HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-12-23, Page 61 PAGE NI X. 40011111081111. 000/0110011111110111 earlia'aeee" 040 BEAL' GESTE II !MOM on 11 1 I 1. I/ PO I 11111.111110.11,011 111•11111 PIPP. 1 1 mil low • 1 mon on 1 • • 1 1111 1 • 0 0 $1111111110111111110IIIIHNEW THE The Greatest Mystery Story Ever Written COUCH OR C By PERCIVAL CHRISTOPHER %EDI FIRST READ TIIIS we will end •the silly IMISIAOSS now • THAT 111105 0 ;or se wow showed 4447{0 tas-op.rts e.d. a wad so% diet ' • hee%s faith w Mt le MIMI! Ufflai SIESSIII PPM Abeipestess. , listors. wilt?' **d Dy. .1%4 i....e. you nosisteratee caosse.ataisse awn fe,.....eibe impaally wag wai ae ue use apparearay MOP IX SOTU S taws all reek et the alank " ...tan ut auger. as. thaw ikaieseetag ' el eel. to 094/ it wilt." said f from ..‘ trwair.stea. . . Anis a rosztier wit. tbe bottom of say Mart, and fatted . * *•04led. 'wiled* anYeee's Piled. ere: that Idietteel wad I were *aeries at 1 mat nominee, It was twit the elleb ath" illildsi. ewe aunt swirly." eand ot Avecustits that i wed teugn sue edtmatleirtub..yt.ha"dtaadWaehf4douteriirautcti their boyhood and youtk. Miehael, absurd and ridiculous. . ." /serious trouble You am tail mow i li° glartd tram an* to telat other at 'And the gills" saki Mcrae. "If us like a trapped rat, end almost *game *vett glanced' era" he Ms n." The throe Geste brothers, John. and here, an ma e no u ...elms fur cite (meter. Digby and Michael are inseparable in c nee to it. If not. . . Come, this ie Persil** 40,mile aad molds Iced to ushuse "for God's sake.'ashrieked el Decoy. seised aim. at the pondbility n: "13eitu" is the lostier. Thee' lite "Oh, come off it, John," ritIli. Aug. with Cracianicieu, sat erect. P F:004041. 1 atty Brendon eve n e the NobodY else *Poke.st*IititiiintLte.:ftuidwr 1 1413 ee his ataymathealdievestYwil'hiwe"rsid sells"' 1 • 21,:t14v. alsYlryt he wteen the tit,etiLutascutisdnit:1 v,itIt their aura. Lady Brentioa, in 4, tilt ie *war* to talc eirosisalsists is A "lime \Water.' a ealu ihtv s:ippitire ' "Very well," said my aunt, "since- it tootles said Us% the tallaseell anew 1 w bare Claiaciiie Isobel, Niche/ 1. Augue root Loh! Ore. evening Lidy Braniloa, the Clue. the fool won't leteve his folly. . . ._ i'mass 9441444" 11170.01,87eeltitteeesresea a' PriatthZdifigeWringitfliOti ZUVbflIVImil ey'ilifiglwrant44 atiZUleeepossk °Ibrit aed someoeeeentgleests a 10 Av a the Chaplain restored it to ite ulace T' greatest tilling ' for piliotest 1 I lookeet et effehatl, sad Ifklueet -- ----- ' to toe with." *tided l" 1 bel stealing -until he hadn't a heed tus Brandoo and John were tteecthez touched the 'Bloc Water' since thel helielsallita""merlieisl so ode of the i 'a? ' Come bine, Claudia. . . Hoe, Yeli precious gem. Lady Blandon trings She laid her hand on Claudisas arm . eougheandeelas otherfonas et throat lat'keert at at** a "WOuldret it be too si I.3r to be lt out. alley Were looking at it weee drew her elolle, and looked into trouldlee. Calsoeselsionooatalas,beeddielori meat .r•onted etuguatus seeing worth noticing at all?" I aaketi. I ail the lights wenteout awl wlitea thee cYea' Pg to ewe/rote, other healing alwaseaks which t" 1tXPr's a" wriggling free. wait thinking more eartitularly of Is- • ' "Ne Aunt. 4,0000 sae heel the b„,„,„174,,tioonwies aby Jolt re,: - /wad i-nerh "if he ow. were turned oa again the sapelere oe: • a .t ,„„ „,•selee seep the keeeeees pinched , Ise sgot it, . . Come te • "Let's go and beat young .Gussiee• e. • 0/ '.1_114ilu.si arena wesotheceeoilete goes onto the itomeahl mg, *reset Gus: and in a element lie said Digby. . had di/lam/eared. eaveryozie deo:taint 'eCt eoutse see, weet,evriew isowebecurreeehemeee,ettaaetheaeet.; was satmg upon the prostrote term ••Gusine doesn't know * thing about see knowledge of itsedisupweerame. • 1 ;let to bed near. fatitet 'meat. of troubledad hookethogrowthofthe of the hysterkally indignant youth it." said Michael. "Nothing but gen. NOW GO ON WITI: eaattili A. Cie -V le eel -not •oetritout the e and feell the kets of his dinner- • red innocence would have shall not forget the\suttealing tedigeent g*pnoc, Pt ra VIM* #11,krisintan 1026 71I -IE President, Directors and Haul °Ace la Officers extend to the )40,03.1 Customers and Friends of the Bank their Best Wishes for a Happy Christmas, and a Pros- perous New Year. legal Tank af eanatta 0 11141011Matill01001-310 atmosphere of eusp Wien --s Oen p , gent "nave vies touched the 'Blue in the treatment given him the pluck to eau us "FiltbY that no one the house until the ed the stairs that led to the gallerY jacket from the outside. .e I 0 a e. •'Verf eleiter S e Chaplain put it bark he beigar hasn't got it Here," and TaInned hYPOefitee YOU: platter wss in °faded hands. *below, and thence to the hell. Crode • hem* in a hurr.V. and taele lumina , "Conic lege. Isobel," tontinued inY Crenntaltiaa bporarant,„teed •0414.,,,,r6,044,04i • and , Not al les bretat-pockeet. a , aril the eighth - pretantlaer • in tea piece?" I know, if he'd been guiltY, he'd .have It would he inexpressibly unpleas- sing thus, I enter -ed_ the boeuetetie haanala pie suspectine f ti e • ' • ee • °Abe heenehee aat,---"bronea-taea ewe eeide. . waistcoat. . . trotwere. tele* tattoo of diseesee, and is — laaet been conciliatory, voluble, and tear- ant and degrading. I imegined the, avoided the protruding fi use artneur; and ele go. • I "No, Aunt, I have not," replied Iso. caPable mid incisive et pf citadel bet oolds or Mu tioney.ref asty cd Digby. Then. . ."Might4" More humble parts mei. " some ly brought things to a elea • issue, upeklatti en gettingno reply to her "I um teti. Good night," said Lady Bran. aeearar14;t' "I am sure you have not. Go te. cougb 9c igdd„,,eeeil ate, you drusght. aolalawbere. . Come on. out with _agreed Digbee olgothieg like sense' otelock in the morning the whole af.1 On the broad ehelf 'or inantelPieee attar taking athoved it behind a cushion or drew) "Believe you're right, Beau,'e -even Isobel and Claudia. At four tire -place. face to face of the angry and mown. Isobel turned to go and then stop. - blilYbeagredliTZ.1);:t of iniustice to put you up on the. fair looked unutterably beestly. bough. . 'Sides, young GU4 hasn't t And then I pulled myself together athe ancient brass box; dating from I /some six feet from the ground, WAS ing," and her deliberate loak from. n. Citom Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. it, Otua'and let's get to bed." eefauriee," said site tbe aeape "Rot I miela have done, Aunt. it ever have entertableiLtatjtleof Mi. the courage of the cornered at. -the guts to pinch anything real flint.; Of course it would be. all right. The the deers of pack -horse travel, ia lain, bating her hand upon els sleeve the itiel had occurred to !nee/ ehael doing it and deneeng et• don't think he had ever defied oe able' lark and hadn't been able to put it; and been too feeble to owirean, woteld I Only she badn't-or OSMOTIC bed • . And if he'd taken at for a : idiot 'who had played the, fool trick whieh my aunt had placed the key. foltable group elourd her. the eltogetheil-different. A much, questioning, the /watching, the loath- :sword -hilt of a g after unless he has swal owed it," announe. fue,,a0h, e Of 'being undex euspielon 1 made my silent way to the big stone, her fitee softening anti sweetening in- said' • " •".''•'" a j"e• at eaara°'" d th wel Proba'bly it •Temoverita;.for the box WAS, qUiW that elt had firmly. and eateg. intuited. either of me' brothers befoee L1$ dibly, "come and s't by me until / "Bed." eionied her aunt, and Iso. hie asked enall ot theae ramp: pN-;. il,w^"4' With a kind glance at me. 'pie a ftuestion. Then e wont you to Aunt' Pattlein turned to Augustus g° to lied, for it's getting late olid "Come here. a he said mildly, and she ied him to a big and evep eileatee., each a hard. se re into Ida somewhat • field that stoeti on zi low dm/ in a big Ibiftv frit'41. "P101181' answer weadow revues let lv truthfully -for Your own sake. 'Blue Water' and ell not say an. latter. . }hive • ," broke • ;seating herself With the ear and If. You hare gilt the Wtsence or a email on a theme, .he wee it to me now. I said. Quietly mid very coldly: other word about the . a aThis is getting serious, 811(1 unless r(n."" 44 rt ends at once, the consequences len, s year o GotI, un • le serious too. For the last time 1 out Auguetusa. ask the boy or girl, who moved the 'You need not' weer to (''L nor te 'Blue Water,' to give it te me. and me. Augustits,". was the eel repl 'Yea or No. Have you got. it?" • . --- ewae-aa- "No, Aunt? I take my soleran • • Was Neu y Crazy . I...., theeeinkappere youth rep vehementlyr when the cold voice. , . . I . terruptedi "flave .you ' touched th 11 orically deelsred their abeolute iiino.1 in hie life. once and ignorance in the matter, 1 expected to see him promptly suf. hod no option teepecially in view of ter grief and pain at their ▪ hands, but my catching hint at the spot) hilt to Michael did the unexpected, ae usuie conclude/ that Mielutel had been what "Why, I believe the little man's I never had known him to be before nocent after all," he said quite kind. •a fool, a cad, and a liar, lea could have struck him for hurting "You know am, you damned heee. himaelf O. •erne." shouted Augustus. "Weren't "Michael," said Aunt Patricia Very Yen/ and John fumbling at the cover gravely, very coldly, and very ildly when she turned the light on -you cowardly blackguards." you, Michael, Please put the 'Blue grineed Digby "Search me." "You can count Ilia out, old son. -t elan sorry. Moro $o than van tell Digbyts hand closed en the serutf o: the mantelpiece, I made me way down Always bears back, he'd have hidden it behind a eu- • j. soon till he could. . I quite expected ! was there nave The said idiot woula i empty! • . to find it in :some mich Piece. That's"; have been only too anxious to get rie i (To be continued) why I gave him the Chance. . . If 1 of it- as soon as Aunt Patricia had ADVERTISE IN THE STAR night.' he added. Why not go and make sure? he has got it. he'll shove it back to- put the key in the brass box. . . . .1. again Michael and I found oureelves • . "He hasn't," said. Michael -and. Of course -and then one could Pie . the silly business out of meet mina I got out of bed, pulled on my dyes- OAST° ( R IA said L then,"1 and get some IdeeP" - - looking at each other. "Wela-that leave us three sing -gown, and put niv feet into bed- " For beams and children "It does,' said troom Lighting one of the u r me n andles which- atood or ' se orOver301faiws the boy s neck. • i the corridor to the upper of the two the . But I doubt whether I shall feel like Gussie Ili humbl a a- "Which reminde, one, by the Water' back, and I will say ne more. "If .1 have accused you wrongly waY 1 galleries that ran round the forr Signature of . ke it UP to You." said he. "But if toil:, we didn't siarch ourselves, oe s e h "I can't put it back, Aunt. ler l' 1" find you -did chi it -oh, toy little etetee.aa.id I. aft symad have been haven't got it " said Michael quietly we . John, or yourself?" sneered the die. "So Gussie seemed to find," dwelt.. Are promek reIlevoci by I AND is. TO.DAY A OREATEFI Kt LER THAN mian THAT IT HAS BEEN soLO FOR scAritv FIFTY TEAM, 411 w s "1.0001C heett,".said Dig 0 ;4 by „presiort. al h , -said Michael. "' r 40 assure you L " gen Argo t s I u ave you touched the a P v polo we • calling You 'Beau' for some time. and each other, when we ,ettarehed aus-1 / s of the central hall, and descend. te I -'100,4g With Headaches ::,aeirtirecosvheiret,phe Chaplein put it ttn. and my heart bounded. "Do you know where it le, Mich- "And if you find ir was Michael..or sarY" Put in Michael. "Most Undignified altd- unneces. Internal and. External Pains • Gussie. . ael?" asked my aunt. bevelled and shaking Augustus. "I do riot, Aunt," was -the inane" Michael looked hard at me, /old letr)igbY. • el) hire looked hard at lam. Thep that leaves you and me, , Mts. Proven, Cons° t .Mta, " Aunt. Realt I llaveze'ti te reply. 08 THOMAS' iEC CTR1C OIL • SEFOra, NI A TESTRAONIAL THAT 81.Z.AKS fni ITS a y tne t utoe is in the room. tu e A Yee it leaves vie and you, 13 u, • rr pe y e eo 3 ainee the Chaplain did, Michael . a bl " 1 ea NUMEROUS OURATiVe QUALITIES. to be again inie 'utd h th writes: -"I wail troubled with very I "Do you know where the W 'Blue a. Cimplain has no use for it nor fol agreed, and again we stared at each! -- "I cad t take th 'BI W t no e ue a er, ueatly crazy With them.I the next question, severe heatlitelies, end sometimes was , queetiotatete (isuiee wouldn't pinch her own. jewel. • The' Na one sup. ether. Beam" I saki • Otte day a friend told zoo *bout ' ter' is now" "I ha not, Aunt, was thirty thousand nounds„ answer. BURDOCK ,...,1•1•111111 bit_ 0 D B FE F-2 53 "Nte Aunt," frometly eeplied he "I:le hIlliartit4goasibc(e)ridit Atte yo Poses Isobel did it -nor Claudia. That loaves us totir„ and we haven t "Nor did John,' said Micluiel. CtehOOLe OF' C0111111E1?CE heen out of the root* Come on, find "Then theee's a mis-deal some. titer notice of Augustus, "do yea ing whater it. Find It. Gussets; and I 11 swear where," remarked Digby, "and Gute1 CLINTON ONTARIO chairs, moving footstools.. turning u sie vilest have done it. Anyhow - SCHOOL RE -OPENS for WINTER TERM ' %Pen eoul don a If I did, I'd diaaPPearanee• e ae "John," said my aunt, without fur. jn"Y well ." hard le1%'.°IoNe*tbat I have had noth- / only n "No, Aunt," I -replied, anti added '417rt 4l& IU unta answee d I was ag thrownig rushions from $04$ ana to it'll be put beak in the night. be." TUESDAY JANUARY 4t14,1927 ieevei where the etone is" do withedityditarli; that Iput it there," and Digby began "What do you say to our sietteientge ever have I touched it since the Chap. u deel re that all ajou have rugs, end generally hunting- about- Why not /attend the SCI1001. that has the HIGHLY saidQUA"LIFialD 1)a you th a bso ote truth, Mich- here until we hear somebody 4ile favored me with a long, long a el" was the na q es is efiat I t' thtsevile eneenraged himself' 41'." down to the Ball?. That door alwaye , nre mably Aueustus, with eries of The Only ;SCHOOL that towhee ItlEAL PRACTZCAL BUSINESS STAFF .• ° • eitintir anti I hope not at all rudely, and no mg • th' but the tru ," tees the eg.4 • 9 • . •• "Certainly nat," said Melted rnake'e at frigbtful ro•we' I suggested t 1 ' h t •t • ' "I declare it to be thietettiole truth, „Good oort, whie waa a 0 0 meet qui e F teh 'em boy' . I • wafRal;fINIIGsfroint I As I looked away, my eyes met aliche final answer., k9 rtainly seize a•ne eheeee. . aside /eel. pea, sharpie,. • - here ig u eachers are taught specia ize and sdvised 10•41 tel give it ie trial.. I 1 Rees, „ He was watching me epee-4 Then came Digbyas turn. He said.a t *War*" Ina Oust" and JoYfui 'WA? not" 1 staked eereing.leine expert training Boldness Administration n4 Secretarial Secretsrial Seieftee Whatwa-k eth taMichae was narica. "Why, you ass, it might not be. . eany an minutelyeuntil it was ittichael and searched metheili- I mean We might. . Anyhow, we've ' • COURSES and are sure of it good position, rapid promotion and bile income. decided to do so, 111(1 after taking quite simply and plainly that lie three bottlea I foetal it bell done mo • nothing About the jewel's disappear- knewienogu.lei not thin Per" no right to interfere 'with Auntat ar- Stenographic. Commercial, Secretarial, General Office Civil Ser., a eroild of pea, end X Imeen't itad enee, and had not touched it since ie the glass cover.. forget t ats bq I had etIlIght his hand tni fectly clear that. the "Blue Water" rangements. She has given the per- vice, Commercial Teacher's Course and Special Courses a6angeet. the lout Ago of * hesdiwke for a I was pulsed to 'hini by Claudia and On the w o ea a h fI had to doubt eitb- was not in the room, unless far More 59n a chanee, talf II 1 d tit Id 11 • E certain y co moiled wee nye no mea:fluent, - • .For..full information write to • handed on by hint to Isobel. '•-• Miebsel or the evidence of, ray slily comae e an Wou ave loag while.' , /but up ea1,14 na`r. imam There remaine'd Mielieek was .sellseez-eteltefeared to do the iatter been Possible in the dark and in the eeeernedeeo,migh,yee. fens•--minstes- st, the -dawn • . wee 't 1, "" Phorie 1 98 • F WARD 13 A P • inked. s. cumstantial lie, inexcusable and dia. and say, "Beau, old ehare Nat tell me "'We% that's that," saki Digher -• a most deiiberate, calculated, and cit.. I would go to him vtben wait alone, one who Wtshed tit hide it. °31 'You `2thilk 1NR-, he oit7 , . the culprit, or else one of Matted told When --- we got- out attist terrible room D. • • • •• efet ) at graceful. you didn't touch the thing -end if you leak- "We'd better push off before to, was the prompt reply. "I have y ass can sit up who want.. , • had ever done in my life, yet.r was end of itaa And so there Would aa pcloantn'tnee,edalld ter atcaln I felt Angrier with Michael than I saY You didn't. there's. an abeolute Aunt comes down to loek the dt000nraight. heeamclingenoutignhaer fHteedraeyeaemnynsdelyfeeentWetid.oa: ' rn Ci * angry rattier for lam than with hine, far as I ware concerned. . • h_ p1 On feel gulity as seer say," he chuckled, "what a lark . • - TO OUR MANY FRIENDS .5er 1"rt rist as WAS SO UtterlY. unlike him to do such n stupid thiela and to allow all sat and stareti at Michael. The Perhap you Arial ' snarled Aug. On hearing his last words, my meet atlas e 1 s at me." to pinch the key and hide' it." "Don't be a foola ziaid Michael. • • - this unpleanant and undignified in- enee grew horrible. At length she mite!. , k • Let's go to bed," and we went with lett • 0, !mho_ s!s ve:speekethe„, euegee end nete-Deeey. grin -our usual curt "Good nights". . ciret , _onlIatioaln_go on, when a_wrot.t_fronv beim tweeteak in a low frozen voice "You never arow,• you?' -4vim-would-tetve -ended ate- it 'Better -1 kly --a--tet • before we Bute it wase.easiere for..me at leant_ _ea eeee-e-- Why inuot my idol set as though he &sem/time she gan. go," suggested' it ;elute], Servants 11 to go to bed than to go to sleep, ea. egritirn hod feet of clay -or, at elle' rate. a dozen lioys and girls, who have here. el a dee, smell a tat if it's like this tomorrow." *rimer -clay upon his feet? The joke practically grown up thought my brain seemed somewhat was unworthy, but the lie was wally picable liar and, alMerentlee a COM' bed ddild Ile dt ale II Stnell herd of e eithants, should nun' •an u • Y an Digby,0S- • sed. and turned refusing' to believe carries a Warm Mensage Psinfollr so. mon tinef*".`,9! Ark APIct?mt.riO4 6110, ,1.1115'• 111."ere'd and Wevntiftnee, that Michael haadoue this diagustine hot off the Wires tte your thLbAnve Irect tohbieltiojt to the good am still Unable to think the latter gi,trfuantened the ise &mei. absent friends and costs in atrosubl:,jeali)::a= ljelti•tel 'it '1; airilialtaktktthlite fl:;ort;!. linft;i:trjra tinsygelstine-ues4 teitztt thattleAunugaehlte's somehow,lidrd nQ occtir to rd doubt Digby -and, ate . bnt little. Call us up on 14:1sVet tireto":Adve/neiteheotteVitiatu0 ttletasto:40attetobt,av keeP "Bla hum. dreamt 4.bitlinonaileaver hahtvl -wdo ' the. phone and e the este for A Silly lie that merely gives you. two," said Digby to eitehae: Jul -ma; not caught him. &it I home the strongest°4111ring it' few, tiegt.°. t. a4h9aanfit "emil . if when we had finished.. Leaving out Aunt Patricia, tbe" e tte snliiiinierlte;OOt ."eer, so; l rite 01 ' 44y • • t Chaphiin Dighy. and Augustus, there annoyance to other people, azal pute "This key I shot put h es -go and dx nP• eada• g- temaine From the moment I had caught him plece in e oute r hall The servente • an . n in d I El` i at' g Isobel; there re - Isobel, Claudia Michael rest. ldanie upon en banoceut person. brass box on the ledge above the re. ee Augueeue. d Claudia, IVIichael and I. It yk d k Go to bed, Ghastly, repl ed Dig . mune Yrs (Indus Shipment - one, to bed and w now iewel seeretly. I had felt sick with in- /nothing of fie *kerma/outs. I ask in the brass box on the ledge over the v uld.aat att Claudia, How could it - In the act of trying to return thel have g by, and don't an et. the kay will be e eeel Michael? . via Canadian Pacific ly sick when his effort frueerafed by pliyaleal• the liar, who is Present, to take the opportunity of returning the eapphire elan. two damns I'd sit in the hall iid I done it myself? dignetion, and literally and fileplatee in the outer hall. Bung off." , iii,e Pre eln e Innoo'nee an night, • el night, and see whe come$ for it, h had t d * e during the relocking the door .Such 'veil my mental condition by held on for another oppertunity of and replacing the key in the brass was the reply, and the speaker glance this time that I actually entertained wul reteive every attention. returning the thing utee.n. box. If this Is not done by the time I cd at me. "Don't' let me find you the idea, 1 had Tead a book not so TELEPHONE No. 6 "WY ILC' he WAS. of all oaus, tire lest conclude that the liar is, also a thief. , by. long before, in which, after a most bother, iterestaitti lied I not n•yseinaaught hint in the tome down tomorreva I shall have to th I shall la " 'd D' ere, or is p you, Sal tendolit mystery 'gram whore I should have suipected and aet Accordingly. For forin'a take e• en-err:led that the innocent . No I shouldn't be popular` if and our Sleigh caltat , should have str wetly suspected Aug- "Cornet litaurice.' added. rising should I? was the angry retort. Duette, and. ,eenee "tabus -116e and Asking the ,Chapisin's *rm. "Lord! Itai a long worm -that has That COW ngt *MAY in, me' case• 011 your house. 74.--stio-ukt -hiwo-suopo-fg-tivir-Diglip-doPe-#00 wolat-let-thell-Igoraf-amia NO -turning; 4,ryntiVallfc rainto:ked eoursee_e,There was no question or I/111 thti t e I shall tell Claudia and Thobel." - • went ihere now and refused to bud-ge. eanTillsegetleeteciriierrewh.116' in a .,-8.eni" b itad fallen a victim to his incurable and give you a sleepless night. Digby, as Augustus too what was possibility of sieep.aivalking or tatinee • • ARITY N 8 FL it love of joking --though should have The poor Chaplain looked too un- meant to be a dignined departure. about it -but might I not, absolutely ' been greatly surprised. happy, bewildered, and bemused to "Anti long hole that has no public- uneonsciously or ,aubeoriseiously, have Ilad Digby then been prove.] inno. speak. house," he added. put the thing in my pocket- without C.P.R. AGENT Caderieli tents 1 am afraid I should have Having looked two of the doors, "Either that lad's innocent or he's knowing it? People undoubtedly did uected Claudia of wishing to turn the Lady Brandon, followed lin the Chap. really accomplished young actor," I -do absurd • things m tits of absent- - mieslitaidtrAmikiiefthrah limelight on herself by an innocently lain, swept from the room without a observed, looking after the retrertmg mindedness, to their eubsequent ereace oaratraywarrawl naughty escapsde-ebefore should "Gond night" to any of us. Augustus as we meowed the hall/ aredulous astonishment. I had neve' •••••.. where we said "Good night" to a done such things myself -but might 1 1 1 1 1 yawning footmen, and made our way I not. have ,begurt dointhem now? down a eorridor to the smoking room. It was certainly as possible as it VW _ "Well, my sons, what about it?" utterly improbable. I actually got -- 111 FOOTVVEAR FOR CHRISTMAS said Michael, poking up the 'fire, as up and searched ney clothes. we threw ourselrea into deep leather Of course I found nothing, and armchairs and Produced Pities. What better remembrance can you give your friends than a by. isn't there in the morning," laid Dig- And nearer to the conclusion that either Augustus Or Michael was the' ihour after hour of cogitation end re. ng iterated argument brought me ne'irer "Pretty leo if the damned th Imir of comfortable Slippers. You not only otter them many days "1 wonder if she'd send to Scothuid culprit. of comfort and satisfaction but also teach them that instead of Yard?" he *tided, blowing A long • Raying repeatedly arrived at alit dotal of smoke tovrards the ceiling. , '1; ineviteible points I delivered myself or being necesntry evils they are a source of pleasure and content- "Filthy businesiaa Said likhaeal the unhelpful verdict. "Augustus or "Faney e fat mysteryatterehant i enamel -guilt . And *lei' Auf. int. The various kinds rank hie as useful gifts. We invite prowlin about here avid• questioningi wales isn't, a Michael eouldn t you to inspect our stock. Prices are most reasonable. 'What a lark!" elenekkd the bog. Atnetedlinwat* odan:Ireerligilkt hits pigstiends, atniln• aro "jollulad the siervisetie e ut et it 4, the ae e ateeneea velum be neeneell eo macviCAR beitTea: A . t a very wrisatisfactory and ansoying kvEr1014 vtgermissle:eiantlt itiAttled ma: Tem. 11 00 rr . , I pries t pro% 1 P111 11 - • • • seatwteturnedeftortovetar tnendtornesideliwp_aaterifilfenir. reisi thing to do, as tt is one of the Iseeri 11 1 I 1111 11 0001011000101100111.010001010101011010.1410401.00040010 010101101010.00;011011.11. MI I I I 1011•011 fin im 111011101111111 ChriStniftBath RObleti * * WOO to su.so uo Special Neckwear . $1.00 --i A4it Shirts, English itroadcloth $2.50 to $3 3 W. CA SuggeSuggestionsSnead s0ons 07117riotm 7.4.7246.ir CONNIICTION*" le WISHING YOU ALL A VERT HA.P.Pr CHRISTMAS 1' ways of mouth* wakefulness. My mind wort off ea a *tw tea Suppoer the "Rile Watsra were not / pet baek aiming the **kV: Weest1 exactly would kePiweet , Owe thbge wooed be etear at any i rate -atilt a deterwitild etfort vow tordlyaets to steal the *vet, try wire Inemodoel to eoaTert 11 twes nesoley. Ceetately Limey OriAselosi, Oast 10*1- , tree.* fesinie, was alit the mile W.. that "Wag ven: and he wail take preeteely the *saw • -tops fee its reeireory Sawn she wee& New Wen bra it bora atoleo Z , hareara« a servaat. Ithe we ' eo • 1 e wItti tbe *leo. sad sot ' r • • „ A MERRY CHRIST MAS AND A NEW YEAR ABUNDANT IN HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND PROSPERITY. SPARWS GROCERY THE STORE OP SATISFACTION HAMILTON STREET -- GODERICH Telephone 146. We Deliver in Town. wewittewtoevvotutreorie Buy --The Best The Plymouth'Anthraelte Coal is the best. It burns to a fine ash and is practically free frefillfare.—It-cost at the Mines Soc per fon more than other Coal but we sell it at the same price. .Why not have the best when it will cost you no more. Egg and Not $16.00 per ton Sean— 818.50 per WO We also handle the Muter Anthracite Coal. This Coal differs in some respects from the average run of Anthracite from the Pennsylvania field and these differences should be borne in mind to insure most ffi- cknt and economic results, This coat is slightly lighter and therefore fuses at a higher. temperature, Is free burn- ing and therefore more readily susceptible to draft con- trol. It is ALL coal; it comes to you free from slate and other impurities. It cannot clinker unless forced beyond the high fusing point of its ash. • It is an ideal domestic fuel and costs you $15.00 per ton, all sleets. If your furnace or plumbing requires overhoullag. If you require a new furnace or a hot water job or plumbing, let us figure on it, also if your furnace and plumbing require to be overhauled—Give us a call and it will have prompt attention. Everything In Shelf and Heavy Hardware. kept in stock. CHAtits Cd LEE The 114wilwala sit firs %Awe M? 01•10131101.101- PUINNINSINICaostal 14111A11ee atom Thad M. �S • • .1# , . • a. ----4' •°*"."4. 4 *4.