HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1927-01-06, Page 1___
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ICounter Check Eaaks
! ,Leave yoear next atedler with
The Star. We represeaf tke
largest rrtahers of these goods.
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jz_ i 4, Ou
tic it) t or
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�! R I }'-1 lQ,H'I'H Yt:AK -
___-_.._- ______ - _ _ ____.__ _.___.p- It}'a�LT IR NAS' DL, VublQ�her. /,
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Cr�uti ny of Ballots Cast on Hospital B Beade cin►�turd f
_ _ _ _ __--- ___ ay key the + unXy
_ _
smouth, 16. Huron County -•Total
hogs, bl1: select ai-on, Elly; thtrh
and play fur eig:rt uunute,. o
I. My I ove .Site Ito a Lit„ (.t.
ilia in the vicinity of i'e,torboro.
Mt. of fDotruft, )' lit 0
- _, _;
` -;
Children', -Old 18rrtit►!
,rnooth, .1Ue; hmuv��3, 30; extra ileo
-'. U\tv The Ureas 1\'a\c•.
3 Buffalu Girl,
yrvv }'rur.r at his home herr- t,
ea atnhis
The regulat monthly meeting of
vies, 3; sh,p hogp, 49. light, aloof
feeders, 5.
4. Susannah Dunt Y ,I: I : %.
Mt,. Kedne. of Toronto, ,. the
the Child en's Aut Society Nill be
5. British Grenadiers
guest of Mrs. \,'anatter, 1Yutm,00 ,t
•A Now Feature Noided to The
held at -1;15 p.m. -on Tuesda) next.
Hicltu-Staigh I
1}. The Girl I Left Bohai:- Nie
lflt•, and 41r.+ \1"after Saurde•r
Star Starting Thliml 8,+,uc
Jan. lith, ut the county sup�rinten
Taken Prow thetoSer ans Gttaett .
;. Dandy Jim From (',arolim.
ruttored to Gah and back last %%-"h
dent', office over the Royal bank.
A very pretty vved(4ing was Solelnnla"
•d in tit, Martinis:
S. The Little German !land-
Mr. Henry Hunfatvy, of Delrofl -
11't•, oro sure our trader,
Oddfellolnn' Installation
Monday Night :1e%t
Anglican church
Kaynhne, Sask.. on Tuesday, Urcrnt-
t1. fuming Thru The R,e•
IU. The ('ampbells Are Coining
spent Christmas with his pat.rita
be pleased to learn of a neo,
District Deputy Grand llastrr I'rt-
her 1 tth, by the Rev. J. B. W. Phelps
11. Nils. McLeod" Reel'
Mr ale,. F:r,r \1'tt,oa, of hili•
and lialuable feature we are ad,
din to ,
ty will b,• 11rr,rnt at the rntee'tng "(
\viler! Irene .\1tldrrd, youngest da ugh
ter of and flea, H. F. tai h, t
1'_'. l,,sh 1\':,sh \1'unlrn.
c,irdine, wrrr ut town during tha
R paper -this Llo
You Know"" column. Our Ir(ea
Huron L dor ti.,. Gel, 1. O. U. F'., next t
Jlonduy night to install the uf1ltet•n of
.Nit-. :
Senlatts, Sank., beeaute the bride , f
Is )r"j,otrd to hold ellnnnatlon
content, lin %uriou, centre, In Boron
of thin aortico is to au pplement
the lodge fur the ensuing six-m'>,tth,
Frank T. Hicks, third sun of Jit and'
5lrh. New.
f'oili Goderlrh, ( linton, Sraforth
Mr. Fart F:NUAL, Not Upper ('amtd,t
the school comae b ) siting !hili•
student an insight into
fetor. Lunch will br served utter
Hicks, of Guderich, Ont
Winghunt Atilt Hrn,all, It lt••ttd• w,,
!')liege, Toronto, spent the \ac.l'ion
n multi.
tudr of
J. Hanna and 11(rs. J. Phrlpa ,ion•
will t•enrr,rnt the district in tr.r tin.
In l;udt.rich. ,
subjects not found it,
rt1 the r t 0-1, } b '
telt books,and to r id f
r roots er. t,e Itd" and at content at Lorontu Jan. .6th 4411,1 lir. \Ictodith Glahani, of l.,r•,r' , pot a or I-_."
Mrs, lino[ Takes Position on G. C. 1 groom are very well known to all in the Goderieh lions flub art taking spent the vntatun tit ht., h„lit: if) those who i,ace luny( .ince! 1 -ft r:•'4 t t 8
Staff for the Term Semans and district, and tilt. heui t. up the matter ,if the lural • ont,•at Godetch. school and are busy frith thr am'
(tents to therrslgnatiun of \lis, felt \%'fishes of the community tar nn Any flddh•r over h•) yenta ..f tKd• i Mr J. A. Kubrrtnon, ill' ['grunt , ttortd's affairs a meaat» of heep.
Glllard from the staff of the Guderich abundance , t' good things in life are eligible and :,n\' ft. un) thi, that tri sent New l eat's here. the lure' or
inK abreast of the latest devrl-
F'UK At•F: 11'.\Rd1%(G Collegiate Instithte and to the di i extended to the hu p b o meats in learnin
Bl'Y yuun.� rnuplr who wash In tai,- ;,art lire a,),rd t.• ht, -other. p tt. with the
culty of the Board in making othe'. minimum of time and effort.
I. •1t '.I Ir I. ;\I I•. ^„ _ I I II \•I F.I t - '1 it E, 1 11'jul.. V. want g !'nage flub ('heist mus .1t Home leave their tame, :\N Nt:n' . it
. ,I.!rl I u.j, n l.• _„ n ,,, ,I,. . 11 ,.r, ,rt. ,L,.:` ,/;1,n\rd 1,• trespass satisfactory arrangements for• the The• lucid ,' ,utr,t \\.11 til w 1.. ;,,, \Ir. and \Ir,. Its Okt.• and hal \, of, Thin issue of The Star con -
coming teen, Mrs. L. L. Knu[, wh„ The Christmas At !forte of the \\lnd,oi hat, been vt,tt!n;; thea ter tains the first ueten
44.,,1.'1 •.,url,ttol, \j•r I' rt. In•I \\,•,l I..,, ur Ltit 18, :'uU,•rs,;un S, ranged, ptub'tlt'\ t., t"door 1+1... ,' •t,. questlUnn -
n was formerly on the staff, has agreed Menr,etutt) ('anise ('hub was held "n M,del Theat'e, :nt,i whoe\or to ,•I,k Iat!tr; herr• and thereafter each week there I r
\ fir:. of 'pin,no 11. \\r,t \\a\,.0 tIIl R\ rd••r vC IiF:Ir 1 a p ,ition on (he staff till g last ver • succe„ ed as the winner t•. .fir, tic"tI \t%\all\• :ut,l \l I„ (final will be the Amu ern to the uer.•
_ \\ (1.�„\ Uun�,lnnon tut. to seer,! s 'Chw•sdu>' evening y Kn t., T„••,n!,. \ q
a �\I.F: r, ,.,,t Iir.q,!1"n„i, I'., _ midsummer. fully. The assembly room in the Ala- will hove his a )t•I,,.•s u:ud 1•\ !!,,, il:tyllor, of PvtI„rt, \,eft• ut t %\,t tui tion' of the precious week lord
Ir.' linin,!'' w..rr'i\ lir-N, N,;I •1.1. '\\ I I.I \t ,,lir• f..r _,,,r t'. i ',,.
1 �` Il”' Haute 'I'emplc bcildinK NaS very pl's:•t^ !
1. t.n, It, 1.,11401! ?. 1,. _u'I ,%,II. ,"til• , \1^ ',,'ro,• Address on file Abolition of file litrun Oh Bu „ \t\% Year's.
,,,,I, \j,j•l\ II Wil' \h I'I'l It I ! \P1d\ \Ill- r, 1, I'\lS-lu\- \\ ,1 "' Federal Income Ta[ lily decorated for the orrasiun t%jth
1 y,' .A, ,, I:,tI•,n „i }.u. u fresh .rel of qurationa. These'
holly and pnfnsettitltt and cantle L107 onto and a :1\t•t cup will \lr,. Donald ilea„a, ..f tit rat("r! qurnt:ons and ons%ters will bot,
art ideal war
'•Ioui:u•,. I l n Ft•Idev eyrnin"' of arYt wr''k entbttuts. A suit' of small bit; h hank ed to the winner. 1?ntr•u•, 'I • , •! 1 „ a retreat \ l+!tor %\,: h \Ir,. .1 al to learn one real`
"' \\ I l u : ,,I l ,n \I 111 \\ ••n,.uo '\1t.. \tent, C, I . Innes of the Domdn-l } left with The Star at onee 1) worlh•w Nile thing each day
F It �\I.11 fill., Purrhr'''I tl"n,l. , I .': _ ,:,.,I t.•,•I'I „ I I; II,I I,l ftrt:ul 'I r;tdr Bureau tall spoil, cant.e.t wrrr cunspicuous in the• de- I ,•,\rte. F I; Ire Ace.
! it leak at : and \%iIl br e[presvrd in a rlenr
hull. r1,mv, \••ars oh1. I II,.I,t,' n' I ,III, \t ;, , .1 \\IF ^I \t II \\ curations and the word "G root'"" 11r and \it.+. Gt•u Ii I. A,,•, left
lunche, n at the Bedford Hotel on,le, IS HOSPITAL BYLAW tgarlsr, compact olid helpful
,' i tt, ,n'j.y ,III I. Ittlr 1'II'I'\turr,! I„ �! 1 :,uf.11 r I.Ik I in lane letter+ at the end ',f the f•I ,lay to xprnd \ew }'r u', at 11nnl-
tilt- au, )ices ,If the Guderich }.ion• n',anner that will both entertain
flub. Mr. Innes s maks the follow• guv.rooil. TIAifirs a welcome ru the CARRIED OR DEFEATED? "'I' :utd Dtttutt' and instruct.
4noi ll.i=,- ,II,,, ., I,ttul ,l .t,r,lnl:l NOTICE TO ('RYD11'ORS 1 gut-nt<. The first part of the e\,•nin; \ r. an,1 \Ira. ILI%\ u',
,t. War', F::n'I\'' IIA:, \\ \I t'.\\ I ... .. .____. __.. __ _ Ile„ Monday un the ,ante ,ub t•t-1 h -. I t ltnbolrt•_ n, ..
\nlnun k' I, Thou 1,10 I _ Ip I. Ile 1.1tF.1. .- __
til' lNlond :Ind the 's flubs of }(it- wa., token up with Five Hnndretd and f.urll\, , f strap'"I'I. ,,,,'lit \,,\
N' )fir,, Frank Saufltlel'A and Jit-. Ft,ttik Application for Scrutiny of lfallol+ Yeai', ill t„'..t _
. V. oh••nt•r and \\'itterloo. The luncheon Slttn•deri won the high score ,,rine, 11'ili Ile Made on 5aturd't, •r„
\. :It, , t., I „ .I. trill hr lit 1i:a0 o'elock p.nt. Ticket, pot tuiics sttal tntlemen r:s,t tf%:f Nit-. ;tett \11. ti I,— I, , ! i:ci Iwr\h' \':%!glia ,t., 10 a.m., F'F{l-
FOR SAL$ OR Tl) it F:\'I' I ' , . I .I ,! „I -,,rt., .I \III at '10 vont, wilt b,' hall fr•gnl ill\ g . )' Morning L,A\ `hl;, ntortut runt .
......,.,,� ........._.-..._..... .. - ..I..,(''� I I:, t .N :I ..f dr,�l..,., � , i fah,•. N. N�.. .lir t.I -\\;til lojd :1, K: \ It-("rtA vl.. 11
1' 111,mLo turf Mils [,rth Martin and M,. \1'al- set%ito', "'Che .\,til 'ro,t; \' {ort:,
, lil'.\T 1 -•,\ r.,"nI'.I t "f Ute I.Iuns 1"rub. alnt:un'e, III I \\!r.
f illi!"n \t! ,u ,1 ..!, ter �xundrrs won the low score pt i. I a}e
('url;nu l'gnsiltrrable discs„Ion the ,1 , .:a., `wads\ SO:uol; \'it("ria
\.•I,,,n ,i r,, I. \tIl', ."it! 1,"• 1.I'r .1.t "f ,ort.d,.. Ir",.11f 7A,w. After lutea dancing wilt %njuy- tlr,, 11, Mrlll%\aul, \,•\t,al
, k I'. \I1 \\I\I;- t ,-N, ,!,I II.. ",,. ,lis!. 1 In the pr.•,ident v;. vice pre;tdrnt cd with Jlr. .lack JlcUermid at the 'juesti"n of the fate of fhr Ilo,I)It.11 lta, ,eturnrtl hate af(er \i,,Im;,, at ,t,s. p -m.. "Jud.is The tragody of
nl,t r,1_u•'•I „n h. for,• I;1' I:,I,, nus %d opportunit);' l nion. 2 .lit.
\l.F: F'.Cilk gr 101 .w! , ,It I,:,,I 1 "t match at tilt- curling rink thro•• out piano, accompanit•d with tilt! trajf . Byelaw which w•as voted on on \1'nt- WIl"ll,tock and Galt. Sunday School: tl p.m., Worship.
I.' ,"1' .Lulu t1 %, j: \1't,•r 111,,1 ,f 41' til the foul' conte,(, have taken ,l:it•t•
til Itr,t ria„ huil.una, :.. tdl1."I„t",1.„'. ..i II,. nd,,l ,Lit,, I 1 Kelly -Duggan day lit the municij ill olrtton. ha- Go1,3un and Kenneth Furl, t' l.ofi Xorth tit. l'nitrd rhwrh vervieea
, , t \\ell %\.ih \\incl n,Il, �\ .,,:,t \\ II I.I .,,,•1 L, ,II.Irlhul. tin '. 1 it• with the fall win results: One of the most attractive Nt•J- 'taken place since the il•,ult of th,• don, spent the week with their graml nada}•, Jan. il!!t, IJ2i: to a.m.,
Ifl1r• „n .t 11ut1„' 111 I nAtt I.- :dl h•d%.rll r,( .,ill\ 1., ,,,Vit VI life^ ,,_ i'1'P4idettt t'il'e Preaidetti yule K'A5 :InittlUnCed aft, a pa re lits, Rev. and 111'11. F'ol'd.
It,,,,r,ual,!. 1' rn,, ,r rt 1!„ \ !!., ,,,, ,, f..\,• din sof the winirr season was n )leni- 1, n the ,art
„t not', g i ('!asst. lot Christian Fello\vrhfp.
j i.,u ,tl on,•I ,,,,j,l• t' I,I;`r Gro. Symonds..1; 'r. It, l\atterson. 13 Mr. ar,d Milt. Archie 1'gnt, ,If Tor.
",-„'„ I d r,,• til!, • 1`t ,I., .If sized in St. Joseph's church, Stat f the ]!gal lights of the town. Brea” tttt t s, \1in,ion Bund and Men's ('tub. Snh-
-' \'.t I,F'F'U.F' I..,'„It!,. • \ 11 !moot J. Bowncin ....7 F. hunt..... 1= lent the week -end at the I,ontt
- F. Martin.. It-' ,A, }19 til) ` ford, Tuesday morning, when Rev. T searching of prel.edents has been in of lns;,et-tor and flex. J. F'. Tom. .it for the discussion at the Club,
IP11':V F,IR ,;A1,K. \j;•.• I1\\1I,rt, ItfNit-
til. ge. s.,I,•..,.. ,1. McCarthy, of Sarnia, United in dulged in. The bylaw had a ntai"rit\ \lr;. Strang and Mina \latml \\'tent work shall we plat! for thi.t
The draw 1'"r another rink -onto -it marriage Myreto, dau);hter of \Ir• J of 13 of tht• votes which were count- St•.mg It -ave today for Toronto to year," leader, lir. J. W. Moure: Sua-
trdfofll, I."houre tit. I;Ir'l,•t•Irll, I,I,1 Go sttu't as ,.,on :r, tilt rrsiden' v, r
- p .A. Duggan, and Basil Leon Kelly, u.. ed, and, to the avt•rage min41, it 1 cul\- ape 1111 the rrmuinder of the cvintet, day School, :1 p,m.. Public 1}'ora'up
�\, Itl:\'1' r„"alter I„ ,,, n - - to
president match is vollipl,"o'l It;ts Los An eles, son of :Nfr. and MI. A. J. at 11 a.nt .and I p.m.
, I, r : r. a••.•nt -ill ,W, r,,,• CARDS OF THANKS . been inade. � i rd a:, if the hyLtw ha,f h •,•n car' ie,l. \Ira. F'r:tnl: tiaunder's was i7 Tor.
r I :N \ppl) lit I;l,\. f\1F:�P �c - B. Kelly, of Goderich. Mrs. K. Isar• "ntu chi+ week, 1x'in# accompanied un
I'ttF: I:I,I•:I.'Inli� til'' Report of Hog Shf)mehls for ti an The act, howevvr,,t:tty, that a bylaw' VOCATIONAL
\1 1.1'D I '1'111'. "1'44\\'\ > 1 g: Played the wedding music must have a majority of the bull -it, EVENING CLASSES
I'F' I;I r ,P:1SU_.1l y' g her return by her -mother, Mrs. Glen
( Week Endin Dec. 31, 1926 The bride, wlfu was given in marriage
6 pp"( �F: 1'1( 11 I•:\'I'.� IS .t !u ,,-!h,i,• R Ur. tau( Mrs. Riley Bradford, of
[ A \I -GaN- 1' l: q cast in f:n"r of rt, and ballot+ tt rich Toronto, r•,rn.'r of 1\'• lila t.•n �t un+l 1j^ t L ,.lr• , .foot ,;,. Total hogs, by her• father, woe a smart white } - .
nIl••n1'•n \1. .,,,,,, . 'feet were holiday visftnt't at tilt
a it",u1, rIt„dern. !;,.t \t.t1 - lw,it' i1, look, I.. \,,,t _,"-1 J.."'I'I. I' 1, '.b•,. "ll -Nicoll, ,_'• thick ,nlooth, 1;3; fill coat, fox -trimmed, over a g�wn' were not tnunt,'tl by the deputy ro. h.tll,e of lir. and \ s, Thest ('Ia•srs are n N !}ring roor.
h,'a'' f,., (r (fro, lirndt ,rd.
\pply' t., J It. Kni-!II '1',.r Ill. I, ubl„ It.• urr •,: •"ctra hI••tvir%, •'• d in the folloN Ing •Iubjeets a-
_ 1•,rrl\ %„lies\, n stn) of w'hitc romaine cre a with rhino. turning uttfter, were ,till cast, a, 1 w ,gunf,
--- ----- -- -------. __ .�_. ,.: r�l, null: n,,.
„ \.,lire jt••, A.• f.,r• I.r.; light, and frrde,,sy o I hogs iR; p
Ira..!. Mc.'\vrrn, of \iagara Falls . follows:
It `-\I.F, LII'It•I, r,.-„I•:I,' ,,,I r,.I wr 1 , li ;:n. Ill,, oll,•r, •I, „r ;;r., Auburn _T1 �. stones, and carried Killarney roses leaat suvh i, the upini' n of till• fit. And \firs \I n'ion Mi•Sween, of Turon•
'),.%,1 tat hu'•s, •_'B; y till aro \isitinK 1D•. and Mr,. 11':11 Shorthand
Rork in Iluukk^'pili
lot, Sgnth\\''sl Born• ” \, !> .,: u.. Ig,„t ,• u, cul .II 1-11' ,u. ! „fl, 1 ;11. t solicit bacon, 13: thick \[iss ffilda Ii Hard Shea was bride,- turning oflirer, Mr. L. l,. gnu[, and S orthand and Typewriting, on t%t.t1-
0.14 t un'b,•ta Road. .,1 I-wi lble 1'„\%,I .I,.t 1 „II.It> I , , maid, wearing a dress r ink t re )e , • \\'ailac,•. nesday and Friday evenin
' ufell It,, .I 1” g f p 1 hr therrforr rn;ulo his gttit-inl d"rote'- Y Ks at i.aU in
I .,'• p•Il•tteu!Ira ft•"r„ I,'.f 11. ;'kit : "I" . 1'. � pleated and a blue velvet coat lift:, \1 I... Ilavid T'nonlpson, of Tnrottto the Collegiate building,
I, 1 - !tion til' the rt. rIt of the vote a; fol ' g lforimting
_ \'I'r.', •i',I''~,•i`, t•:1tt\ x1;.INI In s,•Iar 'white fur trimming, titer rsrrfetl vi,ited hill' daughter, \fes. 11'm, lir- .fan, :i. There will he ruga for uborit •
.11 1"Vit to 11 iOWR: "Thert) being ;Rt1 Witev polled; Ptinald, and oiler relatives, the pa:'t ton new.mettdwr;i,. _
\IS\I Flrli �.\LF:. :,., 1rr1, ,II 1.'•'d ,_ II\� I.I,':" I uII •.,hut,g. $uttrrfly rosea. .Mr. Joseph ('ullniun:
f, aro\%,. r; , :. And :IRA being ---- -
at Iteun,ljltr, Ij1} ro,ln rrsnn !!Intel, r,�t1 T11F: 1•:1,F:1.II,H;: \\'"'�' it 'Ill, \I,hlgt_• \,,; ; Kelly, of Boston, Mass., brother of fi in favor in the byh:\t, i week. Commercial Art in Price Tarts
lilt ,thug! .' tI arbor, ', m 1. 1'rl,It' 1 rt. AIn-, Hril'1h'1 \,uta, it,, I,!,,, the bride room, was the beat man 'hereby declare that the said b''uw Miss Edna Pridham, of New York i Window Cards, Posters. Lac., in black
f•."'•• F'.rwt ntiFl, blarkarillni ,!,op an,I - In'1 11'•arlly I. ; 11 $ did not receive the assent of the elec. is spending a fortttight at Lha home! d dit cplora, oft t\tottda ove a
u '^kvard: tt iuPNf, ahorfT ., 'ter..; rim Latlu'n an,l 1;,•ntlemeo: I wish fu "\ I (:ulturn \fork 1;o L{ ,ease;: Juat)n l7ng til and )'rank of her stents ► be k ul�g
t, n,l try ,til, , 1h.lnk, !„ ,II t!,"„ \\t „ 1""'li•••I, n"\\ )r,•:,• Io;!. \, Walsh were usher,. tor,." There we 23 vote; nal P Ir. and flex. N. C' beginning Jan, 10 at r,30 to the C'OtA
• ^ Vt\t Irul):r, h''n,tl jl.ln', h,ru =: n' \til d h,r n,•• .,! the• , IIti „n \i'.ull1\. 1 't',•L: I dk• n t , Inalif%. f ,;I „ Following the, :Pridham. � Ip arta. ^
'ind "i11, r huijdirtla I. \ \ 1\- I ,t \%^:rt. f"' fir• I!,,,,tf• 1 ceremony a buffet luncheon was Aorv.I counted by tilt! deputy retvolt" , f-' a
li,,r \\
I t t„ 1
IIs ,
Ik Irl .,
1 It \
• •„ •Ill 1 ,,,,• d,
t \F:, it It 1. rn.lrr,I h t , F,,n.,, ' Ur. Hamilton, of Toronto, and Jir Automobile lfechanica on IK4ndaa
A\tw u- d 16' 11' nolo"lir•• „n u,y b.•!I_Ilf ed at the home of the bride, :Ind late, firers hut. aS far ax the returnin , of, Itn!,ert ,in of Galt, were snort;.: I evenings beginttiri� Jan, v at 7.3U in
Il 1t -•+„I f"I m•\•. i1 Ito , ,\(r I, I: Lr, . Hen+r:! h 1 barlrrl'r1 hrhool, 1[t.. and Mrs. Kelly left on a trip fir, firer,' knnN'ledge goes, th,.se tre if,"- of Rev. ,l:unrs and lira, Fiamiltvn fo th' P Libr ,g@ill@Jit.
REAL. lEfi7ATE ANii I`PSL'RAV�'F -111 I bt ""fl�_,htt t..1 t.,%\r r1n- 111 til; Di;nI 11"fe
Ibruntn try
"I"' ;t ,,r t!,•. L,\\,t ,u III,, v.,tint\ I, Los Angeles, where they will r•o,aide. vunl,A to) be vote cast, In f:t'-t tl; • ; Not da; a, f Vs etc on ;Monday evenin i at
� y ) 1f.
+IIF, 11i\t�fltn\r; Itl':�1. h.�t\It :ILI Hold That Lion ! g t' ! •wQ In t}7C pUbjjC librate $u++'mt•ri'
` \ I111a11„n, u, il,• ,.1 d If,, •.%..Ill•I llulrl returnili „trivet• dors not see :he hAl- Nit. art} lir,. F'. 1{, tichwr'I r, J°j
i\,'left (\t.l•: \t;F:\1.\' 'n'• hitt' :' , lilt. \fir• I"... ill II" I !t,!, .\grin -ION S.\1.ES It was \Alert 1'orner», w ) 1 heuinninz Jan. F•tlt.
” - . I.• .,r•, I.q,t \%,, k. \, , I'd I . 1 _ a very interesting picture! lots at all and any scrutiny of U;nn, were, holiday ttuenl i)rexttmaking (llansen will
n.a .,44,1 11 '.t„, au! Let t.1 I,,,,t,• i,,,, t„ o ,, I, a,I'l I II' I' 111,(";hlN- r %thic•h wits scrt'ned at the Model after the elretion Im., t.) be by tilt' Nith tho- Lilly's parents, 1}t.. and Mr, i I begin
.144,1 \u tell\. h �,Irt,• t-rlt UI' I 1, I: \\. "t,. \ �11.F: ,1 I
nIm111i'.. _p-11 t.... nntr', Ill .A. . L.r i '' n ,f l� .Ill \ •t ( Thcvtre nn Friday ai h ('. }f, Number. WiNdriesduy evening, Feb, 2nd, in the
V. It :,I)�:,tl,1l�l�;a ',trr•+''t i F:I.:\,'I t!g %\.,ilk ,hen,• il,f \ ,r•. \\NI. \I,' .\\I I"{ ; ;;11II�unlihnr\1,IFIr11l the auspia•,a of the,lgi,.t '""tib ntil" county jud„e. Hence \lr. Knu[ hall \ s , Librar'y Basement at i.:10,
lit .,luw,l ,n ,Int ,,,esti„n ^I, Lr, :r' 11 at. • no Lt:, i,Il:lrt.n_ I",.,'' r,..I the! Ir.. .l,
nn option but t" ntakr the doviar;th'n h. ill, h li ca,n” 44!1 I'rlrrn' ('lasses will also fill orguni+.lid it, `ii'
ontgrtainm.nt being announced n. a' Uttrnit fur lilt holiday a - ,,n arrJ Home
..f ,. \\.\r, ,,,,I ,uah \I,"rk wtc (,lin_ f... "\ i 11,1; 11 I \ \1 ,adNursing, liillectrt', d Ra
•'••I, ''I)nlrr•y. V(\ ro,. i,w• "[.ion,' Frolic. The lion ill the pictur„' he did. L•t%ra on her return to Un• (l: y' of Knitting, and Hone' F.lectr'
• A r"r ,snick ,AI- .Jest:, t.ln,,. -, , "\\n ,t 1t• lie, It t \\"nbl „•1 lit I I rI ;,qt. 1, ,11 fid vumo
1„ "n;\ f I --I.[ !I'. , I II:0-I., I , III• I frolitking, and afterwards believed, h \vevvr, that :t nun,- til,' St•aita in a few dap,. I dies, should there be a s e
h�`,Ir,n at al.,u,rhl,•r I„vrr '"u, •, a 11 11. ,I,,,u',l !,.. .i\ z 111. I (,"r."
n .r 1 It is 1C and Ra
I' Ii ".•_,•I!Ithere was same more frolicking by u1Rti lit num•
!I,., „t "f ,•II urnda6 ..f luhl,v \%„t.1.,, I '•"n,,,l: I ;..r,,: g ,bre• ..f the hallota not counted wrrr \i r, .J. F:. Johnston, of Toronto, wa=, }"'r• enrol with the Principal, J. P
.,,1 'o h„ " n.i a,,II ,,,.,d \\a1....Ia„p 1” I 1 1\.Iln+1! ,;, t t —: I /
11, n•1 if 11 III, ,•u, „Y flo \, jl,. I I',r'„• , (.ions and othtra on the uta e. Tilt' I put freta the ballet box blank., rrnrNin gill , home at tilt, [' p
Ill . Ill .a,u\ i ot'l ,,A, \\• II IXvI1. I uI \L'', : ill\, : g ( nk., the ac }uaintance+hilt; In Library Basement oh "
•h"•.. h. '[.,I, .,,ill, I'. rt „III It,\'ti"n•I\: i Iln'rf•' -P,''' : (II,I1.Irttvrtainment opened at. 11 Tuesday, '
,-i In soh:,"1 ,Ur,l ,v',, nl,ll..t'W, :,)� 'Ilk 7�.,1 , P p,m. and
f,..!nt.nl,hi I in C'; 'I \\ill '. n„ n.. 'I I„tr,• r..^ I til dyin 1 g ' (; derich and vinitinlX hill brothers ail, .fan. Ilth, lir by phone o;
• ••at to rnlrvad d✓I\•,t ;n,1I 11„r',. j 1 f Li'Ir.r% ,,r 11'Ut.: I I, � It \\at lust al>,)ut the voter u•r,umahl\ lint within I. ill•.�:
ill „•ors '•r ten, ufid,�r ,'lilt,\,11 Ill .. •.,I,:,.rlui'l, :f- ill li.! f 1 r,�•.-'. .u1111lo- , K hour of ” \ .st-t,.r, f•Ir the boli `:,. l A
a N I •U1.' I II, tilt d year, w t and \\•hethtr da nv evening betwe.,rt R and , n'vI,,,•k
i .1 \ I1, I ,:,•, I ,k IrItIIn_ when, the picture lav- cold his vote. n Id:utk
, r, -wit I., three :11 ,, ,n \r,t 1 F:it I"'I , n\,•.I. t I•.•, r i"n.r: Inn ' ins been presented, Old Father Tin„ intending meniti\ra 'If thea,. Clla,ta
I Ill.:,,,uiiaw,. r„r, j,i,oj,,' • •t ..i T- -- n.: I •, !•, I. f M ball, t i; a ...t ' nulled „r not is an \I r. and \Ir+. 1'. 1;. 1'a\ lot a•:d ,u•,, Aged to enrol prun,n:ly.
, ' t„ "t ill, I.I.!,I I IIsi ,' I „ -,'!I t w,' I \I ,; un the vrr;e of cc,lla ie, and hard! 'Elco
ulA ,o 1, f” r,,;, .,nl,ol ) I L• , 1,ur. 17 , p y interesting '{urttion. had til" vote Kilter, Ilrlen, „f titr:ctf"rd, `nvrlf .1. 1\', F'JtASF:h, ,
J,I .I;.nr- abut to \, F, f. HI'1tF:
otlr,- I,,,,.,,. -I\ g:.:1ln, ..,I 1 , 1% r • , 'I ,F,1. ;-art'y his scythe, appealed on w Y.•a,'s with Mr,. I ayley'A rn,tI, ('hurman Committee. I ,Irl Ili IL(fl. rllur K K g IN plate when theta w11a nn "filer \ n,miLrt•• Prfnripnl
atntrnl If re,l 1 Lell•. I. ,, ..,. I ,. I i, I li�. 1.1,1',.' the sin e, sin it k \•Dict •,.
t, Inn,! 1' t r• ,•111„I •I. I t lI ., , in broken
I u, ...I nI• n ,;, ,_ Ger ' II. ,gI •I. t , _ I, I' li,,,,, , I, I '': - I'u'I ' Show me rlrvtig t til leer. M, \ally, and 'i -ter, \I .\------.+
!,..1J \\' ,.t eft, 11,\\ '. ,III., ,. r I`.., 1 ,,.I •I' , I •t', ., I II.",!,, 1 li,• I r."I "' "Show
the way' t,) gn hunt'' ” Thr, 1 1, nttly those Nho g:ten,1r,l I.. 1NOTICP
,II,•', , Yraf o Ihras ectt and a to cote f,.r "r •i,ainst Ilio
\ 'I'I. :I,. 'l. '.all, . _, , 11'1' I\.,r to I"' \A life! �.\ ,' 1't. „1!L � , II 1. 1 „ - I .11.t,, 1, Ilk hat by 1.1 R' \, \ I:Ir of Co
I ,."'II If- ,1, appeared ft.„lit the other win i 1 :u,d lir,. \Iallul 1'II :urr, to is rlomrnK to McGaw
r)..., „r'., � I. ,n f„ ,lu,\An til .n. h\ _•n,„_ „ _ 1.I .f,. ,f.,% ,,I' :' , �I1i1 "tai:r, and, in a fintit- rnrguntl�r f til•, wnuLl ha %v• gnr:e to the palls and g' %da,tel. 1`1111}' and Martin. 't” I�ed �flltun. ("r`urrulfie:atl• with nie :f /
•ill and . `,I,u 1, ,I. . ,, f II",t e{„ n,,, I,, ,1. t he old kno.k-nut hl"w rt r: a y there 'n'nul,t rt. n t til,ut lint to
.I •..,1..t. .I. .I ,n. ,,11 _. ,I !1• I(fi true ,f u I •u\' , 11 •,I .I 1 !It ill(. the ' r It is n"t like) f 0 1 r p.,, ,t, n,,' I'F' ' \ \ k. Ft. \
,l year a 1 ,j lit the w n,l F: '1'. GI
II .f I C,.,, I mitlni h,n, h.•,.!I 't Ih1 11-1 \ IF'R )
!I\ %,•\. � \Ai ., ,. .� ,!, - \\., 'r, Kilt h�,ur. an, nn}• blank h.tl o :, .f iI and 111, 1. l:",l,•I
I i a PI' ,n 1,' It-PII'tl I. I' 1 II. , •r ' , It,., way I•. n n 1 ,towed hint Ili. 1't \- I' Prl (i'• I'y uh, ,
„I•.-1'r.I._ - \\ % '\\, , g hum 1141"ry Stunt' :,fill N Y` the \•.te being taken •tt !h,• " , —
•.-nI .Ifo, t„ ,i. -'•LI•, . • ,.I, r�,,, ,• , - t rahaln rt. ,resented 1.1-; and wuniri r , ! it fl 1 a,d :t n, 1''fl(
1111 I I.1 VIII- ,,j ,,,,t, II It r.• I ud' \ I Ja' \1, OFFER
,,, -1 „ ;^, ' 'I It., 1•' .11' ,1- I',.I, I r�.r1,. , 1, r' ( { al ert,ot:. t.\,'1y"ne v. 1, ' k h:,\' • luern
S Fal \(. O1
t ,I, 1' . ,u, n,-• _`I: ••1 , , . 1 r_li I •a ,erti% ;I ll,•d Io \•.ut'o %.r' by fit,, don - 11 ,f %y' Nrl
, rq ,,,,,I . ,I" .,'. 1'11, I .11,; -
I Iy. 'Chd• "k 11 Na, wlliI ,,, tit,, ,iia to \oh, u I {„ 1 ffl({II ,r,d„ hl•:' eht, bold -t111,,,1
f' f"r the rem- ito. hel,dd, \tlu,h l"'.k ,.11„ a• 1111- `II.,,t1,'' oral ell• g!:,, "A, with lir'.
I .I I I.I •ill • 1"II � n .. - ! ! I I ::I., 1. , .I , ,-Ie\err enllrel,t"rt N'rll ,t IRe. \1, a
I. .1..,.. ,I Irl' n, - „ ntj' if. III!%. / I ,,,.. \I ,, ! ., 'I',ill\ ,1' . ('1, ., didatr•, j„r motor! ,af , j
r ,I„ I 1 n !. , ''' K the :tet, torr, r a lin,•„ r,f '! "Joh'”' 1 1„I,,,a
I k d,•li hte,l Ian, , I w"ul,l, 1 e I: 1' ;'t. "I r I lalu' t , :t
It n' ,Ilppr,rt it the pail, „It 11nn,ld\ I I i•\, for "life
1. I,, 'r •I ••11„,1 . . I„I .,1 .,r.. .• o I ,%,l, I- i ",til I l ,1 \"I if - , , I,., '.%Ith h.•, %o,al ,"Ig,. -nod \li": ( . n hr %%;is entitle,! t„ a \„til nn th'• toy'- ifs, un,"lilt-!, $t
.nu .kill thg "titer .•,L• of frafAt•` '
eon, n: avt I I h, r r.l.l I,nv, h.' han.trd it hall It, unlr,. \(1. :n•I \(I a !,,. :u d Iona • :t! i„Ne,! ea
I i I ,- I' - n„ 1'. ,I "Int):trt`at, 1 ”
}t„ t,,. f AI rt \\,• ,,'- :ul,j 1'!i,:!",. f+t%
' I t %%till her a -awl _k!I! \ •I,n. •'i•t ,, . of II'. It, :,n.l \til flat, 1\ I tlr r.•.I „t.,• 44", I;,,,. nn,f
I', - ttf• 1 . I..,\ : \ \,Ii , \I ., 1'I\ \ I. I. „ j fuselt to t.Ikc rt. II:t%'tng :u r ,•.l i'' t u
,I,. 1\1 - t \1 I.1 \� ,"I' i 11\1111 ,•\\ ;\!I•I ,. -• Yultmt; Oftirr.' ht ;i humor"t cif -•1 ,Dau• -t• ( if Iyt .1, \, n.un•t II.'•;; ajierta,:,l, \it. } ,
Ili „\ I r•, , \ 11I 1 , � G ( . 1. b"y'. (I I. \:Ilii, Bud fhr bnllgt he i+ n"t alb,N'e,l to ,.Ike it %I-„,,,- I , is ,ter ',; y'e.0 e t,•r I.• I tgh_"n
l; } o u
D:tI,,,. ,ill .,n ,I•_ ,IF11 I IIfI II,\\\ .,I 3 �, �', ,Ihtt hunt I• j„�. lice.
',;', t' r `” I IIF \' _ 11 In, -- from the .u•• ;t: -
"la'•,• til, r,u% ,, .I.' - , . \ :u ,l qct"th1•r in \w.: , h 1„ K h ,.i to It- .I -.,•r \(•u',I:I\.,fil \ 1' - \' -I.t . ,•1' "Irlthl. ,I' I)!.. )1•,•fp t,'Rp..k
• ' \ t; . .Irate! att,l !tot, �nar'•I IN, fear it, ted lir,• r. turn: rt. t the .1 wt .u-'' \ , It. .1.. I fled ;Int
, '-•k I'I, III 'f, I, 'IIF 11 t' 11 -
., . I til, _ -,. . • ' I ill 1, ;t,r;Illl.,nt, \Alli, \%,•11 done 11"I . ,!1 It g"r. a •hr hall„- F„'\ iia. hr I':u,rtic and Nil and V h A. TNn Il,'r• ,I. T'Itur+'jay and
1 •' r . e,v•.(. 1 he n'.'•rtt w", I: .1,•hn }• r ala%
\\ \if\I�'f1i,t\,, a Ig;. :, .L•u,uary 1!'
I' - I .1, I t t„!I,I •�I' rte,• 1,%!:t%% , 11't• ttnder•ti,net ” '"l- "f F:n,r\. ,A'•re h"LJ,\ %:a:, , \ 11 1'.,me el t.1;
R•,.'I F;ala!, ', .i "'I, ,� ,I. r I, ! ''I'_•. !hr orale.• h,•InK !loon',,,,! N.:,, t Il'I"flee :\kl' �1'O1.F:. ('odnrich.
,..Ill,. ..' t.e 111411.•.' ;,.u,.r,t,. \it.- .ur1 1
R, \ ,tri I;nd• . I,,, \r» ;i {" 1, tit h:l• h/•I•It f„null f, r it `
I, .:, I,.'. „ , I' i -I,\1 1 \\I %• It f banter. to i all at I;odtrlch hl"nk h:dl, t- n..t 1111led i' / !:,ilk. < \RDS OF TH.\\h`i
I ' 'fill !.,II"Nrel"'lr-pAtth fI"n, S•t.11,:1 h'hilt r„un ed ,IA \!, and kIt- 1\ I " ' ' I,
1'r ,I.:L :” Kr'
If I! 1 I I . ,. 1.. .. - .. .,. - re,. fr,rf}u•I rl,tlmatlnn of til, ,"til, I.1. ,.... IrI'd .'
BONDS - , „ lila 1 • , ,
e',',K,.r ,,, .,, ,Il, 1' , , 1.
I r�'" I:!I. 1 I.), I "tl- ill .I,I I• If \, 1 I - I %I .ill, et: n,�.% ,I,1 -.•I ,' ,r r Irl\, I \f all r! fh, '. r t; ,f: � ,.
t _ r 1 1'.I. -1:11"I+'. •I,I,.0 ill r,nl ,t•trnlrr. f rltt•t \f ,1 11• I n •:It
STOCKS I I I 11 , I,V. n\ , f ti, fl •loner ',f „ ,
GRAIN I I I: It, , ,If „I ll if l K, \ 1t 1' I I 11'„114•
,t i \ n•,' ud1{r 1, %% r•}, k" I' n I'll 1. ),
II .'fill ft. I'll li. ,lpj• I , II 11. ! ,I" 1,.., !I ( rl•ntel 1.11" I', .11 ,Int `
I n� I ,I , h: 1. :,tel %, rile•, nttr rn„•,n Ilio
}`. f,.l!1r n, .I r, •fit bo, n.• 11 r, .1 \I \\. -I
MINING - , ” II' I ft, , I . ,. , , t tl 1.
\ Ill 11 It••r h'<llw'a\ du, r,•. ,• r •Ir,.l nulc n %A1 r' I
f't. :f thl• 11 1, :Inn, Ur. "III, n' •I %, Ib (. !I •AI"k n, ,Ili I. 11. 1 „• i:, \ I I.
\\•,f :\Il it r I I. If �t _ •..,,t t fill I,,.,I.til„ I lir. ,_ i:, k. r. f ),. e,l ! 11 ,, ,
ill'„ u ; » f „ r, •N I. I ,. h, .r' NII :\ } , It,1', r 1 h,,,, _
l 1111 I I i I, ,t I. It It I I Ir I n •lir ih, ,u N I I. !, I, ,.I'( (.'II ,1,..,, I \l: '. In r :,t.'.1 ,t r;, t.
1 , ,I ,r .1, .1' , rl .I .1, ,f Ili, 'I I (, I, -
{,,.,nt_ ,I ,_ file I •11'. 111,, f,. h •.,, I..,],r1.l I" !n, \l
Huron Investments _ ,I I . , � , J:. l,,.r _ �__ , ,
I til, , r, , r t' \, I,' h u „ - n- , ,1 I 'I t„ r , r •,!
' ! ,. .1 I , '. I (' 1, lilt .f •,It off " .I ,I I , • I .” , I' , ' � ' .1 , I 1 _�.. _�
Limited I,r. na,b ! 1 r f I ' ' I . •
d Ilk- I! Ili \I,tl It ,1 ,n r f •f a„•n r L ! r, �.\, I; ,I, u d - {t I ,
Stock Brokers it,, „n til,It-' (,r �,n .. 'i„ ,
Bond Deal - ,! I I 1} ,t I, , /' •!, � \\
General Irl ' ,..tit h I I-”" 1 - I , I d ,' t •t - , . .. I ,. \
Insurance -- I I It \f :.h,ni 'h n' 11, ov,rt• .I,.11v, I , ,
ROYAL BANK BUILDir:,; THANK I I In. Ili .flim i'1 I.,, ,'.1 , ,,.I I' \I \t• If" , '
If- -1h/• to. Ill „111.,1 I' l,,.d,• I.,I.'I, , •h. . . . � In I. ! • t!., ', I ' ., \f,
NTAf21(� ., , ., , , and an.l \i,dl ,l' 1. %, ,i f h .. 'I h _ ' h., , I., r I 11,1., , , \1 • tl
(,ODERICI j (? l V 11 n \ f, 11, It, (Ill.." � \ . ! .
�% tilt ll'. tF \ 1 I II I' , , I '• 11•, 1 .1 I I u r .nKrtr,e, f : 1,,, ill
Phnnne 4i0 n % J. Wit CRAIGIE ; ... „ p:,.a,,,lg.•r, %, h., h 11, .I n, !I I T.. ., .. f f.,.. L•I i 1 .. ' I )
I .Intl n \ ak,• n , :.I \„ilk •I i,,, 11 ,., n \.I. I\ tlF.M111(f \\I
r air wire c.,nnr',,nna o.nh lief Ion.' � �• - ,Ido ' h:dttttrl f” i':n1'••timrt„1 "(},. ' "Unr. .•1 F(gr,.r f r 1•h•• f l
,•L. lilt . I,,- .1 „'arae f':n!
mq Stock an (,rain F.>sr hnnti„a ' i\11'„1;1 \\t ; \1 1- "t Illi \ It„t .,. „n t, v,t j,,, 'hr for-! i,,.at Ill Ilk, 1% tn1 rhe .',.t , . ,. Fr,l'r:,l I ,, I .
I at„1..1 1- \I. \\ I.
\ 1 t l „ h l Ill III IHtF,, ,\ br aN l tical 1't. til,, I .,IIo,:,t%% ,.j `l"!, 11%la•t \..' W, :d' , u"" 11111 , „ \1 1; tore if h
— - - ._ - 1'I,Iil, lis,\\ , I. \\ I - \ ! I 1 \ \ \ \ - half,fing ( „ )i Utlt\ t r'' rut ,.�, , r ., �. • - !''.' I I . ,
11''II.t. ,,,.III til, 11 I-\ I'll)”.
l I well lis• inn f! r1"n= n• rhe r \,I.,,f I,,dr,nl, h",I.L, = "'", :,rill rh„ � %% Ai•11 •.,
\\ I ,.\I ,11\\ I \\1 \I!\ 11• , w,rh :dt (" 1, vm, aril! • ,I1 h. \ t n n^d-f.-, \..,• , ,,, •I !
I 1 1' ”! ,
.I'll modern til ,.\e, % I' "!" ul:n '1 h.•, . n \i,•n'l.r'.. til" :, I 'I r. .,f I-,n�I II, 1 A, -t ' four, h. r:.,,I,•,,, 1,, liner I•.,, I
u,:". i I' ' Will be fnur .1 •, k•. 1- , ..IT ,. :r I.,. .''i[ too, .t Anil ' b„n'uta•ter ,.f 1 ,•sial , I , , .
ti F ., , , '1 • u.,. k free .w h forth,., „ nt,•rt „oder .,•
.otr,l church, t a
r"' (': L,",!,_ .,f 1't.!, I'. i room,, ff 1. Q I. -I ga '111,1 F,U"Ir• I" the .rl„1 ft"ll" nlrl\' ,nem ,ill ger I 1\Ild,"1 dlrr f t ” ,
e\n,•, r,•,I ,hat 111 .I, i , F.urnpran fnur t'',fa stll"rn1.1 h net! � � _ ,
MAY YOUR SHIPS ft. 1,. i r""ma ft. Ia ,h' The e„foe I. nod h% \ r 11"litres! "n
COME �N THIS R hv-••,t - �l„_•,,.,, Ir,. fn, a aunt” h'utt '%111 ten hlA'' f .►ill-. I:I. P'wn,d, ,•I .
YEAR •'K i In.,
Y LA ,r.,tr,ll..n ,,'
Ir: , nng.h" .,rt.! arlrkhj, it , .d P,,. , Ivl a”"T, rt" a"11, If -l: f"I 111 \f,•p't•, (;,.,ler„ If ,t Ill, h\r. r• ill•' I .• edl arta ,oft,.,. - I I,,
„I 11, 1•.1 The (t,✓w•n S"un,d Tr•,naport•tft,.t __ _ .
11 „ t ,n'. Ilam ..11• C ,1111:111!' slag 11 .,n„r+ nut nn ()PIA,
- - ng•nt" „f the flour ;%, n•.•r.. ,e,{ ,r, t
AND MAY OUR FONDEST �R�A�S hr••,I I,\ 1•,lln,t..n~ 11r. . t Nmol utramnr.tf \1, IDL��[ tli�'i W E KN01V \br KfnQ'a I•ndertnking 1•'1 , ` I.,,.
Y ��� + vn. inn nu fhr \pp.n hr lanitoalnt, t1 If , I
I,' "imu ten•"let, .,f I'\ run Prnm OWt.'
fur, !•, I ill 4.1,1 \f til" 4.,rt11' hnr,' ,%• n Sol ndal"fi t., IMO .N � THP: C UI II(Wi t'"' .. , .
COME TRUE HAPPY NFV�J �r will 1 sr""'1 ht.lrt I.nldlnu. ,-, °hare of Gp,,rvinn ri tuuthitlt't�fe. \Ira van 1 n• In 1 n 1 • t.••
�A "hl f';'In Ih, i (;",til heart 1.eldinK ., dA"I" and Mackinac ',,r 1(,aa filer• \nun ed I ", . , ►i.. ,11.1 ' h,: -
%e.It-, ..III l;rdl Ila . •, 't'•i, f � fist. Inn, the t,un' , a , 'th I,a. r „
„ , fat season tl„' pa<t Werk I 1� 1 .I� , j
11+rnr�,, 1 «,• rt,•.nit Thia ru^ hew }»,,,n ❑ ,r s, -tooth ave•Idea s \\ !,4 le ,”
1. I _ n• « I V' f l l I pgpnlnr nnv for ma, uh),•, t (., rho
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'1:ulh•r, \\hi », ie,,, Hiltrie., for F' ' n'I Pivot.. s I' ” l• , '.
p ► NUtr», linlr•' I Ir rddlaPa' ('oaten! ' �I I,,, „ ,11i 1 I
1'F:fi19�\I!anmaofPlio(Nltndtjnd,•r,'Rnnted \11)- Mall I::uk, ,. „Itmt; til to, i" kn,•v 4hur,h file art,o,•. .a,tl h.. ,fol '', r,, l •1, i.. -1'
o �-•a ��� I Ira4h: otrr thal 't"Imirk! A m"nlh•✓ ern11t1 troll 1'•
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!•a V Tlty fnllow'In la I'e1 •If ' ^"dol ter �,.,II , f'.L ,
44.CC.•fA E 1j Limited
will by eltrn .1 furs ill � apprrn,•.I to },F, r av in he fiddler,,- ennlraQ� in f - Ihn fin , " ill tiuhir, t:
SON,-+,mjl�i! Joint rtntd•, \ ,Iw•mtnt ,dl fhr rnl.� "f. d 31raa 1 Athrrinr Iln)a I. ,•f..•,.{ .,c , P .ern"na 11 A rn, ..1-h,• F'rgmlar met.• I—— -1 ,,, `• r. I„I e!IU.Ir,•lt
�I;r.; per annum .0 h.\t rel rd,r I•lah un r 'nnett inn a✓ith the Huroh Old )Days' .11.1c orlild Calto Rt.. (;urlph „f (: ,i., . p m . "D,t4ir tilt ! , Flit I I Lit of I In ., �.,1 of., In -, '� \8,yry
tree!-• .rrr"unt. At Nome In Toronto on E1 edneaday +Tisa iTvten F1”%\lie N .a h.n,,,• f Ir,' v <;nLhulh �' tool , •.I Ii,hh \ \I, , o I.. I-111.4 it
T 1.1 \leaf A d11\ .Jan. 20th. Fiddlers ertpring the Detroit ,!Mona' tilt- '.lir 11,•in I l:taal•a it . ,'. b" h, \1�, 1.1"rte.1 ill . if. ,t 1I lo'I:} tltt, .
\heft. I.'. r. 1' f I, \^r,- .r t ,tt., •'
rotutpetition lire' to ae8ect troy four Mr Sidney- Palmer I'll. bran . t °,! 1 u t"11:1 at. and lint n ( 11„4 :1 florf. "'ll J t` fully
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