HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-12-02, Page 4• r seetemseemeoteolopeof __ _• assiffilis THURSDAY, Dlr. lad. mi., ..• Malc4bouiThal. mew Party `Dress? BEAUTIFUL Shades and Smartest Styles. Get ready for the' social whirl and the coming holiday season. We have some very attractive models �--•• DONT FAIL TO SEE THEM. Ladies' Coats AT BIC, WORTH - WHILE REDUCTIONS Needlepoint Marvell* in different shade', trimmed with Fur Collar and Cuffs. Lined throughout with hiarquize-de-Luxe and underlined. Duvetynes and Velours, trimmed with Fur Collar and Cuffs, lined throughout with Marquiso.de-Luxes nand underlined. ..i ill. Baas tba preiabM fistnt . alas of hie pocket -beak. so .haa baps a erm7 rye ! •�. , on.it and dropped her . heyetaurk which up to thst thrai had msaisted of keened* *11 *bot the Me=tres g¢ going down to this sea is ship;. She did nut keep pact with her eeseesefte. husband, neither did tie pocket -hook prods >e all she knew •a faitkful spouse vies entitled t,.,' -so ,:be ,sent down to the seashore and watched the ships go by and pouted. The mood still fingers but it is no more "rerious today than that of another lady who instructed her solicitor to enter de i vorce proceedings against her her-, Mand. 'Dees your • he aband treat your nnkiwdly?' questioned the Iswyer.l 'Certainly not,' said the won;an. 'Then,' In sued the Iaweer; 'why do S'r' Cantons you want a diverse?* 'I don't really '"" ' a '4.`!'d awanta divorce,► was her repay. 'I , merely want to apply for one, then I can judge by the kind of fuss my hus• bared makes whether he- really cue, for me or not.' And if Mr. Canada i show* just a little affection %rid give* the right kind of advice in tactual Mr. A. T. Weldon, whose appefnt• Manner—well; one never knows when meat as Vice. -President in Charge of I. his wife might step watching the Traffic and Expra►aas, Canauiiaart Na- ships that go by, and start to. do her tional Railways, to succeed lin T, re housework again. But the advice llairympie, i.„,„„„„„„..,1 .. will have to be better than .some .,*he --.. - .. �ra , is getting right now from her: charm- 'school children in the growing ;of ,/ r ` , ` ; * , I ,S era down by the sea shore." flowers and the Delphinium Aseoeaa• Gloves Scarfs, The article gees on to point out tion isone o hlaHmoves in that direr- Gloves, Shirts,. Ties, etc., all The in the "Maritimes, of .light tion. Last May soave 225 children in � l l much that the supremacy of ttte Maritimes the schools Warne members of the the latest 'goods, t p y Association, the condition of na«imbex- the pride ticket. Be sure to see these. is seafaring men in the days of the ship being the purchase of a package old *mien vetted' was unquestioned of Delphinium seed, wheels bar, Leith• JUST, THREE �" fi CHRISTMAS %']�/� .t .but that, with all the basic raw neat- tvafte was instrumental in securing WEEKS *'✓ " s 'r!'� handler construction of front Col. Vanderbilt, of California ! trial* "at hand a the a hoc follows the lead of Luther Bur- ' iron ahi'ps, and with iron skipnera and bank as a hyridizer of flowers iron chews ready made, they eerie to .,The majority of the ehildren who are the romance •of• the sail and `pias members of the Delphinium . Assoeia- world's shipping steamed by the t10n were an hand in the assembly tants . of derision. The article also room. of the G. C. I. on Tuesday even- ing. far an entertainment, and a very paint* out the failure of the industrial` pleasing event it wast. plants are largely privately owned. to Rev. Canon Hill was in the chair A new shipment of SILK -FACED CANTONS in the newest shades JUST .IN Men and Boys-- Y'OUR • WINTER OVERCOAT } is here waiting for you and; the art- icle willplease you justas as Let tothe eto el a"- indecidingwhat togive.- "°"Gonne a visit rah p y u .4 r� s a; eit r s a �n < t- .r - early and come often. We will have more to say about Christmas Gift buying next week and the following week. in the meantime remember we will have a large stock of beautiful and useful Gifts . for ladies and gentlemen, girls and boys. a 'HOPE 41l$ 131:104E,418 A. CORNFIELD LADIES' and MEN'S WEAR "SH WHERE' YOU AREINVITED TO SHOP " WEST SIDE OF SQUARE CODERICH, 'ONT. men' of the Maritimes, where the and made n very appropriate opening address, and efr> Laithwaite explained realize the advantages of'lairge sealei4 the objects of•the Association., production and combinations of cavi- The very excellent program • toe - tat . sfsted of Opening 'Charas, • "The Ma- bir. Cunningham points teethe 'ea - bees Leaf Forever;" roll called mem- • bees of the Association by Mr. Leit'0 tionai success of come line of Mane- tease; recitation, "The Famine:' Miss Mane - Coeds on which the freight. charges Alma Howell; duet,the Misaos Beech• . are small compared .to the value of lex;; recitations, Master Johnston (the the articles and the opportunity for little son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo: John. n1 development on a national scale of, sten): rs 111.nJ. o1lfMrs. Kay�recitatian Saunders; this sort of product. "For the rest. " oda," Jean Abell; short lecture, by ^�--^ --^` he says, "they must be dontent with Mr. Laithwaitet and drill by -Victoria • t modea•aite prosperity and a coni' re - School girls. bar. Macdonald Gibbs dustrial rake -tiff. goes to the fernier is a simple thciont of politics, end, re•� p ��,, "�aeeted a Accompanist XTUI A . COMMENT able home' musket of one million free• s a panist for lee. Mac- - lnexeuaed food prices And this gat pleas of the findings of the .Royal fav and Mrs. Saunders. TBE FARMER AN» THE TARIFF added to the direct help from duties .Conirttissian, the Maritiities would be Ply" MrLaithwaite took for his sub - e !on agricultural products would indi- well advised to change their _attitude Mr: Cunningham spea:.s of the apt feet, "A Bit of Canadian Soil,"..•and Inasmuch as it is frequently sttttcA tate that the farmer is at least'$450r in the near future. parent lack of appreciation of:hie made it quite an' interesting talk, ;by a eertslin school .of writers ancl'� 000,000 to the good in relation to the "Of . to there has been so;ite talk business opportunities of the Mari. showing .some of the beautiful pro- ! on the question bf the tar -1 tow, ducts that can be grown with a lett of of secee;sia» in the Maritimes.. Cana- timep by the people themselves,. wlta,I Canadian • snit; He .had a 'beautiful if, that; it is impossible to «protect It is usually true that a few dollars cliens;-elsewhere have. been .taking- for bistaiice,. importetrainloa,s •of specimen of Columbia. r se. for in. the fermer,.and es the effort is made; les* on what ane buys weighs more theinselvea what this talk sheens and; draft horses for the lumber weeds: sten e.:. rid a.beautifullyo 0 to lace the policy of a law tariff as heavilywith him than the .greater, if they halve implied that the regard itc And how specimen ape p � , ,J? • y indteaii' of breeding thein themselves pie. Also he showed a �spQCtmen of of benefit to- the • former, `Apparently ore. • remote benefits as an indication of an unfair ettitude ,e ar e 1 clay modelling made, out of a bit' of .essentially m and Continue .to pack apps s in b rel. while the high tariff is stated : to be tvhielt came from amici titin : in the of mind on the, part, of the Maritimes. instead of cateran to tsps starless for Canadian sell, and in this eitntiection. farbenefit of t,te nianufaeturF1 ;ct l • ' r the' So mrclt so that one cannot help feel• g ;prizes toed that , he, would give four. the general iridustual ptospe sty 4f' tit ing that the .Esso: who' area: ahout'inb .: 7Ced apples, and who are not wtlltn •ipriees. at the ,school hobby fair te:r. • the. expense of the farther, en article) country, but,a national policy which t •to make the capital expenditures nee olive .modelline. Mr.. Laithwaite oleo .by E. V. Wileox in The 'Cuuntr •Gen.. secession,.and evert annexation to he y twill build up the industries of a cess- 'Unitd States are doingNova Scotia. cessary to develop: tbei'r.fish.bue •,. ,hada beautiful.' ivory fen over t; n tlenten on "What the Tariff . Do's• for try andinduce increased uliitiott i„ a '' +' Maritime industry Airs veers. old which showed signs a 2e1- - f . ,y a aIx►- Mud the other Maritin a provinces an , The .flab a; x rein oasts; of crumbtitte; into doer the 1 arrrter as of much interest. The the more far-sighted policy, .the be;p- injury which might easily: become ir., nothing et) much as tt few scientific from v hick he .moralized .on the' Citi- article is as to the effect of the Pont. i efita of which extend to evaxxono, In- reparable ins this generation. There salesmen to apply up-to-date organa- mate'`recur of ll his s ear hl to n t t E' y. the i Aet onUnited - t' -, eC'untber a!k r* "1I benefit of theno 'r'of e:est again.' n t verities.. Yi quad of. bp„ the is apt at sec sures. among like zatioir and selling principles,"l►e Con- duProm the .pro• Stotts Ureter, hue its andantes are ape' few itt the expense of. the ninny as is people' of the Maritimes. today; ser-, eludes. ducts of the 'soil he -.pointed the les: licsblr to any country as between tt ; :sometimes st ted. ' •. fainly not in Nova •Scotia where most ''-Maxit3m r`te i 1 continue p , af e Wel rs w t sons of stnvin>r for.. perfection ever protective tariff and a law tari�f vat THE •CASE OP THE MARITIMES of the ease conies frome True there .to oast: the rvay far the pee le of the as the rose or the apple, if prapexly;' p p cultivated, were objects of beauty: intended ,to include the prateetiva are same tvlio harbor delightful hopes ' , Xn these days when we heat so of future treatneas,'iapd lave to •.dally • provinces flown by the sea to make At .the close of the entertainment principle:. Ther writer finds that .clic -stuck about the clisabilittes stades`,' with the thought ►ria the power that i the most of their own oppni tun tier, Mr.-Laithwaite placed a lare;e. basket farmers of the Staten benefit directly swaying. t of h escheat aspics at the .edoer .of the' t f ,whiich the Meritime Provinces are comes from swaying. peoples: But and the Leaders of the Dominion study ,latfarni 'axd invited the children to cin what' they sell ta thu'• extent o i laboring and the effort is made to St. John is not New Brunswick,: neith• the Maritime problem in the ,light of• .file past •'an their wav out and, help *350,000,000 by the tariff as rampatw.l chow, .that the rest' oi,Canadaa is not ler is Halifax.Nova Scotia. I.reafer:to a national question, ,we should surely .themselves: an invitation which was ted with a cost ;of400,000,000. on wiiatt pinying'fair with the provinces down the cOnimcn everyday people of Nova get somewhere. very. pleasing Mr. Laithrvsite else they buy by reason o f the tarifa, but, Scotia whom I levet from Cans North, : had a basket .of McIntosh Reels fear thy the sea, it is refreshing to ie.ad_ - --.._.._._e-• ' achsr�a;id ethers. is that the whole , es:ory, he asks.' an article bya resident of one of to telae -Sa k- THE DELPHINIUM tl ASSOCIAT.tON t tlpFt we conclude that the fattmei� 4g;'• a e "The truth of the matter.. is that ' ovt s Yvhich laces tea h nc t es t e e p g MUNICIPAL• tinged $aii,000,Og0 n . ear 'by thea p +. biases 141• itimey married •Mr: Canada hZr. George Laithwaite, president of COUNCILS R y p" Bart ' of the blame for condi tons as Nest avawanosh cretins of the tariff, and answers the in a rebellious mood and net vnth the Godetich Ilot.tfetiitulkal Society,. t they exist an the 1liaxitimers , theme- . mueh love in her heart, The only has, during. his• term in that office The .West .Wawanosh musses pal question as fellows - { selves: When_ the Canadian Weekly compensating •feature of the 'men' done a .groat deal to encourage .tsps, council held •its regular meeting. on "B;; re- t.:*rtner of sheens. ' Aa.I Newspapers Association visited the i • eeording to, a conservative . estintate� Maritimes a few ears' ago on thole Its *] i �+► • �*.y+ "pV which I nude in the 'course of this in• f tri y concerted ge o }' Peace 1 'Victories.: to R �� r u ` Y:estigation, I was led to eenelude a ru .eau ton, a tp ri . it .• that agriculture gets at least X500,•1 was made to impress the visitora phut , _ O01l,00d a year from the indirect work• 1 there was a Marithne 1 rob13m *harp ` R• 1nfs of the thrift ., It wen's take long, the rest of Canada .had to salve.. Just As... to explain how I arrived at that .fig -1 what could he done to• make matters tare , We export high per e'ntaget; better wasvat so easy to see. The _ of our wheat and septan. But, evencase of the Maritimes is put as foil' leaving these two commodities tett of lows by Herold Cunningham in art ar- account; we still have a $10,000;000, - title in the current issue of Mef.ecn's 000 annual agricultural output stat• Tldagurcine ; ed at farm prices. More than 00 per Aga playing far with the rant, of this is gold to .i\merican con.' i Itiarttf Canada As a native of the Mar• starters higher ascents than any tames, and as one who '..for sea«en Other Country y tan andie, Iii ether years host made an industrial and. words, the phrase bandied owe, ceanontie -study of Eastern Canada, I political speeches, to the effect that would eat/gest that one .of the keys, the farmer sells in the world mexrket and; hays in u' protected market is rierhans the key to the answer to the Sherr nonsense. Ile 'elle :lo per een: ieitiai onesti n is to be found in the of hi, eutpt:t in the facet :ted most query, "Apr the . Maritimes playing highly protected market on earth, fair with themselves?" Before we Frartirally all hisruntotttrra receive• ax Maritinrers grestiun the etiirnees:; tariff benefit in their ;hay .cheese as a tot Canadians generally, we must be result of working in proteete'l Indus'. sure of our facts. I'lave all the eir- tries, Hence we live Letter than any rumstanees governing our.potitrten in - tither nation, buy et greater variety of the Confederation pat's been consider• fond and pay more for it, ed, oar are we suppressing some.. Are "Sa far as the farmer is concernedwe making the most of our oppottun-, ;, then, it appears that the aspire^t'.1- eteea propte,f this ik►minian are fecte of the tariff are of far more benefit titan the direct, It probshlr• induhitabay fair minded, But, it we is true tkat the fanner derives a res imply t nsportssnanlike conduct and latively miller benefit from the 'present our business problem to Fordney-Mct`umber Aet. than does 'them as potithel issues, we ,rill the manufacturer, but some of,the in• ureses a powerful opposition, This Iiker's Syrup of Tai and Cod Liver Extract AND Riker's Bromide Quinine Tablets Two well.prov'ed Remedios for Coughs and Colds. Sold in Gode�rich by• • H. C. DUNLOP The Rexall Drug. Store Bedford illock - - , Goderich Nov, 12th, with all the members pres ent and • Reeve Johnston presiding. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. A resolution pas t sed by the East Wawanosh eouncis was read, but no action was taken. The clerk was instructed to prepare • the bylaws for 'the Sharp's _ Creek municipal drain, any debentures 'which may be issued .to .bear interest at the {_ rate of Gait Ve per annum and the term of years to be fifteen. Bylaw No; 10 was read three times and finally pas. - sed: All accounts for work on rands etc.. must be presented not later than Dec. 15th. The council adjourned to meet Dee. 15thDURNI10 N PHIiLLIPS, • Clerk. JOB PRINTING ere IRE STAR IL01111201041111•110./061; 0100 •••• 0/00.0* .•••:.•0 • J41.1. Smoothing the Path of Modern Business EVP R Y business transaction banking plays * part. To the txtent that a Bank strives earnestly tee render the fullest measure of ter. vier eoiepstible with sound banking dice does it merit politic petiole. (ewe Fifty Years of ea►pcst tn- w west for the Standard that inalraald-' asset --efiresetisies .. ;Walk Cwr'wahY. rttrit DARD BANK CA.Reeeteeltdste M. theist, Meow aim al mamma ReeleSl ,wesa r..e awe e.t Tito art not ftatartd on the #seat past of Ike - daily press. Ytu do not find them flgesring is tkat weird ante lgant of trimer. feelpe .aaaef`:t. reif• - eailvsa dwement and grotesquerie that ,gore to make op - what is called "mows," bat none the Mss it Is of such as these that the best blood of the settee is *me up and titter *ix yeMntg fellow.a are type* of w*eew any people may jaatly be proud. They kart PRODUCED something, in tantradiatinetion to the net eaujerity of those who fester* is the news wilt have tate Ttro*r t ssaarrai p�k*offtt he rarity's ei*� leas throughout the W,sttra Previtee 's wkkh have for Voir aim the Un rtvtratat of hog-nisitrg cad in Thillat SWAMI Mere and 4irIs 19g Chime leave .area part. They hare won handsome trophies for their teats, awarded by the Canadian Pacific Railway, and is addition were the guests of /tenor of the rail• way at the Royal Winter •lrair at Toronto recently hold. While they were there. tkey note only there oughly enjoyed themselves but also availed them. selves of the opportunity of inspecting ilte many flee specimens of lateen hogs acrd porkers on exhibit there. The above pkotograph shows they winning teams frees the throe Prairie Provinces. The Manitoba wheeers fries left to right are: Stanley R. Hunt, ataaii tr; Grrale McLean, sitting; $$askatrhtwan titters la syr eosin: sitting, Gaeta Haw, and statteipartg, IEahard lett w.; Alberts, wieners: sitting, Walter Yubitsech; standing, George liattMwa. GLAZED STORM WESID )Wt+ fret our money saving prh=e 31st showing freight maid e•erst of .sterna ttiindows. ready. Kiazoii, ;any size. TUE IIA .LII)Y COM- PANY bpirrEn,Bowe 10 K, t'+. lineuiiton, ()Mario. - JUST RECEIVED A. NEW SHIPMENT ilk Knit Bi�uses; All, colors and•sizzs, and Very Reasonably Priced TOM -BOX SKIRTS : >. The newest thing in Skirts for Misses --Small checks,; and plaids with inserted cleats in front MILLINERY New range of. Satin Hats for both Matron and Miss. Royad`Lad Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co• Co. Phone 500 W East Side; of Square The• Goderich Star's • LOBBiN.LISA The Star and London 'Free Press > $6.75 The Star and London Advertiser..., w . «'. 6.75 The Star and The Toronto Globe...'.. , . . , «.. 6.75 . The Star and The Mail and Empire. ,. ...,, . 6.75 The Star and The Toronto Star:.... ; . , ,', . , , ; 6.75 The Star and The Farmers' Sun - • t 3.40 The Star and The Family Herald and Weekly Star3.00 The Star. and Saturday Night • 5.5.? The Star and The Catholic, record.:. ,'.. , 3.75 • The Star and M,cLean's Magazine.... , , ... 43.75 The Star and Rod and Gun...... „ . . .. . 3.90 The Star and Montreal Witness......... renewal 3.85 new3.50 The Star and World Wide • . ; •renewal 4.25 new3.85 Special •Clubbing Rates with other. Periodicals ` may be had -on application Ci.l1 at the Star Offic:, or °Phone 71 for any informal -km. "Perfect Bread" Wrapped or Unwrapped that nice, nutty brown that appeals to.the eye as well as the palate. BUY A LOAF OF "PERFECT BREAD" ADif AND TASTE THE DIFFERENCE E Try Our Whole 'Meat Bread and Fruit Bread .. E. U. CLE ELA D BAKER PRONE 114 Wn STREET ...••61.;•.••600•10 1.... e.,,u,,.. k t .r •