HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-12-30, Page 8deriession IP . wWapwika .. -It eh' a ',' *: el sferesee eerie te the thadrea at t close , .. , toilet cd lik 0 Isom 7ria1. , ir " •,. : • PI " .....a, • * -.• DUNGANNON awn' Gran fli4ierly a wlle-re- ' 141rIt' } and Mrs. Charles Altos retie, membered studeet pastor of the je re tabbed a atomiser of relative* sie gregation, whose tisouthtfideese ae t 111.- "Iv.' Ir• 'Christmas Day. . hir. sed Atm. elohn Wavaire An,: much appreriated ea those preat 1 1_Tee annual Chras uitmconcert WA „ . - irsaoto sow , Art '4, .. .P111144. 04 if Fru& wog eseeieseeee reset, had in the ouldit.:rlioni of the United releteree le Deeerielo. eye,. 711: , ise awes, . ., ekerch on Wedeesday evening of laet - . ....... sem age le mew tie . Mr. Albert Brown had * radio in. i. ela.k...e• The (c.kareb was deeuratadbe l'is n ' holiest with 'law stalled reeently ba doe - 4/4441.' ' I tree having the *glee e oestree. the arletmes sateen, a au- i preteens wee given by the Sun•. eer thfChristr, 4ay *oloChristmas choruses, recite eo seholars end ast usual eun elated f - c Fri, ,- 11111fi';fi.r one JIMPPX,00111KVAlla leSS S. NOBLE IIKATISei EXCHANDE $LOCK Clerietroma gilt le Mr. *ad eke. aa 41- UM. we' nuts twax its *it tram'remot abaft, Was. aim sun,e ortee *ear Am dons and soots. Durmg the caUrite st 4.4rbaidal' of the evening Mos Siena ,Clane and . 7/1•4p Week. tliss Evelyu Rime Master Santa Claus paid *hort visits' swim w. Reed wee* Christ- and tlia zeal ekt watt himself CAMS ote law heals of Mr. sad Mrs. R and delighted eitiediels hearts bydill.! *eon. tributing tAny ettfi. The audience Xes. Ellen Clug left on &sada an, was given s glimpse of Sointa's work e an ingeraded iit wak her e room with hui brownies at work. A/Ewe at lesmailline, Auburn mid Be re. and Play. Attother interest Novel *Orr ita spoetively. was the series of song and pieteropf i.ti sail M. C. J. iiishma. of the Stendsre presented by the older Sunday sehool, I sank stet rioted his „rests m sob *dialers. The net rroteseds or the / (‘ I Illreirkeektidr. Christine+. Day end We, have mentioned but a few oi I he i to, evening *mounted to over e49. W . : L•;, : •T' ••• • • "-, %it ea se ele met JR b r • , • • e • -••••••••••••414•••••, iftmdrada of them, Linens, Cottons, Woollens, that must he Sae once prior to stock -taking. CURTAMINGS SHEETING PILLOW COTTON ttPaSbant, t, Jr. u4 Mrs. Verespetit armi:tininifi4aani. the happy faun y gat r ngs * . mei w was tee b661514/ t166 lady's mothers Airs Christrime Dey, andaruettimt thee:, poe ble tc whosestti11=eltal.: ogl:geteto maysi , . - mention everyone, much as we welds 1 Mr. and Airs. G. W. McKenzie and like to do two. It emphasizes the fact e lie Itr _. and Mrs. F. Carter eat Ike.. eon, Mahal% were Christmas guests however, that everyene, within tenet' e - enfeethrilerkee spent .sehe, weekeend fil With relatives in Clinton. They re• of one's relatives, strives to carry. 0 le i turned cm Sunday evening. out the spirit of Christmas when the G41e•L'Et'h Aumbuarn'ead Mrs. libushington Anti Ain Benton Pentlend, who is a stu- bells ring out the nieseage, now ten. Pare" family were euests at their old home, dent at the Normal School, North turies edd, of "Peeee on earth, good 4 . "W oodloods," near Clinton. Bow, Is %pertain the Chrietines soma. will- to. men," • And too, on that day ri. A. 4. spent the lend hire. Ja&. e of Mr, Tb,mi. olf Dee 't s t 4Thrhititifie with mother, Mrs. Ir. The Young Pao** Society Mrs. Barkley and Mrs. Ceasar of days, there must needs be come who are lonely and away from friends/ of ton nutter the parental roof. f lila Knox church will hold a social even. Mrs. Abasecof Glencoe, spent Christ- I Meta. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs (unningharn,of Hull tt Mies Alma elutch, of Toronto, ie spending her Christiana holidays with her gents in the village, , Mr. and Mrs. Johnston,. of Carlow. ;spent Christmes with Mem daughter Mrs, (Dee Weir, of the Village. Mr. and AIrse F. Carter and family of Goderich, epent Christmas with the former's parents in the village-. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew, Q Goderich, smut their Chrietnuis week visiting awelemtiiieseleie WISHING ng in the bailment this week. twere week -end and Chrietmas guests Mrs. Geo. Hamilton was at Brnee-with the fermer's deughter, Mrs. eld visiting her mother, Mrs.W. Wil- thard Gardner, of Ashfield, and laved ones. We are ideased to know that, in this district at least they have not been forgotten, and , that the s son and M. and Mrs, 0, E. Erratt.; lass Flora Durnin, Of McDonald n'minis hbo eirs havetrationdof the kindly ene much to make Air. and Mrs. Aaron Bennett •sed / College, Guelph, wax a Christmas Jack, of Meth, and Mr. Thos. Strau.1 visitor at the home of her Parente them foeget their lorieliness at. this' An interesting part of the prograM holidays ender the paternal roof. season when all hearts are intended was the presentation of a caneto.Ille. I Miss Ruby McQuoid, of Lucknow, ghan were visitors at Mr. Wm. Strau- Ur. and Mrs. R. .7, Durnin. . to be brimful, of happiness and joy John Young, to which he responded m end Miss Etta MeQuold, of Toronto, ghee's, . • i Mr. G. A. Beatty, B. A. Ste Chlea. What a Splendid imirit with which tc a few well chosen words. Air. Young ate spending the Christmas holidays Rev. Dr. Grierson, on furlough 'go, and Miss Betty Aitken& spent enter Von the New Year* Sarelyehae been an efficient superintendent at their home here. e • i roni Korea, will address the congie- Christmaa at the home of the form- the meMwing influence of Christinaof, the Sunday school for nine years. -+ 10.30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ryan and Anse lor during the epening days ' of 'thc a E. D. class of Smith's Kill church. odugmhrt.erasna Mr. and Mrs. W. Drennan and gation of Knox church next Sabbath ex.'s sister, Mee, W. A. Stewart. meet fall to make itself felt, not on- After many year as teacher of the da Among the holiday visitors to this_ Mergaret, motored on Christme day New Year, but also through the Mrs. R. AL Young has decided to take eon., last Sunday. 1613eMntrs8. uJnidmaYDartenenhaen,l"Otnt community were Mr . and Aim Nor-. to London, where they were guest a weeks and menthe till its very elose a lest from the work to which she of Dungannon public' echool based on given such unremitting attention. last -Friday afternoon was well at - Our public school entertainment Mtn Muteh from the'West, and Miss. with Mr. and Mrs. Chico. Thompson. The following is a report of the has A los Mute front Toronto; Mrs. G The Mimeo Ethel Case andeJeari Durham, of St. George, and Mr. 'anC Stothers of the atter of teachers, Tor- standing of pupils in the Senior room The young ladies of the claim have re tended. H. Fremlin, of Clinton, at' Mr. onto, are enjoying the Christmas- hoe celeed her resignation with much ie- good tended. The parents turned out in numbers. The scholars pea- Jno. Ferguson's; Mr. Roy Roberton Idays in their respective homes here weekly examinatio_ns from Sept. to get, width was expressed in an ad - from Detroit, and Mr. end Aire-Beri Miss Laura Fitzpatrick, It. N., of Dec., -inclusive. -Numbers represent dram presented to her at a eurprise. ... .. formed their tasicslwell and everyone Mills ,and daughter, from Godexieh; Detroit, is a guest this week at the B.. a average percentages: Sr. V. -D. Al. gathering held at her home on Mon- went lime well pleased. insula; Mr. and 'Mr& Roy Munro, oi len, 78; M. Ryan, 74; E. McClUre, 60; daY eVening of last week: The, ad; ...--- . Brown, , . and Miss Esther Alp, of 'Grantoly a Christmas arid. iveekeend guest at TOM Stalee.-70; t_Outbertefieseesil, gese m some v/alrOritliPredatiter"rwl. Ing ":' Dear Airs. oung:- e e •ez t Miss Cl• Finnigan our teacher, ie as Day th relatives in Goilerieli. l'ARDTON , fon. 4th conee$Sion of West Wawa- = each 59; X, Klett' 50; Marie Ky. , dress, which was accompanied by a • sITEP . Mr. Thos. -Anderson, of Niagara Pen- home of Mr. and Mrs. David Erring - ache' , Miss Ethel Virsisheigton nosh. - an, eb. Jr. V A Ii ee. w salad dish as a gift from the -class, MiSs Niter, og Strathroy; Mra. Alp, ela Beeson ease, of Toronto, Was lie Reed, 65. Jr.,:eelV:-W. Pentbucteeered here tonight as a ass o ex- 4. 0$0.4101144;1_300, J.,,„. mire Mies Ma Burrows spent .Christ - land,. 07; L. Finnigan G .6 Sr IV • ggi s, , 0. Young, 49; IL Pent- was as 0 otes: ., CRETONNES DRESS GOODS TOWELLING FAC"PalLY COTTO FLANNELS These are all to be found among our January Sale of Reuntuurta, at win *sae you. REMNANTS OF LINOLEUM REMNANTS Or OILCLOTH REMNANTS OF ALL PAPER :AIL AT SPECIAL CLEARING PRICES FOR OUR JANUARY, REPOT. ANT SALE, PRIOR TO STOCK -TAKING, r- Ladiee Winter Coats Sizes 16 to 42, only a small stock left, hut they are good styles and now priced „, I for a real Bargain. 56 The S. %AY LI 56 h. s A Grin n allinialiMaitaiMINIMMINIONIMINOMMINIONOW T Phone .. Phone A. MY FRIENDS and . was small, only 14 tents, the Proceed* ^amounted to $14.15. 100 IsittNTING' or •7 aE STA" SAL OF Milhinery art FE1 T HATS REDUCED Now is the tinsse to of at New Hat to finish ebeteurenter .; Com - A" h ve gatlt- Come WA& thei waster& Miss Mabel Riekingbottoln, of Nev. the home of hiii permits, Dr., and Mei Caldwell, isee. ler„.elitoose'se,arevineip..m. earyart, -serretwatnawt;teysetahrees rTLIreoruegeht- Oo:bir. Reuben Boit* of Doe.rolot, York; Millse Elsie and tattle Lew. E, Come He left _on Aiondey t kr. of London; Miss 'Effie out a you Stoltz, Air resume 'detieele eaeonete . flicient itud faithful sevvicei, you spendiog several weeks at his Me = CUSTOMERS. • Louis Wagner. • Mr. Herb- McKenzie, of Regime, wee . littler Boom, a No. ve seen your oil, grew and floor- Imre- - HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR The. annual Christines tree enter. a guest of his brother, Mr. G Iii Al for November and Derainberee", lee eau ft became, dirt:Wei its eflene 1 Mr. Robert Beeie, who has been eliethoeinmel nwteeetrituaKnox tianpepateemeeeneeiony 4:5,,,wmAteie,henforhem Aftwavtaifeaapra"lora'tino0alirst.. ean43:;an4lactinE0T,ir....4.,8;151‘0`14Patvisita. terltranadez• did attendance and wort, the pride awee sailing, returned to his heme Thursday evening last. There WAS a them, a gift from Santa Claes. 434. or. ii.,....vete5531 vkAMraYeeY4oeti2ity._ and admiration lelgict Ill °:?Itrec011;Te*Viv"eli, 1 herciel4teputiTir of be -are to their eldimdid ?rheum of eorigstieehortises. The eorigregation of Ste PIMA An- Wile* Treitieven, 692: Marjorie Mc- tcthi:y11/1/reiri the 1 eta., dialegte* and reeifet one, given racer. church stowed a Cleristinne Donald. 050; Mareerie ltdcWiffinteee. lug effort* • and eificiencY. We doeP- Monday, Dec. 20. The Dungannon smis he toc)f yourlilatit7..trerrnttertaintriulakd llegeeniltheelgetfinoi I by the Members of the school. which I tree- and serial evening in the parish eagis Mildred Mao:aeon, 539; Gertrude ay regret your resignation, As it 918i. orchestra and Anis Higgins, °kali* woui enjoyed by all preamt. During hall on the evening iil Thursilitie Dee Finnigan, 414. Jr. IL -Total 834-- cos the class in * very uncertain and tionist, very kindly assisted. . kir' the Pregreni Mr. and Mrs. W. }3 Pat- 23rd, when everyone present reports Pass Mee -Alma Nivins, 381: David gloomy future. As A tilled token of • Hayden, aschairman, ' very 18 - tenon, the obliging caretakers, Were a.geod time. o ed presented 1 u n aPPTecis" The Miseee Iva Carr and Eliziebetb: Man fildnel; 302: gert WkYardo al; 14 .-.. * $ Young, , -, •! Car- our eeteeine we suik you to ecceotates I, teresting by filling in with humorous ,tion of their willingness to assist in wesee, who are engaged as teaeeere Mary gift, which, while far from heinglreeitations. These, together with the ' the mow extra task's. that fall to near Port Dover, aVe enjoying the 1/5 -Verna Anderson. 236; Jimmie you Pleasant eetollections of the Ward; 93. J. -Total 202. Fess what YOU deserve, We hope may bring hputnmoernouher dtialueogpuuepisida,ndgaPvreatgerclyvtlonl: them beeause of the social times which the Sunday school has held Chrietmiustide at the home of their Million, 220; Jock Parka. 212; Myrtle during the year. Sante Claus also parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carr end Caldetelle105; Beth Parks, 155; Mel. hopeiaas asyoumitaryante WielxklitineederfeolYt• 1 gt good time.Attr_hough the charge l'Preeented Rev. and Mrs. Alp with a & end Mrs. Wm. Wilson respective. vibe Culbert, 138; Willeleeteadealele VIite_____,............, ir ,-. --- ---- -- - -- - lebgba IfaerTIOgi-viler, Wards Pr-_manYilglaori"Itt- nf-letealhalfth-afnydo-lulurPcelasies-eee' \ wss ontotwedeor its eitts.v nr._mat-lrheve wilt be ee murnerpar eie-emone --Tetal 535, Pasit-321-liarold Fin- , we. Young,. though ' completely We thefiltpeatitrrolendaildfudtfrlAids And ' 6 •••,,-•N'.... 4.4.(2-gozsc-Aftwth"e -tree- - Aire. Santa Claus lunch was served:1u Vireat Weevanosh, tlie former 'colitis nitani 455i Malcolm McKenzie, 20; taken by surprise, responded fittings MISS MacV1CAR d A Social half hour was event. en 'wavily been elected by acelsima. Ji • WardRe children, young and old, had fil. tion. The election in Asheeld prom- , ' . C ass -Tote/ ly Alla spoke of the pleaoure and gra- „ lied the basement and the proeeeds, /isles to be the hottest contest in leaven. 17d; Bertha J'ones. 134; Viola el.*, 'Tee young ladies remained Kingotoft wesst . I about $42. will be added to the gen- Mane. Years,. there b,eing opposition Toting. 30. B Class. tete' 180 -Al- for the evening and had a very plea- n. liettaugs ila stared p sealsoe One isli the way thrmigh. bert Rivostt, 113; Billie McClure, 105; sant time enjoying the hospitality of g.'`ea "P‘th4PP nessSn raaPer'" . ' oral fund of the Sunday i Hy 41,egaiageeleg iteta-on the program of particular inel Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Stothers and Alvin Reed. 80: Jeer' Ward, 56. Nua• the Young househeld. ArAttellielielvIR• tereat was the Willing to the platform daughters, Lenore and Helen, formed bev an Toll 35. A-veraee attendance sea-----e--e--- . I And all that Yoe Wiih MOTO. jokthe eueeriptenderit of eighteen eie. part of a hap,py family re -union ai at M. M. DDRNIN, Teacher -sewer---e-e- ' - " -- the home bf Mr. mid AU& Jos. Hack- LEEITUR11 .1 ---- • , was gathering of over fortY. chi!. Th Oa Bro kCARthLOW 4/ ett on Christmait Day when there e • g e e I rem new Cheerolet sedan ear, t. . dorltia-b;*Aletifeille. was up from leetroit _sat. varrammistorr Misses Shaw' visited the parental East St. „pher. 19$ . . 1.80-Dorialds Jones, 170; tole Tre- tication she lied had in teaching the Hoping the stew Year has good .1. 11 • sP°1 • e • gime, gagerSal .MW • N�RTH 310E.sru, 4,44L MTbe utual Life 1 ssurawce Company of Canada ILEAri (wrier; : otAirnaLoo, E)NT. 1 1 Sallwatteasd 11110 *a. D Pliptie 250 Ose. -AVOUr-1 Prrft-vt.' itr.--k-‘ • dren rnid Happy as -Lark • New Year's Greetings i day for ieoderich where their little eone to Auburn to spend the winter home over the holiday. Alleses Edith and Lizzie Horton , Mr. and Mrs, P. Rom left MI Tues- Mv. mod Mrs. A. Johnstene have SOTki DOOttid, UnderWent a sueeessful mio5 . operation iri Alexandra and lefarine mtry Robertson is spending were in Stretford for the holidays. _ We ate pleased to knoW that he is rthieshehro!iday with her eister, Atre. E. Mr. A. Clutton epent the hole son, in Toronto. day with his daughter, Mei. Roy Ma. I PAST PAVO*S , THANKS FOR I wish all my Patrons a Very Happy and - hslapitai, ter the removal rif Gat Lis Last "Vises Overcoat ' Prosperous New Year CALVIN CUTT 'PHONE 116 . • Mrs. A. B. Pentland and sons, Ben- holiday. s;:ttsenr of lcis v over th' Ieir. end Airs. Roy Linidater making favorable progress toward re. covery, -d Allen end the Misses Mar- family spent Christmes Day m Ext -- son an .; y O } LET US ERVE U gent and Claire were vecent visitors. has been Addlion. of Londesboreugh 'ter - been visiting his eister, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John Chisholm, Jr.", IN 192r lodes sister, Air& Harry Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Maeda. of Detroit- Doe were in Dungannon on Christman Rich:y:4 Carney and Ited. Bogie are! aneeirii it --- g."` WISHES They returned on itiontley, being ac- visited their brother. Air. Paut Attie - *akar. lit Brussels, being guests with the Dave Bean. Dry -Cleaned said Pressed eonipanied Miss CIarit Aaguatine del, on FridaY. at their respective homes after' the FOR A AND IT LOOKS LIKE NEW motogokstiorigogiseseigoskrowsiowasig.434 mined for a few days at Brussel& spending the halide' with .her par. Mrs...Perce Stevir spgit Clefista Happy and prosperous ea for tie 146w year. Wo ro . of Port Arthur. Master Alan re- Miss Pearl W11800, of Flint, 11, summer on the Iskes. Get year Slits and Overcoat fresh- Mr. and Mrs. Jam ee Meraehern. ente; Mr. and Mrs. lien 1,V318011. and , mas with her &tug ter, re. L oy Young, in Detroit. Strathrer. Were erste at the home Peel Meade' and founillY sYnillatbize trait, sire teeth ate the home of Mr Christmas. Mr. MeEsitheim and Miss eavement in the tregie death of their Miss Flora Horton was home front HAROLD BLACKSTONE 8 &Aerial Fresh Dry Waits Watitit en and little daughter, of London other friends. SSeaf(2!!LtL4eetln SG :a - store t absolute swots far auto misi Altr Mary, of The many friends of. Mr. end Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Tam Gliders, of De- New Year - .• -* .filth.* Or the Ma 4)g saw comas. - of Mr. and Mrs..kA A. McKenzie for deeply With them in their sad lier. and Mrs. Migh Thurlow. 4j just to let you know that we wish everyone Amber returned to their duties on eldest sma Emanuel, and his NtfifP in Ripley for ,Chtestmas, whets she hes .10014.1011.••••• nts and A Happy and ear. the stator& a cern Mondial'. hut Mr*, MeRatherri will re- an auto etteident neer Woedstaelc or been working floe. aome time. FURNMME EXCHANGE Vralatit slat *Inert Main for a while longer. e giotte of Duagaiusoub sine weak. Strtke Prosperous New kVair araaalat en 'nand" nf laic Our teachers, Allesee Bessie Grant - J. H. VIKOOMAN rtunity to thank our Niaedel *rid het brother 10141 Anna McDonald have gone 0* 6160 Breallica, G°44111ta pewee q Also, we take this o West Street many customers for t r patronage during the preeent year. We trust has been to our mutual advantage anti hope it may con- tinue through the coming year 1927. W. HERN, Pt" Af"chant PHONE 43W - SQUARE Heartiest Greetings and Best Wishes for the New Year from R. Wheeler's Funiture Sten HAMILTON STREET • especial t members of the nited Mermen, te Mikes in the family, Rev. Mr day. Wad tha humid la Nat' their in Ashileld for the holt- ' church, regret very much that, owing with on Sainday, returning the same &ye. Keyes, who has been their belovee) The smoky Ache& entortAinment .111% and 14% Ina. nicks aetl little , Pastor slum Jel.r, heia found It mess- on Threads night was *eel attendee', daughter and ils"ki Valferd are vis sary to wirer his coMlectioria with and a enjoysible irnaling was 1. king at the florae of their parent* the tenanted**. and is leaving this spent, little folks taking their Mr' and Mrs' Cseu` Palfard* 'week. Daring his short star here . parte welt The convex*, eere. tMims Lillien lantenslayer and ha had were tit* **teem of not only Marsh, and eommittee, deserve eredW Merle Horton, of Toronto, visited ',.netadorsaithisusitorwoiat couiduivereg. ation but for the splendid entertainment puton " their' Parentethe, Mr. and Mrs. Archie P. Ilortovi, over weekemd. . - I Miss Erma Freeman is home frorr The folkwing is a bet of the obi. errs of L. O. B. A. Lodge. No. inr, la WA ling* lit RU i Woodstock fee a short time, having stelled at the bort regalsr oseetho:e : w ......oar I been in Vfoodebeek for several months W. ei.. Sister Mollie; D. W., Mater,0 roreivirl medical Yelitsfiertt. Wiry Vint; C116)14 lesietar Hap**. reea clustomers i] , CREWE aece Sister Olive Flanigan; les.' mt. Setter Doris Smythe; tress Sieter as41 Friss& Missies Ruby and Violet Kilpatrick Myrtle Flanigan; Ira toe Iiiii ket. tare heves for the Clarietems hohlays. Meters Pearl Flimersta suet &Wry*, 711E t Mr. sad 'Mrs. Wm. Hasty and fere- Conrad; D. me C., Motor Reines: lu- ster °eerie Sister Mingeret fisrale; Omer Gaerci, Slater Wary : smi, ,ily spent Oa* Day la La:knave S I Atie and lit t. Shackleton WW1 ewe., Mount Brom Haines. %Voir . A I sou, Seem" peat *mew with Aimed* at Pert Albert. Cooks, Allele; *editor*, eke. Mole and We. Culbert; itasonliare bro.Colbert iii. New ybar . jr. and lireckitaerdlimodat easodFlidr etyilim rib• asocial *vetoing IseW la tlw bassemat el gasbag thereto MO Thera ---v.rs' Km Jai. Cheasky's. Asy emit* lasii, wee a were esieey. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Bee Ceastert ami son ii, imegates. AS* tie sorrier of,; et` liettelweene are resider at the hem fere eke preen* was Altar- or e r• FELL of Mr. aed Mr& N. J. Restie. mow a *wad boar wee soeat. la.; it , $r. set *re. *am $haweed tome 1 alehouses at the beam at Wm ease t Mrs. Wm. MrDemoid, at Keelles. Mem Alma and Mr. Neil Make. of Detroit. see speoallsig the ClwrIalata/ wank Km* Cease Mw Whoa he 41.6E ejt=1"4 =Iowl ape. alma MOsaftea. b SOISONWilk 'MP° 7 • ON* Wishing all Oar FRIENDS and PArRoNs A Happy and Prosperou NEW YEAR SHARMAN'S •••