HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-12-30, Page 4we vf
110201017.7100PARNOWNPAGIIIMISMO 1 .11:461""aagatrftatagur4 teeeateats
the eistise mute capably. 07,‘,/ ,,0 se ow esei. sob
1 elautY0e MilrEwiins the *rot ss,e1.014.11 preemsetiree alsevitt rat togn.ameeting or rsy
oa, what ow OA 1131111.1P-61" • sad try med soot sat same time of ae- Milt
asopeesat briefly. It was One tilari des. As tar Ors Natiseett libitstrailtil lag eat Victaris streets
nesien sweld be Proud af, thew& /III ing plait lee was *Wes. te get tide �.ss lihnset reed is as far as
The t
hareceipts for taxes were WAIL- was eassing the area *lomat SIAN a *mai is tows. nal essidb"_Zattrell
d hoped t ould iwbe still betterhi sold nad he Nowt eniatied p, ues it sit reet. stAs te the
ts it is the w of insole mesa saes hwarbrode et iodises I* 94. Walt bettor tritest last
ass. A Wring a fetreasaa t• wort wilt dm
• Beats were laeraised fres' $1 te awe wad rostra ,:sa
!Slink lieesese freas MK tirosal* bait tem ataskt from tbe awl. 84440 art MO *hi* to mar
' The arecamt reeistreal !MI Sow wax Citr shop and there wax man *%*- die ass, aid ye Me es tits jib *11
' twes. BeeelPts from* the 4S11 serial there eu which tits couneil had the tires sstwiiihr work was goimg en
' were rearmed frees test Years tort .04,11 maw tor a. pima, eras
ef the piddle works committee to
of 11,761.03 to 11,31, the different. 7114 Market , work for nothing. In the council hi
being is the number of late sokt for
Mr. hlunnings, had always formed his own opinions
which the receipts this year were on- As to the market
' lir $719 against $1,24$ last year. De- 404 this eheuld have been lawvzu : and belonged to no clique. Honesty
.dweisig item* under thst niiiicelLan. years ego, before the like*" Wak 'WWI. his policy. If people had eriti.
nue heading which were only cross built and the library set back a pieee
1 s civil' te make he liked to meet them
entriee, left the amount spent 'tinder but he "was 0,PPOlifed tu . laqVitilt t.'"!! ! and hear their criticisms, what he did
•I this headine at $3,691.64s A large leers now without haVAlt a Mani. not like was being stabbed in the
, . amount had been received from tin
tgbeennre Pwivouehlta linelealcetshsenifrot°m' whetwrec i Abasektowitt tbio
Mr.• plant, which included the mile of •
i Ile lied nothing. but praise of the way
tlf sale of the National Shipbuilding
or the other
streets so that a rig could drive right r should vote ono way
1 through. On the question of the 1
* three marhines from the old plant
. ' 12 450, fax whiebthe town had been H.
rungs referred to his attitude. lic I lime
Huron road pavement also Mr. Muriei
girl while she was in the hompi.
the matron and nurses had used hit
had supported an assessment of,/ 10,. tar
New Year's
We thank you all for your generous
ps.tronage during the past year and
wishyou •
A Very Happy New Year
A. Cornfield
Ladies' and Men's Wear - West Side Square
ihigitred refilY;1275 at auction. Saar -
les showed an increase of about 1100
t over hot year, printing and asivertis-
ing about $300. Law costs tide year
were $134,40 mania 4921.34 Mot
femme. ;Pada:ding Amount' received
!tor road od end the amount rationed
Hearty New Year's Greetings
With Thanks for Your Patronage
During the Past Year
perty-owners, believing that it wm
.Councillor`Ithilie announced that lama GODERICB
only fair that they should pay abottj he would not be a candidate for "BEDFORD BLOCK
per cent of the total cost to the pro-; Mt' Bailie
the equivalent of oil. The resident ir Reeve. As to the county valuatior ' the utsk'rts of thetown did not
this, he said, was very momentoust
:by oar meaty, leers, ehe pill:ilia. were*. even get the grass cut on the street
'o rdinary expenditure, against $8,512.- P Y a. He believed it Bro. jno. Huston, J. S.; Bro. W m. 1 will of'. he public. Our outstanding
and the trouble was eot
scientiou ; bonded indebtedness at Dee. 31st this
„els question for the town to look into
yet would have to a + •
:expeiehlostee, :left :110,731.76 as the
s man then Mr. McQuillan ra Cc' • '
e cost or the nuron •
Road pave -there w to more core e G
pit and ether espenditiires were in- Mr. 1•1 linings referred to the
67 last year, but this year a greyest meat.
laid ora the town hi bad not been
sur• towns hid been put too high but thin After the terennonies in the lodge year will be ;8,000. If the bylaw Is
, eluded. Charity showed an increase lane sewer which - had been room were over adjournment was ratified then the town will assume
that th
Vi s ps - made to the banquet hall, and after' this amount and be responsible for
-. I h W Bre A ,1" MacKay task' the payment of an annual portion of
put ieh
lfrom 148.78 to 14034'7. Grants were
there was the construetion of the str Pe ' enough. Either our amessment in
was not right or the value -
an extra 00 re the lieepitel, An Ont of the county money whieh, con- charge of therprogram as toastinnster' it over a- period of ten years -at the
:mueh the: same. Thissyear eet pain Goderich
re. and a very excellent program. of ad- end of that time it will be wiped .out
tion tnede by the count
to the Trotting stud rsesios Associa. Hemilton street conrstion eonsitter. st was to the Xing, respenaidstheoli the town. We are told the town
to . town e
ex i ably and the manho on Nelson et would have a hard and unpleasant •and no further responsibility will rest
makes a
1Yeer ;538•36, ;wertZaleeeios ece the Mr. Munnings geve his ideas el council had called the valuators th
dresses and story followed, The first
vain each year. Tree -but •
nectin u at Elgi v li • d •
than. On the Are. iiritratroasesutt year was. put in at coneiclerable cost. 'maaheadtoe
presentative$ on the :county council
.16,210, whien lug see street improvement, concentrating or•
attend the meeting and had not asked withrims ea honor. The toast to
Grani Lodge wunaso_r.espanded to by
v how many. of the witepayers knotv
t in the past this grant Is intend -
d '
tter o t em. The counts
. ;
the truck. There were 49411000 ene or two etreets at a time, •sin I them a single question about the val.'
in Wor. Bro. A. S. Chrystal and Rt. Wor. that
ed to cover the cost of upkeep anb
ie 4 oA
of uncollected taxes still end some
ns nne gravel after the street nen be.er bring t CD In The Craft was
fler and uttin on coat oi uation , had medieal care and attention of sue •
27.1 which the council -bail hoped to the scan P.. , eost p.bout $50 te
hem in. Mr. Bailie went ov r the next toast, responde to y or,
d b 1
int en d h t th
ts as the town. finde necessary
Ewan Is Ivia d • Bra, Rev. T. Hayes and W. Bro. Rev.
to sen us -w o .c:anno emselves
- Mr. H. 1 A. Mac yor tor i9 I get it had flailed to get se yet. Tbe C. F. Clarke. Rev. F. Weir gavc.
y valetifore
• itra $400 or 1500 to the bend and *400 g p n a eime, re eie sees away t h h The
^,ehr .'•• •
gra ed melody* and taking care of the history' of the Her d afford to be treated and eared for
county rates were otill to be pitch one of his Scothh recitations which
d ment. He closed by saying
pave. indigent patients -as they are known:
Unopposed 1 On account of collecting the times was much enjoyed. The toast tol
the U. till it got welt consolidate
• . nt..gt tso otilaind to: pi: e was M3rning Star 'Lodge was resnoncled Haw many of our ratepayers know
tat in 1926 the cost, of indieeut pa-
in two installments the rate had to be , malting
struck early and it was impossible to friviel used for p g not llY g
at n d st effo h drtencinal.akEeig to by W. Bras, Col. Verne II'll
L A eels ts to the hospital has been vastly
, . .
a road like Cambria Loose oi •
and C. Robertson, X . •
Altair the town halls waa voted on e 8
11' W ull oo h
is method were carried out wc
ri eve some roads wince At this point the Illay
. g .eentennial A success.
or. was givert ttO•Vts. r nde 1 greater than the town grant 'Yet
MESSRS. C. C LEE AND J J MOSER RUNNING FOR REEVE anticipate all the expenditureti.
eits as in isi or was es o
Id be rett ood. A da and r a •
P th' c t must be met and we eannot
the people were to be congratulated sa.
it had cost the people nothing taut ;11 P y chance for a reply and told of thc legally refuse to care for these pa-
$ e ed the Reeves bad pui sse Bebeetso
o by Bro. Ruddle of St, Cath -
e tents. All the Board are asking I.
had been epent on patching Cam- effort Is a arines and Bro. Dr. Emerson. W.;
Mr Robt, Turner Is Deputy Reeve, Mr. W. T. Murney
that Mr. Robert. Maelfey had ridded "rasi ion u e pate mg has not forth to get the Huron road cow- "
d b t th * 'n St that the ratepayers of Goderich as -
n g
done with gravel. He had alwave pleted to C br' • d Lodge proposed a, toast to Maitland d d debt
another $3,000 to hie original offer .4 Lode* and W. Bro. A. J. MacKay ac -1
tried to vote as he thought hest in baste as to Walnut street,
to tne town and the new hIstekay
Water and Light Commissioner and Former
School Trustees Elected -Eight
- Running for Councillors
I". Mr. H. I. A. MacEwen is mayor of McKay.
•h f • 1927 no one running Wm. Bailie, proposed by IL 3. Bell
against, him for. that office. For the anti Gilbert Plant. off, Sewers were built on Picton and weeke ago he had intended, dropping PtiveMent an -far. The sewn was • ! one dotter per year and we find
on the itimo this the interests a the town. were told that the Province had al. in doing so will assure the town of a
, 0 .
but they,
moist' Ilall was' now nearing. comple• ,,
r 1readyfarandthatif* knowledged the honor. The gidler-.. hospital worthy in any community
improvement. In August 138,500 of Councillor Lee, nominated fail A to do At. over Again the depart -
went \\amid riot have brought tha Auld. Lang Syne.
concluded with the shiging of ,
- Pro- H. Barhehtso small as not to be noticeable in
and the cost to each tax payer will be
tion, which would certainly be a big • Mr. Lee 'WM Run for Reeve , lzone .too, . they.,ing
debenturee of the town had been paid Reeve, spoke only briefly. Two presided at the piano during Ole/ taxes. In most cues it will not mean
Lighthouse streets and Buren road out of the eouritil but havinkr been extremely lucky to have "gotten so THE HOSPITAL BYLAW ihard ts believe (hat anyone -whether
Mr. C. C., Lee and Mr. hloser. hird
Ithenehip there J4 a contest hetAveen I
s , Yar......PsermuotYsolitee.. prynenesed by and sidewalks on Elgin and Anglesea pressed to run for Reeve decided much and the people the other side
a trifle when the need rand tbe pu
, interested or not -would refuse sueh•
feeds, an enclosure built round the to do so. As chairman of the barbel of Walnut street were to be congra-
Wm. B. Graha i and John aolinston :oldiera' memorial and tlie cemetery committee the past year, r ue . e . We 'gather from talk on the street'
lriarrinings, :reeve the .past year, hae eacoo soften ,
he had not tulated on thei good 1 k Th os ar eo • t C 'd th' 14
decided not to run eit ei. ei rtes completed, and a number a Spent much money ast there was lath night the motion fixing the live per
of council, though nominated for Robert Turner, inopose
motorasigns erected. Mr..211aehever to spend it on. He Suggested, how- cent of the total cost, as the assess.
both. and Mr. Turner and illr, Bailie. Bailie and R. J. Ben; and by Robt:
referred to the outcome of the E. n ever that durin the winter when
both of whom were nominated.
.• are Doak and W. J. Buchanan.
suit and then dealt vvith the elestsse. the ice Was on the lake piling might sed the Mayor staid. he had asked i� iment to the peoperty owners•was pas -
For 1Vater and Light Commissioliei law
rise to the occasion and carr th •-
lization by the county. be put in for a foundation for the eurne all cost of operation and inane I
Bailie runniug for councillor.'
be gets without a contest, and mrs -Y
There its else a coetest for council- .
h Thos. 11 Wallis and Jos, D. Wit- N cm t v 1 . m ,. .1s 3 es w
Bailie, proPosed hY P• J. Can" t v 1 t , . ''' • '
For Councillors
The increased assessment the osure •
ry. awiut pas here putting on GI -
Increase to Inc ' •
‘ time there vas any swell on the wa- -
were weighted they shifted every of fact the shark started next day
ter. Mr, Lee went into his action in bylaw would be pessed before the waY
he and the -clerk would have to sign
not asking the ratepayers to assume
one cent_ ,of this opense or in any,
airinan Hospital Board.
RA.dJa:FGAW Y e t*
di. ' '
- bathi everyone was. perfectly satisfied as
not by any Means the case. We are'
tenance of this Institution. Such is; ialls.
er qualifyine for deputy reeve, which
. ew un. y a nation cane 2 Mille 'dicks hich had been put in at the •
ng beach as even though. these the contract at once, 'and as a matter
lora, eight men. haying qualified ' Wee and all had assented. Ordinarily a. to be responsible tor mainten-
Thompson has dispose&
namely Messrs. Win. Bailie, Chas. II. thine aud W. B, Graham; and by
ad 1- connection with having the siding or - work started but in this case there . While it is true that this hos-
Nv1 . In° a •°'. of her house on Gibbons street to.
Arnestroug, John Wm, Craigie, Wit- , Robert Johnstons proposed , .
number, Wesley M. McLean, Nelson Thos. R. Wallis WW1 John CUtt.
Vi by It lana Conn Y ra s e Par or a ful/ the river breakwater restored to its -was no tinie. The council ShOUld ha-
w° m s an e towns represenStatus as a 'trate for general eat
a tleh i "14 tmeenten t nt $4°a°
t ill d th ' t ers in this °minion is not entirety
pilteael in eel -oven. with al st 11 +h-
" Mr. Ed. Johnston, of Verna. . - .
self-aupporting, yet if we riled
the Women s Institute -rvill IIe held at
maintenance we eould-manaze to Iceeir
that many. yatepayers are not fully; .aw
I carefully and in , that case we.
Mane seen% to have the ulea v
conversant with the praposed‘hhaytiailer, 1 have -confidence in the spirit of fair-
! TIM and kindness that is characteris-
Hospital Beard wish the town to "-'. tic of Goderich eo I th t tt will •
not sleeking Vie Reeves ip, 1. Aeolians Thomas asureeee p
Fred Peasby, lt. (hitt tied David Be an . twes to the county council next Year and not merely for storage of ears
Sproul. 1 Charles Herbert Humber. propesee
lity Wm 13 Graham and Alex.hlifitl-
would have to put forth their beat eft for • the C. N. R This might not
The nornirtatien meeting was bod , . . forts to get some 'change made,. as - seem to seine an important matte].
• en Mondray evening in the town hell.'
Dan 'O'Brien, proposed b'Y ,John there was no doubt the towns werc. but no one could tell what develop
aSScssed quite rapt of proportion with talents there might be at the Imam
The nomillertoinvis osys;rre..,..8,8 lolloiviilljonhns.ctotaurindidTivhso,s.prHorakoeindieiv
jowl the rural municipalities. It was a m the next twenty. years, and it was
R. 11. Cutt, propesed by R. J. Deli Johnston and Ttos.. flunking. singular thing that all the valuators important enbegli for the C. N. R. ts
Ilar•old Biackettage,:propose& les C 'appointed were rural Men, and while have surveyors and oilleiels. visiting
sled Alex, h'inkr.*.s• and by Fred Sesel
,... - . _ ,4,40 lc boo. 41 C. Lee end IL C. Munoings; and2Se the township:A...were increalted enly the scene fremiently &fine the past
ma pii g s, 1%, 5 and 6, ste.. year. As to the county estimation, Iv
11 thenta h -•
Ilitnis; ohn .Alexander Mannheim 1Fred Seabrooke and E. R. wve.
a e V.04idfor better te •
Proposed be Jos. IL Wilsiin and VV.I 'Weide), M. Met een, proposed be the town of Goiters -eh- we-eisesseed-e4si .
J WWIester 66 per rent end other urban i ii. " f*Get 'h ir
y nie . e . n u ici- an o eine t e same as he had for
.1 Jas. Cul rt and
Hee. Sharman. , • De
posed by jes, palities were out et proportion also.' the C. N. R. siding. •As to the
Hobert Cutt, Pro
For Reeve V 1 d C lbert All the "urban municipalities' repro- on road pavement he thought the
Chas. C. Lee. ProPosed by D. B.' Robert Turner, •pro•posed by W. T set:int/hen must get together hand
Wiggins and H. J. Iloggarthi eturney and Jos, wow. n1,,zahttiotnteamiftni3ttitedropotoutdlie. fon the eq.ui-
Alex' Mall)aan and Wra' Graltanid Nelson Armstrong, prOPOnOti
• h- Chns. K. Saunders sand Thos. - d R bt D ak Mr, MiteEirtRI Went Into tilt; history
I'm nu proposed' by Gilbertt.t.esi:n °and ji:slob °J, eios"or.. Intintiotreno whiheh palseedb Ithebe connekif rei ektlt-t-tileis);r1tbilre,11h,veohtrtic-se:
t•uffs'ert end -John Stor.y.-
".1!'"'Okt riOSOra PrOP Sea bY Jag.' Turner and J Moser.:
- Phrld :Sure".; Trl'61iosed by Robt 0 .the Hoven
1 -Ihsed Murney.
isProposed _bY.4e-s,_p,.. the town. had piat down, He reitil the 'Aft. MOSee
• extent. 'This was the first pavement .
Road paventenh to antis. SnY bent PeriliCe$,
span In, as
Plant niid-IPO. - hsIrSighhhfiiions-spropirseil--.by- -Thetis $ «f -11" It* -.W01 -satkr-ther-putitc-workw-psy•-ron way
rate should be higher -than the nye
per Cent bet fell. he line in order ta
out it thro'hgliS "If you want me for
Reeve, he concluded, will give you
ahead. It was he who gave the cast- only $600 larger this year than lest
Benjamin Clement litunnings. Pro. Page and John Cutt. ing vote for 5 per cent assessment tc and claimed that extraordinary ex-
essyl by David Marwick and Malcolm John William Craiele, proposeil by
-------- ---- A. Beevers and T. rh ('raw ore the ProPertY Owners es against a penditurhs such as fitting up the
larger assessment and he thought the ' .
garage house, completing the Pur -
Don't Neglect J. S. rInkster and Alex. Malpaso.
Gad Lionel Pareens, proposed by
insiperty I ow? ere .would. be .particti. cila,;e
a n h ^ of the Mures progerty, etc.
that the frontage ter was only 1 2-.1 • up, Ageinst this he claimed the
The Children's Platt and J. A. Rohert800.
Carl Worse% proposed br ePneglineeeer'swirtepotrtlet'o 'shHe
ran the total er his epattment
30en s qauroytedwtebel
Albert Josier Paltridge. Pic:Mose.] rent Of this garage property should
•Thoo R. 1 allie and Geo. P. Gould e,hUt$ PerlOet, whale those who were es
eu reckoned aa an offset and it was
Coughs tudColds bY1Vilfred. ProPosed hY. paying for oil on the streete el front worth somethinz to the town to have
1444 k of their property were paying 31/4 to eomeone at hand where he could bo
R. ig e anda- cente. It was turely fair to all
thet the property owners should pay reached in case of fire alarms. The
Mrs, Mae Z. Mains reagothze* John Cutt, proposed by A. Beerers
Oot. writer:--gqty two children bad and e. cratieerd.• eongestion in the sewer on Remitter
very bad cough* lest nutter end they Alexander Duncan McLean, Pro- this Orill I • g
street he claimed was still unreliev-
ed. The Provincial Board of Health
had approved of the laying of a 15.
inch tile from the corner of Hantiltori
and Nelson to connect with the Elgin
street *ewer main but the committee
:shipped back the tile and built
Dr. itIvoodPs by W. F. A. , 4 e An . . . - aunt for the ten years if paid in one htlinclia storm skewer Mr. Munnings.refer.
i nings. I
PlorwaY For Scheel Trustee sum now. Some torte kite
1 assessment of $6.90 spread over ter
had al' red to. The 9 -inch tile was running
three quarters full at any time and
Pin. • . St. David's Ward -Sten. F. Iliorn., year& was totally inadequate to look after
eon, Proinnied hY Thoe. It Willi* Inc'1 The Ilospital i $46,44. Aaset any increase due to rains. A 9 -inch
Syrup W. T. Money. I Mr. MaeEwan Mop referred to the
eu too tattles, mid after taring St. Patrick's Ward-4an , . thosprtalbylaw to IISsUlte the VS h00
7-* one street instead enough
rftiny kirk callreiwii°f4
A a C thr- ' tile was only eno-ii
tieid tlint 17 two children were alt rie. proposed by B. C. Munnings end of bin* of the Hospital Association dred. Re claimed the sidewalk core
poses. ey eoen etory end John John- wet" nilice the amount so emelt that
would cough all might liner, eatil some, 4,
times X would think it was the witoop- sten. in 'most canes it would hardly Ix
c. Lese worth colleeting. A Man with fifty
lag teugh. . John Story, prOpoted by
I timid get Nothing to help them and W. Patton, feet frontage would pay 75 cents r
emit mar eight friend told out to tin- Charles' Christopher Lee, proposed
pa treeewtb$166aniiii,
turelly be expected to pass the bylaw
in actordante with the resolution it
had adopted. Reeve Murmingsensked
if he wished to say anything further
said -he only wished to say a word
about the hospital. He intended tc
vote for the bylaw and the cost te a
man assessed for $1000 would be on-
ly 50 er 60 cent a a year until the de-
bentures were paid nit -
-Water-Rites- Due fair Reduction
Chairman, Murney, re-elected to the
Water and' Light Commissions' said
they had spent a good deal of money
nn capital aceount, replacing Many
wires with heavier ones on stecoran
of the smaller wires not being miff" -
tient to take care of the present loads
$4600 had been spent on eapital ac•
count. The water department show.
ed a profit of ;moo and he said it
looked es though they -could make -a-
stedectien in water rates. The new
intake was worklie ve-fisliaressful.
ly. The commission handled $75;O0
and the taxes were only $99,000. sc
that the commission had a' pretty
large business. The matter of ar
auxiliary was being considered but no
decision had 'been arrived at and the
commission did not wish to make
MiStake. The increase in domestic
consumption of power on accoUnt oi
the large number of stoves in uoss in-
creased the peak load which was the
reason why the domeede rate was ad.
which was very satisfactory to the
factories •and commercial lighting
rate had been reduced also. The
rate the coMmission paid the hydro
was $45* a horse power, a reduction of
$10. This last was in answer to a
question from the chairman.
None of the nominees for council
responded ' when their names were
• Principal Hume of the G. C. I.
pointed out the need of sidewalks
leading to Victoria school and the
G.C.I., the town's most travelled lo-
calities next to the .Souare and :sug-
gested that this might be' done out
of the general rates or largely so if
4The property was worth $66-e., or 100e stn.:aloft had been done economically
right tgais, John Cutt.
end that the town Vat goosinvalue for
Ibiaoaoritie Like it without arty fuse,: St. Georges" Ward- -R. R. dSel3lowca 000„ Mr. Mercer hadgiventhteibefat
mid its wreuipieme and effectiessess trosed by C. W. Ellis an • of hilt sirneeatros nata
prI everyniollar spent .As te the streets
ettee that the toilet is ebieeked before ithweite.
pairs, they had not had time to attend tonstrueted on that basis.
three or four Y g which were so hedly In need of rite
tor wins tang trouble Nut develop. I St. Andrew's Ward--Williskra We had property of "which coald
singing the Mitt:Mal Anthem.
The meeting •then broke up +titer
ret *eV aY The Ta, lecegroposcd by T. C. CreWfOrd heArtliud.
other responsibi ities than simple • The reg9lar monthlie. meeting of
afloat, bet we have also to nrovide for the home of Mrs. Kenneth Stowe ow
Thursday, Jan. 6th, at 3 p.m.
ptwirokinie.chi,pTnla hl oentienydoriginal winterestasusedanl oo nuf no bondcoorn sIiltgols.ntivacei I
'will meet in the horoeI,-.1,,ktrs. Edwarit •
The Saltford Hospital Auxiliary
was $10,000, payable iiA.-equal AneateLelito
. All Mem are asked to be
YibileSeat ant Si: ee tn tSbS°ut it has meant a, tremen- ir;VC(iiHe 01:6411:ers firoth'e' jearilit7yeta:
l'f%a-fer alal'filpiteyinTtlentsc'fb:ville .n.eisn.esent, this being the annual meet;
dour effort cn the part of a few pea- • will be elected, Ali interested in hos-
pie who have heart for such work -:--pita' work Are cordially invited,
ladies' organizations principally, and __.... .
thus their revenue comes only from - --a-- --: . - ----
a well defined circle of the community stZterAratrestearseessesseessezislesiseese
to whom these efforts appeal. Now. --1-4-11-)117:**;';'::"
the hospital is or should be the inter-,
est of the whole town and every rate- e Is on - ...
payer should bear his or her share
pro rata. This is not a money mak-1 " Very
--ing inatitution, -does not pay or etien-
the Huron Road pavement could be
earn dividends, no member of the, Hann,' y„,„
13Oards-or of any connecting ass-ocia-' --
tion gets one cent, for their servicel
Ito them and at the seasons When they .wwWwww.t0/0*.tom
Tarowito, Ont. 1 A. frets. Mlryor also iefery the bed Indelime it would not -Mote been MASONIC iNSTAILATION
tis hese • mos Mr. E. It. Wish' was chosen chairs corning eentennial es ebret on ef t „milk to work oti them on anotint
Prim no. a lot ; saw
We Thank the 'People of
Goderich and Vicinity
For the patronage they have given
ussince we opened up in business
in 4oderich, and wish one and all
a7'. ht and Prosperous New Year.
Alf. T butt & Son
torin next year and to the 44 Xtleth of the trefilc. OU street
ill id And Morning SW' Ledges
!IlePed t6.8er b°th **int* riitle multi" claimed the onlY 'wen" -W*8 us( Conducting laertallatiou Cermet:ire
orable. in the nand the town had sr . tru.b.d goo. 44rkd get a good bottom •
aloft to be Proud of1 it was without and he mentioned his bringing the There was a large, attendance cf
Anniversary of onfederation and there was * lot of aniek And hel litwoet joilitip_litt. W. Be.. mato*
and very seldom even thanks, while '
varlet* offices are frequently ardu-1 GEC)-STEWART
the dutiest required in fulfilling their
OuS. Yet their time and service is
• v
giyen ungrudgingly. Hence we have! 114441:41%,110,4107041.000 -
no recourse for funds but the good
• leader Ant Mir, but the committee matter of the purchase of a rock the Craft at the iota installation of,
was looking into the neater. He crusher up in the council. The more
Peat tourtesies end for the vote the the expense the public works tent' Lode nie, 300, A.. P. and A. M., on,
the office/ors of Maitland Lodge, No. 33
F. and A. M.. and Morning Star W.1111WwW0.1WwW4.4*
clotted. by thanking the people for tarvia used in the town the greeter A..
1,:i.ptember and intimated that In" cost of sand. He, elidesed that thc and there "wits a large number of
Wrapped or Unwrapped
that nice, nutty brown that
appeals to the eyel$ well as
the palate.
Try Our Whole Wheat Bread
and Fruit Bread
town gave him in the election last merit -was put to on amount 4he araead;Ly evanint, The night War fine
would stand again for Mayor. Heron road pavement should lime , members in teem the careses lodee . •
Mr. Cutt. the other *wain" fa; been built out of the general taxes'on and. i
Mayoralty bonors, was net preaseat. eceount of the fart that this wets * ne .rb:Itars. who.. bogie bodge. *ere PHONE 114
addition there were a number'
Tax vete silks.i.1 v/..e sees tg Milia thoroughfare and on actount of the . in curreland. Detroit St riagriott4 , WES1 STREET
-', Mr. Mututings, nondueted ler Ala:Veto the roallitnt toyf leviriarttioaPil'hirsartkiY . Gebtsintorost win seotimMiehigraridii. Theelgathering
,.a' ..'ai.),A\e,---',-,,44.gggia,„
; Reeve. was the next speaker. Re- as
rhadrietan of finance eorareittee. ititill whwz h* ,__,*11* "rtnint..4* firm." titimbereali 11E. The hurtallittion tere.
tried to sit tight on the lig and klrey
weettrld gerc":114 lierin"gilusyling 'the' taiiy einthinti- . tA4WtmvatiiZireetlitientlettl:44°Ritglirt"4-0No;
7 the expenditerea down. Tim tax rate
, for the year was struck at 44 mills zwt shd h. "uld nut wridurutaud why Bro. H. C. Dunlop. the °Ricers instal.
. ' i which would hart to he taken car. of
when it shoekl hare been -4 and the 1118 vuhuu't,.;_ultu bud "du" the us"- 1.41 being as fellows:
, towa wax jut Omit the ram wand inproolierat o„ tisenr two totherents.vmeket ateekicit istritg zit maexxantsty.ri. Pude.. iii.; -,wit.. &Brea:NA:14,3::
neat yew or earned over again. 11 lw!!thilth, tate taw$021401 uuuu fairly Kay'. W. XL; Br-, S. N. Vrepernan.
foll. to the bet of Hui Roma& conceit. _, witu il_imt )114,_71ft
I Sus" trY th awt tux" und uther wow* 4.-Ari"1"......1,-"W 114"1"4%.0.-6171 thws4Ch•Le_........,..../w R. CI tteDeratid, Chap.: Rm. C. M
eys dee the telly* Paid Ins awl le° ""'"14. j`v`r...=1114#0........"hillt rer. ss.....,"i'll'ULI Roloortoon, S. D.: Dec R. C. Hayed
year a hug* amount hod been col. „2„_•-• • ."'*,_ gr4 rillluww tlx .T. 1:14 *O. *. Cl. Itrelinklia Treue,'
lecteel and the geed wriork was coatis. u'renutir,lcuusP_I.e MgOVZ 41", _ ler, Bro. lt. J. lifogew, See.: itt. A. -FROM-
aid this pier *eel KW, was celled. ``'w."` 'Ye ' 1"..,...1* z "r itro. H. C. thsederp. ft. of C.: Drat. A
, ed in one plate and paynreate were "thud- comermel:".....,..wa* I. anthem S. S.: Sm. F. Weir, J. S.; .
estatinsing to lrek MAP. tVlit. He°Watt *r. Ls. Itlit* 11.411` AM. W. A. H*8, T. G.; lb -o. A. Xait-
hod *how tried to +le whet he reale for iherretY but Irt retroder order. - star Lodge -W. bro. R ,..
As Um Mr. Morradogra saki he ubtft It 11441* histeud or rowel . .
i for the town et the rowdy *melt Mr. Termer Czialltletter Meek Staltorr. 1. P. W. *ma ittuww Rob* '
' rerys"li "Mlle* reerea."41. 4)641Th:4111assritentImi .reenwee*"1 4"1";• - Corriellier Tim* reforrod to the •T41411. W•
111:a-1114ussilk...11PP"1/10.j-k. W.; W.
I twee. were awtrognitireoll imam x t4 hieremipa immemot et ......., ea. 1„.., or w. la yeasty, 11110 nt. I PTV., w, w^ . • .
analpio:47 24-00? hem gi,,,, elle& IL TE:
osodgedird ' 41.... igegoot ire A. Creek Twos.: arm 'Mos. Wir-
er fratMar eir the would ha serum go. elf tie eveseeetke ortn. rare.: W. Roo. J. J. biakortoolli. D. Thsaiting You for Your Patronage the Put Year.
b7 the eoweitY• Ata te lihe few* uld' sod not a agsiger low verta4, Ii. of C,; bro. Nehrm MeLeety. ft. S.1
nation the owe.* Moe *reverent -
Hearty New Year's
'z •