HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-12-23, Page 3---.77,1111111. • . 1111.11•1,11..01 r • igagegestrfts Ifarrirree ANA sk, etil4 roe have 7** akesid arrer aseka is. Li LC PosetleiRty,i ?irk 40 WI Wort itata tams, it win twmeop bete lemisteltitte, smeramweia, or same other meioses threat or how tremble. Mrs. Marlow Cleo, Ix *a 1, liliamee, Oat., writes.: —s'I naught a 4•Irrars mad diet nettled ea my how mad tensed Otto larsaiaatits 1 tried seasay dimmest matedies, ireloasey*11 mamma to fail- 1 lima got is tsouloof Dr. Wimpidlis Nistnray Pine SPIV *ad after the east few deem I foetid wonderful relt.f asd before I had used the wbole bottle 1 wee metiptetely relleeeti of my trouble." Pries 35e. sk bottle; large family Use doe. For sale at sU dreggista aa s dealers; ,put only by The T. Milburn Co., timitod, Toroato, Oat - MUSIC lrall0F. W. II. JACKSON—Onstruetion given In coke Culture. Organ: Manta Violin. Ginter. Them v. ete. Studio and realdence. North, Street. H. C. ILialiLTON--Organist North At. United Church. Concert phaco and Teacher. Residence at Mrs. Colborne's, St. Pat- rick Street. LEGAL CARDS V. R. DARROW. Barrister, Solleitor, Notary Public, Me., Successor to J. 1.4. Killoran Phone 97 Ofilee, The Square. tiaiterleh ERNEST M. LEE. • Banister and Solleitor ' 10 tang Street East, Toronto, 2 91134k.rolialit=raltagreiPtaisia I both Moods was siarried to Samuel he. Oalsirtosit., by tke rector. Rev • B,ytk pmaiminariaa iomiaaratton r. L. Lewin. Tiny were sempwartial haW ks amnital swedes mostly aM bi' Kart and Mao ihressavi aad Seal this rapart., pown,,,t4d aliowad a vary Ako4 brother of the lend.. satiafeetory cositition. The tongria A Iliarglary at Reaterth cation, which had membership Some time between, 11 o'clock and when rsorgartimiel after June lOta 12..30 Friday night last unknown last year of *boat 36, sow ru,atbars thieves broke tato the billiard, patriot •74. *Remiss for the year were #1,- of A. H. Close and stole about 1.10 40014, leaviiig a balance of $404.37 front the till. The burglar or burg - on hand and in the beak after paying tars removed a window in the rear of pones's. Th. Suay sc. NA and the building and crawfad in. Alt thr W. M. S. also report a successful oak in the till was taken with th ,e Year. exceptionof $1.60 in dimes whieh 1 Forster ftearetrtit Girl Takes 14st en was overlooked. Mail mad Erapire I Th. Late Jelut J. Elliott Mies Mary White, a former Sea- The death occurred in Kitehenet forth girl, who for some years has hospital on Thursday, lisee. ath of been connected with The Ontario John Elliott. * Ilfe long and hiiblr Fanner, ectiolucting a women's de- respeoted resident of East Wawanosh partrnent, has become a member of Huron County. The deceased rots . Tho man and Empire steer and eon- um of the late William and Alice El. ducts a daily women's; page. under liott, of coo. 12, East Wewenosh. He the old pen -name, "Bride Broder," a moved with his parents at an early A pretty weddi was solemnized OviagXlcock ! age from Cookeville to Htuam le 1857. In 1886 he married Isebella, Keith, of l Listowel. He wits secatrium. of S. 8 • on Tuesday, Dec. 1 in SC John's church, BNo. 9, East Wawanosla tar a period ossels, when Mary Eliza. 1 Telephones Main 7793-7794, DUDLEY N. 1101.MEO. Barrister, Srilloitor. Notes Public, Conveyancer, Etta PHONE 27 IIAMILTON STREETSPECIALISTF. • SPECIALIST DR. F. J. it FORSTER. EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Oph- thalmie and Aural Hospital, assistant at Mooreileld's EP Hospital and Golden Square Throat ilosPital, London, E.ng. 53 Waterloo St. S. Stratford. Tele- phone 267. At Hotel Bedford, Goderielo on .the evening of tilled "alonday or each month till the following day, Tuesday; at 1 P.m. je" •CHIROPRACTIC DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER. • DR. A. N. ATKINSON, ` a'"*..,-nlratiitterratillomastuassiarimless Therapist, GoittaieW°"--""4-•°°"----aos Chronic, Organic *nil Nervous Hakim. EquipPed with Eleetro-Slagnetic Baths. . Elactronie Electric Treatments and Chiropraetic. • • Office hours --2 to 3 and 7 to 9 P.m. and by apeolntment. excepting Monday and Thursday afternoons and evenings: Mace Hours ou these days 10 to 12 atm lobo • • Lady In Attendan-ce. Reeidence end Offiee-atorner of South St. and. itritimnia Bond. . • . . . AUCTIONEERING 11110ALAS GU.NDRY. • Lire Stock and General Auetioneer, ' Hamilton Street, Goderielt Gales made everywhere -and all efforts made to give you satiefaction. • Farmers' sale notes discounted. ROBERT ROBERTSON, • - - • Aualiiiker, Eldon Ma-Coo/knelt . • • will conduct rind arrange any sale •on -o---...the..lateatomeihicis•to get beat results. Soe him. or drop Ttatortrataidotte-avili give it Immediate attention, Farm Sales .a specialty. • NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC.- • • Wal. BAILIE, NOTARY PUBLIC General Conveyancing don,. Good Companies Represented Phone No. 208, Goderich, Ont. 1,E0110E E, GREENSLADE. CONVEYANCING AND NOTARY. Baafield, Ont. INSURANCE Alf cKILLOP MUTUAL F1(1 FIF1 INK:g- oal° ANCE COMPANY. • .0...,••••••••• • • • ?ARM AND ISOLATED TOWN: PROP- ERTY INSURED: • Value ct property insured up- to Jan- ' • . • uoreo1910. 23.018,915.00. • • OFFICERS—Jaints ::Canliellr, Pratt- tanaeritalia_308. 'Evans. Vice-Prest- • dsnt, BeecliwOod; T. SoollaYa, Seeo Pa a. Seaforth. DIRECTOUS-aD. F. McGregor, Sea- •• tooth; J. T, G. GrIeVe. 'Winthrop; Wm. Wrin. .Conatance: ',George SICOartney. • Tockersmith; John Ferris, HarIocka •' • Jo:in Bennewlse. Dreadliagan;• turray • Gibson, Brucefield. • • AGENTS -al. W. Yeo, Goderich; Sandy Leitch, Clinton: Wm. Chesna, Sea-. forth: it ilinchley. Seaforth. Policy Holdera can pay their assess- ments at R. IL Cult's. More, talerich; A. J. Morrish's Mottling Store, Clinton; or J. 11. Bold's. Baylleld. • FIRE Il4URANCE--- Rave it attended to oy the WEST WAWAN0111 Wait FINE INSURANCE CO Established 18/8 Rud Oce: Dungannon, Ont. Harry L. Salkeld, R. R. Mo. 2, God. erieb, pres.; Wm. J. Thompson, Aub- urn, rice pres.; directors—Wm. Me. Quillen, 'St.11elens; W. P. P.eed, R. R. O. 2, Lueknow; E L. Salkeld, 'phone 410041, Goderieh; Alex. Nteholson, tneknow; Win. 'Watson; Jas. Gavin, R. R. No. 6, Goderich; Wm. t Thomp. ton, Auburn; Tim Griffin, R. IL No. 7, Lucknow; Chas. Hewitt, • Einear. • DIRECT SERVICE TO -Port Arthur . Fort William* Winnipeg Regina Moose Jaw Calgary Vancouver Leaves Toronto .00 Every p.m.. Day . Goa Connections.; At Regina for,Sasketoont At Citillelfy for Edmoritono At Vancouver for Victoria. Standard Shope. ra. Com- Eartment-Observation Car. -Tourist Sleeping CaraDiner. Coaches. • AttentivcService Excellent Cuisine • SOO Ilfges of Superb • Rockyllfountain Scenery. •Clothed in,Wineer Garb • ' •Canadian Pacific Hotels at Calgary,. ter GOLF AT AT VICTORIA • THE YEAR ROUND Aok soy ticket &goat for faroo. thootablor, etc.. or write w. rut.ton District Paasentler Ageit1 • • TORONTO •MIMIC N. B. FLARITY • 'Uptown Ticket Agent C. In k; • GODERICH Drink IATater If Kidneys Bother • Take a Tablespoonful of Salts If Back Pains or Bladder Is • ' Irritated Flush your kidneys by drinking a, liner : of water each day, also take salts occa- sionally, says e noted authority. who tells us that too much rich food forms gelds which almost paralyze the kidneys lit their efforts tts expel it fyom the blood.' • They btome sluggish • and weaken; then you may suffer with a dull misery in the kW' ney region, sharp pains in the back or sick headache, dizri- ness, your,stomach our, tongue is coated, and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine gets cloudy, full of sediment the than - nets often get sore and irritated, oblig- ing you tr seek relief two or three times during the night. To help neutralize these irritating acids; to help cleanse the kidneys and flush off the body's urinous • waste, get four ounces of Jad Salts from any pinta Macy here. 'taken tablespoonful in a ass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys may then. set fine. This famous salts is made from the mkt of grapes and lemon juice, com- bined with lithia, and has been used for years to help flush and stimulate sitio- gish kidneys; also to neutralize the acids in the system so theyno longer irritate, thus often relieving bladder weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive; can not in - lure and mikes a delightful efferves- Ont. cent %his:water drinic. THOS. STOTHEItS, T. (t, ALL, Treas. Secretary. • Broolieu Bros, GODERICH Ike LARIME) regent airsGtors and Labours Orders ostroluilv 'pm -ended to ell all hours—night or gar. • • q, „:„. • .1' •*, ;-. • of 30 yeatte and deputy returning offi. • car for tlik-township for 40 years un- til he became auditor of the books of Atirt2SAM-NearearitV the township treasurer in Till. Fel N • many years he had been a faithful --- attendant and worker in Curries Sun. day aehool, helping particular* with Pau his lips even when his distrait the music. Besides his wife..he is was vastest. He was st man know survived by one isister. Mrs. N. Jehn. to a great many, having passed th sten. of Blyth; one brother, James greater part of his life in the inane nf Winnteeg; his deughter, Mara, at diate vicinity except for a few year home; Raymond. of Turnberry, and spent in the West. When the wa Stanley. of St. Catharines. broke out he was one of the first t War Veteran Passes enlist from Walton in the 161st Regi The death took place at the Huron • met, in the sitring a 1916. He via County Home, ,Clinton, on ,Thuradan in active service in France for tw morning. Dec. 9th, of Albert sidney, years, receiving a bullet wound abov Bolton, No, 654124. private in C. Co.. the heart at the Battle of Cantbrai of the 161st battalion. Pte, Bolton1 but from which he fullyrecovered •was a home boy and had no relatives The late -Mr. Scott is survived by hi in Oita oart. Before he enlisted I mother, -of Montreal; Jas. W., of Mor Party in, 1916 he was engaged with 11.• Rola. Munn, of near Hensel!. Mter going to England he was trans- • fared to the 58th Battalion and went 11111111111110111R Wishing al *ow Patron's A Merry Christmas From The Store of Gifts That Last E. C. Robertson DIAMOND MERCHANT AND JEWELLER Phone 148 Gociarich Ontario 11 e o s ris: Thome, of Canfield; Mrs. Ed. Robinson, of Montreal; Mrs. 'Wm, G. Laidlaw, • Glenwoodville,Alta. Community Christmas Tree at Wing - to Franco where he was wounded ham Last Monday For some time he had lived at Clin- Santa Claus visited lAringham on ton and had gradually been overcome Monday evening last and the children by the iniuries be received overseas. were presented with candies, nuts and A military feiteral was Yield Saturday oranges. A massed choir sang ofternoon, Dee. llth, interment in Christmas carols around the tree and Clinton cemetery. the Salvation Army led the accom- Death of Airs. Angus MeDiarmid paniment. Death of Mrs. J. H. Linklater, Turnberry Mrs. J. H. Linklater, of the town- ship of Turnberry, passed away on Saturday, Dec: llth, in heoiollst year. Surviving are her 'husband, two sons and one daughter. Ewart and Minnie at home, and William, of "Burstal Sask. • Death of Esteemed East Wawanosh Lady Mrs. Angus MeDiarmid, Seaforth Passed away on Saturday, Dec. llth. The early years of her life were lived in old Kilpatrick, Dumbartonshire Scotland, where shewas born in 1837, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Hamilton. Coming to Can- ada at the awe of fourteen with her sister,. Mrs. Murchie'Hamilton, Ont. --was for a short time her home; thence - to Huron County, where the remaied- ' er of her life was spent. It was in 1861 that her marriage took place anti - they settled on the farm, "Mavis Bank" on Huron Road, where they made their home for over fifty years. Death of Kenneth MacKenzie Mr. Kenneth MacKenzie, who with his two brothers, lived a short dis. aance north of the Luelcnow O. N. RI station, died on Friday, Dec. 10th. Go to California Altdenjoy sour - Mr. MacKenzie, who was 82 years of self., Summer sun! summer -climate age, had been in failing health for every day of the winter. • New sights more than a year, but was about un- to see, famous canyons to explore The.th.reehro- Jwesome deserts to traverse and lux- thers had made their home for many uriant fiiiitgroves and topical vege- years on the farm now owned bo W. tenon everywhere. Something. doingt F. 'Henderson, on the Holyrood road. all the time, surf bathing, swimminco. The funeral was held on Monday of motor -boating, yachting, tennis, golf, last week to Kinloss cemetery. ' riding --and every other summer Sport you can imagine, with comfort- ably luxurious accommodation at hundreds of hotel resorts. , On your way to California—or re- turning—visit the North Pacific Coast. Stop off at Vancouver and Victoria. Winter there is like spring and you van comfortably enjoy the scenic grandeur that in this part of the country_ easily_ dwarfs the Alps beauty. - the clerical staff of Hon. Vincent Mas- for absolute soy, the recently appointed Canadian Make the trip to California this representative at Washington and winter—see the unforpottable sights I. ft. Wheeler Funeral Diractor and Embalmer Goderich, Ontario Au calls promptly ittonded to • day or night. - Piraeus: Siert elk House VIM • An esteemed old lady was Ws, Duncan Robertson, who passed away on Tuesday, Dec. 14th, at the home of her son, Mr. Wm. Robertson, lot 39 on. 9, East Wawanosh, in her 76th year. Her husband predeceased 'her some years ago. _ CALIFORNIA FOR WINTER Huron Girl Honored The County of Huron is to be hon- ored in a very. distinctive way by having a charming representative at Washington, in connection with the Canadian Minister tb that city. Miss Sadie McCool, who, during _his_ term of office, was the confidential arere. tary. of Hon. James Murdock,' late atilaisteriiitihor, has oeditaltdadativ will shortly accompany him to the o e ort Pacific Coast. A11 In. nat •American capital. Miss MeCool is formation. illustrated literature and fares gladly simplied by any agent of native of Hullett township and is a sduate the Canadian National Railways. • riof the Clinton .School of Commerce, Nearly all children are subject tc • Mrs. James Earl Dies in Uaborne worms, and many are born with them • The sympathy of the community Spare them anfterinre b using Motia was touched in the death of Mrs, Jas. er Graves' Worm Exterminator, ara Earl, of Usborne, which took place excellent remedy. Wednesday morning, Dec: 156. ltIrs pass away within a week, her son. ..s 4 • on the Wednesday previous and ow. William, aged 12 years, having died P ADVERTISE IN THE STAR Earl is the second of the family to sonsmeeetelmostila Fresh Stock of Goods for Christmas Season stasistmottetocu. .41440t4zommiru Oranges, Bananas, Chocolates and Creams, Christmas Candies and Nuts, Layer Raisins, Layer Figs, Preserved Figs, Cherries Cran. berries, Pickles, Olives, and Sauces of all ,kinds, Fresh Fancy Cakes, Mince Meat and New Honey. Lettuce and Celery Fresh and Crisp Best Black and Green Teas and Our Coffee can't be beat, ground by elec- tric mill, as you order it. Service and Right Prices at J. J. McEwert's 'Phone 46 SOUTH SIDE SQUARE • Most women like only two types of men—the young and the old. • You don't need a lantern to find a rocking chair in the dark. • Miller's Worm Powders will purge the stomach and intestines of worm - so effectively and so easily and pain. leasly that the most delicate' stoma& will not feel any inconvenience from their action. They recommend them- selves to withers as a preparation that will restore strength and vigoa to their children and protect them front the debilitating effects which re. suit from the depredations of worms & A.. 1 GODERICH When the meek inherit the earth • what will become of the golf links? Two heads are better than one, when they're on the seine shoulder. • We have been appointed authorized dealers for VICTOR .NORTHERN ELECTRIC • Conte in and lunch to the music of the radio. • A full stock of choice faintly Groceries always • on hand. Help the boys in our "Populakrity Contest" • IF SKIN BREAKS • 11 • OUT AND ITCHES APPLY SULPHUR _ ! Just the moment you apply Menthe,. Sulphur o an itching, burning or broken ou skin, the itching stops and healing begins, says a noted akin spe- cialist This sulphur preparation, made into a pleasant cold ceeam, gives such a quick relief, even to fiery CCZe1114; itahk• IlattecaniithsePilnoagielhts4sgeervm6r-rdebeSetrloirif;_lindr0Pt: erties, it quickly subdues the itching, cools the irritation and heals the eczema hropoltilyingoaocleartasittoothaakin-- in place of ugly eruptions, rash, pune pies or roughness. You do not have to wait for improve. am:aunty dltrusquickstotrye.shows. You -can get a little jar of Rowles ifentho-Sulphur • THE GODERICHIL %ett'•Mitt • BLS t 11 A CAH AND'sSERVICE 1411""itt." " \ 111141 " SPECIAL PRICES ON RADIO EQUIPMENT WHICH YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS (Subject to Prior Sile) Radio)* 111 with two tubes and Brands headset, reg. $32.00 • for _ • $25.00 Radial. 111A (4..tube set), stripped • $24.00 Tubes and Haawt extra at. ... : ...... . $15.00 • Good 'quality adjustable unit loud speaker, at $6.95 'Adjustable Jewett Phono,Units, reg. $7.50. Federal or Brands 1.1W • -Radiodyne &fake 1.01114.9.4.4Y excellent, stripper 1—$69.50 Complete; ready for use, wit -h-100 amp.—Stiiiro411—Mittey— - • for• $115.00 Prices of other sets on• application. We carry a full stock of Tubes, Batteries and etc. If interested, phone or mail your order at once. M ELVILLE CUL.BERT DUNGANNON ONTARIO ing to the serious illness of the moth. WANTED er the news of his passing was not made known to her. The cause of - GOOSE•FEATHERS her death waa intestinal flu. Two daughters have also been ill but are was Maud Cam, being a daughter of . •. 'Mr, Chas. Cann, .of Exeter. She was • OW rrtees rata HORSEHAIR improving. Mrs. Earl's maidan name and HIDES wiz HEAT FoL141 MEW YOU 1 TART "pie maRNiNGRIGH7 • ANC Tflf..:Y MAVE You GOP • TO OCT EOM Ho 5A' N16Ifr in the piime of life. Beeides' her foneeme griektrickeii "husEand and the 1 A 1411 (.1 Happier Xms a' will In spent by mots osoplc • titi', yvar because of DOMINIONSTORES "where ()Malay (Quill 1." • i sasa twit • • ‘41 . f 0g • • •,• daughters already' mentioned, a 'baby 1111 (tIliristuttts vete, was held Dec, lalitoiatermoot. ir•AVID BROWN boy also eurvives. The funeral, tor •Eace.ter ceniete nry. Phone 270%, toderielt • Death of Mrs. Jas. MeGill A highly respected resident of Sea - forth and one of the pioneer ri.si- dents- of Hullett township, passe(' away at her hone bit Seaforth on Monday, Dec. 13th, in the peown of Mrso James D. McGill. The decette. ed was born in Scotland, but came to Hullett township when a child of five years. There she resided until her marriage to Mr. 'McGill sixty years ago, when they moved to Baden. Pennsylvania, where they spent some years. Later they returned to Hul. let, and resided on the 2nd concession until about six years ago. when they retired from the farm and moved to Seaforth to make their home. Shr was a woman of quiet manners; whose chief interest centered in he' home and family, and whose lose be keenly felt v them. Besides her husband, Mrs. fMcGiil 15 arrviveil bv four sons and one daughter: Wil- liam, of Colorado; Byron. of Hama - hey; James. 0 Clinton; John. of Bar- purhev. and Mrs. Thomas Neilands of Mullett. The Late 'Win. 8. Scott William Butts,' Seott, a veteran of the Great War,' died at the homo of his brother, Mr. James W. Scott, it Morris township on Dec. 9th at the age of 46 years. Until a fesv week* ago Mr. Scott was in perfect health when it was IRE OVered that 1 ight • cervical goitre had developed. t'inw ••• L • • — • ; Has Your Husband to .„ •tPJa I tyy 01.;;;:kafarlarli es1 Got IndigostionPr= Nothing creates domestic discord (snicker than an attack of 'adios.' Whi.111 the !feat Folks are in tion, and nothing gets rid of indiges-, your home__ tion quicker than Bisurated Map, ° nesia. No man can be sweet temper- . You can wake inthe morning ed, gond natured or even fair Minded - to the delightful aroma of coffee when his stomach is constantly aick !an d b sour, gesso? and upset with after -eat.• ing distress. If your husband hasa • You jump willingly out of bed stomach trouble neither wild nor.. 11. se tile roont is wartyl. pity him, but help him by seeing that he has a supply of Bisurated ^Meg- You start off to work glowine. nesia (either powder or tablets) leen- , with comfort and happiness fr( stantly at hand. A teaspoonful of . , powder or two tablets taken in a lit- Iteau to toes. tie water after meals will instantly neutralize the acids in his stonuei) You look torward all that are causing his trouble and he COSY evening' at i101110. Iran of indigestion. Disurated Mag. I ran cony his meals with no mere you can really „..., y 4,iIV" winter e4 CI""is continuing. Please shop early. nesia is the special form of Magnesi t Whep the Ilea Folks are in r The erten gs ominion StoresLtd. iv to their numerous patrons their best wishes for a • 20 20 grg Wappy 1111tistmas lier 0 R GREAT Y t" af fei. CHRISTMAS SALE used by thousands to neutralise stom- your honk'. aeh acidity and istakkly overconie In- digestion—do not ta,•tfuse ivitti Milk ' C THE* Carbonate, Block a Citrate of Mag• - tiesia. Insist on reurated. Its ac- tion is safe,. promo& and sur' and it tee f -ay.; calt be obtained at email coat fila arty reliable drug store. learning this hie immediate friends knew that nothing could be done for his relief but to stray that his release • For Good Clean Coal . 1 tol .1 d• See our Xmas Display I re of Fruits, Candies, Xmas t frA Puddings, Crackers and et Ohildten Ori B miming COAL tift; 1570 CASTORYA m uu I an u COMPANY, l'ab:e 98 Gairkh NfligiliA3A333119A9431910390altiattii ockings might come nuiekly. All through thi FLETCHEWS few trying weeks which followed. it, one ever heard a word of complaint • .4