HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-12-23, Page 7�.. naaap.trm.ta Fri
matinsQ liA t There
Sunday_c4fternoonThe tinsel twat iatenatieasi a:.
may, IS�1. vvxw , r asi.rifh, e,k:bitior of leather `goads will eat
weak Jsrtim ansonss arraromma a saprees siorraarraaaaw. wMMll alr� :a... it �liiaar Italy (raw iasaar,
---�-TS-�7r, _gild tr�sat:tes to teat a
Jesus calls us: o'er the twrruit I nary to *hankie one's c*M$atary ee-{ sea:sr weals ikaa rather of tis
Of our life's wild, tars sea, imitation.. stilt the call involves sect .s
•1 111 11.11 IIM.p 1 mono . y,i ..1 . tom, ,.t..ailliMUMEMOMIMPIONIMINIMarallt
Mrs. etiddleton Collier, R.R. N.. 3,
`oet Perry, tint. writes: -•"I ser tee
totem of four children, aa,1 after my
Jird baby was bora I got rheumatism
Aida left nay heart 1a a fiery week
a.*ditios. I was like that all summer
ens sad eould get so relief. Jiy
liaier•fa•iaw told we to Eire
a Ory, so I dill, and took two boxes
of them and I am noir esjoying per•
Leet health. 1 trust they will help
others as they have helped ale."
Oa the first sign of any weakness of
the heart or verses, you should not wait
autil,ytaur taco becomes desperate bo•
fore you *Tail yourself of relief by
ueing Milburn'a Heart and Nerve Pills
ss they will tone up and strengthen
the nerves, build up the muscles of the
heart, end curie* the blood.
Price 60e. a box at all druggists or
(lettere, or mailed ciireet on receipt .of
price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited;;
Toronto, Ont.
Auto grid Jforse tiuery
Rook Stables, Etc.
Mont r.e i Strewn
lust off the Square
4Ousseli Meat all Trains and
Passenger Boats
Passengers called for is any
- . part of the .town for all
trains at U, S. R. or C. P. R.
`$er''ice and nd
earths;i tt t>dartce'
Our Livery fn4 stack Service
will be found up-to:date
ittr . r
age et !ct
P .s
.+MSc►. �I
Your i a'trons;c SQliclted
• 4- ••••••°wAwr`S•
•Plipne.107 Wee areal Street
- such•1
Lumbago' Pain Awa
Ruts Backache a.vay with fif'ill
trial bottle of gid,
"6t;'Jacobs tSil'." +
When your back is'. sore and lame
or lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism;
bit you stiffened up; don't suffer 1 'Get
a small trial bottle of old, honest "St.
Jacobs Oil": at --any •dru store, pour -a--
little in your band', and .rub it right
on. your aching back, and by the time
you count fifty, the soreness and lames
nes is gone. one.
Don't stay
crippled! This.soothing:
penetrating il'needs to be used onlly.
once. It takes the pain 'tight• out and ..
ends the misery, It is • magical,, yet ,
absolutely harmless ands doesn't' barer
the skin. ' ,
Nothing, else stops tumiiago,, sciatica.
4mckache or. rheumatism •sa 'proal ptly.
it never.disappi.iutsh
Day t day His av►oet oice a.,twdetk, flee, and sumetintes sepnratioa from
Saying. "Christian, follow Ile." lions* and friamds. 'lucre is always
As. of old Apostles beard it 1 the same need for pras u t obedient.*
By the Galilean lake, i the same need for readiness to do
Turned from home, and toil, and kilt- Christ's bidding. and there is, too, the
dyed, sante promised reward, "I .*rill mike AU taxer formerly aired to be
Leaving all for His dear :eke. "sou to become fishers of mai.' Ev-y rpt
Jesus Balls us: by Thy mereie , i try faithful follower of the Lord whe paid it Italy on hotel Bins, baths
Saviour may we hear Thy eel!,,carries out in his life the teaehing>• and nudieal attentive in health re -
Give our hearts to Tay obedience, 1 of the Master nisi be the means of sorts, lieve been ahu::shed, ateord-
Serve and love Thee best of all. drawing others to Him, so that teey •
mg to recent inforraatisa gives out
Cecil Frances Alexender. too become His~ digeiplee.
PRAYER The enmity of the Phariaers haul by the Royal Centel General of
. AImighty God, our Heavenly Fath= been arouied early in the ministry '4 Italy. Suck information will prove
er, who didat send Thy San to call Jesus. Now they found another interesting to tourists contemplate
sinners to repentance, grunt that we rause for complaint.
m heed the call, that our eine forty ''Matthew, it appears. :ruin Luke t Jag a visit to that country.
former exkibi;tans held in Swope.
B►uiaess trammeled during the first
two exhib"t:cas asnoanted to ever
1113,O1. O.IIOU.
be washed away, our Foul* purified 11'19, made a great haat, time testi
and our minds made like unto Hir fying his gratitude for the hone Quebec -What is said to be a
who came not to be ministered untc done him, and, that h a friends ans record shipment of eels, US tons, •
but to minister. Grant that we, fol- acquaintances might prof%e by the left this pe►rt for New York recent -
lowing our Saviour, and learning o: teaching of his new Mesta,. he invit-
Him, may so exalt Him in our live:: ed them to the entertainment thee ly, the last of sight eonsignments
that others, throe h us, may be drawn 3 was honored by the presence of since the beginning of November.
to His feee.,fhis we alk in Jesus' Christ." (Adam Clarke). *11 for the same city. New Yorkers
name. Me The Pharisees therefore accused ;have acquired a partiality for the
S. S. LESSON FOR JAN. Zed. 1927 Jesus of consorting with publieans m:d
Lesson 'Title -..-The Christian a Fol- sinners. Jesus calmly met their ac• eel from the region below Quebec,
lower of Jesus. eusation by a saying that has been of and the trade is growing each year.j
Lesson Passages--btark l :iti-20; 'unutterable comfort to sinful then, "I •.... .
2:13-17 and I John 2:6, ethic not to cull the rig ;eous hu' One of the largest farm sales in
Golden Text. ---titan; 2:14. sinners to repentance:'
"Jesus began His public ministry "So Jesus comlanied with sinner* several. months to a"'$ingle immi.
by proclaiming the 'good news' that net because He countenanced sin, ofgrant family waft recently effected
the Kingdom of God was a t,, hand enjoyed the society of the depraved ,'., in the purchase of k 720 -acre tract
This 'gospel' was to he monis and but because, as a healer of ,cauls. 1I(' five miles south-east of Brandon by
more definitely concerned with the was moat needed and to work whorl
Person and work of,Jesus. His earth- the ravages of sin were the worst a Lutheran farmer and four sons;
ly career was to be brief, and it was Ile caste into the world to save sin- the purchase price being $28,800.
His nnrnose fit' balm ' the gospel Hers. Their conduct distressed Him According to Dr. A. T. Connell, the
preached in all the world and to ever their sins pained Him, but to across• farm is well equipped with stock andcreature. Therefore it was absolute Wish His task He mrgteieek them out
•ly necessary that He should attach tr He must show His sympathy by FIic buildings.
Himself a band of disciples wholes He presence and His healing touch,•
could teach and train to be His wit.. (Erdman). Sheep from the 'Prince of Wales'
tresses and messengers. According- p0 Y0U'R TRAVEL TO THE' WEST
Alberta ranch, south -hest of Cal-
tr; i very mumble Q1' Tii>s itniniie VIA THE "NATIONAL:'se Eery, are superfine, according to
t_ry, Ile invited ions men ;o be•. Kir ts For comfort's sake go "The Nation- Walter Charles Priddy, of the Core
"The scPee of this call is (teeteredorsonal companions and re •Sheep Co., Gridley, Cali -
the when
travellinghisfast Canadian Irina. ferritriedale He has just purchased forty
show's of thio lonely island lake beet • t'onal train has every convenience to - head of imported Shropshires from
he 'by the sect of Galilee.' On the
of the teaching. of Jesus wag givenmake your winter trips enjoyable .the Royal .garish, as well as fifteen
most of Kir iniraeles were psi r^'ori: Attentive service, lnedern steenequip from other flocks in the district.
ed. anent, "eonvenient hour of 1e arture
On its western and not'theri, all favor "The National" when con -
aides were the cities in which most of sidering your tries to Winnipeg.. •Asbestos waste as a soil atrengtit
the mighty works were , rinse• the . "The . National" leaves' Torclntc
rn side was not inhabited. and. nightly at 9.00 p.ni , arriein at \Vin. ewer is the latest in the line of by -
thither Jest's would resort to escape,nipeg X0.00 a.m. the seeorid�rt+orninl; products. Early this year the De-
'thn multitufirst called by d. s, lErdm ern, Connections are )wade at 'Winnipeg . t'elopment Branch. of the Candin
1pnvhHlm nwere t3she mon.PcriValkinfi
for all western .'points. In 'nildition _ pacific Eailtvay undertook an in-
e m n .n
o 1
on dayq pe
these P.'specialp
eN saw d,
� An
a cwvestigation and inaugurated a se -
and Simon Peter at their work. "And retried for the .uonvonirncg of
Jesus ;Said unto them, Come ye after Sudbury Nissen
gcxs: ries of experiments in the: use. of',
me nttd I will make you to bawlerTickets and information from any this material. :Macdonald College
fishers of men, and straightway they Canadian National Agent., ' actively co-operated and results so
left,. ft the. t nes and fo
t n
o e
Him". 'thislate 1&1 .11';5 a .
Soon after fie saw James, the eon of CODERICH Wb,LI. TO THE bORB far !show that material ,
real value *hen applied to certain
Zebedee, and John his brother, and Shipment's from' Feet 'William and soils.
ummoned them also,- They left Port .Arthur for November, as /corn -
their father Zebedee in the bout with-• Oiled by the Lane Shi ers' Clear -
the hired servants and went after since Association, show the Following'
'Him.: , W , dietribetion.' -It Twill lige observed that.
It is not 'to Jae: supposed.' that. these Godei'.ich maintains a•• r
men knew nothingof Jesus before _ • only r eB ineno and
;tion, exceeded - by Buffalo and..
their calla Jesus hail: been pointed Port Co)borne, ann. very slightly by
Put to two. of them by jontrathe Bap.. Port McNicoll • .: 't',: •,
tis( and they had followed .:Jesus then. Buffalo+
and hacl. spent some time with hiiit .Chicago ........ ......:..-.4.39-'272254:1'22108
unuarentiv returning later.to • thole
homes red work. Noir, theyare reef Clee'eland . 3
Erie .. 3,034.38a
1., tot JD= call to .leave all end • .fc,lloev Fairport ' ;' ,: , .4 2,458,251Y
Toledo , 11• _ . , , , 709 ,022
The sex: mala called oto be a'disc(. _
t•'e .was of a very,•differeut stamp.
Ir rdnnan same:. "The.fact time ,a mar •Gode'rich ' • - •
46.205 4: q
was n ub'iean , or tax atherer, din i fit. -0 5.496
ri , 1; 1(:ing;•ston '.: .. .., . . . 105.096
r • e h?m to be si.sinner, bet at Midland ...... 1 2,512,007
least it placed him under suspicion ...entreat 990,058
and debarred him froth 'fellowship . Owen Sound 1,206,329
with respectable and reputable_ men Port Colbonth. ..6 850,716.
He was the agent of a system which: Port lleNicoll 1,561,407
depend d largely upon .extprtion and' Quebec. . ... , 370,46)
fraud. ' ` Tiffin .1,723.901
Levi,Like •efl,or residents in the district Local Elevator% 1'3t3,15i?
Lu xattheu, bn_d,bad oilioriun �_
Rees of feeling Je:;•us:arid- bearing -Ilim, -
teach milt thor�ghts l Led ;his Carried by. 7-4 �� i;0t0,i1i2"
mind,'wbat aspirations:had' been stir- Canadian -boats to Canadian port*. 122
red within him, what at 'resolutions
S le
Cattadran hots
to American ports, 13 formed We eanon know. But
he• American boats to Canadian ports, '8
ton, was ready when the call ehore to Ameriehn boats to A•3a1Frtcan ports 115
/trove and folfnw Jeeps. From .the Above official statement it
There are likenesses between thewill be. noted t'iat 63. per cent. of our
eaIl of these disciples and the call Western Canada crol$ went to Ameri-
which comes today to ;nen end wmnen ran .Eastern north and that American
to le,lve all and follow Meet. bottoms carried 60 per rent. of all
Though it may not always be ncccs--traffics
'>•a'.,`'.;�.,i:tifig-trroici Gas Makes People
A "Current"Gift
Take full advantage of having Hydro in your
home by making it do your work. A useful and
pracfhcai Christmas Gift would be an
See Oar Christmas Electric Display.
°t1 e'r year Gioia early
Bay Hydtaa Lampe
Nervous and Restless
Gas pressure in the abdomen caus-
es a. restless, nervous . *Felin„ and
prevents. sleep, Adlet•uca removes
gas in. TEN Minutes and brings out
surprising amounts of old waste mat-
ter you never thought, was in your
system. This excellent intestinal
evaeuant is wonderful for constipa•
tion or allied stomach trouble, Don't
waste time with pills or tablets but
stet REAL? Adlerika action. CAMP-
Suffered So She Could Not
Walk, Restored to Health
by Lydia E. Pinkham's •
Vegetable Compound
!Cussing, Ontario. --"I am a Tac-
tical nurse and I recommend Lydia
E. Pinkham'sVegetableCompound to
suffering women. For three months
I was almost helpless and could not
sit at the table long enough to drink
a cup of tee. limy a time my'hua-
band carried me to bed, I would be
so weak. Then he read in the paper
of a woman suffering as I did who
got better after taking the Vegetable
Compound, so he went and got it for
me. When I ee bottles
was justa new woman lliko had taken twtand
have had splendid health ever ainee.
When I feel any bearing -down pains
I.alwaya.,tak. itieeeen.tiipttos a. half
bottle or whatever f need. It is my
only medicine and I have told many a
one about it. Any one wanting to
know aore aboutLydia& E. Plnkharn'a
ble r.ore
w to to her. I do all I can t
nmm.nd it for' I feel Iowa m life
and to it." -- Mrs. my
i#nw fuat tttLR. 2. Mine.ine, Ontario.
Do yeofee4 basket -flown, nervous.
and weak mesetimatsr? Do yet here
(hie ltor'rld fe.t(esgef fear r which some-
times comes to women when they aro
itet wait? Lydia L Pinkeye's Ve!-g
*talk Compeemed is .xtvltent to take
at a'aeha thee. It always Wipe, and
will relieve Ms t4064141441411. C y
A valuable consignment of twenty.
six silver black foxes valued at ap-
proximately $201000 was handled by
the Canadian Paeifii: Express Com-
pany in .Montreal recently. 'rhe ani-'
mala 'were `shipped directly,, from
the Mel itt Silver Black;: Foa.,fanoh.
at hleritt, 'B.C., ' and will be. for- •
warded - to, Messrs. Baullon . ' and
Paulin,: Grenoble, France, • to A
crew' fox' ranch of which this Bait
ish' Columbia shipment will he the
carat Woe*
Lessees is Eaglish
lhr W. L • GORDON
Wsrds Ofteet libmood ` t
Dunt say "take tbe dishes off of
the table.* Omit "of.'
Don't say "1 am net sure if I ran
go." Say "that" or "whether I can
Don't say "we have In excclk'at
show ttf winning." Say "ex,'ellent
Don't say "I sewed the button* or.ti
the dress." Say "on the dress."
Dent say "the patient is some let-
ter." Say ".omewhat better."
Dant say "where have they gone
tie:" Omit "to."
Words Often Mispronounced
• Senile. Pronounce firs' t• i! : it
"he," 1 aro in "ice." or as in "ill," ne- Y
syr a e.
Renew. Pronounce the er: a3 u in
cent on fiest
ll bl
"unit, not as oo in "tool."
Wound. Preferred pronoun;iatiord
of the ou is as oo in "noon."
Resume (noun). Pronounce ra-ru•
ma, both at's as ht "ray," u as in "un-
it;' accent on last syllable.
Gatch. Pronounce the a as it
"cat," not as e in "let." •
Docile. Pronounce the o is in "of''
or as m "no." '
'Nord; Often Misspelled
Bureau. Changeable; ee. Gincin•
net;; three • n's, one t. Attorney..
eys. 'Chargeable: en. Restaurant.
• Postpone, delay, suspend, defer
protract, procrastinate, adjourn.
Light, illumination, radiance, splt•tl
dor, effulgence, brilliancy, • luster
glow, glitter..glare, gleam.
01d, elderly, aged, anei, nt, senile
decreret, antique, antiquated.
Ambiguous, indistinct, •, obscure;
questionable, dubious, doubtful, inde•
finite, uncertain.
Conversation, talk, chat, rotifer.
ence, discourse, intercourse, vonmitin
ion. communication.
Anxiety, concern, solicitude, tare
vigilance, attention, ',vorry. watchful -
"Shirley was so
surprised to hear
my voice ! "
"You .know;. I have read a good
deal about Long'Distance sere
Q.•. .e'iee, so titis'afternoon I called
Completing the first .3,200 miles.
-of a.ten thousand mile journey from Is
Livcrpgol to Osaka„ Japan, thirty
canaries valued at a hundred pounds' .
sterling, arrived at the Canadian
.Pacific Express Company sheds in
=tdentrealereecentl3t- $ndele.ft, €rem fhe-
' Windsor street station for: "'Vancou- .
ver. They came- over on Canadian
Pacific liner Montroyal to Saint
John and although ' they; had ex- •
perienced . somewhat , of a stormy
erosaing, were in • fine feather and
singing at the top of their voices.
Completing a two month visit to.
Canada during which 'he has tree
versed the Dominion from Quebec to 1
Victoria, returning through the
United States, C. C. E. Young, in
charge of first-class booking office
of the Canadian Pacific Railway in
London, Eng., seen at headquarters.
of the system in Montreal recently,.
declared that the country had been
a revelation to him, fully explaining
the great attraction it is increasing.;
ly exercising on . tourists. "The
great facility of travel, luxurious-
, nese of the hotels and the oppor-
--(unity for -•geeing_practically virgin
territory make up a•combination of
advantages that are perhaps not to
be found elsewhere in,lpe world.to,
das!," he said.
Wouldn't you like a gallop along
.palm -shaded bridle paths by the
wan? \'couldn't you -like to spend
your winter where it is glorious sum-
mer all the time? Then pack your
bags for Florida. A short train jour.
,Hey and you're in a land where sum-
mertime sports and pleasures are a'l
their best all winter long where
hospitality is the keynote.
r' Or perhaps you prefer. the Gulf
Coast. From Pensacola to the Mexi-
• can Border, hundreds of comfortable
end pictrresque restate will help to
make your winter holiday in the
South a pleasant one. No matter i . .
wirer* you stay, everything possible
will be, done to make your visit one CANADIAN NATIONAL BY
to be remembered. Winter touriei • s
fares with long w efeative. You 'RAIN SERVICE to TORONTO
privileges are now effective.
my Married claughter.'t
"Do .you mean -Shirley who
moved up to Morganville; last'
spring?" '
' summer.
PAtis 11J V t4
.t� GIFT to sUIT all T
* • *• wr
FOR MOTHER, chid, sig or brother .. , a gift for the
entire family.
Radio is an £deal gift, for it combines pleasure
with learning. There's a wealth of good entertain.'
ment in the air that i$ yours at the turn of a dial.
Don't mdse the fun. Drop in and tune in ...'
select a radio ,and we'll install it so that you hear
the chintez oil Christmas morn.
.Try AnL.ktwater Kent
Telephone 174 W for Radio Satisfaction.
Britannia Road
"sUse si word thice times and it is
yours." Let •Ire increase our 3 oc•albu-
lary by masterin); one wort enc'1 day
Words for this lesson:
OBSTINATE; hard • to .contra - or
cure. "Ile is an obstinate «hilcl and
regmires strict discipline."
INGENUITY; cleV 11Iie a in eon•
"His • ingenuity
•. h l Y(t Ile.
to Yi !, orn nt,nr;•
is .not that of an Edison." •
• OBJURGATION; a severe rebul;e
"It was an imperial objutgati.11 i ;
brought fear to the king's subi:'ets.'
DERISION; ridicule; scorn; con-
tempt. "Every •statement he anode
vas held in derision." '
•ATTRI&UTE (verb); to ascribe.•
1w' ign, "II attribute t til.: remark•
able success to a *leap lif
VCRNAI.;. _bi Ie1 ,..ag &t ..;_rpt iii'
"The vernal day.: have g.ven .w :y to
"Yes, and do you know -I : could .
hear .her voice as Ilistinctle as
I hear ,yours. • ',Shirley was so
and delighted that
• rite :watnts'me to call her every
•' Constant improvement in tele.
. phone equipment ,end eer vire
has virtually abolished•(lis•..
tante._-Es'ery- flay efriends . in •
cities hundreds of miles apart,
are re -united hythe modern
magic -Long Distance,
' -` Hate f4 yoeund ever
tveisadhaa'. dig.f
not gri; some -bee l""
pleasant eurprise. • 1'
Call her by . s
': C h .� .Long Di tance:
Why suffer front 'c•o Bis when t^
can be painlessly roat&d out by unit;
trenPp..,ese. !'n,.., • ;.to.dq n, -r..
4444444$44'5$3's'. e a- . o s p"
d fig
: e i
How To Get- Relief When Jilted
and Nose are Huffed tap. . kM
4+C+i# 34'•O'a Lot .
Count filo Yew role in head or
catarrh disappears. Your tinned nes-
tells will open, ilte air pe►aeages of your
head 1ci11 elver mid van can breathe
freely. No more soothing, hawking..
muioua diaahaige, 11l Ilesa or ilesalselle;
no struggling for breath at night.
• Cet a small bottle of Ely's Crean
Balm from your driiggiht and apply a
little of this fragrant antiseptic crr.un...
in your nostrils. It penetrates throaal;k •
every air passage or the head; soothing
and 9aealing•..the MIni il.nr.;infininvtl tau,
eels+' mendaranC, giving you lnstant•. re
lice. Ilcald +tide olid vsitarrle yield like
magic.. Don't. stay'atufed.up and miner•
albie. 'Belief. is sure.
30B. PRINTING A : 'u is'1 a. s,
• . The.St.tr•tind V.ondnn Fre .13r:'ss 4G 75
The ,
1 at. Stat ;u1Q laincgoit .1dv4rtts..r; , 1111. l'i.75
'fhe• Star -and The Toronto .< lithe. . ' (i 75
The 'Stat and The Mai; and Empire.
The Star and The 'forontf., Star...
Tile' Star and The Partners' Sun '
't. he Star and The 1..11' ti;. 11' rtild and Weekly Star. i a1)
. (x.75
Ito • The Star ;old Saturday Night
Minard's is the enemy of
all rheumatic troubles.
Rub•it: in thoroughly and
It !axes the pain, suppler
the joints, puts new life
into the tissuta.
Rub it in
have ehotce of gateways and variable Catty Stroapt Sunday
Any Canadian National Railways ,fie elle t tk ln. p.rn,
Agent will gladly supply you with Clinton 6 95 a.tn. 2.5i i lien.
nail "'information; resort "rate,a, -Ysi yes Ss'afnf iii • (;' 41 leo!. :1.#:: van.
routes when you travel "National," ! God • t 600 2 20
and literature. " ?llitdlell 7.64 a.1ii. :3.42 pen.
:Ser. Stratford 7,30 it in. 4.1011.n).
• Sores Flee Before It: -There arc a leach onor s eo a.in. 5.1'30 p.rn
tierce and Have driven them awayw- " f1:&pb :t.4, am. 5.50 p.m.
with Dr. Thdmaa' I".ckctrie Oil. MiToronto 10.10 ant. 7.30.p.n).
similarly troubled should Its net Retui sing-i,eavo Toronto 6.45 is m.,
time in apple% Oils alsiendid
:The Si .r :inti The Catho1 Recatr;I 3 75
t s.te Str,r and 'a.l.e,an's ;41 i ►zii:e 53:75' -
1 he:St it and Rod and (Jun , , •3. p.
The: Star .n..1 Slentre,tk \yitness. .. renewal 3.85. .
new. 3.50
1'he Star athi 1Va,rtif Wide renewal '4:35
new. , 3.85
Special ':re,l l ine .Rages with o'raer Periodicals
may be had on application
1r• ,,:.{. 1 tor ens :'i: ,i..l:a'ai 1.
Banking by Mail
Thesecurity afforded by the Province of Ontario Savings
Office, together with the facilities extended by every Post
Office in ( *nada and other countries. (make it possible for
everyone to deposit their savings"ln• this Bank.: Interest is
allowed, compounded half -yearly, with full ...heeling privileges. -
'l'he confidence the rural eolim u pities have shown itt this
Bank, is indicated b the large increase ill deposits, which are
• • now over $2 t,uoubo00,
- All deposits are guaranteed by the government of the
Province of Ontario.
Remittances should be made i'y Post Office money order,
express order or registered •1etter, and should 1)e addressed to
your nearest Braga,'where thiey'will receive prompt attention.
Province of Ontario Savings Office
Med Office : 15 Q iettes Paaa'k, Toronto
Toronto Branch ()Meet t
e y. as there is (»thin ltke it to be • 12.fi:) pan. stud 6 O i p.tn. . Cor. Bar and Adelaide Sb. , • .
t Parulr Cafe car, Codzrwh to .ar•,Cor. university and Diowlss lits.
515 Danforth Avenue
ad. It ss cheap. btrt its power is to o mte, ort morning train, rind Toronto
no way expressed by Its tor► prier. to Goderich 6.06 p. m. train. '
t y O ag'ro iL ----� Tkrolith resell Goderick to Toronto.
r a r.M 14124 a rwCNV *lbw 1 F. F. LAIVIIBNCB & SONS
"r". 'r , Taira Nonag? sad Tickets Agents
r 'me
Other Branehes at
Hamilton, St. Catharines. St. Marys Pembroke,
Beantt.rd, Wadeteck, Owe* Sand, Ottawa
lied rtb. Walkerton Newmarket and Aylmer.