HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-12-02, Page 6• •11S
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•11110•• ••••
111 • 1 N.M.,
1111011•1 I I .1
The Greatest Mystery Story Ever Written
et -e •
)1, r ,A•
ore ate, well -bars Ltd iiientagegle. to
whom Lady UraPaloait father 1st L
tb. eviaiwkiet was iaohs
tWtetaaiiiVvirs,efoliOZhd fatdaastrt.i-
_ ly and hopelessly in love.
Towaid the young rase, Petrick
, River* lutd entertained a sentiment ef •
affection, compounded more of pky.
than of love.
Under parental rreiteure, **settee^
• by treining and ttomparative povertye
Persieleat ailti;ZIsoh his,d to
sprint* trookete You am then acer
with Ceseemdllea, as
tends te
gross roue. mei Newt with math a aum, it
a* he compenion of her youth, with
whom she Nei worlied altd PleYed aed
gssettee irmapereietent
ecntities, in *Witten
to AMMO* Wier hoeing chasm* which
si mot,* mid heel the hieeted teeetbrante
and stop the terketion and intimentetioli,
while the armee* goes cm to the stomach,
Ies severbtraeusibro, the bleed, attaticitthe sent
• I germ.
Creanehion k guerenteed satiefectory
; in the treatment of persistent muelut and
cokbe bronchial asthma, bromine* and
emellent for bt tip the meeein after
other forms of stocyclisetwee, and ia
colds or flu. Money reftm if any
cough or oold is not relieved after taking
iteconlingto clirectiapes Ask got= drummt.
' • Creamuleton Ca, Limited, Toronto, Ont.
- • niece of Aunt Patricia, named Isobel
Rivers, also spent a good deal of their
eleldhood at Brandon Abbas, kobel
better, thmk, Imported as a play-
tnate and vompanion for Claudia
when we were at school. She preyed
AA excellent pleymate and compamon
for us oleo, and, at an early de*,
earned and edorneo-the honorary de-
- tree and honorable title of, Faithful
' A frequent viaitor, Augustua Bran-
donenephew of Sir Hector Brandon,
often came during our holidityae in
spite of the discouragement of the
Permanent name of Ghastly Gustus
and our united and undisguised dis-
One could not love Augustus; he
was far too like Uncle Hector for one
1 I, :1
That evening, George Lawrenee, and rented the temente, "Why mats
told Lady Breesion all thet Mayor de not she coned* sit rem, anal at least
• Beaujolaie had told hint, *tiding his say whether the sapphire hes been
un ideas, suggestions, and theor. Whin or not?"
les. But whereas the soldier bed Agam and again he silenced It with
been eonterned with the inexplicable the loyal repin For Imo* excellent
events of the day, Lawrence was con- reason. . • . Whatever she does is
tolled with the inexplkabte pester right."
and the emote by which it had mech. After breakfast next day, Lady
ed the hend of * dead man, on the Brendon took hint for long drive
roof of a -desert outpost in the Sas That The subetet which now °bemused
hara. hint (es It had, in a different way
Throughout Ms telling of the tale, and for a different remote °bowed
Lady Brandon maintained an "tarok. the Beaujolide) was alse occupying her
en silence, but her eye* scareely left mind, was chintonsttated by the feet
his face. that, from time to time, and a propos
At the end she asked e few guess of melting in pertkuler, she would
tions, but offered no opinion, pros euddenly ask him some fresh question
bearing on the secret of the tragedy
"Well talk about it after dir.ner, of Zinderneuf.
George," she mid. How he restrained himself from
And after poignantly delightful staying, "Where is Michael? Mess
dinner a deux-mit being explitined anything happened? Is the 'Blue
that the Reverend Maurice efoillot Water' stolen? be did not know. A
was dining bt his room tonight, owing hundred times, one or the other of
to * headache—George Lowreme them questions had leapt from his
found that the talking was again to brain to the tip of his iengue, since
be done by him. All that Lady Bran -I the moment when, at their emit inter.
don contributed to the tonveraatien view, he had WM that she wished.to
was questione. Again she offered no make no communication or statement
opinion, propounded no theory. . whatever.
Nor, -4$ inwretwe reluctantly AA.' As the carriage turned in at the
witted to himself, whet he lay awake Imre gates on their return, he laid
in bee that eight, did she once admit!, his bend on her* and said ;.
noreven 1 thatthe "BI W My dear—I think everything has
ea" had been stolert. His scrupulouse now been said, except one thing—
care to *void queetioning her on the your instructions to me, All I want
+subject of the whereabouts of the now is to s be told exactly what you
aapphire and of her nephew, Micliael t t d •"
Gest*, made tble Nosy for her, and the "I will tell you that, George, when
had availed hermit of it to the full,' VOU go, . And thank You, mY
The elightiSt Painful realiaatieth that. dear," replied Lady Brandon,
she 'new knew that he did where" So be possessed his soul in patience
as he knew nothing from her, eel" until the hour struck,
not be denied.
'Come and re*t on this chest a
pounded no theory.
• ambition had triumphed over a m
tion, and the girl, after some refuse
ids, had suerried wealthy eer Hector
, Brandon.
Later, and too late, she kad reeler-
' ed the abysmal, gulf that nut lis
tweep life with * homilies
whose cleverness, Unruh*, sweet na
• ture. and noble unsohishrtess she now
Lawrence was aware that Lady
Brendon fully believed that the al
• most fatal nervous breakdown which
utterly changed Ffolliet in body and
mind. WWI the dime result of her
worldly and loveless marriage with a
mean and vicious man. In this, bes
• lief she had swooped down upon the
Poor lodgings where Pettiest ley at
death's door, wrecked in body and un-
hinged of mind. and brought bus hack
with her to Brandon Abbas as soon as
he could be moved. From there he
had never gone -not for a sihgle day
nor a amgle hours
•When he recovered, he wait instal
led as chaplein, and as "the Chap
lain" he bad been known ever tame
Almost reluctantly, George Later
once *dmitted tied moat of What maw
good,• wimple, kind, and happy in that
• house emanated from this gentle
.presence. . .
Pacing the little nla.tforet of the
weittemeold Petiole
the intlemeil meta-
' bmasitasad sona ipatirak.
•Of ail keen iirimineweete kreseaalsed
let Willa 10.= ise me of the• •
=teat etfatittiter of theme
abet; I
• yorakirVitsae. apprepri , ••
"Illesof1111111"oilieedCaSaill6freat a atte"Ctwillabluelkihrtole•' ,
and hateful Reisild tzttered a dog- •srie
like howl of woe Eel Itetror.
• ly .
Clandia *eked to be informed ex- )
'Vat like being shot," 1 reelieet
and ackled: "I am going to be tuck.' '
"Do it in the pond then," requested'
thl Captain, produeing hm, pocket-
knife and a box of metches.
"Going, to cauterises the wound and ^
pretreat its turning sceptic?" enquir-
ed the Lieutenant, as the Ceptain .)
_ r
struck a meek and held the point of ,
the small blade m the Aerate
sturgery without, aesthetics- ithe bulginess of Gocierkle and 4i UI
Clark's death wilt be a great Leas to
"No," replied the Cap**, "Nevelt SOME LOCAL HISTORY
who totitt -kat
*Nse aanie .9k* k&
of tbe and checks the growth of tbe
George Lawrence to wonder if he
might have more to tell the puzzled
de litsatujobtis had his visit to Bran
don Abbott ineluded the privilege. i
not the Measure. of a conversation
• with the Reversed Mittiriee Ffolliot.
• WATER" -
Again and again it entered his Mind moment, Patricia," he said, on taking
his departure next day, when she had
st telephoned to the garage, "to give rne
e ^ my mete*. You are going to make
STOP RHENATisk me happier than I have been aince
- you told me that you liked me too
muelt to love
rut hie chivalrous devotion, his unselesit-
ness, his gentle strength, and utter
"We have sat bore before, George,"
Mem you are suffering with rheu-
gatism so you can hardly get around she said, smiling, and, as he took her
I n
test try Red Pepper Rub and you will la d
"Listen, me dear. This.. is what
eave the quickest relief known.
Nothing has such comentreted, pene.
gating heat as red peppers. Instants et
welltllY. 0 tiTtoe ;143tuoie• diva.talJ,usits naoattinagt,
relief. just as loon as you apply Red le erneuf. nor anywhere elm in
I colter Ruh you feel the. tinglutg beets trica. Where Michael id I do tiot
le three minute% it warms the sore spot know. What that paper means, I
'through and through, Frees the blood cannot tell. And thank you so much
teem:411pm breeks up the congestion-- fotewanting to help me. and for ask -
end the oil rheumatism torture is gem. ing AO ouestions. And now, _ good -
Rowles Red replier Rule made from bee, My dear, dear friend. . ."
rod peppers, costs at any drug "Good-bye, my 'dearest dear," said
..store, Uct ,lat at once. Use it for George Lawrence, most sorely put -
lumbago, petrels, backache, stiff neck, sled. end 'went out to the door a sea-
son: mutates, colds in chest. Almost der but not a wiser man.
instant relief ;waits you. Be sure te As the car drove away, Lade Bran -
get genuineewith the earn* Reeks. don stood in deep thought, pinching
on tech package. her lip, •
"To think of that nowt" she said.
. "'Be sure your sins.. , .The
Larvik Kea Plinsplimi world is is very small Place, s" and
wenten search °tette Reverend Maur-,
COVINNINI Hor race ice Ffolliot,
In regard to this same gentleman,
urge igggpee Arras, .0sok, GebFge Lawrence entertained feel.
writes:es/HA roar age oky. too. woo ings which were undeniably mixed.
teetered 'with lettee red pimpled. I As a ;teat and ho t g
, tried ell hank -of mataideits, mid eked that the Reverend Maurice
I sometimes, I *might ttiee were gesieg Ffolliot was it gentlessouled, eweet-
awey, bet they always mune back ratured, lovable • ereature, a` finished
itgebe I reed of scholar, a polished and eultured gen-
tleman who had never intentiotially
honied living creature.
As the jealous, lifelong admirer and
devotee Letle Brandon, the reject-
ed but undiminished *lover, he knew
that be bated not o h Pt t
himeelf. as the tett of his exintence.
irrationalin George Lawrence felt
that Lefty Brendan would- I • out-
live thet notorious evil -liver, her hus-
hend. But for Ffelliot. he lielieved.
his unswerving faithful devotion
would then gets its reward. Not
wholly selfishly, he tonstelered that
Ima theme!, I would try ^ Its "Ad kftet truer helpmeet, sturflier nrop.
mime* beak I sew *it I had irrk' sdouter eldelcl and builder for this
proves' greatly atel titter teed Toy .qf -Inenv responsibilities would
the mewl me my pimples hail all he the world -worn and exnerienred
diseppaarel / lime never ked amt Gebrire Lawrence, rather than this
poor frail rectum of a ehaelein.
* Pat tip wily by The T. Milburn (.'!tts Concernine the niert's hi0ory,
usitea,,Tart400),Qat. he knew was, that he had been the
(Subject to Pricw Soh
Redid* 111 with two tubes and Brands headset, reg. $32.00
Redid* 111A (4,4abe set), *trioPed .$24.00 -
Tubes and lleadeet extra at... — . . .".$15.00 •
Good *talky adjustable unit loud speaker, at. .. .$6.96
Adjustsible Jewett Phone -Units, reg. $1.$0.... • $5.00
Federal or Brands fieudoeb '$5,00
Ratroodyne &tube sets, quality excellent, stripper L . .$69.50
*Complete, rosily for toe, with 100 amp. Storage Battery
for ... ....$115.00
PrksO-ni s.e.t; on aPPliCailOn.
We carry a full stock of Tube*, Batteries and etc.
If inorreeted, photo or mail your order at once.
kir. • . ••....... •
'ad it on
ad tbr the
Bea* Geste and His Band
thing, and, for another, be was too
certain he was the heir and tat dis-
posed to presunte upon it. However
Michael dealt with him faithfully
. neither sparing the rod nor spoiling
the child. . . .
I do not reinember the precise
crime that had led to my trial and
sentence, but I recollect the incident
clearly enough, for two reasons.
One was that, On this very day of
my fall from grace. I achieved the
permanent and inalienable title and
status of Stout Fella, when, inverting
the usual order of precedence Pride
came after the rad. The other yea -
son as that, on that evening, we had
the cr.-setting privilege of seeing and
handling the. "Blue Mater, as it is
called, the great samthire which tins
ale Hector had given to Aunt Patricia
as a wedding gift. I believe his
orcatserandfather, "Wicked Bran-
don,' had "acquired" it when aoldiers
ine teeniest Duidei* in India. '
It is gime the loveliest and most
fascinating thing I have ever seep. 1
and it always affected me strangely.
I could look at It for hours. and it els
ways gave me a curious longing to j
Put it in my mouth, or crush it to lest
breast, to hold, it to me 'nose like- a
Iflower, or to rub it'agamst my ear.
"I thipk, perhaps, that if Very
Small Gate were allowed to live, be
might retrieve his character and find
a hero's grave," said the Lieutenant
"And what would he do if he found
a hero's grave?" enquired the Cap-
"Pinch the flotvors oe'elt and Sell
them, I !suppose. As tor retrieving'
his character, it is better not retriev-
ed. Setter left where it is—if it is
not near inhabited houses, or water
used for drinking eurposes.,_
"Oh, pleme let bun livee'enterrupta
ed Faithful Hound. "He Is very use-
ful at times, only to try things on."
I was very grateful to Faithful
Hound ler daring to intercede for
me, but felt that she Was rating my
general usefulness somewhat low.
"Well, we'll try bread and water on
him, then," said the Captain after a
pause, during which I suffered mane
things. "We'll also try a ttotting."
he added on seeing my face bright-
anti the name of Feeble Geste.
't •
was remove y e en -
Ant, Ghastly Gustus, and Queen Clau-
dia, that the lam might take eits
courses It took it, while ,Feithfel
Hound wept apart and Queen Claudia
watched with deep interest.
I used to dislike the slice of bread
arid the water, always provided for
these Oecasions, even more than the
"'six of the best," which was the flog-
ging administerod, more in altrrow
than in anger, by the Coptem hints
The opprobrious -dame -only lasted -
for the day upon which it was awards
ed, but was perhaps the worst feature
of a punishment. The others paned
And were gone, but the name kept one
in the state of unblessednese, dia.
greced and outcast. , Nor was one el-
at I sat wondering whether I should t Newel Ontario there are warm frlenki who
will regret his tall while...yet in tha
Cut out the cannon -ball."----
• • 'Big Mill Reepenedefwenty-Flve
"Now," eontinued he, turning to me 1 Ago-efiltr. Jones Lost Twenty I height of ewe aetiviseS reeegeng
"/ steel not yell, Ceetain," I replied Ye_ars Ago
Buffalo distrkt, end timing nearly 40
don't want to be disturbed by your
be gagged or chew an a bullet..? Ili (From The Goderich Star of Nov. 20,
^1901) ;those who fished and dealt tit fish, iso
man was better known fa. Clestatio awe
shortly have a wooderCleg, "will you.
wibeilithstidYigYneiltlya:"and a faint hope that I • The BThigemluilf' mi:rlial:37uPechnedit 431'1413ef ficilY3erde:Idee"canc°1'inhgnilliurnwinalstnfriltburavherb"ritivirenessmennimet:lird-
eel to the Lieutenant; but wale known for irnany years, though owned sellers alike. For MVO" leers Mr.
by the Lake Huron and Manitoba James A. McKay and the deem/Jed
spoke the truth.
"Sit on his head. Dig," said Miste.
Disks away, I turned on my side Milling Co , started again this week were partners in the ifefr lintinersa,
shut MY eyes arid offered. up my' 'lin:: after a long' rest. During the past but a decade or more ago fele McKay
the clenched knuckle of my forefinger
contrived to
, It was painful beyond wordee but Ii
hold my peace, by biting 1 In the old dates the Big Mill was own- tal, and soon determined fcr use it rrt
Rye months thomands of dollars have retired from that Uremia, As the tie -
been spent on alterations, additions ceased's business increased' he rooked
improvements and new machinery. around for investments fee Me eepi-
ed by the Ogilvies, ef Montreal, but, forwardioe, the industries of his
"Hold his hoof then," ordered the
Captain, . .
lising that it was impossible. with --Co.re -) line. o with headquarters in Godes Knitting factory, of which at death
of the Lake Huron and Manitoba Mil- ance of this object he invested en tbe
Goderich. In further -
and to refrain from kicking by a as mentioned, it is now the property adopted teems
rich, the company .being formed of he was a director. Ile weir ettot
Canadians, strong Intellectually and largely interested in the LateelTattere
*tending on rny foot. enaecially. James Clare, our well and Manitoba Milling Co., doing hie
After what seemed a much longer , Michael egaknown citizen, is presid,ent; Alex. S. best helping to start the big mill
time than it was, I heard Mw, manager; and Robert Magaw, again, and waa president of that
sayapparently from a leng way off: miller
chid C. I. Diamond
. company until it was merged in the'
from the Band and a dispersal of my G. jultilee Western Canada. Flour Mills Co. Hat
"Here it comes," and then, a cheer .
thbuckshot.a largely intereated in the Gads --
torturers, announced the recovery of 1 On Tuesday the Dianueld Jubilee of wn
"Shove it back in the gun, Dig" ed by the students, in a loyal manner. gine Wort*, woe preeident of both.
rich °reran Co. mid the Goderich 1'-
e1--• I the Collegiate Institute was celebrats muck."
said the Captain; "and Isobel.•b it" -th ents the
bathroom and bring me the -.match- home and entertainment, Although
sneak up to the cupboard outside our teachers and a few friends to 'a c
4 eyou, y Inv ing e p 1
a , s .
them end was a dracter of the Godaricie
n a rich Lutuber Co, mei stbe Marlton
. Elevator end Transit Co.. the Godes
Dredgiug Co.. in each of which he
the invitations were limited, the awn -
The Faithful Hound, Ineppilig her torium was crowded. Every part of held stock. Ile wave disoctor of the
Maitland River P --"r reth
tear -bedewed face, ,sped away and the building was tastily arranged and ,,,, s . e e
. mut e
(the bottle of antiseptic lotion, pack. torium were beautifully decorated %/otter lea % amid Beek re. end et
Seen returned with the scratch -muck the halls and stairways and the eudi. times blot baon interestd in Govere
ment contracts. He essa a man of
et of boric lint, and roll of bandage During the entertainment the visitora many- ems.. sterner eel'
the sequela to all 'learned that Principal Stranpower
ore minor cesualties). l been the head of the staff in Goderich clear reasoning qualities, met
which figured ais g
I believe Michael made a really ex- for thirty years, the student pre. , ---------
and dressing the wound. Of ceurse, chair. During the program Mr.
cellent job of digging out the bullet senting him with a handsome leather if
the ball had not penetrated very deep- Strang occupied the chair mut the 926 the Seals
been sae appropriate surgical toot: g, Jordan, made a short address, eon- the Muskoka
The 1924 Christ as deals in add of
ear Toronto'lloeuttale
IY, or a penknife would hardly have ehairraan of the Collegiate board, Mr
but, as'esegs were, a doctor couldnot Ostulating the principal. The ht ese, cousumptives.teetch:rdm.
have been very much quicker, nor the also included a recitation by MisF ir ',Lt. pir winds... mi
boorog of the wound more dealt and Duffers, a piano set°. by Miss Tye Aral:tato cost iiirp,..kreopil egg! moor
And when the bandage was faaten- Mae MeVittie, a former student, a
• ' vtical soloS,bv Miss Eva Acheson ams The NatitZA 8,,,uNItiii; Aaamaa-
tIon is in need of funda to
ed, the Cantain. in the presence of charming selection by the Blackstone Ind at Weston, hivery dollar received.
ha work of its hospittiatinOgitskoks
the whole Band suite some temporary orcbestra, is song by the 'Collegiate !mouth ties sale of Christmas Seals
Inembers, visitors. raised me to the ouertette, and a nice solo by Mr 's mad ,ror maintenance or Indents
the d000le.hArred , Hod:
seventh heaven of joy and Pride by. Brydges,
solemnly ceneerring upon me in per -y not buy thsse seals In Ilea of
Pettrityt, the 'rank and title of Start c lc
(From The Goderi h St f NovN
o ov id P
others* Not only will you gat good
v ue An return,ebut your money wilt
Fella, in that I had abed no tear and 11.1 4- F. ta
' , 23rd, 19001 be made to serve * greater end, for
sleStlietiCs.," ut Nelson. B. C,. Alex, Rebert Mors ar. genulin.r -
Married on Wednesday, Oct, 4th Crain on every 4,40r4,oli.,*.en.. 5, ' A will go to bets sOU93027e Alt distr.... •
For saie.:*sy school •chtidran end '
Uttered no sOlAnd during a major ep) —
siteicat. NIMd others
mation of "naval surgery without
tore formerly- of • Goderich, to 'Miss unite or direct from Xmas_ deal De:,
Further,. he awarded' me the signal
_. Evelyn K. Reid, formerly of Luck- partment„, Usge Institute, Toronto x.
andetigh boner of a full-dress eleik Ontario,
Diges sitting on my leg and Claudia
. now* •
"est's‘i.f "Vilkine's funeral cannot
(From the Goderich Star of Nov.
<tole weed every flay m the week, for 30tirr 190g) — • .
To look at it at d th
RUM time, most satisfying and most
tantalising,. for one always longed to
do more than naerety look—and, mot.e.
ever, mere than merely emelt, ss well.
So wonderful arid beautiful an object
teemed to demand the exercise of all
five seeses, inatead 9/ one or two,
nit -
the fiel appreciation of all the joy it
coted offer.
When I first heard the charitable
remark. "Sir lieeter Brandon bought
Patricia Rivers with the 'Blue Water`
and, now owns the pair," I felt that.
both atatements were true,
lowed in any watt 'to retaliate Mem For whet ether renson could a woma
the espy of the injurious epithet. an like Aunt PotriCia married
awarded in punishment after formal Uncle Hector. and did not he still own
trial, however inferior and despicable the "Mit Water" -e -and ^to retain his
he, might be. One had to *newer to sole elohn to distinction?
worm would befall. for she could not weer it, um do artv-
it pronnely. if not -cheerfully, or far ^Cettainly his wife did not own
The, wan pert of the Law as *id tient else with its tette teuld merely
down by the Captain, and beneath his look at it occasionally. like anybody
Law we Heed, and strove. to live elms That was something anyhow
worthily, for we, desired his praise if it affected her as it did Inc. —
and rewards more than we feared ble My degree of S. P. (Stout Fella) I
biome end punishments potted thie wise. One of Michael'.
The Calrtisin was my brother, Mich- favorite and mod thrilling Pastimes
ael Geste, later and generally knowu,^ seas "Naval Engettements," When
es "Beim" Geste, by reason of Ms rest this delightful pursuit was in being
markable physicel• beauty, mental i two Oaten/ ships, with sails set and
brilliance, and general distinction. ^-rudders ,fixtet, were simultaneously
He *vita a very unusual person, of its) shoved ferth front the concrete edge
resistible charm, and his charm was of the liVspond, by the Captain and
enhanced, to me at any rate, loy the the Lieutenant resomevelv.
feet that he was I* enigmatic, ince!. They were •trowded with lead stol-
culable, and incomprehensible as he diere, boreeacha battery of three
was forceful. He was incurably .ro-
roantie, And to this trait added the un-
expected (entity of a bull -dog tenac-
ity, If Michael /suddenly and quixoti-
;tielYgedee itome rti`,1!,r0711r,ArY sinonlite
otetely, endibeltstuest tile it until ittwas-
Aunt Petrie*, whose great favorite
Itiaeawa as,esaatidratlaatatAeci:liebalittldedrta.etteina
courage of a youthful &Attune:
with staunch tenuity and stubborn
determination of a tense old Scotelt-
mart !
Little wonder that he extreised so
txtraordinstry fascination over those
who lived with him.
The Lieutenant, my brother Digby
was his twin. it quarter of an hour
his junior, and his devoted and war -
*hipping shadow. Digby had ell Mi -
cheers qualities, but to a km marked
degree, and he was "easier," both up-
on himself and other people, than
Michael was. He loved fan and
laughter, jokes and jollity. and above
all. he loved dotter whaff Michael did
was a year yotoner than them
• twins, and very meek their obedient
servant. At prettaratory mind wc
were known at Geste, Small (kite
and Very Smell Gm*, and was, in -
demi. Vete Smell in all things, eta -
with my brilliant bretherse to
phase whom waa me eltief Mu *life
Prebebly I transferred to there the
*trete:ere obelkeee, love -hewer
that woeld have been gimpei to lay
parents ia the ordiaary emir* of
events; hat we were orphans. rowel -
bend not our Mother nee ear hither
soni tired ear Towthral Ili* between
wheal and Brandon Mem*. as see! as
we emented teem the Clientele's. cos.
Der reatetwel aunt. Imoty Iran**
41101 mare *an her datY by as, bat
forte** teramaled *ay ieve she may
ea* felt fee mg art wa bat
matemial ley* snare was
Chaffees beg. t tWak all the
levee ta him Claudia. au oily-
imelestika seri whom
was. aa far as ea lame
'orderless,. bed wm egetweig
fe-red as a eremle. Mho and a
brass earthen, and weresat the outset,
about a yard apart. But to eaCh
loaded beam -cannon 'was attached
fuse, ands se the, Captatin's ^word, the.
fire h ttr; o"ghte. tritoli.isli.ips Ware
The useprierin PrVti'dird over the dries
tintes of. the shie that flew the White
Ensign sold Union 'Jack and the lieu-
eral pyre in the eentre of his ship. nis ,r. us Jones, whieh foe years has coy -
spear and shield are. laid beside him. ered the route from Wiarton and
-The deed Viking ie, laid upon a full- The staunch tittle coasting steamer „............
Rub Lumbago Aviay
-Al2i1 Batkache Gone
t devolves among other thinge, the Ste Jones Lost est Georgian Bay With
deetructioe• of a long shin. - . Alt en Board •
his tersse .,ises him:Yid are sleuenteretri Owen Sound along tire east shore. of
tahned.ptyrbeeirisbtilidelettleaP1,4:tele itnheStstheinpd-vatnecnet. othfetZherUeMeaPneltillunsi7Tinrs htrtsthfceunSrttilio file
Rob, OM* two back with mall
out. to sen with all sail stet. bottom, carrying 'with her over a
score of human three. The lanes left • sb."3.-........ellasse41/
Fr°ennahtilstip(,)vcasissi°dze'dietariteed citiroenthdlangse • Owen Sound on Thermion and was „ -wit °wage., tete
ocean obsecanes.not reported at varrOtta ;points or cad
A specially selected leadsoldier up the take. It was ,thought at first° mit -pate is pea •
wasaolemnly, endowed with the name asahme erniaigahacthatiee psaoraut,batth
sought shelter vrarat
erat ser f_ieo_aseineeeeesaseuris_eyes. ,tuesestiffatost elaateaesesat se
a attributesGeste, iai a ouf "Tali The .matchbox Nlki ngE earl:
feare were realized when mr. Ma- gait ram fellows a gentle tubbing
led with explosives, a nyre of matches
antler? <rtehuendshhipimdorannethheeddweeikthovfathae; had
foremost in the .searevt for elm se yeel.„ . .back like
Company' plant at Gwent Sound. who wee taw eissei4.Peneestrall a.
Autete manager ar the Dominion Fish eats •W Jacek 011.00
fline, his horse laid at the headef his, the messing yrten, ,„.. ,.,\,,•:,31 that the emovoriiiii4ogintes. "St. Jacob* lair
eyre. and a small (china) dog at hie lediane sent art to Took fiw traces of es. a leeenicig, lumbar' and
feet. tahneenrathatdtecoaareemeaunt otitrael tragedies
in tthhaet poiatiFeeteireatioatiaredylkoet, ethichutra the
skim' laud-
ehimealkidylls, alibLiieenhrgedaelr,etwahd•Yeith' bivaaieusteldfbaultiernee:tord4 enacted., of the great fakes lied been Slialishime lild Qidt ttemPialainit
saouit: Bistaty
'rem lifeboats. it section of see* grgekeesteliteee **itches.° b a
%%hes to ashes and duet to dust, if the tether, and some freight found by saelarat eits veal fergetehttfyou
God won't have you the devil truest." the Indiana on the Christian Istabdis Ise a yrtatclistk sue it wool
and, applying,. a matelt to the Pete' left unquestionabte evidence that the ter be tiefflf mho*. Don't aufket
snl tgotrvene dr: ntilhteeoblucor no:e Ass hu migpii (lateonrel oustIF:metnha Frenchbat1 ebanenpti
the lily -pond. •
tleehip) well out into the • middle- of ra ismi, me wnn for army veara en. await pit eiii ger nud.
the eget of Wm. Marlton. Goderich, eSt, emote 'or. from your
glilledt tlinsato:necn4tinn7f. refrhsh ellej:runac*rc'eads 11'4.4 Wilt llelle CI 914
— IP — •••••••
in boxet from the vate ti I -
Rearms— Tobermorr, the Ducite.
sail so that the charred wreckage.
went by the board, and we stood sit- Cockburn Wend, Killarney, the BLitt'
ent, envisaging the horrors of a burns. tares, and Points on the east coast er
in g ship at sea.
the vessel beened down to the. Georgian Bey. completing her jour-
Asy at Owen Sound, -
'MAWS edge, and Oen disappeared
• h le d k• Mi heel Death of Mrs James Clark
Refreshes Tired Eyes
broke the ensuing silenee with words Me. Yantes C!aek Passed awaY Yoe' Wrieett(erldeCe,ChhigoiodiveCantibiat
teleran having talon a turn for the
that I was to remetnber many years
worse early` treeterclay morning'. Mr.
I.taotoe:: in a very different pl•
ace. (AP -
patently Digby remembered them -
"That's what! call a funeral!" seid
leliehatel. "Compare that with being
Antic ten feet gown in the mud and
clay of beaetly cemetery ,for worms
to eat end maggots to wriggle *bout -
tenant over thorte of the one that itilhin7to. juiv'eereniPeesltikertdhagtivwehel'incinimet;
cerried the Trecoultur nf France. torn comes. . . Good /deal rit
There was gloriotmeancertainty of write it down in my will, and none of