HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-12-02, Page 1404,4144g ee-see e• • -* • . eeeeselimAanfereereleater t 444% ... • = A 't •••• - .0.1%?* • t • A‘• - ele • rei •'ArZ • .GoPinticHt O?4TAR19. CANA • • • • • 1411/4/111,1•401141,46 tirrinsa• aleleRECIATIoei Wiles' ONE OW OCR e POLKAIlieLDEget teleegf4 ,IN114 MAILLF:- "Iiiiiitlyitt. 10V *4411101.rir 111.0ifis tof th0 prompt SiPttleineut 1.(tif math in the matter of my late hueiianirs pulley. The itecoollt.prfeedimi halt , 'telly just het n paid. anti 'altogether tie had paid ortlY 013.00. Year Nicene,: for fee.000.1$ - of Emelt: itsf4etanee a* I am lett with one rhiliti one anti ea about her husband buying itetnee intiking• sail iniatake.. • If feball years 'ed. •141.4 $ay thatany married woman,* ftutifft r- 1 Thiso 118 400111.110111=', LOST 114.11001. An lea* 041 AMA 11414111,4411 to re -cosi lip thegelleeel la view of the fact that la 1187 the TritUR8DAY, DEcracint Ind, 1926 eeke ▪ IMMININMNR=v••••• .1 II 11 42.):WV.V1.0111•••:1 WALTER NAPTEL. Publisher. et orate THE 5TAR OCE I M UM MWM, MOO -4-Loses Two Hurons—Goderich Did Well for Joynt N•• tie General Aakers' - nee Co MUNICIPAL 1111.11tCTION8 amnia soma. lertak refer:wee to nee:saes of eke- . _ commouscrasorr i 'tele transfecreers Sled. et Wee, To tlie Editor of The tar:S°mut RTATIONICRI , .......••••••••••• The Idarias flub will °pea op bourn bble/ flIII Setherlastal the Wiaaer of Rob- au'wee Centenary celebration of the towa • rooms en North st. this week, to pee„i taken down while dodsig other well to be obaerved, would k not lie *dela- ect Park Menterial Geld Mealad-' aara for tkidr annual traia0. about!. A number of ace ta were approve.' able to esters the Intl council by Many Prises mid Diploma* Pre. iteeiiiinatione Whoa the questlea of seesee.„, • Christmas and *11 marine reels ter PaYsastt . welcome. WletietReClitek . and t organizatiori effected some The principal's room iit the Central R. MORRISON, Goderich. A v tt le Deluded See to the War Meatorlel nixed at the Lnited Chili ' Haslet 1 share eduluntallie unauirnously to stand behind their°. festive appearante osi Fr ey night C 1 v L rine Toloado ' At the last meeting of the Goderie mencentent extreisee of the sehoel. Lions' Club St donation. of $30 war, site- when Miss Pearl nark, datnehtir of ' elanniitte• in connection with e;:ite Feiltoons of tinsel and eitiored erg*, cided on fo.r the work of tterveffar Me. Mr. Alex. Clark, =street, became', celebration. and is acquainted with paper and colored lights vied with the, ,looklintothe Centenary was discussed; wedeln% mon ago, t prevent count I vo wheel presented' a very trietty „and rep* a entre a o " tet. The rent HaYor• Mr. ae- last. the occasion of the annual cent. • h Nov, 30th, by th Rev. D. lesettlee Wan c *ire= of the central. asocial Hee it 1 in London the mem the hride of 14r • Wituatill both; th hos de ...• p a , - • ri ens t far ma . , brieht animated faces of the ehildren: .. . ' here hexing become muck enterested of Goderich. Thir.brlde was *Zweig I think it would be a a:Priors rale' in making the scene one of charm. lee 'LONG, District Altiest - in the work being done there for crip-- in white porgett , with $hadow tare, take to change the personnel of the iv The eludr was orcepied by Rev. - pled children as exPlained by Dr. trimmings and trai led in a dress of council in siny 'Ray for the ensuing P. Clerk., pastor of North street Un -4 ' Club le also taking into eons eration and hat to mate The beide a I FOR SALhearted cooperation of the council as duties ce Clegg et the previous meetbar. rust eariton crepe k satin trimmiz. ited church, who ably discharged the', Year. es it will require the whole - *one locel benelicence for the holiday groom returned totOoderieh, where a well as of every citizen of the town „E seiuson. reception. was holiest the home of the to melte the corning event a surcesis, Interepersed with the other etunt.; ri _ _ berm were ‘horuses *ankle by the Let The Star Pit Timer Require,. mietteNew Defer, the Reek ef the Seliday *mem Yee de mat like to Riad Yoe have stidalealy exhaweteal jeer 1 • ade or euvelopee. Net perhaps whoa you most moil wee or ether of theme geed plan le te ste Weigh. yew supply sow ant lare Thavi;thStiatar pryir **y yit itheleashapplyt ofe-riow before the Chrletheee resit comes toe Hew Atoka year reenter deck hook* ? Leave our order with Tlae Stem -*lowest quotations. A Lit..!0 of if•oney in a large en- CeAftAili; Sat A.s.A14E,..—A'Pregtoti Par veilme at or near Spares groovy '01 able ilarageefivanized Mil. AP %toe. nide will plt•ase lelive at. THE ply to Alite. MAIILQW, Aletorti St. sTAR fiFFICE for reward. DOR $.8I,E.-A. Nif second (land N lumber in good condition, an Temperance Haft site.. te B. 0. "Ntlf.W.4---,efter bleeentber 1st. elt eiveesreu,s, • -bui..neiteectirrleil on by us wilt be en the veFli bati*s:' JAMES 51eNIANCS Foil 'SAL1.1.-4iniare piano n good condition. Apply P. o., ix 601 port •SALE.,,....eine Rugs ift,e x - Empire , ieHelien 11ange. Apo's. .WATSON, West $t.. tioderfele • SONS. — - " • • • WARNING liUN'TEBS TAKE NOTICE: --No hunt - era lar dogs allowed to treepass ° on. west halt of Let 10.. 00neession 4, FOR BALE. -A limited number of West Wawano*h. liy order of DEO. High Class, Bred -to -Ley; Bar. S. WILSON, Dungannon, Ont.. red Rock Cockerels. ROBERT H. '''.1... . HOttlitSPOR. BALE OR ' Tet RENT .REVELL, Ridgerest Farm. pa -SALE.41touse. Stables, antt lots '---- Noncx OF MESTIeffe . . Noe 211; 2$, 20 anti 30, Iteld's •seq;., in the goal* inf liodeiieli. APS). wirPktiii.(iF '1F 1', Colltoine In B. ,t1 MUNNINOS, itoderieli, . or 4.1 enfinerie eeive wee 14,0,4 le; ...minn. e '•JOIIIN'' TORRANCE, . Olintele al eteeting in the Ttlimerai.f.e. flail, ' Iteemiller on Thurstlev eveniee. Dee leioUsE FOIL SA140•"-APPIY * 'I' S' tnii. at 8. teepee, Eleel.;on sir 7e.t•cerii Redford: Cobourg St. . . . and transaction of tinsirtesa. • "TO 11EN'T..-7 roomed house an St. H. 51. YOVNO, 4. S. HEIIINICHIAN. (1 e o r gee Creseent. sultahle tor . • Preeittent. • leecretary. • • fenall family. Apply 1411110N INvgs1:- geroTICE, f.W 51111101rIN(1 OF elUtItee - ,% .. • - AIENTS. LTD. . ., _ .. .. .-', „COUN7Y OQUNCrie . . TIOUS111 TO REN'T.-Bed brick hause, • . -L.*. corner 0( %% St. and Brit.! NOTICE.-Tlfe COUllea of the (torpor- annia Road modern, hot water heat- aeon of the County a Huron will. jag.. ,Apply"to J. B. letfIght. ' ineet in the Ctiunell. Chamber, tiode. ,,,,,,,,v'-:, • -:, - • licit, at 3 e'elbek, in the afternoon of : - " pop. SALE.-11rick reeldence on corner' Tuesday,(11%7111 dayt of l)eeembter, 1020. ' 5.'3. aiiii4Ctint•lilavittifitit r0.ifiie:fY11,1111 1410114111flill)101)',11,:eiar thTe(A'?uivngt twls. - . .i.rice; .Particulars. from P. 11. DAR -1 titituti.h.5(oelay tpreceeding the meeting - 4: • 'ON% ' • ' ' ' (.. e tome). • - . , ,, . . • (feat. W. HOLMAN, • • !, • exehange on a holise in town or ;'. - . ..FOR-S.M.4.1.-Farm ot .t00 acres. WoMd.I .. ... . . • etoWa; (*le . ,,. „ Geiderieh Nov. •20111,• itr/iL * •• fer 50 acres. Reasonable terms if sold. t - . ; .1.00 are willing to work hard.' -.Geed unnecteisaot. We. :train yeti. Apply Report of Hog Shipments for hride s sister, ,Mrs. Wm. Brownlee, Yours for a euccessful Centenary, Anse and community saving for dotiat b • Th II eek Boding Nov. 25. 1926 - Goderich-Total hogs, 17; soled bacon, 9; thick emooth, 8. McGee -- Total hogs, 174; select bacon, 30; thick smooth, 115; heavies, 8; shop hogs, 18; lights and feeders, 6. Aub- tirn-Total hogs 72; eeleet bacon, 11; thick smooth, 52'; shop hogs. 9. Hut.. on County -Total hop, 1500; select bacon. 414; -thick smooth, 933; hea- vies, 54; extra heavies, 4; shop bogs, 76; lights' and feeders, 10. dfellows Elect Officers he semi-annual dection of officers of Huron Lodge No. 62, I. O. 0, le. was held on Monday evening, -result- ing as fellows: N. G„ A. Higginson; V. G., G. V. Schaefer: rec. sec., C. A. \i,,. Reid; fin. se., W. F. 'Clark; treas.,sW. Abell A 2 Wier. of questions or Oddfellowship ere asked end an in- teresting time e ued in the discus- sion of the points'raised. A number of questions of con elerable interest have already been handed in for dis- cussion next Monday ni t, when an- other interesting night is ssure. . Water, and Light Commission The regular meeting stfetlarreVat r and Light Commissionveitissegeld on Thursday evening, Nov. 25th, present Commiesioners Munk's' and Taylor. A number of applications for electrie light gervices were passed and ane for water .serylee to Mr. J. B. Mustard's coal yard. A communication from • WANTED-, • • NVe• - „ . , :VA a. ta -I eon tist hen ambitious 541114 Men over 23 years of age. Can haveirssession atfone. Apply at ANNUAL.' MEETINti OF HOSPITAL earnings with a ifuture. Experience . a, . 1.111 FOX has imother teresting lecture Te " Y • it The gsses rlorenee an rya etr n ECA- seaTA,TE ANTI INSURANCE' Tt A 1 t ti ft I Mr. andlIrs. Neinatill will make their home on Cameron etreet. At the Harbor. The prospects ate for a large aura- ber of grain vessels winteringin the port of Goderich. 1The aeon of the g winter fleet arriv yesterday in the Sweden, with* ca o of 250,000 bush- els. On the 25th e Horne' Smith um. loaded 148,349 bathels of wheat and 44,138. bushels of barley, on the 27th the Laketon 245,834. bitehele of wheat, on ihe 29th the Saskedoe 54,973 bush. els rye and 177,393 bushel$ of wheat, on the 30th the Spkatchewan 85.000 buishels baeley and 70,000 buthels wheat, on the 1st of Dee. the Piens 130,000 bushels barley and 83,000 bu- shels wheat, and the Midland King with 46,000 bushels flax and 143,000 bushele wheat arrived yesterday. G. W. BLACK. .Goderieh, Nov. 29th, 1926. e. , -;.=-7.-es•-•••=e, .ees.--_„ - e ,; hall of the ‘G. C. I. on redo last. Meldrum Cutt took charge of the meeting, which wee certainly very in. "The Cheery Song," "Old Mae teresting. "Mel" .gave * short rut- Joe," "1.4asse's in the Cold, Col dress, thankine the pupils for elect. Ground," "Cuckoo Song." "Today i ing him. Delight Mutch gave a piano Monday," "My Bonny Barque," *Ai sofa, which proved to be 'much de. Wild Irish Rome" and "ely Task." Ibiegthwte"ento3eBv.earynadne3.A..T,h4eleohiveetde tvihisi4 An interesting event was. the vote A rttnrditshrinifotrft h.rarhtt• tnoestotatilevtey tit: tactaionnadaco:tteLeotr.eenJeaarnassAlee,,TIlhereeuiteeid was upheld by Stanley Clarke and ellaSnta*Keyne;" James and Wnt. Suth Catherine Crawford and the affirma. Shakespeare's Julius "Brutus end Caseius" from Caesar; and Al hetivre..b:chEelealemreViniauttievreenudasEdthiteh vidieutnel; iliniankrenoTtell tin costume of an Indian "The Famine," from Hie thetutdObey n3euga, tivEevesilynde wpaesa Dean rat; pv eoikye uopn. wattle. All the number* were given exeeptionally well and the judge the picture, "The Aurora," which was (Dr. Field and Rev. It. C. MeDermid) • whith Mr. Jack •MeDermid presided at the risme and led in the Musing He also contributed a well -rendered solo hiniself. Aniong the choral:leo etc., were the following nunehees • e( e Home and Shoo) Prize for 'colleetion of w4ods, Ebb. Rosa, donated by the Home end Shoot Club; Bill Ross, donate:I by • Mrs Purees k Prizes for Perfect ittermlance'Donat- d ed by the Home and School Club' $ Sr, Ralph Hendereon, Jim Sheardown, Arthur Freeman, Howard Wilkins. • Jr, Velma Glidden. , Jr. II, Beesie Glidden. , A pleasing event at the close of the program was the presentation of a beautiful bouquet of ehryminthemunte • to his Sharma, the prineipal, and in a 'few well chosen words she ex- pressed her appreciation of the gift and expressed her arpreelittion of the F service:: of till who had taken part in the prograni and ,her thanks te the .donor e of the various prizes. • The National Antheni closed the exercises of the evening, • 1)E.()PLE iArg ling()Iir Mr. trnetit Pritchard eves up front Woodstock for Sunday. . Mr. Arthur Sutherland wae. up front ' Toronto over the weeleend. D.' Me,Leod, of Ripley, ia visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. D. • by the Goderich Elevator and Transit winners. Dr. Field made the an iad co t t me a picking the presented to the school very recently University' of Western Ontario :Making Progreso Dean rex of he Univeisity of veasizig ' Company. Aileen Stowe then. gave Ai vocal solo, "The Perfect Western Ontario when addressing the ey." :The journal, given by Billie nouneement of the winners. awurding two first Prizes to the Sutherland good progress as an educational la- tery Number proved to be e tiji ointiesd Ctlituabt IX: 11Fist itrYs levening aalk ?nag. 0 u s and interesting. The Great Mys- qua to boys and Mies Howell. the Victor Leeriston gold medal fot Wm. Sutherland was the winner of Webster, was as. usual, eery Mentor- -5 --- our highest expectation. The scene the highest mark at the entranee stitution. The regietration 1 919 Was in a recruiting office when Bud from the town schoola and Inspectoi and the expectatioe is that the usual annual inereese ot.gbout 60, will be ` . . Sturdy and Douglas Nairn were hav• Toni made, the presentation. Thc gold methillist was given the distine• i• e owing e a ver isms : the university has :had from having molts came in one after the other, Hon of being chosen as the vat atte An aintisitee dialogue. Four re - A couple of ‘years go Dean Fox ad- with the officers. The recruits were stele. the school was given in first e torian and his speech of farewel a football team in. ibe.tbta% this Year. each having a httmorous eonvertsation dressed the Lions g Club on the suite Bert MeNfanus Ned sale Chiron 'To Dr. Field fell the -duty of pre- ject of the University. Such leetnrn -en . . are part of the extension work of the Walker and Meldrunri Cutt. They !tenting the dinlomes to the graduat. ing tines, and it is worthy of note :Miss Jean B g as the elle he geY41 last Friday engst were each tested to see if they were ogle has one to Tim - fit for military service, and then sent that n11 the entrauce rias pesse3 the mine to take a poeition in tie: puhlie University by mallet( some of the ads into the tent to have their suite examination last mitiournmer, as is school there. vanteges of the university are ex- tended beyond the college Walls to itary attire, The scene closed by the changed, emerging dressed -in full mil- the usual record of the school under • Mess Richardson, of the Clinton blise Sharman's direction. The fol. collegiate stair, was chnieritt for , Chae, Nairn and J. Pinier r ''home from Detroit for the the public of VVe erri Ontario. Dr six boys s'nging some PoPular music.. lowing Were the Winners of the di' 44,n- Weelt-Oliti • • • 1 — UI sie. on Melly, illustreted with views National Antherit. I 0.akt. itt14oto`vleat) Ab411 I drod s lent a da Lendor last week n..847 vintlsRA.M.,...011 neHatieuvr.id toodn tierititie Lov„artictrit mobile thani,ria00. . , fp. fo. it is .epeceally desirable that as thing at00 weekly eay. A good plane to net .peoperty to sell; Ifirge an attendance as possible Arndt! p, reellE ArIMSTRONG REAL ESrATE and 31(fiene and Oeneral Hospital Associa- Life (Sun Life). Aedident and Autoi, even• ing, NOV. 2eth, 1026, at 8.00 (mom I, sir t t • le . mum ee ne o tie Alexant ea W. ANTE Me -ONE MAN fee ,EAC11 "Pritbt5Chain-'-ar'ofir•icelltteoPeeftitcrelalreel'everittrns; 484" th..1 4Pfioof istudflosi Yoettftvg of l'e°11h66vtdlis S th I a TheielPh oVer BtiffillY *MI Wee aeeprft., TY GOUNrit TO SELL WASHON Best •hint give in Goderich att sernn future A: LEFF:BYRE Ctr SaAlev atria F las,r t, eren ea ever)... - "11 01)' free. Young elan -Gets Reformatory Term le, For Breaking =Ike Reeferth Store ' ?go etr t Uret 4 cheirch`eho r which the club may arrange to -have - ' Dee rawford, eginaid Fishet, Al. ee le t bugeceeruls1,14: ee held this evening n donned! AMONG TIM cHuRents m on a Kennethsoluitinneeterer". eKaamteb: Miss' Grace Strang was up trot* honors am " fin les eM bel Mask ell, t .ea Sister rs. Arlo' it!M G bYahee mas ;it 'friend Mise F einclair Who 14443 beet; Vir • E. borne, -Helen Cooper,--"LAolinebnrecIsGerCaLl. Pa " Derothy Million, Williant lentee theedieient boek•keteer at the Star Ewe, officelor number of years, hag ewe - a fine Marko fr, meata nonparty to tiny. , be arranged and all Members of the •• . a or sortie time m frinigan with t e kl t' Big bargain centre for Real Estate. lesseelation, . also the. :general Ruble:, tittese ereperties.' now list- are timed 'to attatut•niut make this the • to seleet.froin. Aktiv er tieem very, red teeter ,day of our organization.low 111 •••• let reit efiel Orals H. J. elle0AW. O. CONNON, ' Geed }lenses .tand lots eettfPlete • • •Y‘..,e.iiieht. • Secretary. foe $300; $700; $800; $1000; e1150; 13120e: . • 41300; $1500; 41600; 41800; 141900; tel.-, 000; 02300; $2300; 02000, ete. • 1 -• Alw14t'r4 Sortie good properties Juat 01161(1,' 11i . . orporation; a few eff"them praeleeally 4 r' tAtteatelotte•-• . lip rob770.. recessary 'buildings anti a few nerefi of -1 " land 'attacheu. • having elatuls against the 1:131 -ate .0f Good. beek bootie' and barn. nere, ' Jifeseplf tit%tio, late or the owe 14 . -eater the County of Huron, 1111(1, $1.5oil. flood frame boils? and ,barn. etc.. 3te. deeeasteti. to seed tlie•sanie.'duly verliled neves lamb #1000. • . the iifidereigned, we or before the flood bailie house With Pi neves daY beeeolber, 102e. after widen e;e100: odd • bare wite_eo...aeseet date tin> AtimInistrator prbeeed. to ..:•)use and. barn Whit .30 acres. WOO. itlistfehute „the saki estate among the Very fine home, barn. -garage, eie, I.persons entitled, thereto, having regard artielan welt. tie nearly new. 15 neres only to the elaints or which he then - fine land, 1t3700. Ishii!' have had.notice. find filet lie 'will A few of the listed. f.arniew%th epees-lin:ft be Diable,. for (Ilie proreede of the stry buillosee! and atter tome we. 4'$(.I (1 so distrileated • to any person of ' 1•T soma timber,' whose clahns lotlee shall not then Itave 41 loentell. 15 eer•is.`42100; 15 aces ;been received. • ez,00: noteel, foo se2500:. • . it DAivrif)ws 100 wires. *1(100; 100 acl,:f4., •130(3j: 100 floderieh, 'Ontario. nett% IP -1400.•1.0 iteres.; .eduenistrator of tee above hstate. mane •01401•14, MOSt of these farms V'tiTlf.;14 .11) (111 111 , e:000.1 100 feee,s. S35n(r; 200 fieree. $000_0•' b ••I , . • f payment if reetteited. Ask" alitilient'llesiTICII :is. hereby given t 'all per- Daye: AN'ednesdeis mill Saler' or Mar'y IfueseY•i'ilatt;' (if Hie' V11141e'ei . • thClffiu em.• •- . freeing rhims etelinet de' S 41Vg.'-nr t.. t ElVerY AVCrling after -six Ofewels. I, Mutate In the Gounty. of •Huron, • Mow deceased. to send the sante duly veri- .Por partlenlare toe • ;lied 'to the niftier:1.441Ni, on or 'before • • • 3; W. A.Pisn't,rmi. • the flay Devernber, .1e20, alter ffle ps s 'nexto ("tra:t which data the 1.,xeentor will :proceed • Store:Square, O. fax eiorlerieli, to distribute the mill ("slate among the persons (edit:her thereto, briving regard %.% 4 only to the elating ot $.s,141•11- lie then had and.that Wilt J. CRAIGIE riot be liable for tint proeeeds of the • estate so 0.1iy person nt • • whose elaims nollee shall not then • _eleyi• been ,reeeived. Rea • Fstate an rsaraace , , R. 14.‘ttiUM. GI i • ot ee el, ar e. ' Soliettor for the said Exeeator. 11 • store -keeper Settforth, had been •lod will be devoted to soclabilitY 1,VANTED NO‘V.---Salegioaa• tor p?er isloutrrgrantnionesi aridedartieles from his The blission'lland of North street Pass standing -Elaine Grass, Jack ered here connection with this paper . , c ;4. gaclustAe , 3 United ehurch is preparing a spiene Kneeshaw Nfilson DIeCresitie Ielli4n And has been visiting her sister in Stock and Terrliorir. we geoweethe nalre a key to his front door as there did . coneert for Friday, Dec. 10th• etoek we. sell and deliver fresh '.0ng was never any traee of breaking in Patterson,' Robert Stoddart, Harold Hamiltoile .31iiis Ethel Elder has take. Wog jam iftgins at Spin .A.dmission Taylor (passed on the year's work) en the vacant position on the Star PELHAM NURSFRY CO Tornio 9 , Y 5 n Clio. church the services will be Mete Ileitis f etshsisted iri handing the Mr. J. K. Vise, vvho lists been resid- ' the vulprit entered and got away with • ...... _ ..1 ,.. .....' $,. t- ',A -L. i -. -- .. -. .-i-i his boto-mt-hkim,,-__Fm-,nv..+tai of. _Condactedeb2...theeeninieter. __Subjects- diPlairate eel ..Belee_gine_. hv- one tP the ing ' In ,Goderieb: efettesense,Aline,_hae corrwr OF REVISION e f - ------ e.---lrge I''' Of 1* cers o the law wer ea e n are - :r nrlITI 11 ..1 81 Speaking By gentleinen niakiTig fit presentatiiiii purchrel .. .. Mrs. tirtreyi'ls !ruse, cot - Hardy. • Canadian Trees, Nursery Get) •A watch had been kept one night with or children and 25c for adults. In the presentation. of the diplomas stat?. aeree. Establisbed 40 years. Write the idea- diseovermg the unknoWn. rver bed econte, • • Ont. u pri e watch fell aeleep and / e . ' Clinton News-Reeord of last week; kept a watch on one or ter° evenings. Wells." Authority;" ' 7 .1i:we. "Redigging Old • These were Marion G amen. Phyllis ter 0 ary an ort s reets, and • CrIVRT OP REVISIoN, A week ago Officere ,Whitesides d ezebbath School and Bible Kyle, Lenore Snazel and 'Margaret Aars. arneature taondcmlinistswiwr will to aro Clams at „ 0,01 1 Pellow were in the etore for the pur. e ' -C)C" Larin"a5r.. NOTICit ls hereby given that a Court Rev. F. C. Elliott made the add s welcomed -back to to*n. developments, Tne „Ladies' Aid of North st. rnit- %yin be held, pureiiant to the onierto Pere of watching %eters' Ltsts Act. by tnIS 110HOUr the during the night the culprit made his ed chrrch cleared ahout $300 at theii Londesboro correspondence of Clin- Judge of the county Colmt of the entrance and was a little surprised to bazaar and tea on Saturday last, to tbe graduating class, and st,pbookweirogn ton News-Reeord of last week: Mr County of Buren at the Court Home find the high twistable pointmo a .,.„ apart froin the proceeds of the Christ- "'The Value of an Ideal," e sie er ari the tat- Goderlele On the 17th 'day of De:Tether. feet% at 10:30 o'clock in thr foronoon,e. v I ' hi in one of the panes of a wine re t o ver at nt. Appsirently the glees .... . c a'-ge ° le e fi i i i e . .0 a mission Bands maslree which was in h . f t.) life were being settled now by the es how some of the greatest questions In elle urs. char!' rt k d tjoi•exigLimotored‘'sCI' T a I ; . own ues ay as si ter, Hs 414.1e Jent,ins, or to hear and (letermine complaints of Lisiithe back. Wafit in half and the lower Baptist church, Dee. 5th: Sermon their idealf4 and spent the day with the ladies' sise errors and 071 '45401144 in elie 'Voters' of the Municipality of the Town of Portion could be raised and lowered by the pastor. Evening subject, "The ideals whish would be their Incentive to go out and do their best. - eye an e r s n orming ter, Mrs. Win. Snell. Miss Jenkins tiodertele for the year itr20, lapin, thus allowing one to effect an, Devil's Big Promises." Hear this; remained for a longer visit. Rev. It. C. MeDermid made the pre. RI. FOOTVVEAR REPAIRING November, A. D. 020. DATED at Godeeleh. this 25th day a entrance and to retreat without leay. full of int big any signs of having broken into subject. Genesis 8. Everybody invit,, proficiency, as follows ; . sentation of the prizes for general interest Wednesday night • . L. L. lessex. the store. The young man (Reg ed. Ethel Whiteside will give the Entrance Claes Clerk ,of the Town et notierh41., McGregor), who, by the: way, is a son Palter. on Monday night. at . the Sutherland --who, in ad/Hanel Do you know, that with a little care ' • — o e 41,114, of Titcherstnith, was op. Be Y. P. 1- : •-- to winning the Robert Park memorial' to an dorble the life of your winter Was- septenged to a . ith my new vale° Tito Pro- • terni of, not less Sunday, Dec. 5th: Special Sunday istore won the prize donated by Mrs SHERIFF7 SALE e fore Magiatrate Reid on Monday ame North ,St. Uni• ted church. Services Pid medal donated by .Victor w. than six months and not mote than a aahao r . A • , Hortoh for highest total during 8 Can Put en new soles, heels and IfFititrieS SALE ri LANDS. I nue- 'oo Wear iind save the price of s new lam o uron, year in the reformatory, on each of Club rbject "Preparedness," leader the eear: limes donated by the (en- repair the Overshoei. Rubbers and 'Rubber Boots Upper of. your Goloshee, By serum of a writ oi• nee Ferias three charges of 'breaking . into, the Mr. J. P. Hume Ch eh • e con ue e y ev. . y es - e. tral whop for entrance pogr.iphy (his mark being 94 per cent): gram. i that will be a surprise to •you, at a• Iesued oat of Itis biajesty's First Divlse sentences to run concurrently. • . d td b. It ur F sErviCI! d ion couie of the (Aunty of Huron and - very moderate rice. .. t .1 1 North St. end Victoria St Youn &dee. of Exeter. The junior' choir mar (100 per cent.) and sinelling (1440 tile lands and tenements 'cif George Me- I PeePle Hold Oratorical Contest will sing at the morning service; 801n"t)er, berwear• for town. and farm et moder- n so carry 41 54044411 mock of Rub - at the suit 14f .1. Cahill 0111; 'ell On llonday. evenieg - • t by Master Reginald Fisher.' the :blaple Lea Chapter L. coal.; and the prize doone.tebd. very •iii er- • 41 ./e is ,,ri,„( g e ing was held iielsr Victoria • Bt. and union united for enti.ance history (I00 per eentY. ate „en.ires. Conn. and let me save Ptlaintirt and estin t me James Sutherland hod the following" Ym In°11°Y• • IT'ess, skeet lunriai:erilla ex,,elition United. church, the o on eine an eh •ch. Pastor, 'The Rev. Seib f The Last street Footivear and Re- -Writ 1 calirn Cult I • y 0 record: Second highest in the ir.-- ell the right, lithe interest: and (entity orator, 1 contest between renresen. fers . Victoria st„ 10 a.m., Felten,- eir Sho nt redemption. in. to and mit fir MP tativem the young peeple of North ship meetings; Victoria st., 11 aan.. spectorate at the entrance; else ee-' P -- following' Look prefIliNPs. That is str •ti Vietoria street. It wee "The Ilnsearehable Riches of Christ •vpposite Ifinec Chureh. WM. Ante „ eon(' highest during the year (prive , • to say Lot number Ilfle Hundred and expee donated hy the Women's Institute) e -also that Bentniller might (2) "The Riches . , „in the Saints°' -Tweet y-seeen, sit It•Ite Melionald's ewe- be represented but no one appeared Victoria se, 3 p,me Sunday school; (100 per cent), and aritlee . ANNOUNCEMENTS • ettrance literature (9S Per tent) Ye)... 1n ilie Village a in the to represent that ,society. The two Vietoria st.. 7 pen,. "The Sighs of the eoittay Illitem. end Provinee or on.' conteetants were miss Denght math Timee," (11) "In •the Religions of the iknIentnilem(41100 per cent) (prizes donatedi The Junior AuxiliarY Of SL Geor- . by the Central school); Entrance bie.1 ge's church will hold 'their annual ta one eittli sf an itere the mime mrel'e rio. - containing by admeasurementlir m the' 'Victoria street Soddy and World." ynion 2 p m 'Sunda W I ' or hes, .teetiee utiles mei Tenements blies Maud Howell, from North street school; Union 3 pen., ors up. Of Y •tnry (100 per cent), (prize donated by t bazaar On Dee. 4th. 1. the Aleph. Leaf Chapter, I. O. D. Reserve Saturday, December 1.1ele A shall ;offer for sale. at MN' OMNI, in and two- very excellent addresete WN TOrrS Reginald', Fisher, Entrance hietory eot. the baking sale hy the Lunette Aid r I' ROYAL BANK BLDG. • 1 STOCK BROKERS • • • • and BOND DEALERS Direct private wire conneeting with Toronto, Mon. tr.tal, New York, Chicago and Winnipeg Stockeand Crain Exchanges. Our Board Room is open to, the public from lo am.. to 4 p.m. trolly. Huron Investments Limited I elleii.e( 'w , li A ,i4 . li ,' .1 ..1 ii 4 117, ., r re givjent ss bluteh taking for EltilEr X " (100 . , el e• , , • 1 , • • .1 g of the Baptist church. • R :uhir meeting of the town coon- formes donated by the Maple Leaf: 0 eil 340 Friday. Chapteret, O. D. II). • The regular meeting of the Ahreeeh Chapter..I. O. D. E., will be held in The. Diviseole-rourt was adjourned Jean Abell, Entrance literature andi the public library On Monday 1110111 4)00. Dee. 1st to Dee. 10th. grammar (prizes donated by Ms ' n ti as o her sub ec , "The League of NI- et etn er. t the Pour or 1st 1.4 tions," and Miss Howell "The Bilile; • ,ar mac!: arum. la took for Young People." Sixty nErsAtn4 i per cent. orthe tete! was !Allowed for • oo , • 1, at 0 Oe . „ 'llevlh'.•11"''''ll• matter and foity per eent. for deliv- • "17 '(4' rave. tioderl lt, it,, . Home and School Club). . 'thirtisi :101It. 1924. • . ery, and while, in point of niaterial Jest three weeks from Saturday k Remember the Sanford Butehig Iwall Crawford, Entrance hieeoree -- --., - both addresises were adjudged almost 'Cifiletinvis Day. Do your Christmas School entertainment to be heIsi .• e ' .."--"• ' perfeet, the beiges sledded armee, sliepning early. Tuesday. Dee. 28th. Friends of the and arithmetic (prizes donated by the': Home and School Club). • - mouefy that Mfilgt• Mutch hkd slightly The December meeting of the went accordingly. The judge,: v ere afternoon next. Mein ilowell, Entrance art aria' school please keep date open. CARDS OF THANKS E. Sharman). ' tiere melee, ceiherie. tie. aietee le Lees Cafe (EAST STREET) the better delivery,' and the verdict county council opens en TtledaY arithmetic (prizes donated by Met,: 1 : Messrs. J. P. }Ionic, W. IL Robertson The December •sittings of the eoun- Kenneth Hunter,' Entrane•T goo- ItIld 'Walter Nelftee Rev„. Nee, ("puke tv eoure and the general 54e44e1146; of gratilw (prize donated by 51r. Wm Opened Tuesday, Nov. 30 ,,,cupied the ehair/Mr. George, Beech- the peace will open on Tuesday, Dec. C(4ates). — ... GODERICH, ONT. ler read the Scripture selection and 14th. , . PIIONES 430445 . Everybody Come and ' Rev. S. Jefferson led in prayer. A vocal solo was given by Mrs. Ada!ns Kathleen Powell, Writing (eriVe him at Ili,. huh. Jur 1 tgract wire to all leading Stock and iar-adn ' Exchanges. - , - and a selection be the mole utirtettei of North st, (51e,esrs. J. R. Wheeler '' day evening under the auspieca of the General Proficiency Prizes in Other . Mr. win, eipeett :ma tiiiii4 oieti te The euchre and danee lace rhure. donated by Mrs. Kites). si, le:::::•••••, time eineere thenhe 141 Mai* • ..L‘ GOOD ME LS Eat nereA - q . Women's Institute was an eitieyable . .10 f r,, - •.‘ 0,.....4111i.4 ilf ...0,111 ' C. 51. Robertson. Gerald Newton end, and very succeseful event. Classes tir. III, Douglas Middleton, prize.ll I e . I : i .1., ot• go rra tons ea-. e c ler. There wes,* large tit- ..there.n.entent in lhe &am ,of Mrs tea tendanee pre:•ent to hear eeem r inee ng o il- minted y Miss W. Bali. 60 you ng ilretee Aid Society will be held Tuee- Jr. lir. Etta Ranee, Prize donateul Ilene Tietiesen„,,e1 , eeeeseis in 'Bele - day, Dee. ith, at 4.15 p.m. in the sup• by Central echool. thott• !tie frientle anti lie 011 ic•e. . the. idiene eentrite at intriu,intiw4 and 1:441141tror.. nip renderea „ - - ---7------ei Slitatial Vita* ta re to i A 11 1 1 The 1.) be ti ftheCh d b eine. hi heineeeel, vtifit ille, t, t ... Spacial Diners front Saturday orators, G. C. I. Notes erintendent's office over the Royal Jr. ii, John Lesslie, prize donated. the fimerei Bank. by Mise M. Bailie. .., A "Lit" Meta held in the aem INVESTOla Have you r000lood a copy of our Naverrlber offerings ? Lista is it suit hunch to every roquhument„ Govern. - restut., Municipal, Foreign Clovereraint and Corporation YIELDING FROM IS to 411/4 PER CENT. A COPY Will BE GLADLY MAILED' ON- REQUEST We will be pleased to give advice on any ilonds yOu may now hold„botlt as regards Security and Market Price. O. F. CAREY & SON, Limited now 230 MASONIC TEMP'LE BLD. Coiled& SOt per meal %Obi 4310. titt. nee itr their :tub.... err 13' The joint installation of offieeist of' retire - Maitland Lodge, No. 53, and Morning 171 Primary, Ruth Shepherd, Maudie BORN Stoore, Dorothy •Muir, prizes donat- cr. en In ei et IP144 44 Teurettis. • • Star 4' ,,.i... No. 309, A., F. and A. M. ed by bliss 'V. Elliott. eeni. ;toe e. The end Ohs TOWN OF GODERICH TAXES will be held in the lodge room of' Rev. S. Jefferson presented titt.0:1,70, ,1 4.finalt..r :Maitland Lodro on Tueetlay, Dec. Prizeg for deportment and neatness 1 MARRIED 28thattendance, poultry and collection of'. Nt-111 s WetiesEtt. et tee stense, - A case under the Mechanice' Lien woods, as f°11aWS ; ; *4000114. 4,0Tite....•I 1%, Nutt , Act WSW before Ills Honor Jtidge Lew. Prizes for Deportment and Neatness Wee 14!$ 1144; NV.. 11. eie. *44!, el " is last week and has been adjourned Sr. IV, Wm. Sutherland, priee do•11.44"writ"' "H"'""` °I'm.'" r "r Mr•'' , 'mid Mrs. lienier Wenger. Iltin,..tt l',0Art r tfaelit.I.1 11 113% S1.1404414. iir , in connectien with The second installof a Sr. Ms Dorothy Heralerson, i . , to the 26th of Decenther. This was need by Mrs. Carrie. ment of 1926 taxes is due and payable up to December 14th. 2% penalty add. the building house in Brueeels. donated by the Central itchooL inizteleereee , s ,ADIED od if not paid on or before December 15th 1926. ! Jr. III, Velma Glidden, Donald Gra- The• Salvation Army enteetmement • ham, prizes donated by the schoold . niers:Nee ei Meetie led will be held in the Salvation Army Jr. II, Jim Roes, prize donateby"'''11"" 4""L Pay your taxes now and avail the pornaky. /139 FridttY, Dee. 17th. the eehooh Wedie...01.0. Dee. tee i-ittete• eessee. donated by hoe% ife e, At. n14111114.4. 11. T. £D WARDS, Tax Ceiketor. non% forget the Sway of tkt Primary, Madeline Bishop. pritee, The funeral %%ill 1010..ido-,. eri Ilelrere on Saturday. rite. itte: the school. • IRAs.. Dee, *dime! +-ee. in store nest to !tutees Hardwilete • Prite for poultry, Harold Tieettr Sei-ile.• a:feel tom,: te id Vin P.718. .10t..Py, •