HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-12-30, Page 2a*1 s 1 1 I ...I IIIc I1M1111.;. III 111 1111 11 PIM WI11.1101 111 I 1 111 11 1 1 III11I MI I,.III1 1 Caueola't Mk* Lets-risker jI fresh Mater. The Lake ilalra et art'rise Csswdiaa Aimee has them hats, believed to be deseettdsats of sea Alb or .t having air one def its risen tee whieh were unable to *tura cu salt woodperhaps the, oldest I.giutater is tee: water ween centuries ago, ea .*tinct wurn. in the person t tee Hon. t: to. l ieeett:tion between tett ma OM talc 1MtbOutwr yeer.oOa the *ening dray an*, whoa is now la hnye* closed. . the priment *Woe at Parliament Jape**. Reapers Deed tt./.61"rDetaatr>i*a teek him Boat le Japans 12erd lesaperor, hDoper 004111119 walkhng withoat aeeratan.x, 1s1 Majesty Yoshlkite has succumbed Se was born at St. Hyacinthe, tette- to pneumonia: This ailing nretntlreh eaSeptember' 211th, 11117, and is a physically weak and mentally um nephew of kion. Louie Joseph Pepin-',t,;und for the' past five years, has liv etre, Wider of the teembee end of the ed in seclusion, a mythical personage1 rebellion of 1$31'. His ' first public • wa•, shipped by his 80,000,000 subject* oil* was that of ecaanckller of Ste The late Emperor was crowned n° a[ *doth* in 115$ *ted he was 100401 eitl1:,. and diel much in tbe early year/ of treat thriving littk- city skeet ":f his reign to establish more friend- +tontinouslyr for 30 years, from 3ted ,Iy relr,tianma between Japan and the to 11111$. Having been appu:nte,i t nations in the western hemisphere • the Senate in 11107 he has heel ',stele "-int r4•aa trl.ponsible for hie emppire thele intermittently* t r tlri years 1 joining with the Allies agttirut Ger- The veteran Senator's panda . at ns; i many in the Great War. Peine* Hir. still firm and bold, showing no t.agn "t,hito, who sueceeda his father as Fm. of the tremors of age. i prror, has ruled the empire ever meet using Sett awl P"re.l-Water Flab the hatter's indisposition in 1921, and The experiment is being tried of although he will continue to retie the eroasln/c sea salmon from the Adan• actual c.. ranation ceremony will not tie with a species of land -looked sal,, take place ,fora year, owing to the. mart found in Leke ,'khat*, Maine. long period of mourning: Apri 100 000 r sof tea seat The new Indian parliament build. had net with some succors Indies New Parlament Raiidings� * 1 Int+cF htwerre purchased from the Cana- ing which has been under construe - jobs' man for various lumber sone f F' h , and t' t Delhi is now ready for cent, ponies. Canada's Yeetag•*t lil.P. Louis 14. Auger of Hawkesbuayr 3d. P. for Prescott, is 21 years old ane the youngest member ever elected tr the Canadian Hoose of Commons He is professor in classics, langusgerF and mathematic/ at Ottawa Univer- sity, after having gained an educa- tion mainly by his own efforts. At he worked. as a laborer and ;,de dratit Department a is *rice, n son a front these eggs were h*tehed about patient and will be opened with all e., '""" e"'' wee''« ''''-' di a :0,000 salmon fry whin► are now. the state ceremonies for which India from 5 to 8 inches lona, u develop- is famous in' January. The British A Bluenose Hero upholding the ment about twice as fast at these Viceroy, LordIrwin, will open tet ,beA deed ,best traditions of sea -fa of heroism upboinglds under from eggs of the fresh'wetes• Sebakr main door with a key of gold. which the British flag comes front No ealnon. These llsh will ,be released wilt be presented to him by Sir lien« Sydney. When the little 25 ton 'lit Lake Sebago next spring, end than bert Barker the architect. rcho her. Golden Hind piled up or rt will be learned whether they Will Terrific Railway' Smash the racks of Chriatie's Point, Inver - thrive when kept continuously in Two fast passenger trains, the neat C'Ounty3. N.:S:, and it was neer -'.- ,;s--4--- ---^---- ~--•- Roo al Palm Limited en route from that her plight was hopeless, Captatr lAtiChicago. Detroit , and Cleveland, _r Wilson Mosher of North Sydney � lied Miami, Florida, and the Mace de plunged into the icy surf and carried With Flack he Leon Special, northbound fr:sm Jack- ashore a line which enabled his three *;coon!* on the: sante route, crashed companions to land safely. This we Gotheadem at Rockmart over the week• of itself might be duplicated tt pun- � d with terrible results -18 o em., deed times in the annals of Canada`s Witte the back i netts to :iebo and baying ser abeen accountedfor as coastal waters, but this was not '►i: sh 7."r d pain. it is .n sure Age that _there is I d d20 injured, enough for Captain : a er. a i- notnet Brig wrong lath the kidntlrs. =e aof n inners Was made tions of the sea require that the cap. roan's I.idns•y • t';ILR ygtve "PI •ta sonic change 12 iles from the scene of the: titin be the last man to leave hes ship. weak, painfrtl 81x11 "440ha "Lie's" collision, and .railroad officials elves. Knowing this, Mosher plant ed back leer:.. Kell Melvifa, i'peMr W0041htork, Heating the tragedy believe that "he into the sea and:swam back to his ing charge were oil s 1 oft with `t d the 1 I l l t lease tlaa jt ���j� A excel Ths tcaa ori® isnot shorts", oa *at a Elegised to% t lerestaeas, peril. ens s ty in Imekes. and the tairiliat I w *-*nett 404' w lire Sp sa the earl Mil teem* sof �latrieetiva, where women and t4i Wren as iw*lt as tbe um& ekment, with the assistaoca u broke* down pereasrr.'aturs, barrows bass asede peels tarts, and *van pa- per bags remorse the ermines Matti dians.letdo to their homes. Even the ling was affected by :be shortage, for although there wax euf• Ikient coal at Sa*drinehont PMlate' where the Rapti family spent th.13% i"hrietmas 1 irether, the tars et coal which' hen Majesty 'hail ordered for Kip tam rim] lend poor words were de. toyed- tend only at his sneelei request wee. they finally traced ant. Teethed to Wirdset•1it time to provide' a cort- fortable ere for these poor people. Reared Sebum Pack motion, - PCB,, writom '.- "1" ea* Maly IxetY 1 nwnal 1. n' Kidney I'iits. orders passed on to the en !neer tale schooner, and a second bine made t I suffered for tears with :n dull, or forgotten. There were a number Tangiers Source of 1Vorry „waybs !:ache. trent to hot exult Et g stat g' tip wit a , eta wily` coining home for Christmas. gerheads•as to who should awn Tan- I only used ono box *lel ,pwlrt el A prominent Ameriean, whose who achene for. trouble in Morocco another when I got relief, * el maw name has not been divulged, sent 1 It was from . Tangiers that Abdel - feel like a new woman. Christman greetings card by radio to !Griot received all he& war materraIa I have :four little girle 110 ail ear London, England. This is the fire, permitting him to put up such a boo. own work an z . liege facet, bed dew. geetens;s card :ever sent by radia, and hewed resistance against France, and toro meg to Wok or. took tee form of a photo -radiogram if this port is left outside either pro.. 'lire •ink. a bo sae Of "hiinsclf. The card carried greet- tectorete, it will in all probability all dttlers ar maeted Ings to prciininent men whom the continue to be a point of departure r r sender met in Europe and copies were for rebellious movements again. direct on • receipt of f sent to two Eur..pcan monarchs. both nations. King Alfonso of Spann price by The T. etie 1' �. c R • s is most anxious to prove his good in - burnt CO., Limited.1 A Itlague a Ja k *neon tendons toward France in connection Toronto, Ont. { From Outlook, Sask., comes 8 re- with Tangiers, and is striving ' to port of a veritable-p"laeue of jack- reach ail accord; ,with, that nation a, rabbits which are so numerous that In on 'as possible. nt times the ileitis emit Minden seem R�,itain Sympathetic Toward Chinet practically covered. with the apimaiw Year after year the jacks concentrate i The British Government, in the in a mammoth drove. and thin winter new policy of 'conciliation to China they appear to be mare nurner0tI urges that no foreign control, should than ever. . be forced on an unwilling country fi;"` • Air ltaufc Leiden to Cairo ,» I and ,that the Nationalist 'movement .__LAir I which is. growing so rapidly, nand _ _ The proposed airway between Lon, , seeking• an equal place for . China Cairo, has nose' i n •Ca don, England, a d , �. �� ti ti n , .the � aW Y?i"'" tt'e Ti akiaul ' he -.met n . e'i POIATDEPSmaterialised, and the first airplane with sympathy and understanding tat • •Ii t 'her nti understood his way to land. of of Canadian famliiea in the t'•:iin France and Spain are still at tog - relief eo a got Pas to a Biers, That peculiar port is *peat- against stomcthieg hard. Ct risimat Gard by Radio entry the rallying point for all those ASAIFAND SLOW REMEDY FOR AILING CHILDREN to carry passengers on this route nr- 'One' of the proposals of .Britain is rived in Cairo last weekend. afterei that the .power* -abated declare their 1NHtAYM Ne ttAtt,rpYeos. suer, s Ifel . flight over England. readiness to negotiate on . treaty x e• ii tASlt.YtAK1:,e,C.vICK1.Y,aWe, France and Italy where it passed vision and -ori other outstanding wrwnaiiiilY.Ya.,tusit" n Erie untried Titer* etre about 200 d that we are not Butt tox p e narxccxaorruoase 'Three of the patssengers were ladies established a Government with p g I .200 thrive, by article but the following extract will one t f wham was a Canadian era to negotiate •••- �•" . "`-^-''' thorn. probably furnish 'ground on which the maiority ' of people can meet: clt Itdi -Ideal to settle tar himself • 1" canna En lash walnut tree* now in , o}• herself; an. for a reason over the active volcano, Vesuvius. . questions lett soon as the Chinese have b g e raduce the •ivltot pow-. All previous reterds have be,m bra• ken by the salmon pock in Iritis, Columbia for 1926. It is estimate that the total pack fur this year when ail returns are in, will be in round figures, 1,900,000 cases. The nearest approach 'ea this wax in 19" 4 when slightly more than *1.,700,003 cases were put ern. Farm. Settlers from le. S. Movement of American farm set• tiers to Canada continues active, pot - withstanding the lateness of the rea- son. During November the Cans- dian Government Agency at Foga North Dakota, forwarded 123 settees and seven cars of settlers' eliects. For the same month • the agency at Kenna City reports an increase from fttlers in 1925 to 46 in 1'126 our se U la *ws st Ike Arose** traits nth unman *stuff that **tee at stared hats b.ea *A•si ad qes s seatrev*rmtal emotion osly times Oases wait* are fsv.rsreio to that stand aro eea/ader- ed to be important. H;vias welsh*! 'tbe prod mad eons of a delimitate* *tatter and havlag,arrived at it sat- elluator4 an it it to considered the pro- per, as perltals it is also esaly tbe natural, thing to beeouie the *Accost* of that conclusion and. to the par- tiality thus engendered, to fail to sea n. side widen ham hos* reyyeota d. Ot' good 14 te ktrse, looked ewrdlr we all see the error of this sant p•r- t:beaweek of us. wkile fai in oteers, eonsJds�klir- x y enaktroveralarself tesubject It; andbet Ikea see bow we amid. k' urtber. tete more #ttterested we become tit the eoatro- rersy the atron'ger will ;row our Partiality oda the greater our pre- judice. much of the truth le thus lost k unde*iabls: but. irerbY4p*1 the greet - eat hart,} ; of all coshes. from this Amerce, which in most enact is abso- lutely honest and sincere, but irons what 10 really a form of cowardice: namely a determination* not to admit that one is wrong when one knows very well that he is. How seldom, even in private affairs ,>~luong friends, is there that generous willingness to admit that the facts are .against us The Detroit agency sent sixty settler:• and that our friend was right, but wile% it Comes to ,public affairs how Not ovember. very, very touch more seldom date* 'Nation* Building Warships The chairman 'of the United State= have said" is the usual attitude, and t Sr: IV. -Jack Stirling, Kenneth Naval Affairs Committee, Themes S while for a moment that may look A : Butler, declared at a recent meetens brave and bold attitude to adopt only ! Youn;. Jr. IV. --•Florence Stirling of the Congress that there is a race s little relecteon is need i to snow Y Verna Picot: ST. II. -Bob Sterling. for Naval supremacy, and asserted' how intrinsically' base and mean it !Lillian Picot, Barden Clark. fir. 2. - that the United States would have la. An credit to the person wino. ' Harold Johnston, Harry Lowden. to build practically a new navy "ant, having seen the error of . hie state-' Jr. 2.••-lae1.-ie .Jobnaton: pee -Jean "There is a new, high-speed raiz• stay o. i _-._. �: ' .1 of naval supremacy on between th• notes not weakness but strength. Th th. *Alts ate neeedered by t Therm for Here is Ai Good Oise Be W� Dressed Black's Patrons are W ,i norms A MASON It's Built 1*to His Hancl-Tail red C oth=iiig We Wish You All a Happy and .Prosperous New Year. CHAS. BLA-CK The Leading Tailoring and Men's Smart Wear 'Phone 219 --- North Side Square. SCHOOL REPORTS this occur.' "What 1 have said I 1 S. S. No. 8, Godericli Tp. . it is going, to cost us $400,000,000." meets has the courage publicly to Johnston, Thelma Johnston Gladys SQ. The chanitt" of opinion tie- Clarke. Qu e said Mr. Betels.. "linen w e screened au article. which a contemporary has notion*. end we are not in the once,' more than *300.000.000 worth of the been earryinfi containing an inter • sap yt view with the well-known Janey �•+� _ „ 1y "Jitney Commit" in (private life is 192"6x-1927 . cc to LET a MAKE IT HAPPY and likely to be fourth, women of Canada. Her books • are widely read, *she has been active In --FOR A--• finest weteem* aver designed. thatCanuck were l•nilt or building, we willing �• Mrs, ,Emily I. Murphy, of Edmonton, • Well, it's safer to talk about . the weather. Nearly everybody agrees, on that. l Prosperity is a fine thing, and yet the happiest child has only one rag doll. ' 1, JOB ,PRINTING Al"1H2 STAR !' FOR FLETCHER'S CAST' -OR IA Children Cary` xraeefully dethroned',curselves fro the potentini position of ntistt•ess of Alberta, and she has for long had ter sena. New we are to poor third distinction and authority among the t "Sritalin hoc eirendy britt 40 rrltic, ers of under 10.000 tens, has 11 buthti. many raaral, . Hoctial and . patrlotie ing and 3 projected, a 'total of 514 movements and t,s Police Mag- Japan has built 19 end is building a istrate and Judge of the Juvenile r 1 a endo! of 25, The United StateS'har Court•for the Province of Alberta ►as built 30. is building/ 2•and has entre+, won a reputation for sound 3uds.nhent minted for 3. ri total of 15. Britain'.- and wise but sympathetic treatment. tnnnaee in . these eraft aretteereatee of offenders. 14 Murphy has been president of; 1R 125.000 when .all are r'tnivleted. Ir the Federated Women's Institutes of lyt ,tepee* to these: Britain poo anther- Canada and of the Canadian Women's eyed three light cruisers"• EtrortYt Press Club, and vice-president of the another ava .on erenee a as t ington. the Canadian Aiasociation of Child of the Protection,omcers, and of the .Can- The IN ngflmi'h Walnut Tree. adieu Cornmittee ori Social Hygiene. King Solomon planted gsrdenn of Because of her experience. as a makes - nuts, Su ly a wise throe! to do and healing her connection ang renorining agh so manY k encies, and another evidence of the wisdom of ! -euffr ette her proved courage and independence, this anti as king.sought an interview' with Mrs. Mur Cascada til i ttut'atfnauttling coon- I 111 try but nett;% nut proatuctng country. phy .in order to discover her attitude I' r' " from various towards the eyatent , of `Giivernttient We irnZ►land n s to Control Liquor iu Alberta. foreign land* nuts to the rale* of In considering the interview in I eve rrthan .dollars, tans the that quer oa we'are not of coarse print- i more than concerned with whet. ler . apB a export., aril cons* Murphy is now right or not. esu - - I n over balances the value • Y b1 Mrs. of our i t It we buy more Th sub than we are .selling ftltples. there lett is One which, with all respect are the -culture ret mesio our lake to Mrs.ritttrphy's nc�w opin%ons, is lar - tog the culture of nota in our Lake ea t' •H a PY N em ears' Da y You will want an abundance of good thing s for your 5 table, and ofcourse.Can Candies, Nuts Table � Ratsns, Orangesand other Fruits382;Tapan's. 1F6.0Oi. and n1rs Mr. • • OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE D'rap in, place your order; and enjoy, they satisfaction : ^y of havnthe e l g bog, ►t�+ t Xi PARRS. R0C RV THE STORE di' SATISFACTION HAMILTON S I'REE`C . - GODERICH Telephone 145., We Deliver:in,ir.. x,K FWMT wl..IC`Arl$YIIW. Ontario. f r ve,:v s not 200,000, there ie tote of sone ter Million In the Isere 'Halley; !*mace, th AgoMonsters of a eke .r "awl Limits" .1 Awrw. herders* 'he ms#ority of tourists who travel aerosol the open prairies on the Canadian Pacific line test of Cal - earl, are unaware as they look towards- the north that there it to be found anything to interest them *aeept the prairies and prairie towns. But not many miles *distant trent the railway, where the Red Beer liver eats through the prairie, lies a valley known as the "Bad Lands." This ie A valky beside which the Reeky mountain are young --a valley whose .hetteat-lends record that one* they were en inland see eke* whose shores, millions and millions of years Noe lived thee* walking, creeping, crawling monsters known as dinosaurs. Only with the iiseowerr of the dinosaur skeletons, anti as a result of the numerous expedition* stent late the Dad Lands of the Red Deer by the Ger�eraateat see by w*eeeres both in Caned* ,and in the United. States. has the river velky taken on a wilier Interest. Meek seamen adds net only to tine wailer et t*ikmt- tere parties but alio to the number .f tourist* whe are attracted hyt the pictereeew eharacter of the ean. peer *ad ekes* isaa ri*ation is thrilled It ought .It rtes age -keg *tree which the rat Is !nn to make known. Whea and' hew did thesis riettr.a*rs iiw7 What was the world kik* airing the time witen they flier - Used? Itiow week this eery valley Imre eppeMared rigid time and wkat other creatures were to be ilweri awe with theca? Roel* oestk.ne naarails twine the dIossasrs taker as a keger• ims.m * Mt A t first seae Si likely t. think *f all these *stied sat saner* peehlateek, lMeeg hominis of - et mews, Wows even Ta t easlth-*recta, Mat per- m tae moa. thee as .or Bair -4w.liag anemtors, whew they %say bow ewYimidod for the mammy elle meth. writ** weeds mg which hitttery Weed emend betel. comparatively *peaking, only a amilerlkirt. ewes ties oldest. these of Zrpt aead - at allots wetnties. 1'M *tin *artier alkyd in savage *e/ barbaric tribes we h�ird-ed tleseesfe tears, and art tweed in str*ta o that elate tb t the* hugYe nye: s had later Irma *arm* et inmost dI*ws*ri et pee sees. extinct even at that time. In bigness these dinosaurs have never been exceeded. The herbivorous group were the largest; they browsed on the rushy vegeta- tion and aeneng the ferns and bushes, or atood up and grasped trees with their fore -legs while they devoured the foliage. Many of these were giraffe -like waders whore long fore -Boobs and immensely Longer necks enabled their to take resew in deeper waters, more out of each of the fierce carnivores of the land. The Diplodocus, a herbivorous dinosaur whose skekton is In the Carnegie Maseunt, Pittlibu h, measures eighty- raven feet in ientth. and a still more colossal ea* found later 'and known -as Gigentesaurus newer** well over one tweeted feet. The earnivrr.as or flesh -eating groups were sot so 1a ; the were more active, howover, and preyed apes the �ireres. Though equipped :with frrgbtful weepant they were consieler*bly inferior in intelli- gence to the modern crocodile or Beard and far below the bird .r ataatntal. Of thew. Tyranneeairns sestets almost "t:te last wore in frightfulness It reached the length of fertyseven feet, and in a *tending Peel - Use the aniaaal was eighteen te twenty feet high as ag�slast twelve fret fer the largest Afrkan ekpkant. The long imp powerful jaws were a.t.witla teeth from tkrei to six inches tong and an *eh wide:.. Te prowet theta from these fle h -*sting dlnosaurs, many elf the herbivores* ones were completely en- leaaed In armor. geek as Aakyteseurast:, Plates eo- creel the skull welt, Meek and kips, and evert the belly was *.oder!. �y a pilathe eaeeaale of small d... -.rt plates. It was tattler protected by A movable Mato that etsatd be like a skitter over each ors. The Ort e Sarver at Otte** new his a re- Mesially title col/seism of dineem *Tare rvsaakns aae*tt all .a •xbibitlee at the Virden* kf*sewua, Otte**. and are aid. to be sten at tie hayal !}*table Museum. Tercets. The field hes by ne moans etre* ra s.atl Undar miles of prairie late the seas** s1r* *tel* vadoobteiy, filled with similar'fal*ili; It raptd. and as the r•tr.r *matinees 1* wear Ito Mona rimy now Nest* sow exp.eed. For ail time to tweet !feed Deer River will be a dusk locality for c lk:til:g prehistoric treaseres. e ,1 r e i u ctur. c "So long as liquor is man a . home of the best variety of Entgiish it cannot be eliminated. Every quart walnut, there . aro tbousandk of wa1- , distilled or brewed render Government nut trees, but onlY a few are planted inspection Or- control: will find a con- i% regular orchard form. most o! the sunned It is meant to And aeon -1 •- -defeat•-•acre-•lYckttared along, the 'roads,. _. ...._..-. e.r..-_._....__._... abt5ut' the buildings, wherevmp it The same is t the illicitly would be inconvetteent to retie other kinds of crops. ;Even, under these it be found by he. police. • - sunnef. „ true o ie distilled' or 'coinnannded *tuff, useless Supposedly adverse conditions the Personally, 1 am one who claims hundreds of lndivldual growers en- that neither , I. wi whiskey 001 beet r.R' . _ nually sell highly profitable crops. that tenic drinks. W. would be vastly 'whip {n thhe *. Theate tete).* several better without theme better physical- thoErie cod tons. . !*wiled Luke . 1s•, montaliy •and morally."" Ii1t Erin counties have many Beres suit- 'There will also be general agreeie cd to the warpput, and every farm tnent with ,M n us :,ltt,yr" ; 4..6% t'rc; tea- - couid accarnmodate 60 trees or more, •. ,,-;,,tent;' tit iperance lint ' isehaviiig distributed about the daarvaY;:.r an immensely powerful t itect, and - buildings, along f "asr*tll prod`u'c- that one day the gospel of abatiilenee ,without„ rem ` Of Abe farm by one will ga1t1 a vaetly greater hold upon washer. aur Canadi2n,, people." x'he°. utter - It modern agricultural industry to 1nces to which 5140 to11110118 herself make land produce 28010 food then later on, however, will not be receit•- tree crops should be given consider- ed with too little question, but there consider- ation. The walnut to more hardy' is no with total tog the etion,'arctnt•si:t- than the peach. And the crop will not eerily of "Jitney Canuck," and while *peel overnight. When you plantsin- we %las not agree with her cone*, other tree vrhy oat plant A haidY si(II there will be no desire to with- ' northern grown English walnett.--- !told our admiration for the frank L. etevenson. Director of Eetension, honesty and Courage whieh theme- °. A. College. terize .her vleee. Telling her aa -n. m tery. Mrs. Murphy says, -Before tlov- C'orns are painful growths. mime ernttsent Control beeanie the law of way's Cern llemorer• will -remove Atberta, i vau�ubtti it vignrotudY loth them. on the platform and by my pen. I was fearful that our last state would The faster a man lives the sooner be worse than our tire. It seemed he Iearnu where the path he'is tray- only logical that if the restrictiana eIling ends. were removed there would be more drunkenness and mime. No living : � �.� I penton could persuade me" to the con • - •trery. 1 had a fine line of ara:untents on the subiett. too. "After a period of several years, in GOOSErFEATHERS which I leave been called upon to enforce the prrsrat Liquor Control HORSEHAIR Art, both as a eity and prnvinclat me - ;charier. I ant bound to ackaowle ege that my team were largely unfounded. aid iU -4 Tkt•re Was not even a rush of in- j ehrlty ass I had predicted, the people showing a remarkable degree of re- straint. The rendition has rteeeditr lnprnved-•again T saw, not from any degree of aptrituat enrirhrneat on the c start of our people. but beret**, the law was won roa. eive•d, and la being welt NAtoreed.•' We suppose- in thew matter etre. chid -- -" .... she vox spear king d be t for hereelf oot to atone e` and we are reatent to hots her views GIFT SUGGESTION, y We std1 have some Choice Gifts left for the shopper who probably has forgotten someone. While our stock was well picked up last week, recent shipments, have enabled us to Inairi tai% our usual goad values: WANTED Best Prices Paid 1 'Orem! DAVID BROWN Phone 270 - Giclerich HEAD STUFFED I COMM 0* A COLD Creme Asppiisd in !parcel Air laaaaam.. lk1>wii Up. Monk a' r , mirs rit Med eh* :nom Stomach Tett Fise� ro►�fie•Wt. meet* lawn r Simple IseektMtvt bark. rewire*, t,ifor .wseoe. t a etc., as mixed la Aderii e, *thew hell+uK I3 or rediae rIi iiewilb ads ►�Y 1 t tet s .aZil=e e he: i leg mew s eat° tis" entad. Ibis" lar I meabrawe sad wiw a deli at >ta * m tekb at that; but we feel refreshed at en- countering a !+crane of her promtn. rare with the Pounce,* she shows tterself to pereess. - $,ple Mixture 1 *tests*. tr.lable hs '1't!t resleiesise xb"� Cream ' rrassvlaa GAl1. seta srer- ., reser. prising ammo* of it emote matter sees never them * woe he year 'wa- hjn n foul Mess. Stop* that ftsf:. bloated lees", *sed *sakes in* happy avid eTt� ee' taeeYRka taaeeeM Earelletit for ehrank eoetailpatietn. aims ftp. ffAdliiiee�rika work,' QUICt and delight. k 5 hIW 0P ST1. RE. *my. CAIIfPIIIILtell 171t1'G s. .14''. Pocket Knives . , ' , : , , , , .. , . .15c to $3.00 Carving Sets, new shipment... . $3:50 to $7.00 Pyrex Pie Plates... , , ... $1,00 and $1.25 '. Caseseroles.. :. , .$2.25 and $2.75 Pyrex 1ltility 1A>ishes $175, $185 and $. ., .p, •,.."�,-.,tne'ty" rsrisnrat , �t : tom; � t' Ry ands 2.50 ° 'f he rtitos Bottles _ , .. $1.50, $2.50 and $3.75 Thermos Lunch Kits ... $1.50 and $2.50 C. C. M. Tube Skates.. • . , $3.50 and $5.00 Ladies' C. C. M. Skates , . . , . $2.50 Hockey Sticks- , .... Y . ..•- 155 to $1,00 Flashlights, Ever -Ready. , r -$1.25 to $5.00 OId Colony S5verivare . $1.00, $3.50, $8.50 and $11.50 White Hindle Stainless Krtives :..$3.50 and $4 per Vs dos Coaster Sleighs $1.00, $1.85, $2.25 and $2.50 Rubber tired Wagons .......'.. , ..: , . $3.25 and $3.75 y dolgsle an - $2.50 and $2.75 A husdsore Weather Barometer and , Thermometer, at $13.50. This is a b.autiful article for the dein. ••__44 . Carrie's :Hardware 1926 1927 To Our Customers , and Friends We thank you for the business you have given us during the past year - 1 S . -lR ROBINS We wish you each and every one a A Very Prosperous and Happy New Year