HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-12-23, Page 2`J e.A•. ,}•e
~'.. •
PAtiE'f'1i o
1 in UM, burl ttnweeesdtitt. as ea.'
se teed hs . INS sad UM*IX
. Y, r t!►etais er Ira etas hint WNW. to o/ret 1"�r �1t� r
_ y 1)Ot. Owe gift the aoNiitiorla warn yla bs �/ ($ idurrt► for It,. •res i Larose
6 lire i this rase is that the ti1111it_neer �t to the extant ig i Thar
1 S f h h been eating human p pr dry Ir Fa
i'� Task jMiilea TS la�A, yrs as extant at amount,
Mat tart hi. ysirht to the appwuttd1 grits of The tiosr.rs w• 1F talc err« r,t raoJ y OJ Itis• "bin i i
lace of the cart. and in this rase Ste wi be prod W.
Ormiston Ito t
Theue a►t' r1e)a far mak alae' r the city have e i has to bald ht that walled Y eL. a roust stunted lusts neate re uwiWnr
'fhoti�:)n�fa of turkeys for 4 ha:w'_. flesh. Six
British missionaries tiers texas
is a sac lw i u attttyr ! nupakt, tit. prnr•»el,l ,•t Ilfr ,. ci.t it. -
m risoned, but these were ' rrooa the Atlantic Ocean, and to have )ptrt d 1'saky 1st Reseal! twi►ture . h b, karat L) th.• ,.sial d it.
to ar<na dinnats in American it�..luc5 are tttnang the i p
lean +.t;nn ed by farmer; gni 14t•-4rt•i found cafe when the city was liberat« : to strtirt a el sued heavy eta.stgh fol Part-4-t°°tat eatoblished••'t remold 74•111-e",1411 „ bN appei,st t„ "ft'
d h 't rime cd bila. but; liakt tn„ugh fare racing tlaefore ,,M1,jwtrntmtxt far the Chiit+t- .tial nu .,thtr.
drol:e'd #circ',: ere beim;" sent to ,*ew Skyeserapers ill Competition' as huladtays i)' dispoising of tb. e►e•
ntalt� !h.• l.Hnr;pei +,f the s-afi•F •l•�ht n• -
(made. `t •rio.:` s inmk ie o l~„ _ laces a severe handicap oa the ch#1• AM* v1•Hh:Ftl•:•+ ,. it issi d•sir;tble to f.•
er. th,•,.sial,bl,e•nture•s«at'oa,• time moll
to York, Bostoi' ehieaito and other ni lel{etdr Detroit
is erection ofo WORLD'S RECORD REV i the. nen slurs a two dopy ' dirreonsmsio» •.
tete in the United States. The lug' pA full, view *alai rose«>sc of ,S. C', taa>i ai Ii h. �. said .,torsi during - F>•a
.consignments are being chipped enormous skysereper, 837 feet high' wait* I.erbarn No« a which told ;`:r1 `Por the first nisei. is many ears no i "I .•f ion 14 :tear being: t1/.' ear -
rot i
from Regina; and Sea atoon, the two and having sr stories,. This, when + amendme•its were offered a the ad- i'� WI- of the ..aid ,1ahwntttr,•s. the ,:i4((
tgifs for 364 days at Missal*, U (a dress was carried without division• a• arlc scum bettor .,t eneh r,°opeetive
principal distributingitolitti of the completed,.wauki be the Bt>rhest The bird. which laid for 213 canRet u- A as uu•aint4 that the oat rrgdb, antuuut
Saskatcheauri 'Poultry •i'aq%, at farm' building in the world: but New ferjc; supply hill far mow, wits car-.
era' eo•operetire orealization direct• bas decided that Detroit should not .five Jaya without si brook, was bred rigid with very little ton and' U t chit ini t t+•.Yn„t j lar rtn�1`.� talib�
rd almost entirelyby woken, wives and is owned by the University ut ;the house adjourned till 1 bruar , ••.
hold the distinction of having the : British t"olumbia, Vancouver. i Prior to edam:ement, Mr. J. F. thelain•, nt tr1.a dile in 4 aeitr'if 1h' inti.
c1 farmers. 1 highest brilding, and iR tllannfn4f to
;Geed Crops in stlastraliapareJohnston, Member for Long f ,'c niW :►; ata tit' tie, period.Poultry raising hi the wait, in re- c:ect an office building which will els e
cent years, has grown rapid=ly. ¶here to the height of 1,2h0 fret end Contlist Australia is h#vitals rt jtnod harvest and former C`kief 'Rhin. of the a= *VII vti"1lFRb;1� the total amount no
are now in the three pram•.; provnees ee 110 stones. this year, and *arresting is progres- ,>t*resaiv. Parti, mos appointed chair• pubes st lr. the Conoul:dats d Munieit;al
19,600,900 poultry on than forms there,; .calm A. Larkin, the president of Ring under the meet (eversible condi. `man of court nttteea and I>tt/ntr Act ,:* k .'2 and amendment,: ths•rt'ta to
of which 1,500,000 are turkeys '= or, the corporation preparing thus vast liana. The total yield is expected to Speaker of, the Horse. This appoint« 1,.� rattail emtuaily 3,.• ,risreiai rate for
there were until the recent heavy; i trueture, esifmates that the ' total ment also; was, passed unanimously rta'•utr the• said cte•ht and Inter+•at alt
coat of the building will be a rani- exceed 155,000,1100 bushels of y been and without"'komment. her,inaftei procitLtd is the• rniti of
rlaui;hter t.:ak plica to prawide pp h 47,750,000 of which bare already been al 06134
(°lirir>tmas d'annere. mately '22,Q00,00t1. and Trill occupy a g#rntrrd in Victoria district. • Quarter Million More "lets"
(brows Irksome SNI, it+lllsiiEAS the amount of the
.i un.l space of 5000Olsgt re feet
Another amucks Diamond It has taken two whole weeks to
The League of Nations h. s weak. *Sixty speed elevators w Il ini t# • The f#mow "Hope collect and tabulate the returns of the
i m
• f will take d a ting
building, ai h ch Ito lam"
• lr and the
o inmar'' t h
dual number
forth ome `thirty months to erect, will produce R whose Buret eve ;•assessors have poet 'general
to hosthe popular note
• rerrkr'1 of approxlmatelx S3 t,0it,000 with mysterious deaths and other f 1,103,000 -votes a t th
t" and the rights of Pool 'H adiea Wheat Cheaply set'vative candidates over Liberals.
man These appeals have, however ecentl b th 11 kat Progressives, and candidates of all
action to be taken against the %las '- ntlsfortunes, has now a close rival In
{Out o c s , ere was
taste on the ground that the latter; yearly. the beautiful stone the "Golden e total majority of 255-000 for Con-•
ore violating
jus Igo a fS ao # p y Dawn:" Thus. - stone was purchased
well known YIt,ha
YAga n�
been tiled; as no actiiia can be•tt*ken' Alaeita farmers handled theirother affiliations. In other words
WheatPool business f 1926 at for his wife. The da followinghis
whole rateable pr.inrrty . of the 'foss n
of i.rnterich aecorcling to WO tact r.••
I tore a.sossmrnt roil thereof lar +)i!,:: •
417 .00,
i.NIt WHEREAS the amount .of the
,•vi,:tina debenture debt nt the said
municipality. esetusive of local im-
provement debts secured by speelul
acts, rates or assessments. isc> ,19i.9ii
on mattes dealing with pearly Boni oo srness or an purchase his v.tle died. A a han' there are a quarter of a million niers~ Now. T fiERI;FiatE� THE OttiNICi-
cstiC atYairs of a member state. l administrative cost of only three• hg voters in the province favorable to P.% i':sai NCI1,
of the corporation of
as now asked the Paris, 1
eighths et a cent a bushed, according t London and
Premier Fergution s proposed govern- the f s n of ro.lertett •_;tarts ata ed.
Missionaries Survived Stege to a statement which bout just been is. Amsterdam. diamond merchants to Bali anent control legislation than feasor ti lows •
I !
h s rest w •
« e e 1
I g j but a the
a i Government n , u h e c't n
suedthe Canadian G ser h leni rhe i nic •u
byC n d nti 1 ,1 ai i of 1•
ofgC, m i tit
ie f fn her tlD
0o Shinto, t
T Sant'i m
hecontinuance ofthe Ontario Temper- p
e Oirt e
tShene Province.* Chant, has come to formation Bureau at Ottawa. The ltd he was influenced in his desire to ante Art, p n f the Tana ,a tri h
get rid of the atone on account of Ina
• an end. after eight months' factional amount received by the farmer ver•
(nr or•:Mo n r. mac o f' , ie
shalt raise the sunt of i:tght Thousand
'Dollars 'R8.000,007 for the purpose of
raying off the balance, of t,rinrii,•il ow-
ing by the Board et Governors of the
e d to n have ex« fed aecordinr to bis
gradeofwheat wife's :death. he has had a• very hard Qppositten Attacks Report
to ward off etarvetfan the inhabitants bushel were the same in all rases. it orf haat hands. servative Opposition in the Haute of Alexandra Marine end (tonere! Hospital
Those farmers who sold flambee- Antarctic is British Territory Com -hone gave *roam of an attack aabtett is secured by a mortgage !n
fln to wheat �hrla42? �. thQrpbushcl • legis Kung George. of Great Britain has when Hon. Hugh Guthrie criticized Trusts Company, 1.imttrd, and flit. pro
�n freight to Vancouver, and elevator y es thatofthe repot ofPremier ng en on. reeds from the sate of the debentures,
rib COit ipatton' Mary The gross amount reaiixed Xing of the South Pole, at the inti- Ernest Lapointe. declaring it "will lu•rehtafter mentIoned shall he us •
ed for
,Fearful an i a s a As•wa; generally expected'the Con -
during the lest two months and but the administrative ex macs per time perituadine the dealers to take•
upon t e mperut •on ergine issue ewer of the .Lnn•dnn and Western
Suffered 'Terribly 0 e now added to his mite titles h t Xing d >I p 1
. If you have suffered from constipa-
tion for years and been. subject to
:Ill the miseries associated with it,
le i
i ro td r 1 a b as
wouldn't Ui consider
to be able. to keep the bowels in A
good healthy condition end .prevent
disease getting a foothold on your
g of ti
French, who cleat A elle Lend, part aggreement shall affect the British is eaav, each a£ av1 1 1 s1 hMitnrr4 -e
bthe Antarctic, and" they will pro. TaTarth America Act'as it now stands. bi~ .for UiR Soni of not less than n
for this grade of wheat was $1.45 sorban of the Imperi+ii'Conference Ii n 'ver be al!c,*ed to pass this Cam- the cold pilrpasP and llama other
from which the Pool deducted n total was also expected in some quartaco atoms without amendment.". The . 2. In nater to raise the said sum do- i
of 2't cents a bushel. The volume of that Canada. would lay claim•. to the Opposition attitude appears to be that 'bentures of the RAI Town of f:od^rich
land adjoining the ;Worth Pola, but Canada's constitution would be inn Is4/rsfii>. niot�t aN nfore tiaid brat tnR in^
wheat was 45,100,000 i h t s bu.
a handledah
this was nott
d as'in autonomy v a ro e r theomin o at n
test fr er 11 d under d
p om i3'
els.Of the 2 cents a gi b the.� •rc
. c n d duct d Y As it its Britkin's'clai totheAnt- £arrived et i London, u t rc, t ;ler ani tint half per r.�i�'.reserve
is I
Pool, two cents went into an elevatal , n n agreenlen , in on on, n- rg:u,,�y per tuiminu shalt lir it+suerf silt
- aretfe is being • df #ted by then, less it is provided that nothing. in the in ons year from 11in Passin
Ryetow. -
Poor, and an which six per cent: in- alb
ably take the question to the League Absolute • right of self-government . Hundred Dollars. '8100.00 and call rate
terest is. paid to the members. The
Alberta Wheat Pool, in combination
with similar pools in Saskatchewan
and Manitoba, has become the great-
are indicated, just for this purpose; cat factor in the export wheat minket
their regular use relieving the worst inthe world. It is estimated that the
cntscs of /constipation. •.: 1920'whent crop, now -being marketed
Mrs. Philippe .Legault, Ferner, One, through the. Alberta Wheat Pool, willwrites. Por mealy yeses T hive i amount td over fifty mfliion bushels.
been troubled with any liver, and suf. Still After Yachting Honors
feral terribly from constipation. "If at,first'you don't. emceed. . "
Y heard about itiilbtirn's Laxa•Livcr is apparently Sir :Thomas Lipton's
Pilin and 1 have boon greatly lin-
motto. Sir Thomas, the famous
proved .eines a stttrtt,cl to ueo tiYeni, yachtsman who for 27 years has tried
No cannot recommend them too hi;,ldy
of Nations, There is a great deal of'• accoidin.e to Mr. Guthrie, would give -dated tienhall aha gasoline unnt IIi,' of
enthusiasm among scientists who be- the power to each dominion to amend' the Bank of lit a Pasreal bl the wally at
neve that the regions suYraundinga 'uta sari constitution
I: �
Stock Over •
Chas.. Biack's
before buying your
*if -
:for the Man Who Cares
The Leading Tailoring and .Men's Smhrt Wear
'Phone 219.:,--- ;North Side Square.
the South Pole are -rich in precious Mr. King, amid reA aft:
• 1oderfelt within tett '10) years there,- ea iR
applat=sfr.. atterpeg
metals. If this is true it will mean declared that the report would be.3. Each of the said debentures shalt
much to the coulntry.owning this con- submitted. without ainnndiuent and be signed by the elaa•.nr of ter Gnrpnr- said pro; road bylaw.
tinent. have behind it. the recomnientiation of anion of . ibe Town of ftodenice or by • Xluniripatity will be taken thereon on . L. L. 1CN.lX,
Poland and Lithuania the Government. The 'Conference re- some attar• prreon• anthoriwil by law the riot fixed for taking ter Pali at the : 'J'aaa•n CV*.
The establishment of . a military , port promises.. t0 provide matmrial for to Riga the same and by ibe R'rcasnrer annual muiileipai election fur iii. -en-
— _
milita.t;c a len h and hall contested :debate at the sold Corporation, and the. Clerk .cuing year before the same Iieputy rte
dictatorship in Ltthutinia • by revs- shall -attach thereto' the corporate seal turning Officers at theft respective pal-
lutiariista is Causing uneasiness in. 'during tato eeasion.y of the municipality. . ' ' ling places: •„ + rn
Poland. The revolutionfrsts arrested Children, suffering from worms soon O. During. the tomalley of the .saint On Friday, the.:,rst day of Decembi-e R�II' p RRI•R�FIiR
th e n
to•t�nest the America's Cup, the coy. e 'goy r meat of Premier Siexevic: show the symptoms, and any •mother debentures there shalt, be raised an- 192n, the mayor of the eked town iv.11 IILY i, LI 1
to anyone who is troubled with their p bus, and established' Premier Smetona can detest the 'Presence of these paha- nualle;he special rate cin alt the rate- _ attend 'at the .Connect Chambers ,of the
livor✓'•eted yachting trophy, from the lTntt- who has tide. support .of' the army, sites by the writhings and frettings rilile property Mahe still corporation' of said 'town at teen o'clock in the fibre
Pries 2; c, a vial at all dealers, or Ied States without stccess, is. now .pre- eDictator Sntetmes first act was. to of the child, the. Poaam of taadrrlcit •ui+ surra of tit noon to ap olnf ersons `to attend n
paring far a i'ifth attempt, and hopce . send troop
Until expelled and
the 00i.3O for flip• purpose. of repaying • the the various p polling places ;aforesaid'
mailed direct on receipt of orrice by
s to' the system e + • . - .amount :Ilan In each of the said veru and at the final summin . u of the
to rare in* 1928. .
' 4 ne Interest
• FrerautIon f y or orttih Powders are prompt andefficient, -t to said thbt, sons hiterestea in and promntine or
Polish force's along the. Lithuanian also as .a toner .up for. Children that the day of the theol passing<thereat. posed bylaw, respect vols.
The Clerk of the Council of the sant
Ibvvn ot. Goderich will attend, ,at:i,is
ounce in" the Town . Hail, at ten o'c•hirt;
in theforenoon, on Tuesdaa, the fourth
bias of. January. 1927, to Aunt ,n9 .the
number of votes for dna afiaknst tide
e Polish frontier Land yst i cleaved of them tie chic can
The'T'. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, I Sir' Th gmas trade his"sl•it (ittem t Premier Marshall Pilsudski of Poland not regain its health.,Miller's Worm for prf 1pat and in respect of votes by the Clerk on behalf of the p••r-
oat, p immediately retaliated- b d not
e. ary rem reinforcement of the only for the, eradication df woreio but i This pekoe shalt t•tkr .affect ori 'oppoctiig the passu of the said pro -
frontier. There is n grave danger or are run down in consequence. Prot:atonally" pits ed by the t:ottneli
.. :. u ' gaa.i a
the a When la a. a birthday u •t
i' revolutionists are overruled. a man has b et d y ht; (, rdrrirlt the llr,rrl ,day .ot t)eermbrr
t kgs a da o Whe a woman' Ari f9:+.
Honor • .a F
n has
n e •
1' Cape Breton Min
one she takes; a�j ear 'qtf. i cKd:} L. L. . KNOX, Clerk. , ,.
A Nova Scotian is to be Ontario's `s tgcl:i 11. J. ;�.,ifaeEaaati, Ma)rtr.
1.wish .all. my Patrons a Merry Christmas
t Year.
and a Happy a>;�.c���is.1�1•ot. sNew '�' a ,
•` T
T tJ a C 1ai,a'11' N� . C�
• 'PHONE.. �1G
these frontier forces clashing, tiniest:
of the Corporation of ti r • f.
next Lieutenant -Governor. inter. W. ; (Corporate Seal)
D. Ross, a native of Little Bras d'Or: ' BYLAW 'C9ItR NOTICE that the above is:a
but new a resident of Toront. and j%I:- v :�1 il:En-n-. i)F 1S1,6t.t4.'•'r1t>;; true :copy ot•a proposed -bylaw which
••�� i
long 0 1
prominent t' $ be t k, into
r , r
nil 1? -'1 r
e ta n no .n
n naneial circles, is .. t:itdlPtaR �T1C1� .1:1k THE � lCtl�� v . •t 1
eitpeeted Errauceeed Hen. -Harr coif: i;ii Eli1l:H:.: wvhic•:h skill he,, finally passed by flu•
= - - r'nngr•fl t•1' the �inntr:paltty: of tee
repo on January 7th as Hos llfr. Ro s ,
representative in Ontario. Mr. Ross l Ill'1 W' IN Ain i )F ..l Ni: ALk:1 a 'Cfiarhi of Goderich 'tn Ihr event nf. lite.
is a director of the .Bank f Nova IyR:t vi:iHl�l AAT) ilE\FRA}. II i t1i ' 111 A Iter one Monthh' from tt first : '
' iiT:1l.
Scotia, and the British Empi te, Steel - publication of ropy thereof la The
'C'orporation, and 'wasenerai •maria- viettonee the Board of a=s;vernoi:a oI trnitrrielt `tar and fhe r;nderleli Signal
ger of the .Metropolitan Bank at the the-ilexand(<:,•Marine and t.ii•ns•ral t1-, . t?,''w.napers;, the date or which pubnee. '
. bode •of its itbsorption by the Bank 'of fatal have issued bands to the e'ti.•ut.of _tion aces the• 9tli day of Deerntbet', 1'126:: ..! ,ems, t ' „•
Novi Scotia. Ten Thousand Ocher• 'a10,000,00?. wFt1a. -tNr) F(`RTiln bonnie NtiTit's that- > Z aster • ' `„ --aara
`�`=- -i " firterrst En •be Haid aif in rtluat xmiuttl all .lctarsrliotdrr& qualitleet untTrf~ for yr •
T loA ers to Exuress *'n
' . :ES
Red Pepper Rub takes the "oufth
sore, stiff, aching joints. 'o'nta. T .Caa
t t
not hurt you, and it certainly,stops that
attsin• torture' once
it at
q�. len you are Suffering so
�fl �you raid •
get around, just tryRed
hardlyt oPepper
Rub ad you will' hve thquickest re•
lief known.. Nothing has such concen-
trated, penetrating heat as red peppers.
just as soon as you apply Red Pepper
ua•ou will feel the tingling heat. In
three minutes it warms the sore spot
through and through, Pain and sore.,
gess 'are gone.
Ask any xooat,driiggist fora )ar-of`:-
Rowles. Red . Pepper. Rub. Be sure to
h s� eeinl Iu Hefreshit an get each the genupackagine;e. with the name Rowles
How to Play
13 -
'� fila Wit?
z se ` .
e cm
Wynne r
What are the requirements for a
bound no-trump bid by dealer"' Pine:•
tic:illy all the authorities agree that
one notrump may be bid by dealer if
he hold two or more sure tricks dived-
Ed among three suits. There jail
much difference of opinion as to these
requirements but there is considerable
difference of opinion us to how these
requirements should be applied. As
an example' of the .difficulty, a virri:-
spondent has just written for enlight
enment as to the meaning of? "two
tricks divid:d among three suits:' lit
order to make this phase perfectly
elear•, an analysis cf road valuation is
The only catd•i sore of tatting tricks
are the four aces.. A guarded 'sing
Lie., a king and gine or more of n suit
takes a trick just half the time,,t:o is
e1er.rly worth one•hnlf the value -e n
en tree. A guarded queen, f. e., a
queen and two or more of a euit, will
take n trick _►bout lisif as often as a
king,so is worth one•quartcr„ trick.
There are four aerie four kings and
four queens. Each player is entitled
to one.fourth of these cards, or to
poo ace, one , king. and one green
which is called an average hand. An
average hand. therefore, eontainint;:
one ate, one king. one queen, in val-
ued at one and three-quarter tricks
These values are not eilaunh .to. war-
rant a bid, the lent required tieing
one queen nii;re than average, or two
tricks. Ifthese values are divided
among at leant three suits. a no,
trump may be bid: if the values are
erntltied to one suit, the abrin may be
bid. It should te noted that it two
hrawnrs are bald in sequence, the low.
er honor takes the value of the high-
er. Thus, tin ace and king ;n one tsuit 1
Is valued at two tricks; a king, queen
at ono trick: a queen, jack at one -
loaf trick. An aee, queen, jack cont.
Notion. end a king, queen. lack cam•
binetion are each worth two sure
tricks. Note that these values art all
defensive or so-called °Sure tricks;'
hist is, their vaiuea as trick takers
PrebieiA No. t
Sentiment instalments. Prockaiamt of the municipal Act, ;:ectfon
Canada a 'ill, «.gay it with flowers" AND '1 IIER Aa the sd I P.'rirtl of VI s. s. 3. and hmeudmrnts" thereto -
nett duly in.:commeimoration of her Govet.none have paid off two of ilio an- ern roto?rihi-trail days before th^ .late
60 years of confederated unity.To ram; nnstalnirii•s, of toting to Qtr with me. a slatutary
_celebrate the Diamond Jubilee.. the KNI) ��'lik.flt' S itis deemed to be in 'ie'''tarattoh of clvattiicaitous. otherwise
t it-liiti Vt te, of tilt, de deepatityprow
b tCto that• nfltuett. a51iii not appear nn the
Dominion Government will send . tc ' rn-, --- -bat or sncTi a ciCin>x.
"Eiightnd--1003000peony-oblaomso sing.-:irev ea,f (lieteeieh emit the eoniminity, "' FttRTllFti 'Pa1►F \f Ti i
the opponents ire playing the hand.
Their value in support of their own
or partner's best bid is approximate-
ly double their sure trick values.
in order to apply these instructions
note the following hands,.in"which int
indicated, after each suit, the value
•of that suit in sure tricks:
• Hand No. t
Hearts -A, K, 7, 6, 2 (2)
Clubs --10,8,6 (0)
Diamor,dn -J, ti, :, 04 =w'(0)
Spades -8 • (0)
Hand No. 2
Ilenrts•--A,. K, 4, 2 (2)
Clubs -4. 10, 7, 4 (0)
Diamonds -A, 7 (1)
Spades• •-7. 6. 4 00):..
Hand No. 3
Maxie -It, 10, 8, 3 (!A)
IIT Arts-=�
f irlxv--:_nont
Diamonds -9, 8, 6,43
Clubs -E, '7, 4
Diamonds -Q, J, 7, 2 (tj)
Spades -J, 9 (0)
Hand No. 4
Marto -It, Q. J, 7 (2)
Clubs -Q, 7. 0 (41
Diamonds - It, J, 4, 2 fai)
Spades ---A, 4 (1)
When the trick strength is contired
to one suit, bid the suit, as elle heart
in Band No. 1. Where the sure
tricks are divided among three or
more suits, as in Hands No. 2 and No.
4, bid one no-trump. Where the sure
trick strength is less than two tricks
as in bland No. 3, pass.
Here is a hand in which the proper
lead is a very doubtful question
Think it over and eompa;•e results`
with the analysis that will be elven
in the next artiele.
Pebble* No. a
Y Spades -A, 3
t 1e : Diamonds -'J'. 10, 7
Z : ('lubes -.-R, 7, 3
Hearts= -. X, g, 7, 3, 2
No score rubber game. Z dealt and
bid one heart, A paatted, and y big)
two diaawtlde. If all passed, what
should B ape*
Rare is a mooy m hand that in-
volves a prima*itthat rows up very
frMlnth. I't is trkky but easy if
'r u last think it over ca"tfulty.
Hearts -=•-noire
Diamonds -A, X, i. 2
: A Y It x * Hearts -•-name
onsets -••-dose 41+�des-1i, 3
flutes -mine
Diomnttde• ,10. 4
Sr►rrdr«....__l0, 7. 2
Spoke; are tramp and It is in fit* lead. How eta Y•2 WIN ev.rr trick
pg'ai»tri ting de•fem:eret Relation in the next andel..
U Arta'
m ,,.chi rittinra}it tar
•. ► 1 l: 1,ai i
cocas passenger; that Stills, Iron A o! 1hr 'said Hotsialat taard fn 11115 :�oTcs"b1"-ttre"'riet`bi1"t -the-5ai4t-
ri r pyre x r lea '; E i S Great Feat
Ir Man C.bhaxt, "Empire girdfer," completed
kis roost elaborate air venture recently when he
Married to England after flying to Australia and
return, a distance. of 211,000 ionic.. This great achieve-
ment, for which Cebhsoe was knighted by His ]Ma-
jesty Xing George. not .aiy establishes Cobham as
one et the greatest admen .f the day, but shows the
great pelliAbilities. of 1Cas►rire air mutes. C.bhass
it. tarda kis flight not as a "stunt" bat as an *Mitt
to discover the bait methods .f ranging air routes
sad at the same time to deasenstrete the prattle -
ability of flying.
N. aer.,Flaat voyage sine, the late Cattalo *r
John Meek and Lena. Br.wa, of the hoped Air
Fent. ilea woos the Atlantk la 9111. has arosrred
p*blie interest equal to that of Cebhaaa's. The rest
of his Melo to Australia and back retries" him .tae
Fraser. Italy, Greet% Egypt India d a Wass .d
tM beam Ocean. (' nitsa
s )rlttaliemeeb
stand. the remarkable journey whereat *err i'
trerela.• It t■ tho sac.. evertor with which b.
free L.d.ea to Cape Town sad boric. Ma
ISA rrithet..4 the fr.rtnleg cold .1 norther* M't�
the burning heat of Africa and the drenehing rains
of an Indian monsoon., The flight has prover that
the seaplane is best for *there longjourneys. Cobham
received a warm welcome at laning points through.
out tit -Pions journey. The lower photograph 4 was
takon at S artr.uville, neer Paris, and shows the
#viatee beingreeted by A. V. Clark, naaneging
director of the Canadian Pacific Railway in Pratte.
Landon gave a tremendous welcome to England's
greatest peace -time hero of the air. Great crowds
limed the banks of the Thames as Cobham's plane
sped *wards Lenton, circled Rig Ben in the teeterHessesf the Hesse of CaManons, and glided over tate war
t.w*rebs the 3flivttrsie a steps of the Parliament build••
iii�s4 ,ir be was wekritsed by kis wife; the ale
*hatter it Samuel Hoare. and air marital cSfr flet.
tea Rraa)i.r. A rseaal menage .f tilatkot
awalto4 C.ihaat freer Ilk Kaj.sty theNag-
kani ded vet �r
allow bee Jo/oat at Osiamaat rear* be
.Wttet+ate 0..ea•ty .f ICfli.tt, site mediae* wino
aeeew M.d ]bili es fire .mtwar•d Stitt sae who was
Waal Ig a was 0. photo was 1314.
�th..+stir tits umehesie� T. by Cute to tbo
's actual time t. Australia and Ina*
•as 1t nays It irons, bet "SW three ia.tatha were
ragstk'N ltd mails" sg nibs trip.
T 0.1
Quality, Service and Reliability
Wishes one 'and all
- Very Happy Christmas
Prosperous New Year
C. M.. Robertson
Your Grocer
4 I
To Our Customers
and Friends
We thank you for the business you
have given us during the past year
We wish you each and every one a
Very Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year