HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-01-06, Page 7I
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WW7 %WW 04W 01 iiamalloolmom - 0 . � ,
, - " m�"' "' " VChDOL OF COMMERCE . _1��
I two r"&wi--bft*,a"l,w it ht. from TlW a" F*s it - �
1Wwah..� 4& I'ntd thfA't. Or 10-AUSt Is'.' sjr�� =m &M Twesity Yeon Ago i . (
. ON"_ Su-nd'ay rAfternoon i sweld I'm ClAil-Y Person -you or (From Tbe Coodairith SW of Jan. 3. � CUhTON ONT"UO � �
trieudis." . low) . -1, SCMOL RX -OPENS for WINTER TERM 11 - - -
4" 1W #"P TY ZVAB49L HAAMM, $*do**, Cd- i A alknot fell b*twcta �". � 1, NwAh PLUkismiii Obed ilermi I
� . "I'm jftti� dotty." said I at l".1k. I MMA Y, mNumt r 4tk, 1027
mosomar-- ---- I -1*%* goiw," to d Dirby, k-141 wt � Juat I ... 1*10* olevea on Now Year's, MY 00 altera Ike FVH(X)L that kasi Ike HIGHLY QVALIFIXI) 'r
Was. X. A. *0 -1 , noftlywa, wily and ths nation. i ", staring at each otlit r. bam belotwing to thel STAry .
A%- writ". "I an 14wag you How precious is the book divine, individual, Ow fa � After a time he roose. 061ortit at. U*tboiillst churck was die. IL ICAL HUMNE48 I
__ 4ttar to Ist )*PA know the go" ", Xvi'. coveroil to be on fir#, and *3 alarm,, Tl* od PA'H(A)l. that toothet ItRA1. PRA kT �
4as j By inspiration given, I It powm the Lave of Ciod imo, tht i ..Got to get a move .. be .1 .
0� I have foosd ix 74mr 04ditimil. Bright as a, lainp, its doctrines shine. wourift and wrows of 4U earth" I "Wk*t are y-. u go!nc to do 1 0# I �plk, behW soumkd the Are brigade w4r, TiAINING from gart to I*". . I " L
8~ tin* *P I Was very XIIIV�nw, 1r, To guide our riouls to heaven; suffering mitIlOV& . 1 ed. I so -H on the ground. More w*w", WkM Hich soboo' Student$ 4VA T"Clsors art tamgkt -6Pcci*IiyQ4
oWd set slesp lit night, 9ft,ga had 11. sweetly cheers our drooping hearts � Lt turns the Wisdom of G" up,un i As he wai leavint- the rooet I said was thrown on the building, the Art *406ft training is Boodswiia Administration svA Secretarial, "rice,
4%w s"lls sod Palpitation of, lite In this dark vals of tears.- . all the hard problems of bula" Oft : II)o yt,u think Mick,st-I su*pwta titti, lw*o through, the roof. but the. bNat am a" suim Of a S004 position. ralivid wonotion a1w big lac~.
keoxt, and was 66 run dewn I eoult, I Life, light And joy it still im;arts . . It offers the Life, of God for the,t er me or yQ%,, Digby?" was soon under control and tho fire �11 - COV11:818 I
sot do my kwatwork, but just leave I And quells -our rising fears. cure of all the maladies that work In IN*" he implied. �He know4 wt prevented from sproaditir. Us barrl� 31"weraplik. Connortial. Socrearial, Voistrat (Wilre, Civil Ker- ' I
ovorythias and Ot dowil, This lamp, thr,ugh all t . he tedious sinful gosh. I didWi7do %, 111 is used as a store room wad a fowl � vice. Cdoomerclat T"chor's Course aud Special Courseit arrsallt4l. AN- : , I
night . . I. ItXb$dXtb*UX%t0fGOduP"the1 1wD. you think htsuspects.Cla%C. house, and *a all the birds were Faved'
I s"at it kt of www , hard problems of human life. ,� thell?" it Is evident the fire, started lit the For full Information write to, esiols
troin thie doetori Im "'ali:tli I 'of life, shall guide our way 'I � . .
0i" t it no It offers the LM of God $*r the' "Ev- m of coutxi� not' he all- loft. I �,' .
do me "y goo(L Till we behold the. clearer light cure of all the maladies that work in lawe;w . -` ,� Photo 196 .- B. F. WARD, B.A., P,+%. -*P _1__'y I
I .
AU bw a fri*" UW no tA me$ . Of an ettimal day. #�utul flesh. . OThen?" I I 11041try show Was Ut"dA . .11,11, -1 ... I _ - �
1. Dr. 1. Fawcett. I -uF The Hurin Poultry And Ptt Stock i I,.,.., .11 III I �
. It sheds; the Light of God upon the,, ,AHe only knows, that one of A,spel*tien ushered In the y � I - .. - � I - .1 __ o
PRAYER lite that now In land the, life that is to I three did do it." he replied and 'went with -crowing and csckling.� It was, r( UN -slands of Lake Superior are The eliptain ittill helleves tk,it the .
I . Blessed Lord, wito, bast caused all conij." . . . , Ig .; I
. out, leaving tne staring at the door. * he k'allows hail something to do with ,
I 1101, Scriptures to be writteft for out (Bishop Earl Cranston). I lAy down s,gain to think.
, I I well on to &4niglit before thet pensi tal he peaks i,f submarine moun-
*% �' � eartilliz, grant that we rnikiy ,in such "It is an age ,of -doubt; the old . (To be,continued) I were placed for the sixth airawd, ,is: their sideg slope off' tnt% deep I the dimster." Vapt. Robertson is a
wine hear them, read, mark, learn faiths are taking now torms, and show, and the officers and directors. water. The stern of the 'Xonallvu, is native of Goderit.h. Rad his Illany (lid I .1
I .1 . - workell long and friends hereabouts %,ere glad to hear
and, inwardly digest them, that by many 4 young Man or woman is hor. - hard to have &very. � stone'tk throw froln the b ink -4, is. In ,
thing put in, shipshape. The offleM 1 200 feet of water. . if'his eseape from the wrcck, and . I I �
$�_ rtlence 'and comfort of Thy Holy estly puzxled to know what to be- I The line'un. which .
V, trust he may iiever have another I
Vord, we may embrace, and ever hold lieve, How m*ny,of those.who art: judge, S,har Butterfield, of Londoa.,'the passenger% crossed can b., Feen
I HereanclThere 11 Was ollk h4nx at 8 o'clock on wedues. I such experience, ''
� fast, the blessed hope 'of everIftstftl,VL troubled have really studied the Word I .. Minging Black at the baw of t _0 - *-- I a .
I . .1 life,. which Thou bast, given us Ill Our of God'! As an actual fict, most. of day morning, and, after glancing i but it gives no idea of the eireuirt. I - -- 7- ---- %. "
I I 84vi9t.r Jesus Chrl�t. Amen; - * the doubt Phliade4hia-Ths silver cup I various varieties, declared stances when the passengers crossed _�- - - . .
5 eris go everywhere except t�, the best disoUy of po there Were some of the best birds hgi t rtgl)e I L . .
*aa ,of lyoxes I (Collect). the Bible itself. They say they clin- ultry at the aver during the s orni. with the ,. I .
stlanity until they 'oil- .15exquictntermial Pool had ever seen. drawn I -P and the Waves breaking bv- I RL 'r �
. 41,0110 =t"1=141,019t I 'begavt to S. S, LESSON FOR JAN. 16th, i926 not accept Chri Itry Show was �' " I ,
r liltoi Frank , publir: School;low. The ice during the Winter will L 11. I ,
SW " =4 Wter, Ilad after a few Lesson Title -The Mistiart's Vw der'stand, certain doctrines. It i -s $1.4 wen 1�y the Hon. 1ohn S. Us 0 1. . A probAbly di8lodge tho boat, find by I . . . ., I
. liowm I was in perfect health. of the BiWe. . if a pupil should -refuse to study Tewzher � 0
1 vwe Ontario Minister of Agriculture. i spring fi-lie.xt-�ill�bi3,1��t,tLt,,d.,put�of q I ,
X. -always recommeild them to all.those beiristry becallse his s6liseg cannot I . On Friday evening the proprietort" _ ight I I . ...- I ._�._,�.
Lesson PassAgie-Deut, 6;44; 2 detect an atom, or refuse to. love a . . of the British Nkchange received u; In the"de-,64'i'vater. In the niany it. - _.....' . . ,
X 4piew who oto suffering froin heart Tim. 3*.14.17. , . " . 0 . - . �
ltmblf.ff , . I friend until the existence ef love has Ak TIMIY. Con'ttructid line of the telegram from Air. Franks. of Wood.; culm orleinating .... from this disaster I I :
. � Groldert Toxt-tl,salm uo.-torp. been V . , the' -fill , owing colnes, by way of De- I I L 4 .,!
. roved mathematically. Canadian beltw#erl bridge, stating that Miss Nellie � L. .
. Wilbarr0i ITmrt and Nl,erve Pais ,, I Tacific lla,ik,'�Ry 'L *,,4, ,,, troit: Geo. Ohnsted. who was u pas. . 4
,U" been 01%, V -auks, of our public schaol staff, bad
m.aI5teJ�: t.
.. 'it Ft -
The selection from ilie book ,A `110hristianity hs a laboratory course Unwin, an4 Lloyd . 1- i
. ,the market for the put , not a leettire course. But it call bc , sellger oil the Cana �lan steamer Nlon. ,
_ I Deuteronomy Is an exhortation to be died there that afternoon. and re- ,"I'e,,j
! L studied only with the one best Book � nrch whiAl wnfi wrecked now I,,1c - 4.. ..
42 3ro%M L - i Province of Saskatchewan is now in questing him to make the fact krown, Roy
I faithful to the command of Jilhovah . ale, .
t, Price Soc, a 1�iwt,all , ' ,riltion This Ill to ,the , told the following story in .
'Theie�words shall be upon thy heaft, Rild the�vnci Teacher. He who waits Ope - Ile 30.0 miles in �
. druggists or , town. teachers and trustees. � , "When Nvv . It
'Ic ..
, - dealers, or =&Ile& dlre74 on receipt Of and thou shalt teachl them dliligentG �o understand first will never � know leitgth will greatly aszlst the farra- Aliss Franks, Who had been a te. .11crADuluth oil , Saturday. I 13tilthe in Minatr&% and . I I
I . .
price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, th; its power. He who, trusting, oboys ,, reached Port Arthur 6 the fall trip. �� I
Toronto, Out. . . unto thy childiten.' Turning toL I ers Of the district in matketirig.their ' In the Central school for about tell . Calit. RobertRon confided to.ine that %yArm water, rub � . I .. . .
* .
. . I . j eighth verse of the first chapter of Will find It proves itself to his soul." I grain. 1. . years, v.as a very -active woman, and' . bbing
_'. .. . .-"- 'I Joshua we "learn how to be prosper. . I (Youth's comp*niail). I 6rk of tile,societl ' ; he feared some disaster. lle toli Inv the solution, ln't,o th'a j
. . . - - - - *,.:.,- _ I - _11r Weymouth in, -,"The New Testa,l � took part in the N C-4 the stoi-N- of a gallows b4ak- -put (in Achirig s Vvith the �
.1 - - - - - - - - . � Ous. Joshua I Pt I .connected 'wltb N*rth street Aletho., - L I P*rt . . I
. . " recel,h.rg his Imarth- . th- V"-.,�;l at' Sarnia, on Which 'Mike ;
A : Jug order-&' as the successor of Isravile ment in Modern Speeck" thus gives .lie p!ums are now being sent W 'dist church, beside,% beinp- a member i finger tipi6 I . � .
,_ ill Ineet'llif, I . .
I "cat Jeaden Alogess and these arc w to Timothy. '*Bill England, arriving there in prime ,of the �hoir. -At a L, � , of'
I, SWARTS" I 2 _Paul,ii eXhottetio I , Elvillo Uos to 1� 11-anguil at Ftwt Wit. I
I I - the worda be bears-, 'This book of y�u must cling to the things whicli, condition. The"Ontitrig Department , the school board Aliss Skelton w.1.4 Bum. The gallo,vvs Nm 1,111c;�A oll I Minard's-Is e6tso splen. Ir . . � . I
'the law shall not depart out of thy s,,ou have learat and have.-IlK�eii � b. ard without his knowledge; lie h-tv. L
1. .'L bto and*188 LiVery , . . Of Airiculttire voport* having made prompted to the Central school. tt,, 1 Ing refused to carry it, someone did for, sprakins, bruises . . I
11, ''. . targht''to-belleva,, knowing wh'o youi Xkss Franks' room and Atiss W. Bull. . L -1.
, I . � 111011th, but thou shalt'rnedltatelber�- a trial shipment with excellent re- wa% appointed to St, Patrick's school ,!, smuggled it aboArd. and. aftor tilt, 4ndstrafnell ligameaft j3' . I
. ' a and night, that' th s u' waye4t 'tvacher� were,-aud that; hFilm infancy . . * . L
" � Ons '� y red writings * -, captain discovered tile deception lie I . . . .
, . to do ae,nordincr to all thit J�� .you have known the sac rults, as attested by word fiom the L .1 J .
I Pull. NOW* E109, , , ob,er,e which are able -to make,you wise tr. L cantin's� rig schemes . � was quite ,�'Orried. lie has a snilor`�! . I I 1, I .
I written therein: for then shalt illov i other side. The plums we�e picked (Froan The Goderleh Stai- ' of Jan. 4., superstitioni and nothing corld �diakc I I & 0 1 .. I I I
Montroolll Street . 1 make thy way pros obtain salvation tfirough faith in I I I 6 .
. verous., and thor ripe, and folly colored. , . . 1907) 1 1 . 1�
re ', ' L 'thou shalt haw! good - Jesus.. Every Scripture. is In— I I his belief thnt some -opliv uav I I . .
Christ .1 I cavvqtl . . I .4'_. . I 11
. JustafftheSqua . Chrio , I 1� . Toronto Star: "Tile Stratford -St. about to full upon his v,csqel. Ifo L so �. ".
. . I success,'. . � out' L I I � 0
,Mfti's VW , told, us how to be prosperous in w.crile spired, of God and i's useful for.teach, I Joseph Railway will ba built 48 soon, was a cwh 1111
I I i .in .1 tit relieved - when Por- I= 01 I
of similar import given at tho con. Ing, forconvInOng, for.correction oil V coaler��--Tbe' Istrgest il'bipment as the frost is out of the ground," de- Arthur Was reached and.tho trallow,k . � � . .11 �
I . . . L
SEVERAL FIRSVCLA�S AUTOS READY � elusion of"tho sernion on the Mount- error, and for. instruction in .right of tree seeds ever made within the clares N. At. Cantin, the founder of - .. I �' � �
I L Q 1. h 6111 1 Gir. but the old feelin;r (lid not ell. .. .
FOR SER'"CE - CET YOU AXYW"E8E � 'Everyone. therefore, flist hesr ti d x; so that the man of God may Briti,sh. Empire, *as' that of :�200 St. Joseph, o� Lake Huron. L Mr,' b ' 1111"lly leave llilll'L . TbO Wreck oeew-retl 11 . L i i
. .
1. - , AND WIEN YOU, WANT TO GETTRERE ; theo.. wor(l.; Of nljl�(, an -1 tire 1 - -_ I I I ..
.. . i0astes Meet all"I'tains and . , and doeth their iniself be complete and may be per. lWs. of yellow pint seed sent from tin has an Application � bef6ro the' the uNdit 'we cleared Port Artlitir. I I . -, __ -_ . I
. . .: khn1l lv4 likened to a wise man whe fectlSr equipped for 6,ery good work " -aland house for a 0urter fir this cl&trie -,*- .. -1- - . 1'
.. 11 , This quaint; old stariza dec arej, a I . I __,________ . 1; L� .'
. passenter's4ta 'built his 116"se, ii 't rork;,aild the . I * , New I'Vestininster to L NeW'Z i1road, and sa-y-; the branch from "' ; - ' 0 - ' , �' � . I I i
. I ,� I � I pan , . ra - L- L'' �. I . I
I . . . �_ � L .
, � Psissenters'es,11*4 for In any rain descended and the Roil& came gtOnt truth; I L . . -I by the Dominion Government. see4 1 .0.0 k L -M $ � � � ... _ -_ .. - _. __� . � .
' L . ;-,�. I no St. Zoseph to Parkhill -to. get cornee- - - � � � � � 4 � . ,
- , p0vof tbo, town for all 'n,nd the wilritts blew Land beat rin tl !'Who hith this Book and reads it, t extraction plant At the former place. ti6l, M,ith tile - L � I 11
. ., � t 11,0 .9 I Grand. Trriik, will be , L 'CANADIAN
trains at 0. T, R. or C..P. R, i house., and It fell -not. for . - 9 . DGth God Himself. despise - :. L . A, further car o of - 2 500 Ibs. of built in an�y event at once. The line . NV IONAL BY I
I I u4pots . I . I fourd0d u'ron the rkk.P , .TRY SULPHUR 014.... . . L I I i
I There .I% a Who reads and uftdbrstand§'it' not, I seed is to follow shortly. * TMs-seeil' to Stratford will uW be'lluilt prompt- .. 0 t I ..
. I ��,.' . � .
. -
. I
it I onnection between hearing-, th'tj His sovI In, darkftess lies; -k - Lwill be planted on . Waste Wids ,' in . . . L ,. I I I .
. I . - V1 a oc , 13p, if thut city -i�ill give the'road a I - N " [RAIN OVICE to T RONTO ' . , I
. I Prompt ServiceLand and ,AN ECZEMA. SID I ��
ft I Word of God and doin O.-LaS thq Word .Who understands savors not . New, ZealariC_ - ' . . civic, fratichisd. Stratford is -at pre's, I _ . . � I . - I Daily, Except V unday . '.. . . 11 I
. Ca ref to I .4 .et`10110M i -f,God'commands.' �MoM desPisritb' 11o'bath no trcst*in ti+ouble, ... . ent Witlidut'cars'. Mr. Vant1n%,blg-" . I . . . I 11
. I I . .. I . ". ,. . L . t [,V6. (J,rotlofi 10!1 � �
. . .. t the word bringib.th de,%tnotion or) hlrn� -Whil, savors. and obe�oth not, .. gest pro,itet at Present is the "callai 1. . �
. I %V41.1%. . . L . t . I : 'L I Cost� Little Rod " overoomet . ell ,l) .%i'll. . -1;�o p.111. - . :
I I . ' ' 14 .
, , . d Hack Service' � qplf. but. be that feareth-the com- He hath his judgrilent'double - * . Quvbec�-The ' . 1. Trouble Almost Over I I Clintoll 6 I.:5 a ill, ,!.,^),I p.m., . . . . . i;- .
�qor Liver.v. an L I :, , . I Ca"dian Pacific between Lake Huron ind Lake rrie, : ., - , 't I �, .
.. � I I inandment shill, lib rewarded. Prov. Who -reads, doth Ainderstand, ," kallway has decided to. add .three, He is .applyingfor a charterjr�:lnj the . � Night - . Rellfortli f; 4.1-.01i. 3.12 pall.
. ..T I *111 00 found up-to-date '! 13:1" 'L . I
. 1, .1 . .J., . : - (Tirb- -- . ' . I . I I . � . . . .i , A .1 . I
I � � to *very respect.8 . I .49 4 .14halt .tti.Aoh thei,i L W. ' Doth .,avor and obey; ,., .1 I i I , House, of C6mmons-, Th- tire . . . I L I . . �� I .
, . o ,, Apt' L . I 0 -
. . . I Thou . Idil,geri, hunAnd rooms to. its famous - hos- , . . I � itUlloll 7'(k.I:aAl). 3.4. pan. �� � L'. '
I I ., � -ft. 0 ft-, - I � His soul Will stand :it God's right route has not been. annou I I - - - ., . , . �, .
' -
L . . 1, ., I . I .. ... � ly,' God's. - tesfiiabpibi!�'ziuust bf�. - hand, '- I . � . telry, the Chateau Frontmic, ' nred. ! ' . .. . . ,Arr SM. tf 7.30 il,iyi�, 4.10 pan� t - I I
' ovil
,_ .... . .. I .. Vour raii0hago'�rolteltaIl .L 't_1Jt t '" L _ - d9' i I . I I . . Tho Wreck-of.the Stin-morlarch '.' �Wy i�riakiriff, 06' of I'lle1kin" gvell , J I I it M - I A .. . 1. �
, , ' L aug 0 our, children'; Lind the lit; rn the great Ju lilent Day." to meet the requiriments has t*ken . I fiery, itching* eczema, can be quickly ,,. � 11�`oer 8.1.)0,,u,X- ,. .5.20 p� I .
� .
I ... i-ir"i'diligence inust be fised to makc I ._- I.----- _ ". . , . . . e. Beneath .a photograph of the �Applyin %ilghm (" 11' 1* , ,,�,,,-15, q'int, , �0. 50 P.111, . - .. - 4 �
, . I ol I '�' -
- _ L .----- . - ___ 4t - ..;._1 bev r" __ -ovetconw4w IT-Utatho., r, _ .'7116 11 )
. . . I _ - I
LL . __ . )6� , - L '�'ThouL shalt talk of them 04' _11M." u,"e, declarts a noted skill ,skep'al'St' �11C' L "Tt)-r;7iito--10.r(y"i-Ul-'�-,-"OIM;-'---,----�IL---r' � - I '' .
__ "... - A-adetstand-them _.L__,__ __� -; farch,"WHI s _ ..
a . . . . . .� T. SWWTS:_�_ - . i h -Oall , - - n L TE .-.' �_Op � ,a�.mrn __�of_p _ �Xties- -wW1k0d7nC-Xqfe-r--X � I . - __ , .
, � - t , . I
I I.. . JPlipAW1. I 0 - ,,, . real Streelf. ' ' bLo , � i near the present, buildings. Through -to"6-i'll fegularly at. Goderiph. Tile 'Cause of its germ destroluk, -pr6perdps, llbf-u� 1iin,,_T,(1,L . - �
. I 44 %Aw bo w%pw , thoit'sitte'st in thine house.'. T VL �. I- .,,(_'.f.,ntlnu0(1 from page 6) - . I the construction of the proposed'new ' Goderich Star of '.lau.. 4th, 1907, had stantly bridgii � 0 . . 1 `4 " � 4 . i .
r . W�11: 4s _��_'� _ - �_ _ , ';'. __;; - . . this sulphur preparation in L t I ' - "N'eTol("lt". ".1".i , i I
. t! �_ � -shalt have religion at homifis . 'j�ntenae will the followingL: -k . . . : I 0�- P.M. And C) 01 )1.111'. L . - - . 1% .1 � .
. - .- .efQre ' " wing ther;�Iqb�jeau'- The above remat - east front skin. irritation, soothes and " . .
. I . I - of the wrecked steamer � I . I
. . falth in' hbruL b 'all. y Parlole � ato Var, Godirich to Tar.
. I . I __ __ _ . in te f. e culp andthe tabekilecIii. reason -was .-obably`be�loin�-`L& )argesi.hotel. able picture ,beals -tile eczema -right up. and leaves - . . . 1; .1
L .i . n I., I ell. thou ..w;ilkest by -the that I found ,him joing to the brass PI kgvirlj� L Mnilarell was taken ll� 'Jas-, Skinnel- the.skincle4r,and smooth. 1 ' , Onto,. oo mo ning traln* and Toronto - �' . . I I I
I '
.- . , __� "), box with a leal - ,to. 1,Rb . in the 1�ritish Empi "' 04^0 of Toronto. head wait�r on Ow'-boaC ni to 004ekich t .05 Lp. in. train. . . . , , � ;
- S . � WAY , .Sh4ltbet. religious abioad ;her and dustei ." - I ,
Clean Kidney I R$L We . It seldom. fails to,telltwe tile toinic �
� - " . I I . . . . . it .' at libme aild not be ashqm- 'out -the finger-prints,hd had ma&� jr� 100400nis- - L �` -- . . . I I He secured ,his camera before 6 left; , t A- Q..JT;_ il�_L _� _Th:mugh_o4Ch,qod0*.-h 1o_Toro&WvI , .* . - � I -_ 1� . I
. � i . -_ I -1 'L - ="mn" - ,---
. e t taking and .returnin P . . . 1. j- �, . . .
w,.? . . M_d." -- . I __ - � ,
.03ft... q�m-,hp�t*p,th6u*art. e k - - - Q!) -116 'n T '_ , - , I
- . � -I.L - ....pJ_ 0, --F - - - .". ft, aiird sMall_*_oL_ � ! L .1 .
. -.1 � 1; , . -1 .- � V .j ------ - f .... . .. --,-,- .�.,B, __l d -"-,,k 00 _-1 _,t11Q_.�1Le;Xl)J Am- 1hefo _14t -day. - .1�
: i"i hi � g I!,.- _ "_ -1-1-1 ______'___ ro
� B )rin king- . Cana;la� to" 11 ,:o1)tai4__W_ 41 � % 1.
I I '. .nd them or a sign is y iv list e . 1. .. . M . .,_�"_t,V,A.VT, q1F�&"So"�M-ZI.- . . . .. I - -..,..R . . . .
. 'N
__ .
ON � I � �' Ili I -4`.il' bil . � Ingenious," be - r iilweeded in.gettinir a'good plowre." 0, les ?y1clithp-Sulptiur front any . . . 1. I .. . I . L . . � I .�. I
� , * . upon thir4 h-4rd'ard t1hey shall !;., 4�r 14 -d "As ' Christmas t avel',frQ h he he only..9ne fllm�_Thbf. ' I I . I
- . L . . , L althoug I 0, ,uggist and . us6 it likc� cold* r, - � ., i'�
- Auntie, it -she . -.1. 11 _. - - ,, ''. - . . .. I I .
: W .., -worn thinp. eye.5.' Tho had the the-Od Country is expectedLto be I -_ ,_ - -_ 4 , iiin PanstrIger and Tickets Agents L
, 0 of 166�--',� b -k artful as our I - � , I I .
. . ". .. - ..41 , ater A. . ..''. , , . 1. - __1 I . cre . . . . 'Phove 9 . I :It �
I - L
__ . . I .
. . I mr-il.'-.cr. ,'. Il' wblell thn - Jej�s , under- idaa.� - - Detectives would have the -excet* , I - 'I
, I L - .11 1, 1,,f Ltl . � . I L
.1 . . L , " I . dingly heavy this year over, .. .. .. 1 1$4
: Take Salts to Flush Kidneys. I I .1 St � - find cc h6k()in-man& illuy idea htlybOWL"' ... . . 11 P. * � -L " 17J. -I I I . I.. ,
, . tbe:C.' R. lines and by.the Cana -t .. ,,, I 1: -_ . L- -
. �- I . . �: ".. - r_ -I-- .�
. . . dde, , ;i , *T ,,r in their p.,ae,Ace.' they i�rote "I think she did h4ve the idea,'�' I _ 4 , . .. � . I � . L I - . . � I L" . . L . I .
. . gliI r Odthers or I .. '. 1.1 J("l1r'r..LrVou%- of the,'1aw,1vp*n- said. "I beliele glid Went 6traight dlan kcific x�iners. ,High wheaf' - .0 J I., ., I . .. . .: ., . . I �. I . - � I . .
. ''I . ' � , I I . . .4 . I I : . . . . . . . . L' I . I . .. L. . , , � "I
. I I . . Back. Hurts � Flin'.. iif i'arelinlent of vellum,: iind !'.!om the dra*ffig-room and V . pride's and good orops-;are :given as , , V I L , . I . I. 1. L . . I . .. s . I ,� , '? : ..w �' -,Jr ..
. . IL , olis ei ... 1 I L' , �,
I . . I A . I % :
I ! '. fl. d th"ll to tile forellefid,or tU hand all the finger -marks froin the lid iind the causes for -this exodus,, .The 11 .. . � . I .. . , 71 . , . . �
L LL. � .. , 1-1 vp I . I . .. . . $ 1 , . I
I " . arm. . . The� wore them as -a ! front, of the 9. a � us 1haugurated -virtual Y' . . Th e'. Goderich� Star` . 1.
. . ,
L , damned thin I r h will be I , I I 1. I. 11, . I . . .
. I
. Tating too nuich rich food may pro- . iiXii. of their obligation ,to - God. . In "And how do Yaki�kno* that el V . . I . I I � . I. . �� . : , 1� .` .. . .1 . '' . .
d=� Rithicy. trouble in SolueL forni, says . - by,the-.�safling-o'f .the C.P.R,Ainer 4�11 .. I I . . -1. 1: . . .
L I -the laW.. A Di . I I k . I " L - *ispr . . ,
� pr,.cesq of time,tho. spirit of 11 I . . rN T 4471. T -F . .
� -4uLh0rk%4hCMl15c--1U- .iv- -los-"*t4ie-4etter,--and, ftplatark menilLeK.7,,fy igh . n " TAL . I I
_---4--:NV-W1tku4=U_ ; It ,ts, -N, -ae-;. -"!H _RL_ - _W __ - --"-,k ., . _-V_7__. I
. LLL . � I
. e - _ I . t 17� 'I, �
. - ihe�a o a4dso,--Hc-ea4rie4-nt"l al - I IF, - . I . - ..
. . I
acids created oxvite the kidncy�.' Then i ban I a special train., willL .be ran to ship' . I I I Co- _-LA - � . . 1.7 �. 77 I
y8l , . k,x ___"��`
word was not in their mouth nor the with,the cleaning4hings in bl$ : .
y I., they becolve .ovenvorked, get shiggish, ;law in their heart they .1vid their juataslWasdoingitin of" , -. -a . I --1 .- 'j 01.1 V4 1 JL . I . I
I . clog up.A d CallseL all . si e at Saint John. - �.- - I . . . I I i . . IL i I .. . I . I I 4 . .. , . . i, ,;
n phyllacteries on their'heads'.1-nd their Dighr stared, � . . I .� . I . I . . I .... . I I � . L . . I I 11 . I � . 1. � L
. - articularly backache and mjscry� iii,the I hand.-, . ?"t . I . IJ4 . I : I I I I I I . I I . . . . . . . . . I I .
. I p (Clarke). "Doing it�,Voiu. if .ej 10 L . I I . . . .L . �,
kidney region, rheumatic twinges, s' offs - he . said _Mot &S, .' ,. I I --I--"- �� . . 1. . I
u'vore I ..'-The Core of1he Bible.. Tho Bible 4 PO , I � . _ � ", L' , , ' . ' . L . I
licadaches. idd stomach tonstip'L .,why" . . Recogilized throughout thi West I � � . .. L: . ,/ � I I I I .
. �UitS' Of di'51reSS'L t I I a I , It I -
tion �L 11 I . L. I I . . I .i � 5� 1
"O - - 'L - ' . - I . .�. I . . rL 11 .1 . . I I � � I . I
, torpid liver, sleeplessness: bla4der ana thrusts. th -,nnd th-'Providenec. - %,O� .%ae?"" 1* 'gr* I ar, two of the outstanding author. . . . L T 11 C S(lir 'Mid Londoa Frci� Press. .L� .' . �. . �� , $6.75 .. I I
. . . e Boin, h, e.tin'i �_-ned L ,. ' . . . ." I
� � �)Aylilg, th6 L Wild on L . . ' , I I . .1 I. , . L . I . I . . . . . � . '
. ,urinary irritation. of God into hulMn tilliking,. 's-If.Meau had,been ities mountain t�,ansportation, I q., � 'r,J) q L .Vr ,.,. .. .
. . . It rewals the ,Fatherhood of God nss. 1,didn't,want his finker-prints to j ftward..to. ... . i . . Stai ,,tLnd',L,ond6n Advartis, . " 1. . . 675 . - . �,
The monient i6tir back hurts or kid- . ames *.Ina William.A. Brewster, . _' . -.1 . .. . . , L . U . . . I . 1. . .. .. . . � 11 I. . I . .
" my tel L �� I . . , :
. % ACtlag r* ' ' . through Jesus Christ, tile Son of God be found there, on'top of1the,fact that - esideut Land general nianager re- 'L P . - ,slob I � I . 1. .
.. neys aten I.glft, or if bladdor . . The Star aild The Toroilto C .el:.' . . 6.75 L I
. bodwes you, begin drinking or I had been seen clutchinLy hit; fist 1 .pr L . one. L 1. I � . I .� ........ � I I.., I �
, I . . " ��,
I lots, of good, and the Sun of Man the eldkt brotli n . . . .
of God's household.) . L . . e . � . I . . L
water and abo get about four ounces of . the drAwfilg!room.11 . I I I �. spectively of the Brevmt.er Trans- L 0 L 0 � , . . .1 L Li : Tll� Star Mid I'lie ,Maii. and Cinoire- . � . , . . I . . . 6.7 5. . 41
� r . I L . .L _. �5� . . � , ' .
I .
, w . . A. -7 ... . . .ar and -nie 'rordiito Star. - - .., . . ... . - *. .. -4: . .. 6.75 . . ,� �
. 11 lad Salts from any good pharmacy*' It offers the Grace of' God lit phr. "Youri were- there as ' ell as,his," -portatioti Company,: visited Can ' z VIS -M - I . !, 4 The St , .
take a tablespoonful in a glass of waier don ard adoptlon to every marr who. observed DiRbk. "it, you..went, L the than Pacific headquarters in Mont- , I L . I . I I I �
. . . before breakfast for a"Jew days and will act his fa�p_ toward home., I b ' ox fOrL the key," �. � * !-0 . 1. ' . . L 1. I ! nie sisr ami nie Farniers' Stin. .L ...... s ... �.,., al' . 3.40 , Is . I
L "VeS_�_tfiey _".Vd "' 'L 'd 1 L. i ,
L, . ' '' :'� I . I re,. gal * od . iew for the - n . id Helen to her lnisb . a . lid- L -u' 0ald.and Week�v. Star- 3* 0 0 . �. . I
. your kidneysIntay t1jen za find. This. It Proclaims th61liw-of God fia tile '. 'it real .and in an intery I I � . , T 1w Star and Thd I , .10V H
. , � tile aCid"j)f . , . ,# " a I press predicted great popularity for . * . I. . . . .
A they are them alone. n0w. . "That was a wonderful Ide � . . ..
famous salts is. niade ,front .- - I . ' . I . I
grapeg And lemoll juice, combined with . . . Z , 1. , , I L "Siout fellai" approved Digby. Banff, Lake Louise And oth,2r points . that I A Of L � , � fhe.Star and Satprday Nigiii ....... I ..* . - I...*,. . 5'.No L 1-1 t �
. . -
. lithia, and. has been, med for. years - to . ,,,,I, go a I yours, Fred, : Ighould .. � . I 11 L ie- , Star and' . The.,Catholic -Record. � w ....... � - . 3.75 . I I . . . I "' --J 4,
. Man SleepsLika tog, I ly nd shove mine -on, too, and In 1he Rockies, Americans, they . altirnate my letters to nic.tber . ., I � . .
flush clogged kidneys and stimulate fog the'Sherlocks . . . Bu,, you real- � .! ' .. . I .
I 'are a goat," he went on, . a ' 'tZille. . . .. . .-.'. .. "83.75 . -
them to - stated, wer garding iliesti ten� .. with Aelephone calls, llie Star, andL Mel.e. . .
aCtivity.j also to flentralile'the L . e re IJIL'S M"Jg,
acids in the system, so that they 00 . I ,:_ "Don't tres its some Of the outitandint'hol, , "She misses L . . . 0 � I . I � ' . 'L� . L I . � I
. I !'Eats An th" me a good deal, and - t I The Star and 16d -atid Gun ...... � ............ # 3.90 1. .
hatc, thus often relieving. blad-. . . I L y Ing You 'see that Beau was probably going . - . . I � . L . I .
F, longer ird . . to do precisely what you were doing -t iday resorts. in existence. she . � -, ril I . 1. . . . . 1.
' "After- taking - Adlerika I can Oil He was going, to polish the be . tly . , was Ju.q delighted when � . e St.ir q,lid Moiltre.tl Wlllle�s. . _ .* ... � rgllg!
. der, disorders. . I like it LJOK. aq . I . - . I I I I she ])card my Voice, we talked. 11 " ... . . 11 . . �4 I . . I . will 3.85 ' ' . . I . .
, 1. I . . I . . . I � I . "
- L , .
lad Salts can not Iniure anyone'. anything andsldep I had thing elt'Il" .4of all fo,,;t.rnnrR%, and ' A British Columbia hen, a. white ,- -ovtr a lot: of thing.%, too , I nev�. . . 3.5(y
I tnakeii a..deligbItful efferviscent lithia- kras on the stomach and c-�ufdnt keep then jab.hiff own oh.il . ''. . 'd . e. .L. . . .. . . . . . . . rene � w,al . ' 4.2 5. . . . L
.. water drink w icil millions of ,men and toodL down nor sloop." (signed) R., C - , Leghorn his taken the world ree. s settled more questions fit three ! I'lio Star aild World W, . I
tW to htlo keep 'Whi?,11 asked. f minutes than we .could, hAve , .. .1 I L . . L . k . . I . I
- �
Monica take tiow gind, th �, Miller. 'ONE spoonful Adlerikii. re- "To shield the 'real culprit, L ol Ord in 'egg -laying with a', total or. " - . ; I . . . . . . . .1 I � :11* . 3.85- 1 1 . . .
enon-A-1. I .. . � . . . .. . I . . . I
601 kid"yx and. urinary ,*rXus clean# -moves GAS and often brings oitrse," said, DOW.-. patiently� - - $48 -eggs ,given s. , Th's . , done ill twenty letteis. I . . I �_ I.. . ew� . . ,1 i
thus Qftei avoiding strlous,kidniy dis- Ing relief to thg-stomitch, St in 380.day IVA L I I . ..-__._..____-_ I . 11 . I I . I I .
I '� . . . . . . ., I
.L ,orders. .. I . , � full, bloated fee OP3 1;�t -1Y-es.but �ihy?'P I ,repeated. hen was entered by the Vniviersity'L . '"And 60 It than - ' Sp,tCigil, �C , " L , I Pe . L , I I - I- I .1 � . I .� I
. . 'tou.q Of British Columbia ii the.Domin-- writingi Wt were both sp ,, .,lobbing Rale4 with ofhor riodicals - - . I ."*
ling. ,Offen brings. O�Why should Beau be .st gratin , much easit
. .... I I '. ,,, .11 - r ,_ Ort 614 waste -matter you nevel, ass and take the blame instead of- . .
r . __ -
. r ; . . - , I thought was in your system. Plxeel' Gussio, for example? se'd have ion Experimental Farm contest ex- . pleased that. I've arranged to I may I L � .
I . lent for thrionie constipation. ' tall her every WcWnesday night i . . be had on amolication ,. I .
L . I I
. .. - . , � beet more likely to nose him out and lending from Novom.Ve.r Ist. last I . . ; (.: I � �
. L USE CAMPIREWS DRTJ40 STORE I , ytar� . to the Saint dAte thiX Year. now-" - . - I I I at cl�e -4t"'i t Vfle. or 1111tine 71 ft r ail-,, iliftiri'lat"oll. . .. r
I .. then silipper him well., I I � . 4 . . I - . . . - _�_ r- . ' -"--- " - -_ ' .. - - - -_ -..._-_._-_ _ . . .
I � L 11.1 . � - . $4 , "r, .L
----'------'- r - ______ 14 * Because he knew it wasn't, Gus. Previoua egg -laying records were To bridge those unavoidable ,I I L . I . rr , . . . . . � .1 � 1 7 - . .
HL IS M e.11 replied mv brother solemnly. . I ;� i 11 I Now!, 11 11-il.... I i
. L 144 , , r bald �by NeW, Ze$14#4 (342 eiggS'pef gap$, there b4 nothing lite an � '" I r . r ... . I
. HYDRO -ELECTRIC - Who then?'! I asked. - - - is r � occan.Onal talk by T.Ang, Dis- 1, , - V" ' r .
g- . 'L ,THE PJQ?1E,5 FJWER , - "He didn't know." answered Digby year), In 1923 and by, Austral . � r * I
� . T OTHER (347 eggs) in 1024. Lamt year the tance. For a few minutts the � L I . -# -;. .
. . . 1 ir I . miles are rolled away and tound. ; - " . f _ .- L . . , . _ 1, 4
. . � since it wasn't Gussie- or ls,�bol. it honor of establishing a record for ered friends are brou!�ht face. � - . "� - - .. - 1. _ I .
. was you or me -or "else Claudia?- . � I . . L I I ., ,r ".. . .
.. s . .
0 . I "Butrail-';nslle'ttas clear "s mud, thf."t this continent went to a hen in , to -face, . ; . 1. I . . .
. I . "Now look here. John." went on Puyskilups,. Washington, with .935 1 . p r . I I . I . 4
1 Dixrl)v.. "'Nuff said,, mid time to do eggs laid in the year, . � ; I 1. . . a
I . I I I I �
, , : .� I I . . .
I I .. IS WELL sompfbinir inxterid. But first of all I 4 - 4 3 ' � A,
I . r � I . ' i I
r I I '
.__ L � - __ . do vou still suspect Beau?" , 4 r Ah
1. W ..,f r . all h1tvc. -vel An excellent 'Peeimen of bull ' I r � I " -
.1ke r imullpected him," I re. .:: �, r
. Bank'n b Mail I - I .
Km Parks Tell1l HOW. LY& L_ Aed. 111 have only realised that i moose wit .h an antler spread of 49 . � . I 9 y . I L . i I 00
. _ I hak6o's Vegetame c4apo"d 'caught his hand, luet him with the inches was secured recently in the . L
� I I q, - L drawing -room key, and know lit, wit, woods of Nova Seotla by James W. . I . . I W ( � , , ne security afforded by tile PrOLVillee Of 011tili"11) 8-'lVirJgS I I �
hit to rub* finger Q I , . � "
I Rest" Her Davokees . col . -prints oft the Staber, Loportvinan-ed-11tor of Colunt- r 14S 1 r I
. I 1, brass box," . . office, togedler With the fadflties* extelided by every flost .. I
� , __ Moth I ISPI - eaded an t-:zpM;t*()a I I !
. gin yes or no." said Digby. $#Do bus' Oh:o. who'll 'mom"" ' Office ill Canada and Other Countries,. plake it Pcssl I for .
. .. - t - --'---_j-___ _r_.r_4 . ) 6 a I
Townto, __-_ ., , You sbapeet ResuVI I . I . Into Nova 1.`,cot.a ftii tile r-jr0olge of I .. � L I - - I - . .. ? everyone to deposit their savings in this Batik. Interest is
______ .. .
OntarIo.-1-X;rJ liter ,,A'Allsolutely not." I'slaid promptly �epurinx exhlbh�; for the Ob'o Stato I .
. I r
_ - ' t allowed, Compounded half -yearly with fult,liecking privileges. . �
P r , i0ifilowasidliss.beenatimv Idever No. No. No. Not' i I 's 0
. I . since she wax six "Very good then. Now -Did yolf Slweum. In reporting -on his trill AT I � � I
. I , ,, � months old old do it?#O , I . . at thr tourist d,partnlent 44 the i � i I The �onfideiicelhe rural Col)'"WeS "'I'Ve AIM" 'll t1liS 1 .
I A 1 M. I a I OP KNOW ' Bauk is iildleated by the large increase ill deposits, which are 9 I
� has beon to `#r did hbt." said 1. I ennad'an PROWe R-0nuy in MAI.Ilt- . I .
" � - , �, ; � I
. .. . poned to remain "Nor did L Very well! Since Inn realo where- lletfxil.1.4 of tile vxp� Tv""I now ove � 1,0(io,000.
I prove . � ' # I -
. out of Achoal the I b,el *nd Auxuatus mutually '' r $1 �
C44 4 &-aticity . Createrpart of - each other imlo".nt, as she waS hold. � r."te arrtriged, A.1r. 9tuber s1.AV41 WITH REO PERR ' t )
; �J . All deposits ,,lie guaranteed by the go�erfinient of the t �
sy modridly . . ms tiaw.w* have Ing his arm. ysr& from the table all that, uet.ord'ng to xw(its *lid ip"! � � - I Province of Ontario. . I 11 . �
WJA . � I bled different Itlic. tirne,_Who is 1pft2,* � I . reA'dei.ts lit the di.�trk-t %here V,t4 I . . I � .
if" 4 t6arialy .. I kindailfaMicine, "Claudis?" said I uhhappily . was k3led, it v,'_11�.011e 6.1, Vis AVII011 yo gerin'g with then- I I ' .
,.,�, but no" helped 64 od Digby A . et around � Reillittilices s1lould lie inade by Post Oflice Illolley order, ,
' *0" 0 mati-1.1 so �,u can hardly g I
Ing Giii-st spe'AnIffts talan (01.t in Y..,�Z:.
CONYMPINT, CLEAN, her mut1h. I had Lpaihqow Z agaimt the bottom of .
I I ' d enku get it?" Stall ,ju,t try I:rd Popper Rull and you will' . express orde. or registered letter, and shollIj lie ajdress�d to 1, �,
taken Ly" K , . I 1� '� �.
. I 1, t1w. bed and flasping his hands round I "o'Ve lite qukkest relief Mlowlt, , IN, your nearest Brandt, where they will receive pn)olpt attinifloif, �
Q= � ,. ftkham's V", his k ' Iva more mensib,it to try to reduce .Nothing has tudi vwlcent�..Atcd. pent- . I I I
,, .0, 1 "", � i � I
table Compound
CWKPW " rMl of Wiwi A it had "Goilit God, man," I tried. stitr.linLy cost& than ti, wish for hichi-r ftle". it. till" aq rtd pepperi. Instant 141, L_ -.0 , A� 6 #1 0,
I isp. "Yoii don't me -an to tell me 3,Ar 'k .is Ema as yowt apply Red,,
� helped r" so moth that I Umcht it � *r-t-vt (1:111d'" of Jewel-stealipir!" Hard work I% 4a, better tarle than '.',V, 3,r.n JCt-I lite IiIIglal$1btAt1,:
k C, `11 ings ice I I
An Eleark Vacuum Cleanor wr A4 thill th" ft* has It , W you can buv at ft drug store. " r P U�1111 Province of Ontarlo.Day Off �
- 1101P Irm"; tile ��re spot! HW 096w t 15 Q**Ws Pa*, Toironw �
ren, hlroom � 0 W"W , "'Keop ealm." he replied. a fn t"'."te Ininotes it Wi ., 2 1.
vow" dkt JU$t; a a&"* sba began taking , I I . - - - 'rcri I I
vl�,rou,.h and lbroogh. I ,Fse Moed i: �
I Fl�fw aftowls ad" is V" 7 "y now not talking about whom I ituillwt. I . Be paflo"_you prowbir get on ,��, Ta-ia% brtal.i up tile t I k0*01- 1, Torimto Brawth 00ta a, I i I I 4
jud 160yes the Aw. and gm skadoM sool does otlew out- rrn stitking you who ronlaing if yat, (finewy% nerves youraelf. -41 d I'Le 0A rholmatism tor1r.914 4" �! t, �
I rossasmend this , primmate ?"_ and voiirpelf *V.odmit, , . 0 a.
Wa a -i of-doeir ta- C#r. Say ar4 Ade1*14e. !A 0W. US1101*1tv &rig bougas fta,
late* all HYJTO 170 -,m -y wo w1a lit rim -down : tt-dlr Innocent. and losbel AM Aug. ',,i.0--, 1,.,d Ilepp" Rub, 3ade from 1 lit Matottli Av 0* . I P, , I
� - JOS PRONTING AT 7111111 INTAR I t,,I.r ir,�;v r�, �03A!l little sty f1ru ,,
LAas* for 1,5W hours. 1. ---I--- I uptIVIR as rerovrn 1ft*o(%*W.*1 $:, I I :
"d sedwook.-UMPAX", . i IVI"."Ir. ___ - ft __ - I , at I 4tt,., fj�t a f I 14 it for i, It I I
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