United States via
'0 Rangc�•s hand their local rivals, the i tine $k5;000 'swimming prize in' Call- '• 'i a c: Li»sited of Vancouver, wino Yellowstone Park, Salt Lake City, {
Americans, a : to 0 defeat at lYliidi. a forma, is still in the South, and amid its numbed extremities. I a
con Square Garden; Saturday night, A Huge Convention stated tha champion would arrive Denver, Colorado Springs, Pila<,,'$ i
a hast of advisers and admirers, is
France Has .' old Reserr�--=--),-tr •ire to decide what „movie" and: ,Canadian and Ameirican Rotarians F � at the Canadians Pacific Express Peal. and. Chicago. The other from �,
Toronto east to. Montreal. Qitebee, R .
France has again done the unex. other contracts he shoulil,.accept. Ile have engaged seven big ocean liners t yards shortly . .
. is arvaitin rice xr,vai of Ines inotl,ei: to take them to the Rotary ronven- , I,...1. .. Ste. Anne de $eaupre.,the Sagnenay,l'
rted. bast week oho sent $y0 Ot'0, >z
1 'tion, zit Ostend, BelgFun1, ,n June, Raver; the Maritime Provinces, Saint e r , , ,.
«.n,",n.-- r n„_....,.;_.,1.1--1--_--_.-_,____.. Reports indicate that the many I �"I
( „ John, XB., Prince Edward Island. •
Looking for Rovenu.* t. dair coin anies in lova Scotia the
. , ri Bras d'Or Lakes, Halifax. N.S., Land
Possible new sources of revenue V ; r in vo had a most successful year, f of F,vangelbSe, Annapolis Valley, i
a� H;ow 0 X ;are being examined by the Chancel- � One company reports that. •they Boston, Mass., and finally Ottawa, the
,✓ - .: .A $nug
`. A Mree lar of the Exchequer to meet the la.s- al+ani 100,000- capitial of the Trominion. Descrlpt:
ses due to the coal stoppage, which
: he will have: to face. One of the die- Th sufaitui cQ well than In 1920, iva booklets of both these"tours Will dies Act
;; a was b; available- very shortly and in the .
=pounds star.. butter r
+ ection''s in which inquiry is being
tic � sed prodsnctl"on •
made is in regard to hylic duties. ItI .1 :eantime fnfrther Information may "'r
valued at over X50,000., 'v' - i
9 fi s ram anyCanadian
�r to M s is also suggested that broadcasting ' I 1' a tion.•11c Railways agent or from the • id •
licenses may offer. scope for revenue. Dene opm nts in bacon -hog raisy f
�IN%iltr r Clrgusr y oreanizers.
. r y w that there .are nearly threrY 3ni1� - ing in Nova Scotia . and particularly If you have not previously teen in-
Audior Of t »a. A%U=0.rr i'r "°
' lions a# thorn, I in the Annapolis Valley as a by -pea• terested in •these tours, it iii . well , ra
• Trade in '1927 j duct . of the dairy industry, is al-;.: worth your , while to enquire .about
r 1IN1>40- ARTICLE NO. 10 .
. ft mentioned -ns iCANADiAN'S GREAT SWIM toady An:assured success: In 1tJ2G, them; they will solve your vacation . .
Amon the, factors :moa
1 ' One thin that players should al- Learn to consider both points.Of view,. -essential to the rea, 4vition of. the '> 2t 4wline clubs were.: functioning problem.
g Geaxge It Dung, 11 -year-old Toronto "r!2aC f�BiCEQT1t3
ways strive to retain, is an open niintl your ovvn and the otber.fellow's, and
hopes' of improved' trade in England boy, who accomplished the 22 -mile successfully in the Province. Of '
,on all questions. don't allow your- then draw• v« ur' own conclusions. An are good will in industry avd' u ccs- - . n flfvor of & '
. s rt as valu- i sWint from. Santa Catalina Island to these eight operated in the Dominion A' WEAK STOMACH , .
• self to become so. sure of your oven open -mind is.a great a s , sation of labor dispute, and rectum- the California mainland in;_ 15 .hours 'Atlantic• Railway territory. -
.. skill •that 'ou aren't` willing ria call- able. sit the auction table as every -"'�”,--=- —`�". and "wan 25 000 } `��
. b 1. and 41i minutes, , -- Can, lie Strengthened 'Through the It
i.Hider a g;,od suggestion from apoth wlnero elAat. Tlie point vvas wall . H r rite as the first poison to swim. this
' tl a other night and b the n P The fixat fish net factor, 'to oiler- Use,af Dr. Williams, thrill to eyel�r,i<?iCe«
. rr. , Urn the other insipid, dont be too lustrated i . Q y Ia �GQI VollJOS . treacherous aelaanbel -`.Ire was the .cin;
' n • hand; ate iii Canada is being started. here ' . fink fills#
`ivillhio tri fallow another:+ lead. fallown .6 Iy competitor out of` 91` to finials the � rlgieq'S 13 �ObC�
I I by the Canadian Fish
NMt Co., I.td.,.
lie. (gyp r,na n „ course. Wonderful is. ho process ,lay which for ou.
RBdOW Vr Mine........:.,.................:......,....,...4., 'p finnnoed . Canadian capital and Wa ' �a good 'i'
,:.,:. CIubs•-�O,E1,`7,t1,2 . .Money J the cl►enrtistiy of the b. -di :clna;ages
1)iaistands --7 `*wr.*.OM, .... . To .Work oat `arms • S employing: Cnnadian:lnbor. Iiitha±r.
r - to the nets used by Canadian fisher- ,• the food we eat.,nto,blood, :And thee'.
:spades---Q.X9,u,2 A call ,for 1#,000 men- for fai.rin: whole 'of our well-being depends trpoHi
Bask Sa st G DuM
'1%arts---XA11 0,2 ^^ •"^ "'- : Hearta-A,10,8,3 . - . l r r. _ men have been imported from Eu; - — .1.-_.' -.—
I. work' m Canada for the ..coming P - this being• maintained day,af;er day, w
, rnbs�A,Q,4 - . . Y Clubs --10 -- — . . spring has been issued' by the Gdvern- pope send the United States: whic�'n year. in and year out. Sometimes the ,
..:t :A B t' ds•- ;1042. ., o h t is p 8 ha °t he o s be o e fault. acid then food
•l:Iiamands-- K,J,dO8A. n Diamon Q,, , ,. , . Simple N me Treatment T a nicht at Qttawa.>.Of:his, the biggest s. at sores entailed ivy t saes, :peaces ems 'y,
S tacles—none Sp:sdes r,fx,-3 . .. Giving Annaa►ng Results - contingent ,of male"gettlers ever to na+tng.to liv `deliverles:.. "' beginstspnisasr�tliebIo, I . _c LL
p � ( un er M• feeding it, Thin is followed i,y all "F"1 sill `UF
, � leave Britain, 10,000 will :go. d
. _..�_.:_L 1.,__ __ _..__m •---- - - _ ' .-.___:_.. The _.world. a a . a,l- i, ern- se 5 n nc�i estio,i: such : as azar .
.1 I -f1 0 iS- _ - ,e .. a airsP,cea •of the-Dominrw tau sin left hitrtttmal-#sir-seventee,r 'lar . - , e
. . `' "O'lui , ,, , oats that took weeks 'to:.treat. can v on . tilos stomach; ra,ns around, the F __- .11 ','
niarnonds*-A 3: .. tis richt and x;000 each. under alae two- dn£fere,t countries sn the k320 sea.eil, S
.' now be ended in a tcw days: If, -you railway cash an es the Canadian Pac heart. often wwsea after eating, and .. _
S tides-;—A,XA0,8,8 r ra, ay 1? x ,. Great , in i orted to the
p can $x to mp
. . . have :vnr,eose veins, or bunches., you. ifi and; the. Gttnadsan .National. C}aQ . tt d,slike fbr all kinds of #aoc1:`'
• c a , • lneavrest erttcnt,; follow, ,n order b
« a ober' ante. L dealt triad .Nihil: tinct trutrtps is Heart in dummy, c4 ' start'toda to bring them back divided as y . T'iie only wag. to overcome, these E
,'core u n 8 i s lir will be divid c 1 Work
Ivo I+' .. , . Governmen q►m - s n , S „„
• d doubled. Y* eon- e cannot now make his contract.Hf $1<i'
•: hul .ono slide an A u h ._ .. to normal sizes -.ami ,f you. tire.wjQe Follows: •G,i3tk1,'i7ith farm oxperxenca>, Holland, Gex�iiatiy;� Belgium, Italy, t,�uub,e:,.ir. to torr ui,-the d,g..stinn..a -
I . '
, that his hand was warihless ex- .has four clubs to the king, Work this you wi'll do so. + i h ow: France Xo.rway,.','Greece,' Ireland, that you can assimilate all your. �food.,i .
I.zed t t y 2,500 partly expef enced, wit kn
. t spades, so he bid four spades Qut`£ar practice, glvinig B four clubs dusk et an .Original bottlo` of t and 1,700 with-`� Porto nI and South Africa. Great. To do this you have-only.to take Pr.' •ne • irts'. 1. ...
e~typt as p !~ ledge. ot. $Horses, etc., ag
IL ; I .1 .
over the double. -All passed, A opened to the king. It ,s a pretty example ,of Moone's Emerald. Oil.; at any :dispens- experience, -These men will be in- ta' k 2J 7 bushels o Williams .P,nk'Pills. A sbort course
•. ...,. • , in rise• .. ,. � out expo.. n :. � ., Ern in too . 39, 1, 03 bu he r
_.::tine: jack of diamonds .and 'k .Z lust decid,ti,., wlucla hand should be - ing• pharmacist ;and apply . Ht *light stdditto4t-to eon rants. under, the ,1,000 c f . ,the to x of these pills will quickly tone -sip the
tri k:: Afier t accorn lists a yen .resort, iz; $1 per eat . vt a tate posts
therx coritiact by ,one c lead o It K and morning to - the oninrged veins. families scheme. All these men :oust: stomach asset banish indigestion. Tlere,
v s aver A said tax his Part- When playing with the dummy, mice is ver • owexful and penetrating, tram the Part; being also the heav: j
the baud a ,I? y It y 1? p be British, of sound health, and good is a bit of convincing proof given by _
�e .r u didn`t et to r e and. ft ore out caraafuliy.Hn 1 t l s e aired, lest purchaser of oats, Norvvayy � z,
lice. It z too °bad you & yore time g .and only . li t e i r n character, :tad will be required to sign 14fis, :. +:as. Ladner, 1•;llexslie, I E.. 5. , ozein jv7en�s flannel �rVasrk
' . id ,artner; s and the lat.- advance which hand you want in the After a few days,' .:treatment the v. 1 grid holland were the two largest who sayia:- 11F;.r some years I was a'i
chance to b , 1 a an undertaking to {Ott to. farm ,or ..r a I.Shirts in alark•gney acid
ter replied. "With .a two suiter, you IL,ad and why. veins will begin to .grow smallee, and buyers: of r3 • sufferer from stomach trouble. Every.
. •� a in. doubliva• one Preserving Their Faith . khaki: .Reg. varies::
• 1...:_.. - :<t;,.,de a Lnf,_ ,m,tak , n by regular .use will' soon -reduce to ! _ ----- j thing I ate caii5t'd distress, so ,r storn- t •
u hclai, ewer_ icl.,, Lt�oltlsm. �'� ._ i. �.._.- , .'Three hundred and •fifty Mention- c ,.i h n o nn eat
. t;li;�aTe, li~rixn`itiu t}rlit�fittnd y" -�+n1. xiotaaHalY_._.��_. __ ___-_ Y _: .m,M__. _ .__. �.._. Tiregrarn-hatyesi-a£.:1.926..hats-ld,4...- ch_�'31 ; t?�._ .i...it,. �. .Ld__.,.. _-_i p_t 2.Q0.,-.tleas«-V::
• should- have fia first hid the heart.Hearts-A.3,2 --llloalie's Emerald 'C1Il .is also a guar- rtes seeking a jiiace vvTiere the y canmeat or potatoes,. and I grew oak - --� �_,__ .
: yon sh ui 1 ,preserve from modern. influence Ilse more inonNy in the country than the i 'n e a ing out at
suit and, then, if overbid, you should Clubs •-10,•',4: veloas, healing agent. Ane applica r and nervous. .No medic: a seaefii d .t
a a s-�K Iq 9:G,3I g ;:faHth: axtd observances hauled dower g eater.lHar4est and somewhat high., i e me un it T was rsuaded to take ea�
. 'have bid the d,annonds,; We h d Diianiond . .,Qr . tion for instance stops the itching, o i. h 1p : - t pe .
r : i oto+.ads saw S sales- J a if atF ns cause #tom then, fathers, 'have left i<Ianr . er graces of 1925, stccordang to N. sal.. D i1THllsams' Pink I',lls and these a l' G
t;ainte in either kraits o d a *• p• eczema,, and a #ew pp c o .
r ober a toba for POraguayi South .Atpteric. [F*atereon, president of than Paterson simply ivarked wonders, � I took, the .
• ' . :voui bats double cost its the u •.• .the cruptions'to dry up, scale off, and. ,i p x
""""� "^' k for he = r equally They differ little m appearance Noor i Steamship .Company, and owner o! a all sizes
A *as ;very much taken oboe o completely: disappear. ,It is tl y scilla faithfully far a cwple of months
. ` that he "shouldn't., - A', 8. as effective rn barber's itab, salt: the 'forefathers who arrived in t1 e � a hundred . country, elevators in the by which time every. symptom o£ the - -�
):yid Bever realt:ctt at ; i e .
w0 suittr. . - x e iii redness and intlanHmator skin . Nest Hn 1870. the niton have iiowtng X'v est •with o ` e .o her est cies ator trouble. disappeaired,:` and• there • has _ ,
_ double .«hen holding a t r h u, .
proper r v ni , �: trouble. beards and wear long black coats and , n . g 1 Mcn s Grey Flannelette
'. however. lie showed the p pe P Ilea x,,,0,5,4 • now beim built A a contract cost not since been the slightest .symptom
. . is partner. "I Mann : q G n People who'want to reduce varicose the women and girls are garbed in
f,•;r he replied to h p . Club. A,{,Z, ,. p s s and bright � of •$800,000 at fort Witham. Mx . � of stomach trouble NOL wonder T Shirts, clearing out at
• •• lot, full skirted dresses
k . very sorry but l never laoka!d at it iii u D,a,nonds-*-A veins, or got• rid of eczema, ulcerq, or i .
,, colored shawls. Paterson, who was interviewed at the i Praise Dr. Williairrs fink Pills. i
that light, I. will try .it out and secs Spades--�•K,7,3 piles in to few days should not hesitate r I I Yon can r•et these pills through any .95C _ .
: t. I. s lois -works- apt:: -_ - _.. . - -_ - -- tar get a battle at once. It 1s so $ig.Catch.of Fish S[rindsor hotel nn Montreal ecent y, . medicine dealer or by mail at M cents
haw your suggaj. t No scars~, rubber auras, Z. dealt stud
t *u Fllustrat►on of the open • powerful' that a small, lboitle Inas a, The fishery catsb' of Nava Scotia ¢ hav,ng arrived from R'inn,peg, iq � a.:box from The Dr. Williams Iriedi- -�---
Th;a Is bits vise elub, A one a :side, ii .two d,a• a i .
„ F , la time: Any pharmacy Fran sup- for the calendar year 1920 was, 314.- travelling with his fath•_r and rine.Car., Brockville, Ont.
think, If a new paint t brought u u moinds and B passed'* Z slid two heart!: � p y
i over. and give it a trial, You ply you. H. C,.1'k'tJN>:aOF sella lots of 000,000 - pounds, an increase ni' 07,- mother; wife, six arliildren and two -�-•-w � � Man'a. Fisc Sbii•ts, .clearing. '
think it aK and all Passed. A o ned the'deuce of
- can imprnw.q your Ramer many alines � it. 000,000 ounds over 1025, accordingnurses, � Avery goad -way. to ;train •a child .
diamonds and Z won the trick with by Canadian Pacific route, is to be less childish than the thrid. out at .
by this method and never lose. even txaniship, to l.ngland with 1 . .
• 4 tr apt a theary and lifer the tree. 'Ile now led the four of hearts Q $ l 25 aril] 1.75
rhea you to the trial atficiaF figures recently lax 4d view staying at Bournemouth 9C, ,
, issued. The total value of last , y g
t it. It is, at good common Sense and allowed B to will the trlc'k with . Corns are Painful growths. I{olIo•
� k year's catch was ;8,4$3,073, compared for the next thre+E months: ,
the nine of hearts Ii now 1e,I the
viethod from any angle. with $7,157,851 in 1925. Cod led in way's Corn. Remover will remove -- .
9 lx: a_st'veri of diamonds.- What should Z
---- them.
bll win test lianas- vera , u
'I`l+e f a fe 1,th0_N0v(1_Sg0_ti4._r;kt0 with- 1£_'3,001, .- . .. �... _ ... •
anal •as11
s in the rtcedinlr Ahoy and how shnuId he pli�n the play' �jtiSt>s►�"'
mitted for } P 000 liaunds:: haddock coming second Stt".tnnshnrxriinpam e brought sip• -
. o£ the band?" Z should dnscartl tt clash ii �; - with 43,058,400 , ounds.: The catch proximately 165.000,:jpassengers to A roan isn't really getting old un- Ro bin
article : , P
f ax A is diamond read is a marked since included 1,253,100 pnunds of salmon. tliri Dominion in 1925, an increase til cold. weather teems a personal
i Astaavrer to l"rablciA No. I1 t gieton, A will be, force to tiuiun nand ��y�'
I now no matter what he leads, Z is in illiliioi n Radlo Fartls ' of iicarly 48,000 over the provious ai)rront. - .
• ll+ srts�--4 strati sitittn yravided A has the Q � According to a recent official esti. � Ytar;i. Third .class passengers, the _ - - __ _ r- -v...-�....:. , �.- .
f �bs.,1, 10. R sa g ix► 1 -. _�
1nil►maHndr A..I,J,8,4.' ace of spades which his bid indicates mate, there are 300,000 radio re- j majority of rrlitt,u were imnrigr:snta ,
Spndes�-J,10,4 probably its in his hand.' If he. leads Dort>t . lot your We- ceiving sets -in use in Canada, and i or .ncvv settlers accounted .fir over s '
.--• the spade ace, Z must win the ,next fully 1,000;000' radio fans: most of i 121,000. An outstanding future (; 10 I
_ :.r. : V .: trick, pa matter what he Iest&i Z's phone stand idle, Ulla' wham , eiryoy, the ,rightly programs 1 travel his been" ,#tae development of - t
L . A Z 13 .. play of this hand is to droit the re ill Alike it work for broadcast from' radio stations in tine p tourist third clarsr accommodation. j
maining hearts by lead of his we slid you! United' States and r~anadtt. The i Approximately "7,100 passengers of j .
then set tip dummy's diamonds. tie larger percentage of the radia sets - „ I ,
sir ■ s , this land were c arrird eastbota:i t _
lfearks-10 7 . mutit' keep his spades so that if the are in the rural districts. across the Atl:nnt-3 fro.a Canada i
Clubx-=>A,Q.0.i.4 a hearts do drop, he can trump a sptade ' . " Obi K'Otlltikl"t set i11gw Motorists i tad Millions nr;l g,0; O trans?norttd vvcstbound 4 "!�
I Diamonds -R O2 t0' pin dummy and thus have a ve-entry* '
• , t y china's 11ta11d ldl� Ili � Automobile tourists £r'om the lin- u,srii:h 1:i1T(:, rn ,l:i,,,ti.:: s"rind total f
-. . iiprdea-�Q.9,8 i C„r his diamond suit. Note thrt the. -our factory if you :ted States entering Canada last y�a�I �
No store, first game. Z dealt and bid x discard of a spade sit trick three, in* of this kind of t.accl ui 15,ii t I
+ left at gross revenue in the Dominion a,
one club. A three hearts, '1' four clubs a stead of a club, will. enable A -H tat could help it. far tha 1;pur.
of about $194.000,000 according to a ` i i1
rand S four hearts. Z bid five rlubi, - stavo game if A will lead the race' of a it M caareful estimate. "' " ` °
. and A and Y passed and B doubled..sp*des and a low spade trumping the. '1`I'FO) OUTSTANDING TOURS r
All passed. Now that harvest Alberta Batter . r „
A oymned the king elf diamond. flay this out for pr+aeti- It bits been truly said that Traavel a " P
-, . heartte and all followed. A then led bThis hand is an excellent exampFe of time 13 13t'1`C x11 the 1 be taCreadu ;ntc 19x1", tnedbutter aaptsro i• I+, a liberal education" :arid this ex-'
Ow tette of diamonds. flow should 7. i figuring out which hand you want it. business world, reap stately 20,750,000 poundls, it is esti- pression was never so true as It is
plan the piny tit the hand?' Z ;should .i the lead and then providin_c nieasns all the benefit r'qu today, The whole world, so to speak,! �wr� «.. K ''+� -
. mated by the dairy' branch, s!n in- ,"!�a`r` ,, •
win the trick in dum.ny with the jack for obtaining the rest+lt. Ata hand possibly • sari. Reach 2 has: been made easy of access by
crease over the produt tion _lit 19.5 of sin M .IN
• etf' diamonds and then should lead the ,wit aq follows: , trsanrportatian systems, y
b rail, :l
Jack of club*. If B has the king of ` Ottt for wore business x 1,120,000 pounds. ocean, automobile and aeroplrne.: t
}} Ilearts-...#'IM by 1,ong,I)istallcel Santa Resthes tamely Isle While the advantages of travel fire t ,
cirhs as Iiia double indicate,*. pleas(.
Z +thenote tl #'lubg -snit- ► . In than north of Scotland thaarl+ is a now available to the many. i>Nste*4 of ' 10
twat rrralce hiv tl,nfratt, 1'k*se nate; I)ismondt 2 lonely island in the outer Hebridres the few. the refinements of modern 1 `t I " ;
014t tf Z winze the trick in his oven - ,4,1
i:r11y tsarist riber�; wild
_. " (� called Saint tfileia, where 'a asmall railroad transprirtation and ilio wt•
.•.-.----..�....�..�.. _ ` tfi� A,to. ► T used to think itrev h�►d
community live isolated from the seting requirements of the modern
^• *- �' Iwnrld. There was much rejoicing on jj
• ;. to 111itk! ' Plmori ttx- 'fR'avelkr as, regar'dra 'ilia tresttintr � 1
�* �r tC+� '; this taland Iert wtvek-end when the comfort have combined to make the, '+ ��
«5L11 0aL Oi['` COMMERCE �i►�i�'ri�C 1' Person calls lno,it fillet .
• �C.C.iCV�`Ol� iil+�itAl�lo that their reach the ; boat rarryinrr• their t'hrletnnats mail wiled arranlgements of an extrnx-' a
n arrived., the flat boat to call there " ive tourist trip rather complex. f v oft -W
penton tits want with ; for three monthx. Mets. wornen and et•r traveller Tanking a tac.rtion trip , � ,
iYity s�ww�tljaaitemt the nt'H00t, Una has the HIGHLY" t�U ALiFIND Station-io-StatiOn children %warmed from their cottages wishes to derive the utmost benefit � $ ,� `
• � STAPP y 1. .
mils. '1"hry are guiCiC- to the beaelr Mand uaiched the worn- ire pie Aim# and ,eduratiorn and to
I'br �r t;i'iiirOlt, that traarbea ltltAt. I'ltAt"Ji'll."At. I i'itt E'l: cy and cjltpey. , out lifeboat givetr them for rvk•tt tie- %pend as tittle titwe ax pnsiiiW ar- � ukw%
"AALINING, from ,start to 1>f4A. canons yearn age, and ne•raanblal ranging its many details. the Hiner- � Abed ed
r? N'bere 1!t !latiirte t tat h ! Tsaclivns are tai t s ialiet+l aboard the vesaeel lreggime fvr tobarre, o y and train ronnecticmas, %ea arint sdicdaa algia»•• .. % •,' ' * 4'
°r tspar't traieNeq Is � 4# ration amt Soc•r arial sen -%ee p vv� t�n�gr*A _ _ e
s►i �`�!.• , std ataeh like etttttlltai'ta fr•ttett,the cern►, zk� ir►ar car. aate•araer, and hotel tie•
•i ares aerie sate a gsM Dale. ra werarrttim aril Mat iaaswtar. i, They wear bittrtty dirtalrpsiatwt to ,ae�•vationia, err. i'•te denireesa al%o to
;1 ('t)1''Ri NN find their rwatid only p,rotw o t itmaall a the 1"t ptteaaibit nese orf the
lirrwytral►ttie i'tnMattertrirtl. 13arer+ttsaeisl, ieMYeraiF tinct, ['Orli :+rr- 1 rtgantity of parrlMri awl aotoe Antra. tCre! ravaibbk b7 the ireiwsian ++fes f N
�lKe. ('0000 nrseiat "Ceseiwrr"x �k aurae scoot altirteisl t'trNaiary attaatral. + thea. T'1K ca*tata sir! ties tn►wMr tier wn«at #irapasttaM stmt whrtl+•wl+ilt b"MW 111 WNk itt ala
>+r rXm away ,tteti'laitudhores ot^drr% attrartUv o rind ab*ve all, to know t . tsaL$: F 1
;M sew farlt iofarrtwttisst wtittr to . lt'ireryt twit 9rekle+►wtw in sa , fen•pem """ for ow-Idansias%. std bow mxti it will coat 16X�r +� y '
Trertg isieto«. a eearion. erai►ee lou r far salt wfik'it to ase: is All vitro is d"W for you iia 41M ALWAYS lw T s%0*"�r . ? ,,,«,•
..A 11"6+rtit in $. F. WA", &A., Anter :ip ' mako the r+e.aea .pace wl,ieii 0#7 •paeataseaPT e4ad ewad An-1CvW ",
emisly *stet. - Twors.!` which foist beeewne ss t�-
W s
:v I _ .