The Goderich Star, 1926-12-02, Page 7Sorsintim
Wilk Pal***
itiattus Blunt
Mrs. C. Caring, Bess& Dee*
Bonet. Atte., w
"gloat three years age 1 bad a wee -
wens beeekdown followed by Mors
palpitatien and sh•rtmeas of breath.
3 weld net stand the lout hit ef
easiteasesit or hurry in dieing my work,
liad to be quiet is everything 1
"At last I decided to talie
sold after taking one box I was elecp.
keg -better et night, *id also having
Wm difficulty in breathing. I cos:
*nee with the remedy .until I had
en eight boxes. I was putting oa
Rosh, elitist and enjoying my meek
better, while my 'heart bothereirrae
vary 1ittI, in feet,. hardly ever.,"
lifilburn's Heart and Nerve Piffa
regulate and stimulate the heart and
atrengthen andrestore the whole ner-
vous system.
Miltiurn/e Hoed and :Nerve Pine
are 50e. a box at all druggists and
• destere, er mailed direct on receipt of
gritei, 1,y The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
Halo and Iforsativerg
flack Stables, Etc,
• ?dont real Seteest
just of the square
'Bootees Meet all Trains and
Passenger Boats
Paosengere called for In any
start ot the town. tor amt
Irani* r.R.or C. P. R
, • pepote
irrettipt Service.and
Careful Attends rice.
r Uvery and tied. service
ll be tound,
In every respect.e
• ree se so
Your ioteonage
iiiic;rie- Id, i1oV1i4Orttieet
. •
That delicious
flavdr of fresh
mint gives anew
thrill to evety,bite.
VVrigley's is. good
dAndgood far you.
fterno on
*Ma TON. Gedoire. One.
IMialnesigateigeolion montrate
I&k= Rs, seek t esste weak atimed doeliarea limeasitise whole, ad
"sea sdi
fn Hebei; eases of Tlig toe* ;
As Thou haat set lot nor seek ..110041.01 Whet the seistassee
k ea the joist ponlakeisent
0 teach sat that I may tooth sitlarede. Bie /thew _the bele
Thy e ehlWasesi lost susd lone.
The precious things Thou slog it. r3tY at fatolelY mad
theta s:t.7,te
pert ;
And wing my words, that they nusy did wit ealuldaht that kkellsolohlweel
was irtsait4w than he eceld bear. lost
The hiddea depths of *any a bout isavtifill *WNW be said, "It la the
-F. R: Havergal. Lord;
bins du what seemerth jam
good." The Lord As righteons in PAT IkEt his wos, and helyin all kis works
We would thank 'Thee for the thoustherefore hi* will his done.
ands of homes in this and other lands Seinuel faithfully delivered flu
wherein the children have been given Ant ntesure God hitisested him witi
to God and front which come the men .
ana wag frrtlier used of God so Vial
and the women who lift the world up , brawl knew he was *stab.
toward God. Amen.
(selected." Milord to be a prophet of the Lord
Every child is called of God to soini
S. S. LESSON FOR DV:. 12th, 1'2C needed vrctrk. Doing what he Rees in
Lemon 'Iltk-The Boy Seinuel. ought to do willingly will lead tosuc-
eess this life, and in the life tr
Lesson Passagse-1 Samuel 3:1.10, come.
Gelden Text -s-1 Samuel 3:9.' WORLD MISSIONS
The religious lite of •the caildren of "How do you *canna' for Menley
Duvet at vie tune of todara lesion' going as a ,missionary?" stoked one
was at a low eho. inc Prlestas rtoli- graduate of another, both represent.
nut and kinnehas, were °perils? mg a great Eastern university, "1
and trieir tattier, tei, very oio, ano had picked him out far a great eareei
elinougat tie proiesi.eti against tneo. in law or medicine or polities. He
cenduct, and entreated them to changt was the most intellectual and bril.
titeir iyaye tiny nears not unto /heat man in our class. Now it's
1tIn. been year* since have heard front
sue children of Israel, on entering him. Poor fellow: A great career
the meteor sansian, itet Op the tent et lost 1" This was said at a class re.
meeting a; fliioft. Une uay two pee- union. The speaker was the wealthy.
pie, iianan anti his wite, Bannon head of great corporation, who has
- went up from trieir home in itantali spent his whole time since graduation
ssi.orfer sacrifice. tlannan was pout- in making 'money. The other gee-
ing out her heart's 'desire ri aderit duate was a distinguiabed journalist.
'stayer and hal, 'noting her manner; The- journalist took a letter out of
reproved her for being drunken. In his pocket and said thoughtfully, 1
the conversation wnich followed he have a letter here from Manley. He
learned Mtterently ono, lto said, "tio wants to be remembered to the class.
in peace, and the God ot Israel grant and he hicloses a little eirculso telling
toee thy petition that thou mist asked about his work. It includes the big -
nini. Lt was for a eon she pray- gest hospital for Moistest vases in all
ed and when ne was mien see. mimeo China; a preaching circle of 'fourteen
bamses meaning tunteu ut 133C stations and out -stations; a publish.
tansf. Wnen Samuel. was mu :moue: ing horse that ranks first in the
Van lirsadford Arto-Leck Blotto. Neithexga1, nda,
sari nor free c** budge them and they last for yeas.
The how psis. sad small laying cost make theas the meet
esessodeal roof of exceptional valve, t an lay them am the
eldasel*I. •se
uo wituout. eis mowers sonatain. East; a boys' training -school that re.
• sate the Parditta toOk 1144:1 OftlkOhliquires an outlay of $25.000 a year.
t • t e in a eabringial ones- with an attendance of five thousand
rithdentsf he has twenty-seven assist.
lint workers in various departments
He- is a close adviser to the governor:
of the province and a great power in
diplomatic circles. Of course his eir.
cuter does riot say that, but I twee
it from some missionaries cor
with my own church." TIV other
Man was silent; then he said,
arise , to °Manley. r did not know
what a great career a modern mis-
sionary has. By the side of it nnn
willing to say my own is very small
I. envy him his great career." -Prow
Sabbath Beading. .
Attila nett; n
mg, snowing tae need or ins cleansing-,
_awn sm eiten tnolign *o young, uecte
eatedrasainuel- to tne bore. woman
though aitout to leave nee, young son
oehnid in tae care or Mt, sang 31.Stalg
ot prase and tliiiiiitsgiving to (on -
borne commentators think Samuel
Iwas only three /ears, ot age, others.
say six" when the eten over to be
trained by Eit# At last hi$ tasks
would be tight, such as ligating the
lamps of the_ tabernacle and running
errands foe Eli kturwhiie thus en-
gaged he avoidd observe the pep*
warsAipping in sacrifices an ofteringa
and ha would instruct him in the
meaning of these and he; too, would
begot to study the books of the Law
fhu lie Wes being trained for tho
office, Of a prophet. When about)
twe)ve years.h14 supposed:ht. 'one night, heard..a voice
'Winking Eli needed some attention
he hurriedly rose and went to him and
said, "Here ,arri I; for thou calledat
me." Eli said he hadn't and sent hini
back to lie, down: Three times the
call came and taelOiree he went. to
Eli and was sent away, but with the
instruction tlie last time to answer if
called again; not by comineta lam
but by saying, "Speak Lord, for toy
servant beareth."Eli realized it was
the voice of121ad. calling, but it was a
child instead of himself, the old
priest, who was being called- to re-
ceive the message.. God spake the
fourth time and slot only so but there
was some visible appearance, a vision
stood before him and a voice caned
twice, "Samuel, Samuel." Then as
instructedby Eli he anstiered.
"Speak; for thy servant hearetli.."
Samuel "trotted in obedience first by
his parents and later by Elit was
ready to hear and obey the voice of
God even though the message he, wae
given to carry was a hard one to take
to the old man who was his teacher
and friend. Samuel lay Mita the
morning thinking ovc the ineesagc
he had to deliver but when called, he
promptly answered is before, "Here
am At once Eli inquired' what i'
was. the Lord -hid said to him. It
Was the same which the roan of G�1
had brought to him as. recorded .1,n,
the second chaptee Eli not only in.
quired of Samuel what he had heart
but pleaded with him to keep nothing
back. He went further,for he ad-
jured him, saying, "Grd do a° tc
thee, arid More also. if thou hide any-
thing from me." 'Samuel feared te
show Eli the vision. for tondeinned
his wrong -doing. Eli knew of the
Father and Son
• Fight Side by Side
Itor is a hatiesoine lad of .f.fto.A
rho Is very proud of A new Met Of h
KI•44'gitri ronle lareektfir 1:181tSt:stiiitil'onNhis
radio. The right in by his
cot, where he rests most of the time.
You See. ROY' is in the Muskoka Nod -
law for Consumptives and ls by no
m'eatuta usen lis he look, aithough
he Maya he. Ir gettigg along fine. Ho
can visit his Dad, --100. which is *n-
ether source of corrxfort to him.
Dad is in the 159.111e inatIttittoti, also
making the never ceasing struggle
against the tell ',disease. So often
"T. 11.." grind =core than one in a
family: Both are really making good
progress however -the complete rest,
the disapline and the care .of kindly
nursea and doctors are having their
usual good effect in this efficient
iat1tt, ion.
lig3sPaa"clintal le urgently hd4ts. What can you spat°tohelot
Contribution,. may be sent to Hon,
lion, Preridenk -222- College
Street, Toronto 2, Ontario, • AA
Have You Seen the Canadian
Artists' Series at The Star ?
-Also Other Artistic Lines.
• '
Niter before has The Gode.
.rich Star had gs fine a selection
of personal greeting cards for
the holiday season and we invite'
you to come and see our lines.
.The Canddian Artists' Series
.bre a really delightful line and
this year they possess in even
treater degree than ewes} the
freshness and charm, the wide
variety of design and rotor. so
Characteristic ef Canadian art.
While. the 'wide assortment of
exclusive paperio used greatly
iniquity of log sone and he restrained
them tot and now the word had comei
Cook by Market),
Wash by Medi:city
• trots by. Electricity
than coal or wood
n Electric Vacuum Cleaner
removes the dust; a. broom just
moves the dust. . •
. We guarantee all Hydro Lamps
for 1500 hours. -
Walk in and see display at
The Hydro Store 1,
pit TadiuMat sued Cididres.
be Ilibro FierOever301forrie
Mew bears
Apemen of
from God that his home must be rut
off and the priesthood pass into th, I
bends of "a faithful nrlest that shalt
do that which is in mine heart, and in
my Weld "
Samuel told Eli 7everything,
ering it! just as he had reeeivetrit
Mother of Elevest Children
lances the • attractiveness of
these cards, it also limits •the
• editions. Printed with • *sour
• name and addreesif you wish it.
We oleo have the "Art" and
• "Star" lines, which we have
handled for years but this year '$
gamples *re by htr the shoheist
• that have ever 11.4411 nenvoil in
these lines. Printed With, your '
• own mime and address.
.• Os- If vett eeeferer-siliiin card
tie frilder. with neat ehrietmas
deeign, and some Christmaa
• message* nett* printed thereon.
we reit "tee emit eemethisee ee.
• eeedinele neat and attractive.
A. • 'number of orders have al.
Praises Lydia E. Pinkham's reedy been Ana WO 4fiVit(t
res early inspection of out earn.
Vegetable Compound pies.
Her Interesting Experience I
Buckingham, Quebec am the
mother of eleven living children,
and my baby is
Ave months old.
I eini only 38 years.
and I have
ken Lydia E.
kluitit's Vege-
table Compound
for weakness and
my norees. I know
rf It front my
sister, Dense Rd.
f Ramasirellta.
or lire yeane
was in m was always ready
tocry. New ens so happy to hare
riegribell.411% t101111111recorni4"4"tedt244iwhwd
° is
young IM611. -Dame Vitt.etritt PAX-
Sicrilies 414, Fhtekiagliatte Cembee.
Why softer fee years with b.dt-
j and ether ailment*
150eisebbai to women from early life to
tiolS%szt, when Lydia LV Onispousid wiff give you
in a meat toiletry -wide eativaos
of . / of Lydia Its. Piriklient's
Vftsiesibisi Gempoonel, over MA*
reVies wore reeeived. Iasi in out ef
*very 14t0 reported they were home.
tilted try Its IOC
. : AllT110.12 NO. 2
la a Pretpdbar hedidche to alip web' 1* Chicago is still a mye-
litis* made to * plaiyetto.CMr4gu hold.' tear, nut skip it doea and that mown
gag thii.00n 'ex a a .and .. Ante- tem* tiro root of es veil have to keep
Milt wee muse i4 seek, 4 hand ou height* 'tepid Jamie fee 11141,11).
monde be hew wx1 ce in erre leers Wove another player gets evens
himpixed and Arty .
. The tot chase* of heeding toirteion of 11I *Mit
trif of averages, however, Soma tc , again. The indolent le not only note.
have slipped somewhere for. anotteti , wirinhy because ef the unique holdhur
such trend -thirteen tilosoneele, Ws! but *Ise because of the feet that the
tire/ -Wee held in Chicago, Jody IV i hohler of the thirteen diamonds did
11125, and is authenticated Ity *MO. not win the final declaration. Here
vit. Why the law of averagea seems are the hands of all four players:
Hearts -E,9,5,4,2
Clubs -4,10,9.5,2
Diamonds -none .
Spades -9,6,2
• 1fearts-4101,3
t Y :• Clube-1C,4
: A B : Diamonds -none
; Z : SPades-A,K,Q,J,8,7,5,3
(dealer) 4 •
Hearte-rione •-from Irlatra, 1,1 r 1
Clubs -none 4 --
Diamonds -A, Ael,10,9,8,7.6,3,4,3,2 '
Hearts A.10,8.7,0
Diamonds -none
Spades -10
The dealer, Mt. John Donahoe, bid. is whether or not Mr. Donahoe's bki
one dinmond. A 13...d one teart. Y.Pan- of one diamond was the correct bid
sed and B bid one spade. F1'0111 then It was either a case of one diamond
on B and Z bid up the handituntil Z or seven diamonds. If he had bid
b:d seven diamonds and 11 overbid seven diamonds, A would undoebtedij
with seven spades, even though his have doubled and it ia very question.
partner, A, had doubled both the six able whether 13 would have bid Bevel
and seven •diamond hid. Z opened spades. If you want to start an ar.
the king of diamonds and if 11 had gument, ask Your friends howthey
trumped in A's hand with the ten of would have bid the hand. It is a
spades, discarding the tiey' of hearts close question but the writer is Win -
from • his own hand, he couldhave ed to a bid of one diamond. It con:
made a grand stem. He was so ex- cents -the strength and if forced to a
sited; 'however, over the bidding, that my high bid is more apt to force a
he discarded a heart from A's hand double. A bid of seven with such a
standtrumped in his own hand. As a hand' gives too mesh information. P
result he lost his contract by one indicates to the opponents that the
trick. It reelly is II most, untistialbidder has an invincible hand and
hand and for all auction players to practically advertises; "Don't -double
remember. It is authenticated by! for I can make my bid or if you want
'affidavit, so that there is no doubt as1 to seve game, overbid .and take
to its actual oceurrenee: Another insinenalty.". Think it aver and discus.
tereating point .in .connection .with Stilt ,with your friend% ,
'- 'Answer to Problem No. 1
Hearts -Q: 5, 4, 3, 2,
CIubs-A, K. h
Diamonds -A, X,. 0
*!padei-10, 9
•• ; . Y •: Hearts -E,10
Hearts -A.41.9,8,7 : A • B : • Clubs -,I,10,9,4
Clubs -Q,3,2 : . Dianioeds-Q,J,9,8
Diamonds -10,4,3. . Spades -.7,4,3
•,pades-Q,J i ' Ilearts-0
' * Clubs -7, 6, 5 " •
Diamonds -7. 5, 2 •
Spades -A, K, 8, 6, 5, 2 „
No score, first game. Z dealt and bid • •
eine spade.- eit. passed; Y bid one no.
trump; 13 passed and Z bid two spades
All passed and A opened the ace of
hearts. .He then played the queen of
riptides. How can Z so play the hand
that he can win the balance of the
tricks against any defense? Z should
win the. trick with the king of spader
and lead the deuce of diamonds, win-
ning the trick in Y's hand with the
king. He should then lead the tree
of hearts front Y's hand and trump
ith the.deuce of spudes in his own
nd. He should lead the ace and
eight of spades. On the sixth trick
A cannot discard a heart, . for if he
does, Z can set up Y's heart suit. A
is forced, therefore. to discard either
a diamond or a club. It makes •no
difference which he does for Y most
discard the mile suit that . A dike
Sunpose that A discards the deuce of
ebbs at trick six. Y should discard
the eight of clubs- and :13 follow suit.
Z should now lead tha. five of clubs
Ease your tight, aching chest. Stop
the vein. Break up the cettgestioo.
Peel a had cold loom up m jot a
shod time. i
"Red Pepper Rub* is the cold rem*
edy that brings ***keit relief. It eau.
not hurt you and it certain* seems to
end the :htoes. end drive the con. ,
videok,a soreness right out.
Nothing has such concentrated, penes
toning heat as red peppers, and whets
heat penetrates right down into cokh,
cooltettloo, aching 'MlikitS *Mt *OM
stiff joints relief comes at once.
The moment you apply Red Pepper
Ruh you feel the tingling heat. In three
minutes the congested spot is warmed
threpsh and through. When yet are
auffermg from a cold, theumatistit,
backache, sti* 'neck or sore toughs,
jut get a jar of Rowles Red Pepper
Ruh. made from mrd peppers, at any
drug store. Yon will have the evick-
' est relief known. Always say,"Rowits.*
the suit I .
' A dse
' arded winning the
..Sricksin s Wind with the king of
thibs. Y should now lea the ace of
clubs and follow with the queen of
hearts. 8 should discard the' bine of
diamonds, and Z the five of diamonds.
Y should then lead the four of hearts.
Id di el the ten of clubs end
Z should trump with the five of
spades. A cannot discard a heart for -
if he does, Y will discard a diamond
and bis heart is good. A muet, there- -
ds • Ca vin Cutt s Specals t.
tlrantftrdiloonneolibaftii Stamford, Ontario
Stock Carried, Information Furnished and Service% i
on Brantford Roofing rendered by Goderich
W. M. McLean,
and Easy to Give 1 CANACIIN NATIONAL Ilii.
Eabea Oen Tiihkt; Are Effective
. .You do not have to coax and tereate-
iTRAIESERH,rVxclespEthl isn..v
en to get the little ones to take Baby's • Lys. Godelitth
Own Tablets. The ease with whist', . II ' 0.00 a in. • 2.'20 ti.ea.
they aro given, as . comesred. with ' e i
Minton ti iN) a.m. 2.52 p:iii.
Imigoitiihdoi..nedNicoliniriswsilil)ilalperieiodr tv.o.ttestta(trds; .. _ tsileiat:Iiiretilii 76141.. 4;1,1111:: :31:3 iii,atnt..:
you know justhow big a dose has Arr. stimfoid 7.30 0,14. 4.10 11,111.
reached the little stonmeh.• As a rem-
edy for the ills of childhood arising ,i, (41Te,111ohlier .88:2,105 tit1-111111'. '551°0 1111:11..
from derangement of the stonmelt hilL•_.,. C 1) •
bowels they are Mat :shtisfartorN.. •Tot -onto 10.10 a m. 7.30 pan.
Ws, Rose... Veyer, Willimanti: Retui nine -Leave Toronto 035 a.m.,
Conn., says: -."I - rsed Baby's Own, .. Ivo a 05 11.m.
Tablets in the Canadian Northwest .
and found thein a wonderful mediettic Parlor Cafe '.ear, lioderich to Tar.
onto, on morning •train, and Toronto
for childree's troubles, especially. in. to Goderich 0.05 p..m. train.
'digestion- and Constipation. I have .
also 'given them to my ebildren for . .
Through coach Goderich to Toronto,
simple fever and the restlessness u' -F., P. LAVRA'.4:08 & SONS
• companying teething' and they always Town Paiiienger and Ticketa Agent'
gave relief. I can recommend Baby'r , • 1 Phone 8
Own Tablets tonll mothers."
medicine dealers or by mail at 25 ADVRETISE IN THE STAR
Baby's Own Tablets are sold _
-cents a box front The Dr. Williams"- •'
1VIedicine Co•s Broekiille, Ont.
---- - ONO WO ili Mu millillite -
"Can you sleep all night?". asks in NB
. ! II ill.
Soe night when we get time lal_ .
we intend to try it just to see if we II
can. .
Only the uninformed endurc the 1 . a er s
agony of come. The knowing -ones... ru
apply Holloway's' Corn Rollover and
- get relief.
dkittitroim"'lltnew reialertile .nih
- Or h'srAdictafadliver4"4".1111111
. tress to the living room,
hot need a license is the sewing eh-
One broadcasting station that does N and !BRONCHITIS
fore. discard the • four of diamon
Y should discord a heart and 13131 now
againstt the diseard. If he dis-
ensile the jack of diamonds. both ol
Y's diamonds are good. If he dis-
cerrls• the jack of clubs, Z's ,seven of
clubs is • good. In either event
therefore. Y -Z must Nein the balance
of the trieks. As an interesting var-
• iation, have A discard the trey of dia.
monds at trick six instead of tilt
deuce of clubs. It is a clever little
nrobleM and should be carefully ana-
lyzed. •
GIFT to surra TASTES
— RAD' 10.
FOR moTHER,dad,sis or, brother ... a gift for the
entire family.
• Radio is an ideal gift, for it combines pleasure
with learning. There's *wealth of good entertain.
meat in the air that is yours at the turn of a dial.
Dont miss the fun. Drop in and tune in...
select g radio and well install it so that you hear
the chimes an Christmas morn.
Try An Atwater Kent
• Telepisone 174 W for Radio Satisfaction.
Britannia Read
Aeordieg to Johnny
ido you make that out! How have
• pins mated many lives?"
Johnny's composition on "piris'i 4, :*BY not wallowing them,'" maid
contained the following rernerhable I dnnnnY•
stlittratiit ; _ ........
1 "Pitts have Raved many peopled 't/' CIA*2101C.C11311Mtt".'"
lives:" Is esti* la Ole rot Mom all Yon
"Why, Johnny," said the teut'ses Ites..4..
after rending the tompeisitien; " hew ,A
• Ow rIa
Milk white Topicak, 2 lbs. for. . 23c
Jelly Powder, 4 packages for . . • . 25c
Jelly Powder, 3 packages and spoon for. .... . . 25c
Rex Coffee, reg. 65c, for. ..... . •60c
Lima Beans, 2. lbs. for. ... , — . ...
Easifirst, 10 ib. pail for... . . . .91.79
Easifirst, 1 lb. package for.... ....... .18c
Seedless Raisins, 2 lb: for. . • • • • 29c
Seeded Raisins, per 15 -oz. package,. 13c
• L o P1 b
Broker., Walnuts, per lb... . ...... . . —490
Valencia Raisins, (old), per lb... . • .. . . . .. .10c
Home-made Mitts, per pair • . . . 70c
Flannelette, stripes, 34 in. and 36 in., per yard 20c
•• .'PHONE 116
• We have been appointed authorized dealers Mr
Currie in and lunch to the musk of the radio.• .
• A full stock of choice family Groceries always on hind.
° Help the boys in our "Popularity Contest"
. tItttttI,t,
Banking by Mail
• The security afforded by the Province of Ontario Savings
• Office, together with the facilities extended by, every Post
Office in Canada and other countries, make it possible for
everyone to deposit their savings in this Bank. interest is i
allowed, compounded half.yearly, with' full thecking privileges.
The confidence the rural communities have shown in this
Bank, is indicated by the large increase in doposits, which are
now over $2 l,000,000.
• All deposits are guaranteed by the government of the
Province of Ontario.
Remittances Walla be made by Post Office'money order,
express order or registeredsletter, and should be addressed to
your nearest Branch, where they, will receive prompt attention.
Province of Ontario Savings Office
Head Offsee 18 Q*114ell Park, Toronto
'inn:onto Branch Nikes
Car. nay and Adelaide Sts. • Om. University and pandas St*.
515 Danforth Airtime
. ; Other Drenthe" at
Hamilton, St. Catharines, St. Marys Pembroke,
Walkerten Newmarket and Aylmer.
Itrantferd, Weedsteek, Owen Sound, Ott***
• -I