HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-12-23, Page 8• ries acus t■a ;,a. 1 •' - 'Weird res rwirsd eta Ileadall et i tee electigh of Mr. W. Vendee, R Lander beeleitaL Ea W Irma times a month end never Baii1�. ?M e wish #all our Ami. . be .a { : r,lrtl+i ly ..w L O. i:. art _! fast. of wkieb be was a tsreadrer aiw:h sympathy is easeaded to tin Patrons bereaved landly, as they hive he so much trainee it their family Mrs. Bowles' ,another died last May A Wm Chrweeks latnd rs. e • � Henry 8orlaetd 4lied thrra 1� 1�L Mas aPIE LD and aMoe Janie 3[etctdf arrived home _ !front Detroit for the t'hrtatms,s heti. days. Mr. Ches. Weston. of Detroit, ieD iNGAN NON visiting itis parents in the village at Sir. B. J. Crawford 'hale had the present. telephone installed in his home, his call being 123 r Ws. Alex. Durnin returned last week to her home in Saskatoon atter' a *ix -week*' visit with relatives in • this district. Mr. R. J. Wiggins arrived on iVcd- nesmduy from tobermory and will , spend the vacation it the home of hie parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wiggins The annual Christina* tree of Sc Paul's Anglican ehu,•ch is being hes,. Prises& A Van' NAPP CHRISTMAS swot MISS S. NOBLE leRITISH EXCHA!+ /LOCK appy New Year Cole's Book Store Successor to • PORTER'S L A. L. ?'a. 24 are holding a bo' social, progressive enenre aml rociat hop in the town heal en New Year's tee. Mil's Ellen Gerrie, the principal it our public school. left on Wednesday evening to spend her Christmas holi• days at her home in Ingersoll. The Anglican church Sunday sehou ('hristmae entertainment was held in i1 the town hill on Friday *venins last , t and a good proem)." censisting of 3'0. in the parish hall Thursday evening i citations. choruses dialogltes and t' when a congret;•ational *ovnd will 1.► i play which wets enjoyed by all in•es- enjoyed. lent. bliss Beth Willis, of Detroit, urriv- t The Sunday eehoo1 Christmas en - I tertainment of S. Andrew's United chureh was held in the basement elf the church on Tuesdey evening; this eeeeee week, when a migrant' of l'a'nes and -°°��"'���""'`"�` A'- . � music was lciuen, when all: eng:tyd n ed on Wednesday to e'pend the (nrirt- ntas holidays at 'the ]tome of het errand xt'ents, ?1r. and Mrs. B. J Crawford. bite Kenneth Benny, of the Stand - BE AST pleasant evening torethez, transferred to the staff of the bank We With you all is very Merry public sehleol Reid their enter'- at Brussels and left on Thursday lust i °ltriattnne and u /hippy New Year. tainntent in the town kali on Friday to assume his duties there, ,'4r. C. c AAmon the sick week are blr, : °"ening, Dee, 20th, when a Jewel pro. J. Mahon, of Stevensville, arrived th s ong ey. and this+ir. and bare; Mt- grant was given by the schehire of same day to take the position here, recitations, drills and dialogues The new.boo'ks hat's been placed of brat Caineren and children. which deserves much credit to 'ht. the sheaves rf the library and ' and Bank staff, Dungannon, hue heel :41 d M Sid r. an .:s. . i ney Ferguson teachers as well las the scholars. ready for distribution to member; a returned frail 'hair haneyniooii ' '^^~^-�^^�--•-• The 1'- ' e arhave all old I,yednesday of last week, Dec. ISth +�i s parents, aver. and Mrs. Thos. Fer. s hooka returned by the end of the yeaz ors ssxecutozsi otl'cr bar of A nes Old tividovx of the luta Mr f m order to check them u an the lists g ' h;ev who have jtrin d f 19`'7 trip and. are visiting with the fdrin.1 AUBURN brarian would like to R • r r a TO OUR PATRONS AND FRIENDS GOI)E RICH AND VICINITY; WE EXTEND OUR WISHES FOR A MERRY . CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF OF WORLD'S RECORD HEN A full view and a close»up of S. C.' White Leghorn No. 6, which laid :3511 e gs in 1364 days at 4gassiz, 13. C. I The bird, which laid for 218 censera- tive' days without a break, was breM�. and is owned by the University of British Columbia, Vancouver. OBITUARY h p ,, SCOTT. -The death took lata on Fuson. ! litre, bawl ' t , late residence or sale this week. it` Tito list of w books W11.1) bl I James Scott, and mother of Mrs, F,1 ed n�f hero's cons�ation. any of the The Belfast Orangemen had their • e Pub114" y A. McNally, Goderich, and of Mr.) SCHOOL. REPORTS releetion of officers Inst Tuesday Our stores are all beautifully- de-' ext week night and are "its follows; W. bf. ecrittedh, by thein we are reminded of DIr Robert lit Alert. Hackett: D. M., the 'Cbz t i , onus ei7luson; tin sec. ; i'• a erson, of S. S. No. 3, Cot- , neo the most popuier Her husband predeceased her twc Robert J. Scott, of Colborne Mrs f' r big jobs are held by who don't Roy Alton; is Inas season, ooze, our genial 'Scott had been failing for some time. townsman is f tf chspla i 1 h )< °i1 Jefferson, ecu to ie n +Geo, McRoberts; tress,; ceoelit+ aloe borne, is cclosing his duties as teacher Melly among these t season, cape' daug Aga. She was barn in Byron, . safe; rec. sec., Wilbert .fueree; n. ee in tate section this week,y g ladzele. beery Clay daughter of the latewas 'nor John B. a ".. Robison Woods; come Gilbert Thin is the w nowhhe is invited to their Homes, and of a familyof five sister n eek. of Sunday school where he'is treated in the very beet three brothers oly two now remain Vint; S. ft., John. Mullin; Ebner Alt• entertainmentsin the village; we manner possible. Turkeys, geese : Mrs. McBride,f Owen S sin, Will Alton, Clifford Jiack,...t, . have been cultivating the social side ducks. and chickens, which have been Sound, and ef`the youth's nature during the past growing and fattening for several Mr.Mrs. Sault Ste. Matte, Mich. .(: -wee— week.McBrider were here for `""""'.menthe past, are laid low at his come the funeral, and 'Mao Miss Irvin, of Miers' Elsie Lawlor, of the London ins .• Nothing is too good for him. Listowel, a niece of the deceased an i Normal School, and her sister, bliss ne ss #i professional poultry Plucker, Mr. andr ` d Lottie, also' of I,on n( e, Galey, of Stratford: do , are spending Air, and ilrrs. James Stadion, of After their merriage Mr. and Mee, e i i the Chrietznas holidays under the pe- Ogetua, Sask., arrived here on Satur- Scott resided in Colborne township h r'i st mass eternal roof. .day, after an; absence of fifteen years t Our public school - entertainment in the West. Mr. and Mrs, Stoth- ers are well and favorably known in this district, having resided for sev- eral years on the farm at present owned by Mr, David McGratten. After a brief visit with Postmaster Stathersand other relatives here they are at present with the lady's Zell 11 r t tl s i last Friday evening' was well attend - i ed. The parents and visitors turned g shone ort in ,good numbers.' The se:Whirs performed their tasks well and every., cne' went home well pleased. Mr. and Mts. bletitland Allen;, ac. CORSAGE FLOWERS in see Vanied by ltiltsa. Dorothy : Craig :... SCARFS and NOVELTIES NOW Hats :. for the holiday season, in Ribbon and Metallic Truss- min s to Dort colorings Ing and • • re at Detroit and 'lint.. MI:eh., -tor •parents, Mr. and Mrs. noun, who re - Christmas holidays. They also ' ex - o Kankakee,: "Illinois, to visit their aunt, a 'sister of Mrs, At. len's s mother. Mr.and Mrs. ble Le od are hinting _ha rtu _happy .pion ofh telt family. y sec billies' and children's hose. Ile is very proficient at this job, unci his fine ished •product compares favorably with. that of the larger factories. While he takes orders for custom n knitting, yet his goods areto. be had tor and John n were sss in this sum - as been in the 'Wiest for the past two years. Robert 'Ian Stratford. All are home for Christ - roe. The preen er' ease yt of the village heard two good sermons last Sunday. The .11 &de in Ashfield., The -hone of liir: George Rivett is a hive .of industry these days the whirr of is-knittin B ' e bet og ma t nufac uses yarn into eoeke find beard- almost continuously;: as he in one of the local stores, and their ev. bit. Vesary a ret ed id 1 1 ` urn nes.'in a ready -Sale as the t ua sty of cleverly bleblendedmaterials,materials,aionsry trent Korea was in. chart yam used is dependable. l�r Rivett - • gave ,, a an interesting suecaunt of �h� who screed ovcrseoverseaszn the great war Ifs missionary 'efforts in that distant is to be congratulated upon his enter" prise and industry, at the season of the year when labor on farms is least land. Last Friday evening a number as- seinisled at the home of Mr. SVllliam° in demand. MISS NI VILA Staart, of Nicest Wawanoah, The There`s a song in the sire Young 'people engaged in: various There's ti slur in the sky -.lingaton_Street:,.amusements and theender ones for There's a mother's deep prayer l . _'--•• the -tltna•-"being'M.forgot,•the••-aceumula-- AI i tnsiby'_'slotiv-ery .fit a,�t t t l bon's of years and engaged in the And.-tArid star rains its Tare amusements of theiryouthful days. ys. "While the beautiful ,sing ; • _ For the manager at Bethlehem Cradles a King. q eee Season's " Greet n just to let you know that we wish cveryona; A Very Merry Chri tmas and A Happy and Prosperous New- Year. Ates we take this opportunity to thank our many customers for their patronage during' the present year. We trust it has been to our mutual advantage and hope it may con» tinue- through the coming year 1927. - HERN SI ler. c lrxrs't PHONE 43W : T1iE SQUARE Heartiest Christmas Greetings and Best Wishes for the New Year from In thelight of that star ' 'Lie the ages linpeari'd And the song from afar Has swept ever the world •; rEveryy heart is afame r And the beautiful sent- ,, In the homes. of the nations That Jesus is King. where the greater part• of .their life was spent. For a number of yeare they resided on the Lake Shore road in Ashtleld but returned to Colborne. Mrs. Stott was a member of the Pres- byterian church and the funeral ser- vices on Friday last were conducted by Rev. R. C. illeDerntid. The pall- bearers were Messrs. Gordon Young.', John Robertson and Jarvis McBride. all of: Colborne, and Mr..Jn> it. Gra. ham, of Gaderich. HARDY. --Port 'Colborne Ctnizen tJates Edwin Hardy, well -know' itesi ' dent n of town of Piet " p Colborne,aased antay at theSt. Catharines iso spits' Tuesday, Dec 14, after an illness of five weeks. During .this Period* ptffned�to his home bu was fi' t e1nen 1 out and around, y fil-- inti himself as late as Decembr 6th able to tome down •street and east hia oiillot in the municipal election, . Lat- er in the week he betaine worse and Dee. 10 was taken to .the St. Cathar- iness hospital where an operation .watt performed when it Was found that It would be impossible to save his life. The funeral will be held from his late residence, Forest avenue, Friday. December 17, at 2 p.m. under the 'auspices of Beacon Lodge, No. • 201. T. O. O. F. The Rev. W. G. O. Thome). sen. Rev. J. F. Wedderburn and -Rev T. M: Moyer ,wilt Uiiicia Tfie ta. Mr. Hardy, leaves to mourn his loss, besides a .devoted wife, e, twoo (laugh.» er*, Mrs. William Wincott, of town and Mien, at .'home; two. sons, Leon- and of town, and Stephen at home and one brother, Hugh, also of Port Colborne. One sort predeceased him on October 13, 1924. The late Mr. Hardy was born in Chatham, Ont. He came to Port Colborne from God- erich, Ont., ,fourteen years ago. De- r We rejoice in the Tight, ceased was an employee lof the a And we echo the song plc Leaf Milting Company. IIs was At erne night inter of . That comes down through the t ght. Beacon Lodge, No. 201. From the heal/only throng:, 1.0.0.p'•, and belonged to the Port Ave! we shout to the lovely Colborne firemen, serving faithfully Evangel they bring; with the Alerts for a number of 0.14 And we greet in his cradles ' years, lie was also a valued member Our Savior and King. of the Canadian: Foresters. The lata How expressive the words of this Mr. Hardy attended St. James' beautiful little poem, as it carries us church*" no was one of the well - bark' over the centuries to this glad known citizens of fort Colborne and , and wonderful time almost two tholehad made 'many friends,who deeply sand years ago when the Christ -Child- regret his sudden passing' and extend was born. We can almost hear the sincere sympathy ttr the bereaved angels' song, and see the "star" lead- fnmlly, ting on_ and on until it "came and steed • over where the young child lay. Two thousand years have pas- . tied sane that time, and still we cele- brate the anniversary of that event., "Indeed? And why?" growled the the .world bears the same signilacanee „ ! Because the season** malty spelled i e Bir etc aaearas.. "It seems to one,. dad," said the young' hopeful, "that the proper kind of present for Christreao,ts a ten dollar hill;' • No other happening In the history of parent. •es Christmas. It seems to carry r'ith it a soothing, mellowing effect, upon � Bat he iierer to 14N • the roughest and most unsympathetic Jowled. tidied him. -New fork of humans. From the poorest pests.; w _-- -. ant to the lordliest monarch, each in Ilse Attrreslax. So Entered en yf:itd loa.h toter Ther YL icon tl,e stair, out het LortlIth t`,! n,icill,e; ' rh. Lai out i , i, •r true. his cwn way, keeps} this festive, day. Christmas: -•--What bellowed' ussocia• .' tions are mingled with that one word The aged parents -a -probably in the. ' old 'lana --remember with delight tht time when their family, all young,. J. Re Wheeler's Furniture Store l • =t ` HAMILTON STREET then, gathered *boat the restive- board. How rsjcerly they watch the'' shores which havecalledtheir some or their' daughters to the new world �A�t�� Or, the WAWA(' roan or woman who' 'OWSC 111awl1I4 halt .heard the call of the city. With ,...�: "shat iripatienee he or she awaits the+ mails for letters- tom the forel,gn We wish all our Patrons a Merry Christmas s a l ,. Happy An Prosperous l` lew¥ear THE WILLARD CAR. approach of the holiday season. that; they may go "home for Chrietmax. The ,riving of gifts le continued as r W� h all our remembrance of the time whir the greatest gift of all was even to, earth. The spirit of Christmas is ter - the air. We cannot get avey from; it. A ,y tido* of teas old land.17rieuds whiyt bas become ath root loS �eiste' 1* this reentry,by is an carols. ht M. Christmas f h' release l'i'ana and carela. r or 1 Christmas mornie . ter the "watts or eared singers, The writer recalls with nteassnt remeialrranese. leis* Year reiVertiastorso. •'i rallt4 to ars• yon. air." n taartrd the popular foaiii pastor of the t'hureh of the J xteadtstl Isorot*iian iv the•prtintier tor of a * st,u" •;”o ascertain trli*t sea Would pay for iii assorted tar or sup, ctn.-soy front one do','n to tit'e-to be ddlvered twntrdMtcly atter t'bri+'mss." RADIO A and B_ spaMliiwt Christaiss In thesaraaey eolith. '!,,list awakened before clay-. BATTERY SERVICE STATION airfht ban tea, watts, sit tie)* sped { .1 raters r th, roots in s�ccars. trilling the swept sea i>Rnetst *trbodI.d M the' Christmas 'arab. tine almost wow. - %lj I1K �.J R�'"'� " erred. of, being strewed front oars': j""� greases, if, at were net the beefs AMCUT the oe SAYFIELD ROAD 1i of tkie•—'semi years t we east pane the wrestd sem. sand wish 1111 era reettere a Very story 1 ('keletasis woe a rad Sew Two. - t ,fled a S. S. No. e9. Dunlop The following have been tested during the month df December , on Agrieulture, Geography, Composition Grammar, Writing, Spelling and Arithmetic. The average is on 10Mee. Sr. 1V: -Lulu Jewell, 90. Jr. IV. - Erie Quaid, 62; Frank Horton, 43. Sr. III;.--Phyllus Horton, 45. Jr, IIX. Louis Fulford, 42. Jr. IL• --Francis Linklater, 98; Verne Jewell, 77; Dave I Horton, 74; Fred Jewell,til; Billie) Parrish, 63. Pr.-BobbiFarrish. 1 Average attendance 10. Number oa roll 11, liarD(1NALL?,1 • ANNA' Ix, i What's ..the user By the time a man outgrows swell head his waist line gets the idea., The reason a kiss 'meant mare in theolddays was because because there was no Take One • , si>xir gink.osit. Saaddle KOP80.1"1 G.tsd I'c'icle las b..secired. at m 'HE DURNIN FAIN.. en Huron Road (ProvincialHigh- r way) it T':rMr ler t�orners, 41/2 ilea front tie f to Goderich. All Chalets of Horses (Heave and No Batteries or Aerial Ligfijt) for nide. One Matched team of drlvin+> Rogeeirtdy horaes. 7 years gild. for. . sale.' . Suitable Der a doctor.;' ' ' # T. M. t t t Pla. er Piano Rolls 1`el..&e3 r kS 1 ►1�taruiewaarrtr xaritnryrrrrr�►sr�rtacr men get enough sleep. Chris � 'IC�SJ1'�Liaitll"� 'y A wife is a person wile. feels safer New Cavendish Pattern t when left- alone if there is a histol in a 1 h Pn en Hn s in new shapes and coitus Al! Velvet Hats reduced -we.. have a good assortment; to choose from W is invite yogi to call Universal Millinery NO TI -1 'SIDE. SQUARE, the bottom oilier locked trunk. - --GO .TO--- Le BLit STV WEST, STREET roe .milt Ice Cream V Christmas Candies ' Novelties Chocolate .,sit-• ... •r Gir�'l Boxes mo Agent for t Rogers Radios Conte in''tgndl eolo-� sooting' l _ r nw•lino of-Cliri,trnas �t 004 - BEAUTIFUL PICTURES LOVELY CHINA CANDLESTICKS and FANCY CANDLES FLOWER BOWLS gond JARDINIERES • EMBROIDERED CUSHIONS and CENTRES, etc. also other dainty and attract ; ive little gifts too numerous to mention. CHRISTMAS CARDS TAGS hod SEALS --Bat the best gift.of all • is a PICTURE All Gifts bought here will be packed free of charge for mailing or exppress STORE -(WEN EVENINGS .:. Smith's Art ind Gift -Store 1 hast St. J. T. + ' ELL Thou* 198 i Constipation Biliousness Stomach and Bowel Trouble Re iovesil by F -Lax Tablets and SOc a Box INSURANCE alte,: . Mahal Life dentes .Coma of Costerals. • iseterrieaai tu. Hien Orrice : 'VaIUZ.O i, b. O. M111P, A pw*x sob La* sr. , domucet, flat:. r take No Ctautes With Your cattery Vilma you are aft using your' ear pier Suety is gratdaally losing its .clime. A dts charged Battery freezes when the stercory drops to 32 lfreesieg posat), them the Battery is jack. platy safe aid set is store it this wit - ler sad it will be kept +barge& all winter. Oar price for • winter storage is . remould* a*d we win :cease and get your flattery. - It sure pays to be ort the safe side. .......__. • BARKER BROS. • • Service Station • Plies. 41,7W. GOD I 'R I'CH Merry Christmas and a "Happy New Year GES 'STEWART a IRIk Got his Lest Year's Overcoat Dry Cleaned •t:realm hissed • -Get your Suits sad Overcoat fresh eeed up for Christmas: We're. OW that absolute ateatnatss for a fraction of the. Lost of sew clothes. Goder'+ch French Dry Closing Works lrrompt and Expert Service- - J . rt �H 'tab di,N' Phones 122 West Street. We positively sive you srooey err Doll- Carriages lrl Kindersarten ;Sets - 4. for the Ifiddias Ik New Stove --or a wipiecief Furniture- i :. for•tbe old talks . •....,».ler+. Your Douai boo woo, Menti -at FUR TURF EIONANIE On the Brood**, et G.4s*Ieb A= - Our windows are ()lied with goods suitable for presents for folk of a11- ages, presents they will apprecis' rte and be thankful to you for. Cosy HOUSE and BOUDOIR SUPPERS, SKATING BOOTS, MOCCASINS, SLIPPER TREES, GOLOSHES and OVERSHOES BOOT fopiiie BABY. etc., etc. CLUB BAGS, SUIT CAPS, HAT BOXES A full new line for the holiday season. COME AND TAKE A LOOK.