HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-12-02, Page 5• ?AGM POP I'Vlh "The Gift Shop" Wit Christmas Suggestions AMPBELL' a DRUG STORE invites you to shop here.160 Weare pleased at anytime .to show you merchandise.. Almost all our Christmas Merchandise is now in stock for your. inspection, - • We have Christmas Suggestions from many countries for your once-over, including: • Toilet Articles., Toilet Sets Perfumes Perfume Atomizers. ga y, L' Perfume, fancy boxed ti Perfume Novelties /, °., .4 ` Pearltone, the New r,; warn Ambertolno Sets French Ivory Toilet - Kodak: .Brownies Kodak Albums Ladies' Hand Bags Bill Folds Purses A very Targe selection of Christmas. Cards (with Envelopes) 2 for Sc and up The New Brunswick Phonograph Y ` ALSO Tile New Ampliphonic } `MORE THAN A PHONOGRAPH " Price at a .S Special Pricp mpbell's PHONE 90 Military Brushes (Natural Ebony and Ebony) Leather Military Brush Sets, (including Hat and Cloth Brushes) Beautiful Fancy Boxes of Stationery A complete line of Parker and Waterman Fountain Pens and Pencils in: Fancy Christmats Seteor in Gift Boxes Fancy BoxesofChocolates "Chlate 0 IN NEILSON'S �MOIR'S ROW'N.TREE' ,. RKE 'S and FAN �P`A R r 4SW/be GODERICH P•n f !olt rti dila!:"wIlb:."!rf///IIIi.11Ndift(il/:. illfifUt!Il((p, � 11• , I Id.,IIU� ,,Illi.. f i. .. •� \C•iq t.,t4, r \ \\ t n*1\1\ ; �i /0 .11 •t tt r•:Il 1,:1\111'; . t m f ,o,a; �1\\� t\1\t\ •1\ t,\ ,ttlli�t ?)��I��i.� •Nllt1l�s''/illlA'. Jgrpn`+h/s�: �t\ll(, 1t11, lil IM tt 'OOP 'alih;rat itit • •''ifi,,,,,y1/ .(iV/L. ll; rt,a;„ttltlr. vflil! r• \aid,0.. 1/hy FERGVSON STAYS The. vote in the various subdivisions Perth, North, Hon. Dr. J. D. :Bon- in in,Goderich was as follows..: teith. Orteaf the tin:Moll of the Provincial JoyntRobertson Mn.;Peterboro. City. W. 11. Bradbur r` x 167 - 108. _.4 Port Arthur, F. H. Keefer. 180 ' 121 50 Renfrew North, Alexander Sturti , 1.72 1'12. 60 Renfrew South, T. M. Costello. 182 160 22 'Sault Ste. Marie, James Lyons 168 68 300 Simeoe Centre, .'Chas, E. R ri--r,J 205 160 36 Simeoe, East, Hon. Wm. FinlaSon: elections Premier Ferguson emerged . • , 2r -with practicaltzuthe same strength as 1 before, and earned' with him to vie- ,tory his entire, eabiriet, with the ex. ception of Hon. David Jamieson, min - later aster without '`portfolio.. The two 7 • INVITES YOU TO CALL AND SEE OUR DISPLAY OF NEW CHRISTMAS MERCHANDISE NEATLY BOXED IN SPECIAL CHRISTMAS BOXES On Friday and Saturday we offer.,. 6 only Sets of +Hemstitched 36.inch Black Duchess Silk Table Cloths, 66034, and Heavy quality at $1.49 yd. IA doz. Hemstitched Napkins Special Value $9.00 per set 1.7x32 Hemstitched Pure. Linen Towels, asserted patterns Our price 49c each Full double -bed size flannel- ette Blankets at $2.19 pr. 100 pieces of Valenciennes Lace,white and ecru. Our Price, Sc yd. PH8 86 NE F. EL. 1 CASH STORE THE 'STARE WITH THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT Road), Mr. John W. Bell, Mr, John The balance sheet shows :tants of Wiles, Mr. Jervis \Niles, Mr. Calvin $0(1,66n, made up of new hospital Cutt, Dia. Whitely and Martin, Mi..buial;ng, $45.000; old hospital Quad - Thos. Mitchell, Mr, aloe. Juek, • gra in;;', ti2,G0U; plant and permanent Mooney, Mr. E. G. Smith, Mr. L. L. c(tuipmtnt, $9,uUti; sinking tuna pay- Knox,. Mr. 13.-J. Saults,. Mrs. F. --W. • to : nts, $1,017; suppliers on band, ale. Carrie, Mr. -Alex. Saunders, Mr. Rob. Wirt account:; receivable, $731; rat•h ert • McKay, Mrs. Jas. •McWhinney. on hand and in bank,- ti 132. This Mrs. Geo. Stewart,111essrs. Baker and. shows a surplus of $47,7222 over Br- . Ainslie. ir- Ainslie; Messrs. -Sutcliffe • and .Wer.-bil:ties; the liabilities ineluditr the rent,. George Chu, Mr. Moses.Robins. bond- issue, $9,000: int. •on bond L».uc Mr. Chas. Seager, Mr. J. D. McManus to Sept. '30th, $047; rest'i've fee i,ad • Mr. J. J. McFtven, Mrs. -V. D. Cun- 'debts, $282; owing •:ortraeture rn riinghant,1)r. J. A. Graham, Mr. J. \'4:- .new hospital, .'$2,109; • accoue'ts pay-, Crargie, Mr, W.-.1.. - McLean, 1I1•s.' able, $409; bank loan, $400; Laws; Mrs.- W. •J. Felker, Dr. L. '1.1 The receipts on, ritaintenanee ua- Mabee, Airs. J., M. Field, Mr. H. J.' .\ count were $12,103.83, including town MacE van, Mr. \'Vm. Sando$son (Salt• grant, $500; -county grant, $7110; l'ro•, Lord). •vincial ginnt,:$4b0; Women's\u\il- Y 2 'Pickets fury, $903; patients $8 fees, , r7 t e„1: ; Mrs. Sale, Mrs, S. S. Hardy, Miss and- out of this fund an advance of MaudeHowell, Miss $. HaysMiss' ' rt1100 fins made to the building fund. • , Driver , Mr. Maxwell, Mrs. L. (;• and .$140.35 to the Xeray amount, In Crawforilx M1:s. J. E. Tom, Capt. John Md ay,• .Mii*,x Rundle, Sr., Dr. Hall: Mrs.: Rod -Johnston, Mrs. Wm Teo- butt, .Mts:..L. B. Crank,' Rev, James Ford,: Miss Mabel Strang, Mr. Me - Donald Gibbs, Mrs. McKenzie (Cam - even st.), Mts. W. Price, Mrs'. R. Winters, Mr's. \V'. Waite, Mr. Samuel Cox, Mr. Lee Leni,:,Mrs. R.' Wilson Mrs h, Mr. J. H. Millian, Mrs, Ruston, Ahl, Miss . Wash t�tnn, Mr. Thos. J'oltnston,: Mrs. '\V. Buchanan, Miss Irene Baultr3,;'Miss Etta Sauits, Mr. E. I; :' Dean, Mrs. W. G.:MacEgran lifts,. Frank Bishop, Mies.. Burrett Mrs.• C). Ginn, Mr. W. Walker, Mr. E., Pridham. Mr. J. B..Kelly, Mr. W. Hein,' Mr. Geo. Schaefer, Mr, Chits. Black, Mr, Geo. MacVicar, Mr. Reg Sharman, Mr. Jas.. Carrie. • Mr C H. Humber,- Mr. Jim • Xee, Mr. Flarity. Miss. Webb,. -Mr G, i, Elliott, AIr:. C. Kent East, Christopher: Gard/Inv, AZ,. Rollertson, Mr. R. C. Hays, jr. Mr. F. . Martin,. Mr. P. F. Lawrence Lambton East, .Leslie Wa Oke, 13. Jr.. g, Geo. MacDonald.' Miss I. E. O. Shatandt,: Mrs. W. F. Gallow, Mr. t,' itrroln, R. . Reims, Prog: L. \Vateon (South st.), Miss '.Mae' lesex forth, Alex. MacLean, Pherson. Ro'y. Father Campau, Rev: Mr, Clarke, Mr.' T. T. Murphy, Mrs. •Nerthunrberlandk Dr. G. S. Robert- Tho'"\Varrener, Dr. A. L. Cele, Mrs, 16 Stormont, D. A. MacNarghton. ,:`' 1 ;Ontario •South,•11»' E. N. Sinel son, Lab, iltaron. ridings' \Fent against the Gov Advance Poll1:3'1 Sudbury, Hon. Chas. McCrae, tree Lib. t el, ern meat by ldrgeniajbrities,that in , _I donation. i Oxford North I) D. M. ROBS, Lib- andthat.in 5J6 ,nbeing1 t Huron r he ' ka sin J. Kennedy.P `-''Nq H:Majority for. Joynt 340 T mrs a gf A.rot;, ,South Huron .1300. Ced'erich' did Toronto Beaches, T. A. Murphy. 'pros.. Soot 31. E. Scott, Lib- $.j 'Pickets: well •by Mr. Joynt and he can't corn- The 10:30 summary received last Toronto Bellwoods, W. H. eve Edwnrds•',Prok.' . Mrs, Feed Elliott, Mrs. James Be. ;plain .of the addition of• this town to night repe-ted that out of 100 ridings Toronto Brneondele, A. R. Nesbitt. Perth South,. , A. Cotquhoun, Lib. Mr. Gen. Phipps, Mr. Root; R 11 • the riding of North Huron, for rt'guve of the 112, 74 elected supporters Toronto Braktan, Fred G. 1'fc'$ricn. Peterboro Co. tyi W. A. Anderson, Mr, Jnr SnwGrby, Mr. C. ).' Groves tint a majority of 340. pledged. to support Premier Fergus Toronto_ Dovereourt, Samuel T. Lib. Prog. Mr. Howard Sturdy, Mr. Roy Rundle ons ('roposal of Government Control. Wright. • I Prescott. Edna , Proulx, Ind. -Lib. Mr. Con. Bissett. • Conservatives eleIted 70, • Liberals 12: Toronto Eglinton; H. H. Ball; 1 Prince Edwai-rl 'tv E. Raney: $2. Tickets. leveland, GODERICH TQWN'M.HIP 'The following are the AssOciatimr nembers from Goderieh town hip Progressives 0 Liberal Progressives Toronto Greenwood Geo A StVie a Arum , William '"tewman. 4, Independent L:berais 3, Aur 1, Toronto High Park, W, A. ,,,,c,(1..1..... Lib�.l'xn�•. M �d@�1'h �t �j Prohibition 1. Toronto Parkdalti, Hon. W. \,:tori t So,•It, e . G. Sandy, Lib - Prog, In No. 1 null, Goderich township g WEEK OF DEC, ti TO 11 the vote was 64 for Neeb and 67 for Toronto Riverdale, George Oakley. Waterloo Sorting• Carl Homuth, Lab .\V. Price • Medd; and in No, 2 Gfi.for Neel, and Toronto St Andrews, W R Flett Wellington TAoriheas`, Dr. G. . 44 for Medd. Toronto 'St. Davids, Hon. Jos. E. ' Airguibhan, Lib. n .MONDAY and TUESDAY Some of the members elected fol- Thompson• , York North, P •W, Pearson, Lib-- St Georges, Il; C Sella- Peng' • law f,, ANNING.S . EMIL J - field (Ind. Con.), ' �• - -crate North A i'..Aiewhit:nev, the most famous of all European CONSERVATIVES Toronto St. Patricks, • Col J. 1•A, • Russell, Author: 33ealen,.er, Ind•.I.ib. star!;, assisted by a cast of 20,000 in a Addington, W. D. Blark, oedema- Currie, Fgsex South C G Fletcher, Lib dru ed in Rome, Italy. You must not Brantford Rev. W (' Martin a... , • C. G. , antic tale a# the Romans. Pro- tion, Thrower Woodbine, GPO erP Shields Manitoulin Thos, Farquhar, Pro;,, IV:amIno North, W. G',•\\'eiehel,. i lenri.i ' miss Brockville, H. A.'Clark.' Wellend. Mark Vaughan. :Middlesex, West, J, G. Lethbridge, "(QUO VADIS" Carleton, A. H. Acres: Wellington South, Hon. Lincoln Proz. Cochrane South,A. F. Kennir. Goletie. Simeoe, Southeast, J. Ii, :Mitchell. PATHS COMEDY';' Wentworth North, A. L. Shaver. Lib• -Pro ., • "WIDE OPEN FACES" Elgin West, F. G. Macd'arniid. Wentworth South. T. J. Maloney. Sturgeon Falls, T. Legault, Ind. Fort William Frank Spence.' •ndeor . nst. ?rank W. Wilson. Lib. • WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Grenville, H G Howard F "dear treat J• P'•held JESSE L. LASKY Glengarry, Angus Mcillir. \V, \v renvr e,,. on. Dwarf er< York Fast, iron, Gen, S. llenrv.' gALEXANDR ` .4A INE AND guson. -. York Snutlis Leopold, Macaulay, $`a ERAL HOSPITAL Halton, George 1lilimer. 'York West, Ilan. lir, Forbes, Gad. ��,,,,, presents' an unusual cast in .the g .rev. laughable,'dramatic farce .. Hamilton, Centre, Thomas Jutted. The Women's( Hospital- Auxiliary "HER ACCIDENTAL HUSBAND" Hamilton, Inst, Hon. Dr. Leeman;, 4,041"111. •T• At RAILacknowledge with thanks the follow: Garr. tembton. West. W. S. Honey, MERMAID COMEDY Ottawa, South. T. M. Birkett. ins donation*: "GIMME STRENGTH" Hamilton, West, .Fred. T. ,Smye. Par••v Somer. Dr. G. V. lloreot*rt, Mr, William ,Forrest, $C,O: l;isaet Ilastinga, East, James F. hill, Cochrane". North A. V. Waters. $-Th—oleotd, sire' ' They alga d'ealre to thank the fob. Hastings, West,W. H, Ireland. Rainey Rivas .tA Mather,, owing purr sip t c eve Kenos E. P. FArnhe . lar membership tickets : $1i Tickets FRIDAY and SATURDAY GLENN IlUNT1 R AND Kent, West. Rev. A. C Calder. TDNA MURPHY iKingston, n, Thos. A. Kidd.. in a pep, ranch and perscnitity plc- Lanark, k, North, T. A.Tho. Thompson. tura. A delightful romance of young Lanark, South, E. R, Stedman. love. gay parties and the troubles of London, North, J. P. More, \Nilson ,the brat year of married lift. London, South. Dr. J C "THE YOUNG GIANT" ••g Muskoka, G. W. Eccleastone •' •i Niagara Voils, W. G. Willson. CENTURY COMEDY i Nipissing. Harry Morel. "SAY IT WITH LOVE" 1 Norfolk, bon. John S. Martin. "PATIIE REVIEW" 1 Ontario, North, T. W. Bell. Ottawa, North, A. E. Honeywell. Hastings, Nortlt, Hon.. Root. Cooke.. F`.scx. North Dr Paul Poerson I h f f and two dolt Bruc - ieouth,�W. 1). Cargill, ALL OTHERS • M e Mn Mre. to r n ,Bake Mrs. Harold tt`+�t t r Ii. • , Nixon,ro , B int G Taylnr, Mrs. C. J. Ellis, Mrs. Basket with a fair attendance, President I'(. Duffers,, T. K. Slack, Prog. Bone, Mrs. W , l;. Horton, ,Mies Win • J. Mcgaw in the their. • r ?. • Dundas, Geo.•Smyth, Lib, Mired Ball. C;, fa, Lars. The three member:; of the Board;, Durham, W. J.Bragg,ib Elgin, rn. L whose +�, hoe terms were expiring, namely " ' Elgin, hast, Blake Miller. Dunlop PAnbnrta. ► s. Lion lair nw, 14tra. \4 J. Felker, R. J. Megan an F'rontcnnc-Lenno Dr. E. Ming, Lib Mr. F. II. S Mrs, James Clark. G. L. Parsons, were re-elected to Cie: Carry, North, D. Taylor, Pro(r. Mr. D. M. C)'I3 Mr. Harold Blsek- bard, and the auditors we're re -an-• r - •.� - (key.South, Farquhar Oliver, Prog,_,__ , Helditnand, It. F. Miller, Lib. ' • stone, Mrs. A. ;amble, Mr, Hertoi pointed. namely Mr, trilliant 1.itte, .Huron North, C. A. Robertson, Lib. Haye, Mrs. W.- Saw1ls.,Mrs• E. II. honorary auditor; and Messrs. Geo.+ Canting.. "7'he Unguarded Hour." 'Peel, Col. T. L. Kennedy. Alia. Geo. lMaclllwaine, Mrs taro A d' A 1 G J r In c t liI A. M. Audi ry e aA2• ts, li'. Brimsc ► r n,be Miser M. E. Salkeld, Airs. 1. L Sal- keld, Miss F: Lindsay, Misses C urwir : Mrs. Stephen Andrews, Misses Shen herd and Clement, Mrs, J. E. Whitely Mrs. Walter Hick,» Mr. Jno• Pledges Mrs'. . , C. E. Groves, Mr. Aiel• .Sturdy Mrs..Austin Sturdy.. Mrs. Jas John. ston Mr.. Chas, C.00l.c, Alias A. Cur. ton, Mr. Jnn, Breen, Mrs. 'i'Vm. Ed. wards, Miss A. McLean.• • DUNGANNON . Besides buying $5 :,arid $2 tickets; Dungannon Women's Institute . sumthe following : contributions : Mrs. Robt, Davidson, $r; IMrs:•J. Ryan. $2; Mrs. Thos. Stothers, f2; Mrs. Robt. Stothers. $2; X -Ray Fund ' $7.25; donations to W. H. A., $4,25: THE GODERICH HOSPITAL 'addition to the 41000 advanced out of maintenance, the the. building fund' tie count received $500, a bequest from the , C. Garvin Estate, and brrrotved .$400 from the bank, paying $1.000 to the contractors, Messrs B. S. Coon and Son, and $900 to Wm• Me1)onrild. who had the contract for the electri- cal work, and. $94,58 to the' Godeiich I Tani rigMills i 1 Co. The \VoMen'a Hospital Auxilitry xenort showed $003 paid to the Henn, tal Association . maintenance fund,. being the proceeds• of the '.sate of Hospital Association tickets, $247.1a paid to the siokingfund. $581.71 paid for work in the hospital cellar and eemint walks, $20 for Christmas cheer for the nurses, $10.00 expense4 graduating raduating exercises, and ocher entailer items; balance on hand $G2b,93. A new feature of this year's meet- insa \vas the report prea:ntcd .by th t ruperintcndent of the hospital, MissJ. K. McArthur. A very gratifying announcement was made by. the ',resident of the re.. eche of a 4I\eque ler $:1 a .turn Mr., George It. Gordan, 0..t o(Ierieit old boy t nil,...'rhoal-mate. of the president's, tom of \'rurouv(•r, for the furnishing, of a rot in the hospital. . When i e ('pr('Ssed his 41e•tc'e Ifo furnish .\ �•nt, a list Of the Ver, b"st goads wits hate up rind sent to Mr• Gordon, who added about :mother $10 to tiro amount, and aunt, his eheque tar $275With indtruetionit.to spend it all. .,Coni Strike ()ler Couplet, niitet, t:ettle111ent 11as oow been mede'l'ntween the Briti:ett miners anti the nilne owners Every mining die• Wet was- in..frt\nr'of z1 strike settle- ment except Durham, where a major. •itar \oted against 'accepting terms. They could not, however, chem a ta). thirds majority, -and were instructed :by the tenders to return to work, The ••terms accepted include'lower wages' in every district, and longer working days.. a4DVRETISE IN THE STAR • 111' 14"1"1"40,16"110""Wilfr*WAfril"1"9"badr"1"404""frica” ) Everything. Good for emuedIastwa Annual 'Reports Shusw Hospital • Is Giving • an Increasing Service to C'orn►nunity--Fine Gift front Gode• rich Old Boy The annual meeting of the Alexart dra Marine and General Hospital As - 'iodation Was held on A'ridey eve Malt last in • the 'town council. climber The Table FOK YQUR HRISTM�S C A K E and PUDDING New RAISINS -Seeded, Seedless. Sultanas and Valencia New CURRANTS, FIGS and DATES LEMON Ol ANGE and CITRON Toni PEAL .: CANDIED CHERRIES, PINEAPPLE. crrd GLACE FRUITS ALMOND ICING, EXTRACTS and SPICES 1 i.,_,/t.4- / L..Y 1 turdy's Cash Grocery t PHONE 299 Huron South, W. G. Medd, frog. Hill. Mr. Andtrfw otter, IM, _rs+. I.. II Mewxw, Mr. (Zrns. 'Netter, Mia Tent. »reton, Mra. J. A. Porter, Mr. Harold Yount. Mr. A, "toter; Mrs. W. A. 13titie. Mr. .1. •vnnldsDrA (' W1tt►nt, 1•l, sr, it 1Mties C'oulthurst, M . f)ol,kins, Mr. W» It , • I abath Gibson, Me Mr. George Wil. diems, Mr. .ICoats. Mr. D. 'i1. Gray. Mr. 3 onaldson. Mr. Bile nie, Mre. Ihadlr, 114r•tr. r, Miss Matheson, Sheriff Reynolds, M .' v Patterann Mr. A D. Mclean. Sr. . A. Reid. Mr. Rea Sowerbne lMir. i T.eeslie. Mr. Ws Pridham.. Mr. A 110. Sturdy. Mr. Cornfield. Mr. A..1 MacKay. MO, McDonaid, Mr, F Wealle'ornbe Mr. i". R. Wage. Mr. It .T, Aehtenn. Mr. . il. I s Reid. Mt. F. it Darr ow. Mr. F. Lane. Mr. V i. Hibbert, Mr. ('lat•. once Reberteon.'114r C. Dunlop, Mr Ross Harrinrat. *ry W F.' A. Naft(•1 Mr. Gorda Teril>Ir{t. Mr. Joseph Bro. nhev. Mrs, Thea. Salkeld, Mr. To1v Murieon, Mra,e. Lawson, Mr. T 0. ('Orman. Mr. W. Taylor. Mt'. ,1 Somerville. >ir, C. C. Lee. Mr. '7. P Hume, Miesis�k Marney. Mr. W. R TAI! ATEAME* JONICel Mart. Mrs 1. l>!are1tter. Mrs►, i1 Illack. Mr. J. 'R, Wheeler, Mr. A. M Rnitertsn% Mr. Ches. Spence tllure n IAA in Georgian Bay Nov. 22nd, 1906, was built by Marlton, of (;nderit.h. Fee article on page G of this is,ue. W. Holman and A. M. Robertson. aud- itors', ThTheegeenrntlrt•* of the Beard by -the appointment of rcpresentatrv(Y:: float the, t';yrr ceneei1.the ((,n (ittnii it and the 't1i'dica1 Stu' .. ! , awaits t1,...)(•tum of those ors nazi firm,. ,n4.1 the ele'•tion Of eirnere w111: be made at the lint meeting of Ilia. Board as newly ( onstituted. President Megaw went into th('f. jl(e 'fai:.1 •'f the hospital in general in his • rf� remarks. and the annual resort err(•"! S(mte(1 is it very satisfactory tote. showing. on 1f does the inerca..in•4 4. need the hospital is meeting in the . community end the increasing pro,' portion of the maintenanee ivlrie'h thethe 14 patients' fee' Provide with the in. :rent.( use of the hnapital, Tim number of natients treated tor"Ar the ,vat ending Sept.30th lent \,as :118,"fur the eorresponding period the t previous year, 240, and the year let•«9 fore that 218, The fees the past were $a,142, the previous year $7.719 and the veer before that $1,114a, 'Meies patients' fees. provided 79 per cent. of the maintenance the past near, 71 tie! WA previce year, and only 59. per ••est. a, �T the year before that. ('oat of not. iente per day in••19211,--adults.$4,19; adult!+ and infants. $3.34; r nRt of ` w tient% per day hi 1fr2i.---.adult,e, x•L7 . , YOUR Will ll' be Delicious If you select your supplies from our fresh and °when~ some stock of Raisin:, (Balk and Package), Currants,. Dates, Figs, Cherries, Peels, Cocoanut, Lemons, Shell- ed Nuts, Shortening, Lard, Chocolate, Cocoa, Almond Icing, . Extracts. GOOD BUTTER AND GOOD EGGS "Dependable Manitoba and Pastry Flaw " t Christmas Baking SPARR'S GROCERY THE STORE OF SATISFACTION HAMILTON "STREET --•- GODERICH c' Telephone 146. We Deliver in Town. 144 y