HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-01-27, Page 141k
1• 1.
Mei* Arai
WALIMIlt NAP/XL, Pelilieheta
Adopted as Basis 0h927 Equalization but. Aggrieved Urban Municipalities Will Amu! to Canty Judo
range Go. of• Oftnada
• J
For Safety's Saks Itmest in Life lasorance
Life hisuraine, fOS1S litth..to 'the young Man, yet means so mesh to
. him in matiteite. It eneourages thrift when extravagance be fl, It is
a wise and safe investment. It. proterts lite responsibilities and oblige
L -
Done ief the future. Opportunity may not return. (Wasp it today.
Phone 115 _II. R. LONG, District Asent
er or t1ng6 a toe ed. to tr. spa
on West- half of tot 19, Conceseion 4,
West Wawanoah. By order of GEO.
S. 'WILSON. Dungannon, Ont.
• c ,
WA:STEN-Maternity nursing want-
' ed in town only; willing to help
with housework. APPIY P. 0, Bo& iin.
86 To e10 PElt DAY.
Good Automotive, Mechanical and
Eleetrical Experts, Bricklayers, Plaitter-
ers and Barbers are always en elemmul
et large salaries. Join Our schools arid
beeoute one a the many thousande of
,successful graduates. Short thne taken
to learn. Opportuultles and salaries
unlimited. 'Write for Free Catalogue.
11EMTelfIlet TRADE SCHOOLS, 163 King
St, W., Toronto. ,
A .live man to represent, Carnelian
tan Insurante teempany in your
District. Assestance and Mstrue.
teens to right Irian. Opportunity
lo build Monte for the future.
707 Eicelsior Life Bldg, Toronto, Ont.
A II 1ION eAL, 01. I,A el SI Ot.b.
has instructed the emdersigned mune)].
ver to eell by public auetion % Mile
west or Gunton on notiout nowt. on
SATURDAte JAN, .29th
, 'commencing at 1,..30 ehaen:
Black Belgian'horse rising 6 yeare,
1600 lbs.; heavy draft "'mere, in foal to
MUrdoeMs horse, rising 6 years, 1.750
lbs, Cattle --Reg., Hereford heifer 2
yeara Old.eclue to freshen May 28; reg
Hereford 'heifer. 3 yrs. old. due Sent. 251
Reg. Hereford bull, 2. years' old ; Durliatri
iciailegv44er .old, due lo fi'chen
old, due ,to freehen April 26:- Durham'
grade vow..6 yetiett.old, milking good.,
bred six etteeks; l'olted Anelni cow, 7
years, due Feb 1141i: 2! Durttrott grade
heiferS, rising 2 years old; calf 4 weeks;
is hens. 1 year old; _e2 pullets. 120 feet
hay fork rope, About 12 tons of good
bay; 35o bushels good clean seed oats,
No outside stock and everything ad-
vertised will be sold.
TERMS,Eight months' emllt vitt be
given on furnigilng banktele paper tw
a discount of 6 per cont. per annum al-
lowed -for _eaphs;
'OUST:WE nISBACK, GEO. elle.jurrr,
Propriet or, • Auctioneer
terne: AtteIST1115NG BEAL ESTATE and
Life faun LifeleAceident ned Anta-
umbile Ineuranee.
Rouse.. arti Letts in Godericle and
VielnitY end Fawns for sale.
large timber listed to seleet from
e, at the loweet priers they ean be pur.
'chased known to the egneey on \qv):
easy taints for ptcyment, if retillieed..
Some goiet wen emprovee erePerte
la Coderieti andaviemity elm tie per.
...hosed just now for about hail whet it
would coat to erect lbe buntings :i 1,111'
\\ is,111oea4e4.. well Improved an around
goo(1 farms are 'being offered rot. ;Mout
'ihe ariee of the imprevements at a
low •caluation, and the timber, ir any.
with no eharge for the land. tem is
• eheaper than itemeetead Free Grant
'These peiree cannot iteit iong. In.
tending -buyers ehouldeaet-elideV. -
Per till particulars 'see or write
J. \V„ AlleaSTRONG,
Real Estate.
Box 89. Goderich, Ont.
Real Estate aad Insurance
We solicit enquiries regarding
the safe and economical man-
agement of your insurance.
Ikon Investments
Bola Dialers - Stock Brokers
. G000ral Iowa**
Pio** 430.445
Private wit* tosaitestiesa with all lead.
in Stock and Graft Exthanges
Son of Late G. F. Blair, K. C.,
A quiet wedding took place at the
bride's home in Calgary on Dee. 28,
when Lela May, daughter of Thos.
and Mrs,. Scott was united in mare
riage to Dr. W. M. Blair, on of Mrs,
Blair and the late G. F. 13Iair, K. C.,
of Regina, Sask., formerly of Godee
Guelplia Share is $58,225.00
During the year 1926,,the Guelph
Junction !Railway paid to the city of
Guelph the sum of $58,225; this being
31 per cent, of the fully paid up capi-
tal of the Company. The Guelph
Junction forms part of the C. P. R.
between Guelph and Goderiele and
the heevy haulage of grain from
Goderiele no doubt, dims a good turn
for Guelph. "
MacRae' Hall Opening
The formal opening Of the MacKay
Hall will take place on Thursday
evening of next week witli-en inter-
esting program, of a community nat-
ure. there will be a good orchestra
in attendance and a couple ef chorus
selections will be given by a massed
choir. Solos and speeches by local
artists and orators will be given and
a very profitable and enjoyable even-
ing be looked for. All seats reserved.
Plan open on Saturday at Dunlop's
Drug Store, tickets 85 cents.
Letter front Miss Mabel Tont:
Inspector'and.Mrs, J. E. Toni have
ale-Satistaetion guAran teed, Sin.
ele edge 3e emelt or 25o per deem. Don -
t -de- edgy it: Pant Dinette blades per
dozen.. 35e. ALF' TEBilleTT & SceN,
Weet Street, ilardevare. Phone 486:
▪ —
an sALisLeserwo good brood sows,
Yorkettire. (Inc Feb. 12 arid elarch
24, also a quantity of timothy seed.
teAIDIAN HAYDEN. it. It, 4, Stiormard-
ton, Phone 22 r
sum of money. on Nei:et et..
Square, or Elizabeth St. Reward.
Box '607, or Stan oreleite
T5 LET.--Stoce to ennelet, ruL rPasou-
Pall* ess.tait.--our aria a-lialf story
• -fram'e house; good liarn. and two
lots. House• ne.edit slight repairs. Thie
property wiii hesold at e bargain to
close estete. Apply to W. CMIO1E.
910 RENT, -.A .-setxeroomedhouse on
Neliwn 'street, with all conven-
iences. 13..c. MONNTSGS, • -4-,
VOA 8.11,E.-Parm of 100 aeres of land
- with tirSt-elass buildings, also an
artesian well with wind -mill. 'Would
exchange on a house in town or for 50
acres. ReaionabIe teems if sold. Can.
Iia te possession at once. Apply at
STAR orfIC1a
Ij013SF. .P011 SAida-AralY. a. ala
nedfotel. Cobeurg St.
rrio Ilk:Nee-a roomea nOUSes on SI.
..A' ft norg e's Greseent. suitable for
e mit family, Apply ilietitiN e.NVealt
.etENTSetele. • .
Jj OUSE •Iv iitmr.-Reil brick house,
corner of 'Orellinglon H. and BM-
lannia "Read, nietit•ro, silt/t Walser ' beat-
ing. Apply to .1. 13: Knight. -.
FOR SALL-Brick resillenee on cornet.
lot. Southwest center Id Nelson
St. and Cambria Road, at' reaseirible
price, Partleulars from •te. 11. CAR.
FARM F011 eALE.---33 aerie; situated
at' ilenini Her, 64 roilS from chnech
andseheol 9 tetiebers;, le mile from
ster,s, eriel blaelo..initil sltop ane
baelteard. .A1 land: about 2 nerr.; tim-
ber. New biome, good bank barn. gars
age and ether buntlines. C. A. VAN -
STONE. 11. ILA. aotieriele• .
Heavy Oalvanized Roofing.' Buy •
now and tine moneye Write for
free entree mei freight paid
quiet,. Send rmetsureinents for.
Fret estilattite of aver Iwo
thoussuri Buileter's listricaitts, in.
clurilag pictures asui plena of
"Couttertesteri" Nruises. Write
O. F. CAREY & SON, Limited
had a letter f rune their ditutglater.
Miss Mabel Tom, who has returned
to China and lute mimed her work,
in the hospital at Peaiag under the
Roekefeller Foundatele. A letter
from the heschntarters of the Rock. t
ihiller Foundation in New York gives
assurance that the trouble* in China
do not give COMM. as to their per-
eorttel :safety to Peking people as they
are many mites Jimmy from th.a trou-
ble district; Miss TOM re-entered on
her duties Dec. 22nd.
Harry hielkeld Pre -admit ef 'United
Short Courses for 1927
Harry Salkeld, who has returned I
from attending the short course in I
live stock ande seed judging at the
(). A. C., Guelph, is very enthusiastic
over the short courses put on by the
Department of Agriculture and the
college staff and says she would ad-
vise any young men, or older mar, to
take advantage of one or more of
the various courses offered. Huron
County was singularly honored in
having one from the county -none
other than Bar. Salkeld himself -
aided as president of the short.,cour.
sea for 1927.
Now It is Super Highways
The Jan. 9th bow of The Toledo
Sunday Times has a photo of Sena-
tor Frank ata K. Tom, brother of In -
specter Tom of town, who is the
father of the idea of the "Golden
Crescent," a broad ribbon of super.
highway with a tnaximum width of
204 feet, knitting together the vast
industrial resources of Detroit, To-
ledo and Cleveland. • Senator. Tom
has received a letter from the Wayne
'County Highway COuttuiSsiozt advis-
ing him that that body is to make a
204.folet highway from Detroitto
the Wayne -Monroe county line and
that the first six miles of the right of ,
'way is being acquired, brake as
if the "Golden Crescent" project was
becoming an embryouic reality.
• ,
...-----........ . c===.=...—....,.. .
bond of OW and this may ferns the PEOPLE WE KNOW
start of a mere* fund. Mr. Lew *hot and let it (lite. into! the twiree! Trombley. af Dets•oit, and Mrs. Wei
14 14.1' Thia ended the scoring fur that !WT., sem a equal% from Flint. Miele
hajt beta reentgaged as pro, for the• , °al" Allies Etta Sault* ia visiting
; MC !Miley friend* of the family in
927 soaseat. and, as iwas learned
that he was being merried this ntorith Mr. Fred Prig* returned .1itst Fri.:
!, the tootle playieg a mitre evt,nly Kingsbridge. t
The remaining two sesdione fiaW field attended the burial nervier, at
to %end *MOM aa a
of Club will be •
NC present. Miss FIcrentp Noatk ef Toronto, est inatehed' iinind of heckey, the eleY I aftwPfIERSON7.---In Boston, Mae*,
iley to. Detroit.
minoring coatineally from end to entl on Thursday, Zan. 13th, the. death or -
The dinner de
eeer the nee visiting at the laiptalt 111411114.be the Odd Seettoottoit _wee deeideel
held on Fridley evening, rib. 116, •*t Mrs. R. H. Reid, of Woodstoek vie.
.. : and the spectetore surely got tote ef erred of a former • weraknown end
the Bedford Hotel. eveitement. The locale beean to fetid mote eeteemeds eeseeerle 4 e cameo.
George Aniudreatie Goes to Huron Old Wood.
Red last week with Mr. and
ht"' i themeelees and' displayed their wares airs. Marion (exits Iltsepheraon, witts n
seys. At **me as Go -derides Mrs. Rundle, of St. Catharines,. Ise in enappier style than they had here. ow of the tate D. F. IgAtphenwit,
champ** MAW. ; '.: tofore. Nairn netted wee ef the two The remains ,were brought to Orate*
visiting at the home of Mr. and blase gestic of the. second style* :wheel, bee an Saturday *43t on Sunday- after,
Last Thursday night .tue Model J. W. Fraser. : snatched a loose puck and delioeited
Theedre was again peeked to the lint- Mr. Earl Allison has reture n! athet front the Clintoneda it in the corner of the L The ' h neeti' the illtk the fuller° took
Pliteen ng Toone
it, long before the hour for the open- home after spending a few weeks in
, e, unter went to Neafertit, a beeklianit Mrs. alatepherson was born in Clinton o
_ e .
ing of the prover* on the oecasion of Windsor and Detroit. 1 shot slipping between Elliott and the 1 on Apr. 12th, 1858, beins a daughter s*.
the second night of the fiddlers' con- Mr. Alex. Bird, of Paiiiley; witse goat post. In the final spasm Nairn
t t This
was the night -which was. h f t. fe 1 • I iti hi b • •
es • , of the tate Ur. Robert Coats who
ere a w Bee v w ne s end Co. went out 'to do or tit? ana ,
to decide who would go to the Torone ether, Wni. Bird, who haa been wen' they surely did make things hat fora
to Huron Old BOYS!' At Home on. Wed. •
. ! the • Seaforth eustodian, •Lannote the
General Manager Jack Page of tlies clever right wing of the. hewn crew,
Weetern Canada Flour Mille Co. was. cut loose from the begiening end ante
in Godericit a couple of .days this' after time could be fetund headed for
nesday, the 2110i, to aorapete in the
fiddlers' contest feet County of Huron
honors, contestaute to be over sixty
years of age. There were three
entriee in this class, Mr. Geo. Arm.
strong, Mr. Jas. Btaek and Mr. Thom.
Elliott and they were *weeded the
fiat, second and third prizes offered
by the Liona Club in that order, sited
the first prize winner gets the free
trip to Toronto. • Mr. Armetrong hasi
wee .
County Clerk Holum* has beei.
soniewhat indisposed' tilts week but ie
discherging, his duties. es county elerk
during the seashore
We regret to learn of the serious
acciant of Mils Dickson on Sunday
e goal but ince: was not with hien
when it came to goel getting. How.
evor he had a pea in scorings the last
tally of the game when he pasted to
Nairn, who found a resting piece for
the rubber in the corner. On the
other wine Stur4 looked good ht the
ur. W Phil!'
m. ps to once for him last when she fell on the ke and Aas period too and hie poke check did are .
a lot of am.ts or the son , (opt Chries. alaepherson,
and Ittr. Elliott had the little Misses Lured her wrist. ' Seaforth aggregation. damage to the efDr. G. W'. Morse, of Boston. A third
r X a .
Elliott and 'Bell. Ma, Phillips gave Mr. John Werden, of Arcola, Sask., The only estsualty of the tilt was
some clog dancing Yet the'girlit some is spending a few- days veldt Mr. tPinu; 1118inlitoeneill olnIthneee enancleicr i)eupreit4ta
Robt. Huston white on a visit to )is
old home at Mitchell.
Miss McDonald, local office mane -
ger of the Belt Telephone Co., was
operated on last week for appendicitis
and is reported as defog very nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shipmen are
18 Goderich this eveek, rine members
of the Canoe Club were pleased to see
Mr Sidman in the clubs rooms last
1 '
Mrs. W. R. Pinder has returned
from visiting her daughters, Mrs.
formed twain; namely, mete Alberta Cheater Ferrier, of Oshawa, and Miss
IVicKinrion and hfesers. Kenneth Me- dean Pinder, nurse -in -training at roe
Lennart and Alex, McDortela. The onto General Hoseital.
program was broadeasted through
Dungannon 'and many very amusing Ab10..NG THE CHURCHES
"telegrams" from present and,former We understand that Mr. Macdonald
Goderich. people from far and neer Gibbs has tendered his resignation of
*ere read by the chairniane :Mr, L the position of organist end choir
direetor of Knox church, effective
BRIEF TOWN 'TOP. s-- APIValp:Irist; church, Jam 30tn:
Thi -C. G. tale tied tuittie &Mare of mg subject, "The .Lord's Table, who
des Be invite to it?", Evening sub.
ject. "Devine healing, will God heal
the siek new, does Ile use raeanite"
•• In Knox church the services will be
araducted by the minister. Subjects
of sermone: 11 a.m.. "The Thom in
the 'Fleshe' 7 :p.m., "A alasterfuT
Achieve/neut." Sabbath School' and
Bible Claseee at a o'clock.
Bev. Selby Jefferson, pastor of Vic-
toria street United cleurcle has re-
etgiessroetri. theetarargebahes reel -gnat -too to
the matter of securing a suitable sue.
be effective at the end of the confer-
ence year. A "committee is taking up
Victoria st. and 'Onion United
'chose -Vittoria. ider-ettrietne-Fet-
lowship meeting; • 11 a.ni., &at of
was among the first merchant* of the
town. She was married in 1879 to
Mr. D. F. Macpherson of the Foundry
Company. Iter husband died in 1904
and Mortify. afterwards she left Cline
ten, residing for * time in Go5lerieh
but for the past few yeas she has rea
sided' with ber darghter in Boston,
where she diett. -She is survived by
two sons. D. S. Macpherson, of Hail.
evitury; R. C. Macpherson, of the ,
Patent Office, Ottawa, and one
thitiehter. Jean who is the wife of
. Elliott. "Tine"' took the count about whiseh' shall bo aeonwer Canada,"
two minutes before closing One when
wicked shot from liellles. After a Dominion Statistielan, Ottawa; end
Two brothers, Registrar• WM, Cqates
he was hit under the left eye by a
ishort delay 'Tiny' gamely resumed his of Onderich. anti Mr. R, IL Coatt.
led upon to ttrrre was right on the two sistere. Mi Archibald arid Airs.
place between the stick and when cal -
job again. •
Robertson, of Montreal. also survive.
At the Private service 'held on Sun-
dt** the Rev. A. Macfarlane ofileiated,
The sons, brethers anti brother-irolaW
acted ae pallbearers. Mrs. Morse at, -
committed the remains from Belem
Mr. D. S. Meenhereon and Mr. 11. C.
Macpheriton, Mr. IL II. Coats, Mr.
,Win. -Coats and Mrs. Robertson were
all eresent at the futieral.
t• y steps. nt addttioflsome sex.
cellently sung *otos by Mrs. A. J.
MacKay, the repetition,of the *ticket
skit, the Howe, of Mystery, it- clever
conception written by Mr. Geo. Jen.
ner, cleverly acted by Mrs. F, Saun-
ders anci atesers. F'red, Sturdy, Geo,
Jenner and R. X. Snead a quertette
by Messrs, 11. H. leek], C. X, Saun-
ders and James Thoinsoneeed a Musia
cal skit by Doug Nairnand Bud Stur.
dy, and the performences of the Wee'
competing fiddlers, the prite winning
fiddlers of the prevIsous evening per-
• Liberals and Progressives Have
Conventions -Announced •
The Liberate -and Progressives of
Nortli Huron have leet no tiine site
the death a Mr. Xing in arranging
for, conventions to bring out candi-
datesfoe the vacancy, raid It is said
there will not likely be an agree
•merit between the two parties. this
time but that both evill put a candle
-date M the field. the Conservativee
have not announced a convention -yet
but will wait and see whet the other
parties are doing first, Messrs.' W.
IL -Robertson. Dr, Geneve, Hugh Hill,
McNabb, A. Hyslop and'Seett
eels) are Mentioned as aspieehts on
the Liberal side.and .Mr, 'Bricker on
the Progressive side, •The tiberat
convention 'will be in Wiughain on
Friday. and. the Progressives atilt
Meet in the same place next Tuesday.
G.,C, 1. Literary 'Society
• Keen"enthusiasm Was. elt throUgh:
out the .school last week when the of
UM for , the Literary Society for
the coming term were elected. •A
larger number of.students than usual
ttiesday and theelectionen Wedees-
tiay, 'allowing thattheoitudents have
income very inuch intereat&lain the
progress ana Work of the Society.
The elections were as follows; Hoe -
(wary president,- Miss Hodge; presi-
dent, 11, Nairn; ist vice president; M.
Redditt; 2nd vice president, D.
Meta; 3rd vice president, C. •.4,:a1ee
secretary, L Sturdy; treasurer; J.
Abell; pianist, A. Baeehler; journal-
ists. A. Sturdy, E. Sale, G. Buchation,
P. Sheardown; press editors, E. Win-
ter, E Humber; form representatives,
1A. and 113., Jun Sutherland, and anti
• Sr. Commercial, A. Orem; MB., D.
Wenger; IIIA., L. Johnston;
Successor to Mr. D. NIacdreald
Said to Be Appointed 'a,•
Rumor, apparently wellkamded. is
to the effect that air. Robert John-
ston, cf Lueknow, Mr, John Jaya's ,
eon -in-law, whohas been doing hie 1
business for hini. has been appointed
to the position of county court clerk
and clerk of the surrogate court ansi!
loeal togistrar, the poeition made vas.'
cant by the superannuation of Mr.
Dan. Macdonald, The appointment
has not been officially made as yet.
Mr. Johnston is an ex -reeve of Luck -
now and ex -Warden of Bruce County,
Masonic Temple Association
• the amnial meeting of the Masonic 1
Temple Association was held on Mon-
day evening. The retiring president
presented it good rePart and the fele
lowing officers and threctora were ap-
pointed for the ensuing year: Pieta.
dent, A. J. alaelaay; sec.-treas., Geo.
Gould; directors, A. J. MacKay, Nor-
man MeKiter. .1. Vrooman, A. 1e Cole,
II. Barker, G. L. Parsons; anti .1.1.
McEwen. • •
Maitland Golf Club Had
Snetessful Year.
Maitland Golf Club had a very sue.
cessful season in 1920, and the finimel
Oat statement presented at the an.'
nual meeting of the shareholder; last
Thursday shows an operatiag surphis
for the year of $980.04. Cash on
hand $850.58. There wtts written off
for deprocia.tion 'of assets in 1920,
$430.17, making the total amount
written off since the Club started,
$2409.04. Assets SOW stand at itile
829.20, a surplus of $1,829.10 over
the par ,value of the stock. The fal-
lowing are the directors *poointed
for the yeer 1027; Chas. C. Lee, D.
D. Mooney, T. 11, Patterson, ja Don-
sildeon, W. A'. Coulthurst, E. V. Les.
slie, (". W. Ellis and R. J. Acheson,
and at a subsequent meeting of the
directors C. C. Lee was re-elected
presideitt. T. It. Patterson, vite-presie
dela; and D. D. Mooney, secretary.
treasurer, Messrs. G. William* and
A. J. MacKay were re -appointed au&
itors. With a surplute melt as the
nub has on hand it UM dericalei to
'whose a Governmetit or municipal s
North street United ihureb enjoyed a
sleigh tiding party on Monday night.
Mr, Wilkinson, organiest • of St.
Ge-orgeteaehurch, ime Veen appointea
to the position of bendmoulter el the
Goderich band. s
Tho-Westailnitite001111 of Knox
.eltureb put on the little pings they re-.
cently -gave ,aft Goderich. alcher Not
Jerry," in Clinton on .Tuesday night.
A 500.elimination tournament is in
ineogress amenet_theententhers of the
Canoe Club. .The sClub's January at
home will be held ort Monday.
the regular meeting of the _Wool-
en's Institute will,be held on Thurs-
day, Feb. 8rd, at the home of Mra.
aas, E. Thomson at Deeetn, •
The aeg@ar monthly Meeting of
the Stafford Hospital Aniriliary will
be, held at the home of MrsJohn
series on the Lord's Prayer; 8 pam,
Steele en ThursdayeeFebe tird, at 2,30 Sunday' School; 7 P•mes Rea. tY.
eree.•• Taylote returned missionary from
The regular meeting of the Maple China; Union, 2 Palle Sunday school;
Leaf Chapter, e, 0, Dare win be hem 3 p.m., Worshin.
08 Wednesday, Feb. 2n51, at 1 p.m. A very interesting aompetition is in
Nominations and election of officersnrogreas in the Victoria street Lea -
Every member try to lye presentglee extending over a period oa twelve
The Goderich Centennial eominitteta weeks, A system of niarke has been
held.a meeting last Met, but owing arranged (so many for the reading of
to the town Liberals -meeting' also at the scripture passage, so numy for
'the town hall to appoint delegates to the conduetin„e of the devotional exer-
the convention at Wingham on Fri- rises, so many for the topic, so many
day, the Centennial committee will for bringing M new members. Bo
have to held another meeting sbertly many for epecial program 'features
to get the preesing business through. etc. The various vice presidents are
The conference on power farming eaptains of the various groups,
held on Tuesday and 'Wednesday at North sta United church, Sunday
the Ford garage proved a big attrae. Jan. 30th; 40 Line Men's Club, toe
tion and farmers • drove as far as pie, "What is the mainspring of our
ighteen mike to attend, liessm. S. service for othersea leader. 'Male held _ken le Detroite..A.nre hot
Stanlea and A.-Ce-Kyans, of London, Robertson. Class meetings and ealis.;41313a having been stricken ,;will tfl
,representing the Ford Company, were sion Band; 11 a.m., Rev. It D. gay.* nese, she ha51 been under treetnient
The boys travel to Seaforth today
(Thursday) and are cenfident that
they 'will eon* home with at 'least u
two -goal; victory whieh margin will
give them the series. Here's hoplee
they do.
• .
Town League Hockey will get un-
der way next week if present indica-
• tins are right. with four teams,
namely. The All Stars, The Rink, The
Excelsiorm and the Canoe Clubs-fitria.
ing for. the lemon, andielog font
the brand of hockey dished up ex- the evening. There were twentleefour
hibition game played by these teame tables, the 'honors eoing to the fel
the League promisee to' -be a inighteeelowtageeelaidiett first, Mrs. Wm,
interesting one nod hockey fans will Thompson; ladies'. eonsoletion, Miss
hi, lrp,hp.it It f"ce1tenint•
The Marine Club's eecend eocial
was held in their rooms on North st, •
on Priday.everatig, Jan, 21et. peogres.
sive Mello being the first °Vent of.
• Florenee .Sinith; gents' first, Mo, 71,
Wan rener; consolation Mr. Kenneth. •
OBITUARY . Stowe. The priXe-Was donated
, IttiSON.--The deeth took place , by Mrs. Geo. McLeed. At 11 pan.
in London on Sentlay Oral -K -761M Bointitc end his staff ---of waiters
Henrys Rutson, formerly Of Goderich, served lunch to•one hundred and fifty
where he was born, being 4 sow of members end gueets, after which •
the halt was eleared lied dancing
the, late Mr. mid afte.. Thos. Ilutson,
His death to.k place in the military
• divielon of Victoria Hospital, London,
where be hnd been for treatment.
• Mr. Rutson was overseas with the
29th Battery. The funeral was beld
.on Tuesday morning from the under.
taking room e of Messrs. Brophey
Bros. Rev.. S. 8. Hardy conductea
the •sereates and the interment was
madean Maitland cemetery. Tia. lo-
cal veterans terned cut in good num.
- Amer aintethreapell-lieutete-Welailtriase
pre. Harry Watsote Thos. Carroll,
Harold Warrener, Ernest Swarts,
Reg. Platt and Wm. Snazel. Mrs.
'7,Iakolmson and her son, Sutherlend,
of Kincardine, Dr. Stalker and Mrs,
Stalker (formerly Mies Nyda Rut -
son), of Hanover. end Miss Mabel
Rutson, of Kineardine, were all here
for their brother's funeral.
• TROal71LEY.-8orrove was brought
to the Lime of Mr. and ?ars, M. J.
Bowler, of town, on Saturday, the
! 15th inst., when the death of their
; second daughter, ftene, wife of Mr.
IL E. Trembley, of Detroit, occurred
a at Spring Hill Sanatorium, North.
ville, Mich. The deceased lady was
; born thirty-two years ago in Ash.
field, removed with the family to
Goderich, and was married abeut six
Years ago, and since thnt time her
anical c ea o e tnee 1- lor, T.L. A., B. D., of West China. at • t eanatorium. ler. pra eras
operation ef the Fordson trace b • i were with her for some time before io ana etel alee 1) 11"1111111.
started. This amusement Was kept
lip, until a a.m. Musie -was furnished
by left. Tom Elliott and Mrs. Martyn,
assisted by Mr. Bugle end Ben Young.
The Club wishett to thank all who took
oartete -make the -evening one of the ,
best evenings in the history of the
Club. On Saturday evening, Jan.
22nd, the Marine Club held • their
meeting and had the largest turnout
in the history of the Club, after which
Bonny to a pink tea at 10.30 p.m. in
the Club's dining room.
A good Mason.Risch Plainer in first-
class condition, for sale at Black -
stone's Furniture Exchange, West et.
• e
Watch for .ferther announcement
and date ef eontext to be given by
the 'Young Peoples League Of Vic-
toria St. United elturele
f'ome to official' opening of MacKaY
Hall on Thursday. evening, Fele .3rd,.
et 8 o'clock. •Good program. Ad. ,
nagger) •3e cents. •All setts reserved.
Tickets on sale at Dunlop's .Drug
Mr and VI's. 're.- epetran eeleli' te
!kink !ter. ,Tofferson and frimids
resielibere bir th,slr kind sermsathe enui
hem during Hos recent ilinees death
et -their tilrm - • ' - •
; BORN • • •
I MK. In Sail fOrd• on Jan. 17th, Wel.
1 pane Sunday 50 11001 re y -open ses- •
1er a em ',etuarae cereal
- ()wine to the illness
Treasurer . Lane the usual County -
. - • I elan, to be addressed by Mr. Taylor. the ' end, She leaves, besides bee • - • •
parents and her husband, a five -pear- ... „ ", ,
Council smoker which it has been Oa I
of CoulltY. Iill view of the. present situation in i
I C ina NI T I,. h 1 ' Id' MI he 1 1 6 t brother'ha aTha.ate-aAt enni"it'll• on Saila
I r• Toylot, who tie recent y , 0 WA, e e , a s twoe,. i .
'II b 'John of Detroit, and Lorne, at home, be, gee, to,..
Met. t027, John Metteoeit, in
the sesei h
on, was postponed. Mr. Lane; geese ,
. e
Is math better again and .we under.; - Ke c .
and Mrs. hi. Johnsen heat of Detroit, 'sale ileelqiel, tendon, ini sin day„Tan -
stand the smoker will be held title 1 • ....... _ -
ondueted by the neater. • '
'! I The retnnins 'were 'brought to
I the t:41,41. tett .11elin Ili no, teits,,n, ,eni W
. .. , .. . .! , .
evenieg and the couneil expect to ,eet ; W. O. S. S. A. . .
through the bueiness of the session i The Collegiate Team Loses to Sea.
returned front t at country, will e •
.custom to Ina on the first night of i h ard with interest. 7 pm, evening 1 and two sisters, Mrs.. Je it KennY liteTsoee In Military Dieleb.11 Vie
parental Itorn.., Anglesert street, and 1111" 1,11" 1111141 4'. (101 me' 01",'"11.
the ferierat took place on Wednesday 2N..11N, .5.:1IKMRinr,,..
morning, Jan, 19th, Grand High Mmeuri#1
ass '
by tonight. • • : • • forth in a Good Game .. , being celebrated in St. Peter's church weeen, moat wire i'd Joint .111,..Niaten.
The recent eold weatljei• hite' ' ' . a hy Itev. leather Campeau, with Lev. ' whe flied Jen teeele Rile.
i Father Gaffney, of Clinton,•as deacon, Yen w4.4'4. weary with ' pia in heart
i tend Mr, Thos, McCarthy, of St. Pete I met mind.
; er'e Seminary, London, as sub-deacon.1. k.1",e0selftefog, feinted and LAM. .,
' Interment took place in St. Joseph's tool etiews now we titles eel', Coe
knew.. what Is beet,
e.. emeterY, ; Xingebridge, where Rev. I ett,1 honk you hiatus to")"- . ane
!"leather McCardle conducted the bur- 1,,.51. .
service. The pallbearers were ION i4le1 4 iii.T.1,1 "r -1".:-.1 1* (10
; Messrs. E. L Dean, I. R. Platt, Jae. i .filei iii..tuere '6110 ;Mit VII
, r 41414.",
, D.wler. Thos. O'Connor. Jas. `Wallaee Jtiet .1 telosii et ;irrigation,.
, s...
; and John Courtney. All the mem. i Met a tesertielie, still fer e ell.
1 bers of •the fainily were here, anti el- eata mieseet be goteee moulee.
so two sisters of the bereavol hue. Sip.ta.rs4 awl itrothera
responsible for a number of freeen :• Local hockey fans saw the secorel
water pipes and deranged heating se's.' game of the senior W. O. S. S. A.
tents, A week ago Sunday the heat -1 series here on Monday evening last
hig system in tile office of Drs. White.; when the boys from the G• C. T. Welt-
ly and Martin suffered eonsiderable; ed sticks with the Seaforth Collegiate
damage, the furnace and' tank being j team. After.seeing the local -erew
cracked. Last night one of the heat* come rt on top of a one-sided game
ine pipes at the Bedford cracked and with Clinton about ten days ago,
allowed water to tun down owe -the ; people figured that Senforth might
front entrance. Probably the cold 4 be treated in like manner and a real
from the front vestibule, the doer of1 crowd turned out to see tlfe :ague
which Is often left open, ettesed the 'tient
pipe to freeze up.
A REQUEST' •FROM ortADIO ASliata In the opening minute% of the game
Editor ef The Stat. ' tack on Elliott'S eitedel and for
the visitors launched a whirlevine ate
time the Goderich lade were quite
Dear Sir. -4 am sure that the raa. bewildered by the speed and combine
jority of those who tem eleetrie in. talon of their opperients. It was not
ritruments suck as violet -ray mach. long before the Seeforth sextette,
ines do net know that when ther are reaped reward for the persistemy of
in use they completely blot out Alt its attack, an Willis opened the setae
radio reception within Beveled bloeks, Inc with it neat shot from' left wing.
Many a fine eoneert, or good leettire This counter was followed by tro
is lost, 111 to speak of helpful ser. motto and midterm certainly looked
mons on Sunday. • diemel for the, toe/elites. McCloskey
It is not alwaye erosible to avoid end Mcalanue both were turnine in
this we know, be radio reception ie stailur performances for their ttarn
newly eonfitied t eertain In/Uri AA and the St.sforth erew fermi it bard
follows, 124, 84. 6-7, 8.10. If throw going wli ••• tee- this defence*.
who have to use mith inettumente, Nairn and co. settled down to busi.
woula timid these houre as far as resit after the third goal and began
possible they would add very mull to to wotry the visiting trew euite a lot,
the pleasure, of radio audiences.
Yours very truly, heviter rather hard luck in their
ettootine. It was lett to ".1.1141't• Sale
PRES. CODERICH RADIO to reeieter the first t illy foe the
ASSOCIATION. G. C. L, and he made no mistake ohm
• MacKay Hall
Thursday Evening, Feb. 3rd
Tickets on Sole ot Dunlop's Drug Store