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The Goderich Star, 1927-01-13, Page 3
f . - a lw- .1 mss, , •; �ebtse �t eMt s awta atm of eller ThsM 1t e�I a &W earn or loss ateivare im b" = W ties n erase. are r►Lt ch*micatlp va"NaW!' 1*0 o t.tld7 s Ma. Zea wo ft at. U. aa! a cab 100". ),ewetstattor ;tial sisrpiy Mixed tutrttwr•- sr- die Goderich �i'••0 1 err tiers ME . took � 101M at !dais ON Ituct as M mamp� traits of wboar Dad lit ,wow et attwss ll�s� eMaftwg. nal. lir. Airs- wars ,*lasted terother to a m-a&mvv wtttsis asliow" as a! adla ties I leas , ttanittm. lint of tke pea's T1w otty x to essential w ruatiwrs• o Trait tnstrihd VUL I SoTtist�ClMb ttardti>tg tow lw.onts• tion. also stwWww urs. "IT to .tsar � �����a� �����0��'���� I ve res tq soot seers tiros , . 1 , tion aid u, ertproasanr rsfret at the usher rs (a tl1WiP t stwatlri(to sir aaar {tea, awl 'h # o tea• Goat s►� Frederick. "Oars to eke clA of two stick valued the be .east nos pi seep dot I wr' 3a sook � �°�••ato" t s..c.rtlr Dill R.r wtrrw- ' bers and wialtias. on b"f oil j ! J�J�."�" 31—AUGUST �, i$�:i�7 . _ • _+tsar 7 A eeaaaaiKee has been tsatwd to Yr. 1Kiltittw ltlatktrae, surt►rGatou-' oke 1. rww e1 to dilute tis► oxygen. wbick° wettiN , c ceA co tier ee hAon e Procuring a Wrk irk, overy h1SPONeseI otherwise be too stroac. 1 Tbs nwtotlsee isasdetirwrtAd to obtain tbo aAWO earltlnilireetwttot eotit k* the to be acrd on for tiasvt at the Canadian isact5o ti ",a- its their new horse, air. Cantron S. Hoar High boos Kho•Aitr Ilttond . aJl1 ft"N a rssjirrals of oadoo4ob assts viclatty is or&W to issue luv to --"....,."I'"' , sUp Lim" at fort McNkholl. and a who .tad been six and a•lsalf years I Baas be *0 CoNOW sal Colobra.0m to be ]asks as eke status *tote ' asertsanterA in Teter with a sealorth old hay, was aattrried Ufa, . hots with the Yoloon's flank and A>< we rise in a Salla** or airlsiane . ttr,trtlamd. view to having the monatuarlt rests• gotk at rinecrest era, Toe*nto. the: Hank of Montreal. atone a suitable•' or climb a iaountainsidti, the air rwm• - ww'xov kiadt did to ibe Dort �trtat€ €n time for the Dism.:nd .lwbi- scantly Rets thinner. !tail taw air isl y frost below orris titer puna s tsrrt and �+r Itoaae if t€st keiie's sister. to 111irs arktsew went, ttrscl as€d that ko irrsses of stay tiodseinh811.1 >Otisysor bolo of your acvltlntntstrre anti +Y of tits Dominion, July tat, ish:'7. i Anne Tully, of MWI&ad. ; arts Mrs. aatolon should nover for, within four mile% of tow earth. At i Mud 1A to Va. ille r. U tames Goilerich. (balrossit la rltation Vow.',, ,_ tT Tit mombrriar tlw 011e F*Jks at Married at Ki Lucknow, which had become like t 20 miles the air €s 100 tures thinner para 'aft � 'than at "a level. Small balloons • #ti.EARR WRtTR Q1;A'tM4Tii.Y p t+ hoiue to Bern. ; " , pt containing only automatic rocordlag , , .. , re a. noes program a iCtltesl at Poul,at lswk t hAiitt. l Itk:Kl,;. r Airltl.E.Ns tjo County A iaatr,a,Re of much mere than or•r x 1. , „ ' The young people of ItrtrcedeW denary interest to a great number of c instriTments 'have scathed J0 tulle* t tine C aunty p+w 1s in Kip n eras solettsnized iw Levi Rrttlo, aged 715. retired farin• We know by light streaks matte ley : • .___ ,_ _ . _ _ __'_ -- _. ,.. unie ppotss,*, evrnlnR recently, after- .St. Atadtyiw's flatted rhutr.:t, Kippppea era was almost instantly killed vn tho so,.called "siuuotittg stars" that f - _ _ little Christmas treat. A couple 4f o.elock a.m. Thus contracting parties, triton a car#,drivey Williain Smltb, the air trachea at least 40 tr xt miles evening* latsri�e heStttr�a�schoo�ot wort a on Mr. Ha HolntesYAf at 0 l kiddeMondad tests Pinned hiiti, aa'litns�;the"At 6t? tulles slit+ Rik is so extremely - _ adNrlin,od tjriarjt I westJd tea thin that this let usually given as its' I. . lt, Ukiag tr,awioWboag wttlw i Rat riot otkall tat mMoof thilx C hlaatinasl tree�enter. Holmes, ax dMMls Marylabogt to ehteIlAoia luso booth lsbein$t height. It is not likely there lit a, taws. It also ,ride si t Sed better ao.I pr tram, also distribute lmeg, . t bu€ that upper boundary to tine; air = Y � k tainment o ttR a :ARnae ,Blair. of Detroit, yAunge+xt h held. g but that it gradually gets. thinner un-' ,�- �A r r- -� ' s� •r: treat afterwards. ldatrghter of the late Benjamin Blair.; W atRk(,sa F:milka Leaving Tkat til it dtsappsttra entirely ants nnthi�" SENT lVr- -_.. . _ -- _ -_ ' ,. B.B.H. is t n only b The T. t"limtteSt Physician 1♦leies to Dessert .-arts his.rorifa. l�laie Cooper Blair, who Towa ? ,""".' Po F 7 ] pe I remaiha but empty space.. .. attilbora Co:, Llstited Toronto last.. Dr, H. S. Brown and famil , h€ hl xt ane time lived at Kippen. A A quiet w t was solemnised on, Monday evening. After refresh l ;raet€call all' lie it irw Toronto, y g yr pleasant sive itundrrd party watt. 7r. Haw lr'ar twbare tAw 1",e.•ot' ('sit E _ esteemed residents of Clinton for the, hunk -Potty , ;(riven in the WinghanY Club building, Zifft xkikt , '—MDHi ""' "'^"'""""" past three years, have *roved to De ! t �,,,, . ,! rolt, where the doctor has secured a New Year's, morning at the home of mints, Mr. Geo. 9potton, all behalfUfour»ntfle level:, Tile hfjthessttpoint N' "' - `- " '., ---.1._. __ . _a_ _ - ..._ _ , a .z. ».� IUROF. We 11. JACKSON.-I.nstruetton'very promising position. Dr. Brown the bride's parents, when Moat M. of the Club. ex ressed the regret of which a' bird can fly is the ,aller.,r THE RURAL PRM day st ralrtstorm cRrnst ot►: In order 1 've n Voted f 1 ttr�� Cir an :was the suPcrintrndent of the Sunday Petty, yaunRsat' dlttvrltter of, Mr. and the -Club and citizens in general, At The Condor, the mightiest bird awing: k The Review of Reviewa ay4 this � to keep dry he crawled, into a hollaw� Plana 'iolip Guitar. Theo.y, sko: $ , achcol of Ontario. street church for Mrs. G. C. Petty, of Exeter, became losing xix4 osteerned..ritisens as Dr. has been seen soarinin above the sutn-' compliment to the rural press: C'oun� p b t i pl' log. When the rain be an to, fall tithe l . _Stir I and residence. North Street. the past couple of years and the tarn-' the bride of Dr. G. L. 34ilth, of St. ° and Mrs, Hambly. The doctor leaves., mit of• the Andes at an attitude of trY weeklies are pre-eminenkly the log betpan to aweUY until he could Kot Sly also have been active � n church Marys. Only the Ininwdiate rela•. this week for England, where he rill, five miles, .;moll birds and insects I home papers of news y' neither way. lie thot:ght his end had, HC. liAJIIL'TgY-Organtlt ;r:ortir St,' work, t sp:nd a year or more on t paperdWel The itnitad Church, Concert player Lives attended the ceremony, antang poo Rradu- carrletl' rp div a€i:tinnt*�a stnci hallaons p are not burriedly scanned w+:►rltj men come. Ile thought of all the WfO4 it , To cher. ShoWieo-Kereasitan whom were Mrs. Smith and Mics Jean ate work, and Mrs. l#ambty will stay drop nvr,� insens.bTc at x�vn o, three travel to or front. business, then left;,he hast done, dotal -whin he reeallmd - and sidenme at :urs, O tborne.'s. St. Pat- At noon on Thursday, Deb -10th' at � Kkh h, ,mather and sister of, the with her family in Toronto. Another? miles. The xreatest height clioiT)x-? K to the trainmen to gather sir. They that he lead not. sent a. subsoriptiou , rlck :street. _ the Melville church manse,. Brussels roam. Rev H. NaylAr alAcrated. valued couple will also be lea.ittir, by'a mountaineer Is live miles. wherc go directly to homes where their read to this paper this year he felt so , Rev. Mr Fowler tied the Matrimoni l ins Petty was wel! known fn Exeter W►ngham loan for Goderi�ii, viz Mr. r breathing , was fount[ v+pry iii'at alt in;t is a spry as well as a plras>ire..� small that he crawled right out of LEGAL CARDS knot between Ruby, daughter of Sir, 1 and Mrs, Dudley Holmes., Mx, llbl• :Ulan has risen in an ai,rrt-me t,t cibnu' ' Hence their value as an advertising the loe without dlftulty. 99, , having acted tits organist of Ste, Paul r ,and Mrii. Jas. Kernaghan, of Bru- church for a number of years, while mes has been appointed Crowitr At seven and one-half tnrlPs. It is tt++• wedlum. -. 7G� A. AARRtT.'. a aerie, and John Eaxl Skoldfce, own C.f the _grcom was also known to many } torney for the County of Haran to i Seesaw to gassy 'oxyiten gas to ,volt' . , . 0 Worms Bull the strength and under, ! - ^° - Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sholdlee, of (trey . friends in that town, havint previous replace Mr. C. Soatsrer, who has, ze- great lthvsical aaflering at three ex THIS IS A Mi k L4I, I tnino the vitality of chfldrett. :�treti= Rttrrlstplrsoliritor. Notary Public. Ute., township, . I to moving to 'St. Malys practised the tired an account of old age. treme• he€rUtt. ' One of our exchanges rat cif the sxthen them Iby using Mother Grave Jt x . Saceawtor to J. L. Killoran dental profession in Exeter. North Huron Me Ile P., load; C'WA 4.. Hoer Dai: We hear T tf%orin Ex#ermihtttor to drive out the Phone 97 office, The Square, lliiderlch Death of Mass Ross, Brasceiss p :.following: One day, *not ons; • rsince / .-•----••-�•-•--�-^�----•^•• - ^^'••�"'•�-�^}---•. Friday evening Dec. -81st, Miss An. New Rector at Exeter Time in "Toronto Just Inside the ear is the ear drain. ; a man wag out hunting. Dur€uit the parasites. + ANSST li. LEE. ria 8, Bass, daugli#er of the sato Day. Rev. Walter. Jones, the new rester ;, Emerson �nnett, mentov of tore a: very thin elastic rnembranc ; � »� _< a,•� . ;.- . � ., . �: , � � -.a-R� � �. ' " " id and Mrs• Ross, pawed' away at her of Trlvitt Memorial church, Exeter Deerfoot' Trail Rangers' camp o€; stretched tightly across the ear open• t Barrister and Solicitor home after an extended illness: pulpit on Sunday the Wing -ham United chux'cba, ,return• t 0W. similar to a drum head. Sound" " accNpied his new ... ' w iR Klieg Street East, Toronto, 2., . though not alwaya confined to lies last. Both Rev. and Mrs.. Jones art• ed home from Toronto pais J*Au,*ry� waves in the air strike against th(L. 4 i Y . W_ �i TPIc-14iones Main 1793,770A. bred. Deceased was born in Harpure } of pleasing personality and are reel- lat front attending Tlot Si3Oh On. i ear drum and cause it to vibrate back S , ` , A'- i7(0n,' S -"'^"^ hey and moved'its a small child to comed by their parishioners and the tarlo Older Boys Parliament," far, and forth very rapidly. `Directly, "�((W...,,y,. . UDLE'Y 'E. IIU] ME$ Brussels with her parents. Owing to i citizens generally. They canoe fair which he is membelr for North lour- back of and touching the ear dram is � 'r:,..^ . Barrister, Sonoitor, Notary otartc Ill. health the, underwent an Dover, near Chatham, and have* twe on. 'Ther parliament, adjowvnei� on u set of three small, loosely-conneeted i - • 'COUGHS Publla, ConveyAn e , children, i pass the vlit "' `0j*' • operation in 1917, but never r.g:tanecl the aiternaiin of ll'rtday, Doc. .,1st • bones, which rations Ul .,,,, , Pl]O;�E RT IIAbiILTON VREE7' after being in session for four dnyt the ear drum onward to a little ba her usual . good health rind' several . Died in Saskatchewan , g i; . in the Provincial Parliament build- or snc, thaat is "filled with . l -LDS ac . r �"�""�" " times +;Tad been very low, 'but rallied, A former resident of Exetor died 1 •.�;,..%JWi BPECIALIS'x 1q In the last nine months her father1 at`•Mlelfort; Sttsk.,•on Deis. 18th in the rugs. The bays of t3ntr;fa were re- substance 'and sets this liquit in c i �! R. F. J. Be FORSxEPtt.. passed away in his hundredth year person of Sarah Eliza - 13 , in ty 'presented in this parliament by one, motion. The ends of the. nervos q • • . ' I hundred and five mrnembera, ons.. from hearing are embedded xn thea bag and 61tnt� . ^,, . and a sister, Sirs. McXay, in •- the I relict -'of the late William Tievethick ' each electorial district. Members ss r"'�; EYE, EAR. • NOSia, THROAT. Wesi also. passed away recently . aged 7 J years, 2 months and 26 days pread out into the liquid, where they d, �� , Late Iiauee Surgeon. New .'York Oph• Miss Ross is survived by one . sister. }'The deceased was born a St. Tho, t. were present from 'Sault Ste. 'Marie, perceive the vibrations and carry the � i 3 ,visamie and Aural Hospital, assistant at Mrs. John E. Smith, of Brussels, and a t •v 1 1 Porcupine mining cramp and other fax sense of scans, or hoaxing, to the •.y. BRONCHIAL ' 4 . a, Ont., lived. with ser liusbanc distant c,natituencies, W4hile in the brain, F '• ,. a; i"' MoereAeld's Eye lIasPitat :Anil ri Golden four. brothers, Jas, T. and D. C., of i and family in Exeter for a•number of cit the ba a w re mast ro all en• i �•°" "' I W •$quprewT'hroitt Hospital, LandU , na.. Brussels, Thomas,., of . Cltesley, and( years. The event went tri 1941, set• y , y .e ; y y . a. Khat is Audio. Fiegken�y :' i ,y'F. ' . 6' t4aterioo St. S. Stratford, Tele Robe of Tiincardme torteixned. .. ,, 1 .r, r; T ROUBLES. ., tt, 4 l fling an a farm near :1Vlelfort. and. 'Var]atiaus in the ra)?fdity of rho M p]itane 2(i7. Uric hirer Seen in Brure. , At 3totel 'Bet€ford, Goderleb, ons tine 1Yas•=,Former Clinton Resident moving .into the town about eight _. i air waves hlttiu's; tlao ;ear.'iirunt slug' rR�E evenin8 of third Monday a, eaetx menth iDlx,; J. Albert Pa tit .alerlt 'of St d yettrs ago. Sevens yearn ago Mx wh€le motoring' home. from Part the different . sounds,. The iorvest • till tile, fullow'ing day, Tuc.at[V• .At t Catharines far the Yast twenty ears.. Trevethick passed away. Thr eo son.+ Agin between 11 and' 12 o'clock oils aiouxnds are caused by .vibxat€env az: i ` . ipJnr 1. I_. and a former resident of ' y ll ton: l and three daughters survive. Lida Sunday night,: Messrs. tC. S. Camer-' slow as 20 per second. High shrill : r ' ) ""'- bei boak,kee er Fax. the old tllrtn " fi. Herb and Gertrude. at house: Char- an, K. C., and R. P. Findlay*, of .Owen Bounds have .vibrations ,as hi • h n- ; . GlYI1tOPXiAC'I'fG o K SeaxTe and: Davis and a younger oro-, les, at Naisberry; Fred, at Vulcan Sound: had some thrilling experien- 10,000 or more per second. Ahs vi• 1 . . : Si P t T T 0' Eli. fi`aer of: Mei Geo. E. Pay, sa len Dna; Alta.; and. Mrs.' W, N. Attxfll, of }:ate• Sea• It was snowing quite hard alJ bratiana between 20 and 10,000 let r11PS . RL. L ft; C I 1 .1 g cho Sante Fe, San Dle o, •Cal: the "Way home, while the roads were } 1 __ �. Qf tie knead€rt cry goods "inexchants g second cover the range bf hutniin DR. A. N !t7'I#IINSON, f •C int 1•,, p ss d away on Saturday Exeter Old Bay Dies in .Detroit . none too good. The snow being hea- hearing, or what is known ars Audic-I , ,, •C,hlroltractor east DruntPt=s lhcraptst, morning, Jan. 1st, following an €l1- €10 w ; a .vy, but as they came within a short Frequency. -One cannot percelv+, any . Wh en route with his olid fi nr distance east of the county hue, the } Godrriclt . Hees a# several months., He. was wen- Sa tansy Mich., to visit rv'tth .r Ta- y sound tram sir! vlbratiotus that err , • v Diseases ceptxonalky well versed :m munial aI !t. I oh" s e saw some strange obis@ts on the. Toad slower on more' ra id titan• the Audle . chronic, or0anla an,t itez sus #s sk P fives in, London for New Year's, Mr, in front of them.. The llghts of the p. PEPS tablets OID oil` blgrCeit>iJi�C ails l 1$lll .-Equipped with Electra �frtl netic '.t;atlis: affairs, was k well-known Qddfellow :Tyos.., H,axaxxon Davidson was *ken Frequency •range. y , _ and and had been. presented with a 50 -your • t car crept tip on them and then with . ..i ..; ermicidal fu es .that bathe the throat 'Electronic l;tectrir. 7 eatmcii,9 an r ell in Detract with ixleuio-pneumonia, a bound they turned'off to the right ht 6 lt`hat is ltadlq Frequent; b $ :. � ) Chilaapraotia, vete a wi and before Ise became and asrrdd awtt , "The decer-ed was ] Radio waves. oxo vibrations in the I breathing eels* e5..and allay Sot'ettQsS and Inatnmatioa 'r. •-'r n ncl 7 to JP.M.city cj , e stook nn active: part in p.. y . leaped over it fence and .made off toe, t F P ;� . t Mc hours t 8 d p born in Exeter,, where he anent .lila w r ether. Sa far as knAwn; the strop est: a d r ds. �Gi1i1 _ r t Diff€ts"' the interest ! t e Coiiser• a d the. bus,%. It was 4nti*...;.hep_ __fi__ _ •_.-.. _ 11_;_...,•'! +A_ .�.N.:.�14. 99rout�._Add .�t11S4 i'•t.:w _;.-_-'-_ _....,..�. _ :T end fi ufiPl►.2(gt' enEy �xcltttir. Ll9ndy P in...- _ - o _ h la„�y toed J____. When- __ .-- t . ,.._ ....h w. - �. _ You1►g Yiat `they eiuic7 diatln u,sh thcln as dto--waVi a hear a iio-dixecti `-docs ort + ... . sand Titurstltry Aflernaans sari e�enlrit;s; vat%ve party. >3 ' t . $ t1"Cattn the throat *least bruttrilials duet. p! $ arC (Mee hears an •these nays i0 to f2 a',xt. he went to Saginaw, where he spent three gnod�srzed deer. The .ran the hearing. The usual frequencies. _ 1?; ► . Death of Old Sonforth Resident the rester tart of his •etnai n r life. close y (vibrations) of . radio wages r I . .. tahtestd •of draggy mixtures. .'Their pleasant b�alsatujc only, • P Y ?< ni .b cove together, and ar►ce they gat oft. xxe a e F LitiTy In :Altenclanw"' ' ' . An old resident' of • Seaforth passed He is survived -by his wife, ,four s€sr to the open Rel travelled , 500.000 to more . than a million r . nature' and freedom froml opiates. make Pops safe and . e and 010ce-Corner got Sear#H away on Sundsi Jan.: 2nd, in: the per. ters Mrs.. Rollins Mrs'. Edwa ds - 'Ed. st d ve led very feat. - . Im ; P i 1Resldenc a y. p , ; , It is most rnusual to see that many second. Azty frequency (rapidity, of i Ideal corn fair christen and wreak-ChoftteI old: tolls. l - Tutt-110(annIA .hoar. _ .. ... • _.-..-_.: - .so1•i:Qf, �3Tr _Wm. Coo er -tri-lr s:.li t -ns --nn :_ vibxati ri - A. P _..-_i. 8 h - -_d erby, u€�I.ondon,. srnt�-fo ex togetlrev, in that aectian bf the o )_above-the-rango.of lttrlfit' ' ,. - ._ - -yeas-,-after•.a _nt•otraated *finesse 'he .,birothe s Judson- P, of In w• l» heArrn is: call - . VVherl Shop to : a' t'pS it7 the t3lotith Soothes the - --.,., • x , , Sag a A eauntly, They could very easily. 8 ed.. adio Prequeney., . P if d� A CTIA N8E13I*CG. deceased rvtts bona xt) Englaxtc€; but vin J:, of 14laltcelona ll5ich,• 1�. Fred ' have been k You will at once ` ercelve th throat *ltd telitVQS that xtlno in ;arid er3ist�ttt Cli lt., U , , e n shot of had there .been a a dile p at the i .. y g p iI name .to -Carl ids .atal_.ar- .l4xld, ave :.. fun _. ction, of the radio retexv n set is , 11.1,,, . ...,.. ....... _.. . -. __., �- •-., th is , �� �']err:.ton-f7nt.r •earl.. Flal r�y,.:L:3�--of tandy,,.bttt�• they...got; • safely. ,aw#ty:- . ti' r. _ 1I� OytASGtivfili�* parents, who"settled Ob' -A faun in;j•Chaxlestan, �N.. nt,. Hanover Past. to receive these rapid radio waves;nl THE BREATHE»ABLE: ---'� Morns : township. Forty yenta ago . Littlq naughter 1*asaes the ether, to siory dawn the itiit xb Juice Stack anis:. General Auctioneer, he moved to Seaforth, Where lie, hsc1. James lI. Robertson Basics at of vibrations: per -i eel,-_......:..... - t p errand• ttlld to eats + _. The death:..orcurred.. at 1lfilford,- Boksseta,n- , Hamilton, lilreet, 'agdericH ince rsfded, i#1-18Z3G he" tile*' unit` d ver the + . I iviich., on Mt,nday, Dec. 27th, of SlAr• . The death occurred e:,rly :oh Tuea� t m onto air waves, a} sound. , Sales made everywhere and all efforts in marriage ter kMYary' Ann Evans, rvha ley LaBelle dao titer of n 1: and aYSt area within the range,. or ire.' �•<^ 15 uredeceaseti: hi three ear ago, but g I n day inornlnj;, Dec.Iiec.2lst, of James'll, , . 'made ie erre you iwtldiscoun, y s g , t Dix$: Milton d'acolr9, aged 3 years and Robertson of •Wh,techurc quene-y, of human Hearing, or what . . �, 1*armors' -sale notes discounted.' h. at the he is survive by a• family of five Srntunths: The little girl had been General Hospital, Winnie at the is called Audio Frequency,. • I ! AO $ER , RUB • RTSSON. sonsi Jahn, William, Joseph, Bonja• ,aging far iib, e i week with nein © p g, tae, tma (s►ata ame 3ks11Wlsetteteri rips W"tr). of aN tkvatt tt+t a wrenc _ :. :.. _ _ :. P age of : 5G years. 9 months. His 7. Howe Does the Pitcher Curve the _-- ,.. _....,� � 6. »�, ..., .., ...,.�. _. ,�.__ ._.�.. t ' . Auctioneer. Eldon .9t'.«. Goderieli 1.I' - monia: Mr. rend Mrs, Jacobs recently death was a sudden :shock . to the Baseball ,kr,rll conduct' and arrange any sale o,ft . . - b ti/iirr�l� moved to lixilfarcl from Hay tp. Dir Whole, corumunity; for until very re -1. v an Mrs , When delivering the ball the pitch- t,ta latest xnethasls •la flet best i. d J. Jacobs, man&ger and cernly, he was irt'apParent good .teal- er gives it a' peculiar twirl or s fill - --- ----.��,cs-him...ur. sirara,.tt_ cal^ciiltnd.�lrc. Yi,.1..: M4VATA_Pf „Lha-H,tt On_C9#_HomeF.ate.-th.-Ameept;,.fgi .his.-usual-.lamene:�s-a. - . Aveit Immediate. altentlon. latrnt n e s%ic" oT iha b_A1T— t te"•cTixee•' . a grandparents,. Mr. Jacobs attending a` xeselt ocf an accident some years i sales A operialtw.. • .� - the funeral. aqa. ;It has beetii learned .that his tion which it is spinning there ie 1 h. Q4,` ' Aloved from m uckn yv t hip started **sola trouble earl fhis x air res€stance .than oil the c,g•; NOTARY PlIB1,IfI,: ETC, � n/ Orb 0 o o Brantftitd g y paslte side, This resistance e it c •e veer, and eraddally. grew worse. t ria i,r use., . ~- .,,«•' Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Beed, Z.uck- until it 'becomes strong enough to: . i ai. BAILIE. wlniter eggs . now, moved to Brantford last week. Three We ago he went to W€nnipeit force the. ball to Dari aide in a c tP + to consult medical hdvice, it orvtli styes} a ; Bbbigptces rr+.tere 4'drr Tired has been.tip�rbnted gr line. fihe ball 'slmpIy follows .the N(IxARY I UIII,IC to a general *gear with the Masse was found which neceas€fated stn.' op - General tonveyaneing Joss Without c6st:to ' OLX. y efAtion.. The operation ov 1 lhT of least resistance, Dffierent ' 'Good companies Re rresente;l -. 3'..., Harris ,Company: They bpd their . p n p., ec nuc• curves are thrown by• than in thr- c f changing P ass 1. and - u it was fhb h e u t h was r. u hens 1`nr:. 'household e Ir o II XO r B a o d fie moved i •phone No 200 [loderich; Ont. 11 pay , els ed by, track, and direction of file spin and yuiyin,; tile" . 1 _ w will' be fettled fn their now ]tome the road . t6 tett>vex'v,, Comnlir;atical:: velocity of the tip€n in lrroportiaa to rVZORGE 1;. 01115ENSLAPE. it ot'. We Will give .right away.:' Tater set in and resulted in iiia death the c .'very-:...une peetedl', - , , -. - - �Ltlk •---I19tC>1!@ . br ..-,..�7eaiii`af"may oww3 t :. ,._ __._ . _.....- CC►ti1tE7 A fC€`' , A.tiii N_0 l %_8'.i . , p ren. ?in . 't. : tiayileld, put.. 'Yost � no chances.; sr>»111y London. D© O NO'1N? . ,. I It t h i feed 1 t 11 We ]rave (leen a Sint d a�t#htirized dealers fo.r pp t R 1�HE __ __ VICTOR NOD RN EL, C` RI 1 Come in;and lunch to the music of the radio. A full•stock of choice family, groceries alwa s. crit hand. y Y He 1p rile boys its 01st• '" Populairity contest ! . , ..,Yr.r,.,..w ow - : ..., .. uS6 .: A..RlB11 Y . a i . . � . . 1 4 � 1 ,4t ;1 :'. - c. . .!!=!� .I Y,I.Y,�...Y .1 * ..r.- -.... .�. use to t $r& dal ,y y', 1 . mr. lwm. McAlIister, $I lifelong re• , ; ...,:___._. - �i L� .. M .c.I.i .IW x11,11, I I ...aYiYi.Yl.r ti.,.l.l.r.r.,,I YR sldent of the Parr line, Hay own- . 8.: What is n vncuunt `! .' ; M II' WItATV'(.)t q F little of - � - � ,,..� : � . w_ ..., t! _..._ • cIyILL 3i[71fl.tt," 1'I1tr li�i+t`It i., ship, trussed away In London linspitat 9. '.Trow to ]roil water rvftliot�t heat- I 0 .. ., t. on Sunday morning, , Dee. 26th.. lie; - . ink it � t. . ANCK COMPANY, _ �f,,,�` ,,,*r•• ' and b:en n sufferer with n cancer fox ii1. How i condensed' ntflk rind•:` ? / , t; �-Y.ARti A:S'n ISOLATED Tits 41`1401 .a-aSraa��1'iy tutla;toto some, time. He. was born' on the old 11. What is n Barometer '1 . . I � e .. ERTY LN1,4 iF D ,,: ?+ d b Alars Al ,ova,• t Ajd4 homestead,: Part- line, 65 years agc 12• How does it foretell the -'weather•.' t. le � � a t'tiltta i•i property tngnre�l ftp' 1•a• ,fiirn•. T �aixx aaou vols.. .rfRE� :•alis :dpextt .all. Ida. xrr that isealtty. 1:8, .What other uses -hos. the P,:ir: r a< t � x �' 11, y ', s•;"r , i ... , . FOOII CO rF� �ANAriA tin,Jni ' ' Ci uary, l91ti 13,Oi8,97.i.00, iTii UNIX A4'fi`oe . s He was mastics trv,ce; his first wife onteter ? � � �� . � . y�PFICERS--•James Connolly. t 1 -reel•' - � prcdecensed Hint a number of years 14. Flow does :tie 'air hold ttp the i i� der.., Goderirt„ ;TDs. Evans. VicC«Presi- -- . _ ago, leaving two , sons, . Robert and heavy airplane ? `� a... r i t drat, Beechwood; T. H. Itays, Seer--_-�-, �T- ,- James, both farming on the Para •. A New tYay to i,eatrn' ~�`�., tk . Trnasee sesforth, line His. remains were• lirousi ht front NE V "TN15.iS AN AWftll. pt1Y FO►t A Flirt's! i I11IlECTORS,..-D. F. McGregor, ;seer• e London on t q _ 1 +i7k�li_ 1YHII.E-TIII:e, , _ - - -- - ub'. Rh Uma iS r Sunday, iter. 26tgh 'to hie THINK or- T"C 1PONZ PEOPCk.Z r�rt i► Ri R�-c� t� E . ,forth; J. G. Griuvc; Winthrop,, tvm. F.1CII D.1iY TURNEpOUT INrGTN� S1VOW j SPECIAL CANNED' .Go+�iD� r�11i►�;+Cr . ttirin, Constance., Cteorge 3ioCtirtnPy, homa,'where the fnneral:,,t+rok place (Copyright, 19`?6, Franl: Co1Pcx? 1 . �'wxrrn Quality C61408, 'Tn,Akemmith;• Jtrhn Ferris, Ilarlock; an Tnesdny afternoon to II€1lsgreon tllS l$ AN AWFUL nAv i e ' t 5.V.W ra telt rr sm+ rl a TH)tit',n WRANO • . . Jo:,n Bonnew ise, Broadhagan.; Rurra�y Gibson, Brileelleld. AGF.N"rs ,T. We Yeo. Onnderich., ,'.randy Leiteh, Clinton; t'Vm. Chestr:y. Sea - forth; He Hinchiey. ftforth. Policy Holders can Pty their agsees• nt+'nts at Be It, t,utt's store, fAderich A. J.:+forrisit's Clotahxp Store, Clinton; or J If. BMWs. Bayileld. .3w s . , ltr'Mt t5tgrlls{iA{�Ci leave it attended to oy the *tITINAWA(MltiM MLTt1Rt n1t6 tlls11RAkeE 00 iiistabllshed 1879 . $end • Qlkti : Datiguuwn, out. Harry L. Salkold, Re R, No. 2, God. ericii, ppre*.;. Wm. J. Thompson, Aub. Tint, vied pure&; directors -Wm, me. Qnillan, St.ilolens; W. P. Reed, R. R. No. 11, Lucknow; H L. Salkeld, 'phone 60dr11, Godetich; Alex, Nicholson Lucknow; 'Wm, Watso:t; Jas. Girvan. Re Re No. 6, C.odirieh; Wm. I Thomp•• can, Auburn; Tim Grifiln, Re Re Na 7, Lucknow; Chas, Hewitt; Kincar diM4 out. T1�f1>3: 8'i'(3THERS, T. a. ALLVIN, o 'heels. �retttry. �II..IWI..Y.I Y iiII1.,.1,q...YY,UYY IYYYYM41�i,.,YY , Burophou Braults, �H rr�a nl so t� i� ��. ided do asst alit leader°-••nWA or asy. �y r /+yn- r►� j� j Cemetery. 'i (a rut in s suul+iv sarins th fret,: . W. pre Y t oirn, ur �y i�1r111i1 �p��' S "A• get of Seven queStibria radii 1 r t'rrtrtri>rrs. 5prrirlry snorted, fancx+;I*k sal arrry ern sttxanursl, that xinyeulr t'ruus are Lucknow 'Young .Lardy Dies sir Tar• t•°nt herein each week r ill tip• i,AVE AFii . '1NfNK (WTHSr• ,Vl,ztuue, .5Ue6illly: crlrettrt tram Utc linter orclre:d. of tintuw. ,UnSr'tY,s tho:Lcsr lruita ----� - [into While on n V€sit Coinnto,l ".'Fin a-� Hory psi he in, lYorli ROESCl41x6Lil' i4 tl i,lckcd unJrr t4Ls tabrt. ' ly .JAL • . Rub .sarin right out. tvlth small, Friends of rids. Tauri Iters: 11€ilia»t What They Are 141adts: or. cc. _" .. re , Naylor. Lucknow. were greatly ahoek. Story of The •Stars, Ther Earth: I,ife cuttt4l 1st Z tins til trial Sorts* of telt! ed on Sloes* of last week h kearix• T:leatr€city, It:tdla Ills or Ct hw., r� -�� �� , ^ . ergs, Jacobs t�ll:' ins that their daughter, Miss y g ' C, co rah I: t y, ' -c • i *10 ;,f +° g , , i ,s Je see „ p y. conomlos, Law. lierttne Israsd � Domino Braili itoi. Ito bad• died- suddenly at �'c,ronto. Mrs health, blanners. Customs; l *nays Anality lamer Qv*lity ;0. Iih'eUtnatittn i! "Pain" 'rib ! Naylor and Jessie gone to Tor. plan, Animals, Birds,. Plant s Eayajdo CWto QssilIy2 tiny 27c 'choice Quality. 2111as 27s , one case in fifty requires lainterrnnal onto to spend' the reinter. tin inion• L fe; 5lisocllaneous + e t standard Qyaliiy , 2 ting 23c Standard Quality g time 23c . slay, Jessie, who `wls never very ro. treatment. Stop d ins. Rub south• _ Ing, penetrating "St acobs Oil" right bust, .vas taken ill with. heart trou. CORRECT ANSt'VERS GIVr% � � '� t., . Cliaino ; into *ore, ahfi selling joints and hie and rues taken to 'St. riliettael'v NEXT Is4'I•:EK a TOMATO Quality Z;'es. 2j tins 27c rile and relief conies instantly. o r ~� inti f, "St: Iseolrs, Qil' is a harmless rhea. mat4sq- liniment which.ncittr dkep- points 'atod•cilttttot bAm ,the, skin. Litttbert ,Quit lainingl Get & small tt at battle o old, eat "Ste. latpu (311" at tang Yin stare, and its just a tttatient a+otiI I. fret; from rs u nada paint; soreness, stiff. Was ittld: swelling. lJlbia't fnl%rI Re. lief riwaW .y1nn, w$t: Jacobs oil" hes tei€ered in� has of •rh+eat►tatbm suctr• eft'fn the fast half centwy, stud is just 'fun good for odatict, bell rAhria, hose, , � � . X- Yi,Ofs wti'heeler 1 Fueral Director rind Embalmer . Ooderich, Ot 'io 1 All calls nromrAly atteadeat ,to diy or niglit. I Pl,oee+u: ASOre Safi; 801164 Soho a:spital, where She passed away ssbt,n.,..3e .after entering. The remains were hory maxty you can answer by that time. i t Standard Quality 2s 10c tin; Viie 2 titin 23c 'll brought to Lucknow for interment in THEY WILL I iIBRAC THE PClri• Greenhill cemetery. Lucknow Residents Presented on D A MUN'TA1.S OF A LIBERAL EDVCiTION••-•Caee *'scrap Crook and ISDIt it faulty 5 California State. ��� tin Brunswick 4 tants Anpa►irar ui SARDINES Leavin for Simeoe , ,at Mr. and Mrs. Robert prawn and•',, kc�eri for future referonce. ___ ', Pdople buy lire itlsur3,llee it1 Cia5t' fif.;t ptiSStl;le 'firs. C .. tall l3stysidtt �j:�" � �� �* r� Deila0lrite SpllJ<RC�1'��� Bartlett. PEARS G6 i children left Lucknow on Tuesday morning, Jen. 4th, for Simcoe, .vherc ANSWERS O LAS'S WEEKI; l QUESTIONS Well a�lul good. sitttllC�CrHq� � '! tin► �LVE� ��� G�C h they wilt reside. Mr. Brown his at position as tray.�ellin salesman with 1. of What ., li lir Coiapasrd . C)teimary air ill abt,ut 20 narf:'oxy. � ry But the SBitic is cel le willlt ave . ] p list t)ttyiit; c.a)]d insurOttCc a :1tu51 Dice lb. ck ]{tp' '� "` 0111 , cok 'S »ii0i1 tial sari - W"" -- Reiner Drae., woollen stood rnitnufac- a beard sure winter until the first Artftw turers of Wellesley, and will work Ili Ontario. On Monday evening. he- - fore leaving, they were remembered by i.iieknow friends, at a„ gathering at the homy of Mr. atid Mrs. Havey McQuillin. A committee represent -,g: Ing the business .nen of the: town presented Mir. Brown with a cabinet4 of table -silverware, and the Lsdiefs' howlingClub presented 'lir:«. 'Brown. with cut Sleds goblets and a cake i, dish. Mr. Brown, during his four tl teen yearn in Lucknow, was active feel support of (sport organixatiorg, and l this Dramatic Seciety, and by thr ,,, hest will be greatly minced. presefstatitsft to 'Air. atsti ?Mlm 3. 14- C'aat"M on Leaving, Lotknaw Before they left for fah+e tww home CO!d weather hits thein. I Pink almon 1i 13C ]Viaga►lrat Pi eapple '� 34 Perhaps it's because they ki.tow � Fat11s ��}j that we'll rush the coal tel thein Lobster `e G5c 422 ' SHARIMAS x 14 ;after the const onap Co nxti: , , ... ... But buying dial is iike iruying Flues,t �AKEit �e ' Choice :any Other lift: itlsuranc e; the W nor Hallora►I '4 with Cltla Santa Clara curlier you buy it th•, Reaper it is, ' 1. wYlr OATS 1ti" c lu PRUNE! Ej �.ii+ A'YLM'' LtK BRAND i � � � Jt+l t pct., 2 `• 2 21C 7 vscletir6 Ila, �1 Largo Sias) For �ctd Ctcaln Coal � 11 Sr MUSTARD compay .M1N0',BrwAw"'t,"o2- SCE "t . 2rw 1. i (.rai11 'i Phone 98 �-_:. Goderich . $J