HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-01-06, Page 5--
- V . —.." r
- WINVOWWWWW . The tremendous ptv"urt to otell"t
enough busine" to ..pe--ste Nathia-, Afast to bed I I
, ery even at this curtaiw plwwlian ,
0 001 h�As resulted in tops being " below.
I the price tit wotil, inyaror, being
below the price of tops;)*114 At Cloth' I . ;.. : 4F
w Cod Liver i � I —
� being sold for export Canada at; .� I...
' . .:t: 11 I
. below the rz�placenwnt value. C- m- ,� ; . .
W WiU forlify yolor system agaliost taking CA& it cooWits i � — -
plaint is general on the hidaivy 'ri" . i. 2.1 ;.1
I '
, �.� I
the vit"Aimes ntce"MrY to owtawbwact Taftne-a and CCW , England that goods must be sold li-.�- . � M� �._..., •*,
. .
senores. We carry in stock the rAway vaiWoo advertisec� low cost to secure ally, volume cif,� I � . I I- .
Sam s, Scott s, goods, Kopltr &M odwrs., � In-sivess, and as one Fng1b,'i vNito- i %--_.0 I .
0- " - __ -1 'a, I— ____ - I.. - _- � � 1. . � I __ ____ - __ I "' ' I I I I
� - - . - � to !'anada recently put it- "Thc �; I
# , ! Bradford trade b&K - b:,en living 101 �� I � � * i
X � the last year by eatting itr, own t0l.", I I I I
, -
CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE . With rates of wages piid Ili Call. �� ' . I
W. I I I
. ..''. 'PHONE " D ada in this indugtr.N, double the t ites R � "I "I , - . . I
. 11 . . - I I
. I . . I ,of wades paid In England, rlW with � /I I
A .. ., .. ... . . .. .- NX . � the Canadian tariff not stiff ek-rat t I , - W ito, 4 M .
. equalize the difference fit direev, wa• f for anv meal all the )w-w7round � �
is I I
. 19 "!' 1, (M
. . es, indirect wages and overhead, - -
coluretinir mills in Canada are pas. � ,,,the -%7vhole wheat, in a digest 1-01e I I .1
sing through a very bad perloo, I er. '.'l' 1
C Ce EEE/:IS REEVE OF - GODERtCH.There are a I m cloth form- all the braim,vougeca, . .. uu&mw
" I . . , J . 0.
Win. I mill,, eld,,d down or. Nvor -in narl#!
#F*c * ,�uttlj- W. Cratioie, C. H. Humber time. T,'io,qe which are working i - __ � f-ILISTOMERS.-xecarnirginto
.1 Messrs. R. H. _' " I — -_ ' '—.-'- _i-- F %,.,i tell vvi how delighted7 they I
" only operating a small nuin r of munity, are seriously III in Goderich. slaters
1 1.
Elailie, D./SprOul and W. McLean the 1927 Council rich. She leaves also two 318te are with Eavender Line underwea.
J*_ 1 their looms, in many cases 4)8 pet I I Ward Feagan has entertain- Mrs. J. I . I
11 � . Mr. Ilo L Fry, of Stratford, and Mrs I .
/ .1 � ! cent. of 'thf loalus being idle. This cd his friends to two skating parties 1,. Patch, (it Toronto. and a brothers . , I'
� means that the majority of o . bt lteXCcedsthcirtxpectations—th ' I I
a& W. SHORT'
, takin advantage of the good open place from the home of her wm, Mr i �� "Z •1 1
' with tile 'If-'ttilig (luting the past week. Nothing 11kc,living from
The funeral tool)
HOSPITAL SEV S SHOUT mill. are f ... d, Choi of rig - find it fits with a perfection an .
I I . either Incurring heavy losses which air rinks. Antos --Stewart, Warren street, or, � --- * 1� �
I * comfort they never before ex I 11 f
I I are inevitable in closing down, to. Mrs. Elfred Moore has returned Wednesday afternoon of last week to i i
L r M CEWan and Deputy Reeve R. Turner Were Elect -1 gother wit), the loss Miiitlaiid cemetery, Rev. R. C. Me-, . I enced, and its numerous charming
Mayo 1 47 ,s and dispersion I home front the GodorIch hospital I Dermid conducted the services and the i and distinctive details It 1. . ry
I I of their trained staffs, or corabinhij,1. , with her two month-%' old baby, Nx ho have ma J
.. ed by Acclamation. � . I . - for p,.,Iorh: pallbearers were Messrs. Autos Stew. � . , a st . I I 'I .�
. . , I to operate at a loss in the ]tope that � had a critical operation in Marriott, Jam" rong and lasting impression. ,
8�lne tariff relief will be rmited . stenosis last Friday. , and
,, Mc � - ..---". - - - a 4
.Z ,,,, 'ol :
T ,quit of the vr,t(, in the municipal elections in Goderich on Mon-JaYlthein 11137 Parilillnent, The � lWas Dorothy Robertson has re. Rob -rt Doak. .
gives po,,4tlon. ,A reeve. to Mr.-Chas.t. Lee by a majority of 83 Over hit" . Govern., sunied ]ter studies at the Q01cricli' , ANDERSON. -The third d-ath in:' You owe it t6 ydurself to see this I I i
oppon t, Mr. J. J. Moser. Mayor AlaeEwan and Deputy Reeve Turner, as 1 menti survey for 19Z4, of the woollen � Collegiate after spendine- the vaca- the same family. connection oceurwd � . newutiderwear. Ithasucharm and , - .. . � ..
e , -e elected by acclamation. . to these offices respect- . textile indr-stry, which does not lit, t. ", i -I Liteunusual arid ' � I
menti last weok, ,wez .11 ,� lor at Vie home of ]ter parentq, Mr. yesterday In Dungannon, when MI daintiness qk.
.. I elude the hosiery and knitti I ., in . i I
. I
lvel�y n the election, for councillors two men who had not had exper- . ng mi s an I Mrs.C. A. Robertson. Jarvis Andcrson, aged thirty -�.oaro � - Its it is not Z
I I .
the council before, Messrs. W. Peachey, and �2 -Ole using woo as il - - .
. I Nelson Armstrong, X� I a_ raw material, 1, I I . I spite of its attractivene, I 'I
car . n of Mr. and .Mrs. John Arder.-on '� � �. i
IO Men. They polled a good volo, bov.'ever, and will, no doubt, be heard I states that the number of operating, AUBURN 'so I � 4 i
I ' as expensive as you might expect, ,
Mr. R. H. V,utt headed the poll; with Mr. J. W. Cralgle second, milts is 120' and adds, "Compared � Our mall carriers enjoyed a of that village, passed away from � . I � ..
it lit later. . I boli. tubercular trouble. U%st Friday a :
r. a H, Humber third, Mr, Will.. Battle, fourth and Messrs, D. Sproul and I We e4hall ba glad ...... to show you '.
I . I . . . with 1023 there was a decrease,of I 6 i d rA y on Xew Year's, . " , I — �4 1
. ed, . . �
. McLean fifth and sixth. . in the number of establishments." Mr. Al. Allen and family sister, -Mrs. 11. L. Guay, Nm,q burl Lavender Line Underwzar any 1. I
. result of tile voting on the bylaw, for the town to assume the $5,000 $Petit In Hamilton, her death being due to .
The An unofficial record of the woollen 1 Caristmas holidays wlth� friends in I � , , . I I
of bonded, Indebtedness on the hulldiLg is disappointing to those self -cacti_ and knitting mills el down stlipp, Mioltiran. I . the same trouble. ,,And last Fr;day t_= yCU mre to call. - ;:i:,�
I . I I
. .
. . Being men and women who give their time and attention- entirely gratuitous- Satre. � . . .t. also, an uncle, Mr., Wesley Ander��in
. I ly t the 'WOrl, Of Ifillancinir the Cmdcrich hospital, for While a nlaj,;lity of 12 1923 places the number to date at 39, i. Mr. and Mv�-. Johnston I . F. E, HISBERT . ..
'ire %'is' 111P� d' d - the hospital here, the tuneral , : , I
o ' ,: - .
for the bylaw is recorded, the byla%V tequired d majority of the vote cast to For the past six mont'is of tile fis- � their daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Weir, of " in 0 .. I
� .
� I
carr . y and no fewer tba?%twenty-five ballots were.rejected by the deputies. � cal year ending Septemil2r, 1112P., tl� present, . taking place on Sunday to Dvngan-'l I llt�llallll- 114'r(-tk4%udENv tit lleo4ollitillepeires " . _ � .; .. i
4, -- Mr. Jarvis Andersor,l . I .. !'' . I . .
These all count as votes "Cast" and bring the vote necessary to carry the. by- imports into Canada were: AVorqt-eJ, Miss Lottio Lawlor has .secured 1, non ceinetei.t, , I . -, ,, . . "'. �
. �e vote in favor of the bylaw was only 888, seven votes 'and serges, 5,020,818 1 situation lit Glencoe and left here and 'Mrs, Gray are survived by three "I 1, . . . .
law up to 406, while the yards, twoe.,IN � 13
. short.of the necessary,. number. Polling subdivisions 1, 2 and 7 recorded a 1,829,530 yard I last Monday. I . brothers, Messrs. Thomas and Mp.1viii:
S. overcoating.§, 182,71'.5 i
. . a " At our annual school meeting las. Anderson, of Goderleh, and Gordon I -1 � .. - , -
I : . �11' � ':
. majority. against the bylaw and Nos. So 4, 5 and 6 a . favorable majority, , Yards; woulen's and children's dress �'Wednesday Dr. Weir was re-�Wctc(j Anderson, of Dungannon. Ire was , I.. I
, . . , - I
. I The vote Ili deMil was as . . . goods, 2,202,714 scuare yards; cash. 131,ustee for the next . it. . born In Dungannon in the liclow, it . ____�W� ,; I .
. I - . L . , !
. q I Oaree yeaw : I __� .1 . , I � 1% I -
' ,� .
. . . � . , meres, etc., not shown in. yards, $* t The village election last konda-, which he breathed , his last. � ' 'pO .
. r,,.
. . 1 2 3 4 5 6 T Tatul 971,890; blankots of wool, $292,7702; 1 r,,Ulted Ili the election of the olZi acme years he had been in busim;Spl,
. ' . .
. . I For,,.,.,... � . . ..�..49 58 48 70 00 . 75 ' 28 -388 socks and stockings, $1,416,110; fab- i trustees by .1 good majo�lty. - in Dungannon as a barber, �
Agaialst.. ... � .......... 75 54. 1 40 . 376 ries of ,,voolt' 896,840 yards; flannels. 1 '2 .11 rs.
Hiss Efile Stoltz left last '. .
. . . I Rejected.. .,.�-.-'', - 0 , I ` 3 6 2 -5.- 2 '- 2.5 443�071 aids; yarn, $1,622,693. � Monday quay had lived Ili Hamilton for the ? - - - (
. ; I . I . . . I . I Y. 1m-! morning for C'hathaw. Her duties _ MEN= - im-0 11 - u- la
. . . - _ , . s ,Past seven V Aves ber sor.' ,, •_ .....11-1 � _._��_Iml. - _.. 1. .
. I . . I I � , . years and let,
I I � ... 1�49 POrt figures show that Canada ini. 1 start t1fiere 'an Tuesday morning. . .1�
. � Total - vote east ........... a, 4., - .,r ............ - roils --more Woollen . . H rowing husband and two children. t.$460. � for p4yment of. balance t 1 "(1 I w tins to <114 thenwelves, to tbe.,mul!x 'r I
. . . . Vote. required to carry byIav,r...,_... ........ ... 3,35 knit goods per Mr. and Mrs uriMps, *of D+ -trent. Mr. Wesley Anderson was �seventy,� . f `
.. . . . . ,'-' - than .-Pent their.Christmas holidays visit. seven years of age n' Tl- - , - .
., .. TAe for bylaw... .......... 11,3� head Of POPhlation . any. othez � . englileer's. account for '15�1 ", 04 fa -�') 1,41 you evor hear on(I cackle.
.. . �. �...! ............... � ing relatives Ili this neighborhood. and Was sufferingi Sharp's Creek drain. A largo I , . ,
. I . - principal country in the world. . . � front. gailpyrene.. He "I'll' liceytti-w Nvo.h was hard? Not on :
. .
Byla,W"failed to carry . by ..................... •
I ... 7 . � � � — * . . Mr. ind"Mrs, McLean, former r,,,4i. ter, Mrs. 'ja Itlaves a (Inugh. i ber of accounts were presented and - llf��. Tlv�v ra%v their breath tot
. . i
THE REEV9$HIP I .1 17 . . - CXODERXCH,- -v0%VNS]RfP dents, Of ,the Village, were renewing rdine, of Qoderi,�b, and a � ►paid. The -counoil adjourned to mo� t •Y111V I . I a for flggpq I1,
., . . �-dltrg:ng and their cackle. I I
. . son Willian -it 10 am ' . i I I
I . I ' rist.. f I' of St. Clair, Mich. .Afl, 1 Jan. 10th . I
.old :ac during the.Cb. - I Svecv.qn invant-, digglug, tire you?. . .
I .. I . . . I' -0. - .. 3 4 5 ' 6 7 'rotak ,�C-Ongratullttiong. .to, 11r., and:'Mrs. mas . holidays. � . . Jarvis AndersoWA. funeral takes I)IRQ(. 1'. DURNIN NIILLIPS, ("Ierk, i . I .
. Chus. C. Lee-, ...... , -108 � 84 85 100 81 ' 148 63 , 6659, I Reg. J., Johnston oil the advent of a I Miss Elsie Lawlor, of I- L6ndnn .Not,. front his Into residenc* i .. . . , I __11 ,_ ��
. ,5o i I I . I . (1, Dungannon I Take a . Lesson front The Hen ..... A woman, they say, I raiz
11 see .)nor(,
J. J, Aloser ... ......... lal. i3o 80 loG . 34 ' 79 � 596 son on Dec:: 25th, mal S6601, after spending )let- holy- . n to Drii I I
... - J 4 . 9 16: Miss H 2% ,C. B ' on Fridiv nfterno�- gaillioll � Hard work nicans.nothing to At K'n, sideways ,out (if h�r eyes than hey . . .. ,
Rejected... . .,.. .: - ��., , .4 I.. 0 , 0 3 I , . ell returned on days with her paretit tery. the' . . . I . ) , -
. . after sp st returned to con'(' and services will.. be i S' I -cps .on digging .. I .
. 11 .. .. I I � I . �, .. . ',7 ! Mondak to: Willid'sot, e . riding London last! Monday. , conducted by Rev, Mr. Hayes, in th, � he Just. kc �� worlivi ut'd husband eah looking' 8traight ahead.
. t : . ,� . � �.. . . r r. Leei,.4.,.....'� ........ � .... 83 I . � �ardlQss of. •�-Il . tit the ___.___, , �_ � . '.11 -
- . I I � , holidays at her :hoeggs, r� .. I
.. . .1 . FOR CO.UNCILJLOR§ . . . the li@id.me here. . Last seveiAl irom thb vil6ge 11b.RPTIce from the, village of a' actor'; I , . . . i i
I . I .. . . . . I .. . I.,. r� = � - - . I
. . . I . - attended nomination at Londesboro. of the United church. I . I . I ss prognosticators say about I
I - I . ... . .1 . . 1. . . . . I : ' 2 ,' -3; - t 4. 5 6.. . 7 Total - ,511s5es Ellaand Lizzie Sowerby-re, flullett stel . - . . � . .the outl,,ok for . #is or any other year: 1
I .. 4
. ,
.. ., R.. H. Ctitt. . � ........ :.142 -. 137 -80 109 64 - 133 .. 54:. I 724 turned on Monday id their schools at centre in is to be a. kind of stori�i , THOMPSON.-Many fri"6 For- If the groun(k:is hardi she-. strati . I . I � 1, 1. k I
. I I I municipal elections � this rQ4, by the, death - ... I I,- ,..:F..-. �
I 98 94 ' 84 �� 104 .72 166' �68 � .68.1 Westfield and.'Thedford, respectively,. •year. .. . . . I . on Monday, . Dcc.,, I AM I ,. ,. :.. . I � - . . . I—— .: "�-t'
I . . . i 2 7th. of -Afrs-' hardei, Jf it's dry;:she digs d0eper. I . . . . J �
I I . I .. .
, . . �
- - - at-, ri-les *�t' she digs *h00.'Ws-'1tk�',-If . - - 1, 7f I
I . ly _1� - �
., .
C. H. ITunilw.r..., - - .., 100 * 190 ' 90 117 .57. .190, ' 00 � G51 - Mr. Hugh�__ John T. Thampsoll,-W �&Y__ � I __
* ,
.. , I . Win. Ballie ...... �' . 80 , 94 . 89 136 064 112 , 47 ' 61 2 . Davidson,son, of- Hamilton ,illig a-'Chrliftena GiAck'OfOf %0rOntO- OtlOO'Streef, The decensed's maidet 1'. .. ' . . I I I I I . I � .4 I
. , is spending a week's,boliday .with,his spent. the -week-e'nd �vjth )ter aronts name.. - An ire ""W"W".0" . . . �- I . - . , ..
1). Sproul ............ so 90 .. I p tile was Sarah I,. he strikes a rqck, she works arohd I . . .
•, .:118, �: 90 . - 0 ., 112 " 42 * Z6.7 parents Mr.. and Mrs.. Robt, David,. tarn 0e villaze.' She was acdonipahied was born in Goderich and .she � s . I I 1. I . . . � I .� i ,� I I
� ' . "it she gets a -TOW 1110A' hours o? I . I �
. W. McLean. � ......... - - , township ir, ' . � �
..132 . 128 50 72 47 86 52 591 ;1 .. . . townqhi - If - . , 11�.. I .1
I _ . . . . . I I . i .by ber ister, Janet, oil ]ter return to � 'i lit, 4 0 . .1
I Nilson Avinstrong..,... 70 $3 93 114 , i'2 . 14, -44: .1 , � 523 son. , returned I Toronto s on " Monday. - , 1862, being a, datighter. of ", lebael t dnylii,% .he gives us - a 'few more. 7. . I ' I I .. . I ,
' 79 Alice *werby r on � .. I and � Isabel Andr6ws. ,Nfrs R. ,C�, , egg -s, but al .. ay she (lit. wins• . .1, I
I , I , Ns � 4 V 1 ,4 up wt - � .. ,,.r'
. . 11 I .
W. pea(ihcy. ...... _... 72 75 61 . .60L 45 90 47.5 � M , - R.
.� Genuine ........,-..... 0 0 0 , 6 2 0 0, : 8 Monday to.Stratford. after spending John Wilson is-atR,1ur4nnon this' Postlethwatte and Miss A?l60w,-,41 i6id turn,% tticqii into hai4-qhe.lIed.pn3. __ I � ,, ,, -Loan I- .IRe$ectM . week He and . onald *Me town are sister.9, and Mi% janto�_t fhe� holiattys -,vith her fatlier, .Mi-. Wni. of A, shfield; are 'arditing the, Wel,t, dr ' s .An. � ,fits. as - well ,as� trniltm, prou'atw. �. . .. I . � � . I .. . , . V�P,� . A oil this l, ull, thpi! James, Ross and nt ., ri�y I. I I I ews, wh�y died ,4vv6n.or,e .� 1(9V 1E 0. I .. ,ght years � I'l.,4ors, � Did You 01011 see .** -C it _ _ , . . ;7 ,_,__f_VJ�ofi:"".r1)J( . y . �V__JW ill - '61-6i�X�1cei--ff"ifie was married in Goderich twenty, , � q'Il ever W I .� -,�- -- - N"for`i"oR-O'Mr-__ 111111?4 miss 6ot kAfi,4�n-,,who -ha-'s- _b e'e " -1(1;��",�-,l a., of . 0R,,.W'ENTY 'YtARS p"�Qt't W' - , . n I Ilson . ,� . . "ir . - 0. I .� .SAMUN0 Wawanosh ingurafice .a. -�t.� -� .hor ,_Thowdmn a '��"Z!.�.l __ __�� ;bt � �R__V� _ .. F -__1Wo-hivoll bas bee ni watchman % _.book Mr. �Agq ...... Was, _bl 't � _ � t.301V ----i I -nin"", . .v, ing -to death, waiting f,jr,. _. of the engine when Mr. Fair t,)ol. visiOng relatives and friends In ihis comphily, . . �, : I , Years ago -last Jitne., she is � sul�v, ,(1 , one. stary . 1 . Mr. Jm Pair, Well Known,in.66- ch,qrxro-of it I rity years a . go. vicinity for several. months, left cast , Last week Air. Eugene'Doble re- by her husband and on(, ditti-liter i 7,7�� - --�-� ___ .1A* iktireii from - Service on, rrighicor Fiwar'! drove'the first trah, week on her return ,to Edivionton, signed the school ber�, having secur. Mrs. W. T. McLean, The f;ne, alG. �. .. Wal- held on Thursday last, bei. ; AINED 1-0 POUNDS. C.. P. R_ After. Forty,one )reans en tI ic, r. P -R, fo leave- Llstovv�ei and �Alta. . � . . . ed a situation in Brusselsschool. His liff, .. nariSr friends of Mr. . ' . . 1. - I ( "% . I. 3 . Brock Orr successor- is Miss Welsh, of Ripley condueted by Rev. S. Jelterson, pa,, . I . - The Fuelvithoul, ". IeDougall wag the eohJuctor The Vict�ia stre�t r,nitod. c5urch I . - Service.': j 11615f. A I tor of � I . 1. and oh'Tuesday morning.she staTted . � 11%N' 22 DAYS. . in charge. ' � . . . � �IEreweer James are .pleased to know be returned her, duties here. � � and the.pall-bearers -were ,Messrs, R�. .. � .. it fault'Fair, of Listowel. During big forty-one years' service I I . � I . . I i --- WqX;kWRVU1n_-e-UdVJ:i.. I , -.61d.in-, -home--on--Sato-l!da-y--OtL-r.-hav-11t&--* XF-J-nU.-.T.-Tr9biFr-tso. 'I re , ng Eruf, (_*-PosA4et4i,%wt c, -"t. ,%f I ; AOS , -, _ -..7-W!hi4h%V' . I � ,. . .... 1� .-----;,— was for -a time a �resident while, oil ' only has Mr. Fair been tin e,fr,. most §dcc-4@*sfu1 operation for Appen. tee I" I_ S. No � ' Thompson. W. T. .Me . That's � goin lm(,_�ii�i ,,,�M)1�No. I . 3, Colborne, was sue- Lmn, A. Me. 9 .1..1..I. Y, -,it the an. putting oil goo y 1Vsb ' %,0 "'the Goderich U HAinilton run, was fii'6iont 'employee but he has been ,a, sebool meeting last. Monday. Dons . I -evelved men women and children lu%t rall't � '�%11 90- per' * ton t ,,+ " dieWs in the Goderich hospital. , .. ceeded b3l� Nolson McLart d lind Win. CrriihAni (Brait. , . � : ....,4 ford). Floral trib t - I elp d henith, 1toivn this week calling on some of his' .-onial ore .and is beloybd by a host nual 1 (14 . U es Were i .. friends here. . 'Mr. Fair, with the of.fHends in -Listowel -for his sterling . CARLOW - Miss Young will be the tea6cr for froln frion in Toronia,- Xitchellej. , when th ey take �McCoyls Cod 1.,%er�II�.. .close of fl* year 1926, laid down ]--is . qualities, and they rejoice With him � . the present year. I . . . I . Brantford, Port Colborne,. Detvoit � I Extract Tablets. . I . I � # ii
' I Mt. Win. :CIa . rk, is visiting friends Dr. 'm Pontiac and I'Vallcorville. alg,)- .oh,' Chuck- full"of vitaminvs-the h-ind � . deliver'ed, , :1�I �twork after. forty.otic.joats of falth- in his remarkable record and in the In Tororito., . . Grierson, a returnW mission, ,- f) re cri i( I I . I .1 , ! -%y,iththe Can. fact th t 'he- will nOw.:enjoy well-* 1 . 1. 1�1 , ' . . �Iin) and effielent. service , � I i on furlough from th W. IV; S. and Vic. ...a ea. preached in , .r. Lel,�11,)se' Aid. that .a extracted from the liv.4 I Kot . 11 r. I - 6d the kind that al � I . I . ,vdian.Ncific Railway and will enjoy. earned rest, I . T. R. Wilson loaded. two carload,% I the United fliurch last Sunday. Dr,' 17 Class of Vlotoria street �� the V are fl re. . . I � h!A ' , help to frail, rundow , aneanif-T, 0(fil-.1 �— SOLEAGENTS - .a well-earned rest.- The 1,istowel, Follow employees.of the Ustowel ,of buckwheat at McGaw this' week. .Griorson's child wag baptiied Mi- 4r 'ted ,hilr,�. 11"d from the WoAe.rn. � 0 1 � . I , I .. i .�Banner last week said - . . I . .-lib-division presented Mr,'Fair with .. G4icrson -spent her yc,uLfiful. d'-- - -rinda Fl6ur Mills, Thp followill r ny men and w-inen.- I I I. , . .. .. . . I. I Miss Julia Youilg,.of Toronto, Ppent aylat*friends fl,6111 out ( f town were L' Try these sugar coated'tostelonsI I., . . A remarIcable fcature'of,Mr.Fair'�p a silk hat folldwinL)� his return 1rom - tending services in the church, . - � bero, . . � . record was the fact . that he diove. the, his run at f�ur o'clock last Thursday. the Christmas holidays with.her pur- . . fol' thP f011oral w Miss Era A,wbf,rtF,m � tablets for 30 days -1 Wely Ilon't heir. . i . . .. . .One -of the hardest. contesta in re. Mr. Ho,th,r i . . .� . Dec. 30th, � - . . .. ents Mr. and Mr&l R. M. Young. . c . fI..same engine for ever twenty. yours . ., � I )ok place In. Hullett last Robertson. Port h1gill; � greatly got your moli(q ba k. he'-Deanoal- C60. � , cent years t( I One: wonian gained tO6 pounds ill 'I��"May'o 11r" Mix'I'he- re t2 , 14 �It J- e ��-
1%es t Pir6 one t 'or P t, 4 I'smen ne '� Iin It 'I theI" tten M lie co'I�/0 Mien. Tb�ill late 'II... Ir. a U 11un M'Le � n tit-
� M.II 40 ,.4 1I.f11I 7 /_1" I I Itio'I II -
On 1 885, Mr. Fail, � - I 1, 'I
- �. I ,
. I e ondRv, resulting in th6 election -of A; Mrs, Mary R ...... . L,mlon, I Von A 0 Y, 's xt a C. 8, 'six
October Ord, I Miss Mary Robe Mr. and .Mrs. Wmi-Graham. Bl-nrt.' , *
b, t . . . I
. I
Alex. Clunig, Strathroy; Mrs. ,1,�lnl( ty cents. Ask any druggist for Mt-
WestI I I
. I started work in the C. P. R. shops at CANADA LARGEqTIMPORTER , to ljial�ara Falls after spending the. the: old •council, and for the reeveship I fol "' I i . twenty-two
ty't v `a , I y t . I
- - -
. .Toronto helping e the fitters - *OF WOOLLEN KNIT -GOODS vacation with her sllster,, Mrs, , Pd. I Mr. Armstrong suffered a' defeat at . Andrews. Brock Andrews. Wail;P ., � CoY's Cod Liver Extract Tablets I - GODERICH ;I . . .1 . I
HeLwIl's promoted to firinian in Jan � . I- — .. . Fisher. .,. * I I I I the bands of Mr. Adams, who will be , Direction.,; and formula on each. box... I . : A
: nary, 1887, and was bonored in Bring I . I , . - . . ville. Mrs.' Win. Hamiltont Ethel; Xr � , I . i.- . . .
I a couaty.. eouncil., vr 1. to .4 - 11 I
if Mr. 'all � Holland, Detroit; At . J. T. hely nine.,, . .1 . � .
for .the first official special that ran While 39 of Our, '10wit. I , d Mrs. Arthur Culbert ,and �a new man in the , Got MeCoy's, the original a I I
. A Is have . . 0. it. � r I
. Closed Sinc family, of T)utigannoti, spent.! New . Port Colborne. . I I ."-�- �`
. between London and Windsor.' In , e,1993 for Lack -of i I I �-___ � - ---O-- - - I I � ,� .
I . 1892 'he was again promoted to tne . - Adequate Protection . I Year's at,'Mr. and Mrs.Warner Walt. BRIE, F TOWN TOT . . . 1.4 - � . 1. --- I . ...; .
position of engineer, running out of I _. . net's. � . . . . .. I Mr. F. Witmer is taking, over the MUNICIPAL C UNCIUR �.----X� – �� 11 * *
I - I �� .
London, vest to Windsor and east to (Financial Post) - . Mr. and Mrs. -Chas. Varcoe,. of T(r- Work of the cemetery sexton. . . - I I West Witwaflosk, - ! I . . . . 1. I
, ' Toronto. . Eiglit years later be "was Mills in England, invaded even in. onto, spent New Year's with Mr. Var. 'The statutory meetinLr of the new Tilp municipal Council met at lo . . I . ' I I . ' . .
. asked to go to Guelph to take .charge their hom4 market by -goods from I coe's parents, 'Mr. .and Mrs. J, A. S. town council will be held on Monday
a.m. Dec, 15th for the list meotbig or,
� Of the meebattleal'department; and at Gerniany and France, where the rates.l Varcoe. . .:, . . is. . iss � . �
the same time he ran an engine be- . . . . . -morning next at 11 o'clock. m the year. The minutes of last meet- � . .
tween Guelph and Guelph Junction. Of wages paid are only one hall oil Mr� and Mrs. Hellip have returned Mr. Ji R. Wheeler has bought the im, 'were road and adopted, Mr. A. � I . . . .
" .
. house on Toronto %tceet- in whi6 he B. Pentland Was appointe&seho,sl tit- I . . . I . .
I .
•At this time the. Goileriell, line :was= the very low wages paid in England -1 to� their home in Montre'll after has been livinC from.Mr.� John' New- tchdaned officer for 1927. The livalth f . . . . -Th4o'' `6 .�. '
built and when' the Linwood, to Lis- Are making great price concessions to 1 sn,criding the Christmas holiday;; with . officer's report for 1920 was pre- � . .
- ell. � . . . I . (
. I towel branch wits completed Mr. Fair hold their :home and foreign in"Irket"-, tbe latter's 'parents, ',Mr. and Mrs. . I s -uteri accepted. The Reeve and I
. Avollea for, this run ,and for the pasf The number of Insured persons. . The IV. C. T: 'ortb . . .
ull' � Frank Martin. I . . U. will meet in N WeAsurer were authorized to borrow
eisr"liteen years has been running out employed at the 20th of Septembet it. - '.. r St. United church on Monday, Jan. I - . 1.
, ;
I . I 11 �i.__!nLlyr_ ,
of Vistow,e). the woolle , I I loth, at ,I p.m. Visitors alway, wet- ,- - - I
n And worsted industry !it' I I �
. Engineer Fair has been drivin.w the Great Britain wag 43,588, while;, Of 11 WESTFIBLD come- . . I 1.
. . I
dame *engine for the, past twenty V Ae 103,825 employed some 40 per I Mr. and Mrs. Campbell and 'The MacKay Memorial Hall is rap. I , _._ . . . � . � I . . I
I . . I I
years. The engine .vas ileal winiher-1 -antily � .Albert idly nearing completion. Both fur- Model" Theatre , I
M, this was later,changed to 30 .
ed 2e cent. were working on short 'tints f spent New Year's with 'Mrs ,e
.8. I with a loss of from ten and one-half !Campbell's mother, Mrs. Barkl,�V, of oases tire in and in operation, 111w,liw I . � ] . ' to get a . ... I . !, .
1 1
and now ... Is number 704 Billy 'Milpe � Dungannon. - completed, wall decoration don-. A WEEK OF JAN. 10 TO 5
was tate first firenian with Mr. Fair I hours a week each on the average,' . . .
. '. I . . Imo -7,1.x• I - � _____ . A.k�. and Mrs. Stanley Sibeliorpe.arici 'few weeks now will see the buiiding . . . . I "I , � 11.
. , . I * . ., .. ,f 'go. Mrs. Silithorne's, mother, MrI4. Antler. ready for -use. I � . i . . ! I i,_. ",
. . 61 - I t
. .
IWIMU, -4:1011 AOWMA I- . — '. MONDAY and TUESDAY , I
N, - I , 1% A Mil I I � . son, visited .Mr.,and - Mrs, Win. Me. . .
l �Jx . . .. 'J� Dowell on Su * % . . . '! 14 . I
- . IV I
W11 � � Ali,. Eugene Dobie, Who wit., Ali hip Miss * Beth McConnell is attNid I ing, Presents another,' his scrects mas-
I , second ter: terl-leces in the beautiful .,.ollc and . I !
OWN I :,R tit as teacher of the Auburn school at Stratford this winter. . RO'GERS
I V- TO All Out Custome - , school, a,4 been ens! -aged as Prineipa) . , dr, .
F 0 . rs � of. the t lie school' at Brussel Mrs. W. 11. Campbell is viclitillg- am -We r,,nlalcQ . . - ! f
. S. her daughter, ,Mrs. W, P. Crozier, I 6.51EMORY LANE" . I . . q
I x. , - . , - . . . - I Mr. Robt, McDowell and his laugh. Ur, and Mrs. Ray Finnigan and son I SNUA POLLARD COME'DY I 0 1 F� i
.1 .-
I I ter, Miss Della, left oil Friday to ,pent New Year's at the home of Joe � ,
Accept our sincerest thanks ' spend the winter with the former's C I 111118 MARRIAGE WOW" . :
A _ . ; dauirliter, Mrs. Frank Kershaw, t I , ,hamley. - I � Batteryless Radio . . . I
X , Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Ate . . 11 ,
: Blyth. . C nary and Jack WEDNESDAY ard THURSDAY' 7, I
1. for your patronage Outing � .urran spent New Year's I*y. ,at 4 ' . . . I
� I .1 . COLBORNE Sam Sherwood's. SYD CHATILIN . I , I .
.. - ' Mr. and Mrs. Joe England. of the in thc V,r(%te,.jt I. t _t v ever .,vrvi-n. I
Ni.'afid Airs. Jam. Ptagan, Jr at Oak r ;
� , . t ! Hugh 12th con., spent :rely Year's Day at od. 'I'll;,. is Syd's funniest p:cture at � a BIOLY Reduction 0 . .
-W * . be' P a'st year. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H *" Hill. . O.P . I
n spent a fe%v days Jack Swan's, � '.
Mrs. Jos Feag'a Mr. and Mrs. Win, Hasty and film. and tha,� int ludes 141 hai lely's. Auto." . 11 . It
. . � lost week �isiting relatives in Godes Don't miss Pwein,,, . . "Three Sets ordered before Christmas, which I
0 ,To all we extend 6ur , rich. I 11Y spent New Year#g at the home of "011! - WHAT A NVRSE`tittle. .
. � Mrs. Allin, of Godprich, -spent It I oil John Blake, 9th con. .., WALTFR THERS in 11" I could not be delivered in . now selling . I
�, . i day with her son, Aldin Allin, of Me: Air. and Mrs, It. Curran and fain. at the following prices: !
I I heartiest wishes " Garr, ilY, 9th eon., gilitnt New Year's Day . 1111IT(IIIIN, Vlbw .
i . At the horde of Mr. and Mrs. jjai�l . . , .
Mrs. Will Clayton of Putn"'", 19 �slicrwotid. . �_ I Redi-dar $165 Set for .. - $1 I 5.00 1 1 1
1 I ,. for, I � vigitint,l her Parental: Mr, and Airs I" - ftAWft*& I FRIDAY elute' , n,
4 I * ' I . r John 'treble. I 010TUARY N1. ' Regular $275,.Set for - - - $215.00
Mr. Tony Woiflw*ll, of the steanter I FRED T1110, SO's ' I . . .,
� Wiarton, is spending a few dr4ys in . STRWART.The death occurred and his remarkable nor
A A,Very'Hann'y New Year , the neighborhood. . �� lift Goderich -an Monday# D#C. 27th, of 11ILVP I .. -
I .r_X_ . ' .- lit KIN , Regular $225 Set for 0 . $175.Oo ,
0 1 Mr. and Mrs. C. Stewart, Nile , Mary Smith, widow of the John in a real, rip-moiting, ride-ent-vow. . a-
. \1 , -trient Sunday with the latter's Anter 1 Stewart, in her seventy-fifth year. boy action picture. Actual scene* , I
. AWAVU%. I . Mr& J. It. Treble. I I About seventeen days prior to her frow the famous Altvras Wild West This Offer holds Good for One Week -1 ,
Miss Annie Baxter has returned t(. �' death Mrs. Stewart foil and broke her Rodeo
. .
her Pt,ho(,l near Exeter after spend. , hip. and the Allock to her syttel" "ALL AROUND THE FRYING I -- .
) ing the vacation with her pxrtnti. '.proved fatal. 'rhe wits born in the PAN" . I
"viciftiti of Woodham, Ontario, oriel' RwnAadies Ready-ts,lffeearCoe . Mr. and Mrs. Louis Treblo, and itnoved to Goderiph shout ten :l,ears T11% 11ACHAIAKIRII.S. lit
19y . Hism V,Prda Trol.-Me. of Crystal City ff IkKo. She is surviv#41 by a family still -.11HRRY K1004 Go Eo ZAVffZ (
� Man., have been visiting with their:
East Side Square :: GIODERICH , nephew, Mr. Alden Allin. three dallighterg and two sonx: Mi,# - PATHE REVILW Es"x Strest Phone 317 Goderich
14 . John Marriott, of GrAkrich; lWr,t �
N We are sorry to report that Mrx.. Robert Carrellf. of *ienee Hill; Mtr,: 41tiftre SAL at 3 P-0-
"Iffiausalvam'IM&M NILM t'has. Walterit and Mrs. Rol*rt Allin `Jane Mi-Firem, of WoAlham * Will Comivwsr�Colken Moore in Wc
I. I P173WA - i i i i I A I -, - , IF M00 , ANN 00 '
.. WOM ll,oth former re.siderits of this rom- of 410garst FeD,., and Amt:s,. of (;,,J,.1,, .NI0krftP,1."
- .t f
. .
. I -