HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-12-30, Page 5s. •
,1; 11.1111111"fieirlif
VKVRD.►Y. Dee Ws. lM
bail the
Cod Liver Oil
' * W
wok We uric maw 'fides J
SNOW; Stoat's, " Emig er a others.,
I 1.1 III 1iii i •„iR 11 ii .
'PHONE 9'0
tions passed elf quietlborne y,- Hugh HID
rets the Reeveskip without a contest.1
the first time a new aspirant ha* had
that honor without havi ,to go
through a contest. A. J. �thorpe
who was also nomin;eted /,:r Reeve.
rortthdrew to fill up the estuuncil ands
ilk this left Mr. Hill reeve without a con -1
teat. The members of h'kr council ereMessrs. Wm. Young, enk Wilsin
A. J. Goldthorpe at 'r m. 'Thom, the
last named being the 'only new man.
filling, the mantle .caused _by Mr.'
Hill's promotion tb the Reeveship.
In Goderich tt:tt1iship the Reeve
• I l
clamation: MrTeerb Cox, reeve: and I H l>F''Berry, Benson, Williams, Silas feature of a ieur*e' on the Goderich
ij. itli•
eren, Archie Johnston. Councillors
-•�t os. Anderson, W. J. Black, J. P.
Campbell, I. Constrain, J. A. McKen-
zie, Jas. McNain, This, S*Wvan,
East Wawanoeh Township --The
19E6 reeve and council we reelected
by acclamation—Reeve. John Coultas.
Councillors—F. D. Stalker, F. Camp-
bell, Joeeph Kerr, Bert Thompson.
}Meade --Reeve, l . F. Merrier, A
E. Erwin. Couseeille-•W, J. McLeod
J. Parker, ( Castle, Lewis
Thomson, Mss Ross, William
Wester,. Solteol trustees ---E. It.'
Weston, E. le. •ifohns, W. J. McLeod
and A. ltr*ddn. Wm. Weston for
council anti :OR. J. McLeod for trustee
did not salify.
Usber'ne township ---Reeve, John
Hanna. •.Games Ballantyne, Council-
. LC.
se ��
��h -
csit 11i� arra ferty.1
int• M�
waparreR.—As meted is our hurt
lease lairs. W. H. Webster paned
away oa Wednesday, Dee. tend, She
had jseeu in the hospital for the pest
cisbteen menthe and k was 'wire her
death Incurred. The Amaral ;Ark
-peace en Friday last is Maitland waa-
etery, Use servicebeing eoalarted by
Rey. 'R C KsDeraaid,pester of lisox
church, of whieb the defietasd was a
member, and the pallbearers bring
Meurs. B. C. Runnings, Walter
Satelts, George Price, Ben Graham
L. L. Knox anti Donnelly Johnston
Mrs. 3 heater was born at Kenna ller
leis a daughter of the late Mr.Eli-
fah Martian. One brother survives of
a ferrety of sive, Mr. Henry elertin
at present in Toront.,, and besides her
husband Mrs. Webster leaves a Dane
ily of three, Mrs. Donnelly Johnston, •
Galt; Mrs. le C. Sheppard, of St. Pet-
ersburg, Florida, and Wm., of -town.
Mrs• bhephard arrivett from Florida
on Wednesday evening, sa that the
family were all here, Mr, and Mr*
Johnston coming from Galt and Mr.
Henry Martin, thea brother, from Ter -
AUSHBROGE.--One of the motetgenial acid courteous •of men was the
late Mr. Thos. Ausebrooii:,, and up un-
til the year 1915; whoa he weesup-
erannuated, after completing half e
century's service with 'the old Grand
Trunk Company, hit pleasant smile
and Councineee al re-elected by ac lora, Path Bev; Wellington Skinnerr and Ereetine were always a welcome
')desats. Middli:'ftiii, Hasicke, Jervis
to Buffalo rim •4if 'the G. T. R. !lir.
seed Churchill. etirncillora, Ex Coun- - Arsebrook was Jrn at Paris and was Ferguson.chlor John 'Stieterby spoke on the A '•lik RRY CHRISTMAS AT THR in the erplde tof the Grand Teen*
educational re etem and Ex -C, uncillor ,!t
CHILDREN'S SHELTER 'with headmasters at Brantford for There will be a union'+Entertainment
Corey also lee and Mr. N. W. Tre- - - some time tether coming to Go eu ch under the auspices of the Ladies' Ab
earth*. elt-'li:L.A„ gave an address. .?the children at�tlie Huron County and it is heti th mentioningthat his in Hackett's church next Thursday
illkA.shfiela 'i eeve, Jiro. Parrish, A.'f hildren's Shelter had a hatpy• first .010 'Oh the railway aa b,.y of evening, Dee. 30th. The best nunt-
Hackett lfkr'tity Reeve -,loo. Cause elheistmas time, On Wednesday! sixteen ' is was made to Goderich" bers•-from Zion, Blake's, and Hack -
r_ ....._,
4tbt la ilia
tads colligate east sae. watt en the
ass►eaas sad Mire. Medias, Mea Dab.
Nair* a triE,
leg ash Miss Iti part in the
cresting anthers tail M. TMerggr' ;
solo part is the morning anthem
Theiwueiral sortices were very of -1
The Citastrwta treat held Monday.
westing for the primary school. the
font roll babies and their mothees of
&. Grrgsez rhu ch was a ertdt ;ink,
cess. The aileron' sang and recited
Muster Gerdes Harrison particslaily
i+linetiag the astatine.. Mlas Etta
Sauullttse gave the report of 'the Fetal
asy, ec •-••; 1et., to 1"20; Nes t.
on the roll. Sit; po..s'ble merles, 2551'
Lamy liveriaoa, 2b0, wituttaa Y.a. M
J. A. MaeEs ares prize; Leslie bailey
245, Mrs. Wile's prise; Ralph 161smk-
atone, 241), prise given by Mrs. George
Hill; Gordon Benison, 215, cerise by
lira. George Hill; Grace Veleknd ant'
Ilene Veitlanct easel. 5106, miser wirer'
isle Mrs. Z. H. Hill; Alice Bustin, 2e0;
Billy Reed, 1t)5; Phyllis Martin, IPO,
Madeleine Bake? and Norah Turk
equal, 185; Helen Thomas, 180; Su,
panne Bowden, 175; le pie Baker, 170
Little Miss Gwendoiine Harriet Rost
etta Juek. seed six menthe. won the
prize for the youngest member of the
font roll present. While Santa was
giving out the toys, Candies and or.
r, refresbee nts were served to
the agesmother and tater to the boys and
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Alton vie +ei
their -friends in Ethel last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Sid Ferguson are
still visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Thos
1 New Year
CO u R THANKFUL ,1 v., • -
'ening, ee
22nd,they had a lorely� fw''
'Which a �terwards became his honk
iencorateNloaded with gifts tort or beet• forty years. This trip was
the. children, thanks to the maw Iona , with tefe late Conductor Holmes, well
friends and organizations who re-' known` to many of our oteer residents.
membered them by contributing many INIT.. Ausebrobk was a son of the late
useful and valuable 'articles,s -gee, or- Mr. ' hes. Ausebrook, of'Paris, and
angel, candy, nuts, _top, eto. "Thef'e', was one oe a family of •three, his bro.
was a good turnout of visitors to en. I'thiee:hi rd his sister 'predeceasing him
joy the program pert on hy the dill- and Weals in Path's he was married.
dren, •who did their „hest to.anteitaiix i Mrs, Ausebrook -lied in 1914. His
them with Chriztniee :songs :and regi- lYlllighter, Mrs. • (Dr.) Bolster, sur -
presided at the pima and the e'hil- 'flinty home, Church street, thin
-'l'dren's splendid ienteseringesetbeesorieser evening, eonducted by Rev. F. C.
showed good training. The superin- (Clarke, pastor of North street United
' tetident used the shelter lantern and church, of which the deceased was a
showed about a slides. *tr.-ILWills Member and the remains will be tak-
later sang a sole, rafter which Mr. en to Paris on the morning train foe
Arthur Beevers •and Mr.I
A.. M. Rob- heteeihent in the family plot there
ertson stripped tthe ewe :of its deed Mr. Ausebrsiokte
andas seventy-eight
the child
h -went w a
eat yissild 'With de years of age on .ppec, 3rd last, He
light as they•recoived the nurerou:i :had been failing ilh health the past
gifts. it weia'lel esquire etoo atuch summerand many .friends note with
space to privet .the log list a f mifts, sympathetic interest the terminatio'?
but we give lie names af.thedeeeers: �on Tuesday of his well -spent life as
Home and School eeiuii, :Mr..11. •Mac• another indication of the .passing
Innes, Mrs. Fleeter IE. (G. :S. e tnith -'S+ears. •
Mrs. Allen,.Mr,s,7.� lestmger, elf add CURLING
Mrs. 3teM Ua, .Mrs. Marshall Barri- '
son (West')JoiY7ctsisi), .Mr..asstd 11Irs.
Price, Mpg.• iLress!Iie .»hmeilik.:Chapter: ;The President •vs. Vice I'resideae's
T.O,D.E., .Mrs, R. •T. Acheson, Carex Match Started Last Night.
Club MTS- ;p Jolrnston, li4rs D John ..—_ • .
The Jean. `Co.
Mader :. ` eatre
WEEK OF 3,t 070 S .
ill- AND
in a modern and up to date »resents-
t79n -et-George e -Barr S eCutsbeonr.
romnntic drama. The "screen's great-
est Ioveriin !Tie gre+
e i t"smisderw-IOs"e
sttory • •
Ston, Mrs. McLeedt 'Blies MI, Taaylor ''The first game in the president vs
Bethel ' LacTxes' :14•it1, cion -Salkeld;, "v presidents match at the curling
Mrs, Ben' Evans, Mrs. Walter Naftel•
..rink was scheduled for last ;sight,
Ladies' Aid 'Qatitttt i elhureh t(Goderich s The draw is as follows;
tp,}, Mrs. '1V: Moan y, ,Dr. anal stirs 'President's Rinks Vice Pres: s 13xniks
44�i�nson, C. C., .1.•1111:, .Dungannon R J., Bent w C A. Reid
Ml . Farr, i',n:ttse's Grocery, United R. ( H Vis) (stip)
ehti'h ]i's:z t"• •. 1i(1;.`.ritiza CS►aiter ay - F. R..E. Reh
Saundrry, iii-- • .�ssii >'12Irs B :parlous . E Sheardown Capt: E. Robiataai
M.s. Gan Lk, . M.rsns"' happ, Varna. W. Synnonds John ',Wiesen
Other eonteller''h,ns •r intn ,last report:. .Rink No. R kink No. 2
Exnetrtceh, s117o(GtenlvE ehlncrhturilubh, MrKa.nTGeo. Syskpds Roy (Pttprson
. Wolters, air W. 311, sllnwe11,1Mr. Rob." Jno.McConnell ' A. L. Maxwell
ert And_eersee tiTres M. 171fakins, Local. Albert Whiteside Rich- L. Reid
Orange Lodge, North -St. United Wm. Symonds Art 'Taylor
ehv:-eh, Knox ifisttrcheeiffeeGuild,.Vic- Rink No. 3 Bink Na 3
toria school, 'Women's Rtsstituto (Zur, Jos. Bowman Fred unt
ieb}, Tuxis quer , st. United (skip) ('skip)
church, Mr. )g,•hbnrt iildiKny, Mrs. Bol. Thos. Wallace.
ster, Mr. D. M. :'Biffen.. Cash eon- 'Cs Ginn
,tributions: la'isa Utile -Bentley, $2; Jos. Sweffield
t'Irs;; Sarah Bentley, '$2; MissEdith
Wien -ins, .51; $2; J.
A. Whiteside.: %T Bink No: 4 Rink Nn.
Frank Martin • . Abe Higginson
4illitsii; $J- -'v1u.,.c,f . `I,,,titute, E;iin- • • ••--(-skip•). (14.14 -
ton, $10; Mep'le LeaT (Chapter, L O. Tom Sandy Peter Bisset
D. E., $10; A. T. Cooper/Clinton, $5; ina, r)peter
I Mabee
Mrs. R. Holt, . `$1:;: g4'.:. 'ADr
: 'Gamble , JM. Goldthorpe John Ranter`
$10; Londesbora 'United Sunday Both rinks will play one game, -,f
school, $9,50; Jas. ' iarrie, $1: 1' 12 ends, Fames to count on deciding
Woolcombe, .. '$!; iieiimiller United. the winner of this competition.
church,' $1.20; James at. United •
-• PATIHE` CO] i[eY -
"THERE GOES THE mediae,'"mediae,'"`WEDNES' DAY ..and 'FIURSDAY
in the funniest picttwe Oahe year.
One thoussiind laughs" 'crammed into
'nest ost uproarious • eemtdy bit
eroti've ever seen. Be fere `to• see
'lre name of the feature piellserehhas
mat yet been decided upset • lficldest
miimsee, change necessitatea`•,tliiie „tut-
iouncetnent•`but a- 404)4 pr apri 18
sa eeltrt'd.
Illtalii iiel$lst, at S pan.
*ear`Entry is wanted ter
Amateur Nights
Fred Weir
M. McKay .
Chas. Black .
church Ladies' Aid, 'Exeter. $5. Mo-
cha.Temple, London, '325;'Mrs,'If. S The annual meeting of the St.
16e'll Biasselss, 1:�Tke Mil-. George's church Women's Guild Sail.
lars, Toro no, $Z:Exeter L, T. L, be held in' the Guild room on Tuesday.
$3; L. Strorss, Clinton,.L7i$2: Se,r1ts Jan.. 4th, at 3 pen.
Coal. Co„ lnad.of chestnut eoal; Rob -I Baptist . church, Jan. 2nd: 'Ile-ert Harrison, 1Belgrave, 10 .galienat pastor at both services: Evening
Maple syrup. • ; reebject.• "Is the world near n great
• change :" Lord's Supper in the
OBITUARY meeting.
. ANSTAY.--After a few days' 111.1 In
Knox ofe thin stee services 11 It b
nese there passed away 'in Goderich
on Monday, .Dec. 20ter, Mrs. 'Jane An. ,Cemmunr.;n.will be dispensed: 7 p.m.
stay, en her, 91st year.: 'The "'funeral F pe's Conqueat. Sabbath schooe
took place on Wednesday, 'Dee. 22nd and Bible Classes at 3 o'clock.
at 2.30 from her old 'home on ,South Victoria at. and Union, : United
street.. The late Mrs.°Avatay'leaves church: 10 "Ile Victoria at., Fel.
a son and.a daughter.'to mourn hers lowahip meeting; 11 stein., Victoria
Ions, Wm. Anatay, of Ulm, •and -Mrs f et.; Comrnt:nion; 3 p.m„ Victoria et,
John A. Becker, of Grand, : Rapids.Sunday school; 7 p.m., Victoria tit.
Mich. Mrs, Anatay was one • of the • "A Warless World: or—?"; 2 pen.
oldest residents of the town. She Union, Sunday school; 3 p.m., Union:
was barn • in the States but moved E' :mmunion. Repetition of some of
here about seventy, -four years alto the Christmas music at. Victoria st. •
• In religion she . was a Preeby+teeia,, -The carol service in St. George's
chute!' on Sunday evening was a very,
est• int cresting service. The church
.fir ;being lighted solely with candles, had
quite the atmosphere to make a good
' setting for the singing of the carols
and the work of the chair was very
rilentlittg. The Christmas Day musk
was' very fine.
• ''Nittii�:St. United church serviees
15un iy, ,sl'an. 2nd, 1927: 10 a.m.,
des tfstr Christian fellowship, Mis.
Sion Maud -,and Men's Club; subject
for discussion at the Ciub, 1927 -Its
• reasitellilieei leader, Inspector J. E t
Tera! 3 $hal„ Sunday school; 11 a.m.
• and 7 yen., 'pubtie worahi; . •Special
New • tees''e •,messages in song and
The work ,elf -Mr. Robert Neilson in
the Christtstais -music at North street
United eisnrch 'lest Sunday eves par-
tieulaat4y effective. In the morning
. he sang the 'solo "The Gift" and in
the evening two solos, "The Star of
Bethlehem" and '`'1n Native 'Worth"
from •Haydn's oratorio "(Creation.'
besides taking testigato and solo
parts in the anthema naornin» and
-evening•. Mr. Neilsen •eras the tenor
,soloist, when Mr. liaratlton and hie
choir gave the oreterie. "C°reatiele°
in Mount ]Forest in Bets, and port.
re$Ses a voice of much segettnese and
clearness. The whole males' s:er-
• ekes on Srnday last were of a high
In Knox church the special ('brie.
fore (hs'iastmass.xthough the Sunday
last Srnday also pertained to tabs
gest festival. some of the music of
the preeedine Simelay being repeat :d
To Our CusIomers..
,wept our sincerest thanks
for. your patrona during
the past year. -
To all we extend tour
heartiest wishes '
A Very Happy New Year _ ..
' i►s 'gig'
Royal Ladies-' Ready4oWear . .
East Sick Square ;: CIODkRICH
For the Melodies** siervices the ere -
c tiding Stgpttay .$n. A. J, MacKay
ett's, will be given. ,
Christman visitors were as follows:
Miss Mary Phillips, of Toronto, at
Mrs. Thos. Ferguson's; • Miss Lena
Hackett, of Stratford, at her home
here: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Alton and
family, in London; essrs. Edgar
and Ralph Hackett, of I)etr;,it, with
friends here; Bliss Myra McDonald at
her home in Lucknow; Miss Magid»
Hodgins, at Hollyrood: Messrs. Jim
and 'Charlie Sherwood, of Walker -
vile and Detroit, at their hone; Mr
and Mrs. Jim Barbour and fauliiy, of
Goderich, at Mr. Sam Sheraood's;
Messrs. Earl Sherwoed end Melvin
I•Iaekett, of L. H. S., at their levees.
Two well-known residents -•of the,
vicinity have been victims of serious
accidents within' the last few des's.'
Thomas Brownett, a farmer living
about tbree miles frown here Woe tate
Eritceeeld road is in a critical ,.•i,rtdi
tion in, Clinton hospital, as* result ,of
being struck on the bead by a branch
of a falling tree in his bush yester.
day. Mrs. Thos. Cameron is akin ly
ing in a serious condition in the Cline
ton 'hospital as a result of a fall in
her erotism 'en Smmday ea *biker Are
her h'
tp. he ii>ie y e par•
fractured T '
timbale, severe in sof )het :ad-
vanced are. Mr. Brownett was• en.'
owed rm felting the •1 rte when :injer-
ed. As the tree fell he tried' to get:
cru- +01 the way, his .cap lalling leas
he was doing so. 'The branch thus
: smile instil en the bare 'heel a severe
Mr. John Snell! Ihas iristtssilleti a rra-
rtlro. . . .
Miss Hazel Potts, of .Blyth, is visit.
:her friend, Miss Annie Blair.: -
• Mr. John Resnick, of -the West; is
renewing old acquaintances in this
a ieinit,y: •••
• .Miss Ruth Vincent, of London, is
•• spending the holidays .under the :p::r-
ental rook. ' • -. • . :
I .Miss Ella-SAwea'by is' 'spending tin
• vacation with her parents and friend:.
in derich. township. •
Miss Elva Walden, Who has silent
the past two months;, ,n J3Iyti;, eras
eeturntsrl to her home .here• -
Mr. and Mrs. Thos..Kernick, • 01
BIyth,, .spent Sunday .nt the home of
Mr. and Mrs. ,loo. Vincent.
Miss Gladys McDowell, of Holmes-,
arill..e, is spending the vacation. with
her father, Mr, B,obt. )Sfr irrelL
Miss Bertha Ellis, of • •Corrtright; 1
spending the Christmas holidays with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E, Ellis.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lockwo,.d eine
son, Jimmie, of Brussels, are. visitint.l.
Mrs. Lockwood's father, Jt 1t. He
ie ,
Mists C. Clarke Ls spending the
Christmas holidays with her mother
Mrs. Clarke, and her ,sister,, Mia, Mar-
vin McDowell. - -
Mr: and Mrs. Earl Wightman sine
children visited the former': sl'later.
Mrs,,: Wesley Stackhouse, of Brute.:
field, on Tuesday, •
A Happy and Prosperous
New Year to All
We also wish to thank our many customers for their
patronage in the past and trust we will continue to
serve you through the coming year 1927
86 • H J L) J , . i GASHTHE STORE
:• 'a 2:.^•'j,•ii lipatr"s:SiR"iriivt im at rlrlottk purr- ra/r+ i11`y. 41. mmpsi
demon, were hgliday visitors here. u very sueeci�aful entertainment on 1 Miss Leis MacKenzie, of fort Albert;
Mr, and Miss, T. F. Rose and ehil. Tuesday afternoon of l ht'xci`el., iMiss Anna, Bessie and Belle Mac•
dren, of Peterboro, spent the Christ -
Rev. Mr. Meehan, of Toronto. con- Kenzie, of Toronto; Bliss Lillian Mae-
snas season with their relatives here. ducted both snorting and evening ser-' Kenzie, of Monticello; Miss Bessie
Mr. and Mrs. W. Reid and Miss vices in Ashfield Presbyterian chute+ oirant, of Leebur;ii;midi iss Mary biose,•'
Sarah, pf Sta>aley tp., spent Christ• oti c; ndny last. of ('wisp %alley; eacs Selina and
L'tuise McDonald, of Hamilton; Mee
mss at the hanre of ;lit, and Bars. 11i, and Mrs. Russel Bisset enter.Selem Grant,of Orangeville: Mr
Robe Davidson's. - tainc:l a large number of friend,: or 'M•rlcahn McLennan, of Parry Sound • •
Miss Alice Sowerby sf Central Wednesday evening last week, on the anal Blni Irene MneDonald. of T iron -
Business College, Stratford, is spend' teeth anniversary of their wedding.
ing ' the Christmas vacation et hex Mr. Kenneth Thain, who hays Nen. to.
home here.
sailing on the. lakes for the last twt NEW YEAR'S EVE ATTRAC"1'ION .
Mr.' Arthur Buchanan, ee Dun- -menthe, has returned to his horst lie on time at 11 *pate Friday even -
church, is spending some time with int; for the Lions Fr.=lies at the Mo- •�.
h •r mother,.Sts. J Ai II wain Who i , •
o . c 1 o s • The following 1 e:sunt sit holiday ,lel Theatre. 'There will • be a hitt
now The
improls•ed in health. Inv.. at their respective homes; Mr •
The Ladies' Aid of Taylore Corn:' Duncan McKay. of G. V. L;. Mr. fl;irry I trulvd anis with only -nor show rpacc
cps will hold their 'regular monthly I West, • of Stratford Normal School' will be limited. •meeting on on Wednesday, Jan. 5th, at l-
We ate pletried .to be able to report
that Alr. Brock Orr, who underwent
an Operation for . aprendicitis in the
Goderich hospital Monday of lest 1
week, it making at splendid reco.verye
avataal Union Christmas tree I
and entertainment was held most sac- •
cessfully last Wednesday night. A
choke Imognam vas given by the
society. Rev. S. Jefferson made a
capable chairman, his hurnoroue 'eve
program consisted of choruses, reel.
"tile, like •ilieloeue entitled, "Path -
Dilemma." At the close of the pro.
gram Santa• Claus, impersonated by
Mr. Jack Yuill, disteibuted the gifts
from' the well laderi Christmes tree
•to 'the satiefaction of ,all present.
••Tite following is the report of the
Chrietenas. tests for S. S. No. :
Those marked' with an 'asterisk were .
absent dor one or more examinations:
Marion Colwell, 81.19es Florence
Sowerby, 03.1; Lerne Porter,. 61.9;
Marion Porter, • 72.0; Edna ' as CouncIllor for 1927 , -
Allister, 58.1e • Evelyn. Sowerby, 57.
MS1c.'Coloit761.3. Jr. III. ---*Robert Oho
66:5; eGordon McCrea, 53.2: eClara 414116618,"111111,11116--•
Harmer, 49; *Ross .Sowerhy, 40.4.
'Potter, Richard' Porter, Reg.,
Your Vote and Influence are Solicited by
for REEVE for
Your Vote and Influence Requestedfor
CHE.Y: -
The Mission. Circle are holding a
concert on Jan. 11th in the Westfield
United church'.; Lunch will be served
Everybody welcome.
Miss Ella Sgwerby and her pupil: Our deepest rsympnthy Bora to 'lir
held a successful Clsrisitnias concert their sorrow.
in the school on Dec. 21st. The pu-
pils showed credit to their training. : Capt. and Mrs. Inkster, of Gnee•
rich, spent Christmas. with: theft
3, Stanley Mellwain.. Best' ir'
Spelling-• .Maurice • Mellwain, John
'tarsner•. Best in Arithmetic --Mast=
ion Porter, Jean Sowerby, Ntnnbei
on roll 26.. • R. E. GItAIIA111, •
Mrs. J. H. Treble loaded . a car cf
wheat this • week. •
1111saa �e 'Teebbe spent' the holir
day in town. • • •
There was all immense lot of fowl,
shipped from McGaw to the cities for
Mr. and Mrs, Chats. ,1l11fn andfaro-
ily, spent the -holiday with relatives in
Gederich, .
Miss Gertie Houton spent a :couple
of days this week with her friend.
Miss Evelyn Lone.'
Mr. and Mrs; Kenneth Alin, o? )h,.
trait, motored ]some to spend ('heist-
,mas with his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMillian and.
little song of town, spent Christmas at
Mr.' James Peagan's.
and Mrs. Paul efacticl anti family in
Mr. and Mrs. R. ,Stonehouse and daughter, Mrs, Merest Mitchell.
son, Donald', cf Goderich' • are vitsitin
Mrs*. Stonehouse'a parents, Mr, and Mr. C. Robertson, 111. P P with
Mrs. J. N. Campbell and other friends his wife and family, spent f:hristmae
at the home of Dr. Weir, of Auburn.
Mr, Geo. Howatt, who has beer
residing, on his farm in thin vicinity The Christmas concerts were all
for some time, has grown tired ofwell attended Hurl all had good pro.
baehing and has taken a wife in the grams. Jolly old Santa, he went te
person of Mias Sanderson, of Bear them all.
Blyth. -- We are sorry to hear that the in -
There will be no election again this font seri of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Year in East Wawanossh owing to the M+tare (Ines not intpeove us quickly' "
fleet that, at the nomination held Mon. he should.
day at Belgrave the reeve, Mr. Robt
Coultes, and the four councillors, Ws. ' ASI•II' LL[.D -
ars. I). Stalker, W. P. Campbell, B - Mrs, Pletcher, Of Goderich, is visit
Thompson and J. Kerr were agaie ing her brother, Jan. McKay, in lite -
elected by acclamation. rrtail.
rrw Mr. Chas. McGregor, of Kitchener
y. • le Wilding the Christmas holidays •at
Happy New Year to everybod
his home in Kintail,
Mr• Get. Rose of Tor t i e The children of Kintail• school give
i e the Christmas ,season tat hi h c
Miss Ella Sowerby, of Westfield,it
pending the holidays at her hrse
Miss Link S werby, of Thedford
• is spending the Christmas vacation
at her home L_
Mrs. E. Johnston and Mrs. II. John-
ston spent Christmas with relatie!,
in Chicago. P,
Miss Helen M. C. Bell, of Windstor.r
is spending the Christine* veratior. at F
her home herr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oester, of Tor-
onto, spent Christmas with relatives "
here and at Dungannon.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Andereon and .-Isil-
dren, of Hamilton, ON Mr, A. An
n1927. -for. COUNCILLU � for --1927
It 9 7
Whosc,long inunicipai•exper.ience in (iiwn nett country will
be cheerfully given t) thi'.t<n .il'sinterest. if chided.
1'. PROS1'I;ROUS,YEAR IN 19127
Your Vote and Inhume Solicited Being one of your largest
foe I will endeavor
to serve you to the best of
cILE my ability as I have done
tete year
Wishing one and all A Happy
Couiiciiiot' for 1921 and Prospepastrous New Year
top COUNCILLOR for 1927
He is the largest tax payer of any candidate running for .
municipal honors, and his interests are yours.
He also stands for a thorough audit of all the town's
affairs by a government auditor.
May the New Year
CARRIE'S IIARDWAREj, East Side Square Goderich