HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-11-25, Page 10nit itelo IIMO Imor' . raillataila MI, , 1 ..• r Meek pe Meir salla with trier. ', , masa el piak sad silver. Mrt. Mitt. , op. Farb t ksaleerItvr tcal gram•.nwii meats 'rered to he dation room, which ushered dwelled for t with smilax and Sawn and a suesp- e tun: s dinner was served. tho homes, . being assisted by Mre.. 1){u IdePhe; i whowore a s rt of black cut -Christmas velvet, et, The groones gift to the i:idt <',, was a white gold bar pin set Whitt Our Mork in all Dart depart. ' 'earls, to the bridesmaid a bracelet v' a tocols is risco +complete. . brilliants and to the best man, gold. " calf link*. Later in the seining the. rlr J. +ra' We are featuring China, Boxed NO Mario). couple left on a short trip t4, J; SWISH EXCHANGE BLOCK Note :Paper. I Bather (foods ►iotntsa amt. the bride travelling in blue Fretuh eharmeline with gro ,,�, ,,,�� T.(...,1*13oui,as for H+.-ery:wsly. 'bras:1 mood travel coat trimnseil with fat }i and velvet hat. On their return the Hill church un Monday evening. Nov (. et, 1lroetden Toxs. Christ. atig, Morels, l'•t'tees 'and Seals couple win reside on the grroom's farm 1 An. when alr. Poulter Will speak on et Nile and will be at home to theii ns.j Covernt Control as he w it in Holly Tissue Paper anti Vitae! friends. after Dee. 1st. , Montreal, having spent nearly eight t acrd. • months there two years ago. Every. ° body is invited. Heaf1ilo:otters for the Parker -i, Mr. WmE , Dinstalling .: At the regular meeting of Morro 1'oeentain Pens and Pencils, ▪ the Delco light.. 1nntgatar Lodge, No. tinfr, A., F. and i. Dir. Baird was a Belmore visitor A' M, o held lin the Msreinlc hall, eN`,.r•' See nor new Boxed Gift Line. ,• low, on heti! t'1 on /+aturday. oilicera were elasct+nr for the etuuing; ' Miss Ella Fowerby was a Wing- Year: W. M., Filmer Robinteton; $. W. haat t isitor over the week -end. Frank Wilson; J. W., Nelson Hill; Mr. Leslie • Buchanan visited his chaplain, R. M. Young; treas., Arthus ; brother, Mr. John Buchanan, of : Clark; rec'y, Thos. Wilson: tyler - • Wingham, on Sunday, h Arthur Hoy; auditors, John J. Rob.! a • Mrs. Albert Walsh vielted her els.. ertson and John Wilson. i ter, Mrs. J. J. Campbell, of Aylmer, al.,, couple of days last week. 1 CO BORNE - t. ` Mra. F. [`lark, of St. Helene, to I The Farmers' Club shipped hogs or . Saccesaor to: ~ spending the winter with her Baugh- l Monday. • ter, Mrs. Marvin McDowell. Mr. T. Wiison is loading buckwheat Mr, and Mrs. J. Killough, of Dun. i at McGaw. -..r salmon, visited their daughter,' Mrs ` Mr. E. Pfrinimer unloaded a car ce . Will Kelly, on Wednesday of lastwestern wheat last . week. week. • ' Mrs. John Feagan is visiting relit - Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Stackhouse, tires in Goderich this week. Mrs. J. C. McCann was' a recent of 16rucereild, vi ( ted the farmer's) Aii, Nathan Johns is visiting hie 1 visitor in Kincardine andsRipley. 1 mother. Airs. Janes Anderson, on l friends in Wingham this week. Ars. Wm.. Watatin has returned a Fridaa`y last. a Miss Gladys Treble is in Goderieb home afterspending three months; Rev. Maines, of Walton, had charge. for a few days. harvesting in the, West. ! of the services in the Westfield Unit. ? Mr. W. MicClure, of Dungannon, !e • On Sunday evening, Nov. 14, death ed chereli on Sunday, as .the pastni' i came to the home alt Mr. Ernest Se. Rev. Alp. had the anniversary ser.' unloading corn at AicGaw rhts, weaky guns, when Mrs. Edwards, tnotiier of vices at Walton. i Glad to know that Mrs. Will Hifi i MIs. Soguss, quietly breathed her Wet It was with deep regret that the l who has been in Goderich: hospital, is after a *Mort illness following a fall people of this vicinity heard of the 'recovering from her recent illness.. the week before.. The funeral service death of,..lMis. Edwards, of, the Nile y Miss Hilda Hardy has returned to was conducted bottle Rev L. C. White Mrs. Edwards was a resident of title i Goclerich, having spent her holidays and took place. on Wednesday after. community for many years. Muehi visiting relatives, in Toronto and her noon,. Nov. 17th, from the residence. sympathy .is extended to the sorrow., parents here. ' .Interment was made in Westfield ing family and friends. Silo filling is almost over., The ' cemetery, near the old family .home. • ' 1 ntnoare picking the corn out of the of Mrs. Edwards. The sympathy of • CREWE .t snow. with forks and enjoying a 'slide • the community is extended to the ber- i on the ice •between loads to keel,. eared. The home of Mr. and Mrs'. Henry Herr was the seen of to pretty wed- ding on Wednesday evening,. Nov. 17th, when their daughter, Ruby An. etta, became the bride of Mr. dem Hart, Matthews, son of Mrs. >S. H. 7d'attliews, Nile, Rev. L. 0, White of- ficiating. At the hour of 0.30 the Iualide mitered the living room on tilt. a►rt►o • oS her father and looked char,' I ing in a gown of vast crepe back satin with cortege of •paart georgette and trills of ribbon and gold with old' hose and black patent slip. Vera. Mite Nellie Willey, -of.,'Nile was brkir attald: and wore a lrcaxnin/ • gown of apple green' erepe de ehine trimmed In gold, with apricot..hose and swede slipper*. • The best slain • was Mr. Alvin herr, brother. of the bride. Otsly the ' immediate family were present at the ceremony.' , The bbride'r wore a cooing gown n 11%,„,r % 1••••• See the Beau uI Lint r, r • a 1111. +'� arteel". '�' • n •w� t • • . F.* 111111 • Nov. GIFTS - For Brides Made by Members of our Woman's. Exchange ./�,PON WIMP1 111,......1 You are invited td vise our store - Cole's Book Store PORTER'S NILE AIr. Albert McQuaid is confined to. warns. Such is life on the fault. e the house with a bad cold and sore' back. 1 DUJ'NGANNON Mr, olid Mrs. J. Cranston, of Code= } Mr. James Davidson is this we=ek rich, visited at the home of ck. and ; visiting friends an Gaderieh. Mrs. Sam Sherwood last week. Miss Ruby Curran, of Iiatnilton, iQ Dir, -and. Mrs. John Lockhart, of: visiting her grandmother, . Mrs. Bali 4.. Grand Rapids, Mich., returned this. Afenery, ter a few days this week. week to their home, having spent a If the snow keeps on coming it will leasant' fortnight with friends in soon he time to put the ears away for shfield and at Gaderia;h.. the winter and get the cutters out. Mise Daisy Ryan, who has spent Mr.• and Mrs. Edward , Rivett,front several months as New Liskeard. as a near-: guest with her sister, Mix. W. Elliott Wilkie.•Sask., are visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. S. Rivett for returned recently to the home of her the winter. mother, Mira. Jacob Ryan.. Ike 'Cranston was In around them hav e rNew srriooks for the : pnblie library pates with his threshing machine and ived and will be placed upo.r the snolves before the end of the .year finished up the threshing last week... A eeeond shipment is being ordered and lovers of reading will have` -sot - CARLOW tient to entertain them for" soinetinie Mr. Toni Wilson shipped a carload Mrs. Jennie Ceasar, who had spent of buckwheat this week.: upwards of three months in Saskat- A number from litre took in the chewan as a guest With her slaters Mrs C George ra ey, o Detroit, t, turned on uesday to her home in renewing old acquaintances around Dungannon. st'arlow. Dr. T. E. Case was a visitor in Tor - Aire. Wade, of :Wroxeter, has bee; to, from Thursday until Monday. 1t visiting her daughter.Wsthe lase . two is not often that the Doctor has leave weeks, Mrs. W. Westlake,r. The Sunday school will have their of absence, and we trust'that his boli- Charles Robertson, Liberal. candidate t<. day may have been enjoyed by him as for North Huron, openehe debate F 711fre,y- Y fowl supper. et 'Colon Friday night,Cobb and Mrs.. Knoi., aisa with bi G e G k f Det 't • , her brother, AIr, David Barkley, re - The S. A. Gray Co. • FL1 VALUES IN READY-TO-WEAR enter Coats . Silk presto ! Cloth Dresses ! - New 1+i We have just received a new shipment of Winter Coats, purchased at a' low price, but the quality and styles are the best and the seasou's latest. 1 o.t will tind many unusual values at Gray's during the cooling week. NEEDLEPOINT COATS ,Trimmed with the best of oposs.tua Coielar and Cutis, YAWS of, s3LOo to 5.1.00 NOW SELLING AT $25.00 to $32.00 DUVETYNE COATS . - Richly furred on Cuffs and Collar, Satin - Do Luxe lining and flannel interlined NOW SELLING AT $17.50 to $21.00 A FEW OF LAST SEASON'S COATS Of good quality and fur trimmed, last season sold from $25.00 to $35.00 NOW SELLING AT $5.75 SEE OUR SPECIAL VALUES ON FUR COATS - During the coming weeks of Special Values in Ready - To -Wear, we are arranging our best values on separate racks, according to price. We ,have about too New Dresses in stock and at the advertised prices are excep- tiona l value. See our Ready-To•Wear Department up -stairs;; , SILK DRESSES AT $11.75 - Included in This assortment are Crepe -Satin Dresses, Flat Crepe Dresses and Canton ,Crepe Dresses, good quality and style PRICED AT -$11.75 CLOTH DRESSES AT $11.75 Of Santoy, Poiret Twill and Gharineen, goo, range of shades. SPLENDID VALUE AT $11.75 - • SWEATER COATS Heavy, Pure Wool ;lumbo: Knit, or fancy light weight Sweaters for Men, Women; Boys or Girls. ' SELLING AT ONE PRICE, $5.75 HOUSE DRESSES 95c to. $1.95 inummlpeoemotoom End -of -the -Month Va--lues FANCY BED SPREADS of good large size, col SELLING FLANNELETTE la striped or plain co COTTON CREPE - Splendid for making LADIES' SILK AND W CHEESE CLOTH DUSTERS...... .. 5 yards for38c ors, old, blue, rose, ; LADIES' WINTER BLOOMERS ' AND VESTS.,. . 59c AT $3.75 EACH SILK HOSE ` tors.... ... , ..21c and 25c Odd Stockings, clearing at .:25c pour PONGEE SILK Christmas Lingerie3. - -24c per yd Full 34 inch width OOL HOSE - Fine range of shades and sizes.... ..95c per pair COTTON FILLED • COMFORTERS . priced for end of the month TERRY` TOWELING Splendid for roller towels :... . NEMO CORSETS : w . 111:1 '/x PRICE Odd stock selling, at. , .. . . KIMONA VELOUR t(36 inch) . Regular 55c... Now , 111.. . • . .S$e 'per yard CHILDREN'S WOOL HOSE .•.- Odd stock now clearing at Bargain Prices, $2.95 ...19c and 25c` 49c peryard HEAVY ENGLISH ISH FLANNELETTE Full 36 inch width, regular, 35c. Now ...::."s3eIC CHILDREN'S WINTER COATS Now selling at ONE-THIRD 'OFF REG. PRICE • CREPE-DE•CHINE' For Dresses or Lingerie $1.25 p� r yod LADIES' HEAVY VELOUR KIMONO 'Special values, at..:.. , .. ..... LADIES' UMBRELLAS •- 141‘,/ .. $5.75 - A.rnber _ tips and • ferr tiles °-(end-of-the-month - values). _ , 1111 ... ... .$1.69 see otm BIG TABLE . F R MNA?JT:.V S PHONE. 56 Christmas tree and entertainment on a much-needed" relaxation from the the 2°rd of Deeembor. Remember strenuous life of a rural physician. Fier the date. 22rd, The "poverty social" which was A very nice glass vase was loft it? 'held,.9n-_tlie..basemento£.�the Unit• - Fri�i 0.1" #i ., ,e,...,,,,..„,,,,,,.,' -- -the -hilt iaftee-the- sehool-•fair,-4110church on :Wednesday _ avenin last swine other things. • Would the ow,n- vols a deeded success: There evening r in tm$ :Ile '"iM' :1l Ct era call for :them '� good. erwd and a mast enjoyable Mr. Gordon Wilson. of Detroit, ' is evoning teras reM. It' was under the Hato thAtt re�pretlerkt die , 'Visiting his parents, .Ur; and Mrs. Al. auspices of the SMtiaiian Circle of the len Wiison. He is accompanied ' bu church ' ** and, in a .clear, concise manner, stat- °r' ed' his platform, the main plank of which is opposition to the Hon. G. H. Ferguson's pian -for .Government•• eon- trol. Ile. touched--on--various other points in which he is opposed to the present Premier's ideas, such as town- ship school'boards, the highway poi- icy, etc., etc: The one regret of the evening woe .the -fact• -that 'Mi. John LIVER .DISORDERS take ' RIG•LAX-'T'ABLE'S 35c and 56C a bos 1lesr V sllteCtt of .:the soil" Detrboitither-in Taw, Air. Radex, also of Tho 'ladies who were appointed by } ior$l o'rt, theuron swastunabte candidate the Women's Institute- to k h 8 ddi Ionia sok, iCt rr agir, Air. . Westlake and fancily have annual canvass fr thUderich hos ' hreaent, roving ted to illness. a. Davis T l" OMkis in trimmings. nnoved» to ,their new home et "'Gal- pita), are on, their rounds this week, tor, of Lucknow, who read a message braiLlt, . where he will work with Mr. and report a hearty response. from from Mr. Jeiynt, expressing regret at Ceesai Msmi<ta► cath Ire! seeiirtel at T. Lamb "on the Mc1llatnua farm fo the q You wi11. our* find Mr. and Mrs. Westlake from our Ryan and Mrs R Davidson ,A cont assuring the electota of majority the was represen y r. d y of t e citizens, The bis inability to be present, and also the next year. We fere sorry to los canvassers this year are Mira J J � THE DURNI�i FARM High - midst but wish them recces i their l it a temperance man in the present cant- eta Heron Road (Provincial High• his stand as just the Hat you want . new home. a n e r p ere report will be lye t k 6 n meg ;vee . .and Mr. and Mrs. irl t1'titi C011eCtlon at .. tors the past week Mrs, Durnin and p , phe foo nfootsteps . Q All Classes of Hearses f , oflticiat visit to Dungannon public leader, � Mom has 'has li 't Light) f Sal paten and ars .being opposed to Gov- way) at Taylor'. Corners, 4!4 +Dr: Simpson, . ht. d. H. for the ernment Control. In other • respects miles from Goderich. Errington had as vial- topvnshi of Ashfield' aid his tlnnugrc Bows ; i the f ' >ti (Heavy ,4.50. M� Lt , Dir. and tin at th lad children are subject burst of oratory, refuted ueveral c . Kingston Street (From another correspondent) 1 A meeting will be held in Smith's THREE+ACT COMEDY - H NOT, JERRY • Mrs, Ager and daughter, Aiar'ory, of in w s imp et g or t. y school' alt 'itiiesdsv He expresse j faith Mir wt'aylor wasfollowed by ng who came east ortheir. ' . trot, the late ,Jatitea M:allough, of Dungannon. Mr. acid Mrs. i41ei)bn- Saskatoon, sisters oMrs. father'e fun satisfaction with the bright, sanitary Mr. Gordon YoUntr, of olborne town -1 .horeses na7ched r -leo d. for arasale and cheerful condition of the school ship who is a lively address upheld• since - its re -modelling, and spent n lair. Robertson and the Liberal leader 1 Suitable for Kid and sots Roa+e a# Peterbo o aril Profitable time with teachers and pup: Mr. W. E. N. Sinclair. Next came' T DU R N' N a doctor. . •a also visiting >tt the lady's parents tls .in the discussion of the varioue Mr:' Spottoni, of Wingham, who in ar' a u a� diseases to which . ' ` • and precautionary measures to be statements :Made by hid opponents ' Tel. 693 r 16 ' By ROSS FARQUHAR to bs prsserited by the WESTMINSTER GUILD itt thm Lscturs Roonn of Knox Church ON THURSDAY and FRIDAY, Dec. 2nd and 3rd AT'8.15P.M. Adults, 35c Students and Childron, 2$c Robbers Rubbers Robbers Our New Stock of MINER BRAND Rubbers has Wired ' MINER RUBBERS alrr. GUARANTEED " 7hi i e' �r�e � :` ti - - `h+R MFtet thir &Sot Om Stock is Complete in New Fall Footwear Pa AMM TO PLEASE lQX1= I IN PIT •-- IN QUALI7T -- IN PRICE • fitteit': Shoe Store rIPMMt 41N - THE SQUARE adopted for their prevention. and summed up the,policy of the Con - air. and Mrs..G M. McKenzie: were servative Iearder,. pointing out reasons COW to Clinton this week by the ill. why he believes them to be in the beet ness and subsequentdeath of the interests of the country. Mr. Rob- former's father, Mr. George McKen. ertson, in a ten-minute reply, succeed• tie; who passed away on Wednesday 1 ed in anawerinm; Mr. Spotton's eriti- morning after an extended mess clams to the 'satisfaction of the latter The funeral will he held from the de• and of the audience. After votes of eeased's late home in Clinton on .Sun. thanks to those who provided the en- day afternoon. The sympathy of the terta' nt of the evening, the meet• community is extended to Mr. Mc- ing c os with the singing of the Na. Kenzie in his bereavement. Mr tional Anthem. The library treasury Creighton of the Standard Bank stall found itself enriched by a neat sum of Goderieh is acting manager in Mr as a result of the entertainment. 3IcKenzie's absence. 'An.aecident, which might have had, Brunswick Longer Playing Records. very serious results, befel Miss Mabej CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE. Brown on Monday evening as she wa- about to light A ,fire by the nae 017 r ' gasoline. The oil, which is so ‘easily .�• - e inflammable, exploded, setting Are tr "the woos of the house near the stove.; Milli riery 9 The prompt action of a.kaunlrer bro• . they, Arthur. who wan the' only other, . Member of the family in the house ar the time, verbapit saved the .home" In SmartChlc eStyles from being burned, he having the; presence of mind to use the Are ex.' Hist in#ite tinguleher and so quench the flames ;` you to calll 1 As it was, Miss Mabel is- Bufferin-, from badly burned hands. whkh she;• • t fire. ived in her efforts to extinguish.:t the fine. The annual entertainment and de.' NORM • r _;bate held on !nrueb,• ,••• . d"ite• D ateantaopublic' ..:arte peeved to be very interest! , al.. thong#% perb►aps not . attended byr as': targe a crewel as there might -have' halo, probably owing to the heavy MUMS fall of avow the day previous, which IW1U M i mask travelling for ears s+aatwhat ` . AnyO dl knit. Mr. T. G. Allen. rice-pre*i, an buy the thou- 1 dent of the library board. fale?liled the sands of !hints you find in duties of chairman M a vert eapebkc the 010p t there is one '1lvaanrr. alttsesa 6 l+e **lifts."' kiln-. t that yours and only serf as i'inelinir it somewhat mere dtAI- r melt than he ltal anticipate4. heel. Yours to elft—;your 00110* cal numbers weft raed.rtd at later- - Xm vats' throughout the as cry the flight now is a better time { """ esZt�'ir' �81't' �' >Kr to Settle these gift problems a ' *eh by than in Dicember. earl. TM analoaee hour. eat" tweet. 1. I. FELL lie was the debate apes tl►ew pefttleal tome of the tomtitar *halloo, whey esaskot's. from both plitl& Pullen in hetet ea x mums platform Mr. • os4"4 :C6oice_Cut-_ lowela: WeddL* — Sundaes, Floral. Work. etc. onshort notice: VEO. •STSVA T Phoma 105 tRaedtaoloh FOR. PARLOR OR Looks Fine!� LIVING ROOM nothing looks finer or is more tom. fortable and inviting than overstuffed furniture such as we -are now offering the upholstery rich and suggestive of restful repose, the woods beautiful, in their smooth finish, the whole sa typi. tally homelike and pleasing! And the price so reasonable, too. "I3ut I didn't know you -were -go in; to buy a new Overcoat this fall." "it's not new, dear—just the one front last year that I had dry cleaned and pressed." And••we can do the same to your . clothes—restore them to that ab- Furniture Funeral Director solute "newness" for a fraction of the cost of new clothes. Gi�iericll Fresch Dry Cleuilg Works Prompt and Expert Sereke .1. H. VROQMAN Pim. 122 'West Street • J.R. WHEELER Give Pktires It's $aaata's awe ,eggeti ss. Tt le Just the *111 for the parson ekes boa everytbiaY. ae wen as 1 for the aria who.* node are a Piston *term. i vs ry J�Christmas stases fee—b.aMy. h pplomees, color jeoy—ass d eras to the meet teed. est hem* the atmosphere et re. Me.s.M. The prim ter three moo trot tie e. to SW Ise sf Christ mos Carets and Pltdsrs. Coxae ia and sae oar seleetMa. Sealles mei GIN Sort Strut it 'Ph. a. reie Hatailteta Stroot. PHONE 56. WE ARE AGENTS for —w_Quebec took ... • Stove sad Heaters; Don't buy anted you got our prices. ,Everything • for the horn*. • . 0.1fidall I I, I 11. . I win iii 'H. LD'RLICKSTONE'O FURNITURE -EKCNA - On the Braadwar e.f Goderklt INS-URANCE .The. Mutual. Life Assurance Company f Canada - e.tMlf.Sd 150 MAD OFFICE,e,: WATERLOO, ONT. D. D. MOONEY, Agent PHONE 230 HAST ST. : : GODERTCti, ONT. You Cannot Afford To have your fe►.t wet and 'sold. Proteict there with a pair of "DOMINI°NBRAND" Goloshes, Overshoes or Rubbers - +� ).toed fa{trit� lists atrr teats longer. Oemt airs is tar frit.11,S1wo.s correctly. Felt Shoes, Slippers, Moccasins, Etc. .�. NEW STx$ JUST IN .SieawsatXei r mei Cosy for Wary storetbrrr .F Worst a edi.�weity. HARMAN'S THE LEADING rmatz lire.e 1St aawr�cx y