HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-12-23, Page 1Is
7- -
.4, A '1•'`.0
lamest rookors of thou 004.
rho Stier. ropriscat rho
(1I GO (Aria: t haw prover that
NO your stout orihr with 101
As sanionsonmst i* TA*
Star will do it. Theasaads
The Season's Greetings to All Patrons and Friends of The Star—May Peace and Joy With You Abide Throughout a Happy Christmastide
11 4.1••••••,,,
firsts and three eChnde. and, Helen THE HOSPITAL A PUBLIC
°a Prospects for New Power Phut ; - 'PICTURES AND DIPLOMAS
the western Owed* Flour Mille A fumy' DAY, SOW MERELY PRESENTED AT G. . • and one 6econd. fliel, Reg. Munro SERVICE
c McCarthy, 79.8 per cent. nine finds
At the Mayor's supper last Fridae ‘,'eA HOLIDAY
Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada ileatTqlinoerzworaut
'Phone 115
r11sts ICE.- Su hunt -
H. R. LONG, District Agent
A greet deal le Writtea in the
s 77.4 per cent, 844 firsts, tWo secunda It ie. extremely difileult for *Wee
"Cemmeneement" Lest Friday Even.
one third and Q110. Credit. 4th, Mary
ing Was interestiug Event engaged in hospital work to under.
''' Crowe 72 per eent., four firete feet!
apers When Chrietinoe time second's, two thirds awl ono eecjit, stand the attitude of indifference wale
tnente tit the local plant Of the Wes -
There was a lave attendance in Form 111. lets Evelyn Dean, 90.7 which the public in general look Up0a
en Friday per cent,. seven first& 2nd, Margaret this institution. It is thene for Our
the G. C. I. auditorium,
annual conunencement. On „tut plat- 6rd, Victor Ellitg, rftriltipetn'icneentifit caultrleennglehenflzheeaesi)neNcvnie nnueseti'IC,4,`,qt
evening last on the occasion of the Proves, $6.4
tern Canada Flour Mills Co. A WWI e
Power plant that Would be second to appreavbea ihaat the suellinA
ot the Wool ellied eve are OM
none in Western Ontario, only excent-
ing. that cf the Ford Company, is ibe
main item, but following this would
come an overhauling spi.' the mill it -1
self. We understand these plans
have been under consideration for
some time and we would be pleased to
see the company embark on the pro-
gram of improvements at an early
Credit Due to all the Present and
. Past Members of the Hospital Hoard
• In the letter from Rev. J. E. Ford
TOWNTOPICS ourthe last issue, ie3/3ittsn gesuwrploterrt
.111 gave much credit to all the present
ere or ilogt, allosed to trespass and past members of the Hospital
en west half of Lot 19, 'So:ass-001i i, Report of .Hog Shipments for Board who aided in making the press.
West Wawatiosh. By erste!' or cp:o. Week Ending Dec. 16, 1926 ent efficient hospital plant n possibil-
e NVILSDN Dungannon Ont. Goderich-Total hogs, 54; select ba- ity.
. Through the omission of the
NOTICE TO CREDITORS con, 10: thick smooth, 44. Aubtnn-
Total hugs 84; select bacon, 28; thick word "present" from the letter as it
appeared in The Star last week it was
trrict: le 1 i ett:Orr. ete. smooth, 46;1heavies, 5; shop hoes, 4. , made to appear that Mr. Ford was
Huron County -Total hogs, 1283; se- L ascribing all the credit to former
\tales: is tierce> gi‘en te an pie- lett bacon, 369; thick smooth, 803; members of the board and leaving out
,ns 1,0 1114 daises against the leetate heavies. 61: extra heavies, 2; shop all the present members. Nothing
'.. Samos Mallough. late iir the TZAs it. hogs, 45; lights and feeders, 2. was further from Mr. Ford's intene
a .‘,..ilni.hi, 111 Die (:,unl> o i ,
f :riffles deceased. to send the same
(1,0 \ Netted to the undersigned en urs I'UBLIC NOTICE
before the 3011i (lay ef Devi -miser. 1926 -------------
tt,,t, ‘No.o.,h date thi, Ex,os, veil pro. N.1 PTICE.
-.ea to distribute the sold estate emotes -'-'
..e. persons eatitled Menet., .11Joing re- 1 \VIII the person who picked up a
cent only (0 till' 1111111l6 ta ‘vlileh they parts.' NadainIng a pair of tivershoes
1''l1 Will ha V1I hall 1101.114., and that they off OW e1/111111.1. of neg. sosvelie.'s. stele.
\slit nut be ISable for the pisesesIs ef Jiaet Friday, in mistake, ph•ase rehire
;Se estate so distribute,' to Jim per s;1111,, 11, soon ae possible and oblige,
san of tcllioie t'1111111S liol i4.1, ::;;111 11',
teen hate been reecetel.
tem S.SLE. .S. eSiiiiis• Drew, :, Itaeein.
Selieitor fey the h:xeculle.
itelle and a caial 1 111 Ileoh.r. Ne‘s
of the I.:1state ef Jamie; Malloirgh. s -
D.,11•(1 al Ceolerich this 9i1l 1111S of issefeefiesi • 1PIIIS at '1' 11 DFFICE.
1 e in lie , .t. hee.
_- Fi tit SALE. -Meng tom -burner lelee
._ —es
Iris Bangs' with even. ,ilsi, El,s'•
NI 'TICE Ti 1 1 AlEtityrese,
Die Washing Starlike.. both to meet and two bronze electric fixtures. Mr
eeties is lici•eby eh on to ail eredi • g to be unloaded.
. _
"'"1114.1"• k"rg"" r`l tilrick '"ie and Mrs. Cooke replied tha.nkin
i ,es of the estate of Sarah Mil. .11fifie F. W. SAYEits, North :41,
-=-__.--__- --
e,eli, late of the Town of Guam -fele 1,,
em: the teh day of Oeluber, 1916, ti. In Knox church the services will be
tee County of Huron, who iti,,,1 tm or . : friends. Lunch was then serv..d and
child's -is Appty te \\*NI, Krises:le Mr. and Mrs. Coeke leave to make of sermons, 11
conducted by the minister. Subjects
, "card thetr claims, duly proven, to WkNI1.11). A inar-eitreper, no -,,,,o,in the party broke up in the early hours
,1;..y of January, 1927, After that date Box ift:i. teelerich, sSatobbackti.
tee undersigned on or before the IStil -
• their home in Clinton early in the 7 p.m, "Changaining"Y"errafirks.i'n'g
, sal pi o« .. o • b t • tiie 1•,4t•ill,
,V (1.,trii.t. pay ‘vvekly. Eseliss,,,, j Wa kero as e Sehocl and Bible Classes at 3 o'clock..
nated Ly IMaitland Ledge, A, F. ane
lee Administrators. of the said ,shill;
WANTED NDW.--Salessmin fez-Ts—our new year.
esving regard only to such elaites ;is Baptist church, Dec. 26th: Christ -
le s y '41! til then bast' hall 11.1ser. mas services, evehing subject, "His -
Steele and Terrilury. Wt. gt•uw the, Clinton News -Record: A quiet"
A. M., presented by H. C. Dunloe,
t -tory records many authentic vn-
Ind. Order of Oddlellow's
reeve at floderieli this `Stet .-Ses ef sloe's we sell 1191 11e11` se fresh titifl marriage was solemnized at the
'•The Good Samaritan " donated by
:)ece1111wr• A• P. 11921A6.1es & liAys, 11!)f,`,11,1;Isl>. 1(1411 1)1 '1111'.-'er1)1 Church of the Ascension, Hamilton births." dear about them. Merry
-r, n ree -- - .. - -.- e, - ,..es eseekeete„. Did. Ont. 'I last, when Miss Mabel Irene Maskell.
daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. Sunday, Dec. 26th, Christma3 ser- donated by Royal Arch Masons, pre,
eight '1 k Thursday• . • Christinas. Special prayer all next .
pp:1,11Am Ni•nsEity c„., T,,,.,,,,,,, 1 at o t lock on elLning
week. "Deer in the Forest," by Bonheur
Barristers, .,t(• ,
•• ----- Edward A. Maskell, of Goderich, wee vices at North street United chuich. seated by G. H. elacVicar.
ssanted. Write at once for free ' of Clinton, the ceremony being con- leader, Mr. Geer&
1,1sts,tiouis. inexperient•ed menson of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Walker can we have ChristmaGsnaullIdt.hemyiesasriotn. F. D. elillet, donated by The Liens
Club, presented by Dr. Gallow.
tion and we hasten to make the cor-
A Surprise Party
On Friday evening last s sleigh
load of town people drove out to the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Cooke
Huron Road, and staged a very suc-
cessful surprise party. Both Mr. and
Mrs. Cooke. although extremely sur
prised, made their guests very wel-
come and an enjoyable evening was
spent in singing and dancing. Dur-
ing the course of the evening presen-
tations were made by Mrs. Patine.
and Mr. Grindrod. in the nem.: of all one of the other boats in the harbor.
those rresent, also of many other
which will 'be moved over alongside
friends in town, of a leather chair b -
the mill and others of theboats are
OW if WO ere tti reMentaer the(
Christman is the, day on which
our Savioar was born then we
should comaect Christ with the
day hy,lapeBiag ft properly
(Christine* alitel not XMati).
There is' t4* at least, however,
to be sal for- the shorter form,
Xmas: The Greek tetter X
(chi) is the initial letter of the
Greek wOrd for Christ, and,
taking the two first letters,
X P (chl eye set the sae -
red monogram so often seen In
ecelesiastheld decoration, the X
usually being placed across the
lower, part of the P. No one
ever sugglata that the use of
this monogeam is anything hut
reverent. e*Why should we in -
write Xine' -far Christmas (to
pute irrevreme to those vital
those at leest who know how
the shorters, form came to be
used)? These danger is. of
course, as is pointed out, that
people can easily drift into the
belief that the "X" represepte
a ten -dollar bill. signifying the
money end .4of the gift -giving
business afid that the whole af-
fair was arranged by the clever
"boomer" to create a buss buy-
ing and selling season. The
danger of forgetting that
Christmas isa holy day and not
merely a holiday is not by any
means confined to those who
write it Xmas.
form were Messrs. Coulthurst, J. J. firsts, three seconds, one third. 4th
I Robertson and C. M. Robertson, one second, one credit. work done by the varieue Vomen
Jean 'McLean, 73.4 per cent, live firsts
neeeSeet'y tO keep this important pub.
Organizations to raise the finances
members of the G. C. I. board, Rev i Form II.--lst, Catharine Crawford
Father Campeau, Rev. R. C. Menet:- c hi sl 7, per cliteensceyr.Yriecaedsytatotiotnakeiincoaretditol. eaneleftluzefft:
80.8 per cent, seven firsts, tWI) eee• •
onds. 2nd, at ar ne a e. gensey call it any t me day
or I •
tuld, Rev. C. F. Clarke, Rev, S. Jet%
cent. debt firsts, one third. lira.
74.5 per cent, six firsts. one second. is the Ifospitui not self supPOrting?',
Occasionally, come one says, "Why.
ferson, and the principal, Mr. J. P win. Webster, 7/...4 per cent, Nix firette
Hume, who acted as chairman. The "
the school was one of the interesting 0110 third and one credit. A minute's thought would disppe of
three seconds. 4th, David Wenger.
presentation of pictures donated Lc
this idea. If you Were running 5
features of the evening and the fol- Form IIIB.--lst, If. Shoardown nuinufacturing indester and had no
the donors and th se who made the Sandy, three firsts,_two seconds and y exp n 0 en 0 bu
lowing is the list of pictures. with five firsts and one secenel2nd, Lulu
eresentation. Some of the donors OM third. 3rd, Helen Zavitz, twe
cases Mr. Hume himself mitts tht fourth. I Itinesspsitxt:ionualdnn
a reslutfce ItusPicristtrtigd inA
were not rt -presented art! in these firsts, twd seconds, one third and one
were displayed oil an easel on tht ditt, five firsts, two seconds anti two this manner as it has to be prepared
announcement. The var ous picture: Farm 1IIA.-Ist, Margaret Red -
platform as they were presented ont
by one so that the audience had i thirds. 2nd, Douglas Clark, two eetahtianitlif eloinietde ay rdt°ahnytenopfeeVeulennIntlteh.nee11741steeteatit!iht:ttethareeetr
firsts, 4 seconds and one third. 3rd bo
good opportrnity cf seeing the beau Edna Hunt, two firsts, four aecunds is always the possibility of aceidente
tiful collection the school has S..4 U1' and one eredit. 4th, Dorothy Brown or epidemics to be taken care of et 0
ed. On behalf of the board Mr. Coul two firsts, one second, three thirds
expressed the appreciation of tilt Form IV.-Ist, Henry G. West minute's notice. Were we not in :
thurst acknowledged the gifts ane ind three credits. tpitne:eititohne utonahraanNcylnieuldthie.
board of the very fine collection: lageh tlyri s be: 141b -
board t firsts, two seconds. In the ject to more severe criticism than
"Aurora," by Reni, in' Sepia, donat- middle school the previous year Hen ' they are.
ed by Miss Parlee. ry had ten firsts, one second and twc Art:ther most discouraging view
"Shceing the Bay Marc," by Land- thirds. 2nd, Jean E. Winter, sever was expressed by n prominent busi-
seer, donated by J. P. Hume. firsts, four secsnds. In the entitle ness man recently: 'Previous by -
"The Horses of Achilles," by Reg- School last year sly had eight firsts, laws have been turned down by the
nault. donated by C. Wurtele. eight seconds and one third. 3rd---- people and our hospital service htu•
"Wake Up," beliarber, donated by Chas. E. Groves, five firsts, four sec. not suffered any huh has improved
Dr. A. T. Emmerson. onds. In the middle school last yea, The Board is doing very well as it is.'
donated by Dr. A. T. Eminerson.
"1 Hear a Voice," by Maud Earl he had five firsts, three seconds, one Can you imagine any statement mon
third and five credits.
' :ones, donated by Smith's Art Stole, THE HOSPITAL BYLAW discouraging to any group, who with.
out any recom»ense are giviite a
"The Gulden Stairs," by Burne -
great deal of their time to this nubile
' "Landscape With Windmill," by service? It is really' to be hoped
Ruysduel, donated by Maple Leaf that the idea is not treneral.
Chapter, L 0. D. E., presentation This bylaw is going to cost the
made by Miss Saunders. town' one thousand dollars a year for
"St. Peter's and Vatican. Rome," ten years. Analyze last year's fin:in-
donated by Catholic Women's League, cial statement and yeu o•Pe son that
presented by Miss C O'Neill.
"The Cornfield," by Constable, do- the Hospital spent in Goderich over
everyone and expressing their regret
that they were leaving so many
se i
ten thousand dollars. Do yeu always
nated by Ahmeek Chapter, I. 0. D. E.,
presented by Mrs. Macklin. • spend? Forget, it you will, that the
get ten dollars for every one you
"Wood Gatherers," by Corot, do- hospital is a public necessity. but ar
nated by Can. Order of Foresters. an industial proposition is this bylaw
presented by Mr. Knight. not worthy the support of every cite
"Westminster Abbey," London, do- zen?
There's too much talk about en -
appeal. It is not so much an appeal
to generous hearted individuals as it Goderich, Dec. 21st, 1926.
is to a corporate body of citizens. It
Is sometimes said that these cot•por-
ate bodies have no souls. If that 11 fot•eing the laws and not nmugh
the case with the body of ratepayers about obeying the laws.
in Goderich-thon the Hospital By-
law is foredoomed. But corporate CARDS OF THANKS
bodies are made up of individuals fite,Irs. Ms•Nally and Nit Hobert J. Scott
who have souls which can be atirted t,•1. 1:1-leantvo ii,Tht(iiriiirrIteirlisr isincere thanke
by the cry of suffering humanity. AP of eyerpathv al, tin itlint"trrirgilerfl'essir-
each individual voter, therefore, hears, i',;IN'ellIMIt, Ill 1,111' loss of their mother.
the cry, feels the need, and respondet.
by his vote, so will the corporate body' BORN
respond to the appeal of the bylaw.'
realization that one is moving wit 1 Mr. end Mr.., Leith. 11. Pentlatet, Nile
mass of mankind in the direction of PENTLAND.- At Alexandra Hoeteltal
And there le semething fin? in ejsie vii Sitturday. Deeember leth, 1920, to
the mass and also helping to move tile' 'l thuighl"e W.111"11 ‘..:31 •11" ••
Here, then, in the Hospital BN•law ose, roe, eglive (111.1,1 1sidow or the
better things.
The Principal reported that the work. It would be easier of course SGOTT.---in Getlerleit, t.ti Wedneeday,
hi an opportunity for a mass of out !ate Jarnee Scott, , it tier $3ril year.
citizenship to take a hand in a good eNeeree, hi 4;0414'111'11 (Ill Meati,LY.
turned front the Pacific Coast in Aug- probably) let Annie do it." But it Is ley. 2011t, Jaw. Kaler, reilet of ft, tato
Canadian National, over which Tail- for the corporate body to continue to wiiiiatit Attste, in her Dist Yel'.
road line he and his daughter had re- say. oh,"Let Charlie do it or (more
make a eirtriter donation- -to our Col-
ust, had very kindly promised to
, community,. like an individual, will in
not good for any coinmunity to have
itasacts_ofselierrY done b_Y Proxy. Arland General Hospital on Wednesday
Mr W it W hster
WEBSTER.-In Alexandra Marine
legiate collection. Dec. 22nd, Sally Ann Martin, wife of
were added to the Colleetat • collet:- which comes from all altruistic en- I IN elEelORIA ell
The fp11,•wing other large picture: so doing, miss the reflex benefit,
cannot afford to lose the benefaction ' !'
Keeler.. In loving snetnitr:k or 1.:ii
Picture. held in April last: Ciceiese I 1.111" 1110,41r.IN:itl ret•eat..the slime: s.. \ i'Pll
ho 111,-.1 etie seer age
Hon of copies of the Masters from doavor. And so as a community we ;';4,1!1:‘111 11,1:1•0,'Agi"10,24..
moneys raised at the Exhibition of
which will come from passing this ,,,,„ 01(1„ te„weet e,,, ene „ ,, no ir:
Sickness and suffering seldom fail
to arouse a sympathetic response
from mankind. Hearing the cry of
suffering humanity that sounde be-
hind the hospital bylaw it is not nat-
ural to close one's oars; to withhold
one's vote and pass by on the other
side. To vote for the bYlaw will be
to play the part of the Good Samari-
tan and its humanitarian appeal
oueht to assure for it an overwhelm-
ing majot.ity.
This Bylaw also makes a corporate
ile-SIMANCE $10 WEEKLY F0111 YOU id to Mr. George A. Walker, only 10 a.m., Men's Club, subject, "How "A Treaty with the Indians,' by
-- tem earn while learning cletra1g".! :..ducted by the Rev. Dr. RevisOn. rec. Band and Classes of Christian Fel- "The Coming of the White Man,"
INSUBANCIS AGENCY, cattil.),seie. extflaining how.
s tor of ti.- Mr.,.and- Mrs. Ed.. lowahip. at. L0 asineSeel pen., the Sun. by G. A. Reid, donated by '1140 Wes
ing /„.iti If, 1 r 1,1.,,,,,‘ in"F“:'; tht
''' r . - ward T. Watsan,. of Hamilton, sister day school will hod an open session tern Canada Flour :Mills Co.
Farms and ilouses ;kart Lots in tilele- -. sesessses-soass,„,,r.s..weei„ iesses
Life 'Still Life • Aceideet 'fll'l Allta- Hemphill's Prot -ilea' Schoois and brother of the bride, were the and a program of Christmas song and "Aurora," by Reni, in water color
71,11 and Vioinity.
teoblle Insuranc,‘. 163 King West. Terouio. . attendants. The bride wore a tsed- story will be given. 11 a.m. and 7 donated by Goderich Elevntos are!
bout NS farms Feted for -ohs 'mewl- .„ d.: ding frock of pale mauve georgette p.m., Public Worship. Special Christ- Transit Co.
lag some of De, best mews in 'his 0 ,•.. — - • ' -......... over peach crepe de chine. with smale mas addresses and music. PublicIsp'Q'Ft:ultreaeShceetiniLb.y Views ite,f.
d Bo (ri. aa et el
1,31y. almost in any location, eel, t' or FOR SALE OR TO RENT silver lace and metallic hat and sil- cordially invited.
— ver shoes and hose. After the cere-
by that t;rganization. Lake Louise
in Canadian Pacific Rockies. Mot,
!•ipecial for .Inirk sele-Partl limber- rrei LS:lee-Store to sub -be; r.311 “,:is , mony a wedding supper was served at
omittll'. Apply Box 0. seSSII. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Watson • S. GEORGE'S
farm at slaughter price IVO aeres 1. eine Lake and N'alley of the 1't -
said lo be good soil. Good wat,,r sup -
Mr and Mrs. Walker have retrrned ; On Christmas Day there will be a Peaks in Can. Pacific Rockies. Fish•
toy, all riet,-,,,tat'y buildings. •sell Mrit-
T" BEAT - 1 ...i •- , ,1 ' .,, , '
'• ' - ' ‘ r"IIIII. """ "I' to Clinton and have taken un their' celebration of the Holy Communion ing, Nipigon River, Ont. Shutting
1, elose 10 sehool and saw tiiill. ism-
NrItion ::trect, with all Nelson- residence
v• Mont to railroad depot and neireet 1,•neee. B. C MUNNINGse in Southlook Cottage, Rat- the 8 o'clock service the choir will the Rapids, French River, Ont.
100 acres of this under euitkation. 30 ___ ' ' __.... __ tenbury etreet, east They have the i tal Eucharist will be celebrated. At
a 'ref; ready to clear. 70 acre-, inked volt SAWS. Farm of 100 avr•,,,, el land good wishes of their friends for a i the 3 o'clock service the choir will
veth rsadv sale for BIB output. 1'11e,, :1(14.sitsuitit\sellirislitelsis ‘‘Iiiinii,11,Inlillietel: zi‘l\s.,ori:iiini hppy and prosperous future. The; lead in the singine as follows: Pro -
timber, eultahle fol. lumber end wood .I.'
entire propl.rty S5.500: sn'id 1.'"' oxi iititig-e 1/11 .1 limea in 1,4e.n or ler 'SO bride was until a few weeks ago r ; 00(45101) ti Hymn 74, "Chrietians
f.•:i payment 'if rPipeired, Th , -4 e,rlahl- ,i,,,,,,, 'Ili.asoiribl.• .10.ms If sold. r'. member of the office staff of The Cod- i awake, salute the happy morn" Kyrit.
;:1“, p114,11'ssi,,n ;11 um,. Apply -3;4111 ericb Star. Eleison; Sanctue, Gtnria Tibi. Attest;
;• isl a (Z0011 100110y m•aking elimee for I • '
•-• liebodY• Wile?' Fideles, Hymn 72; Gloria in Exeelsis:
s Ilne cheap Immo. iS 11er.,,, 1'1.0 1,1'1,1' S'Ll'All 4 )".1".:' Huron Chapter Officers Installed
i Chant; Hymn .80, "0 Little T,wn ol
all Ilivr,srary Millillip2,-. ht'h1 vi IR S.1,1,1.,, -HOMO.. Stables, And lot, The installatitn of the officers of 1 Bethlehem." The Full Choral Co.
L :ogee ;sone water :limey. seed mot L'
Nos. it;, 28, 29 and 30, esjes4 ems' Huron Charter, No. 30, R. A. M., was munion Service at 10.30 a.m., will be
1"rd "41 gard" 1'1°1' W''11 i'''''''' 1,y. in Ille Town of ltuderteh. Apply held on Tuesday evening of this week .
sung to Sir John Staine':'s beautiful
" '81IY "''''''' "I"' CI"'" 1'"'311"" 10 B. 1:. NIUNNINGS, tioderii•li, er RL Ex. Comp. W. F. Gallow conduct-, . • • se• t
: ,,t read. elese 1,1 stets,. sehoel. -11,1,-,•ti ' - ing the installation vel•y impressive-:
"0 Come Redeemer of Mankind: -Oleition against Cateline by elaccari.
Um in F The anthem is by Ls
only the prettiest town in Canada but Tht. pain of parting without farewell
e,..iit it- mess rrem cesles's ''\'''''' owe; ToliBANCE, Clinteit. bylaw for we want Goderich to be net Ami mo th,,s., ,.1,,, haw 1,,,i G.,,,, Hi,
,: HOUSE Vt3t seer:. -Appl> ,i , ,,,; IY, with Ex. Comp. A. S. Chrystal a:
The organ prelude will be, Pattoral The Temple of Paestum, Italy; Tht
Ise the best town.in Canada.
. - rallr.•••1 stiller, Psire only el son .
Sver (10 heifers mid 1,..e liO4,1 ,or Director of Ceremonies. The follow. Niore eaell (bay Wel miss you, mother,
Bedfnist. cebeerg St, : Scene by Gaston M. Dethier; Orgar, Houscs of Parliament, London; Strut- A • •
, AO 111 1:0(1.(';,11 11,1 , . .1111N 'Ili•11. 1011.• ing is the list of officers: I. P. Z., I -
... ee ef els essi 111 tow, 31,4) *Mlle %it I REN1'.---7 rollowit house oll St. Ex. Comp. Geo. MacVicer; Z., ex. '
o 1 skene by Casten M. Dethier. Organ
-•- ntil orota,.,•!,es 1,1.1 f.tiblii1,, ....,,00m• L i ; Is II II g f.... 4;14...1`C`111, Sillh4111,. fey Cemp H. T. Barker• H., Ex. Comp. A 1 Postlude. Hallelujah Chorus ;Tilt
'Mall ra1,10, • APIO 111. 11"\, I\ \ 1%7'1- .1. MacKay; .1., Ex. Comp. J. II. 1roo -,,,
• . • ' • • -• ' • ' • , Messiah) Handel. The Christmas
" ..1. itii•hor,,, r,,, act•e, ef 1slid
m.11\ ,.1 Iliese prpertie-1,-,W : man; treas., Ex. Coin, J J. McEwen;: 'ler sereece will take place next
neeess ,r‘ Mehl toss nsii, , 4 is ME \ TS, 1:1b.
orie, ,,'"' {-.11,v 1"rill' "n ""71,".", FrustE To RENT. -110,1 brielt Imuse: H-• N" Ex* (.°1". .Sunday night at 7 o'clock. This set. -
e. Ave monthly nevinent elan if desired A. S. ChrysIel;.
'metier ef Ns'ellington St. and Brit- ' •
S. E., Rt. Ex. (74)inn. H.C. Dunlop:I vice proved to be very populsr last
30,.111 1 11,111 Comp. Gordon 110 10. • Yes.. when a large congregation (111'
‘ 11," r.'1"e,- t',' ,?,'" PrliwrIY "r 'rr.' «Rea Bond, inedern. hot ‘‘. ah,r heat -P. S.,
ing. Apply I,, .1. B. Knight. • S. S., Comp, F.,Toole; J. S., Comp. present. Visitors are always web
e• all osrileulars see lir 11 ril,, VVM R001-,,• M.'Of Igt V. Cernp. Berl come at St. George's, and we extend
.1 \V. AFISISTIIONG, FIIII '''''‘1.1:• Hrieh re-i'I'me'' "a e"ra'r Varcoe; M. of 2nd V, Comte T. Wil, a Nadia invitation to a . .
FAIVI I ES! Al ,'•uw., i: ancient and modern Christmas carols The total number m'aied as given
1"1. :•41"1111""1 ''''''''''' "1 \'''''''" eon; M. nt',",,rd V., C.onm. R. Mi
Box 89. Sioderich, (MI. el. :not t andiris !teed. .ii esie,,,, MI.. 's. ere sung by the (hoir and cony:erect- above is 34 and 4 niore are to (..ims
- twice. Pertieuhirs 0'001 V 11. 11 \ It- A. of 4th 1".. ('omp. N. McKay; ,lani- '. •
WAS' tor. Comp. A. T. Kaitting; treeteee : on. The church, on this occasion from the C. N. R. Their veto,. will
ford -on -Avon; Lnndscape with Wind-
tnill, by Ruysdael; The Horse Fair, by
Bonheur; Put of Basil, by Alexander
and the following in small size, water
col. l'At Ann Hathaway's Cottage:
Stratford -on -Avon; Derwent Water;
Girl with Apple, by Greuze: Sir Cele -
had, by 1Vatts;-Opportunity and Re-
gret, by Ryland; Angel Heads, ON
Joshua lt.•ynolds.
Ex Conde J. J. McEwen and Rt. Ex. is enlightened entirely by candles he over 8300. Ateach meeting ot
F \101 riot e•tee. •... see-. sitisilse Comn. Dr. GaITI
llosv: sick COMlttt, t will the G. U. 1. Literary oviet); th(le-
11 ,‘Iiiiiill, 1% 011 l 1-, 'o,fr, 31 e.1, ,,r.• 1 1 Ex csmp. A. ,
cl. Chrystal; audittes he held on Tuesday evening, Dec.
01t1 S011001 ...! b. lobtll's . 14 Mil . riser Ex. Crams (4, 1.. Parsons and C(»rip '2eth, at 7.30 (The Innocents' Day).
.tore. gest mei, eisseenith see,. and
T. TiH. Mitchell. After the installation
Real Estate and Insurance " " E,. rnmp. II. T. Berker presided at ,
7 ST( INK, B.
„11,;;;',;.'•ii.„'"e4ii,,„...., c \ \ ‘.. festivities in the refreshment hall and i
won by the students at the m dsum-
ot ,, , . .
ft, 4. Goderfeli. : All interesting address was giVen by I
don this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Woods were in Len- ,
mer examinations also *as made.
the installing officer, The new firs' J
Miss Lillias MacVicnr, Welland, NI
ie T. C. M. Robertson presented the
- ----- -- I"114 — . prin( ennounced a rest prin •1 commercial diplomas, Rev. Fr. ('am -
night for the near future. ', home for the vacation.
BRIEF TOWN TOPICS ' Miss Molly Elder, of Gravenhurst Pau and Rev. S. Jefferson the °thin
: Netted th,' Peter Adamson memorial
1 9 2 6
hi,:‘1.sepeildintr ( hristmos at her home diplomas. Mr. J. J. Robertson pre.
Mr, Alex. Chirk had the misfortune ' ' • scholarships, the winners being Mist
to fall from 14 load of manure a %seek j Mr. TNI Field is home from Trjnity
1.1argaret Redditt of the Middle
ago Monday, breaking three ribs. Ile ; UniversitY' Ter, nto, for the 11,41,1 is '
School scholarship in mathematics
is doine as well as can he expe, ted. . 1 seas°a• In the 'ewer school Miss Catharint
Mr. Jas. W. maevicar has rocci,,e(j NI1,4. Wood and Master 0111:e lel" ( raw fie (I and Miss Catbarin Sal
I ' t rill, ' f P 9- f ' . Friday morning for Detinit to ,aend wses ties for the scholarship and th:.
5-,1:ptio.1 of ne picture will he given
by a resdent, so (IS to give an intelli-
gent conception of some of the ,vorkh
of the great masters.
The presentation of the di lollies
0. F. CAREY & SON, Limited
We are rendering Huron, Bruce and Perth Counties the same
service obtainable in the large city centres. It is appreciated
by those who deal with us. Give us a trial with your business.
Orders will be handled -promptly and conscientiously.
PHONES 430445
Direct wire to all leading Stock and Grain Exchanges.
suer of auto licenses for this district the holidays.
There is a 85 reduction cm all passers. Mr. Jack Herald is home front St
ger licenses from last year. ! Andrews' College, Toronto, rot. the
The elr ef Mr. Chios R.,bert- Christmas vacntion.
eon as member of the Legislature Mrs. .1. W. Fraser left today fot
necessitates the election of a rim% Toronto to spend Christmas with 11 I.
man as Reeve of Colborne and Mr and Mrs. Abrems, and Mr. Fraser f• !-
Hugh Hill announces that he i4 hi thi tows tomorrow.
field for that , ffiee. Mrs. Carrie, Sr., is spending the
A number of carols to he 'u' by Christmas holidays the ;sliest of her
the choir hoys of St. James CilUri 11 son. Res.. John ( arri(•, rector of St
London, nn Christmas eve from 7 te Luke's, church. Buffalo.
Free Press. This is the church of deughter. Doreen, t 1' Sprr(•e Grove
Mr. end Mrs. 1Z. .1. Elder and little
8 o'clocic, will be broadcasted by th(
hiNr.tSt. W. g
Anderton, a firm Alta.. are spending (•hriet mat with
Goderich, is the former's mother, Mrs. Robert
now the organist and choir director Elder.
C. W. Dalby, M. E., resident •ngin•
eer for the Lake Maron Gold Mineei
Mr. and Mrs, Jenn, • rind fiireiB
Ltd., was in town t week inspect- will titin
back to Goderich, and
ing the plant Mr, Sandy is providing gain make their home het('
Mr. Jenner is going on the road
He states he is very highly pleased again.
with the machinery and that it la Mrs. Wm. Craigie and son. 51,-lville
a very much better and a larger plent are spending Christmas in Owen
than he eXpected. This machinery Sound. Mr. Craig. is also at t)wen
will berenarhippd the first week of the, Sound and it is lik •ly they will spend
1 the winter there.
The tug Forest is still keeping the .Mrs. A. MeQustrrie and Master
ice foaming in the harbor broken up,Donald are up from Toronto, spend-
ao that the vessels can be moved.' ing the Christmas season at etre. Mc•
Owing to the Brookton having to Quarrie's parental .home, the reel -
turn back and hence to the W.C.F .M. dence of Mr. eed Mr. ('. A. Nairn
not having her cargo in etoraze, the It is expected Mr. McQuarrie will be
company has purchased the efertro in in town for Christmas Day, _
• ''ieeselee
G. 4'. 1. hoard di nated the equivalent
amount of the scholarship ($25), at •
t hat hot h 1 hese bright students might
rei.eive th(• honor. Mr. W. A. Cote.'
thw st presented the goy •rnmeni '
t }willies to the winners of the Cartel
aeholershipe, $100 to H. G. VVeet. the
winner of the first scholarship, an1.
sno to Miss Jean Winter, the wintim. I • - -
of the second schalarship. . • — ,
The presentations were intrAper..;
ed with musk- al selectiollii, 11 pian,
ri, st by Misses Aileen Buechler and
S. S. HARDY. Friends MAN think 111e %%mind is 11,31041
Boit 111,N 11111.' 1,11,,N% the vorriiv.,
Nine times out of ten you ean trust 'Ititi ues N1 111111 our te.arte eenreaied
him if he uses the good, honest word et•eilexte PA31111.Y. and
1 te:27
Centennial Celebration
JULY 31—AUGUST .6,1927
The committee Is endeavoring to obtain this names and addresses of
all former residents of Goderich and vicinity In order to Mane luvIta•
Mons for OW Centennial Celebration to be held on the dates aboxe
Will YOU kindly 011 In the coupon below with the Sla411(.4 and ad•
&moms of any Goderich Old Boys or Girls of your acquaintance and
Rend It to Dn. W. Is. Gst,Low GoderIch. Chairman Invitatien corn.
1•11.:Ne• BY
1),arr, vocal Mis, Hum,- 9!
vocal solo, Nliss Ruby McLeod; vo(•al
solo, Mr. Jack M(•Dermid, Miss NI
( Int ke and Mr. Macdonald (BIM, TRY IT -Also
were t he ne, panist s.
in connection with the rec. rd of
the follow Orange Crush Lime Crush
the e( hool Mr. Hume gave
ing information of the highest stand-
ing in the various forms:
First rear, Commercial fermi 1st
Helen Straiton, Steel per cent. Mit,
Stratton had five firsts, one 140,0141!rind one third class hon, re. 2nd, Re Order a Mixed Case fol' Christmas
bocce McKenzie. 77.9 per cent., seven The Children Will Like It
firsts. one sieeml. 1 es, thirds 004 0114
credit. 3rd Ruby Wambold 77.4 ne,
cent, six firats, four seconds and 1
credit. 4th. Walter Ruffel, 74.8 per
cent. Six firste, two settmls, one "Orange Crush Franchised Bottlers"
third and two creditn.
Second Year Commercial form-- PHONE 201
Lemon Crush Grape Crush
Special Dry Ginger Ale, etc.
The Goderich Mineral Water Ce.
1st. D. Plante, 80.5 per cent., 144"'0I