HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-12-09, Page 8woo
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Gifts for
lir. Lorne liegisisie visited frieais
out sale Last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilles liaises visited
j`ristele north of Lteekiww ea ?asredaY
Mr*. A. It. Yfeetiteat visited hoe sis-
ter, ilei, MaWalker. at Brasseur
We a Leslie yet tN tail tad its
ea Then -Way Nt last week.
War eyasMMlyew a mil Nt Nitta k and Sirs, G. IL iieltensie and
weisch err #Lars +tet ittty tlinkolna were visitors with rviativ+e
etwsesi sad teile!ctm Dere ter is Clinton on ,Sunday last.
swim ietreitt. Mrs. A. B. Pentland has been
neat tate past. week its Brniatorte valet =
We have gift* for fiver) :Jody at''- her defter. Mrs, Marry Walker.
very reasoiseeelit Blake*. ' Mr. `Kenneth Denney, of the nue. , I
Nicely boxed 'flute pap" with dare Bank staff, vlslted hie formes ; *�
sortP TS
4kalals fern
; igou -Gifts
evitlierilsIs let Sewn Ole
ladies s 9eyy-s"M�beet•
1 Mt t , t.
-law tart moor leer'1 nowt $1,464.71
et Teent's shwas abuses ' 6,163.11:
Town pays Rawl lfiterseet'ae 1$11.60
elIa..1Sysr's AI Per *POW
L�i.e • r aiseasesmn, . r ..... 781.*
MIS S. PUT EXCHANGE *LOCK i which is mads up as follows :
,.w,.,,..,yLw? Cart art per G.rvern't report $8,401.77
_ lat. on above for one year at
i 9,011.06
scaly linen envelopes from hoots tit Ford'vich on-Wsdne,idayper rent
ick ere $6.04 per box. last week.
Engineer retied and irpeeia 501.2n501.2n
..,.. .....
Mrs, Thos. i'tradnocv, of Blyth. weir
See the new Parker Fountain a guest for a few days last week et, Miss Sadie Carter is vhitilt hoe- $rn+tssrtent. 60.0C
Peat and Pencil Sets for the .home of her earls and aunt, 3ir.1 brother, Joseph, at Port Eight its Legal expenses tbyiaws, tie -
biotite in the pretty pastel and hers. Thos. Wiggins. , present. bleat res. etc.t end Unger It..
slosh*, aims Perko' >;ataa foe Connratulatione are extended tri Tke Fitrnterie Club ]las received #90'iIOP
gentlemen. Mr. stud Leber. J. B. 'young, or Woltt$hese winter's supply of ftou
Hits rail serMred Your Christ- . Wawanash, upon .the advent of s soil station the last few days.
mu Cards 7 We ..trate- a on Friday, Nov. 26th. Mists Lottie Jackson. of Godsrich.
beartifel steels wick the tined . tie. and WI. Burton Rnsch andmade a short visit to her hone here
Mt. and Mrs. A. J. Crewmen were the former part of the week.
gusts on Sunday with Mr. end Mrs. Mr. Reimer Dawson end Mira Ao-
n. R. MeilLabb. of Ltwknaw. na Dobie, of the Goderich Collegiate
Tfie I)ungantton 1)ramettc Club wilt spent Sunday in their home* here.
present its play, "The Path Over the Mise Thebes Lawlor returned to
BM," et Blyth as Fridley evening of her home here the former part of the
this week and sit Ripley on Friday week after a month's visit in_Gleneoe.'
evening of next week. Our village hunters have started`.
Mr. Mason McAllister, of Vi est their season's work. Mr. Craig se.
Wawanosh, recently butchered a pig cured a fox and a wild cat :1rd Mr.
which breaksthe record. It weigh. Beadle a fox.
ed when dressed, 700 lbs. , The meat Mrs. Asquith returned borne last
wss.Annie, into ,sausage. week from an extended' visit to her
alfegir 11:.." The annual meeting of 1.. 0. L. No slaughter, Mrs. Mellvene, of Lands.
envelopes is it *tet. Price!
at $ fir se to 35e each.
!HH 4'illlit+IIHA S'fRS
ODM eY tmasfrees
.v ►,ill
Cole's Book Store
Sttecnwar to
324 1113ax non, will be held in the :down.
CARLOW Orange. hent on Thursday evening
Miss IL .Clark visited friends in Dec. IOth. for election and installs. missionary from Korea, will give nsli ih vote est Bylaw No. 09 was passed
The Rev. Mr. Vessey. a returned
lir. Jeltamion presented a schedule
skewing the annul and total lissom-
nestttss ageitu►t the various properties
T total assessment figures to 11 1_
1.10 cents a foot frontage.
In response to a question the en- 4' L
else • propor he
ment work assessed to the property
owners was so email.
Bylaw -No. 67, appointing Messrs
II. R. Long and A. M. Robertson audi-
tors for next yam was passed: Alec
Bylaw No, 63 naming polling . places
nua officers for the municipal elec-
tions. Bylaw No`. 60, the hospital by;
Isere, was read; twice. It will be fount.
in full in The Star this week and will
be voted• upon by the ratepayers at
the munieipsi elections. Bylaw Flo
70 fxing,the elate for the taking of
Kingham oil Monday, lieu of otlleera. All xnetnbere are te- address to the Presbyterian congre The ' council then adjourned 'till
1t T 'Willson hi Mirk-
k quested to be present. ;gation next Sabbath morning,
-geek. bubble, now that the Ontario elect. Hurry Beadle and tangly returned tc
ions are: over. We understand that their home in (Detroit after a short.
'rhe Sunday achaul ahtldren are there is likely be a contest visit with' friends here.
busy practicing for their Chriettnaas again this: year, sever having sign,. t On the 22nd of this month the
w�llteriainnient. They are putting on 'fled their intention o ' entering; the Presbyterians intend .having their
At cantata entitled, `The C°hrietxnas #lend ear am mtkt *t' honors, ' Sabbath school entertiinmeat -.and
Beret" Our tax ,collectors, Mr. P,obert Me- Christmas tree for. the Sunday school.
Iri..I,luritin' Trod Mrs, Ager"", afietet$ Allister, for West Wawvanosh, and Mr. Shaw and Mr.. N. Hill motored'
of Mrs. Errington, who were visiting lnlr. Cecil Treleaven for Astillehl n.-rnteriey of keepiosi up, the 0,141D4 ot. tho.ro. were accompanied itorne by Mrs.in Seeketoort text week. -„ Mr. Alex. Jardine, of Fargo, N„ D., tipective.townshipa. They report the Shaw, who had been visiting there.te one vieit to his relatives -bete tins money coming in very well, which is The Surtien school of the Unitedweek. Ile ie a nephew of Meads. IL A sign of the prosperity of the farm. ohurchei4tencis having its Christmaseturning
r. ora t eon rs shipping
ur - The municipalpot.'s beginning to
wheat frons Meneset Stanton- th%I I The former partof hist freak Mr
e «
lice, left opt Sunday to Viet with other to Detroit last Saturday, ,
fxiends before going to their ltoma>e hsxvtt�g,s �iu�5'-. tdin�o�tiaw�Freceiu�ing. the beginning sli this week, They
ing • he meeting thenpbeiinngeinf olds
to give the bylaw for. the ,Huron road
pavement its _first 'and second read -
Ings in time to have it publisbed it
this. -week's papers and voted on at,
the municipal elections. Two oche'
bylaws, were also, to be dealt with
When the' council met on Tuesde5•
evening ''Reeve MunningB and Coun-
cillor. Craiirie were absent.
Bylaw No. 71, a bylaw to ;►menet
the bylaw. for the Quebee'.streec sew•,
er wale 'passed, through all ate stage'
.and a 1'not1An was 'passed to subnnit,it
to the"►Railwvey and Municipal Boars?
for validations The sower as at lira
pasaed..wvaa to extend .from^i#_
•..� ,yV 44* a,,,. c „p wee .R+crf6 end' he The rectory, Dun' annon, was the "„" "•," month. - ton tQ-:r�sSCX streets at,AAt y,o kv■+At•,y�-
sees trimly tchangea, in that time. scene of a deli htfuf party- on Wed-_ preparing for it. . . • cd extended only to 'Wellesley street,
Alex. is a�veryt sueeessful bridge con- ne dayf evening, when, about thirty-. x' The Baarat Stun a •.sch ora l is max _..jsytaw• No. 72,, the byelaw amend'
treactar in North Inakota - dive members of Christ's s church., i�`erM 1. g P P ie ing the . restaurant . bylaw was' giver,
A: hog grsiding deronatratian 'un Albert,- gathered to do honor to their, Sunda school entertainment which is tu,a readipira.. Councillor I.c, -lehe�
•edea• the direction of"the Ontario De- popular rector, Rev. .K •Hayes, and. to be held tin the evening of the 21st ed. t • o ,enured rho: byfsw so cc' L rest
uartment of Ag>;ieultpre and the Core, Airs. Mayes. Christ:nes gifts, of all of. Decembor, eursarta •would be all4wved to .keen
Dobie, o British 'alum- until II tl.m. and
!borne Partners' CI'ub will be held at Cartel And 'ether �gd'ad:�°th#ngs to' fill the rile. Frank o e, � sacra ;nn� StsnQaYa
114tGaw Monday forenoon, - Dec. 13,1 Zander Were Preowned end a pleasant bia, is visitin his brother, WilliaM ' this• .:: taae , .¢eennded: , by Comaneillor
vi w so
°� a
t here h,
e > his' youth e .Led ' 'The A. it e nth rr ,
()Willed �rAder will be present to time.,wad, enjoyed by Life, genies beinsL a retied He spent y 8prvni sr¢t� ca
the or s to one andinn refreshmens Qrve .. •!
'haw haw work
i bed bayed d t. s d
ga degree spy questions 'egarding The fnentbeirs of St, Paul's clwrch
rads of ho
t Ilixn annois d, i t
,,�„�,,,,,� ,,.,,.,,w,�: K ran £hr s a church, I'ot''t
x- -- - s Albert, as well as the rest of this
to E. ilE eommnn1ty,: learn •with• touch regrs+t.of
R= t ee:intendad detaartire from their
midst of Rev. E...Renee, who hias.tiig•
c hilted hits intention of •,going to. Fee -
land. in Ma -elt-..het to assume aiini-
4,1ar duties p tor..,- Mr.. •IlaYea
anent three months this. fall intiEng-
ndfand,hearitg the. call: of;hl
a sat
;1wyteal more .strongly t odthat o
Canada, decded to
return thee'
nonthie hence. Duisgennon is sorry
to lose _him, as 'during his ,stay 'here
----.14.,..",tyle sae endgaired binteelf teem* e .end
ti s a tegardfe,o .:of creed, Mr. Hayes'
ORS*GE F%.o W4'$$ war l-ecmtiiitxe his duties here as sector
Wittt spring.•
,'kite,pleyr, '.'"t'he Path over the hill,"
whicdl was given in the parish • hall: on
riiday; evenin of last week,in the
intpl,+tst►ts , of thegWomen's -Institute
proved to he very popular and was
greatsby a . crowded house Much
favorable comment was hear,, on all
set thea- fwlfdaayroot,,_ jam, ,�sidea the characters . being_ aptly
c'lioaen and carry' nig ut he r'mistral
Ribbon Ana Metallic. •Trim»' parts in cath a manner as; to, bring
Ill- ilia*, itt soft colorings and, . los by Miss' Twamley, and duets by
Messes Margaret Ryan slid Erma
t frveriy blended materials._ Reach- niso byMisses Marie Egan
and Nancy Geed'. were played before
tett► ohm and between seta, and fir:
Leslie Schultz sang several aoloe in
• his "Harry 'Lemke stysle, much to
the delight of the audience, Those
ISS Mtc\ICA: who took part to the silttY were
repeated applause. Instrumental so-
went. Wed in. the beginning of .the
war,'•enitsted• alae went to yrsin se,
and was ,badly woundedr.,returnipg
home •before the ..end of the war.
5 .. • WESTFIELD ,.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Campbell tiers
oderich vis
itar on Friday Mat.
Miss Mary Ellie returned belle .onl,l;asr,:amp fLext. and got two readings
.Fir,' n ari Steethre • ' i' amend
d ' Turner; to
Court -right, g ' v'Coiurcitior Tu e.
Ainendid:,waa :then , passed, its ihirc'
reading, . Under- ir• $ests}uxontis , ,v,
Int required to. renieve eurtalns separ=.
sting eampartntenta: and the• clo ing
hour niw•Suedays •Will be. 11 pan. mu"
do, wr,'ek; rlays.12 p.111. instee• d of I
• pn',u days,. ns nudes' the old by
lawv, . ,
law ,No. 73;; the pavemnent;
• By
Saturday after s ending a, month sit G for:mac then moved sewn»
`: ev
' "ro ort
1 Morrie e
�Wai s ofth
'and Mee.�•' v � � a P,
' that Mr.the ea lsaws;':set t. P . 1n
spent a few days last. week with their able, by. iT ill►: I1ro erty corpses wool('
dauglliter, Mrs: Harry.Arrstrong. ' l e ,Ikeeee!emr o the tow's' half of
Mr. Wet, liaDovell send Mr., J. •.B. 'the. ra .ts0ad of r ner.cent.•.of the
the .Mrivnr rointina
lallfis were`Gpeiph *inter fair vlsltdti•s fetal fll�" ^i1f�[ . - .
a, few days laic week. •ant!that: 1iottim na: draited,waubt
Messrs. 1 mmeteaxi, D: C. and "hat• 'mien'th ethe,lsrelerix owners ivout
les Ited er' were London visitors last x' p!ayl' IS leer rent tet'• the town'
Tuesday • • • • •hare• of stye"h intereeitione. •he.. d•
Mr. and Mrs:'I•Iarry Ar'tilstrong and _'i"d snot r aclnuse tg' the effect: that,
were net
faintly were »'in>eham •vfisitorY last the -prim reenters •w+4i it t/
The Mhvor •exgreseed the :belle'
Friday, ` sem' nhrt cif the street interseettons.
Little• Kathleen Risley-, 'ef I:.ondes- `tl,wt tN�.++fma'ir: w" nut. of ordAr, bu*
bora, returned home last • iday after oitoo, 'd. it, to bo dieeeseari and toter,
spending car .week at. the eine of her 'on in sever to the rlsim of (oun•
cousins, her• and *Ps, . F Campy':t .
mss' cillo ie.thak-lie ]yad�.na �Zxct
--Mr, and Clea. Albert alih text+} Mr, ',structioltin,loot been slut in the way ed
and Mrs. Alva McDowv and Mr, Jim. he* tame. of,,melange dices trh. the
McDowell visited et due home of Mrs.- . Mavot',iynld nit tb. nroe' dine bar
las Ree Taylor, of Gaderich, .ole day 'Veer* iis:�r*,Maa,„tiiar, order. The (Miirina'
motion. ,T 'M the '.nnrtioa 'to 'end • as
*Mus it. Sowerby, teaeher of fi,.S;'gnmPfi 1st •11;o uroni.rty.oWnera iia;
iia. 6. is busy praeticiag the children carried ;)W the rem -'cell pea, nlsrty not
for the Christen's toncert to be held en ttiot hods the, work renis alone en'
in the school lett Dee. gist in the after. the engineer's. statement had beer
noon, `' era m The Mow read over some
fair dee '; In ,the , coutledl end that cite
7. 3"1
Ladies' Winter: Coate
- -Former Prices are ignored
-New Prices are at Cost and witty
garments below c+ st..a,�,T' y Must
Be Id
30 GARMENTS to choose from
Many of these were our: best. quality
Coats this son
.e also offer now
s,�: PRICE.
��tt l O
�"•I�t��''�'ALCIES;; SCAN BIG- SAVING �'.
of. the teles ,red' nutiiber, Thi A t t r
advert ri H ' f lost. ,.1
L .
l .
o t nee
e't n 11
r he fn
It 1 Le �
iron e a
riW nt r
�' f
he byleiae it,was be t sipt, �s�e conA
n e # nothing
der, est nillf Ole''exneeesed' hid' elegret
Could not 4.
$i u d
r con i
i ea nt
that t e #
Moate, one 1t�ir'*g' i b1�ihet e , tipoint
a n cettai =t► uen en. -
acto -.'til .t Z: �,
ce i.r
s:ea�,the csau�`ltcitlors themselves ebudc� ,
he held liable for the ,colt•„ of etic:
vrar. , . ,
:`:the. rouircll iheit adjourned for r.,
few, Jadeites and, the: public,- ubl : worts
gommittee, met :to: consider the goes=
tion of ',bylaw to. raise money' to buy
reek Brushing. nlaehinery>+ .and to re.
build,some -streets, but .tie: no figurer.
or<.details -of the work to ,be done..
were, available the committee reco�n
mended. that thisy.be laid over.tdit:•trext
The capita i then adjourned L t
li San v s
. 2te. s .g3 ewe to the asci ..a
th a perfect 'bale:nee
' en a and a b alts
ii ec a
iS 6 y
p l
t� T
of .powers. such as good Iseult/11014s
to the body.
Jt •i
Wien •7ier sic RYt Iatt y r .
ear• .yiur Battery is gradually.
l.sia . its ; ire! ►!ge. A, ft.
#art Itessr,
Lai�;�itelrlr 7i!kit't+t',
�ireszi twttat)t rte*� �N
Apo' Cos Cars if'tinsw
(.r, tsMlMtJ: it ►a let lse>,j t
wa�itisr Or
p.fit tvfittar s ratirt 4
''ia wt
, sot Ott te>t 'litatt+wrlr. ;
It asre'paysipi•: e.,ett the sa f e
The An ea ilfarY and l±dna Park, COLBORNE of the.gotmte nr the total stases.
Kinn 'std it Street manta eat Property tot�. t ven, Charles -.Alton, and Nelson Cut. The B. C. Club .held their monthly If these
beet. The proceeds *mounted to 470. - meeting at the home- of Mi: ' Cecil again: ti
aero- renver cam,
M'a'y - tnderwsdla, E. F. Mentos Dor.
i)ar- ': x • owners. • $9.01
°thy Alien and Iia Brown, and Mes, Mr. F. Phfrintmer is unloading a $9.02. etit.e and in some cases iritic:
ars, 1 eslie 'Schultz, Harvey Trelea* car of corn at McGaw this week. • • lees them that. -to 1* paid in ten .vaa.i s
were- to be cut In tele
anhttrri essessanents in tress
uld figure .to only a fess
e Mayor . also enlisted out
thine of a precedent Wroill(
• Baxter on Tueedey evening of this eases.
' • week. All report a good time. that �• a._
('too late ier last week) be creeteli Montreal -street rxatdentr
rs Rubbers Rubbers
our New Stock of MINER BRAND
Rubbers has arrived
ay are Pressor* Cara -They ore the Best
Our Stock is Complete in
New Fall- Footwear
IN err --- . IN QUALITY
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Janna era vas• =tot
of a pavement, Thr
iting friends at Kincardine this 'week. arnounts.to be paid by the propert:
Silo pilling was ftniahed uu Nov. owners nil the b per cent. basis were
" that he conrdered.the team
be making a mistake to re.
Mr. an Mrs. ea er esigan, o d he believed the people ars
Detroit, are visiting at Mr. James a ''shale ere satisfied.
l+eagan's this week. ''ohne or Turner'saM that the pee-
Mr. Ben�sori cox, of.I)undaa, coiled nne boy %rebut street paid node
on friends in this burg one day this tttttt and e. residents on Vittoria at
'reek, and Zet ria road Clic not had to pay.
*myth% for Thee* roads. He did shit
The ]•arnterr' Club shipped a cat
thiels dor Bailie bad had a fait
of holes from Mct;a'v 1ilonday. blr. rhos, i1
Timed did not add tr
of the property abutting
he did nothint,
rship saaLld t
any doubt the pevemept
29. There is about a week's thresh. ' 1. sw
rag left, duce it.
M d M chest F f
N. Pearson shipped a or Wednesday .the vitt
i and
their sore Wria t him.,Moore on it.
ing had their born burned. last Sat- t there
order .morning. .. was of
1 - Mrs. Ches. Robertson entertained a need ,AA
few of her relatives on Monday even•
ing in honor of her cousin, Me. Alex. fully t
Jordan. of Fargo, 14. Dakota, whom nil iia ti
-1 she had not seen for about twenty merit w
five years. I a!oune
lf as
Hera Shoe Store 'fhe canvassers sa in far dere side of hos- orad a
' Mud tickets in tladrrieh tawsi»hlpr� On a
have saki the following; 9 $5 tickets, lar Bei'
I '7 E' 4 3, W ' fl 4 23 $* tickets and 36 60 scent auxitialy Lae va.
meanbersblu tkkets. *kkh; with $6.70 foaarths
1 , ,,,,,eeeer .1- front mitts boxieand deflations, notices wi to c
a total of $117.20. t who r
III f ul 1 111 111 111 11 I 1111
And MAKE 17' Ali 1MPPYRISriims
W1714 A O' ROM
Carnations. nr odes Get -flowers, a choke Cyclamen, Fern or
Iliedd Basket. We.hove a :Cotes tat of Cyclamen, Ferns,
Baskets and outer Mattis lee choose fr, small Pepe for
TPiece, a new Flower Felder, Ch Vows. Flower
owls. etc., Pottery, Jas italeres, 'ele..Ciaria mss l'secnratiuns,
Memorial Wreaths, ei*c. „ t . .
War s' assig tete ar.1
EO a :%�s ART
� cit
GosiJ Mtuitts••eatt link seettred:at.
' E -.DDR i FAR
baa -wean RoaaLrt;tPiew,inctat-11:gg4
waay) at , Tay (.'.tine ,1.. , x,
miles trent Go/feria. •
Alt Clatters: of .Horsey (Meavy .ami
...light) fol .Sale. ° ••
One mat -heti team of diriring
horses, 7 years std. for r
Suitable .for s.dattar. • ,
Tet. r.1C '
Looks Fine"
"But 'didn't know yon were go.
lug- to. buy a newOvercoat this '..
Itl:s not new, dear -.+just the one
front last year that 1 had 'dry
Cleaned and pressed." •
And we can do the same to yotir
clothes ----restore them to that ab-
solute "newness" for a fraction
of the cost of new clothes.
tine property it pea- 1
ot4 lrietoria at. stet °Cane 1 pp ealiy� hantoltke and pleasing.. And
the property owners pale i ismIICm Ft Mang Won the price so reasonable, too.
times as much for rose'
rNsalt ani *owliter>fita
residents along the pare:_
1•. ehsrged. M •'VR - -.. l -AN
anf+l! 17W
SOP E R't C'
nothing looks/finer or le more tom.
Portable and inviting than overstuffed
furniture such as we are ober offering'
the upholstery ,rich and s gestive of
restfd1 repose, the woodsbeautifut la
their smooth finish, the whoa so typi-
ter Lee also expressed him. tihaiinr tart Streit Fe:Altars Buwsral DIreeter
oetsidering that 6 per cent 1 - Hasalltes Street
low enough to charge the
owners; In fact he had fav
�!►ew` ppo do
bei° taken on fiouneit-
'a motion, only Councillor
axsinat it, brt tic three• t
the entire council arc need. .
such a bylaw, the flv t
the motion were tore
8 Till
336joors Till
20,160 dile Till Yoe
',moot sionsitt
inn be
Willie you mil. toils *hot owe
part of the tilt* hs* r b .
• Y '�
Up Year
- reed tiaassisa4th 4
cetera amid vet
rr• M •
Como in anal nili,m�,7- anoint
oar $6 11010 h tflies aif t�' ett s
�ased CENTRES -
alas dealt!' *taxi attract.
Vita `
ivy iittio oafs tumorous -
! wwhrlstioa.
-lett the 4.. tel Eli
is is
AR Olfrrisaught bass will 1st
- peeked free of eons lase
isaa_lilsig r_ r,aletwf«a
Ct..i'eF.i► srwl* u wiNotrtts y
"Get :our nasi rye .K? .lilg,prieo°;lfi►t
aiioshowing#relfreightiraicl cod, os of
-. stone •' wwiindowwlr, rend-. glazier!,
any yssIl •'.711 T) 1.1110 yl111,4K,* O
PAA'lt' i91rri . - .,
iiamiltoan•Ontario, .tiF,; r 4 `
IIS -Smart. Chic Styles
Mite 5JDE.SQOAltE. •
-The :New -Quebec -
'1 buy u;C yam j'a'de'
our Price*. i x
v.rvtiirng for Me
yy home.
Oa illi Brastwayc Let seashell
Matin Life
gene Company
of ►da,
. iaaurssietats
IlItan OFFICE c Wat aloe, ONx.
D. D. NOONEY, Age*t
BAax' RP. : ; Gontritalr, Oso.
novo 1,
''"hat to Give dor Christmas
Our windows are filled with pacts suitable for,
presernts for folk of all . presents they will
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